St. Andrew the Apostle - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle - Saint Andrew the Apostle
St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Community Pentecost Sunday - May 24, 2015 Holy Spirit Inflame us with the Fire of Your Love! Alissa Cecila Araneta Yamilette Pancras Arias Brianna Elizabeth Balsavich Kenneth Luke Baron Esther Guadalupe Carrera Solimar Maria Guadalupe De Leon Jose Ignatius De Leon Raquel Anthony De Leon Marisol Teresa De Leon Emmanuel Francis De Leon Amberly Teresa Dzimira Yolanda Tabitha Everson Eduardo John Fallad Hector George Fallad Mateusz Patrick Fudala Gustavo Francis Garcia Angel Juan Garcia Teigan Sebastian Glenke Nina Monica Glover Lesly Emma Granados Rebecca Dymphna Hebron Darrel Lorenzo Herrera David David Herrera Mackenzie Joan Hogan Vincent Dominic Mason Vincenzo Anthony Nelson Theodore Andrew Nelson Lizbeth Veronica Noyola Alondra Catherine Ortega Juan Harvey Perez Lesli Guadalupe Perez Jessi Nicholas Perez Ruiz Paige Therese Price Samantha Veronica Rendon Alexis Luke Reyes Emily Dymphna Rodriguez Diana Lucy Sanchez John John Sanchez Fernanda Teresa Sandoval Aric Matthew Schieman Abigail Hope Smith Stephanie Cecilia Solis Joshua Thomas Tagtmeyer Michael David Thomas Marissa Margaret Vercillo Fernando Jesus Villalobos Bailey Maria Weck Justin Thomas Ligeski Lynette Jude Lopez Katherine Kateri Miechowicki Natalie Guadalupe Villalobos Alyssa Anne Justalero Lesile Francis Lopez Juan John Paul Mendoza Jayson Vincent Weston Please pray for the Candidates who were sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit May 4, 2015 Victor Gabriel Zatorski Stephanie Veronica Zurita May 24, 2015 Page Two Mass Intentions SATURDAY, May 23 8:00 AM—James E. Fiedler by Marian Fiedler and Family 4:00 PM—Matt and Mike Vollmecke by Susie 5:30 PM—Cindy Kolich by Kay and Rich Zeisel SUNDAY, May 24 Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 7:30 AM—Intentions of McNamee Family by Barbara Sanders 8:45 AM—Sra. María Adela Vargas, Sra. María Degadillo, Sr. Oscar Degadillo, Sr. Alfredo Martínez, Sr. Genaro Santiago Sr. 9:00 AM—Doris Conklin by Lenore and Tom McArdle 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) Deceased members of the Peterek and Bezpalec Families by Peterek Family 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Mike Peganoni by Fitts Family THIS WEEK Monday, May 25 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day Parish Office CLOSED - Memorial Day Mass at Resurrection Cemetery - 10:00am Prayer Vigil Charismatic Group - 6:30pm - St. Mary Cntr. (B) Tuesday, May 26 St. Vincent de Paul Meeting - 7:00pm - Parish Office Hispanic Prayer Group Choir - 7:00pm - St. Mary Center (F) Rosary - 7:00pm - Francis Room Wednesday, May 27 Food Pantry - 10:00am to 12:30pm Adoration - 5:30pm to 7:00pm - Church Amigos de Jesus Coro - 6:30pm - Room 102 Charismatic Group (Jesus es la Roca) - 7:00pm - Church Voces para Dios - 7:00pm - Room 110 AA Meeting - 7:30pm - St. Mary Center (B) MONDAY, May 25 7:30 AM–No Mass at St. Andrew 10:00 AM—Mass at Resurrection Cemetery In Memory of All Veterans Thursday, May 28 Charismatic Group - 6:30pm - Room 104 Adult Choir - 7:00pm - Church TUESDAY, May 26 7:30 AM—Arnold Gresser by Sisters, Shirley and Lillian Friday, May 29 Last Day of School and School Picnic Rehearsal Ibarra - 5:30pm - Church WEDNESDAY, May 27 7:00 AM—Marian Zinsky by Charlotte Zinsky 8:00 AM—Thomas Michael Ortega by Tom and Bernadette Sedlacek Saturday, May 30 Charismatic DOJ Monthly Prayer Mtg. - 12:30pm - Parish Hall THURSDAY, May 28 7:30 AM—John Bell by Mary Ellen Bell FRIDAY, May 29 7:30 AM—James E. Fiedler by Marian Fiedler SATURDAY, May 30 8:00 AM—Regina Cece by Jan Cabrera 4:00 PM—Frank Conidi by Rhein and Pauline Warkenthien 5:30 PM—Joseph Sowa by Mr. and Mrs. M. Randich SUNDAY, May 31 Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 7:30 AM—Mary Louise Socha by Robert Socha 8:45 AM—Sr. José & María Adela Vargas by Rosaisela Vargas , Sr. Alfredo Martínez by Elidonia Martínez & Family, Sr. Genaro Santiago Sr. by Cruz Pérez 9:00 AM—George Glos by Family 10:30 AM—(E-Ch) John and Martha Duffin by Duffin and Peterek Families 10:30 AM—(P-Hall) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(P-Ch) Intentions of Celebrant 12:00 PM—(E-Hall) Mary Jean Prokopec by Family Sunday, May 31 Small Ultreya - 10:00am - Room 104 THE GIFTS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety, Fear of the Lord. