0 - Stanislaus County
0 - Stanislaus County
Click Here to Return to Agenda THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF STANISLAUS DEPT: PROBATION AcnO~NDASUMMARYaOARDAGENDA#,_~*B::""-loL..8 . Urgent .Routine X . . CEO Concurs with Recommendation YE~NO_ _. _ AGENDADATE AUQust 12, 2003 4/5 Vote Required YES__ N0-2L- (Info.n Attached) SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO APPLY FOR AND ACCEPT JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT (2003) FROM THE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING SUBMITTED BY THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. APPROVE APPLICATION FOR AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE·$87,440 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT FROM THE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING. 2. AUTHORIZE THE CHIEF PROBATION OFFICER TO SIGN THE GRANT AWARD ON BEHALF OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. 3. AUTHORIZE THE CHIEF PROBATION OFFICER TO NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS RELATED TO THE GRANT. (continued page 2) FISCAL IMPACT: The total grant funding available from the Office of Criminal Justice Planning is $87,440.00. The County will provide an in-kind match of 10% or $8,744.00 through time spent by Probation Department staff administering the grant. ---~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOARD ACTION AS FOLLOWS: No. 2003-751 On motion of Supervisor .P..~l;!L . ,Seconded by Supervisor and approved by the following vote, Ayes: Supervisors:-'=&l1...~i~19 .. J:1tQ.'l~r:._Car:u~Q ..amlC.hai[r.D.an.SlI1LQJl Noes: Supervisors:J~.9.rte . .; . .; Excused or Absent: Supervisors:..NQDfL Abstaining: Supervisor:1:l!oDfl.. . .; 1) X 2) 3) 4) MOTION: ATTEST: ClllJ.lS.9 _ _ _ _ Approved as recommended Denied Approved as am.ended Other: ~~ CHRISTINE FERRARO TALLMAN, Clerk _ FileNo. Click Here to Return to Agenda APPROVAL TO ACCEPT JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT (2003) FROM THE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING SUBMITTED BY THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT Page 2 STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: (continued) 4. DIRECT THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER TO ESTABLISH A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND BUDGET UNIT AND ESTABLISH APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ACCOUNTS CONSISTENT WITH THE ATTACHED FINANCIAL BUDGET JOURNAL. DISCUSSION: The Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) has made funding available to counties through a Federal Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant program. This program is intended to promote greater accountability of juveniles in the justice system. The goal is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for their criminal activities. Funding levels for local governments are based upon a jurisdiction's crime index and law enforcement expenditures. In Stanislaus County, the funding available is $87,440.00. To ensure that the funds are used for accountability purposes, funds must be expended within one or more of twelve purpose areas stated in the legislation. The Probation Department has proposed expending funds in the following three purpose areas: • Purpose Area 2: Developing and administering accountability-based sanctions for juvenile offenders. Under Purpose Area 2, funding will be utilized for a variety of uses, inclUding to purchase and implement a validated assessment tool to be used by Probation staff in evaluating the supervision levels of juvenile offenders; to provide for extra help staffing to serve as a Juvenile Traffic Hearing Officer; to reimburse the Center for Human Services for specific program costs associated with Community Youth Court; and to provide paid internships for three college interns per semester to assist in the functions of the Juvenile Hall. • Purpose Area 3: Hiring additional court-appointed defenders. Under Purpose Area 3, funding will be utilized to fund additional contract or extra help attorney time to handle juvenile cases. Click Here to Return to Agenda APPROVAL TO ACCEPT JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY GRANT (2003) FROM THE OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING SUBMITTED BY THE PROBATION DEPARTMENT Page 3 • Purpose Area 7: Providing funding to enable juvenile courts and juvenile probation officers to be more effective and efficient in holding offenders accountable and reducing recidivism. Under Purpose Area 7, funding will be utilized to develop a pamphlet to provide parents of juvenile offenders with helpful information on the various types of court hearings and the roles of the probation officer, the courts and counsel. Funding will also be utilized to contract for services to teach detained minors the basics in job-seeking skills. Due to application deadlines, the grant request has been submitted to the State for approval. The Juvenile Justice Coordinating Council approved the recommended spending plan on July 24, 2003. Board approval is required in order to implement the grant award. POLICY ISSUE: STAFFING IMPACT: Approval of this agenda item will promote the Board of Supervisor priorities of ensuring a safe, healthy community, delivering excellent community services, promoting efficient government operations, achieving multijurisdictional cooperation and modeling community leadership. The recommended action will add temporary staffing for Juvenile Traffic Hearings and contract and/or extra help attorney hours. Click Here to Return to Agenda AUDITOR-CONTROLLER BUDGET JOURNAL BUDGET JOURNAL SCREEN Stani Budget Organization Stanislaus Budget Org BUdget JAIBG 2003 Accounting Period From Jul-03 To Jun-04 I I , . ~ StriVIng to he Ihe Be., BATCH SCREEN Journal Batch Category Line Fund Org I~~~ Bud~ 9 I Coding Stnlcture Account GIl Proj 7 7 5 4 1 \\l-.~ ~'?h\ 50020 I.63280 2 ) 82770 3 65780 4 1/ 65000 5 / ( 62980 6 -, 7 I~~~' <, 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BO a a 0 a a a Period Lac Misc 6 Description 6 a AMOUNT a .0 a .0 a .0 a .0 a .0 a .0 01 a a a a I / 1/ I - ( I I 13,300.00 54,200.00 10,000.00 4,000.00 940.00 5,000.00 .cc: Extra Help Contracts Computer Software Education & Training Publications Office Eauipment to $5,000 .0 ~"l L\L.l,D .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 Totals 87,440.00 _~~p.!!~!~~D.~_!~1!_~_'!9.9 ..~!J9..~!~!L~~U~~!~~!~~_!ep!..~l'!!~!~~~!!9!..!~!_-!~Y..~~lL~.A-.£~9_,!~!§l_~~~t.Y..l!.1.£~!1_~Y!_~!c:!9_~_~!..'!~!_____-----________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~~~Q~~fc:!!_~9_~~q~ ng Deparbnent Jill Silva Signature Date rv:» CI:O ~'~ r omee JnlV ~ fLu-;, J...N L,20v) ~. ate AUOttol'S /'\Jf Prepared By Admi'ItApproval ($75K+) "_.~,, _,,-_"'"'::i:t. Date Date Click Here to Return to Agenda ~; STATE OF CALIFORNIA GRAY DAVIS,· Governor GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLANNING 1130 K STREET, SUITE 300 SACRAMENTO, CA 95814 (916) 324-9100 Flex~~ r.Ollr~ Pom APPLICATION COVER SHEET RFAPROCESS JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT JAmG2oo3 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Branch Submitted by: Stanislaus County Probation Department 2215 Blue Gum Ave. Modesto, Ca 95358 Click Here to Return to Agenda GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PLAl\WNG (OCJP A301) GRANT AWARD FACE SHEET The Governor s Officeof Criminal JusticePlanning, hereafter designated OCJP, herebymakesa grant awardof funds to the following Administrative Agenc~' (1) _.:::S:.:::ta~n:.:::is::.:la:.::u::::.s..:::C~o:un~tv:.r._ hereafter designated Grantee, in the amountand for the purpose and duration set forth in this grantaward. (2) Implementing AgencyName Stanislaus County Probation Department Contact Jill Silva, Chief Deputy Probation Officer Address 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 E-mail address: silvaila1mail.co.stanislaus.co.us Telephone(209) 525-4503 (3) Project Title (60 characters maximum) (6) Award No. Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) 2003 I (4) Project Director (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines maximum) Jill Silva,ChiefDeputyProbation Officer 2215 Blue GumAve. Modesto, Ca. 95358 (209) 525-4503 (5) Financial Officer (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines maximum) Sam Cook,Administrative Services Manager 2215 BlueGum Ave. (7) Grant Period 6/30/03 - 6/29/03 (8) Federal Amount $87440 (9) State Amount (10)Cash Match $9715 (11) In-Kind Match ~o~)~o,Ca.95358 (12)Total Project Cost 209 525-4556 $97,155 ThlSgrant award consistsof this title page, the proposal for the grant, which IS attached and made a part hereof, and the Assurance of Compliance forms which are being submitted. I hereby certify that: (1) I am vested with authority to, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, or Governing Board Chair, enter into this grant award agreement; and (2) all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified. The grant recipient signifies acceptance of this grant award and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the statute(s), the Program Guidelines, the OCJP Grantee Handbook, and the OCJP audit requirements, as stated in this Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA). The grant recipient further agrees to all legal conditions and terms incorporated by reference in this RFP or RFA. . FOR OCJP USE ONLY Item: Chapter: PCANo.: Components No.: ProjectNo.: Address: 2215 BlueGum Ave.,Modesto, Ca. 95358 Amount: Telephone: (209) 525-4504 SplitFund: Date: June 4, 2003 SplitEncumber: Year: I herebycertifyupon my ownpersonalknowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purposes of this expenditure statedabove. Fed. Cat #: MatchRequirement: FiscalOfficer, OCJP Date Fund: Program: Region: (Rev. 5/14/01) Executive Director, OCJP Date Click Here to Return to Agenda PROJECT SERVICE AREA INFORMATION .'t 1. COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Enterthe name(s) of the county or counties servedby the project. Put an asterisk where the principal office of the project is located. Stanislaus County 2. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT(S): Enterthe number(s) of the U.S. Congressional District(s) whichtheprojectserves. Put an asterisk for the district where theprincipal officeof the project is located. 3. STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT(S): Enterthe number(s) of the StateAssembly District(s) whichthe projectserves. Put an asterisk for the district where the principal office of the projectis located. 4. 5. STATE SENATE DISTRICT{S): Enter the number(s) of the StateSenateDistrict(s) whichthe project serves. Put an asterisk for the district where the principal office of the project is located. POPULATIONOF SERVICE AREA: Enter the total population of the service area servedby the project. 460,000 Click Here to Return to Agenda PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant: Stanislaus County Probation Department Implementing Agency (if applicable): Stanislaus County Probation Department Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant CJAIDG) 2003 Grant Number (to be added by OCJP): _ Provide the name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the project contact persons named below. If a section does not apply to your project, enter liN/A." 1. The person having day-to-day responsibility for the project: Name: Jill Silva Title: Chief Deputy Probation Officer Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4503 Fax Number: (209) 525-4588 E-Mail Address:silvaj@mail.co.stanislaus.cp..us 2. The person to whom the person listed in #1 is accountable: Name: Jerry Powers Title: Chief Probation Officer Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4504 Fax Number: (209) 525-4588 E-Mail Address:powersj@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us 3. The executive director of a nonprofit organization or the chief executive officer (e.g., chief of police, superintendent of schools) of the implementing agency: Name: Reagan M. Wilson Title: Chief Executive officer Address: 1010 Tenth Street Place, Suite 6800, Modesto CA 95354 Telephone Number: (209) 525-6333 Fax Number: (209) 525-6226 E-Mail Address:CEOWll..@mial.co.stanislaus.ca.us 4. The chair of the governing body of the implementing agency: (provide address and telephone number other than that of the implementing agency.) Name: Ray Simon Title: Chair, Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors Address: 1010 Tenth St., Suite 6500, Modesto, Ca. 95354 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4440 Fax Number: (209) 525-4410 E-Mail Address:simonra@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us 5. The person responsible for the project from the applicant agency, if different than #1: Name:N/A Title: Address: Telephone Number: ( E-Mail Address: ) Fax Number: ( ) Click Here to Return to Agenda CERTIFICATION OF ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE I, Jerry Powers ,hereby certify that: (official authorized to sign grantaward; sameperson as line 13 on Grant Award Face Sheet) GRANTEE: Stanislaus County IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Stanislaus CountyProbation Department PROJECT TITLE: .Juvenile Accountability Program Is responsible for reviewing the OCJP Grantee Handbook and adheringto all of the GrantAward Agreement requirements (state and/or federal) as directed by the Office of CriminalJustice Planningincluding, but not limited to, the following areas: I. Equal Employment Opportunity - (Grantee Handbook Section 2151) It is the public policy of the State of California to promote equal employment opportunity by prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment because of Race, Religious Creed, Color,National Origin, Ancestry, Disability (mental and physical) includingHIV and AIDS, Medical Condition (cancer and genetic characteristics, Marital Status, Sex, SexualOrientation, Denial ofFamily Medical Care Leave, Denial ofPregnancy Disability Leave, or Age (over 40). Please providethe following information: A.A. Officer: . . .P!=...:a~t~S::...!w~e~e~nyJ-- ---,. _ Title: DeputyExecutive Officer Address: 1010 Tenth Street Place, Suite 6800 Phone: (209)525-6300 II. Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 - (Grantee Handbook Section 2152) The State of Californiarequiresthat everyperson or organizationawardeda grantor contract shall certify it will provide a drug free workplace. III. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - (Grantee Handbook Section 2153) The State of California requires all OCJP fundedprojects to obtain written certification that the project is not impacting the environment negatively. Click Here to Return to Agenda (' IV. Lobbying - (Grantee Handbook Section 2154) OCJP grantfunds, grantproperty, or grant funded positions shallnot be usedfor any lobbying activities, including, but not limited to being paid by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officeror employee ofany agency, a Member of Congress, an officeror employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the making of any federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal grantor cooperative agreement. V. Debarment and Suspension - (Grantee Handbook Section 2155) (This applies to federally funded grants only) OCJP funded projects must certifythat it and its principals are not presentlydebarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefitsby a stateor federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department of agency. VI. Proof of Authority from City Council/Governing Board The above namedorganization (applicant) accepts responsibility for and will complywith the requirement to obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board in support ofthisprogram. The Applicant agrees to provide all matchingfunds requiredfor said project (including any amendment thereof) under the Program andthefunding terms and conditions ofOCJP, and that any cash match will be appropriated as required. It is agreed that any liabilityarisingout oftheperformance ofthis GrantAwardAgreement, includingcivil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility ofthe grant recipientand the authorizing agency. The State ofCalifornia and OCJP disclaim responsibility ofany such liability. Furthermore, it is also agreedthat grantfunds receivedfrom OCJPshall not be used to supplantexpenditures controlled by the city council/governing board. The Applicant is required to obtainwritten authorization from the city council/governing board that the official executing this agreement is, in fact, authorized to do so. The Applicant is also required to maintain said writtenauthorization on file and readily available upon demand. Click Here to Return to Agenda t .. All appropriate documentation must be maintained on file by the project and available for OCJP or public scrutiny upon request. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the grant or termination or the grant or both and the grantee may be ineligible for award of any future grants if the Office of Criminal Justice Planning (OCJP) determines that any of the following has occurred: (1) the grantee has made false certification, or (2) violates the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. . CERTIFICATION I, the official namedbelow, am the sameindividual authorized to sign the Grant AwardAgreement [line 13 on Grant AwardFace Sheet], andhereby swearthat I am duly authorized legallyto bind the contractor or grant recipient to the above described certification. I am fully aware that this certification executed on the date and in the countybelow, is made under penalty of perjuryunder the laws of the State ofCalifomia. Authorized Official's Signature: -4<G~~=--:::~~~':::=:::::=~~-=,L..------Authorized Official's TypedName: ~:2;.!.J~~~ Authorized Official's Title: _ _---.:~~~~~~~~ ChiefProbation Officer Date Executed: --'~~~~~ 28, 2003 May Federal ill Number: ~94:!:-:..l::!6~00~0!.>t.5.::r.40l:!..- _ -----___ ---,- Countyof Stanislaus Executed in the City/County of: _~~~~::!.!:!::!:~~2..AUTHORIZED BY: c City/County Financial Officer c City Manager/County Administrator Gov~gB~h&r. U. · lL 1;1• U_ c SignatureS TypedName: ReaganM. Wilson Title: Stanislaus CountyChiefExecutive Officer ------- Click Here to Return to Agenda ~ ,WAIVER OF DIRECT SUBGRANT ¢ AWARD FROM UNIT OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT I, Reagan M. Wilson, Stanislaus County Chief Executive Officer, the legallyauthorized administrative officerof Stanislaus County, authorize the State of California, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, to transferaward funds allocated under the Juvenile Accountability Incentive BlockGrant (JAIBG) 2003, in the amount of $100,000, to the Stanslaus CountyProbation Department. Authorized Official's Signature~...:..~t~-I.~i.ol:/-' '£~. .0!1·~ 50:' ~ =: :' Authorized Official's TypedName: Reagan M. Wilson Authorized Official's Typed Title: ChiefExecutive Officer Date Executed fO/lll d :5 I Waiving Unit of Local Government Official Seal or Notary Stamp is required below: _ Click Here to Return to Agenda COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN (CEP) SUMMARY 1. Year: 2. Project Title: 3. Grant Period: 4. Federal Funds: $87A40 JAIBG Juvenile Accountability Program June 30, 2003 to Match Funds: $9,715 2003 2003 Total Project Cost: $97,155 June 29,2004 5. Applicant Unit of Local Government 6. Implementing Department/Agency Name: Stanislaus County Narne: Stanislaus County Probation Department Address: 1010 Tenth Street Place Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave. Modesto, Ca. 95354 Modesto, Ca. 95358 Phone: 209 525-6300 Fax: 209 525-4588 E-mail: PowersJ@mail.co.Stanislaus.co.us Fax: 209 525-4588 Phone: 209 525-5400 E-mail: PowersJ@mai1.co.Stanislaus.ca.us 7. Problem Statements: See Attached Coordinated Enforcement Plan (CEP) 8. Project Budget: Administrative Costs (if any): Personnel Services: Operating Expenses: Equipment: Total Project Cost: $77,215 $19,940 $97,155 9. Projected Number of Juveniles to be Served: 1,607 Directly Served: 1,607 Indirectly Served: Total Served: 1,607 10. Waiver of Minimum Percent Allocation Requirements (Check One): X The JCEC/RJCEC does not request a waiver of minimum allocation requirements. s 11. Program Description - Purchase and implement a validated juvenile offender risk assessment tool, fund interns for the Juvenile Hall, provide for a Juvenile Traffic Hearing Officer, fund an employment training program for juvenile offenders, provide for the distribution of an information pamphlet for the parents of juvenile offenders regarding the juvenile court process, provide funding for the Community Youth Court Program and fund a part-time Deputy Public Defender to alleviate a backlog ofjuvenile cases before the court. Purpose Area Totals (detailed on the following page) • Purpose Area 2: $46,215 I 47% of grant funds. • Purpose Area 3: $19,000 I 20% of grant funds. • Purpose Area 7: $31,940 I 33% of grant funds. Click Here to Return to Agenda a) Program Purpose Area 2 - Risk Assessment Program. Funds Allocated: $10,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 10.3% Program Activities: Purchase and implement a validated assessment tool to be utilized by Deputy Probation Officers in evaluating the supervision levels of the juvenile offender. The cost to purchase and implement the assessment program for one year is approximately $10,000. b) Program Purpose Area 2 - Contract a Traffic Hearing Officer. Funds Allocated: $14,300 % of (Total Project Cost-Admin Costs): 14.7% Program Activities: Contract a retired Deputy Probation Officer to preside over Juvenile Traffic Court. The pay rate will be $25.52/hr for ten hours per week ($13,300) plus the purchase ofa computer ($1,000). c) Program Purpose Area 2 - Community Youth Court. Funds Allocated: $5,000 % of (Total Project Cost-. Admin Costs): 5.1% Program Activities: $5000 will be provided to the Center for Human Services to operate the existing ' Community Youth Court program. d) Program Purpose Area 2- Juvenile Hall Internship Program. Funds Allocated: $7,200 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 7.4% ProgramActivities: Contract three college interns per semester to assist in the functions ofthe Juvenile Hall. Budgeted for 3 interns per semester, 6 total, 120 hours each @$10.00per hour. e) Program Purpose Area 2 - Administrative Costs. Funds Allocated: $9,715 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 10% Program Activities: 10% of total project cost to administer the grant. 1) Program Purpose Area 3 - Part-time Public Defender. Funds Allocated: $19,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 19.6% Program Activities: To avoid delays that have plagued the juvenile justice system in the County for the last several years, the Public Defender's Office will hire a contract attorney to work part time as a Deputy Public Defender. g) Program Purpose Area 7 - Juvenile Court Information Pamphlet. Funds Allocated: $940 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 1 % Program Activities: Provide a pamphlet to parents ofjuvenile offenders with helpfulinformation on the various types of court hearings and the roles of the court. Cost to produce 3000 is $866 plus tax. h) Program Purpose Area 7- Juvenile Offender Employment Readiness. Funds Allocated: $31,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 32% Program Activities: Contract with the Department of Employment and Training (DET) or the Center for Human Services (CHS) to develop a program that will teach detained minors the basics in job-seeking skills. The DET or CHS will be contracted at $501hrfor 460 hours. Curriculum and computers will cost $8,000. Click Here to Return to Agenda Title: Chief Deputy Probation Officer Click Here to Return to Agenda COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN (CEP) Background Data on the Target Group Between May 2002 and April2003, the Stanislaus County Probation Department supervised an average of 659juvenileoffenders per month. Also during this period, the Juvenile Hall, which has a rated capacity of 118 minors, had an average in-custody detention population of 121 juvenileoffenders per month. The Juvenile Accountability Incentive BlockGrant will allow the Probation Department to improve on holding juvenileoffenders accountable, whileproviding proactive services to juvenileoffenders in the community and withinthe detention facility. TheJuvenile Accountability Program 2003 proposed budget will be used to purchase and implement a validated juvenileoffender risk assessment tool, to fundinterns for the Juvenile Hall,to fund a Juvenile Traffic Hearing Officer, to employ a part-time DeputyPublic Defender, to provide an employment training program to incarcerated juvenile offenders, to provide information to parents ofjuvenileoffenders regarding the juvenilecourtprocess, and to provide funding to the CenterforHumanServices to maintain and expand on the Community YouthCourtprogram. 1. Juvenile Offender Assessments - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Juvenile Divisionofthe Stanislaus CountyProbationDepartment currentlyutilizes a non-validated and outdated method of assessing the needs and levels of risk ofjuvenile offenders. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program2003 to direct a portionof JAIBG 2003 funds towardpurchasing a validated risk/needs assessment tool, whichwill aid the Probation Department in holdingjuvenile offenders accountable for their actions. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 2): The Stanislaus County Probation Department will purchase and implement an assessment tool to be utilized byDeputy Click Here to~ Return to Agenda 'Probation Officers in evaluating the needs ofjuvenileoffenders andplacing them in the appropriate levelof proactive supervision. Theprogram being considered, the Youth Level of Service/Case Management System (YLS/CMI), is thejuvenileversion of the validated LSI (Level of Service Inventory). The ChiefProbation Officerwill make the final decision on whichassessment plan to purchase. The ChiefDeputy Probation Officer of the Juvenile Division will oversee and directthe various units in implementing the plan. The Supervising Probation Officers willtrainthe Deputy Probation Officers in the utilization of the assessments. TheDeputyProbation officers will conduct assessments on eachnew offender during or afteradjudication androutinely during supervision. The Supervising Probation Officer willreview the conducted assessments to ensure that thejuvenile offenders and families arereceiving the appropriate levels of supervision andtreatment. Implementation of the assessment program will not require any additional manpower or technology otherthanthe initial training. Training on the use ofthe program will be conducted by Supervisors during theirregular course of business. The assessments will also be conducted by Probation Officers during theirregular course of business. 2. Juvenile TrafficCourt Hearing Officer - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus County Juvenile Courtplansto utilizeDeputyProbation Officers to preside overjuveniletraffic hearing matters beginning July 1, 2003. Section 225 of the Welfare and Institutions Codeprovides for the appointment of a Probation Officer to the position of Juvenile Hearing Officer. Currently, an average of26 referrals to Juvenile Traffic Court occur eachmonth. These hearings will require officers to spendapproximately ten hours perweekon traffic-related offenses. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to instead direct a portionof JAIBG 2003 funds towardhiring a retiredDeputy Probation Officer as a part-time Juvenile Traffic CourtHearing Officer. Click Here to~Plan Return and to Agenda Implementation (Purpose Area 2): The Stanislaus CountyProbation Department will contract a retired Deputy Probation Officer to presideover Juvenile Traffic Court matters. The contracted officer will spend approximately ten hours per week hearing the matters. The presidingJuvenile CourtJudgeand the Chief DeputyProbation Officer of the Juvenile Divisionwill oversee and directthe implementation of the plan. 3. Juvenile Court Process Information for Parents - Problem Statement (Block 7) Parents ofminors pending adjudication for criminal offenses are often frustrated by the lack of information they are provided andby complexities of thejuvenile courtprocess. The Juvenile Intake Unit of the Stanislaus County Probation Department has developed an intensely descriptive, yet basic, information pamphlet to be distributed to parents of minors pending juvenilecourtadjudication. Dueto budget restraints, however, the pamphlets have not beenprintedfor distribution. