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please pdf me - St. Mary Catholic Church
JULY 17, 2016
MONDAY – July 18
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Mt 12:38-42
7:00 p.m. Women’s Study Group: “The Bible Timeline”
TUESDAY – July 19
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Mt 12:46-50
5:00-6:00 p.m. Holy Hour with Eucharistic Exposition/
Benediction & Confessions
6:30 p.m. Mass Intention: †Fred Drew
Jer 1:1, 4-10; Mt 13:1-9
8:30 a.m. Mass Intention: †Helen Sampang
7:00 p.m. Scripture Reflection (Commons)
THURSDAY – July 21
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Mt 13:10-17
8:30 a.m. Mass Intention: †Jack Williams
FRIDAY – July 22
Jer 3:14-17; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
8:30 a.m. Mass Special Intention: Fr. Stephen Smith
6:00 p.m. M.A.S.S. (Marion Altar Server Society) in Commons
7:00 p.m. Spanish Bible Study (Commons)
SATURDAY – July 23
Jer 7:1-11; Mt 13:24-30
9:00 a.m. Rosary
4:00-4:30 p.m. Confessions
5:00 p.m. Mass Intention: Living & Deceased of
Lamb, Dunn & Seiter Families
7:00 p.m. Spanish Bible Study (Commons)
SUNDAY – July 24 –
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gn 18:20-32; Col 2:12-14; Lk 11:1-13
8:00 a.m. Mass Intention: St. Mary Parishioners
11:00 a.m. Mass Intention: †Paul & Dolores O’Brien
1:00 p.m. Spanish Mass
Reminder for Visitation of the Sick: Please
remember that due to privacy laws, hospitals no longer
notify us when one of our parishioners has been admitted.
Please notify the Parish Office if you or a loved one is ill or
in the hospital by calling 740-382-2118. Thank you.
PRAYER REQUEST LINE: For a prayer request
for the Prayer Line, please call Ellen Distel at 740-3894551 or Dolores at the Parish Office at 740-382-2118 or
SANCTUARY CANDLE: Will burn this week in Loving memory
of the deceased members of the Walter H. Schuler Family by the
Schuler Family.
COMMUNION HOSTS: For this week are in loving memory
of the deceased members of the Walter H. Schuler Family by the
Schuler family.
SACRAMENTAL WINE provided by the Knights of Columbus.
NURSERY: The nursery is available at the 11:00 a.m. Mass
each Sunday. Looking for a rewarding way to acquire service hours
for Confirmation? Think about helping in the nursery Please call
Angie at 419-834-5783 if you would like to help out.
This Weekend: July 16/17
5:00 p.m. Austin Chivington, Dominic Aurigemma &
Thomas Aurigemma
8:00 a.m. Kelly Baer, Samuel Baer &Christie Longo
11:00 a.m. Matthew Starrs, Clare Stevenson & Zane Dine
1:00 p.m. Andrea Tagle, Ashley Alvarez & Alexander Lisiecki
Next Weekend: July 23/24
5:00 p.m. Kasey McDaniel, Nick McDaniel & Aaron McDaniel
8:00 a.m. Jake Slemmons, Nate Slemmons & Christie Longo
11:00 a.m. Luke Waldo, Ben Waldo & Peyton Suchland
1:00 p.m. Ashley Alvarez, Andrea Tagle & Mateusz Lisiecki
This Weekend: July 16/17
5:00 p.m. (I) Pat Stevens
(II) Mary Ann Stolarczyk
8:00 a.m. (I) Joe Stanko
(II) Dora Jean Mendoza
11:00 a.m. (I) Deb Ketcham
(II) Kathleen Whitt
1:00 p.m. (I) Dayana Diaz Norena
(II) Hector Romero
Next Weekend: July 23/24
5:00 p.m. (I) Ed Shikina
(II) Ed Shikina
8:00 a.m. (I) Sharon Baldinger
(II) Pat Baldinger
11:00 a.m. (I) Fred Fosco
(II) Deb Ketcham
1:00 p.m. (I) Maria de Jesus Ruiz
(II) Emilio Salinas
PLEASE NOTE: Liturgical Minister Schedules are posted online at www. & Liturgical Assignments. Paper copies are
available in the main vestibule and are also posted on church bulletin
boards. Thank you.
Banns of Marriage –
Please keep in your prayers these couples as prepare for their
Libby Bender and Adam Wixtead on July 30, 2016.
Healing Blanket Ministry:
Healing Blanket Ministry continues its mission to sew blankets. Would
you like to join us in this ministry? We will supply the material for you to
sew. We ask those who give a blanket to a loved one, to please sign the blue
binder with your name and the name of the person receiving it.
We need more people to sew the blankets. Please contact Elaine Kelly
at 740-389-1018.