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 May 24, 2015 Page Three Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor (815) 886-4165 ext. 317 My dear family of St. Andrew the Apostle! The Holy Spirit is invisible, and, as God, is everywhere! So how do we recognize Him among us? Through His gifts and His fruits! Earlier this month, we celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation for our young people. Again, they wrote letters to express their desire and excitement to receive this amazing gift of the Holy Spirit. Space does not allow me to share the many beautiful testimonies that our young people gave. Below are just a few excerpts that indicate how alive the Holy Spirit is among our young people! Mary, we believe, was about 14 years old when she said yes to the Good News of the Angel Gabriel, so that the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and she conceived Jesus in her womb. The Holy Spirit, invisible yet everywhere present to us, or omnipresent, became visible in the fruit of Mary’s womb, Jesus. You will see below how the Holy Spirit brings forth visible fruit in the lives of our young people. May we all continue to be the visible expressions of our invisible and yet ever-and-always-present God, who loves us and strengthens us by the Gift of His Holy Spirit! In the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Fr. Gregor “I am wholeheartedly looking forward to receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation because I believe that in doing so I will become stronger and more deeply devoted to the teachings of Christ…. As I receive the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit, I intend to share them with others by the following: respecting and being obedient to my parents, setting a good Christian example to my sibling by devotion to attending Mass, generosity to others and gratefulness to God’s blessings, and lastly, share as much time, talent and treasure as I can to help my neighbors. The service project that I liked the most was the 2014 Harvest Saturday. It was a very rewarding experience because I observed and felt how wonderful it is when all of us come together for the service of each other. Even though it was a lot of work, the fruits of such labor was very enormous that when I went home, I was so proud in telling my family what we have accomplished…” — Sincerely yours, ‘Cecilia’ “What Confirmation means to me is that I am in a lasting relationship with Christ, and I am bound to serve and pray to him whenever possible. I admit, sometimes I treat these services as a hassle. Actually, they are a way to strengthen my relationship with Jesus, and help others trying to do the same…. After I am confirmed, I plan to continue building this relationship. I want to share these gifts and graces with other people. Whether it’s family, friends, or complete strangers, I feel it is important to spread the gifts and graces that I wish to receive to others. By far, my favorite project for preparation was praying the Rosary at Senior Star. Seeing the elders faces light up knowing someone my age has faith makes me feel good, and I like how I get to hear their stories every time I go there. I also took away a lesson, which was no matter how old you are, you never lose your faith. Some people have walkers and assistants, and they still made the walk from around the building to pray…. So basically, I want to be confirmed because I want to have a good relationship with Christ and because I want to share these gifts with other people.” — Sincerely, ‘Thomas’ “...along the way to Confirmation I have learned a lot of things that have only strengthened my faith. The Confirmation lessons have shown me that one must be close to God when things get hard and when things are going okay. On my path to Confirmation I have answered a lot of doubts. And once I have received the Sacrament of Confirmation then that will solidify the relationship between God and me. I will use the gifts I will receive from the