Let`s all go to


Let`s all go to
Tokyo’s Retro Gateway
Let’s all go to
Ota City Tokyo
Kamata Kiriko
Haneda Festival
Haneda International Airport
Ikegami Honmonji
A retro yet vital area, Ota ward!
Hanetsuki Gyoza
Dotted with various characteristic areas ranging from exclusive
high-end residential areas to energetic yet retro downtown venues,
Ota City has a lot to offer. Minutes from both Haneda Airport and the
central part of Tokyo, it is also easily accessible.
Senzoku Pond
shopping street
Tama River
Ota 別冊
Tokyo's Retro Gateway
Let s all go to
Ota City!
Dotted with various characteristic areas ranging from
exclusive high-end residential areas to energetic yet
retro downtown venues, Ota City has a lot to offer.
Minutes from both Haneda Airport and the central part
of Tokyo, it is also easily accessible.
Ota, a Mosaic City
Your first contact with Ota City may
come sooner than you expect. As you step
off your plane at Haneda Airport, you will
find that you are already in Ota, a unique
area within Metropolitan Tokyo that covers
the largest land mass among its 23 city
wards. Like a mosaic that is formed with
tiny pieces of gems, the city is dotted with
an array of unique venues, each shining in
its special way.
Of those gems, Denenchofu - an exclusive residential area - may be the first to
catch your attention. In contrast to the
high society atmosphere of Denenchofu,
there is also Kamata, another gem that
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
shines in a more energetic way. As the
city s largest commercial district, Kamata is
always crowded, with countless shops and
restaurants. Without getting too deep into
the divergent qualities of Ota s many great
places to visit, let s step back a moment
and take a look at the overall picture.
Out of the many unique characteristics
of Ota City, what charms people the most
is perhaps the atmosphere that many of
its areas have retained: a nostalgic atmosphere of good old Tokyo . The city has
more than 150 shopping streets, unrivaled anywhere else in Tokyo, where many
mothers hunt around energetically for
good buys for dinner while carrying on
lively conversations with the shopkeepers.
These streets are some of the best places
to find delicious, reasonably priced snacks.
It is also home to almost half the public
bathhouses in Tokyo, not to mention that
their sources are natural hot spring water.
These include the city s renowned Kuro-yu
–the black hot springs, literally. In Ota,
retro-style bathhouses and all the modern
conveniences can be find situated sideby-side, and the total sum of all of these
delightful parts offers unique enjoyment
that is much greater than will a quick,
cursory look at the area as a whole.
But wait, that is not the end of the
story. During the Edo period, Ota prospered as the primary producer of Nori
(black paper seaweed). After World War
II, a highway was built that passed through
Ota and connected on to Osaka, which combined with the airport - turned Ota
into a transportation hub that supported
the development of greater Tokyo. There
are still many small factories that produce
high-quality machinery parts, ranging
from parts for generic products such as
mobile phones to those that are more
specialized, to be used for bullet trains and
the Hayabusa spacecraft for explorations
into space. It is probably fair to say that
Ota is one of the pillars of the Japanese
manufacturing industry.
Naturally hospitable people, residents in
Ota City have long been described as being
friendly to foreign visitors. The city council
is actively upgrading both its tangible and
intangible infrastructure, so that it will
become better able to welcome its growing
number of foreign visitors. Considering
its close proximity to Haneda Airport, the
gateway to Tokyo, why not stop by and see
it for yourself? It would be a pity to miss a
chance to visit the retro city.
Kamata, the city center of Ota, Kamata is only
10 minutes away from both Haneda Airport
on the Keikyu line and Shinagawa on the JR
Keihin Tohoku line.
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
Strolling through Ota City
Blend in with
the locals in the
shopping streets
There are a number of different faces to our beloved Ota City. The best way to discover
its charm might be to take a leisurely stroll through the city at your own pace.
Ota City boasts the largest number of shopping streets, or shotengai , in Tokyo.
There you will find housewives socializing while taking care of their everyday shopping needs. It is the best place for tourists to mingle into the local social scene and
discover the hidden sights and tastes.