SCRIPTURE REFLECTION: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
(Commons). You are invited to join us as we study and reflect on the
current Sunday’s readings and apply the message of God’s Word to our
everyday lives.
Estudio Bíblico
Los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra te invitan todos
las Viernes al studio de Biblia en la casa blanca a last 7:00
p.m. “Deja que Dios illumine tu vida” para mas informacion
puedes contactarlas al 740-751-7748.
Si decea recivir el Sacramento del Matrimonio los misioneros estan
organizando Bodos Comunitarias, para mas informacion puedes hablar
con ellos.
From the Pastor:
The past week has been both busy and joyful. On July 11,
Sacred Hearts Church said farewell to Fr. John Bakle, SM, with
gratitude for his faithful service as pastor and priest. On July
12, Fr. Ryan Schmit arrived to take up his new post as Parochial
Vicar (assistant priest) in both Sacred Hearts and St. Mary
parishes. As pastor of two parishes, I find myself in a situation
like that of a priest who has just moved, except I did not need
to pack! However, I do have to learn many new names, new
schedules, and new road maps. Thank you for your patience and
prayerful support as Fr. Schmit and I adjust to our new duties.
One of our first activities was to meet with members of both
parishes to discuss the schedules of Masses and Confessions at
both parishes. If any changes are to be made in this area, they
will be announced shortly. Our goal is to provide fully for the
pastoral needs of both communities. With regard to the division of priestly duties, our plan is
to divide Masses, confessions, and other liturgical services
between the two priests on a more or less 50/50 basis. Both
priests will live at the Rectory in Marion, which will enable us
to have communal prayer and priestly fellowship each week. We
will take turns being on call for emergencies, and will be setting
up a new emergency phone number for that purpose, which will
be published shortly. In an emergency, a priest will be only a
phone call away.
I know that it will take time for everyone to adjust to this new
arrangement. I am confident that it will work well and bear
much fruit, provided that everyone prays and works together for
the good of our shared mission in Christ. May God Bless you.
Yours, in Christ,
Fr. Thomas Buffer
St. Mary School News
St. Mary School is accepting enrollment for the 2016-17
school year for Grades K-8. For more information about
enrollment, to schedule a tour at your convenience, or to get
information about EdChoice scholarships to pay your tuition,
please call the school at 740-382-1607.
St. Mary School children are selling community discount
cards. These cards sell for $10.00 each and feature
discounts at 12 local businesses here in town. They can
be used over and over for an entire year. Cards are
available at the Parish Office (740-382-2118) or St.
Mary School (740-382-1607).
Please help support our school. Thank you!
JULY 17, 2016
Del Párroco:
La semana pasada ha sido muy ocupada y agradable al mismo
tiempo. El 11 de Julio, la Iglesia Corazones Sagrados con gratitud
le dijo adiós al Padre John Bakle, SM, por su fiel servicio como
sacerdote. El 12 de Julio, el Padre Ryan Schmit llegó a tomar su
nuevo puesto como Vicario Parroquial (asistente del Sacerdote)
en ambas parroquias Corazones Sagrados y Santa María. Como
sacerdote de dos parroquias, me encuentro en una situación
como si fuera un sacerdote quien se acaba de mudar, con la
excepción que no tuve que empacar! Por lo tanto, tengo que
aprender muchos nombres nuevos, nuevos horarios y nuevas
carreteras en el mapa. Gracias por su paciencia y sus oraciones
mientras que el Padre Schmit y yo nos adaptamos a nuestros
nuevos oficios. Una de nuestras primeras actividades es
reunirnos con los miembros de ambas parroquias para discutir
los horarios de las Misas y confesiones de ambas. Si se hace
algún cambio en esta área, serán anunciadas prontamente.
Nuestra meta es proveer plenamente las necesidades pastorales
de ambas comunidades.
Con respecto a la división de los oficios sacerdotales, nuestro
plan es dividir Misas, confesiones y otros servicios litúrgicos
entre las dos parroquias más o menos en un base de 50/50.
Ambos sacerdotes vivirán en la rectoría de Marion, la cual nos
permitirá tener oración comunitaria y comunión sacerdotal
cada semana. Tomaremos turnos en caso de llamadas de
emergencias, y haremos un nuevo número telefónico para estos
casos de emergencia, el cual será publicado pronto. En caso de
emergencia, un sacerdote estará disponible con solo hacer una
llamada telefónica.
Yo sé que se tomará tiempo para cada uno adaptarse a estos
nuevos cambios. Confio que funcionara bien y dará muchos
frutos, con las oraciones de cada uno y el trabajo unido para el
bienestar de nuestra misión compartida en Cristo.
