TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 The Courier •
TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 The Courier •
The Courier • TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 BIRTHDAYS • ANNIVERSARIES • RETIREMENTS • GRADUATIONS • NEW ARRIVALS ;gf_jYlmdYlagfkK`]dZqKeal` E[;geZ@a_`K[`ggd;dYkkg^*()- @Yhhq-(l`O]\\af_9ffan]jkYjq Bae=dYaf]=fka_f ;gf_jYlmdYlagfk;`ahKgf_]j gfQgmj?jY\mYlagfYf\Gj\afYlagf Lg;`jaklaYfEafakljq& @Yhhq0-l`:ajl`\YqB]YfDgf_ EYq*,$*()- T2 CELEBR ATIONS ! Recently born at Blanchard Valley Hospital, as reported by their parents: • Grace Addeline Rader, girl, Gary and Heather Rader, Leipsic, May 4. • Grayson Aurora Miller, girl, Brad and Emily Miller, Findlay, May 5. • Elliot Andrew Van Atta, boy, Andrew Van Atta and Andrea Aller, McComb, May 6. • Audrey Grace Wren, girl, Patrick and Amanda Wren, Findlay, May 6. • Aidan Robert Cassidy, boy, Neil and Brooke Cassidy, Ottawa, May 7. • Scarlett Elisabeth Davis, girl, Arron Presley Davis and Amy Renee Holvey, Findlay, May 8. • Vance Jeffrey Darr, boy, Brok Darr and Maryah Crace, Fostoria, May 8. • Arielle Jean Schaeperkoetter, girl, Jonathan and DeAnna Schaeperkoetter, Findlay, May 9. • Carson Matthew Galloway, boy, Aaron Galloway and Emily Kellogg, Findlay, May 10. • Caroline Lucille Strausbaugh, girl, Jeremy and Brittany Strausbaugh, Findlay, May 10. • Kensington Rae-Ann Bloomfield, girl, Michael and Lacey Bloomfield, Findlay, May 10. • Arabelle Marie Myers, girl, Brent Myers and Julia Mattox, Findlay, May 10. • Cooper Steven Gerkin, boy, Steven and Allison Gerken, Deshler, May 10. • Bentley Morrison Kindle, boy, J.D. Kindle and Crystal Myers, Findlay, May 11. • Ezekiel Robert Brown, boy, Dominick and Rita Brown, Tiffin, May 11. • Valen Duane Schroeder, boy, Chris and Lauren Schroeder, Leipsic, May 12. • Wyatt Patrick Woodruff, boy, Jason and Julia Kay Woodruff, Findlay, May 13. Recently born at Promedica Bay Park Hospital, Oregon, as reported by his parents: • Elijah Derrick Frost, boy, Ed and Kristy Frost, Findlay, May 8. Honor Roll North Baltimore North Baltimore High School has announced its honor roll for the third quarter. The following students received a 4.0 grade point average: Seniors — Lindsay Davis, Kaley McCartney, Morgan Okuley, Jacob Pelton, Rachel Peter, Makayla Rein, Christian Richmond. Juniors — Alexis Browning, Kenzie Carles, Olivia Frost, Emily Gerdeman, Kylie Hiser, Hank Matthes, Zachar y Megg itt, Emma Rister, Morgan Rose, Morgan Sams, Tyler Stimmel, Morgan Wright. Sophomores — Bailey Boyer, C as sidy H iser, A lexis Ju l ien, >af\l`]Dgn]g^QgmjDa^] Yll`]@meYf]Kg[a]lqg^@Yf[g[c;gmflq ,--(>gklgjaY9n]&$>af\dYq$G@,)1%,*+%).., ÉJYakaf]lÊ <K@KhYq]\>]eYd] )Q]YjGd\La_]j AYeJYakaf]lAYeY_gg\_Ydl`Yldgn]k lgqk$lj]Ylk$fYhk$Yf\Yll]flagfAYe dggcaf_^gjY^gj]n]j^Yeadql`Yl[Yfdgn] e]dac]A\]k]jn]lgZ]dgn]\&A^qgm`Yn] YZgp^gje]lgbmehaf$AÌekmj]lgZ] qgmj^ja]f\ """@YhhqLYd]kZ]_afkkggf;Yddmklg\YqYl ,)1%,*+%)..,lgk[`]\md]Ylae]^gjqgmj[`ad\ lgj]Y\lggmj[Ylk :q2N;9>af\dYq9faeYd@gkhalYd N;9>af\dYq9faeYd;Yj];]fl]j Connor Law, Makayla Light, Kiah Powell, Ashley Rainbolt. Freshmen — Chantel Benjamin, Valerie Buchanan, Noah Cotterman, Kyle Gerdeman, Hunter Fleck, Aaliyah Girdler, Julian Hagemyer, I msuwa n, P icha mon, Gabr iele Kepling, Marina Kimmel, David See HONOR ROLL, Page T3 THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 The Bestseller List By The Wall Street Journal FICTION 1. “14th Deadly Sin” by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 2. “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins (Riverhead) 3. “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr (Scribner) 4. “Oh, The Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss (Random House) 5. “Memory Man” by David Balducci (Grand Central Publishing) 6. “The Heir” by Kiera Cass (Harper Teen) 7. “Gathering Prey” by John Sandford (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 8. “What Do You Do With an Idea” by Kobi Yamada (Compendium) 9. “The Liar” by Nora Roberts (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 10. “Saint Anything” by Sarah Dessen (Viking) NONFICTION 1. “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster) 2. “Clinton Cash” by Pete Schweizer (Harper) 3. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up” by Marie Kondo (Ten Speed) 4. “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan (Viking) 5. “American Wife” by Taya Kyle and Jim DeFelice (William Morrow) 6. “Bill O’Reilly’s Legends and Lies: The Real West” by Bill O’Reilly and David Fisher (Henry Holt and Co.) 7. “The Book of Joan” by Melissa Rivers (Crown Archetype) 8. “And the Good News Is...” by Dana Perino (Twelve) 9. “It’s a Long Story: My Life” by Willie Nelson (Little, Brown) 10. “The Road to Character” by David Brooks (Random House) FICTION E-BOOKS 1. “14th Deadly Sin” by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 2. “The Girl on the Train” by Paula Hawkins (Riverhead) 3. “The Heir” by Kiera Cass (Harper Teen) 4. “Memory Man” by David Balducci (Grand Central Publishing) 5. “Cat’s Lair” by Christine Feehan (Jove) 6. “Gathering Prey” by John Sandford (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 7. “The Liar” by Nora Roberts (G.P. Putnam’s Sons) 8. “All the Light We Cannot See” See BOOKS, Page T3 Guidelines For Your ‘Celebrations!’ Welcome to Celebrations!, the place for your non-commercial announcements of nearly every kind. We encourage you to write your own announcement, but we can help you with a traditional one. When? Celebrations! is published Tuesdays. Your announcement will appear in one Celebrations! printed edition, and online at www. thecourier.com for one week. Your deadline is 3 p.m. Wednesdays, at The Courier, for the following Tuesday’s edition. Earlier is always better. A form is helpful, but not necessary. You can pick one up at The Courier, 701 West Sandusky St., Findlay, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays; download a PDF from www.thecourier.com/celebrations, or call Celebrations! at 419-422-5151 and we’ll work with you. For engagements, weddings and anniversaries, you can submit forms online, with payment following. See www.thecourier.com/celebrations. How big and how much? Use a ruler to help. • 1 column (2 in) x 5.5 inches: $30. • 2 columns (4.1 in) x 2.75 inches: $30. • 1 column x 11 inches: $50. • 2 columns x 5.5 inches: $50. • 2 columns x 11 inches: $90. • 4 columns (8.4 in) x 5.5 inches: $90. • Half page, 5 col. (10.5 in) x 5.5 inches: $105. • Front page, full color, 1/4 Page ad: $85. • Center pages available in full color, call for information • Additional art (special borders, symbols): $5 per announcement. Good photos wanted. Photos should be at least walletsized. Glossies help. Prints can be emailed, mailed, dropped off, or put in the mailbox near our front door. Photos for weddings, engagements and anniversaries can be submitted online. Photos will be returned by mail with your selfaddressed, stamped envelope; or pick them up within two weeks or they may be discarded. The Courier assumes no liability for your photos. A limited number of color photo opportunities are available in Celebrations! Want a lot more impact? Put your photo on the cover of the print and online editions, and we’ll publish your information inside for free. Legal stuff. Poems and copyrighted photos must include the creator’s name and permission to reprint. We can reject any announcement for any reason. This edition is copyrighted by Findlay Publishing Co., which reserves all rights. Special pricing for ANY active Duty Military Celebrations! ads. Front page of Celebrations! - ½ off, plus free inside ad up to 11”. Scholarships and academic honors, including dean’s list honors announced by students, relatives or friends, should be placed in Celebrations! Scholarships announced by civic and other organizations are treated as news stories. We will print free, very-short announcements of engagements, weddings, anniversaries (50, 55, 60 years, etc.), birthdays (90 years or older), and dean’s list honors and graduations. They should be mailed or e-mailed to celebrations@thecourier.com. Examples: Engagement: Jane Smith, of Findlay, and John Doe, of Philadelphia, plan to marry Sept. 14 at St. Peter’s by-theSea Episcopal Church, Cape May Point, N.J. Wedding: Jane Smith and John Doe, of Philadelphia, were married Sept. 14 in Cape May Point, N.J. She is formerly of Findlay. Anniversary: John and Jane Doe of Findlay will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Sept. 14. Birthday: Jane Doe of Findlay will celebrate her 90th birthday on Sunday. Dean’s list: John Doe Jr., Findlay, son of John and Jane Doe, University of Findlay. Businesses should contact their Courier advertising consultant. Questions? Please call Celebrations! at 419-4225151 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, or e-mail celebrations@thecourier.com. CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 