Volleyball - Brighton Secondary School
Volleyball - Brighton Secondary School
D E C Brighton S Term 2 Week 10 2015 Volleyball NEWSLETTER Also available on the BSS Website — brightonss.sa.edu.au WORLD LEAGUE 2015 Australia Vs Italy in Adelaide Melbourne Trainings 3 Through the Brighton SIV program, 17 students had the opportunity to become involved in the Men’s Australia v Italy World League match on the 29th of May this year. The selected group trained to become the on court volunteers, assisting as; sweepers, ball rollers and retrievers, floor moppers and flag bearers for both men’s teams. Having had the Italian team train in front of the school crowd on Tuesday the 25th at the school, we were lucky enough to have had a slight insight as to what excitement was to be ahead. The Brighton crew took place in a number of trainings before the big game which involving testing and choosing what role we’d like to play. We then continued to master the correct techniques and routines for Saturday. As well as holding ‘the best’ courtside seats in the house, the crew were prepared to show and hold the Brighton name which is also held by former SIV students, Greg Sukochev and Nathan Roberts, who went on to play for the Australian team. The Brighton crew were privileged to have the chance to get a quick snap and meet with the two of them officially after the captivating match. Through the exhilaration of the players, and the nerves from being in front of a home crowd, it was a highly enjoyable experience for the Brighton students, and one to never forget. All players and officials commented on the ‘slick’ performance in all roles, achieved by the crew, walking away with a job well done. Tara Maland CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Tara Maland, being the only South Australian to make the Australian Junior Team YOB 98/99. Tara participated in a training camp at the FIVB Development Centre in Bangkok before representing Australia at the Thailand Under 21 National Championships in Thailand from 23rd to 8th May this year. Three of our Students are amongst this squad that were a part of the Asian Championships Tour earlier this year. They are Greg Darani, Jayden Fathers and Thomas Jones and they also represented Australia in Thailand. CONGRATULATIONS cont. A fantastic achievement by both Katie Gardiner and Casey Muirhead on being selected to play both Beach and Indoor Volleyball for Australia in the United States in July this year. They will be away for three weeks and competing in the - USA Beach Volleyball High Performance Championships in Hermosa & - USA Indoor High Performance Championships in Des Moines, Lowa. This is sure to be a fantastic experience for both of them! 2015 Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Results South Australia came equal 1st on points but 2nd overall to Queensland on a medal count, 3 Gold to 2. South Australia was well represented by several of our Brighton SS Students, many of whom collected a medal. It was lovely to hear comments on how well our students conducted themselves both as players and as spectators. U19 Women - GOLD—Casey Muirhead & Rachel Reeve BRONZE—Kelly van der Linde (BSS 2014) & Katie Gardner U17 Women - BRONZE—Tara Maland U15 Women - BRONZE—Zoe Maland SILVER—Alex Stewart U17 Men - GOLD—Morgan Farrell-Oates & Max DeVries U15 Men - BRONZE—Blake Tisher & Omar Ztati CONGRATULATIONS cont. VSA State Team Representatives The following BSS Students have been selected to represent South Australia in the Australian Junior Volleyball Championships in Canberra from 27th Sept—3rd October. U19 Men’s Championship Team Jackson Holland Jarred McEvoy Mitchell Wakefield Thomas Wass Emergency: Nicholas De Vries U19 Women’s Championship Team Jose Adolphi Tara Fathers Casey Muirhead Katie Gardner Rachel Reeve Tylah Kendall Madeline Tierney CONGRATULATIONS cont. U17 Girl’s Championship Team Emma Catt Caitlin Francis Caitlin Gould Tara Maland Torz Mensforth Kayla McGrath Mikayla Stewart Cheyenne Maher Emergencies: Ashleigh Bussenschutt and Emily Jones Challenger Team Includes: Izzy Brand, Alexandra Klos, Danni Munn, Keelia McKone U17 Boy’s Championship Team Greg Darani Morgan Farrell-Oates Thomas Jones Connor Gurr Kyle Nicholls Mitchell Hathway Thomas Polden Challenger Team Includes : Edward Beinke and Jack Turner CONGRATULATIONS cont... U16 Girls SSSSA State Team Rebecca Catt Paige Cleary Isabella Dew Jasmine England Natasha Lindsay Emily Wass U16 Boys SSSSA State Team Max De Vries Jayden Fathers Coen Key Patrick Fimmano Benson Muirhead Year 10 Knockout After a strong performance throughout the qualifying matches, the boys team fought through a challenging Semi Final against an improving Hallett Cove team to make their way through to the final against Heathfield. A nervous start & a pre game injury had the team playing poorly, losing the first set 16/25. The team began to improve their consistency & applied much more resistance in the second set. The boys were still in trouble at 22/20 down late in the set when a service error by the opposition was just enough to let the team back into the contest. A nerve racking few minutes ensued with our team was good enough to win the set 26/24. The group had staved off defeat. Crucially the boys were able to rise to the occasion & produce their best volleyball in the final set. After a tight tussle early in the set the boys were able to wear their opposition down with superior consistency & skills. The team eventually successful with 15/10 in the deciding set. Well-done to the boys on a solid team performance throughout the day & a memorable victory. ...Jamie Tester The years 10 Boys Knockout Volleyball Team are “State Champions”. Overall the girls team play had developed throughout the day. The team had strong and consistent plays but there were some aspects of the game which we needed to focus on and