Multilingual Guidance for high school entrance
Multilingual Guidance for high school entrance
A Newsletter for Foreign Nationals English 2013.06 Vol.22 c n e a f d i o u 6/30 r G l a u g s c h h n g o i i o h l l i ent r a t l u nce M Sponsored by: Executive Committee on Guidance to enter high schools in Tokyo Supported by: Ota City Board of Education For students and parents, whose native language is not Japanese, and would like to attend Japanese High School, we are offering a multilingual guidance class to help in this transition. In this guidance, we will offer explanations in, enrollment, school fees, and the educational system. We also offer consultations in regards to residence problems. Date/Time: July 30 (Sun.), 2013, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Venue: 1 st Meeting Room, Ikegami Hall Ikegami hall 1-32-8 Ikegami Honmonji Temple Tokyu Ikegami Line Ikegami hall 5min. walk from Ikegami Sta. do o San Ikegami Library 【Inquiries】 OCNet ☎ 03-3730-0556 Fax 03-3730-0556 Ikegami St. Ikegami Sta. onji Bank n-m f Ho Content: e xplanations regarding High School entrance examinations (interpretation services offered), experiences shared by previous applicants and their guardians as well as individual consultations (about education or daily challenges). Interpretation: Interpretations are offered in English, Chinese, Tagalog or Nepali. If you need an interpreter of another language, please contact us in advance. Fee: \300 Ikegami General Hp. to Kamata Notice from the City Office Recruiting members for Ota City Multicultural Society Promotion Council Where do you consider a comfortable city for both Reporting your current situation of the Jido-teate (Child Allowance) is required. ◆ Report of current situation: foreigners and Japanese to be? We are recruiting Reporting your current situation is required to receive the members to investigate this question at the “multicultural Jido-teate and special benefits as of June. This form and society” together. information will be sent by post to eligible persons in the ● Eligibility: Ota City residents aged 20 years or older, beginning of June. Please mail or bring this form to the ● Period: until March 31, 2015 following Section by June 28. ● Application: Please send an application form (available at mics Ota or the counter of the Multicultural Society Section). This application should be received from July 1st to 31. ● Number of members that will be accepted: 4 foreign 【Inquiries】 Medical Care for Children Section, Child Care Support Department: ☎ 03-5744-1275 FAX 03-5744-1525 residents and 2 Japanese residents. ● Please note that if you are accepted as a member, you must be able to attend on this Council 4 times a year. 【Inquiries】 Multicultural Society Section: ☎ 03-5744-1717 FAX 03- 5744-1518 Japanese culture ∼“Yoroshiku”onegai shimasu. ∼ “Yoroshiku” is often used in different circumstances. For example, ① when you are introduced to a Japanese person, you might say “(Dozo)Yoroshiku onegai shimasu”, implying “How do you do?”, “Please remember me.” or “Please continue your favors toward me.” ② When it is said at the end of a business talk or any request made, it implies “I leave it to your best judgment.”, “I trust it to your discretion.” or “Your kind action is requested.” ③ When you want to ask someone to convey your best regards to another person you were unable to meet, you might say “X-san ni Yoroshiku otsutae kudasai.” 2 When you need to inquire in foreign languages, do not hesitate to come to mics Ota(Interpeople Community Centre(ICC))'s multilingual Information desk. TEL = 03-6424-8822 Opening hours = 10am 〜 5pm Checklist Book for disaster prevention at home This Book introduces simple disaster prevention Ota City Amateur Music Festival 2013 “Aprico Music Box” ① Eurhythmics with parents and their children: measures that can be taken at home. You can protect enjoyable time together playing rhythmic games, etc. yourself and your family against disasters and accident ●Eligibility: children aged 1-3 years and their guardians. preventions by keeping this book on hand. This book is ●Date/Time: July 21 (Sun.), 10:30 a.m.- issued in 4 languages (Japanese, English, Chinese and ② “The Gift of Song” from the students of Tokyo Hangeul). University of the Arts: Solo and choral performances. ●Eligibility: admission is available for children aged 4 years and ● Available at: mics Ota (Interpeople Community Center), Ota City Special Branches Ota City Office 2nd floor (Policy Reference Corner), 5th floor (Disaster Preparation Department) 6th floor (Multicultural Society Section). older ●Date/Time: July 21 (Sun.), 3:00 p.m.