Mingling with the locals on the shopping streets
Located next to Kojiya station
on the Keikyu line, this shopping arcade is always packed
with women looking for a great
b a rg a i n, of fe r i n g eve r y th i n g
from food to everyday goods.
Stop by for a bite in one of the
many traditional-st yle shops
for a true Ota experience!
■ Access: 3min walk from
Kojiya station on Keikyu line
■ http://www.koujiya-shop.
Specialty products of Ota
Ota City is known for its small-scale manufacturing, which serves to
support Japan s innovative new technology. The city also produces
fine crafts that add glamor to our daily lives.
■ http://www.glassforest.co.jp/index.html
Originally designed in 1937, the elegant bamboo chair was remanufactured to
celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the company s production department.
Sold at their showroom and at Mitsukoshi department stores.
■ http://www.mkdesign.co.jp/mkd/product4.php (Japanese only)
Tsume Komachi Nail file
Manufactured through superior crafting techniques and
state-of-the-art precision machining, this safe-to-use nail
file is a testament to Japanese craftsmanship and attention to detail.
■ http://www.quolio.com/1_35.html
The production of nori is said to have
started in the early 18th century. Blessed
with abundant water,
Omori was Japan s
main production center
from the very beginning. Almost 50 years
after the local production of nori had come
to an end, Omori today
remains an important
wholesale center for
Okura Toen
Founded in Kamata in 1919, Okura Toen has made its
name in high class tableware with its superior quality and
design. Sold at Haneda Airport s Wako shop.
■ http://www.okuratouen.co.jp/english/
Uokame s owner Yuji Toriumi and his son Koki
The shop is run by the cheerful
Miyashita family.
■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00, Closed Sun & Holidays
■ Address:3-12-14 Minami-Kamata
Umeyashiki Shoutengai
A lively shopping street that stretches across an entire
kilometer, offering a mesmerizing line of small, inviting
■ Access: Faces Umeyashiki station on the Keikyu line
■ URL: http://www.umeyashiki.com/en
The hearty aroma of deep
fried pork (70 yen) and
beef croquette (110 yen)
seems to entice people to
this butcher shop. Juicy
and delicious, a big smile
is practically guaranteed
with a bite!
Okoshi of fers a great selection
of family-st yle cook ing. Handmade by the owners and chefs, a
husband and wife team that gets
up at three o clock every morning
to prepare 80 types of freshlymade dishes, the items are sold in
portions starting as small as 100
grams. Stop by and sample the
different Japanese flavors offered.
■ Hours: 10:00 – 19:00,
Closed Sun ■ Address:
1-6-9 Haginaka
■ Hours: 10:00 – 18:00
■ Address: 2-4-3 Kamata
Otaya Shop Manager
Tomio Onozuka
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
Mr. and Ms. Takase, always happy,
cook all their offerings
Nori, or Black Paper Seaweed
■ Address: 3-1-19 Rokugo
The shop offers more than 30 types of deep fried
fish patties to choose from, and you can select
your own set of five mini-pieces starting at 367 yen
a piece. Munch into your fish patties as a snack to
go, or use it in your cooking to enhance the flavor
of soups.
Fish pickled in miso is the best seller, sold at a surprizingly reasonable 350 Yen. No wonder then that locals
and professional chefs alike buy here. Indulge in some
of the freshly prepared dishes at the spot!
The beautifully designed modern kiriko glass has
been selected one of the best luxury souvenirs in the
Charming Japanese Souvenirs Contest held by the
Japanese Tourism Agency this year.
Bamboo Chair
Aikawaya Kamaboko Shop
■ Hours: 9:30 – 19:30, Closed Sun & Holidays
■ Address: 2-1-17 Haginaka
Kamata Kiriko
Crafting and Manufacturing in Ota
Known as the city of craftsmanship, Ota City is home to more than
4,000 factories. Around 80% of these
are small and medium enterprises that
have less ten employees. However,
being small does not mean that these
factories are lightweights in the supply
chain. The high overall number of
factories makes it possible for
each small plant to focus on its
own specialty, and to continuously improve its production
process. As testament to the
quality that is produced here,
some machinery parts of the
Hayabusa spacecraft and the
Shinkansen bullet trains are produced
right here in Ota. When visiting Tokyo,
take a moment to look around you̶
you re bound to find something that
was made with parts manufactured in
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
Tokyu Toyo
Strolling through Ota City
Denenchofu sta.