persist at. We worked well as a team and supported one another throughout the highs and lows of the day. The team helped each other when our heads were beginning to drop and pushed through . We had some hard competitions and also some easier games. The team stayed strong and consistent through the easy games and pushed to the best of our abilities through the harder matches. Overall it was a fun, exciting and enjoyable day with an intense grand final resulting in Heathfield High School winning gold and Brighton coming home with silver. ...Jazz Brautigan & Natasha Lindsay Brighton School App Have you downloaded the App yet? To further improve communication with all SIV families, we will now be using the Brighton Secondary School App as well as emails, daymap and phone calls. If you have not downloaded this App yet, you can go to the Brighton Secondary School webpage where you will find easy instructions on how to do so. LEWIS McPHERSON’s family need your help. The LEWMAC family, formed in memory of former Brighton Secondary School student and Honours Volleyballer Lewis McPherson who was shot and killed in an act of violence on New Year’s Eve 2012, have joined forces with the Sammy D Foundation to raise funds for their Education and Early Intervention Programs in the hope that another family and group of friends may be spared the agonising pain and the lifetime of sadness that comes with experiencing the unthinkable. They are raising funds through the sale of raffle tickets and would like you to return the below slip if you would like to sell a raffle book on their behalf. Incentives to sell the tickets will include a $100 cash gift to be used towards the Melbourne trip or school fees, a Volleyroos shirt signed by the Australian team and a ball signed by the Italian team. These incentives will be given in order of the persons selling the most tickets. We would like ____ (number of books—5 tickets in each at $10 per ticket) Name of Student __________________________________ Home Group # _____________________ Contact Ph # ________________ Please return this slip to the Volleyball Office no later than Friday 24/7/2015 State Schools Cup Update VSA Website www.volleyballsa.com.au/junior/savsc Dates: Venues: Draw: 31st July, 1st & 2nd August Mt Lofty Community Sports Centre, Brighton Secondary School, Westminster School, Seymour College, Marion Leisure and Fitness Centre, Mars Sporting Complex and possible other venues TBC. Venue address are available on the above VSA Website. Will be available the week before competition starts on the above web link. Registration: Everyone that is in a team MUST be registered before they can take to the court or risk their team being disqualified. Registration for Schools Cup is only $10 (U19 Recreational) or if you are currently playing for a club in the Junior League Competition you should already have a current membership. Please take the time to check your registration is current on the VSA Website www.volleyballsa.com.au/membership . If you have any queries regarding membership, please phone VSA directly on 8363 1265. Uniform: Please make sure that you are wearing the correct uniform on the court. NO CLUB/STATE LOGOS! Court Time Policy—The SIV policy is Honour divisions are not equal court time due to positional roles in the team. Play best of 5 sets. Divisional teams are equal court time for round robin/pool matches. Play best of 3 sets. “History making” matches may not be equal court time in all divisions (best result for the team) Team Captains: Will be announced Week 1, Term 3. Captains will be required to collect their team’s balls on the Thursday before the Competition begins. Medal Winning Teams Photos: As we are unable to be at all venues when teams are presented with their medals, we ask for your help in taking a photo of the medal winning team wearing their medals so we can use the photo for our school newsletters. If the team captain and/or any parents could please take a photo and email it to jennifer.panno@brighton.sa.edu.au it would be very much appreciated. Melbourne teams will be announced in Week 6, Term 3 Melbourne deposit of $200 will need to be paid by 18th September to confirm your interest. Year 8 Challenge at Heathfield On Monday 4th May, Brighton Secondary School participated in the annual ‘Year 8 Volleyball Challenge’. Five boys and girls teams travelled to Heathfield to participate in a day of round-robin matches against the hosts and Hallett Cove. Having completed their Level 1 Coaching Course, a group of Year 11 SIV students were responsible for coaching and managing the teams on the day. They supported their teams, provided some valuable feedback and were diligent in the way they organised their players. This was reflected in the enthusiasm the year 8’s displayed and the pleasing standard of play. Players from all schools shared officiating duties including refereeing and scoring. To their credit, they performed these tasks admirably helping to ensure the day ran smoothly. Although the challenge was informal and official results not kept, the matches were played in a competitive yet friendly spirit. The day provided an opportunity for our students to adopt the values discussed in class in being a Brighton student and Special Interest Volleyball member as well as an opportunity to showcase their skills leading into State Schools’ Cup team selection. Many thanks must go to the Heathfield and Hallett Cove teachers and students for an enjoyable experience and the SIV staff at Brighton for ensuring the day was a success. … Shane Durbridge CALENDAR DATES 2015
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Website www.volleyballsa.com.au/membership . If you have any queries
regarding membership, please phone VSA directly on 8363 1265.
Newsletter - Brighton Secondary School
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