Holy Spirit to make wiser choices in my life. I will also try to listen more to my heart, because I believe that God is always trying to lead us in the right direction, but we just don’t listen, because we don’t pay attention to the signals or are too blind to see. I plan to meditate more in order to achieve a deeper connection with God. One of the best experiences that I have had serving with Saint Andrew was at Harvest Saturday, because along the way I met some very nice generous families who placed their trust in us, this helped me see that there’s good people out there who are willing to help if they can…. Also I have gained a very deep interest in serving others. I choose St. John Paul II as my saint, because he suffered a lot through his early life; he suffered from multiple physical accidents and the loss of almost all his family members, but his faith only increased. During his life as a Pope he was a very strong voice against political oppression and injustice around the world. To me he symbolizes all the good in this world.” — Sincerely yours, ‘John Paul’ “Throughout this year my Church and I have been doing tons of service projects. My favorite was praying with the elderly at the nursing home. They are so nice and sweet there, I learned so many new things about growing up and how I should always stay close with God…. I am ready to live out my faith with the help of the gifts of the Holy Spirit….” — Sincerely, ‘Teresa’ May 24, 2015 Page Four The Society of St. Vincent DePaul St. Andrew the Apostle Conference …neighbor helping neighbor... Our helpline 815-886-4165 ext. 304 All calls are confidential with callbacks within 24 hours. Today as we celebrate Pentecost, the Holy Spirit wants to make us advocates of God’s presence to bring new life to others, especially those who do not know the love of God in their lives. Our conference is indeed grateful for your generosity in helping us assist our neighbors with their temporary needs. May’s second collection was $2,211.46 and your many donations completely filled the truck last weekend! A SIGNIFICANT DAY “And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were” (Acts 2:2). The Holy Spirit’s arrival on that first Pentecost was signaled by a rush of wind. We all know what it’s like when our windows are open just as a summer storm rises up. Curtains fly, papers become airborne, house plants shudder, dust is scattered. A rush of wind disrupts the orderliness of our home. The coming of the Holy Spirit, as celebrated each year at Pentecost, can also disrupt ways that have become comfortable and orderly. The Church always needs Pentecost. We need the breath of God’s Spirit to blow away any complacency or malaise that has settled into our faith. Jesus breathes on his disciples and they receive the Holy Spirit. With that reception comes the power to share the Good News of salvation. Today, this is no less true for us. SUNDAY COLLECTION May 16 & 17 $15, 217.43 The offices of the Parish, School, and Faith Formation will be CLOSED Monday, May 25th. Have a safe and peaceful Memorial Day Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. WORSHIP SCHEDULE Saturday 4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (English) Sunday 7:30 am (English) 8:45 am En Español - Iglesia 9:00 am (English) - Hall 10:30 am (English) - Church 10:30 am (po Polsku) - Hall 12:00 noon (po Polsku) - Church 12:00 noon (English) - Hall Weekdays 7:30 am (M, T, Th, F) 7:00am & 8:00am (Wed.) 8:00 am (Sat.) Reconciliation Saturdays 3:00 — 3:50 pm Wednesdays 5:45 — 6:45 pm with Adoration Seasonal Services and by appointment. Website: PARISH OFFICES 530 Glen, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-4165, Fax (815) 886-6119 Email: Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am—4:30pm St. Andrew School 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5953, Fax (815) 293-2016 St. Andrew Faith Formation 505 Kingston, Romeoville, IL 60446 (815) 886-5962, Fax (815) 886-6624 May 24, 2015 Page Five School News Follow us on social media! You can now follow St. Andrew and all our exciting educational events on Facebook AND YouTube! Find us on Facebook by searching for St. Andrew the Apostle. St. Andrew’s first ever music video (We’re All About Debates) and a slideshow from our Living Wax Museum can be found on our YouTube page. Search St. Andrew School or our username: SASromeoville1 to see our latest video. A Note About Tuition: The base tuition for St. Andrew School includes ALL other school-related expenses. Other schools in the area advertise a lower tuition cost but then tack on extra costs for family fees, fundraising fees, graduation fees, etc. St. Andrew includes ALL these fees in the base tuition cost. St. Andrew School also offers tuition assistance through scholarships and donors. Contact Mrs. Lifka at for more information. Woman’s Choice Services Ministry Blessing and Open House On Saturday, June 20, 2015, tour new center located at 682 W. Boughton Road Suite B, Bolingbrook. We will be celebrating with a Ministry Blessing and Open House. The festivities begin at 10:00am with an honor guard of local Knights of Columbus Councils welcoming the Most Rev. Joseph M. Siegel, Auxiliary Bishop and Vicar General of the Diocese of Joliet, who will perform the blessing. Following the blessing, ministry staff will welcome guests for tours of the new facility. Women’s Choice Services Walk for Life Women’s Choice Services (WCS) will be have it’s annual “Walk for Life” summer fundraiser Saturday, June 20 at 11:00am. The walk will follow the local prairie path. After the walk enjoy refreshments at the post- walk party. Call Lisa at 815-725-7732 to register and receive a pledge form. Proceeds from the walk will be used to provide clinical services including pregnancy testing and ultrasounds and follow up supportive educational programs.WCS provides services to women facing unintended, and/or crisis pregnancies residing within the boundaries of the Diocese of Joliet. We are dedicated to building communities of comprehensive support and healing for women facing the choice of abortion and the challenges of motherhood. Memorial Day Mass Will be Celebrated at Resurrection Cemetery Chapel Mausoleum on Monday, May 25, 2015 at 10:00am Celebrant Fr. Gregor Gorsic Please join us as we join thousands of Catholic Cemeteries across the United States on Monday, May 25, in a national celebration entitled “Serving God and Country, A Memorial Day Salute to Our Heroes.” A memorial tribute board will be present for our guests to in script a message to their loved ones on. Resurrection Cemetery is located at 200 West Romeo Road (135th) at Route 53 in Romeoville, IL For additional information, please call 815-886-0750. It is recommended to bring a folding chair for additional seating. Mayslake Ministries offers weekend retreats to our military men and women suffering from PostTraumatic Stress Disorder. These retreats are offered free of charge as our way of thanking our veterans. In order to be able to offer this program at no cost, we are in need of funding. As we celebrate Memorial Day, please consider making a donation in memory of a loved one who has served, or a family member who is currently serving. $200 sponsors a soldier for an entire weekend retreat. All donations are tax deductible. Donate online at or by phone at 630-852-9000. God bless you for your generosity. A retreat for veterans is scheduled for May 29 - 31. If you know a veteran who would like to go on retreat, please contact Mayslake Ministries. Save the Date Saturday, June 6th, 2015 4-8pm Open House Ms. Patricia Dalton will be honored for 40 years in Catholic Education at St. Andrew the Apostle School BEVERAGES AND REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED IN THE SCHOOL HALL ALL ARE WELCOME Page Six May 24, 2015 Ks. Sebastian Gargol Wikariusz Parafialny (815) 886-4165 ext. 311 email: sprawy urzędowe po wcześniejszym ustaleniu spotkania Marta Wysocki Koordynator Polskiego Duszpasterstwa (815) 886-4165 ext. 307 email: Godziny pracy: Wtorki i Środy od 8:30 a.m do 2:30 p.m. Ks. Sebastian Gargol Marta Wysocki Zstąpienie Ducha Świętego, zapowiedziane już w Starym Testamencie, ponownie zostało przepowiedziane już przez Jezusa podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy: A Pocieszyciel, Duch Święty, którego Ojciec pośle w moim imieniu, On was wszystkiego nauczy7 i przypomni wam wszystko, co Ja wam powiedziałem (J 14,26) Gdy