Honor Roll Continued from page T2 Patterson, Noah Pelton, Makenna Ray, Grace Rein, Lisa Rennau, Hannah Rose. Eighth graders — Garrett Byrd, Olivia Hyatt, Alivia Light, Tyler Schwartz. Seventh graders — Zoey Beaupry, Abigail Empcke, Levi Gazarek, Chloe Lanning, Leah Lee, Kirsten Mason, Hunter Vogelsong, Skyler Vogelsong. The following students received between a 3.5 and 3.99 grade point average: Seniors — A llison Beaupry, Lane Bishop, Brock Boyer, Leslie Busch, Leann Coppler, Jacob Dick, Nathan Flores, AJ Hotaling, Bryce Lennard, Mariah Leonard, Madison Ray, Emily Stefanka, Joe White. Juniors — Victoria Ebersole, Megan Ernsberger, Cody Gerdeman, Lacey Hall, Cheyenne Hernandez, Leah Hetrick, Brody Naugle, Breeanna Nickols, Krysta Smith, Lacey Trumbull, Chad Wright. Sophomores — Morgan Bowen, Gage Carles, Nicholas Chavera, Catlin Cook, Aaron Fisher, Tanner Gray-Duva ll, Aurelian Greeno, Brandon Lanning, Cody McCoy, Anthony Mungia, Andrea Roddy, Elijah Smith, James Smith. Freshmen — Matthew Davis, Adam Flores, Giovanni Greco, Chase Naugle, Zachary Nominee, Hailey Powell, Tessa Shifflet, Katelyn Weinandy. Eighth graders — Kiley Brooker, Stephen Cole, Sierrah Johnson, Allison Kepling, Hailey Watson, Lily Woods. Seventh graders — Cade Carter, Alecia Chavera, Katherine Dewulf, Brennin Gray-Duvall, Meg Empcke, Gabriel Greco, Brayden Holloway, Chloe Hopple, Zeth Johnson, Wyatt Mowery, Abigail North, Simone Thompson, Levi Trout. The following students between a 3.0 and 3.49 grade point average: Seniors — Alex Byrd, Leann Coppler, Ashley Fisher, Raegan Fleckner, Taylor Grilliot, Ryan Long, Skylar Montgomery, Levi Newcomer, Amber Payne, Halie Pena, Madison Ray, Makayla Rein, Christian Richmond, Emily Stefanka, Joseph White, Amber Williams. Juniors — Joseph Adkins, Derek Archer, Victoria Ebersole, Mackenzie Furniss, Cody Gerdeman, Zachary Horner, A lex Nichols, Brooke Seibert, Krysta Smith, Sean Watson, Chad Wright. Sophomores — Oakland Althauser, Taylor Bishop, Morgan Bowen, Austin Boyles, Noah Brian, Tyler Bumpus, Gage Carles, Caleb Donaldson, Aurelian Greeno, Trent Hill, Haylee Hopple, Brandon Lanning, Cody McCoy, Elijah Smith, James Smith, Sarina Villegas. Freshmen — Isaiah BrookerReinhart, Garrett Carles, Skylar Durfey, Hunter Fleck, Aiden Gore, Noa h Hetr ick, Chase Naugle, Hailey Powell, Joshua Rockhill, Megan Smith. Eighth graders — Britney Biller, Clayton Bowen, Jordan Bucher, Books Continued from page T2 by Anthony Doerr (Scribner) 9. “The Inn at Rose Harbor” by Debbie Macomber (Random House) 10. “The Nightingale” by Kristin Hannah (St. Martin’s Press) NONFICTION E-BOOKS 1. “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster) 2. “Clinton Cash” by Pete Schweizer (Harper) 3. “Hope: A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland” by Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan and Kevin Sullivan (Viking) 4. “The Book of Joan” by Melissa Rivers (Crown Archetype) 5. “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel James Brown (Penguin Press) Jayde Frazier, Tyler Kline, Hannah Main, Lanie McCartney, Danielle McPherson. S eventh g raders — Jorda n Baker, Jaden Bucher, Mason Byrd, Cade Carter, Rebecca Gonyer, Logan Gunter, Brendan Hutchins, Zeth Johnson, Breanna King, Alexandria McPherson, Hope Stanfield. 6. “Dead Wake” by Erik Larson (Crown Publishing) 7. “1001 Smartest Things Ever Said” by Steven Price (Rowman & Littlefield) 8. “Finding Me” by Michelle Knight with Michelle Burford (Weinstein Publishing) 9. “American Wife” by Taya Kyle and Jim DeFelice (William Morrow) 10. “The Southern Pantry Cookbook” by Jennifer Chandler (Thomas Nelson) Nielsen BookScan gathers data from about 16,000 locations, representing about 85 percent of the nation’s book sales. Print-book data providers include all major booksellers and Web retailers, and food stores. E-book data providers include all major e-book retailers. Free e-books and those sold for less than 99 cents are excluded. Audio books are excluded. Refer questions to michael.boone@wsj.com. Jean Long, of Findlay, OH is celebrating her 85th birthday! Born on May 24, 1930 to Alwilda Beatrice and William Lewis Clark, Jean is one of fourteen children that were raised on a farm together outside North Baltimore, OH. On June 5, 1948 she married her husband of nearly 56 years, the late William (Bill) F. Long Sr. Together, Jean and Bill raised seven children; Rebecca (Dennis) Hartman of North Ridgeville, OH, Bill Long, Jenny Long, Lori