③ Percussion performance SHOW!: 5 percussionists’ performing on stage. ●Date/Time: July 27 (Sat.), 11:00 a.m.●Venue: Aprico Small Hall/ No reserved seating available. ●Fee: ① & ③ =Adults: ¥1,000 (excluding elementary school students or seniors: ¥500), ②=¥1,000 Music Festival’s Web site: 【Inquiries】 Multicultural Society Section: ☎ 03-5744-1717 FAX 03- 5744-1518 【Inquiries】 Aprico: ☎ 03-5744-1600 FAX 03-5744-1599 Trip Around Ota City What are Coolすす Ota-Ku Ambassadors? かんこう た い し 観光大使のお勧めスポット For the purpose of promoting Ota City’s charms to the world, Ota City appoints foreigners living, working or studying, etc., in the City as “Cool Ota-Ku Ambassadors”. These Ambassadors will participate in Ota City’s events. They A swearing-in ceremony of “Cool "Ota-Ku Ambassadors” is a tourism ambassador group. A selection meeting was held on May 20. Nineteen people from nine countries and areas were appointed as Ambassadors! Foreigners coming from various countries such as China, Taiwan, Nepal, Myanmar, USA, France, Ukraine, Canada and Philippines will promote charming points of the City. We will be introducing these various places recommended by these Ambassadors in a special feature of each volume!! will also write information about the City’s charms on a blog and utilize social networks, etc., to inform and promote the City’s information to their countries, etc.! In this fiscal year, the Ambassadors will participate in various events. For further details, please refer to the following web site! ■Report for Cool Ota–Ku Ambassadors’ activities: index.html ■Facebook: 【Inquiries】 Tourism Department ☎ 03-3733-6190 Ota City Navigation 2013/6/15 Issued on the 15th every month (excluding January and August) 3 mics Ota (Interpeople Community Center) offers interpretation and consultation services! とうきゅうせん 東急線 蒲 まか 田た 駅 きえ J R 線んせ ひがしぐち mics Ota is a facility for foreign residents living in Ota City. 東口 ロータリー ○ Consultation: 大お 田たお 区く 役 くや 所 ょし Consultation services in multiple languages relating to child-care, marriage, divorce, employment, etc., are offered. ○ Interpretation: We will send an interpreter to any Ota City facility. For difficulties with procedures いたる かわさき 至川崎 環状八号線 at any Ota City Office or nursery schools, etc., please feel free to utilize this service. (かんじょうは ちごうせん) ○ Misc: 【Inquiries】 Interpeople Community Center ☎ 03-6424-8822 FAX 03-5710-6330 We will introduce Japanese language classes taught by Ota City’s volunteers All consultations and interpretations are free of charge. Please feel free to contact us. Multilingual consutation schedule Languages Monday Tuesday English Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 10am-5pm Chinese 10am-5pm 10am-5pm Tagalog 10am-5pm 10am-5pm 10am-5pm Sunday 1pm-5pm(4th) 10am-5pm 10am-5pm 1pm-5pm(1st,3rd) 10am-5pm 10am-5pm 1pm-5pm(2nd) ▶ Make a reservation when you need an interpreter of any of the following languages: Korean,Spanish,Portuguese,Vietnam, Thai,Russian,Urdu,Nepali,Hindi Bengali. Letter from mics Ota Summer days and food poisoning No sooner have the cherry blossoms fallen than the summer days will be upon us. During this time, food may easily go bad. Even if you leave food on a table for only a short time, food can sour quickly and/or develop a bad smell. Please take care to properly store or refrigerate food and drinks during the summer months. In Japan, Tanabata Festival takes place on July 7. It is a traditional festival that people celebrate by writing their wishes on Tanzaku (paper strips) and praying for happiness. They decorate bamboo branches and leaves with Tanzaku. Some shopping streets, etc., may display bamboo with Tanzaku. Keep your eyes open for Tanabata and Tanzaku. Let’s make Tanzaku, and enjoy Tanabata Festival together! Rainy season is coming soon, and with it comes high humidity. mics Ota is going to make the best of this season and create a good atmosphere to alleviate the unpleasant feelings the bad weather creates. Come visit mics Ota and take some shelter from the rain. 4 Issued by Multicultrual Society Section,Ota City Office 144-8621 5-13-14,Kamata,Ota TEL = 03-5744-1717 FAX = 03-5744-1518
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