News from the Principal`s Desk - Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary
News from the Principal`s Desk - Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary
Pelican Post V O L U M E 1 1 , I S S U E 3 N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 MISSION STATEMENT: WE HAVE MET THE CHALLENGE, AND NOW WE ARE RAISING THE STANDARDS… WE ARE TURNING UP THE HEAT!!! “GOLDEN APPLE AWARD” WINNING SCHOOL News from the Principal’s Desk Greetings Parents/Guardians, It is November already, and the start of the holiday season is merely weeks away. November always makes me think about being “thankful” for all of the things we have and the importance of appreciating family and friends. Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary School 700 Dandelion Drive Waggaman, LA 70094 504-431-9740 cherbonnierrillieux. District V Board Member: Cedric Floyd 212° Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary School has so many things to be thankful for in such a short period of time. Last month in October, the state released state-wide school performance scores. We have not only maintained our school performance letter grade of a “C”, but we have increased our numerical school performance score by six (6) points. For the 2012-2013 school year, we had a school performance score of 70.9 and for the 2013-2014 school year, we earned a score of 76.0. A “C” is definitely NOT the best we can do, but it is better than we have done in the past. We are seeing growth in our students. It is my hope and expectation that we will keep the momentum going and continue growing. Cherbonnier/Rillieux family and friends, I would like to THANK everyone who came out and volunteered for our annual Fall Fest. We had a great turnout and we encourage you to continue supporting your children and our school. So, we look forward to seeing you this month on Thursday, November 2oth, at 6:00 PM to share in the fun at our Family Literacy Night. As we get closer to this exciting event, more information will be sent home. In conclusion, although we had Parent Conferences after school last month in October, please continue monitoring your child’s progress and reach out to the teachers as needed. Tutoring began last month for students in 3 rd – 5th grade. If your child received a letter inviting him/her to attend, please make sure you allow your child to take advantage of this great opportunity to enhance their academic skills. Thankfully yours, Cristin Bailey Menyweather PAGE 2 Pre-K News First Grade News Pre-K is currently working on a unit about food. We are learning the differences between healthy and unhealthy food. If you have any questions about the things your children are coming home saying, please go to the Choose My Plate website at This website has information and activities for all age groups. We are happy to let you know what we are doing this month in first grade! We're finishing up our unit on frogs and plants in reading, and starting a new unit on fairy tales and fables. We will be focusing on story elements which students will use to write their own stories. These include character, setting, problem and solution. We are finishing up Topic 5 in math and will be starting Topic 6. We will be using addition and subtraction to solve word problems, understanding subtraction as an unknown addend problem, and working on our fluency for addition and subtraction problems within 20. We have a new iReady computer lab at Cherbonnier/Rillieux and each class goes twice a week to practice reading and math skills. We are using new laptops and are asking parents (if they haven't already) to please purchase ear buds for your child as we use these every day. Please continue to help your child with their homework and read with them at home. Thank you for your help with Fall Fest!!!! Additionally, we continue to learn letter names, letter sounds, and numbers zero through eight. We are also learning how to look back in a book to find an answer to a question. All of these academics are possible because we practice appropriate problem-solving and work as a team in class. You will hear this when a child says, “I don’t like it when you ____. Please _____.” The other child responds, “I can do that.” Problem solved and learning continues. Your children are doing great things! Kindergarten News Second Grade News Well, the