Lanier, Tom (Shellagh) Long, Amy (Brad) Barr and Jason (Susan) Long all of Findlay. There are six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. A homemaker and fantastic cook, Jean’s soft sugar cookies and homemade pie crust are legendary. In addition to baking she is also an excellent bird watcher and long-time member of the Hancock County Naturalists. An avid reader, she also enjoys sports and never misses a Buckeye football or basketball game. She also loves the Pittsburgh Steelers and Cleveland Indians. The heart of our family, she is a loving, warm, caring person we are blessed to call Mom and Grandma. With all our love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM/GRANDMA! T3 Liberty-Benton Retirement Celebration May 26 A celebration for retiring Liberty-Benton employees will be held on May 26, 2015 from 3-5:30 p.m. in the middle school cafeteria. Light refreshments and cake will be served. Guests of Honor: Laurie Collier, Nancy Cramer, Tony England, Mary Garcia, Jill Harmon, Shirley Kostyo, Will Long and Linda Moorhead. +DSS\WK %LUWKGD\'DG May 22, 1925 3DXO %URFNPDQ You’re the Best! Diane DeWees & Family Jim Brockman & Family T4 CELEBR ATIONS ! Happy Birthday to All This week’s celebrity birthdays include: Sunday: Singer Taj Mahal is 73. Drummer Bill Bruford of Yes and King Crimson is 66. Singer-guitarist George Johnson of The Brothers Johnson is 62. Actor Bill Paxton is 60. Actor-comedian Bob Saget is 59. Singer Enya is 54. Actor Craig Ferguson (“The Late Late Show,” ‘’The Drew Carey Show”) is 53. Keyboardist Page McConnell of Phish is 52. Guitarist O’Dell of Mint Condition is 50. Musician Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails is 50. Actor Hill Harper is 49. Singer Jordan Knight (New Kids on the Block) is 45. Singer Darnell Van Rensalier of Shai is 45. Singer Josh Homme of Queens of the Stone Age is 42. Singer Andrea Corr of The Corrs is 41. Singer Kandi Burruss (Xscape) is 39. Musician Passenger is 31. Dancer Derek Hough (“Dancing With the Stars”) is 30. Actress Nikki Reed is 27. Actress Leven Rambin (“Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles”) is 25. Yesterday: Actor Bill Macy (“Maude”) is 93. Actor Robert Morse is 84. Actor Dwayne Hickman (“The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis”) is 81. Bluegrass In Memory of Bradley M. Koontz 7-7-72 • 5-17-14 singer-guitarist Rodney Dillard of The Dillards is 73. Country singer Joe Bonsall of the Oak Ridge Boys is 67. Keyboardist Rick Wakeman of Yes is 66. Singer Mark Mothersbaugh (Devo) is 65. Country singer George Strait is 63. Singer Butch Tavares of Tavares is 62. Actor Chow Yun-Fat (“Anna and the King,” ‘’The Replacement Killers”) is 60. Singer-guitarist Page Hamilton of Helmet is 55. Guitarist Barry Graul of MercyMe is 54. Singer-actress Martika is 46. Comedian Tina Fey is 45. Rapper Special Ed is 41. Musician Jack Johnson is 40. Country singer David Nail is 36. Singer Darryl Allen of Mista is 35. Actor Allen Leech (“Downton Abbey”) is 34. Today: PBS newscaster Jim Lehrer is 81. TV personality David Hartman is 80. Actor James Fox is 76. Actor Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca in “Star Wars”) is 71. Musician Pete Townshend is 70. Singer-bassist Dusty Hill of ZZ Top is 66. Singer-actress-model Grace Jones is 63. Drummer Phil Rudd of AC/DC is 61. Guitarist Iain Harvie of Del Amitri is 53. Actor Jason Gray-Stanford (“Monk”) is 45. Singer Jenny Berggren of Ace of Base is 43. TV personal- ity Kim Zolciak (“Real Housewives of Atlanta”) is 37. Singer Shooter Jennings is 36. Guitarist Tim McTague of Underoath is 32. Guitarist James Richardson of MGMT is 32. Actor Eric Lloyd (“The Santa Clause”) is 29. Actor Nolan Lyons (“Boardwalk Empire”) is 14. Wednesday: Singer-actress Cher is 69. Actor Dave Thomas (“Grace Under Fire,” ‘’SCTV”) is 67. Musician Warren Cann of Ultravox is 63. Actor Dean Butler (“Little House on the Prairie”) is 59. Guitarist Jane Wiedlin of The Go-Go’s is 57. Actor Bronson Pinchot is 56. Singer Susan Cowsill of The Cowsills is 56. Actor John Billingsley (“Enterprise”) is 55. Actor Tony Goldwyn is 55. Singer Nick Heyward of Haircut 100 is 54. TV personality Ted Allen (“Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”) is 50. Actress Mindy Cohn is 49. Guitarist Tom Gorman of Belly is 49. Rapper Busta Rhymes is 43. Bassist Ryan Martinie of Mudvayne is 40. Actor Matt Czuchry (“The Good Wife”) is 38. Singer-actress Naturi Naughton (3LW) is 31. Thursday: Singer Ron Isley of the Isley Brothers is 74. Guitarist Hilton Valentine of The Animals is 72. Actor Richard Hatch (“Battlestar Galactica”) is 70. Keyboardist Bill Champlin (Chicago) is 68. Singer Leo Sayer is 67. 