zaś przyjdzie On, Duch Prawdy, doprowadzi was do całej prawdy. Bo nie będzie mówił od siebie, ale powie wszystko, cokolwiek usłyszy, i oznajmi wam rzeczy przyszłe. (J 16,13) WSTĘPNA REJESTRACJA NA RELIGIE FAMILY FAITH FORMATION (Godziny i daty operacji biura religijnego) SOBOTA - MAJ 23 WTOREK - MAJ 26 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Po więcej informacji prosimy o kontakt z biurem religijnym pod numerem 815-886-5962 wew. 501 Czerwiec 5 - Pierwszy Piątek miesiąca. Spowiedź o godz. 6:00 wieczorem Msza Pierwszo Piątkowa o godz. 7:00 wieczorem. Czerwiec 7- Boże Ciało- Jeżeli jest ktoś zainteresowany przygotowaniem ołtarzy, prosimy o kontakt z Ks. Sebastianem. Potrzebne również będą płatki od kwiatków dla dzieci. Zapraszamy wszystkie dzieci które otrzymały sakrament komunii aby uczestniczyły w procesji w strojach komunijnych. Lipiec 19- Piknik Parafialny, Potrzebne są osoby do pomocy przy budce polskiej oraz sponsorzy. (Data spotkania będzie ustalona w późniejszym terminie) May 24, 2015 Page Seven Worldwide Marriage Encounter A SPIRITUAL & CULTURAL JOURNEY TO ITALY! Today is Pentecost Sunday. Is there evidence that the Holy Spirit is working through us; are the fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in our lives and marriage? The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are June 12-14, 2015 or August 7-9, 2015 or October 9-11, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through September 22 to October 1, 2015 Déle a su matrimonio nueva vida asistiendo al próximo fin de semana en el área de Chicago del 29 de Mayo al 1ro de Junio, o del 21 al 23 de Agosto o del 30 de Octubre al 1ero de Noviembre. Inscríbase hoy para asistir al próximo fin de semana del Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial.. Para más información de los Fines de Semana en español si vive en el área de Joliet, llamar a Javier y Gaby Vargas (630) 621-8984, si vives en el área de Chicago y los suburbios, llamar a Oscar y Luz Delgado (847) 826-9525 , y para el área del sur de Chicago y en el Nor – Oeste de Indiana, llamar a Juan y Elia Zambrano (708) 825-4099 Joyful Again Widowed Ministry Summer Retreat / Workshop Widowed? Wondering: How long it takes before things begin to begin to look better? How to move forward with your life? Then consider attending one of the retreat / workshops being held this Summer for widowed men and women. June 27 & 28—St. Julie’s—Tinley Park July 25 & 26—Holy Family—Inverness August 1 & 2—Mary Queen—Elmhurst Space is limited—register early Phone: Joyful Again Widowed Ministry (708) 354-7211 email: Website: Invitation to an Hour of Prayer and Reflection The Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate (Joliet Franciscan Sisters) and Associates invite you to join them for an hour of prayer and reflection. The prayer entitled “Embracing Mystery” will take place on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 at 7 p.m. at the Joliet Franciscan Center, 1433 Essington Road, Joliet, Illinois. Come join us! For more information, please call Sr. Peggy Quinn at 815-725-8735 x104. Join Fr. Burke Masters on a once-in-a-lifetime ‘Spiritual & Cultural Journey to Italy!’ September 22 to October 1, 2015. This special pilgrimage of faith includes visits to: Rome, Assisi, San Giovanni Rotondo, Loreto, Caramanico Terme, Sulmona, Pescara and more! Only $2,969 from O’Hare International Airport. Space is limited must register by May 27, 2015. To download a free color brochure and registration form, visit For more information, contact Group Coordinator, Tony Brandolino at (815) 221-6190 or by e-mail at May 30, 2015 | 10:00A.M. - 3:00P.M. University of St. Francis, Joliet, Illinois Free Admission — Sponsored by: The Joliet Franciscan Sisters and Associates Enjoy over 50 eco-conscious exhibits and vendors such as The Diocese of Joliet, Will County Master Gardeners, nuVibe, Pilcher Park Nature Center and many more. Look for live entertainment, FREE ice cream social and children’s activities such as crafts, face painting and visiting animals. Need to shred some documents? Will County will be offering on-site secure document destruction 10am-1pm. Three file boxes maximum per vehicle. Signs will be posted. For more information