District 15 news - Alcoholics Anonymous Yuma


District 15 news - Alcoholics Anonymous Yuma
District 15 news
Yuma, Arizona
JUNE 2016
24 Hour Hotline (928) 782-2605
History in A.A. on June 10th, 1935
Founders Day
During the early 1930’s in America a series of significant events
unfolded which culminated in
the founding of the fellowship of
Alcoholics Anonymous.
Step Six:
Were entirely ready to have God
remove all these defects of character.
Tradition Six:
An A.A. group ought never endorse, fiancé or lend the A.A.
name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of
money, property and prestige divert
us from our primary purpose.
Concept Six:
The Conference recognizes that the
chief initiative and active responsibility in most world service matters
should be exercised by the trustee
members of the Conference acting as
the General Service Board.
Roland H, a hopeless alcoholic
from a wealthy family had just
returned from Switzerland after
his second treatment with the
celebrated psychiatrist Dr. Carl
Jung. Carrying out Jung’s advice
to “Seek out a spiritual awakening” Roland allied himself with
the Oxford Group which was
founded by Dr. Frank Buchman.
Impressed by their simplistic
spiritual teachings he found the
sobriety he had long searched
for. Hearing the plight of a fellow sufferer Ebby T., Roland and
two other men, Shep C. and Cebra G., intervened in a court
hearing and convinced the judge
to parole Ebby into their custody. Roland was able to pass on
the Oxford Group message to
Ebby who started to work at the
Calvary Mission on 23rd Street
New York.
While there Ebby heard of the
desperate situation of an old
school mate Bill W. He visited
As Bill remembered it “He told
me how he had got honest about
himself and his defects, and how
he had been making restitution
where owed, how he had practiced a brand of giving that demanded no return for himself.
Then very dangerously he
touched on the subject of prayer
and God. I was shocked, but in-
terested; I had to be for I was
Bill continued to drink and arrived at Towns Hospital in New
York for the fourth time on December 11th, 1934 where he was
separated from alcohol for the
last time. After preaching to alcoholics for several months with
no success, Bill took the advice
of Dr. Silkworth to change his
approach by telling his prospects
about their
Continue on Page 3
449 Club Business Meeting will be held
Wednesday, June 1st @ 6pm
Yuma District 15 Meeting will be held
Wednesday, June 15th @ 7:15pm at
Gila Mountain United Methodist Church
Rebekah T.
June 4th
2 Years
Gentlemen’s Group
Bert G.
Brad D.
June 13th
June 30th
Yuma Intergroup Meeting will be held
Wednesday, June 15th @ 5:30pm at
The 449 Club
33 Years
1 Year
Living In The Solution
Roni G.
June 3rd
2 Years
Upfront Group
Tina S.
Beth C.
Sue E.
Lacy T.
June 2nd
June 18th
June 20th
June 20th
31 Years
27 Years
4 Years
21 Years
A.A. Yuma Central Office
1430 S. 4th Ave, Yuma, AZ 85364
Monday & Fridays 11am-2pm
Wednesday 4pm-6pm
For all your recovery
literature and supplies
If you would like to have any A.A. news,
birthdays, new meetings, meeting changes,
events or story to tell please submit to
District 15 News please send me an email:
Need a night out with the ladies on
Monday nights?
Come and join us at the
women's meeting
Living In The Solution
Every Monday Night @ 5:30pm
Located at
Yuma Center for Spiritual Living
781 S. 2nd Ave
See you there!
Jessica C., Editor
You can also find District 15 Newsletter on
the aayuma.com website!
Continued from page 1-Founders Day
their illness that condemned them to go mad or die if they continued to drink.
Bill soon had an opportunity to test his method when he found himself in Akron, Ohio involved in a proxy
fight for control of a small machine tool company.
Through a series of phone calls at the Mayflower Hotel Bill spoke to Henrietta Seiberling who arranged for
him to meet a local doctor who had admitted having a drinking problem to the local Oxford Group movement.
On Mother’s Day 1935 Bill arrived at the gatehouse of the Sieberling Estate to meet Dr. Robert S. Bill said
“Bob did not look much like a founder. He was shaking badly. Uneasily he told us he could stay only about
15 minutes.”
They talked for six hours. Bob later commented “He was the first living human whom I had ever talked who
knew what he was talking about in regard to alcoholism from actual experience, in other words he spoke my
Dr. Bob had been sober about two weeks when he attended the American Medical Association Convention
in Atlantic City. He started drinking as soon as he boarded the train and stayed drunk until his return to Akron where he was picked up at the railway station by his nurse.
Dr. Bob had three days to sober up before he was to perform an important operation. The morning of the
operation Dr. Bob was in bad shape. At 4 am he said “Bill, I am going through with it…Bill said “You
mean the operation?” Bob replied “I have placed the operation and myself in God’s hands, I am going to do
whatever it takes to get sober and stay that way”.
In the car park of the hospital Bill gave Dr. Bob one goof-ball [ a barbiturate or tranquilizer] and one bottle
of beer to relieve the shakes. Bob was able to perform the operation successfully and then he disappeared.
Finally Dr. Bob came home; he had just spent the hours after the operation making restitution to friends and
acquaintances in Akron.
The bottle of beer that Bill gave him that morning was the last drink he ever had. It is generally agreed that
AA began right there on June 10th 1935.
This is known in the Fellowship as Founders Day.
2016 Arizona Area-03 16th
Annual Corrections
“The purpose of the Arizona Area
Corrections Conference is to encourage and improve cooperation
between Alcoholic Anonymous and
the corrections professional who
administer the facilities. In this
way, we hope to better carry the
message of Alcoholic Anonymous to
those who are incarcerated.”
On May 20th and 21st Bill L. District Corrections Coordinator attended the 16th Annual Corrections Conference in Flagstaff. A.A. speakers/presenters were Lilly C. Alternate Area Corrections Coordinator, Mel F.
Area Corrections Coordinator, Dave B. Delegate, Bob C. Trustee/Corrections, Pricilla and Clay Navajo
Prison. Non-A.A. speakers/presenters were Mar Kuhlman-ADOC, Dr. Val-Exodus Program, and
Judge Ted Reed-Drug Court.
!We thank you Bill L., and all the volunteers who carry the message to the men in the prisons!
Currently they are in desperate need of male volunteers for meetings at the
corrections facility!!! There are over 20 meetings a month at ADOC.
Requirements are:
3 years of continuous sobriety, be a permanent residence of Yuma and able to pass a background check.
If you are interested please contact Bill L. at 928-726-6722 or at
the G.O.D. meeting, 8:00pm on Thursday nights
The experience will be very rewarding to know you can help someone in need
Dinkin’ Thinkin’
A drunk is hanging out in a bar for hours, when he finally decides to leave. He’s so
drunk he can hardly walk, and it takes him about 10 minutes to find his car. He
finally gets in, starts it up, and takes off down the highway. He doesn't get very far
before he gets pulled over by a police officer. The cop walks up to the vehicle and
tells the man to get out and walk to the back. The man opens the door and kind of
slides the whole way down the side of his car to keep from falling over, then rests
his backside against the trunk.
“Hay buddy,” says the officer, “I’d ask if you were drinking, but you can’t even
“I know, I know, I can’t walk officer.” replies the drunk, slurring, and stuttering his
words. “That’s why I’m driving!”
~Grapevine, September 2014