weather is definitely COOLER and so are the KINDERGARTENERS!!!! The Fountas and Pinnell assessment is complete. We are aware of the students' current levels of comprehension. It is IMPERATIVE that as a TEAM, parents, students, teacher, we work diligently to improve on comprehension and thinking skills. WE WANT THEM TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!! We are grooming them to be the BEST readers ever. Reading is FUNdamental!! Welcome the high school graduating class of 2027/college 2031!!!! WAY2GO!!!! They are OUR FUTURE!!!! This month we will be finishing up our Cinderella Unit. We have been reading Cinderella stories from all around the world. We will wrap up our unit with a culminating activity. Students will choose two stories and compare them to the original Cinderella. Please continue to talk to your child about the stories we are reading in class so they will be well prepared to complete the writing task. In math, we will continue working on addition and subtraction strategies with twodigit numbers. Soon we are going to learn how to add and subtract three-digit numbers. Please continue working with your child on addition and subtraction facts for fluency. PAGE 3 THIRD GRADE NEWS fourth grade NEWS We have some exciting news to share! Our students are working hard to achieve their goals. We had three students who scored very high on the ANET test. They were Jayden Richardson, Jasmine Chevalier, and Victor Becnel. Great job to you all! There are six third grade students on the honor roll for the first nine weeks. They are Victor Becnel, Breeana Coleman, and Charlie Creppel from Mrs. Wiltz’s class, and Jayden Richardson, Jasmine Chevalier, and Holly Meyers from Mrs. Fields’ class. All of our students have been trying to achieve their behavior goals and some will be rewarded at our star tag assembly for being successful. We are so proud of the students who display appropriate behavior all the time and do the right thing because it is the expectation. It is time for more students to join in on the celebration for good behavior! Fourth grade is becoming cultured! Through literature we are experiencing various cultures by reading fables, myths, folktales, mysteries and adventures. We are also traveling various regions in the United States in our quest to discover interesting facts about landforms, climates, products, natural resources, landmarks and cultures of those regions. Parents please continue to encourage our students to READ, READ, READ!!!!!! In math, please continue to practice multiplication and division 0-10 with your child. You can use manipulatives such as buttons, coins, or blocks to model and solve division problems. Discuss what the remainder means. (Remainder - a part, number, or quantity that is left over.) Also, parents continue to study Science Study Guides with your children. Special education NEWS fifth Grade News As the cool crisp season of fall approaches, Ms. Lombard’s students are learning about 1- digit divisors. They are also improving their writing skills by studying grammar and the mechanics of the writing process. In the reading block, the students are learning about point of view and character analysis. Fifth grade is off to a GREAT start in ELA as we explore African trading kingdoms through literature. We are also reading chapter books and comparing and contrasting two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. Parents, please continue to encourage our children to study, complete home assignments and be attentive in class. We appreciate your support. Ms. Rogers’ class is learning about estimation of sums and differences. They are continuously improving compositions and editing skills in their journal writing. The students have been reading about inventors and how they identified a problem and were able to persevere in finding a solution. In Mrs. Federick’s class the students are working to increase their skills in ELA and Mathematics As the weather changes, we look forward to seeing positive gains in behavior and academics. Our Math classes have learned how to multiply and divide whole numbers and decimal numbers, but we don’t stop there, we will continue to practice these skills everyday through our daily reviews and interventions. We are now working on adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators. We encourage