visit: 2015 Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass The Diocese of Joliet will hold its Thirty-Seventh Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass on Sunday, August 30, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. If you are celebrating either your 25th or 50th anniversary this year, please contact the Parish Office 815-886-4165 ext. 301 so that we may submit your name to the Diocese for a formal invitation. Those celebrating over 50 year anniversaries do not receive a formal invitation, but will be able to register to attend at a later date. Page Eight May 24, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Fax (815) 886-6624 Mary Tibble, Director of Faith Formation, ext. 503 ALL ARE WELCOME ALL THE TIME: WE NEVER CLOSE!! The Diocese of Joliet and our St. Andrew the Apostle family extend an invitation to all families to join us in our monthly sessions of "Generations of Faith." This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to continue to grow in love and understanding of Jesus Christ. Join the hundreds of others who journey together in Faith. Faith Formation Office hours: First three Sundays from 9 am until Noon. Contact us at: or call 815-886-5962 ext. 501 Remember these men and women in your daily prayers . . . Priests, Deacons, Seminarians and Women & Men Religious of the Diocese of Joliet 24 Daniel Aderholt (Deacon Candidate) 25 Max Behna (Seminarian) 26 Srs. Geraldine McGovern, Margaret McGuckin, Patricia McGuckin, Anna Clare Meyer, M. Innocence Mills, Mary Shawn Mitchell OSF 27 Srs. Patricia Mitchell, Mary Jean Morris Kathleen Moseley, Josephine Mulcahey, Elaine Murphy, Tertesa Noser, Francis Therese Ortega, Nadine Overbeck OSF 28 Srs. Albert Marie Papesh, Mary Flora Papesh, Maria Pesavento, Phyllis Pitz, Judith Plumb OSF 29 Dcns. Ricardo Marquez & Wilfredo Marrero 30 Dcs.Ronald Knecht, Paul Kolodziej, Kevin Koster, OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY PRAY FOR US May is the month of our beautiful Mother and what better way to honor Our Lady than to pray your rosary daily. This is a powerful prayer that is much needed in today’s world. Many miracles have happened when the Rosary has been prayed faithfully. So please, pick up your Rosary beads, dust them off, and start praying this most powerful prayer. If you have children, have them pray with you. They are never too young to learn to pray the Rosary. If you would like to join in a group, the Rosary is prayed every Saturday before the 4:00 p.m. Mass at St. Andrew’s and every Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Francis Room at St. Andrew’s which is located in the vestibule of Church. Also, EWTN Cable TV offers the Rosary said with the Poor Clare Nuns at 8:30 p.m. and Relevant Radio (Station 930 AM) also has the recitation of the Rosary at 8:00 p.m. Remember, Mary is our mother, given to us by Jesus on Calvary, and she truly is a mother to us who loves us and intercedes to her Son, Jesus, on our behalf. Come to know her, especially through the Rosary, and your life and the lives of your loved ones will be richly blessed! PRAYERS OF THE PARISH Bill Nelson, James Dean Johnson, Mstr. Sg. Jose Sanchez, Kyle Tranchitello, Michael Cavoto, Matthew Domek, Humberto Zermeño, Christopher Durkovic, Joshua Plucinski, Kurt Warkenthien, Cpl. Stephen M. Hornbeck, HN James M. Chavez, 2nd Lt. Alexander Nuxoll and all our men and women in the military. Did You Know Sacred Heart Monastery was founded in Chicago in 1895. The Sister’ home/school was adjacent to St. Vitus Parish Church in Chicago. May 24, 2015 Page Nine 24 de Mayo del 2015 Coordinadora Ramona Tagle 815-886-4165 ext.312 San Andrés es una comunidad con varias culturas. Lo vemos como un regalo de Dios por que nos deja vivir, compartir y celebrar la Buena Nueva como hijos de Dios. En la comunidad hispana de San Andrés hay muchas oportunidades de evangelizamos unos a otros y a la ves de ayudar a nuestra parroquia a crecer en la Fe como una familia parroquial unida. El Ministerio Hispano de San Andrés Entre nuestra comunidad hispano tenemos el ministerio hispano que esta constituido compuesto de muchas persona que ayudan en varios ministerios para el bienestar de todos y toda la