Ota City Navigation
Ota City Navigation
Ota City Navigation 2013.03 Multilingual Newsletter for International Residents Population of Ota City Vol.19 English Total = 696,644 Japanese = 678,443 Foreign Residents = 18,201 As of February 1, 2013 Join together in a club ! Foreign nationals are warmly welcomed ! These clubs of Ota City we introduce this time are based in consumer center where mics Ota is located. Take time and see thier activities Come enjoy creating Senryu (humorous or ironic haiku poems) with us! ● Date/Time: Every 2nd Sunday of the month, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ● Fees: \1,000 (each visit), \3,000 (annual fee) ● Current members: 18 members (One third of our members are female members) ● Inquiries: ☎ 03-3729-1841 (Oumi) when you visit mics Ota. Tanka Kayou kai” “ Discuss and critique the work of your fellow poets. ● Date/Time: The 1st Tuesday of the month, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ● Fees: \5,000 (for 6 Months) ● Current members: 13 members (female: 12 members, male: 1 member) ● Inquiries: ☎ 03-3778-2083 A photography club (Sudo) founded 18 years ago. Enhance your photography skills, by promotion and communications with each other. “Shiraume” (a collection of Senryu’s ● Date/Time: Every 3rd Wednesday of the works) is published six times a year. month, 0:45 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ● Fees: \1,000 (enrollment fee) and \1,500 (cost, Senryu only the 1st time) Shiraume kai ● Current members: 20 members (female: 3 Photography members, male: 17 members) Design and coloring still “Ota Photos, Four Seasons” ● Inquiries: life, etc. ☎ 03-3751-7917 (Fujimoto) “Photography exhibition” will be held at “ ” Ota Kumin Plaza from May 24-26, 2013! ● Date/Time: Every 1st Saturday of the month, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ● Fees: approx. \1,700 (once a month, total 4 times:\6,500) and \1,000 (annual fee) ● Current members: 7-8 members ● Inquiries: ☎ 090-8460-0391 (Yokochi) Writing haiku (Japanese poems) through senses of sight and feelings. ● Date/Time: Every 2nd Thursday of the month, 1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. ● Current members: 10 members Art club “Atelier club” (female: 8 members, male: 2 members) ● Inquiries: ☎ 03-3736-6106 (Mikami, night only) “Mutsuki Haiku kai” Ota City Sakura Viewing Japanese people always look forward to the blooming of cherry blossoms (Sakura). They enjoy viewing cherry blossoms and anticipate the coming of Spring. In addition, Japanese view cherry blossom season as part of their traditional culture, and enjoy picnics (Hanami) with friends amidst the glorious scenery of full blooms. Enjoy a walk around these scenic spots located in the City. Ota Sakura Week 2013 Why don’t you walk around scenic cherry blossom viewing spots in the City with a guide or through a stamp rally tour? For more details, please refer to “Ota City Tourism【Spring】”, an information magazine, or visit the web site of Ota City Tourism Association. Ota City Cherry Blossom Viewing Walk with a guide by volunteers ① Magome writers’ village & museum tour = March 30 ② Tama-gawa River tour = March 31 21th Century Sakura Festival ③ Ikegami-Honmon-ji Temple tour = April 6 Folk songs, dancing, games, information corner, event booths, ●Fee: \500 per course flea market, etc. ●Capacity: each 30 persons selected by lottery ※ This festival may be cancelled due to rain. ●Application: application must be made on a reply-paid postcard ●Date/Time: March 31 (Sun.), 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. or by fax to the following Association (clearly state the name of ●Venue: Green Space of Gas Bridge at Tama-gawa River. the course, and all applicants’ names, ages, addresses and phone ●Application: reservations unnecessary numbers). Applications must be postmarked no later than 10 days before each tour held for these walking tours. 【Inquiries】 Ota City Tourism Association 【Inquiries】 Yaguchi Branch (144-0035 Minami Kamata 1-20-20) ☎ 03-3759-4686 FAX 03-3759-1492 ☎ 03-3734-0202 FAX 03-3734-0203 (http://www.o-2.jp) Map of scenic cherry blossom spots in Ota City: 15 ① Kyu-Nomikawa Green Field 14 12 ② 1st Park of East –Koujuya ③ Haginaka Park 13 Omori Sta. 11 10 8 ④ Honhaneda Park ⑤ R ow of cherry blossoms along the Green 6 Space of Rokugo Bridge 7 ⑥ Magome row of cherry blossoms trees ⑦ I kegami-Honmon-ji Temple, Honmon-ji Temple Park 9 ⑧ Nakaikegami 1 Kamata Sta. ⑨ 21th century’s row of cherry blossoms trees along the Green Space of Gas Bridge 2 ⑩ Sakura-zaka Slope Rokugo canal ⑪ Promenade along羽田空港 第 2 ビル Park ⑫ Tamagawa-dai 羽田空港 3 5 4 第 1 ビル 羽田空港 Yukigaya Junior High ⑬ N omikawa (near 国内線ターミナル 羽田空港 国際線ターミナル 港線 School) 京浜急行空 羽田空港 国際線ビル 新整備場駅 ⑭ Senzoku Little Liver ⑮ Senzoku-ike Park 2 When you need to inquire the contact numbers on this magazine in a foreign language,the services could be available at Interpeople Community Centre(ICC)'s multilingual Information desk. TEL = 03-6424-8822 Opening hours = 10:00 〜 17:00 Notice form the City Office Upcoming events Happy Time for babies and fathers (3 day event) Cool Ota-Ku Ambassador (14th) Relay Column