all 5th grade students to continue working on their mathematics practice skills using the online websites: Ten Marks, Envision Math and iReady. With continued effort, you can do it! We believe in you! We won’t give up on you! PAGE 4 P.E. DEPARTMENT NEWS Ms. Erin and Coach Mac want to commend the students for being good sports during their competition games in PE. We will begin teaching team sports to the upper grades and games that promote listening skills in the lower grades. Please continue to make sure your child wears tennis shoes to school everyday. They should also wear tennis shoes if they participate in dress down days. ESL News Fifth grade ESL students have been working on various Common Core State Standards each week. They read together in leveled readers, then looked for evidence in the text that supported the question/answer. This week, we worked on using context clues as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Math club NEWS I would like to thank all the officers and members of the 5th Grade Math Club for helping 5th Grade students in tutoring especially those who are struggling in Math. We are also looking forward to helping our 4th Grader students starting in November. Congratulations to our President Jalyn Chevalier who got 100% on her ANet 1 Test and has all A’s on her first nine-weeks report card. All the members of our club did an excellent job on our 1st ANet test. Way to go… Keep it up!!! Ms. Custodio Multiplication Tricks If you are having a hard time memorizing your multiplication facts, there are a few “tricks” that you can use. These tricks are based on the ways that numbers work together. The better you know about how numbers work, the easier it is to figure out your facts. If you want 12 groups of something, it is the same as 10 groups of it, plus two more groups. We can think of multiplying by 12 as multiplying by 10 and multiplying by 2 and adding them together. Example: If I want to multiply 12 x 6, it is the same as 10 groups of 6 plus two groups of 6. 12 x 6 = (10 x 6) + (2 x 6) = 60 + 12 = 72 This will always work for multiplying by 12. Try 35 x 12. 35 x 12 = 35 x 10 = 350 then add 35 x 2 = 70 350 + 70 = 420. So 35 x 12 = 420 PAGE 5 Cherbonnier/Rillieux Library News Accelerated Reader News Every quarter we recognize students who have met their AR goals. The first quarter ended October 10, 2014. The following students met their goals. Congratulations to: 2nd Grade – Jasmin Davis, Dajon James, Dijion Matthews, Keain Shorts 3rd Grade – Jayden Richardson The next quarter ends December 19th. Each grade level has assigned points to reach per quarter. 2nd grade -5 points per quarter, 3rd grade -10 points per quarter, 4th grade -20 points per quarter, and 5th grade -25 points per quarter. In addition, every time a student makes 100% on an AR test their name goes into the AR jar for the end of quarter raffle. The following students’ names were pulled for this quarter. Congratulations to: 5th grader Natalia Tigreo, 3rd grader Breeana Coleman, 3rd grader Jonathan Espinoza, and 2nd grader Travius James Also, students are recognized on the AR wall by having their names posted every time they earn 5 or more points. More names are added to the wall every day. Currently the 2nd graders are leading with the most names posted. Reminder: Students can take AR tests Monday through Friday at school during the school day between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM. Parents, don’t forget that you can help your children do well on AR tests by encouraging them to read 20 minutes or more every day, by asking them about what they’re reading and providing them with a variety of reading materials at home. One way to provide your children with lots of reading materials is to take them to the public library to check out books. Students are allowed to take a test on any book with an AR test that they have read or has been read to them. Currently our students have read 522 books and 1, 777, 516 words PAGE 6 PBIS News The PBIS Team would like to send a huge SHOUT OUT to everyone who helped with our Creative Cottage activity. Many thanks for assisting with monitoring students, distributing supplies, writing names on the backs of projects, and just visiting and laughing with students! Our A/B conduct students were beaming with pride when showing off their decorated