parroquia. Cristo Nos Invita a estar con el en su servicio que es la voluntad de su padre, el Amor, la Salvación y Glorificación de los Hombres. Registración para ser miembro de la Parroquia Es importante que considere ser miembro de la Parroquia y así obtener los beneficios que con lleva el registrarse y ser parte de nuestra comunidad. El registro se hace en la oficina 530 Glen Ave. Alrededor de la Iglesia. Ven y únete a nosotros! Y bienvenidos a su nueva casa y comunidad. Bautismo La aplicación Bautismal debe ser completada antes de la clase. ¿Quien debe atender la clase? Los padres y padrinos deben atender una clase de bautismo. Donde debería realizarse el Bautismo: El lugar mas apropiado para bautizar a un niño es en la iglesia de la parroquia. donde los padres atienden Misa y son registrados. Bautismo: Nuestros bautismos de infantes son programados mensualmente el primer domingo a la 1:30 PM y el cuarto sábado a la 11:30 AM de cada mes. Los padres deben ser miembros de la parroquia de San Andrés y si no son y desean bautizar aquí, hay que traernos una carta de su parroquia dándonos permiso de bautizar su niño aquí en San Andrés. Padres necesitan venir a la oficina de la parroquia para la aplicación Bautismal. Si usted tiene alguna pegunta o necesita información adicional, por favor contactar al Ramona Tagle (815) 886-4165 Ext. 312. Intención de misa La Sagrada Familia Sra. María Adela Vargas, Sra. Maira Delgadillo, Sr. Oscar Delgadillo, Sr. Alfredo Martínez, Sr. Genaro Santiago Sr. Brandon Flores/Ríos en su presentación de 3 años hoy. Sra. Sylvia Banuelos Page Ten A COMMUNITY OF WORD AND SACRAMENT May 24, 2015 Please Pray For Antoinette Borkowicz, Dennis Koch, Jr., Virginia Fondakowski, Violet Sinkula, Richard Lachowski, SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION Antoinetta Krantz, Katie Churulo, Doreen Thiboult, CATECHUMENATE Kathryn Manago, Kimberly Swada, Larry Stokes, The Catechumenate is a community which gathers those Marie Lynch, Michael Boyle, Mikayla Elia, Samantha Elia, adults who have not been baptized, and seek deeper insight Lukas Panek, Marcia Kizior, Helga Cantrelle, Leon Lasota, Carolyn Kolasinski, Kathy Cannell, John Kiester, into the Christian faith. Betty Knoth, Bill Litton, Jim Konieczny, Dan Steffens, Dave Paulsen, Ann Marie Mosquera, Ralph Schweihs, BAPTISM OF CHILDREN We joyfully celebrate the baptism of children of Christian Doris Conklin, Bobby Bushnell, Carolyn Milschewski, Rose Elwart, Georgiana Kowalski, Marion Kowalski, households which are joined to our weekly worship, and have active registration in our parish community for at least Pat Sumoski, Jim Stewart, Charles Angela, Frances Ison, Juan Gomez, Sandra Glanpicolo, Austin Julitz, 3 months. After registration in the parish, please attend an Zachary Majkrzak, Donald Cassidy, Larry Hahn, Evening of Awareness, if you have not attended a class in Richard Bergmann, Michael Cavoto, Erin McCann, the past two years, to register for Baptism and select a date. Louie Ison, Pat Hill, Carolyn Sharpe, Chris Sedor, Classes are presented on the first Wednesday of each month Barbara Mitchell, Jason Borowski, Bob Skinkis, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Baptism is celebrated on the Carole Ann Banks, Sandy Kizior, Joe Mauricio, Jr., third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. George Lambert, Karen Langan, Joseph Loboda, Jr., Kathy Borowski, Sharon Dempsey, Bearnie Lee, EUCHARIST AND CONFIRMATION Kathy Broski, Denny Czyzewicz, Maryann Rodi, Formation for those coming first to the table of the Lord Mildred Drdak, Dorothy Sedlacek, Tiffany Lannin, as children is infused into the efforts of our school and Faith Roger Golden, Rose Ison, Formation Office. Confirmation formation is a two year process completed in eighth grade. Please call the Faith Formation Office for more information. SACRAMENTS OF COMMITMENT MARRIAGE Marriage preparation is a six month process of prayer, reflection and study. Couples work with both the presider and a sponsor couple through this process. Please note that this six month period of preparation is essential. ORDERS Those seeking assistance in discerning a call to ordained ministry are encouraged to call the parish offices. SACRAMENTS OF HEALING RECONCILIATION Reconciliation is available each Saturday afternoon, Wednesday evening 5:30-7:00pm, through seasonal communal services, and by appointment. ANOINTING Anointing of the Sick is offered through seasonal services, and always by request. If hospitalized, please immediately seek anointing from the Catholic chaplain. Look upon our brothers and sisters who are ill, in the midst of illness and pain, may they be united with Christ, who heals both body and soul; may they know the consolation promised to those who suffer and be fully restored to wellness and wholeness. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen. GRANT ETERNAL REST, LIGHT AND PEACE TO ALL FAITHFUL DEPARTED: Theresa Barrowman Please call the parish office by Monday at (815) 886-4165 for the name of your loved one to be placed for 3 weeks on our short term prayer list. Also, please call the parish office, if you are hospitalized and would like a visit from our hospital ministry team or homebound and in need of communion. Hospital Visitation of Parishioners Please remember that if you or any family members find yourselves in a hospital, be sure to let them know you are a parishioner at St. Andrew’s — it doesn’t hurt to say it a few times, either! Whenever we priests, deacons or Eucharistic Ministers come to visit, we check the hospital list of parishioners printed under “St. Andrew.” But if you’re not listed as a parishioner of St. Andrew, we won’t know you’re even there! We do not want to miss you! You can always call us, too, at the office, ext. 301. Thank you. May the Lord Jesus be with you all your days, to love and be loved by Him, to honor and serve Him, as He honors and serves us! I would like to have my house blessed. Please contact me to make arrangements. Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________ _______________________________________ Home Phone ____________________________ Work Phone ____________________________ Page Eleven May 24, 2015 St. Andrew the Apostle We Care Food Pantry The St. Andrew We Care Food Pantry is open every Wednesday from 10:00 am. until 12:30 p.m. for any eligible family in Romeoville in need of food assistance. The requirements to receive food commodities from the Pantry is that a valid State of Illinois Driver's License or State of Illinois ID and a current utility bill with your Romeoville address must be presented at the time of sign-in. Due to the poor economy, loss of employment or housing, and if you are currently residing with a Romeoville family, you may bring your valid Illinois Driver’s License or State ID AND a current utility bill from the Romeoville residents you are living with. Some proof of residency must be established. This must be brought to the Pantry each time you come for food assistance. The Pantry is located at 219 Arlington. For further information, please contact Jack or Pat Frazier at (815) 919-3233. Parish Staff (815) 886-4165 Rev. Gregor Gorsic, Pastor, ext. 317 Rev. Sebastian Gargol, Associate Pastor, ext. 311 Rev. Jacob Kolawole, Priest in Residence, ext. 301 Darlene Searcy, Communications Secretary, ext. 301 Bernadette Sedlacek, Manna, ext. 303 Deacon Ron Searls, Business Manager, ext. 302 Marta Wysocki, Coordinator of Polish Ministry, ext. 307 Ramona Tagle, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry, ext. 312 Sue Psenicka, Director of Music & Worship Coordinator, ext. 314 Barb Sanders, Contact for Adult Faith Formation, ext. 308 Russell McNab, Facility Manager, ext. 316 St Andrew School (815) 886-5953 Kathy Lifka, Principal, ext. 421 Jill Briceno, Secretary, ext. 420 St. Andrew Faith Formation (815) 886-5962 Mary Tibble, Director, ext. 503 Deacons: Deacon Jesse Tagle Deacon Ricardo Marquez Deacon Felix Dominguez Deacon Rigoberto Padilla Crisis Pregnancy Women’s Choice Services 1-888-4-HOPE-4-1 Birthright 1-800-550-4900 Deacon Jerry Clark Deacon Herb Waldron Deacon Rich Ford Post Abortion Healing for Women & Men 1-866-99-4-GIVE (4483) St. Vincent de Paul Society (815) 886-4165 ext. 304 Knights of Columbus (815) 651-4585 Independent Counseling Services Natural Family Planning 815-838-5334 Victor Alvarez (815) 886-4165 ext. 315
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