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to directa portion of JAffiG 2003 funds towardproviding parents with printed information about the various courtprocesses and hearings, and the roles of the probation officer, the courts, and counsel. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 7): The Stanislaus County Probation Department will print approximately 3000 information pamphletsand then distribute to parents of minorswho are pendingjuvenile court proceedings or already on probation and face potential violationsof probation. The plan will be implemented and coordinated by the Supervisor ofthe Juvenile IntakeUnit. 4. Employment Training for Juvenile Offenders - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall averages an in-custody detention population of 121 juvenile offenders per month. Minors housedat the Juvenile Hall range from 11 to 19 years ofage. The current average age of detained minors is 16 years. While incarcerated, the Click Here to,Return Agenda schooling minorstoreceive and counseling services; however, few are equipped to enterthe job force upon theirrelease from incarceration. It is the plan of the JuvenileAccountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of JAIBG 2003 funds toward contracting with the Stanislaus CountyDepartment of Employment and Training (DET) or the Center for HumanServices (CHS) to implement and operate a basic employment readinessprogram for detained juvenile offenders. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 7): The Stanislaus CountyProbation Department will contractwith the DET or the CHS to develop a program that will teach detained minorsthe basics in job-seeking skills. Minors will be trained in basic skills such as filling out job applications, proper attire for an interview, and interview techniques. Olderminors, such as 18 year-olds, will receive more advanced trainingin seekinga trade and will receivereferrals to potential employers. The plan will be implemented by the chosen department and be coordinated and supervised by the Chief DeputyProbation Officer of the Juvenile Hall. 5. Juvenile Hall Internship Program - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus CountyJuvenileHall employs 3 internsper semesterfrom CaliforniaState University Stanislaus for the purposes of career and educational development and for assistance in tracking the progress of minors engaged in the cognitive behavior programs. Their assistance to the Juvenile Hall staff is very beneficial in that their participation with the minors allows full-time staff to performtheir primary functions in the unit. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to directa portionof JAIBG 2003 funds toward contracting with California StateUniversity Stanislaus to stipend 6 interns,3 per semester, for the 2003-2004 school year. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 2): The Stanislaus CountyProbation Department will receive 3 interns per semester from the CSUS, designated to Juvenile Hall, Click Here to Return Agenda of assistingin the functions .forthetopurpose of the facility, including supervision ofbehavior modification programs. The Chief DeputyProbation Officer will coordinate the internship program, while JuvenileHall Supervisors will directlysupervise the interns, Progress reports will be providedto CSUS at the requestofthe CSUS internship liaison. 6. Public Defender Contract for Juvenile Defense Problem Statement (Block 7) Delaysin the adjudication of juvenile cases within Stanislaus County frustrate the general goal ofholdingjuvenile offenders accountable for their actions. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program2003 to direct a portion of the JAIBG2003 funds in a manner that reducesor eliminates such delays. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 3): To avoid delays that have plagued the juvenile justice system in Stanislaus County for the last several years, the Public Defender's Office will hire a contract attorney to work part time as a Deputy Public Defender. 7. Community Youth Court Problem Statement (Block 7) CommunityYouth Court in Stanislaus County is operated by the Center for Human Services. The program is modeled after actual courtroomproceedings and is designed to introduce youth (volunteers and offenders)to the justice system while providing consequences for youthful offenders. The program provides effective and proven services to youthful offenders in order to prevent further involvementwith the justice system. The program also offers a viable opportunity for youth to develop life skills, become involved in their communityand to serve as peer mentors. Limited funding and other budget restraints, however,have prevented the Center for Human Services from expanding the CommunityYouth Court program to all areas of Stanislaus County. It is the plan of the JuvenileAccountability Program to 2003 to direct a portion of the JAIBG 2003 funds to Click Here to Return to Agenda Click Here to, Return to Agenda JAIBGJUVENILE CRIME ENFORCEMENT COALIl'ION MEMBERSHIP Applicant: Stanislaus County Implementing Agency (if applicable): Stanislaus County Probation Department ProjectTitle: Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 GrantNumber(to be entered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning): Provide the name, title, organization, address, and telephone number for each of the eight member categories below. An appropriate designee must be listed, representing each agencycategory. Police Sheriff Name: Roy Wasden Title: Chief Organization: ModestoPolice Department Address: 600 10th St., Modesto, Ca. 95354 Phone: (209) 572-9503 Name: Les Weidman Title: Sheriff/Coroner Organization: Stanislaus County Address: 250 E. HackettRoad, Modesto,Ca. 95358 Phone: (209)525-7216 Prosecutor Probation Name: JamesBrazelton Title: DistrictAttorney Organization: Stanislaus County Address: PO Box 422, Modesto, Ca. 95353 Phone: (209) 525-5525 Name: Jerry Powers Title: ChiefProbationOfficer Organization: Stanislaus CountyProbationDept. Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto,Ca. 95358 Phone: (209) 525-4504 Juvenile Court Schools Name: Honorable Marie Silveira Title: Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court Organization: Stanislaus County Address: PO Box 3488, Modesto, Ca. 95353 Phone: (209) 525-5400 Name: James C. Enochs Tnle:Superintendent Organization: ModestoCity Schools Address: 426 LocustAve., Modesto, Ca. 95351 Phone:(209) 576-4011 Community Service Crime Prevention Organization Title: LindaM. Kovacs, Director Organization: Centerfor HumanServices Address: 1700McHenry Village Way Phone: (209) 526-1440 Modesto, Ca. 95353 Additional Member Name: Ray Simon Title:Chair Organization: Stanislaus Co. Board of Supervisors Address: 1010 10th St., Ste 6500,Modesto, Ca. Phone: (209)525-4440 Click Here to Return to Agenda STANISLAUS COUNTY JUVENILE JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNSEL Sitting as the Juvenile Justice Enforcement Coalition (JCEC) Jerry Powers, Chair Chief Probation Officer Stanislaus County Probation Department 2215 Blue Gum Avenue Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 525-4598 FAX (209) 525-5486 e-mail: powersj@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Linda M. Kovacs Director Center for Human Services ._ 1700 McHenry Village Way, Suite 11-B Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 526-1440 (209) 526-0908 e-mail: Ikovacs@centerforhumanservices.org Jeff Anderson Director, Outpatient Services Sierra Vista Child and Family Services 1400 K Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 524-6371 FAX (209) 524-5440 email: janderson@sierravista.org Ken Patterson Director, Community Services Agency Stanislaus County PO Box 42 Modesto, CA 95353-0042 (209) 558-2500 (209) 558-2558 e-mail: patterk@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Timothy P. Bazar Public Defender Stanislaus Count Public Defender's Office PO Box 3428 Modesto, CA 95353 FAX (209) .525-4244 (209) 525-4200 e-mail: bazart@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Martin G. Petersen Superintendent Stanislaus County Office of Education 1100 H Street Modesto, CA 95354-2238 FAX (209) 525-5147 (209) 525-4900 e-mail: mpetersen@scoe.stan-co.k12.ca.us James C. Brazelton District Attorney Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office PO Box 442 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-5525 FAX (209) 525-5910 e-mail: jim.brazelton@mail.standa.org The Honorable Marie S. Silveira Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court Stanislaus County Superior Court POBox 3488 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-6348 FAX (209) 525-6385 email: slveram@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Art deWerk Chief of Police Ceres Police Department 2727 Third Street Ceres, CA 95307 (209) 538-5726 FAX (209) 538-5707 e-mail: adewerk@cLceres.ca.us 'Ray Simon Chairman, Board of Supervisors Stanislaus County 1010 10th Street, Suite 6500 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 525-4440 FAX (209) 525-4410 e-mail: simonra@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Click Here to Return to Agenda · James C. Enochs Superintendent Modesto City Schools 426 Locust Avenue Modesto, CA 95351 (209) 576-4011 FAX (209) 576-1484 e-mail: enochs.j@monet.k12.ca.us Dan Souza Director, Behavioral Health & Recovery Service Stanislaus County 800 Scenic Drive Modesto, CA 95350 FAX (209) 558-8233 (209) 525-6205 e-mail: dsouza@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Community Members-at-Large -- Patricia Hill Thomas Assistant Executive Officer Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office 1010 10th Street, Suite 6800 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 525-6333 FAX (209) 544-6226 e-mail: pthomas@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Chau-Pu Chiang Professor, Criminal Justice California State University, Stanislaus 801 Monte Vista Avenue Turlock, CA 95380 (209) 467-5330 FAX (209) 467-5333 email: chiang@toto.csustan.edu Roy W. Wasden Chief of Police Modesto Police Department 600 1Oth Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 572-9503 FAX (209) 572-9669 e-mail: wasdenr@modestopd.com William W. Dyer Member, Juvenile Justice Commission Stanislaus County 1622 Poplar Street Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 847-0984 FAX (209) 847-2128 email: wwdyer@ix.netcom.com Les Weidman Sheriff/Coroner Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department 250 E. Hackett Road, Modesto, CA 95353 PO Box 858 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-7216 FAX (209) 525-7106 email: widmnl@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Sheanna S. Youth member 9612 Gray Fox Way Oakdale, CA 95361 Click Here to Return to Agenda Budget Narrative TheJuvenileAccountability Program 2003 proposed budget wouldprincipally be usedto provide services/resources tojuvenileoffenders andtheir families andto provide Probation officers with the necessary tools andresources to continue to holdjuvenileoffenders accountable for theircriminal activities. Theprograms included in this year's budgetwill address several needs and deficiencies in supervising, adjudicating and rehabilitating the juvenile offender. A. Personal Services - Salaries I Employee Benefits i The budgetincludes wages for a part-timeTraffic Hearing Officer, six paid interns, a contracted part-timeDeputy PublicDefender, contracted employees from the Department of Employment and Training (DET) or the Center for Human Services (CHS), and for the coordinating and implementation of the various programs. The Traffic HearingOfficerwill be a contracted retired DeputyProbationOfficer. The contracted Hearing Officer will be employed 10 hours per week at a salary of approximately $25.52 per hour. The total salary for the year 2003-2004 will be approximately $13,300.00. As this will be a part-timeposition, additional benefitswill not be necessary. The six interns (3 per semester) will be contracted from California StateUniversityof Stanislaus Internship Program. They will be utilizedin the Juvenile Hall and will servein the dailyoperations of the facility. Their duties will include supervision of minors involved in the behavior modification programs. Each intern will be employed for 120 hours at a rate of $10.00 per hour. The total cost for the year 2003-2004 will be no more than $7,200. Click Here to,Return to Agenda DeputyPublic Defender will be hired on a part-time basis. 