Ishikawadai sta.
Tamagawa sta.
Tama River
a ha
There are a number of different faces to our beloved Ota City. The best way to discover
its charm might be to take a leisurely stroll through the city at your own pace.
Okusawa sta.
Meet nature and high-class residence
in Denenchofu
ur o
i lin
Me g
Numabe sta.
uka li
Yukigayaotsuka sta.
Kamata is the busy center of Ota City where a vast variety
of stores ranging from big franchises to tiny, unique shops,
restaurants and bars seem to entice you forever. A few
minutes walk from the bustling station will lead you to a whole
different world that s reminiscent of the good old days.
Be healed by the city and its nature
Denenchofu Station
This savory fried noodle staple, priced at
around a reasonable 700 yen, features ingredients that are symbolic of Ota city, such as
nori (seaweed) and clams. There are around
30 shops that sell shio-yakisoba in Ota City.
For a unique experience, try Hokaen, where
the chef prepares the noodles right in front
of you.
■ Shio-Yakokisoba ■ URL: http://www.
■ Hokaen ■ Hours: 11:30 – 15:00 (Lunch)
18:00-22:00 (Dinner)
■ Address: 5-10-1 Kamata ■ Access:
5-min. walk from JR Kamata station
Osushi-dokoro Daigo
Built in 1923 and torn down in 1990
for renovation, the train station
wa s re sto re d in 20 0 0 in re s p o nse
to t h e w i s h e s o f l o c a l r e s i d e n t s ,
and had since become a symbol of the
Located near Denenchofu station, Daigo
is known as the place to taste both genuine
Edomae and Kansai -style sushi. To celebrate
the commencement of international flights out
of Haneda Airport, it offers a special roll called
Haneda-maki , featuring Anago (Japanese
spotted conger eel) caught off of Haneda. Get a
glimpse of the professional itamae sushi chefs
through the shop s glass window.
L epi D or
Lepi D or, a French-style patisserie, is loved by local residents of
all ages. Its pastries are prepared with meticulous skill using
only the best ingredients, and are popular as gift items. The café,
located on the 2nd floor, lets you indulge your sweet-toothed
■ Hours: 9:00 – 19:30 (shop), 9:30-18:30 (last orders taken at
18:00, Café) ■ Hours: 9:00 – 19:30 (shop), 9:30-18:30 (LO 18:00,
Café) Closed Wed ■ Address:3-24-14 Denenchofu ■ Access:
1min walk from Denenchofu station on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu
Meguro lines ■ URL: http://www.lepi-dor.co.jp/ (Japanese only)
Daigo Owner and Chef Shoji Moriya
■ Hours: 8:30 – 20:00
■ Address: 3-1-4
Denenchofu (main)/ at the east exit of
Denenchofu station (station branch)
■ Access: 0min walk from Denenchofu station
on Tokyu Toyoko and Tokyu Meguro lines
■ URL: http://www.daigo-sushi.com/index.php
(Japanese only)
Mr. Inagaki (L) gives Ms. Takahashi taiko lessons
Taiko Lessons
Tama River
Alongside their successful Nori (seaweed)
business, the president of Morihan
S o h o n p o a l s o r u n s c l a s s e s i n Ta i k o
(Japanese drums). Why not test your talents
in beats and rhythm? Lessons are available
for different levels of skill.
Senzokuike Park
Enjoy romantic paddle boats, the graceful
Ikezuki bridge, and strolls through the garden.
The park offers magnificent views of cherry
blossoms in spring.
■ Address:2-14-5 Minami-senzoku ■ Access:
2min walk from Senzokuike station on Tokyu
Ikegami line
■ Trial session 2000 yen ■ Book at http://
Morihan s Mr. Makino
Hanetsuki Gyoza
W h e n ta lk in g a b o u t K a m ata, th e s e f r i e d d u m p lings might be the first thing that might come up in
the conversation. Taste the hand-made dumplings,
prepared freshly every day.
