Land Auction - Auction One Inc.
Land Auction - Auction One Inc.
WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2016 Land Auction 22 of R 8 (+-) ook Acre s sC Lan ount y d SALE LOCATION: K OF C HALL – PLAINVILLE, KS United States Department of Agriculture Rooks County, Kansas SALE TIME: 10:00AM T 1646 1 140.72 NHEL ² Common Land Unit 0 PLSS Cropland Tract #1 315 630 1,260 Feet 2016 Program Year Map Created September 17, 2015 Tract Boundary Farm 5033 Land Location: From Plainville, Kansas – 3 miles TractEast 1646 on Tract Cropland Total: 140.72 acres 28-9-17 KS Hwy 18. Legal Description: The Southwest Quarter Less an 8.3 acre Tract(372'X973') of Section 28; Township 9 South; Range 17 West of the Sixth P.M.; Rooks County, Kansas Acreage & FSA Info: Containing approximately 151.7 acres, consisting of 140.72 acres of Cropland. 10.98 acres of Waste and Right of Way. Tract #1 is enrolled in the current USDA Farm Program. Minerals: Minerals are believed to be intact and sell with the land. Taxes: The 2016 tax and all prior years will be paid by the Seller. 2017 and all subsequent years to be paid by the Buyer. The 2015 tax was $1,069.80. Possession: Buyer will receive possession March 1, 2017. Wetland Determination Identifiers - Restricted Use & Limited Restrictions Exempt from Conservation ) " Compliance Provisions # * Displayed over 2014 NAIP United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) maps are for FSA Program administration only. This map does not represent a legal survey or reflect actual ownership; rather it depicts the information provided directly from the producer and/or National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery. The producer accepts the data 'as is' and assumes all risks associated with its use. USDA-FSA assumes no responsibility for actual or consequential damage incurred as a result of any user's reliance on this data outside FSA Programs. Wetland identifiers do not represent the size, shape, or specific determination of the area. Refer to your original determination (CPA-026 and attached maps) for exact boundaries and determinations or contact USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). Jay Casey Real Estate Salesman Natoma, Kansas 67651 (785) 885-4619 e-mail - Sale Conducted By: Tract #2 Land Location: West edge of Plainville, Kansas lying South of Mill Street and X Road. Legal Description:The Northeast Quarter of Section 34; Township 9 South; Range 18 West of the Sixth P.M., Rooks County, Kansas. (Except) The West 400 ft. of Said Northeast Quarter -and- the Land known as C.G. Cochran’s First Addition to the City of Plainville, Kansas -and- the Land known as Arnholds First Addition to the City of Plainville, Kansas. Acreage & FSA Info: Containing 76.3 acres. Consisting of 72.84 acres of Cropland. Consisting of 3.46 acres of Grass, Waste, and Right of Way. Tract #2 is enrolled in the current USDA Farm Program. Minerals: Minerals are believed to be intact and sell with the land. Taxes:The 2016 tax and all prior years will be paid by the Seller. 2017and all subsequent years to be paid by the Buyer. The 2015 tax was $558.48. Possessions: Buyer will receive possession March 1, 2017 subject to current Tenants rights to harvest the 2017 wheat crop. Visit Our website at Or like us on Facebook at Auction One Inc. Shelly D.G. Bloomer Broker Box 386, Osborne, Kansas 67473 (785) 346-5457 Terms: 10% down day of Auction. Balance on date of Closing, on or before November 25, 2016. Buyer will receive a good and sufficient Warranty Deed accompanied by Title Insurance Commitment showing Marketable Title in Seller, as per Contract to be signed by Buyer and Seller on sale date. Title Insurance premium to be paid ½ Seller, ½ Buyer. All information in auction bill is believed to be accurate, and current information, however no warranty is given by the Auction firm or the Seller. All prospective Buyers are advised to satisfy themselves as to acreage, boundaries, bases, easements, fences, rights-of-way and/or any other information. Ethically responsible to client, profession, and the public.