'The contracted The goal of hiring a Public Defenderto this position is to assistin avoiding delays caused by a lack/unavailability of counsel for required courtproceedings. The Public Defender reports the cost for a part-time deputy is $19,000. The contracted DET or CHS employees will provide an employment-training regimen to juvenile offenders detainedin the Juvenile Hall. The rate proposed by the Department of Employment and Training is $50.00 per hour to educate, counsel, facilitate and coordinate. A minimum of ten hours per week will be required for the program to be developed and for facilitation. The Stanislaus County Probation Department willdesignate $5,000 of the JAIBG2003 i funding to the Center for Human Services to assist in continuing and expanding on the Community YouthCourtprogram. The ChiefDeputies will spend no morethan5% of theirrespective timeto administer this grant Duties will include contracting withDET or CHS, the CSUS Internship Program, and the Traffic Hearing Officer. In addition, ChiefDeputies will coordinate the Risk Assessment Program, Traffic Court, andthe Internship Program. Total administrative expenses willnot exceed $9,715. B. Operating Expenses c. Equipment A validated assessment program will likelybe purchased from the MultiHealth Systems (MRS) Company andbe usedin assessing the levelof risk and the supervision needs of juvenile offenders. The validated assessment tool will replace the Probation Department's outdated Risk/Needs Assessment tool, whichis notvalidated. The budget for the program is basedon the number of new classified cases received per month(80) and the existing (800) Click Here to Return to Agenda : classifiedcases. All wardsrequire a Risk/Needs Assessment upon adjudication and every six-months thereafter. The cost of the program will include manuals, interview guides, case management forms and scoring forms. Thetotal estimated costto fund the program for the year 2003-2004 is approximately $10,000. The Juvenile Court Information Pamphlet will provide parents with printed information that addresses various court hearings and the roles of the probation officer, the courts, and counsel. The pamphletwill assistparents in understanding the complexities of the juvenilejusticesystem and the process to which their family will be subjected. Approximately 3000pamphlets will be distributed during the year 2003-2004. Printing the two-sided color pamphlets has an estimated price of $940. Equipment costs associated with the Employment Readiness Programwill include approximately $4,000 in curriculum materials and $4,000 for four laptopcomputers. Equipment costs associated with the contracted Traffic HearingOfficerwill include one laptopcomputer at an estimated price of$I,OOO. Click Here to Return to Agenda BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL A. Personal Services - SalarieslEmployee Benefits COST Traffic Hearing Officer- part time employee working 10hours per week for a year $13,300.00at $25.52 per hour. Non-benefited. Intern Program - three interns working 120hours per semester for a year at the Juvenile Hall. Total for year: 6 interns, 120 hours each @ $14.00 perhour. Nonbenefited. The interns willbe utilized in the Cognitive Behavior Program. Public Defender - contract attorney for the Public Defender's Office. Nonbenefited. DET or CHS - contract program coordinator withthe Department of Employment and Training or the Center forHuman Services for ajob-readiness program at the Juvenile Hall. $50lhour for 9 hours/week. Community Youth Court - provide funding to the CenterforHuman Services in orderto continue andexpand uponthe Community YouthCourtprogram. Administrative Costs: 10%of totalproject cost for the ChiefDeputy to administer this grant. Duties willinclude contracting with theDepartment of Employment and Training, the CSUS Internship Program, andthe Traffic Hearing Officer. In addition, the ChiefDeputy will coordinate the RiskAssessment Program, Traffic Court, andthe Internship Program. $7,200.00 $19,000.00 $23,000.00 $5,000.00 $9,715.00 $77,215.00 TOTAL OCJP-A303a(Rev.7/97) Click Here to Return to Agenda BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEl\1 DETAIL B. Operating Expenses COST - TOTAL OCJP-A303b (Rev. 7/97) -. Click Here to Return to Agenda BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL C. Equipment COST Risk/Needs Assessment Program - purchase of program andlicensing for a validated risk assessment tool forjuvenile offenders. Example: 1800 YLS/CMI assessments for the year2003-2004: (10) Complete Kits @ $145/e. = $1,450 (10)YLS Users' Manuals @ $45/e. = $450 (18)Quick Score Packs @ $225/e. = $4,050 (18)Interview Packets @ $130/e. = $2,340 Total: $9,640 plus S&H (18)Case Mngmt. Packs @ $75/e. = $1,350 $10,000.00 Curriculum Materials - for the Employment Readiness Program, quoted by the Department of Employment andTraining to serve up to 1,000 participants. $4,000.00 Juvenile Court Information Pamphlet - information forparents explaining the Juvenile Courtprocess. $940.00 Laptop Computer - for the Traffic Hearing Officer. $1,000.00 Laptop Computers - for the Employment Readiness Program. Fourlaptops at approximately $1,000 each. $4,000.00 CATEGORY TOTAL $19,940.00 PROJECT TOTAL $97,155.00 FUND DISTRIBUTION 1. Amount of Funds 2. Percentage of Funds OCJP-A303c(Rev.7/97) FEDERAL $87,440 90% STATE NA CASH MATCH $9,715 10% IN-KIND MATCH NA Click Here to Return to Agenda APPENDIX A. Computer Purchase Justification B. JAIBG Award AllocationWork Sheet C. JAIBG Progress Report Template D. Operational Agreement E. Additional Signature Authorization Click Here to Return to Agenda A. Computer Purchase Justification 1. Traffic Hearing Officer - the Stanislaus County Probation Department will need to purchase one laptop computer for the TrafficHearing Officerposition. The officerwill be requiredto take the computer to the Traffic HearingCourtroom daily. The officerwill producecourt orders on the computer and may refer to the internet for Vehicle Code information. The cost to the Probation Department for laptop computers is approximately $1,000. Other expenses, suchas training, technical assistance and modems are not anticipated. Employment Readiness Program - the Stanislaus CountyProbationDepartment will need to purchase four laptop computers for the Employment Readiness Program. The computers will be utilized by the chosenproviderfor use in instructing minors in the living units at the Juvenile Hall. Sincethe detained minors are not mobile and do not have access to computers, laptop computers will need to be broughtto them. The computers will be utilized to develop such skills as preparing a resume and conducting job searches. The costto the Probation Department for laptop computers is approximately $1,000. The total cost will not exceed$4,000. Other expenses are not anticipated. Click Here to Return to Agenda JAIBG 2003 AWARD ALLOCATION WORKSHEET B. JAIBG 2003 Award Allocation Worksheet 1) Unit of Local Government Direct Grant Amount (See Program Guidelines, Appendix A) (A) $87,440 2) Additional Direct Grants received from other eligible recipients: (See Program Guidelines, Appendix A. Use additional sheet ifneeded.) City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $_~ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ City: Amount $ _ $ Total from additional sheet (if needed) _ (B) Total amount received from other recipients 3) Total Amount of Federal Award (Calculation A + Calculation B above) $Q (C) $87,440 If you are applying funds toward construction of a Permanent Juvenile Correctional Facility (pJCF) then use the alternate calculation found in the box on page two for items 4 & 5 below: 4) Total Project Cost [(Calculation C x 10) + 9] Round to the nearestwholedollar (D) $97,155 5) Cash Match (Calculation D - Calculation C) (E) $9,715 6) Administrative Costs to be Charged to Grant (F) $Q 7) Total Funds Available for Program Purpose Areas (Calculation D - Calculation F) (G) $97,155 8) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas 3-9: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9) IS IS is is IS is is $19,000 $---$---$---$31,940 $---$---- Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 3-9 (H) $50,940 Minimum Funds Required in Program Purpose Areas 3-9 (I) $43,720 Click Here to Return to Agenda JAIBG 2003 AWARD ALLOCATION WORKSHEET (Calculation G x .45) Is Calculation H equal to, or greater than Calculation I? Ifnot, is a waiver to spend funds differently included? 10) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10: 1 2 10 Yes X NA IS IS IS $---$ 46,215 $---- Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10 (J) $46,215 11) Minimum Funds Required in Program Purpose Areas 1,2 and 10 (Calculation G x .35) Is Calculation J equal to, or greater than Calculation K? Yes X No If not, is a waiver to spend funds differently included? NA (K) $34,004 12) Amount Funded to Program Purpose Areas 11 and 12: i 11 IS 12 is Total Amount Funded in Program Purpose Areas 11 and 12 13) Total of all Allocated Funds (Calculation F + H +J +L) $0 $0 (L)$ 0 (M) $97,155 14) Does Calculation M, Total ofAllocated Funds, equal Calculation D, Total Project Cost? Yes X No __ (If "no", there is an error in one of the calculations that must be corrected) FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) PROGRESS REPORT C. JA}BG Progress Report Template Click Here to Return to Agenda OFFICE OF CRIMINAL mSTICE PLANNING ATTENTION: GRANTS CONTROL 1130 K STREET, SUITE LL60 (916) 324-9124 Following the instructions, please provide the information as indicated. SUBMIT TWO (2) COPIES OF THE REPORT TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS: Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 Grant Award #: Grantee: Stanislaus County Probation Department Grant Period: July 1, 2003. to June 30. 2004 Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto. Ca. 95358 Report Period: Report Prepared By: ::.:Ji=ll....S=il~v=-a _ _ _ Title: Chief Deputy Probation Officer (Relationship to Project) Telephone: (209) 525-4503 [ ] 90-day Status Report: Due October 30, 2003 [ ] 2nd Progress Report: Due January 30, 2004 rd [ ] 3 Progress Report: Due April 30, 2004 Narrative/statistical report to cover first 3 months of operation. Narrative/statistical report covering first 6 months of operation. Narrative/statistical report covering first 9 months of operation. [ ] FINAL/4th Progress Report: Due July 30, 2004 Narrative/ statistical report covering entire grant period. If equipment was purchased during the grant period, submit "Use of Certification" OCJP-074 Appendix B of the Grantee Handbook with final Progress Report, [ ] Extension Report: Due 30 days after closure of any extension period. Do only if initial grant period is extended. liJl1ll DYES DNO Are grant funds being expended in accordance with the Grant Award Agreement? (If not, please explain) 1. Total Grant Award: $------ 2, Total funds Expended to date: 3. Total encumbered but not paid for: 4. Total Grant balance: $-----$------ $------ I CERTIFY THAT THIS REPORT IS ACCURATE AND IN ACCORDANCE WTI1:I OCJP POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Signature - Project Director Title Date I~.--~: D D o Report accepted as submitted. Report NOT accepted as submitted. See attached comments. Report reviewed by: _=__---------------Program Specialist Date FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) PROGRESS REPORT ' , Click1 Here to Return to Agenda 1\ Positions Authorized in Grant Award Agreement (Please attach additional pages as needed): Name of Staff Title % Grant Funded l. 2. 3. 4. DYES DNO DYES DNO DYES DNO Have all grant-funded positions been filled? If NO, please explain below. Have any of the job duties, as detailed in the Grant Award Agreement, changed. If YES, please explain below. Are there any personnel issues which may affect the project objectives and activities. If YES, please explain below. Equipment initially authorized in the grant award agreement should be ordered within the first four months so that it can be placed in service during the grant period (Grantee Handbook section 2320). If your equipment purchases exceeds the space below, please attach a separate sheet to this report. Please detail any problems encountered in ordering/receiving grant equipment. DYES DN/A DNO If the Grant Award allows for equipment purchases, has any equipment been purchased? If YES, please detail below: Equipment Cost Date Ordered! Received State Equipment Tag # Affixed (Yes Of No) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. a1_~_ To assist the project in appropriate implementation of the grant award (programmatic and/or administrative), technical assistance can be provided by your Program Specialist. Projects may request Technical Assistance at any time during the year. DYES DNO Please indicate if Technical Assistance is requested FY JUVENILE Click Here to Return to 2003 Agenda . t ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) PROGRESS REPORT NA.RRATI&E ,,,;':,.,,.:,. .::..;,;,,:,,,-,,,,,....,",,.::,,,,t.,,,,.:.,',,:;,,,,,.,,-::,*, Pleaseprovide a detailed narrative covering, at a minimum, the following areas for the appropriate reporting period. Do not provide any confidential information, as this is a public document. STATUS REPORT (Due October 30,2003) • • • • • List anyproblemsthe project is experiencing in the transition into the new grant year. If the projecthas implemented a new programtitle or selected new targetareas, discuss any problemsand/or experiences in implementation. From the Coordinated Enforcement Plan, list in order the project's goals, objectives, activities andperformance measures with the corresponding output or outcome measure (accomplishments) for the first quarter. Discuss those objectives whichhave not been implemented, why, and what steps will be taken to complete implementation. Describe the project's source documentation designed to track the project's statisticalinformation (i.e. each component's trackingforms and statistical summary forms). Identify any specific sectionofthe GrantAwardthat may need to be modified prior to the first progress report (i.e. budget changes due to staff changes, equipment changes, or modifications to program objectives). A budget modification form (OCJP223) must be submitted to formally amend the Grant Award. SECOND PROGRESS REPORT (Due January 30, 2004) • Discuss any problems and/orchanges the projecthas experienced in meeting the terms of the Grant Award Agreement duringthe first six months of the grant period. • Discuss those objectives whichhave not been implemented, why, and what steps will be taken to complete implementation. • From the Coordinated Enforcement Plan, list in order the project's goals, objectives, activities andperformance measures with the corresponding output or outcomemeasure (accomplishments) for the second quarter. THIRD PROGRESS REPORT (Due April 30, 2004) • • • Discuss anyproblems and/orchanges the project has experienced in meeting the terms of the Grant Award Agreement duringthe first nine months of the grant period. Discuss those objectives that have not been implemented, why, and what steps will be taken to complete implementation. From the Coordinated Enforcement Plan, list in order the project's goals, objectives, activities andperformance measures with the corresponding outputor outcomemeasure (accomplishments) for the third quarter. FINAL/FOURTH PROGRESS REPORT(Due July 30, 2004) • • • Discuss the impactthe projecthas had on the problemsidentified in the project's problem statement according to the GrantAwardAgreement. Specifically addressactivities and accomplishments for the entire l2-month grant period. From the Coordinated Enforcement Plan, list in order the project's goals, objectives, activities and performance measures with the corresponding output or outcomemeasure (accomplishments) for the fourth quarter. ~ ·, Click Here to Return to Agenda • Project Title: Project Goal: FY 2003 JUVENILE ACCOUNTABILITY INCENTIVE BLOCK GRANT (JAIBG) PROGRESS REPORT State Objective 1 as listed in grant award: (List Output Measure(s) as listed in grant award: Projected Number 