Owner and chef Mr. Shimizu
Mr. Oshima and Ms. Nakamura,
the friendly staff at Lepi D or.
Remembering the good old days in Ikegami
Escape from daily routine
at the waterfront
A warm, historic walk
My favorite place is
Ikegami. I love taking
my friends from abroad
to the area around
Honmonji because there
are so many Japanese
traditions that still
prosper there.
Ikegami Baien
■ Address: 1-1-1 Ikegami ■ Access: 10min walk
Ikegami Honmon-ji
Ikegami line
Ikegami is famous for its Kuzumochi , a sweet Japanese dessert. Three old
shops; Asano-ya, Ikeda-ya, and Sagami-ya have been offering Kuzumochi around
the Honmonji area since the Edo period. Try this healthy confectionery in all three
stores and see if you can taste the difference.
Ikegami Honmonji was erected upon the site of
a great Buddhist monk Nichiren s final resting
place. Climb the stairs to the imposing fivetiered pagoda, snap a few pictures, and pay your
respects. The neighboring and famous Ikegami
Baien (plum-blossom gardens) lets you enjoy the
cute flagrant flowers from mid-February.
Toei Asakusa line
Ikegami sta.
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
T h o s e i n t e resting facilities
a t t h e w a t e rfront are highly
Ikegami Honmonji
Nishimagome sta.
An island where children and adults alike can play
Ms. Pattama Iida
from Thailand,
Tourism Ambassador
of Ota City
Heiwa-jima and Showa-jima are
landfill islands that are important for
production and circulation. Over the
years, man-made facilities have blended
in perfectly with nature. Come here and
enjoy an escape from daily routine.
Tamae Takayama from Taiwan,
Tourism Ambassador of Ota City
from Ikegami station on Tokyu Ikegami line
■ URL: http://honmonji.jp/foreign/en.html
Shojin Ice Cream
Ice cream here is not made of milk but of soy
beans! The ice cream comes in seven flavors
including tofu and Japanese tea, in addition to
some seasonal ones. The delicate taste is sure to
make you smile.
■ Oyama no Mise Tachibana ■ Hours: 10:00 –
16:00, Closed Mon ■ Access: Right by Ikegami
Honmonji s Soshi-do
Kumagai Tsuneko
Commemorative Hall
The home of Tsuneko Kumagai,
a former calligraphy instructor
to former Princess Michiko (now
the Empress of Japan), turned
into a museum for exhibiting the
calligrapher s work and life. You
can also try your hand at calligraphy at the commemorative
■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 (entr y
u n ti l 16:0 0), C l o s e d M o n ■
A d d r e s s : 4 - 5 -1 5 M i n a m i Magome ■ Access: 10-min.
walk from Nishi-Magome station
on Toei Asakusa line ■ URL:
ht tp://w w w.cit y.ota.tok yo.jp/
shisetsu/h a k u b u t s u k a
n / kumag a i _kinenkan.html
(Japanese only)
Heiwajima Boat Race
Heiwajima Park Athletics
Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park
Ota Market
If you want to try something new at the
waterfront, it s very exciting watching
a boat race and taking part in public
gambling. For more details, check out
the their website.
■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima ■ Access:
Free shuttle buses are available from
Heiwajima station, Keihin Kyuko line/
100 yen shuttle from JR Omori station
and Omori Kaigan station ■ URL: http://
An amusement park for adults and children alike. Climb your way through the
40 obstacles and get that adrenaline
■ Hours: 9:30 – 15:00 ■ Address: 2-1
Heiwa no Mori Koen ■ Admission: 360
yen for adults, 100 yen for elementary
school students ■ Access: 10- min.
walk from Heiwajima station on the
Keikyu line ■ URL: http://www.city.ota.
tokyo.jp/shisetsu/spor ts/fieldathletics.
html (Japanese only)
Once a landfill swamped by rain water
until 1989 when the park had been set
up. Nature flourishes here with more
than 100 varieties of birds.
