Become A Small Group Leader Saturday, August 4
Become A Small Group Leader Saturday, August 4
Connection Groups [Meet off campus] Please contact group leaders to confirm location and meeting times. Bruce & Joy Reasoner: 651-7385 2nd and 4th Fridays at 6 pm Black Forest Area 12810 N Holmes Road Several groups are on break for the summer trimester. Look for more groups in the fall!! Radiant Young Adult Group First 3 Sundays at 6 pm Maizeland Campus Dave & Lisa Wolf: 591-5906 Tuesdays at 7 pm Carefree & Academy 4270 Hammock Dr. N. 80917 Shawn & Renee Templeton: 638-2848 Married couples with kids Call for summer schedule Powers & Stetson Hills 6532 La Plata Peak Dr. 80923 Tom & Nona LaValley: 392-2434 and Rod & Sonya Stricklin 1st Friday & 2nd Thursday Time & location varies - please call Patrick & Lanitha Tanton: 351-5606 2nd & 4th Sundays at 4:30 pm Powers & Union 9960 San Luis Park Court; 80924 Mark & Becky Drobeck: 598-4459 Prayer Focused 1st Friday at 7 pm Vickers & Academy 5920 Del Rey Drive 80918 Brad & Jennifer Ericksen: 313-3107 1st & 3rd Sundays at 5 pm Powers & Stetson Hills 5766 Uncompahgre St. 80923 Become A Small Group Leader If you’re interested in leading or hosting a small group at Radiant, attend the next leader training: Saturday, August 4 6:00 pm Maizeland Campus RSVP to Jenni: Ruth Fravel: 390-3041 Mother’s of Infants “Mission of Motherhood” book study by Sally Clarkson 1st and 3rd Mondays from 9-11 am [Stetson Hills Area] Childcare is limited, so please RSVP! 10||11 T h e t h ird T rai l M ar k e r i s te siona s of pa y t i n mu a com g n i w orld. by gro heir w t d o t c G a or o imp ill hon ist wh r h We w C esus of J Engaging in spiritual growth, Biblical stewardship and ministry service are essential to your Ascent. s ower foll GROW SERVE LEAD MINISTRIES/ CLASSES Stewardship Groups & Classes - On Campus For more information about any of these groups, e-mail Sundays: Maizeland Campus at 10 am Starting Point - Pastor Kelly (Lodge) Learn what it means to become a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. We will also look at our Radiant vision and how you can be a part. Next Step - Pastor Scott (Xfactory) If you have completed Starting Point, this class is the next step! Walk through an intentional path to spiritual growth and maturity. Bait of Satan - Steven & Suzanne Dodd (Choir Room) Living free from the deadly trap of offense. Financial Foundations - Tim Settle & Tom LaValley (Alpine Room) Practical teaching about finances and living within your means. Young Adults and Young families especially encouraged to attend. Practical Intercessory Prayer - Chuck & Renae Pollard (Family Room) Put into practice those things you have learned about prayer. Youth & Children’s Classes also meet at 10 am according to ages (Maizeland Campus) 12| Wednesdays: Maizeland Campus at 6:30 pm The Bible in 90 Days - Pastors Todd, Kelly, Patrick & Scott (Worship Center) Read the Bible cover to cover this summer Starting Point - Pastor Kelly (Choir Room) [Begins July 11] Learn what it means to become a passionate follower of Jesus Christ. We will also look at our Radiant vision and how you can be a part. Bait of Satan - Rashad & Krystal Clark (Alpine Room) Living free from the deadly trap of offense. Boundaries (Young Women) - Tabitha Panariso & Melissa Rohrer (Loft 2) Book study on Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend’s book, “Boundaries.” Learn when to say yes and how to say no to take control of your life. Men Together - Ian Van Maltitz (Loft 1) Topical Bible studies with other men of God. Senior Adult Women - Rondi Spirz (Critter County) Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays for fellowship and Bible discussion Spiritual Singles - Pamela Lawson-Dixon (Peak 2) Group for single ladies and ladies who attend church without their spouse. Come for support and biblical truth. Courageous Marriage - Charlie & Jackie Espinoza and Lian & Kristina Allen (Mission Cafe) Honor begins at home. Exodus17 Intercessory Prayer Training - Chuck & Renae Pollard (Peak 1) Training in the Biblical model of Intercessory Prayer Not A Fan - Steve & Kathie Vergo (Family Room) [Begins July 18] Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus Christ? DVD driven group study. Radiant Student Ministries Service - For Youth in grades 6-12 (Xfactory) Club Hero & Club Hero Junior - For Kids 2 year old - 5th Grade For more information about groups & classes, e-mail|13 Other On-Campus Groups: Young Adults (18-30) First 3 Sundays - Maizeland Campus Lodge at 6 pm Fun events + serving opportunities in the community PJ & Genevieve Metzger: 719-209-4055 Download the Summer Calendar: Ministry Service Areas WORSHIP- Choir: vocal, costumes, administration Media: sound, lighting, computers, camera operators, stage crew, video editing Exodus 17 Prayer Ministry: intercessory prayer, personal prayer Vista Ridge: set-up, tear-down Worship: vocals, musicians (by audition) CONNECT - (50+) Monthly Events Men on Target - George Stahnke Fellowship, Study and Prayer. Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am Maizeland Campus Women of the Word - Laura Nevarez Fellowship, Study and Prayer. Thursdays at 9:30 am Maizeland Campus Men’s Breakfast The first Saturday of each month - Maizeland Campus Xfactory at 8 am $4 donation // visitors and kids eat free! Dave Kelty: 719-392-5590 A 12-step recovery ministry for those who are dealing with hurts, habits & hangups. Friday evenings at 7 pm - Maizeland Campus Lodge Buck & Carol Jones: For more information about any of the groups, e-mail or call 597-4402 ext 115. 14| Connect Team: ushers, greeters, class greeters Missions Cafe: baristas Small Groups: leaders, host/hostess Security: all services Office Support: daytime availabilty Facilities: cleaning, exterior care, maintenance, laundry ENGAGE - Student Ministries (High School & Jr. High): leaders, teachers, intercessors Adult Christian Education: Teachers, Hospitality Men: leaders, mentors, helpers Women: teachers, leaders, hostesses, decorators, meal prep Seniors (50+): event planners Celebrate Recovery: worship, leaders, childcare Kids’ Ministry - Critter County Nursery: caring leaders to help hold and comfort babies Critter County Preschool: lead teachers and assistant teachers to help with craft, snack and lesson time KIDfactory: crowd control, tech support, greeting guests Club Hero & Club Hero Junior (Wednesdays): small group leaders, assistant group leaders and crowd control Adventure Trail Sunday School: lead teachers and assistants IMPACT - Meal Ministry: cooks, bakers Impact Teams: neighborhood canvassing, prayer warriors Missions: prayer, communicators, short term missionaries Prison Ministry (Department of Corrections Training Required) Salvation Army: donation of food, lunch makers, drivers|15
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