1st Quarter List Outcome Measure(s) as listed in the grant award and provide information to date as to what has been achieved: 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total to Date 4th Quarter Total to Date NARRATIVE State Objective 2 as listed in grant award: (List Output Measure(s) as listed in grant award): Projected Number List Outcome Measure(s) as listed in the grant award and provide information to date as to what has been achieved: 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter NARRATIVE *Copy this page and attach to list additional objectives and measures stated in the grant award agreement. Click Here to Return to Agenda ~ D. Operational Agreement with the Department of Employment and Training or the Center for Human Services. This Operational Agreement stands as evidence thatthe Stanislaus County ProbationDepartment and the Stanislaus County Department ofEmployment andTraining / Centerfor HumanServices intendto worktogether toward the mutual goal of providing maximum available accountability forjuvenile --. offenders residing in Stanislaus County. Bothagencies believe that implementation of the Employment Readiness Program portionof the Juvenile Accountability 2003 proposal, as described herein, will further this goal. To this end, each agency agrees to participate in the program, if selected for funding, by coordinating/providing the following services: 1. The Stanislaus County Probation Department will closely coordinate the following services with the Department of Employment andTraining or the Center forHumanServices through: • Project staffbeingreadily available to the Juvenile Hall for providing job readiness training to minors detained in Juvenile Hall. • Regularly scheduled meetings (weekly) will be heldbetween DET I CHS personnel and Probation Department Administration and staffto discuss strategies, time-tables and implementation of mandated services. * Specifically: The Department of Employment and Training I Centerfor HumanServices will meetwiththe ChiefDeputy of the Juvenile Hall to determine the curriculum, the needs ofthe minors, whichminors will receive services, whenand wherethe services willbe provided, how oftenthe services will be provided, andwhatwill be done to maintain the safetyand security of the minors, the staff, and the providers. The DET staffwill coordinate the curriculum andmeetwiththe designated minors weekly. * The program will go intoeffecton or aboutJuly 1,2003, and remainin effectuntilJune 30, 2004. We,the undersigned, as authorized representatives ofthe Stanislaus CountyProbation Department and the Stanislaus County Department ofEmployment and Training I CenterforHUll1an Services do hereby approve this document. For Date For _ Date _ Click Here to Return to Agenda E. ADDITIONAL SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION Grant Award #: Applicant: Stanislaus County Probation Department Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 Grant Period: July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004 _ The following persons are authorized to sign for: ~/'S ignature Sam Cook. Administrative Services Mana2er Name Signature Jill SHv Name Probation Officer Name Signature Signature Name Name Signature Signature Name Name Signature Signature Name Name Approved By: Project Director: _ Date Financial Officer: _ Date Regional/Local Planning Director: _ Date Revised 712000 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER, GOVERNOR 916/445-5073 WWW.BDCORR.CA.GOV April 12,2004 Jerry Powers Chief Probation Officer County of Stanislaus Probation Department 2215 Blue Gum Avenue Modesto, California 95358 RE: Board of Corrections Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) Award Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant - IP02020500 Dear* Congratulations on receiving a Board of Corrections' (BOC) federal grant award. Enclosed you will find one copy of the fully executed contract to be retained by the Project Director. Your office should reproduce additional copies for your fiscal officer and others responsible for administering the grant. Also enclosed is a Grantee Operational Checklist. This document will assist you in the identification of common non-compliance findings that may occur during implementation. If you have any questions, please call your assigned BOC representative. Invoicing - BOC Form 201: Payment for actual expenditure of grant funds is made in arrears and is documented on the BOC Form 201. The 201 must be submitted on a quarterly basis (CBOs may submit invoices monthly). Match does not have to be expended in proportion to the expenditure of grant funds and may be front-loaded; however, care should be taken in claiming match less than proportionate to your expenditures, as your total match obligation must be met before the end of the grant period. Claiming more eligible match than stated in your proposal is acceptable. The invoice can be downloaded from the BOC's website at http://www.bdcorr.ca.gov. The invoice is in Excel format and the instructions are imbedded in the document (revealed when the cursor is placed over a cell containing a small red triangle in the top-right comer of the cell). Four copies of the invoice bearing original signatures are required. Normally, warrants are issued to the grantee within 20 days. Projects are encouraged to e-mail adraftcopyoftheinvoicetoTessDobbsattdobbs@bdcorr.ca.gov at least one week prior to the due date. The forms will be reviewed and you will be contacted prior to submitting signed forms to avoid delays in processing. All dollar amounts must be reported in whole numbers, as rounding errors will occur if decimals are entered. No Supplanting: Supplantation of grant funds and/or match is prohibited. Grant funds and/or match must be used to supplement existing funds for project activities and may not replace (supplant) nongrant funds that have been appropriated for the same purpose. Potential supplanting will be subject to monitoring and audit. Therefore, if this grant award is part of a larger county-funded, state-funded or federal-funded project, we urge you to establish mechanisms to document that the grant award and match does not replace funds otherwise dedicated or appropriated for project activities. Please retain this documentation in your official project file for monitoring and audit purposes. Budget or Program Modifications - BOC Form 223: This form can be found on the BOC website and is used to request budget and program modifications. Please wait for BOC approval before implementing any changes. You should contact your assigned BOC representative for technical assistance before completing the BOC 223. You cannot alter the grant amount or the grant period with the BOC 223; these changes would require a contract amendment. Projects are encouraged to e-mail adraftcopyofthebudgetmodificationtotdobbs@bdcorr.ca.gov prior to submitting signed forms to avoid delays in processing. All dollar amounts must be reported in whole numbers, as rounding errors will occur if decimals are entered. Progress Reporting: Progress report forms can be found on the BOC website. A schedule of reporting due dates is also available on the website. The reports are self-explanatory; however, if you need assistance in completing the form, please contact your assigned BOC representative. Ongoing Technical Assistance and Monitoring: During the course of the project, BOC staff is available to provide technical assistance. In addition, BOC staff will conduct periodic site and monitoring visits to evaluate project progress and compliance with program requirements. To safeguard assets and ensure all funds are accounted for, all organizations receiving grant awards are required to secure an annual financial audit. The audit must be completed and submitted to the BOC no later than six months after the close of the grantee's fiscal year or grant year. Refer to the Grantee Handbook for further information concerning audits. Additional information concerning single or grant specific audits can be found in Federal OMB Circular 133 (http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/circulars/a133/a133.html). The Office of Justice Programs also publishes a financial guide that may prove to be a useful resource. You may access this document at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/FinGuide. You are encouraged to read and familiarize yourself with the Grantee Handbook that can be found on the BOC website. The Governor's Office of Criminal Justice Planning developed this document when Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention programs were administered through this agency. The BOC is in the process of publishing a replacement document titled Contract Administration and Audit Guide. You will be notified when this document is available on our website. Congratulations, again, on receiving the grant award. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your BOC representative or me. Sincerely, ~ev~ Karen L. Stoll, Senior Field Representative Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Programs Board of Corrections (916) 445-8066; kstoll@bdcorr.ca.gov Enclosures As a new or continuation project of the Board of Corrections (BOC), there are many administrative and programmatic requirements that you must fulfill to be in compliance with the Grantee Handbook, Program Guidelines, Request-forApplication (RFA) or Request-for-Proposal (RFP). To assist your compliance efforts, BOC has developed an Operational Checklist. Although the checklist is not allinclusive, it provides a guide for compliance with important requirements you must adhere to in conjunction with the Grantee Handbook, Program Guidelines, RFA or RFP. BOC is available to provide technical assistance to all current grantees. Please contact your assigned BOC staff member for further guidance. ./ Operational Documentation Checklist All projects must have the following: Access to the Grantee Handbook (available on the BOC website: www.bdcorr.ca.gov); Copy of the approved Grant Award Agreement; Program Guidelines, if required; and Program Standards, if required. o o o o Resolution of Governing Board o Project has a certified copy of a resolution from their governing board on file. Progress Reports o Review the BOC website for due dates and note when you must submit your Progress Report to the BOC. The report form can be found on the BOC website. Programmatic Source Documentation o o You must maintain source documentation for all statistics reported on your Progress Reports (PR). The system for maintaining your statistics may be manual or automated, however, the system must account for all activities related to your goals, objectives, activities and most importantly, your performance measures. Records kept must match/add up to the statistics reported on the PR (i.e., during a site/monitoring visit if an agency reported 25 arrests/counseling sessions on their last PR then the BOC representative could request that the agency show/pull the 25 files reported. Source documentation (i.e., client/case files) for the information reported is maintained and retrievable for at least three years from the date of the termination of the grant or the date the final fiscal and progress reports are submitted to BOe, whichever is later. Project Staff Duties and Responsibilities o All grant funded positions must have job descriptions (duty statements) that are "project specific" rather than a o copy of the "county, local agency job classification/position description. Grant-funded staff perform only those duties as described in the grant award agreement. Operational Agreements (OA)/ Memorandums of Understanding (MOD) o OA's and/or MOD's are current and meet the requirements outlined in the RFP, RFA or Program Guidelines. Grantee Operation Checklist (4/04) 100 Report of Expenditure and Request for Funds (BOC Invoice Form-201) ,/ Please familiarize yourse1fwith the reporting requirements of the BOC Form 201, can be downloaded from the BOC website at www.bdcorr.ca.gov. You will use this form to request reimbursement from BOC for all costs associated with project activities as detailed in the budget pages in your grant award agreement. Local units of government must submit their BOC Form 201 on a quarterly basis and community-based organizations may submit on a monthly basis. The reports must be submitted no later than 45 days after the end of the report period whether or not fund reimbursement is requested. We require four (4) copies of the invoice, each with original signatures Accounting System and Structure o A fund accounting system is maintained that ensures all BOC income and expenditures are separately identifiable from non-BOC funds. o Expenditures of grant funds are recorded in categories that parallel the grant award categories. o All general account entries are supported by the subsidiary records and the original source documentation. o Project must maintain copies of updated budget pages an all approved modifications. Separation of Duties o Project fiscal staff ensures the duties of the financial officer are separate from staff that completes the BOC-Form 201. Grant Award Modifications (BOC From -223) Grant Award Modifications are required when requesting changes to the approved grant award agreement. Some examples of when a modification is needed are as follows: >>>>>>>>>>- Modify the budget; Change in fiscal officer, project director or project manager; Change in the name of the official authorized to sign for the project (with a new resolution indicating the change to be kept by the project); Change in goals, objectives, activities or performance measures; Change in the liquidation period; Sole source approval; Consultant approval; Out-of-state travel approval; Changes in the operation agreements and/or Memoranda ofUnderstandings; and Changing the type of match. Match o Matching funds and related expenditures are identified in the accounting records and reported on the BOC 201 Form as the expenditures occur. Indirect Costs/Administrative Overhead Indirect costs are costs of an organization that are not readily assignable to a particular project, but are necessary to the operation of the organization and the performance of the project. In order to be reimbursed for indirect costs (or to be claimed as match), a recipient must first establish an appropriate indirect