Su hermano en Cristo
Padre Thomas Buffer
The Missionaries Servants of the Word invite all children ages 7-10 years
to participate this summer in our program “Summer-Time-With-Jesus,”
where we will have a fun, dynamic and exciting encounter with Jesus!
For more information, call the parish office at 740-382-2118.
August 8-12, 2016
10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in Moira Hall
Los Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra invitan a
todos los ninos de 7-10 anos a participar este verano
en el programa “Vacaciones Con Cristo” donde
tendran un divertido, dinamico, y emocionante con Christo!
Fechas: Agosto 8-12. Hora: 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
en la Iglesia Catholica de St. Maria – Tel: 740-751-7748
Whether this is your first visit, or you’ve been
here many times, we are glad you are here!
We welcome new members to our faith community, so if you
have not yet registered, please consider doing so. To register,
please call the Parish Office at 740-382-2118 or by e-mail to
Please note:
Registration forms and Calendar are available
in the Main Vestibule.
Class will begin anew on September 11, 2016
9:15~10:45 a.m. - St. Mary Grade School (1st Floor)
Glenna Celestino ~
All new and current Lectors:
A meeting will be held in the Church on
Wednesday, August 10, at 7:00 p.m.
Training and practice will be given to all new
lectors (readers). Current lectors can lend their
expertise, share tips, receive retraining, and have the opportunity
to ask questions. Joe and Debbie Faber (, 740-360-1582)
Glenna Celestino (, 740-382-2262)
Who may be a lector: parishioners 18 and over who have received
all the Catholic Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation
and First Eucharist) and who are active members in good standing
at St. Mary Parish. For more information, please call the Parish
Office at 740-382-2118.
Sunday, August 28, 2016, from 2:30-4:00 p.m. (Commons)
Initial meeting with parents and Confirmation candidates.
First class ~ September 11, 2016
9:15~10:45 a.m., in the Commons
Sunday Collection:
Collection for week ending July 10, 2016.
Online Giving:
$ 2,080.40
Thank you for your support.
Who Me?
And God said, “Go, be a CATECHIST.”
And I said, “Who?....Me?”
And God smiled, “Yes!....You!”
And I said:
“But I’m not ready yet.
I’ve got company coming.
And I can’t leave the kids.
And you know there’s no one to take my place.”
And God smiled, “Are you sure?”
And God said, “Go, we need CATECHISTS.”
And I said, “But I don’t want to!”
And God smiled, “I didn’t ask if you wanted to.”
And I said:
“Listen, I’m not the kind of person to get
involved in teaching.
Besides, my family won’t like it.
And my neighbors – what will they think?”
And God smiled, “I know well!”
And yet a third time God said,
“Go be a CATECHIST!”
And I said, “Do I have to?”
And God smiled, “Do you love me?”
And I said: “Look, I’m scared!
The kids are going to hate me!
And cut me to pieces.
And I can’t take it all by myself.”
And God smiled, “Where do you think I’ll be?”
And God said to me, “Be a CATECHIST!”
And I said, “Here I am God! Send me!”
We need catechists and catechist assistants. Training will be provided!!!
If God is calling you please call me at 382-2262.
Glenna Celestino CL
You can do that on a Worldwide Marriage Encounter
weekend! Marriage Encounter is 44 hours where married
couples can get away from jobs, kids, chores, and phones – and
focus only on each other. The next two weekends are August
5-7 and November 11-13, both in central Ohio. For more information or
to register, contact Paul and Marilou Clouse at 614-834-6880 or visit our
website at
In order to understand and better appreciate this
special sacrament, parents must attend a PreBaptismal class. St. Mary offers this instruction
four times a year on the second Sunday of the
month at 2:00 p.m. in the Commons. Preregistration
for the class is required.
Baptisms are celebrated on Sundays of the month, immediately
following the 11:00 a.m. Mass. Please call Glenna at the Office
of Religious Education at 740-382-2262 to register, or if you
have any questions. THE NEXT CLASS WILL BE HELD ON
October 9, 2016.
Safe Environment Program
Protecting God’s Children
Thursday, August 4, 6:30 p.m.
in the Commons
Help protect our children!
Know the Warning Signs
Control Access
Monitor all Programs
Be Aware
Communicate Your Concerns
Moms, dads, grandparents, parishioners...
If you have children or grandchildren, you are needed as a vol­unteer with
children at St. Mary, please attend this PGC Workshop. The more we
know the safer our children will be. Statistics say that one in every 5
adult women and one in every 10 adult men say they were molested
as children.
• Please explore the VIRTUS web site.
• Don’t wait to be asked to become involved.
• Be ready to help with St. Mary children!
• Please be proactive and register now!
• Preregistration is required, go to and register
now! Call the Office of Religious Education at 382-2262 if you
have any questions or difficulties with your registration.