Ota market is Tokyo s largest wholesale
market, offering fresh fruit, flowers, and
fish.Situated near Haneda Airport, the
market is open to visitors for its morning
auction sessions. Make sure to arrive
■ Address: 3-2-1 Tokai ■ Access:
20-min. walk from Ryutsu Center station
on the Tokyo Monorail
■ URL: http://www.shijou.metro.tokyo.
jp/info/03.html (Japanese only)
■ Hours: 9:00 – 16:30 Closed Mon and
New Year Holidays ■ Access:
15-min. walk from Ryutsu Center station
on the Tokyo Monorail ■ Address: Tokai
3-1 ■ Admission: 300 yen for adults ■
URL: http://www.wbsj.org/wbsj-blog/
yachoukouen/ (Japanese only)
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
Don't leave Ota City before taking a little dip in their famous onsen
(hot springs).
Take a dip in one of the many unique hot spring bathhouses
Hot springs visits for your casual enjoyment
While the fact may not be widely known, Tokyo has quite a few
natural hot spring baths, especially in Ota City.
Check out Public Bath Association's multilingual website for
more info.
Milk (plain or cof feeflavored) never tastes
better than after a bath!
For a traditional public bath experience, Myojin-yu is the place to go. It
has all the elements of a traditional
p u b l i c b a t h h o u s e. T h o u g h t h e
temperature of the water might be a
tad too hot for some people (over 40
°C), the herbal bath should provide
a great experience for everyone.
■ Hours: 16:00 – 23:00, Closed
5th, 15th and 25th of each month
■ Address: 5-14-7 Minami-yukigaya
■ Admission: 450 yen ■ Access:
20 min from Yukigaya station on the
Tokyu Ikegami line
Heiwajima Onsen
Ota City is famous for its Kuro-yu (black hot spring
water). Though the opacity of the color varies, the low
alkaline level water and very good for your skin.
■ Hours: 10:00 – 23:00
■ Address: 2-7-5 Nakarokugo ■ Admission: 450 yen
■ Access: 3-min. walk from Zoshiki station on the
Keihin Kyuko line
Situated only 15 minutes from Haneda Airport, this
onsen boasts saunas, open-air baths, massages, and
endless relaxation̶a great way to unwind after a long
Relax in the bathtub at Kaisei-yu as you enjoy watching
the goldfish swimming gracefully in the large tank in
front of you̶but make sure you don t soak too long in
the bath watching the fish!
■ Hours: 15:30 – 24:30, Closed Fri
■ Address: 5-10-5 Nishikamata
■ Admission: 450 yen
■ Access: 8-min. walk from JR Kamata station
■ Address: 1-1-1 Heiwajima ■ Admission: 1500 yen
(weekday), 1800 yen (weekend) ■ Access:Free shuttle
from Heiwajima station on the Keikyu line
URL: http://www.heiwajima-onsen.jp/en/index.html
There s no need to bring
any thing for your bath
if you ask for a 100- to
2 0 0 -y e n te b u r a s e t
( hands-free set which
includes a towel and a
small bar of soap) at the
Let's all go to Ota City Tokyo
Gear up at Haneda
Haneda Airport s information
desk has many pamphlets
and other information on Ota
city. You can get geared up
before you leave the airport!
Ota-ku office Tourism Department
0 大田区産業プラザ3階
■Address: 3F-1-20-20 Minamikamata, Ota-ku
■Tel: 03-3733-6190
■E-mail: kanko@city.ota.tokyo.jp
Tokyo’s Retro Gateway
Let’s all go to
Ota City Tokyo
Kamata Kiriko
Haneda Festival
Haneda International Airport
Ikegami Honmonji
A retro yet vital area, Ota ward!
Hanetsuki Gyoza
Dotted with various characteristic areas ranging from exclusive
high-end residential areas to energetic yet retro downtown venues,
Ota City has a lot to offer. Minutes from both Haneda Airport and the
central part of Tokyo, it is also easily accessible.
Senzoku Pond
shopping street
Tama River
Ota 別冊