December 20, 2015
December 20, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Advent - Christmas Day- Feast of the Holy Family Visit our website—— Monday December 21 Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a, Ps 33:2-3,11-12,20-21, Lk 1:39-45 Tuesday December 22 1 Sm 1:21-28, (Ps) 1 Sm 2:1,4-8d, Lk 1:46-56 Wednesday December 23 Mal 3:1-4,23-24, Ps 25:4-5b,8-10,14, Lk 1:57-66 Thursday December 24 Is 62:1-5, Ps 89:4-5,16-17,27,29, Acts 13:16-17,22-25, Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Friday December 25 Is 52:7-10, Ps 98:1-6, Heb 1:1-6, Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5,9-14 Saturday December 26 Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59, Ps 31:3cd-4,6,8ab,16bc,17, Mt 10:17-22 Sunday December 27 1 Sm 1:20-22,24-28, Ps 84:2-3,5-6,9-10, 1 Jn 3:1-2,21-24, Lk 2:41-52 Sunday December 20 Missa Pro Populo Monday December 21 9am Mass-St. Mary + Stan Ozbolt Wednesday December 23 9am Mass-St. Mary + Tom Sareault 6pm Mass-St. Francis Xavier + Clyde & Maxine Vodjansky Saturday December 26 Wednesday December 30 Saturday January 2 NO 9am-St. Mary NO 9am-St. Mary 6pm Mass-St. Francis Xavier + Mary Kay Hattrup 9am Mass-St. Mary + Joe Krepel St. Joseph - Chehalis St. Mary - Centralia This Week at St. Joseph This Week at St. Mary Mon. Dec. 21 NO school until Jan. 4 Tues Dec. 22 choir Mon. Dec. 21 6:30-8pm Decorate Ch. NO Faith Form. Thur. Dec. 24 Mass(Christmas Eve) 5:00pm & 8:00pm Office Closed Hisp. Posada, CH/Hall 7pm Hisp. Posada, Ch/Hall 7pm Wed Mass 9am Dec. 23 NO Youth Confirmation Mass(Christmas) 10:30am Mass in Spanish 1PM Sat. Dec. 26 Mass 5pm Sun. Dec. 27 Mass 10:30am Hisp. Posada , CH & P. Hall Thur. Dec. 24 Fri. Dec 25 Office Closed Mass(Christmas Eve) 5pm Mass( Christmas Day) 8:30am NO RCIA & RCIC in Spanish, Mass in Spanish 1pm Sat. Dec 26 Office Closed St. Vincent de Paul, P. Center 6:30pm Tues Dec. 29 Choir Wed. Dec. 30 NO Faith Form. Thur. Dec. 31 Vigil Mass(New Year), Bilingual Fri. Jan. 1 Mass(Holy Day Of Obligation) at St. Mary 6:30-8pm Sun. Dec. 27 NO Morning Mass Choir Practice, AC Room 4pm Mass 5pm Mass 8:30am NO Faith Form, 6:30pm 9am NO Youth Group Mon. Dec. 28 Office Closed Office Closed NO Mass Mass KC ‘s District Mtg, S. Hall Sun. Jan. 3 7pm Office Closed NO Hisp. Faith Form, Sat. Jan.2 7pm Tues. Dec. 22 Office Closed Mon Dec. 28 1-4pm K of C Holy Family Assembly Mtg, AC Room NO RCIA Fri. Dec. 25 9am St. Catherine, AC Room 9:30-12noon Wed. Dec. 23 Mass/ Adoration Mass 5pm Wed. Dec. 30 9am-5pm NO Mass Thur. Dec. 31 Office Closed 10:30am Fri. Jan.1 Mass(Holy Day of Obligation New Year) 9am 1pm Sat. Jan. 2 Mass 5pm Choir Practice, AC Room 4pm Mass in Spanish Hisp. Faith Formation begins , SH/CR 11-1pm Sun. Jan. 3 Need many volunteers to help finish decorating for Christmas on Dec. 22. See the time above. A ring was found last Sunday, Dec. 6th, in St. Joseph Church. If you lost a ring please call the office at 748-4953 Robert D. Meyer Council #1550 Knights of Columbus will be having a pie social on Sunday Jan. 3rd for their coffee hour at $2.00 a slice. GOD GIVES IT ALL THEN CALLS US TO SHARE