cost rate (ICR). The method for determining an ICR can be found in Office ofJustice Program Financial Guide, Chapter 17: Indirect Costs at h1ID:/l\;\'ww.ojp.usdoj.gov/FinGuide/part3-ch17.htm. Grantee Operation Checklist (4/04) 20f3 Administrative overhead incluoes expenses associated with administering" project, such as salaries and fringe benefits to cover costs of personnel related to the project, travel, training, evaluation, telephone, equipment, and printing. Actual costs incurred for these items may be claimed as match or for reimbursement. Functional Timesheets D Project staff whose salaries are paid with grant funds but work less than 100% of their time on project activities must maintain a functional timesheet. (The timesheet must breakdown by day how many hours worked are project related and those that are not. For example, if a project employee works 50% of their time on the project and the rest on other activities, the total hours added for project related work must total 50% of all normal work hours.) D Project is not using functional timesheets, but has conducted a time study to determine the rate of time to be charged to the grant. D Time study is kept on file for review by BOC staff. Fidelity Bond » All private nonprofit organizations are required to obtain a fidelity bond or an equivalent insurance (employee dishonesty) contract applicable to all officials and employees of a BOC-funded project. Refer to the Grantee Handbookfor more information on Fidelity Bonds. D Fidelity Bond maintained, and on file. If Fidelity Bond not maintained, equivalent is on file? DYes D No Type of equivalent: _ Equipment D All equipment authorized for purchase in the Grant Award Agreement must be made within the first fourmonths of the grant period. Absent a budget modification, only the item(s) authorized may be purchased using grant funds. D A documented inventory of all equipment purchased with grant funds must be maintained. Contracts/Independent Contractor Requirements D Consultant services are either provided on a contractual or salary basis by individuals or organizations that are not employees of the project and have been included on the Operating Expenses budget page. D Project has a signed, written agreement between the organization and independent contractors specifying the contractual period, compensation rates, duties and obligations, and other conditions of employment. Agencies should familiarize themselves with the Grantee Handbook sections that specify contract requirements for: sole source contracts; formal and informal advertising; and, the elements, limitations and provisions of contracts. » Certifications and Assurances The following poster and documents are posted/maintained at the project work site: D A current Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Policy Statement posted at the site. D A current "Harassment or Discrimination in Employment is Prohibited by Law" posted at site. D A current Drug-Free Workplace Policy statement. Each employee must sign an agreement indicating they D have read and are aware of the policy. Documentation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) on file. Grantee Operation Checklist (4/04) 300 BOARD OF CORRECTIONS GRANT AWARD FACE SHEET (BOC A301) The Board of Corrections, hereafter designated BOC, hereby makes a grant award of funds to the following Administrative Agency (1) _..;:S;.;:;ta_n::.:is:;,:;la~u::.::s;.;:C:;.;:o~u::.:nty:.&hereafter designated Grantee, in the amount and for the purpose and duration set forth in this grant award. (2) Implementing Agency Name Stanislaus County Probation Department Contact Jill Silva. Chief Deputy Probation Officer Address 2215 Blue Gum Ave, Modesto, CA 95258 E-mail address silvaJ@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Telephone (209),_5=2=5'--45=0,;;,3 '-(3) Project Title (60 characters maximum) Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant 2003 (4) Project Director (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines maximum) Jill Silva, Chief Probation Officer 2215 Blue Gum Ave Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 525-4556 (5) Financial Officer (Name, Title, Address, Telephone) (four lines maximum Sam Cook, Administrative Services Manager 2215 Blue Gum Ave Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 525-4556 _ _ (6) Award No. IP02020500 (7) Grant Period 10-1·2003 - 6-29-2004 (8) Federal Amount 87,440 (9) State Amount (10) Cash Match 9,716 (11) In-Kind Match (1~ Total Project Cost 9 ,156 This grant award consists of this title page, the proposal for the grant which is attached and made a part hereof, and the Assurance of Compliance forms which are being submitted. I hereby certify that: (1) I am vested with authority to, and have the approval of the City/County Financial Officer, City Manager, or Governing Board Chair, enter into this grant award agreement; and (2) all funds received pursuant to this agreement will be spent exclusively on the purposes specified. The grant recipient signifies acceptance of this grant award and agrees to administer the grant project in accordance with the statute(s), the Program Guidelines, the OCJP Grantee Handbook, and the BOC audit requirements, as stated in this RFP or RFA. The grant recipient further agrees to all legal conditions and terms incorporated by reference in this RFP or RFA. FOR BOC USE ONLY (13) Offici Reci Item: 5430-608-0890 Chapter: 157103 PCA No.: 22202llndex JA2L Components No.: 50.30.705 Project No.: Amount: JAIN12-02 $87,440 Split Fund: Split Encumber: Year: 2003 Fed. Cat. #: 16.523 Match Requirement: $9,716 Fund: Federal Program: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Object Code: 702-50 Signature: -I:....t--7~+-...::::::::3Io~~=JJIII'I!-:..-- Name:......:J~e~p~~:....---------Title: Address: Chief Probation Officer 2215 Blue gum Ave. Modesto. CA 95358 Telephone: (209) 525-4504 E-mail address: _~ Date: _ 3/'C'tO'1 I hereby certify upon my own personal knowledge that budgeted funds are available for the period and purposes o this expenditurestated above. Staff Approval (Signature): ~) f'f''J-tW LtV Grant Award Processing Checklist Project Contact Sheet Applicant _ Project Title: _ Note: This sheet should be used to note any and all discussions with grantees duringthe awardprocess. Always include the date, name of contact and direction provided along with due dates. Date: Topic CERTIFICATION OF ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE I, Jerry Powers, hereby certify that: (official authorized to signgrantaward; same person as line 13 on GrantAward Face Sheet) GRANTEE: Stanislaus County IMPLEMENTING AGENCY: Stanislaus County Probation Department PROJECT TITLE:_-=:..::.==~=:.:.==.L-:-:....:lS:'=:':':Juvenile Accountability Program _ is responsible for reviewing the OCJP Grantee Handbook and adhering to all of the Grant Award Agreement requirements (state and/or federal) as directed by the Board of Corrections including, but not limited to, the following areas: I. Equal Employment Opportunity - (Grantee Handbook Section 2151) It is the public policy of the State of California to promote equal employment opportunity by prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment because of Race, Religious Creed, Color, National Origin, Ancestry, Disability (mental and physical) inclUding HIV and AIDS, Medical Condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), Marital Status, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Denial of Family Medical Care Leave, Denial of Pregnancy Disability Leave, or Age (over 40). BOC-funded projects certify that they will comply with all state and federal requirements regarding equal employment opportunity, nondiscrimination and civil rights. Please provide the following information: A.A. Title: Address Phone: Pat Sweeny Deputy Executive Director 1010 Tenth Street Place,STE.6800 209-525-6300 Email II. Oru g-Free Workplace Act of 1990 - (Grantee Handbook Section 2152) The State of California requires that every person or organization awarded a grant or contract shall certify it will provide a drug free workplace. III.. California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) - (Grantee Handbook Section 2153) The State of California requires all BOC funded projects to obtain written certification that the project is not impacting the environment negatively. IV. Lobbying - (Grantee Handbook Section 2154) BOC grant funds, grant property, or grant funded positions shall not be used for any lobbying activities, including, but not limited to, being paid by or on behalfof the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Memberof Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Memberof Congress in connection with the making of any federal grant, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal grant or cooperative agreement. V. Debarment and Suspension - (Grantee Handbook Section 2155) (This applies tofederallyfunded grants only.) BOC funded projects must certifythat it and its principals are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, sentenced to a denial of federal benefits by a state or federal court, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department of agency. VI. Proof of Authority from City Council/Governing Board The above-named organization (applicant) accepts responsibilityfor and will comply with the requirement to obtain written authorization from the city council/governing board in support of this program. The Applicant agrees to provide al/ matching funds required for said project (including any amendment thereof) underthe Program and the funding terms and conditions of BOC, and that any cash match will be appropriated as required. It is agreed that any liability arising out of the performance of this Grant Award Agreement, inclUding civil court actions for damages, shall be the responsibility of the grant recipient and the authorizing agency. The State of California and BOC disclaim responsibility of any such liability. Furthermore, it is also agreed that grant funds received from BOC shall not be used to supplant expenditures controlled by the city council/governing board. TheApplicant is required toobtairi written authorization from the city council/governing board that the official executing this agreement is, in fact, authorized to do so. The Applicant is also required to maintain said written authorization on file and readily available upon demand. y, -,i,.,'; All appropriate documentation must be maintained on file by the project and available for BOC or publlc scrutiny upon request. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the grant or termination of the grant or both and the grantee may be ineligible for award of any future grants if the BOC determines that any of the following has occurred: (1) the grantee has made false certification, or (2) violates the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. I CERTIFICATION I, the official named below, am the same individual authorized to sign the Grant Award Agreement [line 13 on G rant Award Face Sheet], and hereby swear that I am duly authorized legally to bind the contractor or grant recipient to the above described certification. I am fully aware that this certification, executed on the date and in the county below, is made under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California. '- ~ ~~ " Authorized Official's Typed Name: J/rv Fiowers(;~ ~ Authorized Official's Signature: •.. \.,./ Authorized Official's Title: Date Executed: Federal 10 Number: Chief Probation Officer .2/2(;/o '1 ?tT- &::c?&O~L/ 0 Executed in the City/County of: County of Stanislaus AUTHORIZED BY: • • • City/County Financial Officer City Manager Governing Board Chair Signature: Typed Name: Title: ,+tt-~w~J'h01Y\av Patricia Hill Thomas Stanislaus Interim Chief Executive Officer I BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINEITEMDETAIL A. Personal Services - SalarieslEmployee Benefits COST TrafficHearing Officer - part time employee working 10 hours per week for a year $13,300.00 at $25.52per hour. Non-benefited. Intern Program - three interns working 120hoursper semesterfor a year at the JuvenileHall. Totalfor year: 6 interns, 120hours each @ $10.00per hour. Nonbenefited. $7,200.00 Public Defender - contract attorney for the PublicDefender's Office. Nonbenefited. $19,000.00 Administrative Costs- The ChiefDeputies to spendno more than 5% oftheir respective time to administer this grant. Dutieswill include contracting with the Department ofEmployment and Training, the CSUS Internship Program, and the TrafficHearing Officer. In addition, the ChiefDeputywill coordinate the Risk Assessment Program, Traffic Court, the Cognitive Behavior Program, and the Internship Program. $9,716.00 Community Youth Court- The Centerfor Human Serviceswill be providedwith $5,000to operate the existing Community Youth CourtProgram. $5,000.00 $54,216.00 TOTAL OCJP-A303a (Rev. 7/97) BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL B. Operating Expenses COST \ TOTAL OCJP-A303b (Rev.7/97) BUDGET CATEGORY AND LINE ITEM DETAIL C. Equipment COST Risk/Needs Assessment Program -purchase ofprogram and licensing for a validatedrisk assessment tool forjuvenile offenders. $41,000.00 Laptop Computer - for the TrafficHearingOfficer. One laptop @ $1,000. $1,000.00 Juvenile CourtInformation Pamphlet - information for parents explaining the Juvenile Courtprocess. $940.00 CATEGORYTOTAL $42,940.00 PROJECT TOTAL $97,156.00 FUND DISTRIBUTION FEDERAL 1. Amount of Funds $87,440 2. Percentage of Funds 90% OCJP-A303c (Rev. 7/97) STATE NA CASH MATCH $9,716 10% IN-KIND MATCH NA Budget Narrative The Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 proposed budget would principally be used to provide services/resources to juvenile offenders and their families and to provide Probation officers with the necessary tools and resources to continue to hold juvenile offenders accountable for their criminal activities. The programs included in this year's budget will address several needs and deficiencies in supervising, adjudicating and rehabilitating the juvenile offender. A. Personal Services - Salaries / Employee Benefits The budget includes wages for a part-time Traffic Hearing Officer, six paid interns, a contracted part-time Deputy Public Defender, contracted employees from the Department of Employment and Training (DET) or