rapoom Bunditvo n Kieatipho My name is Kieatiphon Support babies’ fathers by baby-dance and massage. Bunditvorapoom and I come from ●Eligibility: the 1st baby (aged 2 months – a crawling Bangkok, Thailand. From last year, I baby) and father. ●Date/Time: April 14 and 28, and May 12, 10:00 a.m.noon. ●Venue: Escena Ota have been playing an active part as a Cool Ota-ku Ambassador. I am very honored. I currently live in Kugahara in Ota ●Capacity: 15 groups selected by lottery. City. Ota City has a variety of places rich with attractive culture ●Application: please apply to Escena Ota by e-mail or and history. Even though we are near central Tokyo, there are fax (clearly state baby’s name and age. many quiet residential and green areas in Ota City. Prices are Applications must arrive no later than lower, and many foreigners live here, so it is very international. March 28. Ota City has many shopping streets, so I feel very comfortable. 【Inquiries】Escena Ota Thailand has no shopping streets, so I was very amused when I ☎ 03-3766-4586 FAX 03-5764-0604 came to Japan. Kamata and Omori have large shopping streets E-mail:escena @ escenaota.jp with both old and new shops as well as restaurants. As Ambassador my aim is to promote the charms of Ota City. I recommend Ikegami-honmon-ji Temple, near Ikegami Station on Tokyu-Ikegami Line. This Temple is very popular to visit during Setsubun (start of a new season), cherry blossoms viewing in Film Festival for Children ●Eligibility: b abies and their parents, or elementary school students. ●Date/Time: M arch 23 (Sat.), 10:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m. ●Films: “Ojaru-maru”, etc. ●Capacity : first 80 persons. ●Reservation unnecessary. the Spring and Oeshiki (anniversary of death of the founder) in Autumn There is a garden containing red and white plum trees around the Temple, and you may hear the warbler’s singing. Ota City has many Japanese traditional sweet shops offering Kuzumochi (Japanese cakes made of kudzu starch), etc. You can spend a relaxing day and be isolated from the hustle and bustle. I often visit there with my three sons. I would be very pleased if you came to visit Ota City. ●Venue : Omori-nishi Library ※ These films will be played in Japanese language. 【Inquiries】Omori-nishi Library ☎ 03-3763-1191 FAX 03-3298-6022 Aprico, String Orchestra Lesson for Junior Children “Spring Concert 2013” ●Date/Time: March 24 (Sun.), 3:00 p.m. start. ●Special Guest: Nishi-Rokugo Boys and Girls Chorus ●Venue: Aprico Main Hall ※ Admissions limited to persons aged 4 years or older only. ●Inquiries: Ota City Cultural Promotion Association ☎ 03-5744-1600 03-5744-1599 【Inquiries】 Tourism Department ☎ 03-3733-6190 FAX 03-3733-6103 Ota City Navigation 2013/3/15 Issued on the 15th every month (excluding January and August) 3 Ota Interpeople Community Center Two minutes walk from Ota City Office http://www.micsota.jp/index.html TEL = 03-6424-8822 ◆ About Ota Interpeople Community Center? This is a place where international residents can meet, and interact freely. Ota City Interpeople Community Center was established in September 2010 by Ota City by reforming the Multilanguage Information Center established in October 2009. ◆ Services provided by the Center ◇ Consultations in Multiple Languages: Support is offered in multiple languages to the international residents residing in Ota City. Consultations regarding daily matters, employment, aid with application procedures to Ota City Office, and more. Please feel free to ask us for assistance. Interpeople Community Center 蒲 Consultations are free of charge. For example- Frequently asked questions regarding 東急線 JR 線 ◇ Translations: Generally free of charge for documents to submit to Ota City (e.g. Birth 大田 区役 所 Consultation schedules listed below. 田駅 Child Allowance (Kodomo Teate), divorce, visa, etc. certificate for Child Allowance application, etc). Please consult us for other kinds of 東口 ロータリー 銀行 translation. ◇ Interpretation (verbal translations): Interpreters are sent to Ota City related facilities. Inquries: Interpeople Community Center ☎ 03-6424-8822 至川崎 環状八号線 Ota CIty Navigation has been published as 4 pages from this issue. We hope you like it. 【Inquiries】 Interpeople Community Center ☎ 03-6424-8822 FAX 03-5710-6330 Multilingual consutation schedule Languages Monday Tuesday English Thursday Friday 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 Saturday Sunday 10:00-17:00 Chinese 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 Tagalog 10:00-17:00 10:00-17:00 Vietnam Wednesday 10:00-17:00 13:00-17:00 (2nd,3rd) 13:00-17:00 (1st,2nd) 13:30-17:00 (2nd,4th) 13:00-17:00 Thai (4th) ▶ Make a reservation when you need an interpreter of any of the following languages: Korean,Spanish,Portuguese,Thai,Russian,Urdu,Nepali,Hindi Bengali,Persian,Burmese,Mongolian The schedule may be changed. Please ask details to mics Ota. 4 Issued on March 15,2013 Multicultrual Society Section,Ota City Office 144-8621 5-13-14,Kamata,Ota TEL = 03-5744-1717 FAX = 03-5744-1518 http://www.city.ota.tokyo.jp E-mail: tabunka@city.ota.tokyo.jp
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