Sunday Collection as of 12/13/15 Mass 8:30am NO Faith. Form Youth Group, school 6-8pm Flowers for Christmas: If you wish to donate a poinsettias in memory of a loved one or just want to help decorate the sanctuary for Christmas, please bring your plant to the church at the 8:30am Mass on Sunday, December 21. Thank you! Volunteers are needed to help decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, December 20th after the 8:30am Mass. Many hands will get the job done quickly. GOD GIVES IT ALL THEN CALLS US TO SHARE Sunday Collection as of 12/13/15 WEEKLY LAST NEEDED ACTUAL WEEKLY LAST NEEDED ACTUAL AMOUNT WEEK’S YEAR TO YEAR TO AMOUNT WEEK’S YEAR TO YEAR TO NEEDED COLLECTION DATE 2 DATE NEEDED COLLECTION DATE DATE $6,033.65 $9,869.86 $144,807.69 $144,297.32 $3,509.62 $2,801.91 $84,230.88 $85,413.36 St. Francis Xavier– Toledo Mon Stewardship Dec. 21 Office Open 9-1pm Tues. Dec. 22 Office Open 9-1pm Wed. Confessions 5:15pm Dec. 23 Mass/Adoration 6pm Choir Practice, Library Thur. Dec. 24 6:45pm Office Closed Fri Dec. 25 Office Closed Sun. Dec. 27 Mass 8:30am Re-Ed 9:45am St. Vincent de Paul 10am Mon. Dec. 28 Office open 9-1pm Tues Dec.29 Office Open 9-1pm Wed Dec. 30 Confession/Mass/Adoration begin at 5:15pm Choir Practice, Library 6:45pm 6:30pm Dec. 31 Vigil Mass(New Year) Fri. Jan. 1 Office Closed Sat. Jan. 2 Hall in Use Sun. Jan. 3 Mass The Gospel today tells of the Virgin Mary, pregnant herself, hurrying off to help her cousin Elizabeth. The model of good stewardship, she who had given herself to bear the savior gave her time and love to others as well. Christmas: Rejoice! The Word became flesh and dwells among us! Oh, come, let us adore him! Midnight Mass(Christmas) Thur. Fourth Sunday of Advent Holy Family: The first reading today provides a challenging blueprint for the good stewardship of our family relationships. How do I measure up? New Year’s Day: The Gospel today say s that, having found the infant Jesus, the shepherds returned to their work, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen. We, too, have seen and celebrated the mystery of the Word made flesh. Will we follow their example when we return to work tomorrow? Dec. 21-Feast Day of Saint Peter Canisius, Priest, Doctor of the Church Dec. 23-Feast of Saint John of Kanty, Priest 8:30am Dec. 26-Feast of Saint Stephen, First Martyr Dec. 27-Feast of the Holy Family Dec. 28-Feast of the Holy Innocents, Martyrs Dec. 29-Feast of Saint Thomas Becket,, Bishop, Martyr Dec. 31-Feast of Saint Sylvester I, Pope ADDITIONAL READINGS January 2-Feast of Saints Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors of the Church Monday Dec. 28 1 Jn 1:5—2:2, Ps 124:2-5,7c-8, Mt 2:13-18 Tuesday Dec. 29 St. Vincent de Paul 1 Jn 2:3-11 Ps 96:1-3,5b-6, Lk 2:22-35 Wednesday 30 1 Jn 2:12-17, Ps 96:7-10, Lk 2:36-40 Thursday 31 St. Joseph/St. Mary 360-623-1144 message phone St. Francis Xavier 864-4130 message phone 1Jn 2:18-21, Ps 96:1-2,11-13, Jn 1:1-18 Friday 1 Nm 6:22-27, Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8, Gal 4:4-7, Lk 2:16-21 Jesus was born during the night of the year when darkness