the Center for Human Services (CHS), and for the coordinating and implementation of the various programs. The Traffic Hearing Officer will be a contracted retired Deputy Probation Officer. The contracted Hearing Officer will be employed 10 hours per week at a salary of approximately $25.52 per hour. The total salary for the year 2003-2004 will be approximately $13,300.00. As this will be a part-time position, additional benefits will not be necessary. The six interns (3 per semester) will be contracted from California State University of Stanislaus Internship Program. They will be utilized in the Juvenile Hall and will serve in the daily operations of the facility. Their duties will include supervision of minors involved in the behavior modification programs. Each intern will be employed for 120 hours at a rate of$10.00 per hour. The total cost for the year 2003-2004 will be no more than $7,200. The contracted Deputy PUblic Defender will be hired on a part-time oasis. The goal of hiring a Public Defender to this position is to assist in avoiding delays caused by a lack/unavailability of counsel for required court proceedings. The Public Defender reports the cost for a part-time deputy is $19,000. The contracted DET or CHS employees will provide an employment-training regimen to juvenile offenders detained in the Juvenile Hall. The rate proposed by the Department of Employment and Training is $50.00 per hour to educate, counsel, facilitate and coordinate. A minimum often hours per week will be required for the program to be developed and for facilitation. The Stanislaus County Probation Department will designate $5,000 of the JAIBG 2003 funding to the Center for Human Services to assist in continuing and expanding on the Community Youth Court program. The Chief Deputies will spend no more than 5% of their respective time to administer this grant. Duties will include contracting with DET or CHS, the CSUS Internship Program, and the Traffic Hearing Officer. In addition, Chief Deputies will coordinate the Risk Assessment Program, Traffic Court, and the Internship Program. Total administrative expenses will not exceed $9,715. B. Operating Expenses C. Equipment A validated assessment program will likely be purchased from the Multi Health Systems (MRS) Company and be used in assessing the level of risk and the supervision needs of juvenile offenders. The validated assessment tool will replace the Probation Department's outdated Risk/Needs Assessment tool, which is not validated. The budget for the program is based on the number of new classified cases received per month (80) and the existing (800) classified cases. All wards require a Risk/Needs Assessment upon aUJ udication and every six-months thereafter. The cost of the program will include manuals, interview guides, case management forms and scoring forms. The total estimated cost to fund the program for the year 2003-2004 is approximately $10,000. The Juvenile Court Information Pamphlet will provide parents with printed information that addresses various court hearings and the roles of the probation officer, the courts, and counsel. The pamphlet will assist parents in understanding the complexities of the juvenile justice system and the process to which their family will be subjected. Approximately 3000 pamphlets will be distributed during the year 2003-2004. Printing the two-sided color pamphlets has an estimated price of $940. Equipment costs associated with the Employment Readiness Program will include approximately $4,000 in curriculum materials and $4,000 for four laptop computers. Equipment costs associated with the contracted Traffic Hearing Officer will include one laptop computer at an estimated price of$1,000. A. Computer Purchase Justification 1. Traffic Hearing Officer - the Stanislaus County Probation Department will need to purchase one laptop computer for the Traffic Hearing Officer position. The officer will be required to take the computer to the Traffic Hearing Courtroom daily. The officer will produce court orders on the computer and may refer to the internet for Vehicle Code information. The cost to the Probation Department for laptop computers is approximately $1,000. Other expenses, such as training, technical assistance and modems are not anticipated. Employment Readiness Program - the Stanislaus County Probation Department will need to purchase four laptop computers for the Employment Readiness Program. The computers will be utilized by the chosen provider for use in instructing minors in the living units at the Juvenile Hall. Since the detained minors are not mobile and do not have access to computers, laptop computers will need to be brought to them. The computers will be utilized to develop such skills as preparing a resume and conducting job searches. The cost to the Probation Department for laptop computers is approximately $1,000. The total cost will not exceed $4,000. Other expenses are not anticipated. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION Applicant: Stanislaus County Probation Department Implementing Agency (if applicable): Stanislaus County Probation Department Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (JAIBG) 2003 Grant Number (to be added by OCJP): -''''I--b_QL-IQ,"","--\o'£t'-'o',.LJ?l~2:.()~' ... :":>;,....0_0_' _ Provide the name, title, address, telephone number, and e-mail address for the project contact persons named below. If a section does not apply to your project, enter "N/A." 1. The person having day-to-day responsibility for the project: Name: Jill Silva Title: Chief Deputy Probation Officer Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4503 Fax Number: (209) 525-4588 E-Mail Address:silvaj@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us 2. The person to whom the person listed in #1 is accountable: Name: Jerry Powers Title: Chief Probation Officer Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4504 Fax Number: (209) 525-4588 E-Mail Address:powersj@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us 3. The executive director of a nonprofit organization or the chief executive officer (e.g., chief of police, superintendent of schools) of the implementing agency: Name: Reagan M. Wilson Tit! e: Chief Executive officer Address: 1010 Tenth Street Place, Suite 6800, Modesto CA 95354 Telephone Number: (209) 525-6333 Fax Number: (209) 525-6226 E-Mail Address:CEOWIL@mia1.co.stanislaus.ca.us 4. The chair of the governing body of the implementing agency: (Provide address and telephone number other than that ofthe implementing agency.) Name: Ray Simon Title: Chair, Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors Address: 1010 Tenth St., Suite 6500, Modesto, Ca. 95354 Telephone Number: (209) 525-4440 Fax Number: (209) 525-4410 E-Mail Address:simonra@mai1.co.stanislaus.ca.us 5. The person responsible for the project from the applicant agency, if different than #1: Name: N/A Title: Address: Telephone Number: ( E·Mail Address: ) Fax Number: ( ) PROJECT SERVICE AREA INFORMA'. JN 1. COUNTY OR COUNTIES SERVED: Enter the name(s) of the county or counties served by the project. Put an asteriskwhere the principaloffice of the project is located. Stanislaus County 2. U.S. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s) of the U.S. Congressional District(s) which the project serves. Put an asteriskfor the district wherethe principaloffice of the project is located. 3. STATE ASSEMBLY DISTRICT(S): Enter the nwnber(s) of the State Assembly District(s) whichthe project serves. Put an asteriskfor the districtwhere the principalofficeof the project is located. 4. STATE SENATEDISTRICT(S): Enter the number(s) of the State Senate District(s)which the project serves. Put an asteriskfor the districtwhere the principaloffice of the project is located. 5. POPULATION OF SERVICEAREA: Enter the total population of the service area served by the project. 460,000 COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN (CEP) SUMMARY (Revised January' 23, 2004) 2. Project Title: 3. Grant Period: Juvenile Accountability Program June 30, 2003 to 2003 June 29, 2004 5. Applicant Unit of Local Government Name: Stanislaus County Address: 1010 Tenth Street Place Modesto, Ca. 95354 Fax: 209 525-4588 Phone: 209 525-6300 E-mail: PowersJ@mail.co.Stanislaus;co.us 4. Federal Funds: $87,440 Match Funds: $9,715 Total Project Cost: $97,155 6. Implementing Department/Agency Name: Stanislaus County Probation Department Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave. Modesto, Ca. 95358 Phone: 209 525-5400 Fax: 209 525-4588 E-mail: PowersJ@mail.co.Stanislaus.ca.us 7. Problem Statements: See Attached Coordinated Enforcement Plan (CEP) 8. Project Budget: Administrative Costs (if any): Total Project Cost: Operating Expenses: Equipment: Personnel Services: $97,155 $54,215 $ $42,940 9. Projected Number of Juveniles to be Served: 1,607 Total Served: 1,607 Directly Served: 1,607 Indirectly Served: 10. Waiver of Minimum Percent Allocation Requirements (Check One): X The JCEC/RJCEC does not request a waiver of minimum allocation requirements. 11. Program Description (Revised)- Purchase and implement a validated juvenile offender risk assessment tool, fund interns for the Juvenile Hall, provide for a Juvenile Traffic Hearing Officer, provide for the distribution of an information pamphlet for the parents ofjuvenile offenders regarding the juvenile court process, provide funding for the Community Youth Court Program and fund a part-time Deputy Public Defender to alleviate a backlog ofjuvenile cases before the court. Revision - elimination of the plan for a Juvenile Offender Employment Readiness program. Purpose Area Totals (Revised January 23, 2004) • Purpose Area 2: $77,215 I 79% of grant funds. • Purpose Area 3: $19,000/20% of grant funds • Purpose Area 7: $940 / 1 % of grant funds. a) Program Purpose Area 2 - Risk Assessment Program. Funds Allocated (Revised): $41,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 42% Program Activities: Purchase and implement a validated assessment tool to be utilized by Deputy Probation Officers in evaluating the supervision levels of the juvenile offender. The Allvest "Back on Track" program has been chosen as the assessment tool to be purchased. The cost to purchase, license and implement the assessment program for one year is $33,000. Additional training and materials not to exceed $8,000. b) Program Purpose Area 2 - Contract a Traffic Hearing Officer. Funds Allocated: $14,300 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 14.7% Program Activities: Contract a retired Deputy Probation Officer to preside over Juvenile Traffic Court matters. The contracted officer will spend approximately ten hours per week hearing the matters. The pay rate will be $25.52/hr for approximately 52 weeks ($13,300) plus the purchase of a computer ($1,000). c) Program Area 2 - Community Youth Court Funds Allocated: $5,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 5.1 % Program Activities: $5000 will be provided to the Center for Human Services to operate the existing Community Youth Court Program. d) Program Purpose Areas 2 - Juvenile Hall Internship Program. Funds Allocated: $7,200 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 7.4% Program Activities: Contract three college interns per semester to assist in the functions ofthe Juvenile Hall. Budgeted for 3 interns per semester, 6 total, 120 hours each @ $10.00 per hour. e) Program Purpose Area 2 - Administrative Costs. Funds Allocated: $9,715 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 10% Program Activities: 10% of total proj ect cost to administer the grant. 1) Program Purpose Area 3 - Part-time Public Defender. Funds Allocated: $19,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 19.6% Program Activities: To avoid delays that have plagued the juvenile justice system in Stanislaus County for the last several years, the Public Defender's Office will hire a contract attorney to work part time as a Deputy Public Defender. g) Program Purpose Area 7 - Juvenile Court Information Pamphlet. Funds Allocated: $1,000 % of (Total Project Cost - Admin Costs): 1% Program Activities: Provide a pamphlet to parents ofjuvenile offenders with helpful information on the various types of court hearings and the roles of the court. Cost to produce is approximately $1 ,OOO~ h) Program Purpose Area 7 - Juvenile Offender Readiness Program (Plan Eliminated) Date: ;)., -(D roy Title: Chief Deputy Probation Officer COORDINATED ENFORCEMENT PLAN (CEP) Background Data on the Target Group Between May 2002 and April 2003, the Stanislaus County Probation Department supervised an average of 659 juvenile offenders per month. Also during this period, the Juvenile Hall, which has a rated capacity of 118 minors, had an average in-custody detention population of 121 juvenile offenders per month. The Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant will allow the Probation Department to improve on holding juvenile offenders accountable, while providing proactive services to juvenile offenders in the community and within the detention facility. The Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 proposed budget will be used to purchase and implement a validated juvenile offender risk assessment tool, to fund interns for the Juvenile Hall, to fund a Juvenile Traffic Hearing Officer, to employ a part-time Deputy Public Defender, to provide an employment training program to incarcerated juvenile offenders, to provide information to parents ofjuvenile offenders regarding the juvenile court process, and to provide funding to the Center for Human Services to maintain and expand on the Community Youth Court program. 1. Juvenile Offender Assessments - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Juvenile Division of the Stanislaus County Probation Department currently utilizes a non-validated and outdated method of assessing the needs and levels of risk ofjuvenile offenders. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of JAlBG 2003 funds toward purchasing a validated risk/needs assessment tool, which will aid the Probation Department in holding juvenile offenders accountable for their actions. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 2): The Stanislaus County Probation Department will purchase and implement an assessment tool to be utilized by Deputy Probation Officers in evaluating the needs ofjuvenile offenders and piacing them in the appropriate level ofproactive supervision. The program being considered, the Youth Level of Service/Case Management System (YLS/CMI), is the juvenile version of the validated LSI (Level of Service Inventory). The ChiefProbation Officer will make the [mal decision on which assessment plan to purchase. The Chief Deputy Probation Officer of the Juvenile Division will oversee and direct the various units in implementing the plan. The Supervising Probation Officers will train the Deputy Probation Officers in the utilization of the assessments. The Deputy Probation officers will conduct assessments on each new offender during or after adjudication and routinely during supervision. The Supervising Probation Officer will review the conducted assessments to ensure that the juvenile offenders and families are receiving the appropriate levels of supervision and treatment. Implementation ofthe assessment program will not require any additional manpower or technology other than the initial training. Training on the use of the program will be conducted by Supervisors during their regular course of business. The assessments will also be conducted by Probation Officers during their regular course of business. 2. Juvenile Traffic Court Hearing Officer - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus County Juvenile Court plans to utilize Deputy Probation Officers to preside over juvenile traffic hearing matters beginning July 1, 2003. Section 225 of the Welfare and Institutions Code provides for the appointment of a Probation Officer to the position of Juvenile Hearing Officer. Currently, an average of26 referrals to Juvenile Traffic Court occur each month. These hearings will require officers to spend approximately ten hours per week on traffic-related offenses. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to instead direct a portion of JAIBG 2003 funds toward hiring a retired Deputy Probation Officer as a part-time Juvenile Traffic Court Hearing Officer. Plan and Jmplementatiou "PurposeArea 2): The Stanislaus Coui.i, Probation Department will contract a retired Deputy Probation Officer to preside over Juvenile Traffic Court matters. The contracted officer will spend approximately ten hours per week hearing the matters. The presiding Juvenile Court Judge and the Chief Deputy Probation Officer of the Juvenile Division will oversee and direct the implementation of the plan. 3. Juvenile Court Process Information for Parents - Problem Statement (Block 7) Parents of minors pending adjudication for criminal offenses are often frustrated by the lack of information they are provided and by complexities of the juvenile court process. The Juvenile Intake Unit of the Stanislaus County Probation Department has developed an intensely descriptive, yet basic, information pamphlet to be distributed to parents of minors pending juvenile court adjudication. Due to budget restraints, however, the pamphlets have not been printed for distribution. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of JAIBG 2003 funds toward providing parents with printed information about the various court processes and hearings, and the roles of the probation officer, the courts, and counsel. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 7): The Stanislaus County Probation Department will print approximately 3000 information pamphlets and then distribute to parents of minors who are pending juvenile court proceedings or already on probation and face potential violations of probation. The plan will be implemented and coordinated by the Supervisor ofthe Juvenile Intake Unit. 4. Employment Training for Juvenile Offenders - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall averages an in-custody detention population of 121 juvenile offenders per month. Minors housed at the Juvenile Hall range from 11 to 19 years of age. The current average age of detained minors is 16 years. While incarcerated, the minors receive schooling and counseling services; however, few are v,-!uipped to enter the job force upon their release from incarceration. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of JAIBG 2003 funds toward contracting with the Stanislaus County Department of Employment and Training (DET) or the Center for Human Services (CHS) to implement and operate a basic employment readiness program for detained juvenile offenders. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 7): The Stanislaus County Probation . Department will contract with the DET or the CHS to develop a program that will teach detained minors the basics in job-seeking skills. Minors will be trained in basic skills such as filling out job applications, proper attire for an interview, and interview techniques. Older minors, such as 18 year-olds, will receive more advanced training in seeking a trade and will receive referrals to potential employers. The plan will be implemented by the chosen department and be coordinated and supervised by the Chief Deputy Probation Officer of the Juvenile Hall. 5. Juvenile Hall Internship Program - Problem Statement (Block 7) The Stanislaus County Juvenile Hall employs 3 interns per semester from California State University Stanislaus for the purposes of career and educational development and for assistance in tracking the progress of minors engaged in the cognitive behavior programs. Their assistance to the Juvenile Hall staff is very beneficial in that their participation with the minors allows full-time staff to perform their primary functions in the unit. It is the plan ofthe Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of JAIBG 2003 funds toward contracting with California State University Stanislaus to stipend 6 interns,3 per semester, for the 2003-2004 school year. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 2): The Stanislaus County Probation Department will receive 3 interns per semester from the CSUS, designated to Juvenile Hall, for the purpose of assisting 111 the functions of the facility, including "....pervision of behavior modification programs. The Chief Deputy Probation Officer will coordinate the internship program, while Juvenile Hall Supervisors will directly supervise the interns. Progress reports will be provided to CSUS at the request of the CSUS internship liaison. 6. Public Defender Contract for Juvenile Defense Problem Statement (Block 7) Delays in the adjudication ofjuvenile cases within Stanislaus County frustrate the general goal of holding juvenile offenders accountable for their actions. It is the plan ofthe Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 to direct a portion of the JAIBG 2003 funds in a manner that reduces or eliminates such delays. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 3): To avoid delays that have plagued the juvenile justice system in Stanislaus County for the last several years, the Public Defender's Office will hire a contract attorney to work part time as a Deputy Public Defender. 7. Community Youth Court Problem Statement (Block 7) Community Youth Court in Stanislaus County is operated by the Center for Human Services. The program is modeled after actual courtroom proceedings and is designed to introduce youth (volunteers and offenders) to the justice system while providing consequences for youthful offenders. The program provides effective and proven services to youthful offenders in order to prevent further involvement with the justice system. The program also offers a viable opportunity for youth to develop life skills, become involved in their community and to serve as peer mentors. Limited funding and other budget restraints, however, have prevented the Center for Human Services from expanding the Community Youth Court program to all areas of Stanislaus County. It is the plan of the Juvenile Accountability Program to 2003 to direct a portion ofthe JAIBG 2003 funds to the Center for Human Services in order to maintain and expand on h.l~ Community Youth Court program. Plan and Implementation (Purpose Area 2): To assist in continuing and expanding on the Community Youth Court program, the Stanislaus County Probation Department will designate $5,000 of the JAIBG 2003 funding to the Center for Human Services. JAIBG JUVENILE CRllu.E ENFORCEMENT COALITION l\---..AIBERSHIP Applicant: Stanislaus County Implementing Agency (if applicable): Stanislaus County Probation Department Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 Grant Number (to be entered by the Office of Criminal Justice Planning): Provide the name, title, organization, address, and telephone number for each of the eight member categories below. An appropriate designee must be listed, representing each agency category. Police Sheriff Name: Roy Wasden Title: Chief Organization: Modesto Police Department Address: 600 10th St., Modesto, Ca. 95354 Phone: (209) 572-9503 Name: Les Weidman Title: Sherif£fCoroner Organization: Stanislaus County Address: 250 E. Hackett Road, Modesto, Ca. 95358 Phone: (209) 525-7216 Prosecutor Probation Name: James Brazelton Title: District Attorney Organization: Stanislaus County Address: PO Box 422, Modesto, Ca. 95353 Phone: (209) 525-5525 Name: Jerry Powers Title: Chief Probation Officer Organization: Stanislaus County Probation Dept. Address: 2215 Blue Gum Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95358 Phone: (209) 525-4504 Juvenile Court Schools Name: Honorable Marie Silveira Title: Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court Organization: Stanislaus County Address: PO Box 3488,.Modesto, Ca. 95353 Phone: (209) 525-5400 Name: James C. Enochs Title: Superintendent Organization: Modesto City Schools Address: 426 Locust Ave., Modesto, Ca. 95351 Phone: (209) 576-4011 Community Service Crime Prevention Organization Title: Linda M. Kovacs, Director Organization: Center for Human Services Address: 1700 McHenry Village Way Phone: (209) 526-1440 Modesto, Ca. 95353 1/ Additional Member Name: Ray Simon Title: Chair Organization: Stanislaus Co. Board of Supervisors Address: 1010 10th St., Ste 6500, Modesto, Ca. Phone: (209) 525-4440 ",9 s: o en STANISLAUS COUNTY JUVENILE JUSTICE COORDINATING COUNSEL Sitting as the Juvenile Justice Enforcement Coalition (JCEC) Jerry Powers, Chair Chief Probation Officer Stanislaus County Probation Department 2215 Blue Gum Avenue Modesto, CA 95358 (209) 525-4598 FAX (209) 525-5486 e-mail: powersj@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Linda M. Kovacs Director Center for Human Services 1700 McHenry Village Way, Suite 11-B Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 526-1440 (209) 526-0908 e-mail: Ikovacs@centerforhumanservices.org Jeff Anderson Director, Outpatient Services Sierra Vista Child and Family Services 1400 K Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 524-6371 FAX (209) 524-5440 email: janderson@sierravista.org Ken Patterson Director, Community Services Agency Stanislaus County PO Box 42 Modesto, CA 95353-0042 (209) 558-2500 (209) 558-2558 e-mail: patterk@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Timothy P. Bazar Public Defender Stanislaus Count Public Defender's Office PO Box 3428 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-4200 FAX (209) 525-4244 e-mail: bazart@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Martin G. Petersen Superintendent Stanislaus County Office of Education 1100 H Street Modesto, CA 95354-2238 (209) 525-4900 FAX (209) 525-5147 e-mail: mpetersen@scoe.stan-co.k12.ca.us James C. Brazelton District Attorney Stanislaus County District Attorney's Office PO Box 442 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-5525 FAX (209) 525-5910 e-mail: jim.brazelton@mail.standa.org The Honorable Marie S. Silveira Presiding Judge, Juvenile Court Stanislaus County Superior Court POBox 3488 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-6348 FAX (209) 525-6385 email: slveram@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Art deWerk Chief of Police Ceres Police Department 2727 Third Street Ceres, CA 95307 (209) 538-5726 FAX (209) 538-5707 e-mail: adewerk@ci.ceres.ca.us Ray Simon Chairman, Board of Supervisors Stanislaus County 1010 10th Street, Suite 6500 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 525-4440 FAX (209) 525-4410 e-mail: simonra@mail.co.stantsrctus.;oa.us ':-') ! N J> -,9 ee) C,) --,] James C. Enochs Superintendent Modesto City Schools 426 Locust Avenue Modesto, CA 95351 (209) 576-4011 FAX (209) 576-1484 e-mail: enochs.j@monet.k12.ca.us Dan Sou:c.._ Director, Behavioral Health & Recovery Service Stanislaus County 800 Scenic Drive Modesto, CA 95350 (209) 525-6205 FAX (209) 558-8233 e-mail: dsouza@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Community Members-at-Large Patricia Hill Thomas Assistant Executive Officer Stanislaus County Chief Executive Office 1010 io" Street, Suite 6800 Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 525-6333 FAX (209) 544-6226 e-mail: pthomas@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Chau-Pu Chiang Professor, Criminal Justice California State University, Stanislaus 801 Monte Vista Avenue Turlock, CA 95380 (209) 467-5330 FAX (209) 467-5333 email: chiang@toto.csustan.edu RoyW. Wasden Chief of Police Modesto Police Department 600 10th Street Modesto, CA 95354 (209) 572-9503 FAX (209) 572-9669 e-mail: wasdenr@modestopd.com William W. Dyer Member, Juvenile Justice Commission Stanislaus County 1622 Poplar Street Oakdale, CA 95361 (209) 847-0984 FAX (209) 847-2128 email: wwdyer@ix.netcom.com Les Weidman Sheriff/Coroner Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department 250 E. Hackett Road, Modesto, CA 95353 POBox 858 Modesto, CA 95353 (209) 525-7216 FAX (209) 525-7106 email: widmnl@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us Sheanna S. Youth member 9612 Gray Fox Way Oakdale, CA 95361 E. ADDITIONAL SIGNATURE AUTHORIZATION GrantAward#: Applicant: Stanislaus County Probation Department Project Title: Juvenile Accountability Program 2003 Grant Period: July 1, 2003, to June 30, 2004 TPO~Q.20Seu The following persons are authorized to sign for: Sam Cook. Administrative Services Manager Name Signatur Jill Silva Name Signature Probation Officer Name Signature Signature Name Name Signature Signature Name Name Signature Signature Name Name Approved By: Project Director: _ Date Financial Officer: _ Date Regional/Local Planning Director: _ Date Revised 712000