treasures. There are so many ways to celebrate good behavior at Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary: Students who earned A/B conduct for the week can wear their PBIS t-shirts on the following Monday. Students of the Month are recognized with a certificate, first in line, and a seat at a special table during lunch. Pelican Bills can be earned to spend for awesome items at the Pelican Store. Star Tags are awarded to students with A/B conduct for the nine weeks marking period at a Star Tag Assembly. All activities sponsored by the PBIS team at Cherbonnier/Rillieux Elementary are designed to create a positive environment that fosters learning. We encourage parents to reinforce the PBIS Expectations of Be Safe, Be Respectful, and Be Responsible at home as we do at school. NOVEMBER- 11/7 11/6 11/7 11/20 Student of the Month Party Pelican Prize Store Dress Down Pelican Prize Store DECEMBER- 12/12 12/11 12/18 Dress Down Pelican Prize Store Popcorn & a Movie ($2) in classroom (Teacher’s choice) ~The PBIS Team PAGE 7 PBIS students of the month SEptember october Pre-K Gabriel Ebanks Pre-K Demii Miller Kindergarten Layla Wagner Khaylen Every Kindergarten Caroline McCoy Kale Jolly 1st Grade Amani Johnson Angie Sanchez Ah’Niya Cargo 1st Grade Kayla Breaux Carllos Velaszuez Nikayla Melton 2nd Grade Traivus James Jaden Brown 2nd Grade Janiah Dorsey Kimberly Gutierrez 3rd Grade Jayden Richardson Victor Becnel Taylor Rhoto 3rd Grade Jasmine Chevalier Jonathan Espinoza 4th Grade Karen Santisteban Maurice Duncan Chris’Style Meads 5th Grade Natalia Tigrero Shawn Stevenson Jaavary Williams Jayla Hawkins th 4 Grade th 5 Grade Darren Wilson Fanny Puerto Michelle Johnson Kyleigh Ford Isaiah Phoenix Laquian Davis PBIS students of the month For september PAGE 8 star students for the first quarter PRE-K Ms. Beth Abbott, Gavin Barnes, Nigel Curtis, Amari Ebanks, Gabriel Ford, Braelynn Foster, Jaden Johnson, Vincent Matthews, Erin Miller, Demii Pineda, Isabella Puerto, Danna Rodriguez, Madeline Sibley, Demya Sibley, Devol Soule, Markus Trevino, Yoel Tunson, Cameron Williams, Richard Young, Lyniyah 1st Grade Ms. Cresson Coleman, Ahyana Crittindon, Jessie Expinoza, Maynor Gaines, Theodore Jackson, Jayna Johnson, Joshua Lott, Nevaeh Meads, Kayah Ortiz-Cadet, Stesy Parker, Angel Paul, Nalani Puerto, Francisco Rodriguez, Jinnelys Smith, Tatyana Velasquez, Carlos Kindergarten Ms. Cardon Adams, Starrie Cook, Starr Gibson, Jaden Jenkins, Essence Johnson, Mrquise Lane, Imanii Leiser, Logan Marshall, Krislynn McCoy, Caraline Wagner, Layla Williams, Ayala Wiltz, Derrion 1st grade Ms. chapotel Cargo, Ah’Niya Dncan,Warren Guarino, Nina Guidroz, Tovia Guidry, Saige Hubbard, Ty’ron Maise, Sophia Martin, Jarrod Melton, Nikayla Noel, Lee Thomas, Julianna Thomas, Tariq Washington, Tatiyana Wells, Kamryn Kindergarten Ms. Hargrove Brehm, Misti Coleman, Brennan Collins, Mackenzie Crittindon, Jamairee DeSilva, Jaslene Espinoza, Ariana Every, Khaylen Henry, Kaitlyn Hernandez, Paola Jackson, Anaya Jolly, Kale Lockett, Tarvion Patterson, Gerald Speed, Aubrey Torry, Ethen Turner, Amyrie 2nd grade Ms. Romano Bates, Chitayah Davis, Jasmin Dorsey, Janiah Glores-Cedeno, Itzel Gonzalez, Esteban Green, Aaliyah James, Da’Jon James, Traivus Jenkins, Meagan Joseph, Tahj Lomas, Justin Matthews, Dijion Mitchell, Brianna Rivera, Serenity Shorts, Keain Simmons, Raymani Traylor, Alayasia Washington, Ra’Qui Williams, Quaron 1st grade Ms. Michot Barra, Liyah Batiste, Malik Breaux, Kayla Brooks, James Hensley, Essence Hibley, James Ingram, Londyn Johnson, Amani Lott, Lyric Phillips, Jayden Scott, AMyria Watkins, Payton 2nd grade Ms. Parker Beverly, Jermon Brown, Jaden Clerk, Sarah Evo, Maryuri Francis, Taron Grant, Andrew Guarino, Talon Gutierrez-Santos, Kimberly Harris, Kendrick Jones, Carelle Lee, Jayda Lewis, Kyma-Xia Mason, Brandon Meads, K’habrea Nguyen, Kaili Odoms, DaJon Parker, Elisa Parker, Louis Rainey, Tristen Rodney, Ban Scarborough, D’Andre Thomas, Angelina Tubbs, Jalyn PAGE 9 star students for the first quarter 3rd grade Ms. Wiltz Becnel, Victor Coleman, Breeana Creppel, Charlie Duncan, Macaria Espinoza, Jonathan Gant, Savannah Green, Krista Isemann, Rome Jackson, Andre Parker, Farrel Rhoto, Taylor Smith, Samantha Triggs, Archieve Turner, Enaira 3rd grade Ms. fields Ard, Jacie Chevalier, Jasmine Jones, Christopher Morrison, Anthony