7RDOOWKRVHZKRDWWHQGHG RXUWKDQQLYHUVDU\SDUW\ DQGWKRVHZKRVHQWFDUGV JDYHJLIWV $KXJHWKDQN\RX WRIDPLO\IULHQGVIRU VXFKDQDZHVRPHGD\ Ja[`Yj\<Yjd]f]OaddaYek ,QPHPRU\RI &\QWKLD´&LQG\µ5RVH+HVVRQ Those we love don’t go away... They walk beside us every day... Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, missed, and very dear. Love, Dad, Mom, Brian, Missy & Ashley :HZLVKWRWKDQNDOOWKHIDPLO\IULHQGV FRZRUNHUVFODVVPDWHVPDQ\RWKHUV &LQG\ZRXOGEHKRQRUHGWKDWVKH ZDVUHPHPEHUHG ,I&LQG\RQO\NQHZKRZPXFKWKH ZRUOGPLVVHVKHUKRZPXFKVKH ZDVORYHG )URP+HU3DUHQWV THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 Actor Mr. T is 63. Drummer Stan Lynch (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) is 60. Actress Lisa Edelstein is 49. Singer-guitarist Mikel Jollet of Airborne Toxic Event is 41. Rapper Havoc of Mobb Deep is 41. Actor David Ajala (“Black Box”) is 29. Actress Ashlie Brillault (“Lizzie McGuire”) is 28. Actress Sarah Ramos (“Parenthood,” ‘’American Dreams”) is 24. Friday: Actor Michael Constantine (“My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” ‘’Room 222”) is 88. Actor-director Richard Benjamin is 77. Actor Frank Converse is 77. Actress Barbara Parkins (“Peyton Place,” ‘’Valley of the Dolls”) is 73. Singer Morrissey is 56. Actress Ann Cusack (“Jeff Foxworthy Show,” “A League of Their Own”) is 54. Bassist Dana Williams of Diamond Rio is 54. Guitarist Jesse Valenzuela of Gin Blossoms is 53. Actor Mark Christopher Lawrence (“Chuck”) is 51. Singer Johnny Gill is 49. Bassist Dan Roberts of Crash Test Dummies is 48. Actor Michael Kelly (“House of Cards”) is 46. Model Naomi Campbell is 45. Actress Anna Belknap (“CSI: NY”) is 43. Singer Donell Jones is 42. Actor Sean Gunn (“Gilmore Girls”) is 41. Actress Ginnifer Goodwin is 37. Actress Maggie Q is 36. Saturday: Actress Barbara Barrie is 84. Actress Joan Collins is 82. Actor Charles Kimbrough (“Murphy Brown”) is 79. Actress Lauren Chapin (“Father Knows Best”) is 70. Comedian Drew Carey is 57. Actress Lea DeLaria (“Orange is the New Black”) is 57. Country singer Shelly West is 57. Actor Linden Ashby (“Melrose Place”) is 55. Drummer Phil Selway of Radiohead is 48. Drummer Matt Flynn of Maroon 5 is 45. Singer Lorenzo is 43. Country singer Brian McComas is 43. Singer Maxwell is 42. Singer Jewel is 41. Actor D.J. Cotrona (TV’s “From Dusk Till Dawn,” ‘’G.I. Joe: Retaliation”) is 35. Comedian Tim Robinson (“Saturday Night Live”) is 34. Singer Sarah Jarosz is 24. In Service Cmdr. Peter Halvorsen, a 1994 valedictorian of Findlay High School, has been appointed executive officer of the USS Carney, an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer based in Mayport, Florida. Halvorsen is a 1998 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, majoring in mechanical engineering. He also earned a master’s degree in history from Oxford University, and studied at the Naval War College. He is the son of Fred and Mary Halvorsen of Findlay. /$5*(6(/(&7,21 @9F?AF?:9KC=LK HGLL=<HD9FL=JK :=<<AF?HD9FLKJGK=K ?=J9FAMEK@=J:K H=J=FFA9DK HDMK >9AJQ?9J<=F HD9FLKKMHHDA=K /$5*(6(/(&7,21 75((6 6+58%6 (9(5*5((16 )58,775((6 3/$176 ;=E=L=JQ K9<<D=K HD9FL=JK ?=J9FAMEK 9F<EGJ= Lae]LgGh]fQgmjHggd ;`dgjaf]%;`]ea[Ydk >adl]jKYf\Egj] :(&$55< :MDCK==< N=?=L9:D=HD9FLK K==<HGL9LG=K GFAGFK=LK ?J9H=NAF=K :=JJQ:MK@=K J@M:9J:HD9FLK ?9J<=F>=JLADAR=J D9OF>GG< HGLLAF?KGAD H=9LEGKK LGHKGAD%:9?:MDC @9J<OGG<EMD;@% :9?:MDC H9LAG:DG;CK <=;GJ9LAN=KLGF= GH=F E=EGJA9D<9Q 1%+ 9<9KLGJ=Ç,)1%.+,%(+-) KJ*+-*E&F&G>9<9 C=FLGFKLGJ=Ç,)1%./-%*/)0 1*/=&;GDME:MKKJ./=& EGF&%>JA&1%.3K9L&1%-3KMF&)*%, LANDSCAPE/GARDEN CENTER ooo&f]od]Y^_[&[ge CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 Findlay’s West Street at one point nothing more than a ‘big ditch’ By R.L. HEMINGER South West Street in Findlay’s early days presented quite a different appearance from the present day. It was the scene of what was known as “the big ditch.” It was constructed along the west side of the thoroughfare between the Blanchard River and what was known as the south- end swale, which was located in the vicinity of Lima and Lincoln streets. The “ditch” was constructed to relieve a bad situation that prevailed in that general area, in primitive days. Settlers who came to Findlay in the 1820s and 1830s found much of the