• Various programs are scheduled throughout the diocese. You can
refer to the virtus web site ( to schedule a program
that is more convenient for you.
Looking for a Mass Schedule
While Traveling?
If you have travel or vacation plans, it is
still important to attend Mass on Sunday. If
you wish to know the time and locations of Masses throughout the
United States, you can either call 1-858-207-6277 or long on to www.
JULY 17, 2016
St. Mary Parish Festival
Saturday August 20th, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Sunday August 21st, 2:00-6:00 p.m.
St. Mary’s Festival is right around
the corner and we need your help.
We have changed the festival
schedule and activities around a
little bit.
This year the Chicken Dinners will be Saturday evening
following the 5:00 p.m. mass. The dinners will be eat-in or
carry-out. This year there will be no drive up, but carry-out
dinners available. Last year the chicken dinners sold out early
so you may want to pick up your dinner tickets early. The
tickets will be available at the rectory.
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make
Tamales. This year our Hispanic community will
be making Tamales on Saturday afternoon from
12:00 to 4:00 p.m. They are asking that anyone
who would like to make Tamales come and help.
You can also purchase your creations to take home and share
with your family and friends. The Tamales will also be available
for purchase on Sunday during the festival.
During the dinner on Saturday there will be
a bake sale of homemade goodies. We are
looking for bakers to bake cakes, cookies, etc.
If you can help please, contact Karen Waldo.
Those items that do not sell at the dinner will also be used for
the Cake Wheel on Sunday. So we need lots of baked goods!
By now you should have received your raffle tickets. If you
haven’t, please contact the rectory or Joe Stanko to get your
tickets. The raffle is one of our biggest money makers for the
festival, so we ask if you can’t purchase the tickets yourself,
please do your best to sell them to others you may know. You
do not have to be present to win.
This year we have decided to have a Craft
Bazaar instead of a Flea Market. So if you are a
crafty person or know someone who is, this is a
chance for you to sell you wares. If you are
interested, please contact PJ Hitz for more
For more information, please contact Keith Adams (Festival
Chair) at 740-387-7931 or call Dolores at the Parish office
at 740-382-2118 or by email: You
may also contact any of our committee members:
Chicken BBQ - Mike Nicolosi
Food and Drink – Glenna Celestino
Kids’ Games - Liz Litzenberg
Craft Bazaar - PJ Hitz
Raffle - Joe Stanko
Custodial - Kevin McKinney
The Catholic Laymen’s Fall silent retreat is
at St. Therese’s Retreat Center, 6:00 p.m.
on Friday September 9 through noon Mass,
Sunday, September 11. In reflection sessions, Fr.
Stephen Hayes O.P will lead men to appreciate the value of
the medieval crusades by developing his theme “Taking up the
Cross: Becoming Modern Crusaders for the New Jerusalem
of Christ.” The total cost is only $130.00. For information
and registration, contact Charles Kielkopf at 614-268-0175,
We’ve noticed many more parishioners have begun to eliminate their
landline or home phones and use only cell phones. If you fall into this
category, please be certain the parish office has your correct contact
information. Just fill out the slip below and return it through the mail or
the collection basket at your earliest convenience, or e-mail any changes
to Thank you!
FAMILY NAME:___________________________________________
ADDRESS: _______________________________________________
CELL PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________________
ADDITIONAL NUMBER: ___________________________________
St. Mary, Marion will be offering the Alpha Course. Sessions
will be held on Monday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. starting
September 12 and run until November 14. REGISTRATIONS are
NOW BEING ACCEPTED for the Fall Class. To register for the
course, please contact the parish office at 740-382-2118 or email
Fred Dutton at Please consider
participating or encouraging family or friends to consider signing
up. There will be a registration fee of $20.00 for each participant.
ALPHA – What’s It All About?
Alpha is a ten week program that invites
participants to encounter Jesus in a new and
personal way. If you already have a deep
relationship with Him, then this is an opportunity
for you to help others to come to faith by inviting
someone you know who doesn’t know God or is far away from
Christ and His Church. The format of Alpha is an open, nonjudgmental discussion of key faith topics. Each session begins
with a good meal with relaxed conversation. From there the group
views a video presentation followed by discussion. Volunteers will
be at each table to make sure that everyone can express what is on
their mind and everyone stays on topic. As we move into the 21st
century, if the Catholic Church is to survive, we must find new and
different ways to know and communicate our faith to the world.
St. Augustine has said: “Our hearts are restless, O Lord, until they
rest in you.” Come and rest in the Lord.
Our bulletin is printed at no cost to the parish.
Our advertisers cover all expenses.
We thank them and encourage you
to support their businesses.
Please continue to remember our
Military and their families
in your prayers.