Myres, Holly Norman, Alex Richardson, Jayden Simmons, Anthony Theriot, Tyson Zarate, Reyli 4th grade Ms. Williams Curtis, Jada Gant, Erialle Isaac, D’Khari Johnson, Amaria Lee, Amiya Louper, Amyria Mitchell, Da’Ja Nguyen, Kaila Rachal, Malik Santisteban, Karen Smith, Cortaijah Waits, Ivan Wilson, Darren Young, Kentrell 4th grade Ms. Broussard Bradbury, Joshua Carey, Christopher Collins, Kayla Dawson, Michaela Duncan, Maurice Garner, Jah’rie Guidry, Jaosn Hobson, Tyree Jones, Kourtney Lambert, Ronneque Meads, Chris’Style Mitchell, Wardell Noel, Leah Phew, Kha’lia Puerto, Fanny Scott, Sermiage Simmons, Jakayla Villalta-Acosta, Evelyn 5th Grade Ms. Robertson Brown, Shania Falkins, Anthony Fermin, Michelle Ford, Kyleigh Francis, A’Keitra Gaines, Mya Stevenson, Shawn Weary, Talyor Weaver, Michelle 5th grade Ms. custodio Chevalier, Jalyn Clerk, Talie Davis, Laquian Delgado, Gabriela Falgout, Michael Fraticelli, Francis Phoeniz, Isiah Robinson, Breyunna Theriot, Tyrone Tigrero, Natalia Waits, Carl Waits, Eian Williams, Jaavary PAGE 10 1st Grade Breaux, Kayla Marie Brooks, James Coleman, Ahyana Crittindon, Jessie Hensley, Essence Ingram, Londyn Johnson, Amani Lott, Lyric Watkins, Payton 2nd Grade Clerk, Sarah Green, Aaliyah Gutierrez-Santos, Kimberly Nguyen, Kaili Shorts, Keain 5th Grade Chevalier, Jalyn PAGE 11 1st Grade Batiste, Malik Duncan, Warren Espinoza, Maynor Gaines, Theodore Guarino, Nina Guidroz, Tovia Guidry, Saige Hibley, James Jackson, Jayna Marshall, Lance Martin, Jarrod Melton, Nikayla Noel, Lee Parker, Angel Patterson, Cyion Paul, Nalani Phillips, Jayden Puerto, Francisco Rodriguez, Jinnelys Scott, Amyria Smith, Tatyana Thomas, Julianna Thomas, Tariq Velasquez, Carlos Washington, Tatiyana 2nd Grade Brown, Jaden Davis, Jasmin Dorsey, Janiah Evo, Maryuri Grant, Andrew Lee, Jayda Lewis, Kyma-Xia Mitchell, Brianna Odoms, DaJon Thomas, Angelina Tubbs, Jalyn 3rd Grade Becnel, Victor Chevalier, Jasmine Coleman, Breeana Creppel, Charlie Myres, Holly Richardson, Jayden 4th Grade Isaac, D'Khari Puerto, Fanny 5th Grade Brown, Shania Fermin, Michelle Phoenix, Isiah Stevenson, Shawn PAGE 12 Pre-K Foster, Jaden Matthews, Erin Kindergarten Adams, Starrie Cook, Starr Espinoza, Ariana Frank, Nevaeh Johnson, Marquise Jolly, Kale Lewis, Saniyah Noel, Chelsey Stockstill, Brandt Torry, Ethen Williams, Nia’Keyia 1st Grade Blackwell, Arthur Breaux, Kayla Guidry, Saige Ortiz-Cadet, Stesy Phillips, Jayden Rodriguez, Jinnelys Smith, Tatyana Stack, Kevaughn Thomas, Tariq 2nd Grade Beverly, Jermon Brown, Jaden Grant, Andrew Meads, K’habrea Thomas, Angelina Washington, RaQui 3rd Grade Ard, Jacie Chevalier, Jasmine Jackson, Andre Ratcliff, Tyrese Scott, John Theriot, Tyson Woodard, Dawn 4th Grade Guidry, Jason Hobson, Tyree Johnson, Amaria Lee, Amiya Mitchell, Wardell Perkins, Asyaa Phew, Kha’lia Scott, Carla Waits, Ivan 5th Grade Brown, Shania Gaines, Mya Jackson, Laila Law, Le’Von Porter, Samyra Scott, Charles Smith, Kyler Speed, Diamone Theriot, Tyrone Thomas, Aurora Tigrero, Natalia Waits, Carl Waits, Eian Weary, Taylor Williams, Jaavary VOLUME 11, ISSUE3 PAGE November 2014 Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 9 3 NO SCHOOL 4 NO SCHOOL Teacher Professional Development Election Day 10 11 5 12 Veterans Day 16 23 17 18 19 6 7 Pelican Prize Store PBIS Dress Down 8 13 14 Grandparents’ Luncheon PTO Concessions School Dress Down 20 21 Pelican Prize Store Family Literacy Night 6 PM PTO Concessions School Dress Down 15 22 24 NO SCHOOL 25 NO SCHOOL 26 NO SCHOOL 27Thanksgiving Day NO SCHOOL 28 NO SCHOOL Fall Break Fall Break Fall Break Fall Break Fall Break 29 30 December 2014 Sun Mon 1 Tues 2 Wed 3 Thurs 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 PTO Concessions School Dress Down 7 8 9 10 11 Christmas Pictures Pelican Prize Store 14 21 28 4 15 16 Hanukkah 17 12 18 19 PBIS Popcorn and Movie End of 2nd Quarter PTO Concessions School Dress Down 22 NO SCHOOL 23 NO SCHOOL 24 Christmas Eve NO SCHOOL 25 Christmas Day NO SCHOOL 26 Kwanzaa NO SCHOOL Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break 29 NO SCHOOL 30 NO SCHOOL 31 New Year’s Eve NO SCHOOL 1 New Year’s Day NO SCHOOL 2 NO SCHOOL Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break Winter Break 5 NO SCHOOL Teacher Professional Development 13 PBIS Dress Down 20 27 3 13
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