downtown and nearby areas under water to a considerable extent. Much of the Hancock County area was originally part of the Black Swamp, and this accounted for the Findlay water, which the newcomers found. The “big ditch,” as it was popu- larly known, was the first drainage improvement in the community. It provided badly needed relief until the city began to install sewers after the Civil War. The ditch began at what was known as Washburn’s windmill factory at the southern end of West Street and ran into the river. It has been described as five or six feet deep and as much as 10 feet in width and was crossed by bridges where necessary. The first bridge was constructed across the Blanchard River in 1843. Teams of horses forded the river before the bridge went in, providing the water was not too high. The river in those days carried more water usually than is the case now in non-flood times. The owners of teams in the old days had their own ways of knowing whether it was safe to drive their horses across. There was a very large stone in the middle of the river. If the water was near the ANNIVERSARY Mr. & Mrs. Ensign Jim and Elaine Ensign of McComb recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married May 2, 1965 at Portage Chapel United Methodist Church, McComb, Ohio. Jim is the son of the late Francis and Helen (Inbody) Ensign, and Elaine is the daughter of the late Lowell and Lillian (Farthing) Troutner. The couple have two children; Keith (Renee) Ensign and Jill Heidlebaugh, all of McComb. There are three grandaughters, Sarah Ensign, Chloe and Lexis Heidlebaugh. Jim continues to farm and Elaine is a retired nurse. top of this stone, teams could no longer cross. “The sides of the river,” says an article by Miss Florence Blackford, Findlay newspaper writer in 1898, “both above and below the town were fringed with heavy forests and woods. On the north side was a flouring mill and a sawmill built by John Campbell which was run by water power derived from the river by a dam east of the bridge and a race which crossed Main Street a couple hundred feet north of the present bridge. “Just west of where the Flint block now is ( just north of the bridge on Main Street) there was ANNIVERSARY T5 a point of land made by the river on one side and the mill race on the other, at the extremity of which grew a very large sycamore tree, the decrepit and melancholy ruins of which remained until the boom of 1887 obliterated so many ancient landmarks.” Miss Blackford goes on to say that there was a footbridge across the river, probably 100 feet west of Main Street. It was three or four feet above the level of the water. The bridge was made of slabs furnished by the sawmill nearby. T his rec a l ls the footbr idge ENGAGEMENT See DITCH, Page T6 Earl and Patricia Nash Earl and Patricia (Walters) Nash will celebrate 70 years of marriage with a family dinner. The Nash’s were married May 19, 1945 in Findlay. Earl Retired from Trout Furniture. Patricia retired from Eastman Kodak. The couple has two sons Russel (Sandy, deceased) of Stow, Ohio and Robert (Tammy) of Findlay, OH. They also have four grandchildren, two step-grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren plus one due in October. Walter-Carlson Kayann Walter and Erik Carlson of Novi, MI have announced their engagement and plans for their July 11, 2015 wedding at Mt. Blanchard UMC. Kayann is the daughter of Michael and Jane Walter of Carey, OH. She graduated in 2013 from the University of Toledo and is employed at Lifetime Fitness, Commerce Twp, MI. Erik is the son of Neil and Jan Carlson of Canton, OH. He graduated in 2013 from the University of Toledo and is employed at Aisin, Plymouth, MI. T6 CELEBR ATIONS ! Ditch Continued from page T5 which stood for a number of years across the river at the end of Western Avenue, when the course of the stream was different than is now the case. In her article, Miss Blackford tells of an interesting incident that involved Peter Byal, who when a boy, found himself on the footbridge, with two daughters of John Line who were accompanying their father over the bridge. The walk was narrow and he proposed to assist the girls. “When at the most convenient point, young Byal found that it was about time to suddenly have a socalled dizzy spell for the fun of it, after three or four startling exclamations and forgetting to let loose of the girls’ hands, off he tumbled into the water, taking them with him. “He recovered sufficiently however to lead the young girls, all dripping wet, to the arms of their anxious parent, who was waiting on the shore to wreak vengeance on the young man. The girls, however, interceded and saved him from violence.” Mr. Byal in later years became janitor of the Findlay High School. 