is the longest. The Savior of the world comes for the people in dark places. The real, lasting, and deep joy is that the light shines there. Saturday 2 1 Jn 2:22-28, Ps 98:1-4, Jn 1:19-28, also Eph 4:1-7,11-13, Mt 23:8-12 Sunday 3 Is 60:1-6, Ps 72:1-2,7-8,10-13, Eph 3:2-3a,5-6, Mt 2:1-12 Today is the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph and so we can celebrate that we all belong to the holy family of God which makes us brothers & sisters to each other. Though your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, “light” has shown, bringing real, lasting and deep joy neighborhoods. We will meet this Monday December 28, at 6:30pm at St. Joseph in the Parish Center. Faith Formation St. Joseph School Faith Formation Classes for the Year 2015-2016 ******** NO FAITH FORMATION AT ST. MARY ON DECEMBER 2OTH, 27TH, AND JANUARY 3RD NO FAITH FORMATION AT ST. JOSEPH ON DECEMBER 23, AND 3OTH NO RCIA DECEMBER 23 AND 31 ** First Reconciliation will be Saturday, January 30th at 10:30am at St. Joseph First Communion will be Sunday June 5th at St. Joseph and St. Mary MARRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR SCHOOL OUT ON CHRISTMAS BREAK UNTIL JANUARY 4 ** January Bible study! SIGN UP NOW! “A Biblical Walk Through the MASS” Sign-up for Wednesday nights starting Jan. 6th – 6pm Or Thursdays starting Jan. 7th – 1:30pm Did you know that nearly all of Mass is from Scripture? The more you know the Bible, the more you will understand and appreciate Mass. Youth Ministry Prayer ~ Sacraments ~ Fun ~ Fellowship “you too, dear young people, can be joyful witnesses of his love, courageous witnesses of His Gospel, carrying to this world a ray of His light.”-Pope Francis Youth Group is held Sunday evenings 6-8pm on the third floor of St. Mary School Building in Centralia and is open to all youth in grades 6-12. --------------------------------In this five session Ascension Press Bible study by Dr. Edward Sri you will: December 20 & 27-No Youth Group * Learn the biblical background of the words, prayers, and gestures of liturgy will be explained. * Discover how the Mass is a “true re-presentation” of Christ’s redeeming sacrifice on the Cross * Explore the three key aspects of the Mass as a Sacrifice, Real Presence, and Holy Communion * Gain helpful insights for getting the most out of every Mass....and much more! January 10th- Altaration 4 Study is open to adults and high school students. Bring your bible and join us either Wednesday evenings or Thursday afternoons in the St. Joseph’s Parish Center. The bible study is free, a recommended study guidebook is $20 Please sign-up by Dec. 16. The study will include a 3o min. video presentation and group discussions. For more information call the parish office 748-4953. January 3rd- Ice Skating/Grotto* CONTACT INFORMATION: Cathy Bohlig Facebook: Community Page Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Mon: St. Mary, Centralia 9:30 AM– 5 PM Wed: St. Francis, Toledo 6:30 –7:30 PM Thurs: St. Joseph, Chehalis 9:30 -5:30 PM PRAYER CHAIN We pray for our sick parishioners that they will know the healing presence of Christ **** Please pray for: St. Joseph: Martha Sweeney, Barbara Rose, Beth Haunreiter, Hildegard DeGoede Jim Bonagofski, Alice, Cassandra Chalmers, Dorothy Hagstrom, Ed Pemerl, Elin Larson, Robert Myers, Bill & Louise Heap, Rosemary Lefebvre, Patricia Kullgren, Sonia Wirta Ferguson, Cathleen Steck, Nancy, Susan Killillay, Betty Wolfe, John Link, Lanny Wilson, Ed Starkey (RIP). St. Mary: Cheryl Brownfield, Terry Bell, Elaine Campbell, Pat Griffith, Irene & Glenn Simons, Jim Bonagofski, Ed Sager, Mary Riner, Esther Haubrick, Florence Rakoz, Theresa Rice, Sharon Hahn, & Family, Steve Holden, Paden McCormick, Paul & Connie Tighe, Marian Long Borte, Stan Ozbolt (RIP). St. Francis: Dave & Judith Palmer, Pat Griffin, Richard Rice, Stan & June Taloff, Norb & Jean Zimmerman, Michael Soldan, Richard Drinkwater, Gerry Hill, Katie Townsend, Dr. Ed Dolci, Matthew Christian, Larry Hunhoff, , Dian Herrick, Barb Purdy, Debbie Oberg, Barney Rinkel, Young Justus(4yr. Old), Erin, Christy, Randy Osborne, Mike Kann, those serving in the military & their families. Visit our Web Page at for further information on our cluster of parishes or to give suggestions. Please contact Jeanette at Also we are on facebook, at JOURNEYING TOGETHER: We are walking with God and each other—witnessing the application of God’s Word and love in everyday life. You are welcome to join us the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month as we hear God’s truths shared through storytelling and as we study God’s Word together. We will be meeting in St. Joseph Church library at 4pm January 11 & 25th. Women of all ages and faith backgrounds are invited. If you have any questions or need a ride, please call Carol at 748-6733. St. Placid Priory will host a Benedictine Vocation Discernment Feb. 6-7, 2016 for Catholic single women who are interested in learning more about a Benedictine vocation. Kindly contact Sister Lucy Wynkoop at 360-438-2595 or email There is no fee. For more information about a Benedictine vocations see Marriage Encounter Weekend – it’s the best gift you’ll ever give to each other and your marriage! Enjoy a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend at The Inn at Gig Harbor, Feb. 12 – 14, 2016 and fill your holiday celebrations with even greater blessings. For more information call 253-582-0239 or apply on-line at Additional dates and locations are listed on-line. Also, At Sheraton Bellevue Hotel in Bellevue on May 20 – 22, 2016. Information call 206-772-2344 MERRY CHRISTMAS MASS SCHEDULE FOR OUR PARISH CLUSTER PE Ell: Danielle Cummings, Bernie Helfrich, Tony Karniss, Ashley Groat, Gail Marks, Page Kanick, Pet Phelps, Cindy Birchell, Bud Bush, Ryan Cummings, Robert Webster, Mickey Taylor, Kade Allen, Tracy Wilson Hadachek, Tom & Donna Muller, Bobby Krueger, Bill Wooton, Sue Ford, Cursillo/ Ultreya Because our December Ultreya scheduled for Tuesday December 8 is in conflict with Immaculate Conception, the December Ultreya is cancelled. Our next Ultreya will be Tuesday January 12th. The Best Gift for Your Spouse this Christmas Season: A Loving Marriage Have you and