6KHOE\6PLWK Congratulations on your Graduation! McComb High School Class of 2015 Trail of food leads police to burglary suspects MOUNT MORRIS, N.Y. (AP) — Authorities say a trail of macaroni salad leading away from a western New York restaurant helped police track down three burglary suspects. The Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester reported the owners of Build-A-Burger recently told the Livingston County Sheriff’s Office that their surveillance system and cash register had been stolen. Deputies checked out a nearby hiking and biking path, where they found cash register parts, surveillance system parts, rubber gloves, loose change and “a steady trail of macaroni salad.” Police say they later learned that three men had stolen a large bowl of the salad and took turns eating it while making their getaway. The suspects were in custody by early afternoon. All three are charged with burglary, criminal mischief and grand larceny. Congratulations Joanna N. Worst 2015 Carey High School Graduate Small town makes it big with Guinness record setting ice cream sundae NASHVILLE, Mich. (AP) — A small town in southwestern Michigan is waiting eagerly to learn whether it set a world record with the construction of an 1,800-foot ice cream sundae. The Lansing State Journal reported volunteers in Nashville worked for about 10 minutes recently assembling what organizers hope will be declared the world’s longest ice cream sundae. The sweet feat included 192 scoops ice cream and countless amounts of strawberries, cherries, whipped cream and chocolate syrup. Spectators who purchased spoons from event organizers attempted to wolf down the garnished confection before it melted. The sundae surpassed the Guinness world record by 28 feet. Certification for the record-breaking dessert is expected to take six weeks. Love Mom, Dad, Linden III, Austin, Bethany & Grandparents Good luck at Otterbein University next fall! Love, Your Family Nathan Sawaya turns Legos into high art PARIS (AP) — American artist Nathan Sawaya’s “The Art of the Brick” takes a children’s toy and turns it into high art. The show, which recently opened in Paris, contains some 100 sculptures composed of more than 1 million Lego bricks. Sawaya’s most famous work, “Yellow,” a male bust opening his own chest, is featured alongside a 20-footlong skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, as well as a replica of the Venus de Milo statue, the original of which is on display in the nearby Louvre Museum. A former lawyer, Sawaya quit his job in a New York law firm to follow his Lego art passion, and first introduced Lego sculptures to the art world in 2007. He’s since staged exhibitions in North America, Asia, Australia and Europe. “The great thing about Lego bricks is it’s a universal toy... In Africa, I met some folks who’d never played with Lego and never even heard of it. And yet they immediately got it when I brought out a few bricks. And that’s the great thing about using the medium: it makes the art very accessible,” said Sawaya. “The Art of the Brick” runs at Paris Expo-Porte de Versailles until Aug. 30. College Corner Emily Kreinbrink of Leipsic was one of six Ohio high school and college students who have won $1,500 scholarships from Ohio Ag Council. The scholarships are for the 20152016 school year. The students, each of whom is pursuing a degree in an agricultural-related area of study, were chosen based on their academic record, leadership qualities, community involvement, and essay responses. Also, recently named to the dean’s list: • Bailey Heminger, daughter of Kurt and Sue Heminger, Findlay, University of Findlay. ŽŶŐƌĂƚƵůĂƟŽŶƐ ^ĞƚŚĂǀŝĚƌŶŽůĚ 'ƌĂĚƵĂƟŶŐĨƌŽŵ EĞǁZŝĞŐĞů,ŝŐŚ^ĐŚŽŽů Good luck next year at Tiffin University THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 &Žƌ/ŬŶŽǁƚŚĞƉůĂŶƐ/ ŚĂǀĞĨŽƌLJŽƵ͕ ĚĞĐůĂƌĞƐƚŚĞ>ŽƌĚ͘ WůĂŶƐƚŽƉƌŽƐƉĞƌ LJŽƵĂŶĚŶŽƚƚŽŚĂƌŵLJŽƵ͕ ƉůĂŶƐƚŽŐŝǀĞLJŽƵŚŽƉĞ ĂŶĚĂĨƵƚƵƌĞ͘ :ĞƌĞŵŝĂŚϮϵ͗ϭϭ /RYH0RP'DG 6DUDK-HUHP\/HYL -RKQ$XGUD5DFKHO7\OHU Parkview Christian Church is happy to congratulate Christopher Chip Songer on his graduation from Ozark Christian College, Joplin, Missouri on May 16th and his ordination to Christian Ministry