your spouse drifted apart over the years? Are you simply going through the motions, but wish your marriage was much more than that? Do you think it’s impossible to have a warm and loving marriage? Think again. Retrouvaille can help. For confidential information about, or to register for our upcoming program beginning Jan 22-24, 2016 call 360-671-6479 or visit our website at Thursday, December 24(Christmas Vigil) 5:00PM St. Joseph/Children’s Mass, Chehalis 5:00pm St. Mary, Centralia 8:00pm Sacred Heart, Morton 8:00pm St. Joseph, Chehalis 12:00Midnight St. Francis Xavier, Toledo Friday, December 25( Christmas Day) 8:30am St. Mary, Centralia 10:45am Sacred Heart, Morton 8:30am St. Yves, Harmony 10:30am St. Joseph, Chehalis 1:00pm San Jose, Chehalis Thursday, December 31(New Year’s Vigil) 6:30pm St. Francis Xavier, Toledo 6:30pm San Jose (Bilingual), Chehalis Friday, January 1 9:00am St. Mary, Centralia COMUNIDAD HISPANA AVISOS ADORACION AL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO ESTE BOLETIN VA A SER EL MISMO PARA LOS FINES DE SEMANA DE DICIEMBRE 20 Y 27 ADORACION NOCTURNA para hombres y mujeres Cuarto Sábado de cada mes no va a haber en Diciembre. VENGA A VISITAR AL SANTISIMO Parroquia Santa Maria, Centralia: Los Lunes de 9:30 -5pm Parroquia San José, Chehalis: Los Jueves de 9:30 a 5:30pm Parroquia de San Francisco Javier, Toledo de 6:30 -7:30pm OBLIGA LA MISA Viernes 25 de Diciembre (Nacimiento del niño Jesús) Misa en San José a la una de la tarde Jueves 31 de Diciembre (María, madre de Dios) CUARTA SEMANA DE ADVIENTO se prende la vela morada y en navidad Se Prende La vela blanca Misa en San José a las 6:30 de la tarde Adviento……..Tiempo de Oración Adviento……...Tiempo de Conversión En espera del nacimiento del Hijo de Dios ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA COMUNIDAD “SANTA MARIA” . Jueves 24 y 31 de Diciembre Practica del Coro Escuela 6:30 p.m. Posadas informacion enfrente de esta nota : ESTA SEMANA EN NUESTRA COMUNIDAD “SAN JOSE” Miercoles 23 y 30 de Diciembre Practica Coro de Niños Parroquia 5:00 p.m. Miércoles 23 y 30 de Diciembre Practica Coro de Jóvenes y adultos Parroquia 6:00 pm DOMINGO 20 y 27 DE DICIEMBRE EN SAN JOSE MISA 1:00 P.M. CITAS BIBLICAS PARA REFLEXIONAR EN CASA Fecha Primera Lect. Salmo Segunda Lectura Evangelio Diciembre 21 Lunes Día de Adviento (4) San Pedro Canisio, Presbítero Doctor de la Iglesia Cant 2:8-14 ó nSof 3:14-18 (Sal) 32:2-3,11-12,20-21 Lc 1:39-45 28 Lunes LOS SANTOS INOCENTES, MARTIRES 1 Jn 1:5-2:2 (Sal) 123:2-5,7-8 Mt 2:13-18 Diciembre 22 Martes Dia de Adviento (4) 1 Sam 1:24-28 (Sal) 1 Sm 2:1,4-8 Lc 1:46-56 29 QUINTO DIA DENTRO DE LA OCTAVA DE NAVIDAD 1 Jn 2:3-11 95:1-3,5-6 Lc 2:22-35 Diciembre 23 Miércoles Día de Adviento (4) San Juan de Kanty, Presbitero Mal 3:1-4,23-24 (Sal) 24:4-5,8-10,14 Lc 1:57-66 30 SEXTO DIA DENTRO DE LA OCTAVA DE NAVIDAD 1 Jn 2:12-17 95:7-10 Lc 2:36-40 Diciembre 24 Jueves VIGILIA DE LA NATIVIDAD DEL SEÑOR Is 62:1-5 (Sal) 88:4-5,16-17,27,29 Hch 13:16-17,22-25 Mt 1:1-25 Diciembre 31 SEPTIMO DIA DENTRO DE LA OCTAVA DE NAVIDAD 1 Jn 2:18-21 95:1-2,11-13 Jn 1:1-18 Diciembre 25 Viernes LA NATIVIDAD DEL SEÑOR (Día) Is 52:7-10 97:1-6 Heb 1:1-6 Jn 1:1-18 ó 1:1-5,9-14 Enero 01 OCTAVA DE NAVIDAD SOLEMNIDAD DE SANTA MARIA Nm 6:22-27 66:2-3,5-6,8 Gal 4:4-7 Lc 2:16,21 Diciembre 26 Sabado SAN SEBASTIAN PRIMER MARTIR Hch 6:8-10;7:54-59 (Sal) 30:3,4,6,8,16,17 Mt 10:17-22 Enero 02 San Basilio Magno y San Gregorio Nacianzeno Obispos 1 Jn 2:22-28 97:1-4 Jn 1:19-28 DOMINGO 27 LA SAGRADA FAMILIA Y 03 LA EPIFANIA Primera Lectura. 