on May 17th. Chip graduated from Hilldale High School, Muskogee, Oklahoma in 2010. During his college years, he participated in a mission trip to Tijuana, Mexico at Emmanuel Orphanage, where he organized and led a Vacation Bible School theme; served in a Youth Ministry internship at Muskogee Church of Christ and served as a part-time Worship Minister at East Bartlesville Christian Church, just prior to coming to Findlay. He married Raina (Jernigan) on December 13, 2014 and joined the staff at Parkview Christian Church as Minister of Worship and Arts in March this year. He was ordained by his home church, Boulevard Christian Church on May 17th by Senior Minister James McCracken, Family Minister Steve Moss and assisted by his father Grieg Songer. Congratulations to Chip and Raina and welcome to Parkview Christian Church. CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015 T7 Poetry Corner Ode to my Parents MuFasa, my father Who art in heaven, Why have you forsaken me? To live my life without you These past 15 years. You gave me Love You gave me passion You bore me and gave me life You gave me wisdom You gave me fear You gave me love You gave me birth You gave me will You gave me faith You gave me hope You gave me clothing You gave me food You gave me drink You taught me language You taught me to think You gave me brothers You gave me sisters You gave me family You gave me opportunity You gave me heaven You gave me earth You gave me God You gave me eternity You gave me the possible You gave me the impossible You gave me reality You gave me to dream You gave me everything Both seen and unseen. Ma Mere, my Love Who art still on earth, You are a gift still giving, And giving me rebirth. You gave without taking You made me whole You made me One You made me a Lover You made me a Liver You gave me love With a lifetime of giving You made me appreciate A life worth living You gave me conscience And taught me right from wrong You taught me weakness You taught me to be strong You taught me family And how to get along You gave me kindness And wonder and beauty and grace You gave me everything With the smile on your face You gave me the miracle of life You and Big Mama gave me The perfect example of mother and wife You gave me laughter And communing with the whole human race You gave me the comfort Of never feeling out of place You gave me a dance partner To experience heavenly pace And now I have harmony In my soulmate Grace! So ... Thank you Mother and Father For giving me all these precious things For the life I lead and the love you sing. I hope and pray With you by my side That I may lead my life As well as you sing For you’ve lived your lives You’ve sung your song You’ve danced your dance You’ve separated right from wrong You’ve taught me well The wisdom of the wise You’ve shown me laughter and tears And the passion in your eyes Though two you have been I can tell you apart I realize now and forever You’ve had one beating heart Thank you for the life and love And everything in between For all you have shown For all that you’ve been For all that I’ve grown And all that I’ve known For God and eternity and infinity plus one And everything seen, unseen, and inbetween Thanks again for the journey For holding hands and touching hearts And giving away your four major parts. One part body, one part mind Another part heart, another part soul Thank you again, now and forever, I hope to see you soon. All my love, Always, Your son Robert Robert Wohl, Findlay SPRING See all the beauty, Put your glasses on. Run through the meadows, In the morning or dawn. Never deny all that it is; Go and enjoy, soon it will be gone. Doris Russler, Findlay Findlay local receives second place in Toledo Museum of Art Ekphrastic Poetry Contest TOLEDO — Kerry Trautman, of Findlay, placed second in the adult division of the Toledo Museum of Art’s Ekphrastic Poetry Contest. Ekphrasis, writing about art, has been the theme of the Toledo Museum of Art’s poetry contest since its start in 2009. Entrants are asked to embark on a docent-led tour of the museum’s collection, then submit a poem inspired by a work of art they have seen. Poetry is judged based on originality, form, language, grammatical skill and the creativity of the interpretation. Trautman’s poem, titled “Junk,” was inspired by Joel Sternfeld’s “Yard Sale, Fremont, CA, 1983.” T8 CELEBR ATIONS ! THE COURIER TUESDAY, MAY 19, 2015
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