1 Sam 1:20-22,24-28 y Is 60:1-6 Segunda Lectura 1 Jn 3:1-2,21-24 y Ef 3:2-3,5-6 Salmo 83:2-3,5-6,9-10 y 71:1-2,7-8,10-13 Evangelio Lc 2:41-52 y Lc 10:38-42 DIOS NOS DA TODO, LUEGO NOS LLAMA A COMPARTIR POSADAS PARROQUIALES Parroquia Santa Maria 7 p.m. Miércoles Diciembr e 16 Jueves Diciembr e 17 Viernes Diciembr e 18 Lunes Diciembre 21 Martes Diciembr e 22 Miércoles Diciembr e 23 Se necesitan donaciones de comida, piñatas, dulces, juguetes etc. Para las posadas. Si usted desea ayudar por favor póngase en contacto con: Elmer (360) 239-3030 o con José (360) 508-8523 Las piñatas constan de siete picos y cada uno representa uno de los siete pecados capitales que son 1.-Soberbia 2.-Pereza 3.-Lujuria 4.-Avaricia 5.-Gula 6.-Ira y 7.-Envidia, los cuales deben ser vencidos por medio de la fe y al quebrar la piñata se obtienen dulces y frutas como símbolo de la recompensa divina. El niño con sus ojos tapados representa la fe y la piñata el mal. ESTUDIO DE BIBLIA 8 Semanas de estudio “Revelando el misterio de la Biblia” un buen estudio básico de Biblia, trazando el plan de salvación de Dios. Incluye 30 minutos de video y discusión en grupo. Para más información llame a la oficina 736-1870 Adultos, jóvenes de la High school y niños son bienvenidos. En un grupo aparte van a estar los niños estudiando también la Biblia. A todos se les recomienda que tengan su material de estudio. Ya pueden inscribirse en la oficina. Pláticas pre-bautismales Enero 16 Si usted desea bautizar o ser padrino. Con tiempo llene papelería en la oficina, hemos tenido más cambios en los bautismos. Para más información llame a la oficina al 736-1870 por favor. COLECTA DOMINICAL 12/12/15 $466.59 12/13/15 $660.00 CANTIDAD COLECTA NECESITAMOS QUE SE NECESITA DE LA SEMANA AL AÑO COLECTA ANUAL A LA SEMANA PASADA A LA FECHA A LA FECHA 801.92 1,126.59 19,246.08 18,646.53 Jesus dice: “Donde está tu Tesoro, allí estará tambien tu corazón,” Donde ponemos nuestro tesoro? Donde radica nuestro corazón? (Mt 6:21) HORARIO DE OFICINA Lunes, Martes Miercoles y Viernes de 8:00 a. 3:00 pm Tel (360)736-1870 FAX (360) 807-0758 P ROV I DA La mayoría de las mujeres no tienen abortos como una cuestión de elección , sino porque sienten que no tienen recursos para apoyar una elección distinta. Una decisión bajo coacción no es una opción libre, es un ultimo recurso. Apoyamos opciones no violentas. Existen diversas opciones de adopción junto con recursos prácticos y de apoyo, una sociedad que promueve el aborto como una necesidad o un mal necesario, subestima las mujeres y la violencia del aborto e ignora lo que las mujeres realmente quieren (tomado de la pagina web de Washington la vida humana)