New Sunday - First Baptist Raytown


New Sunday - First Baptist Raytown
page 10
Support Groups
pg 6
Heart of Hope
pg 7
Fall Lineup
Financial Peace
pg 8-9
pg 10-11
pg 13
pg 14-17
Upcoming Events
pg 18-19
Contributing Writers
Jim & Gayanne Briggs
Paula Buehler
Trudy Buehler
Gene Calhoun
Iris Cole
Tony Gasaway
Larry Jones
Carmen Kraus
Brenda McBride
Carolyn McCraw
Mary Odom
Cliff Ramsey
Mary Sinclair
Photographs Provided By
RC Jones
Frankin Lugenbeel
Copy Editor
Craig Cook
Graphic Designer
Franklin Lugenbeel,
Creative Director
Editor in Chief
Alyson Browning,
Communications Director
page 2
Celebrating One Year
with Pastor Brandon
by Tony Gasaway, Personnel Team Chairman
Just about one year ago, the Lord greatly blessed FBR by
calling Dr. Brandon Park to serve as our new Senior Pastor. Since
that time, our congregation’s size has been growing, our financial
budget has been met, and we have seen many come to the Lord
and be baptized. It has been so exciting to see God work through
Pastor Brandon, our church staff, and each of you as we reach the
lost for Christ. In celebration of Pastor’s one-year anniversary, the
FBR Personnel Team would like to announce several special events.
We wanted each and every one of you to join us and participate in
celebrating this anniversary. On Sunday, September 1, we will have one service for that morning,
followed by a church-wide meal. During the service, we will have several surprises for Pastor and
his family as we take the opportunity to show them how much they mean to us. More information
will follow about the specifics of that service. We wanted to give you an opportunity to show your
love and appreciation for them by participating in a “card shower” at the service on September 1.
Please bring a card or note for the Park family telling them just how much they mean to you. We
will collect those at the service and deliver them to the Parks. If you will not be able to attend on
September 1, please feel free to send your card to the church office to the attention of the Personnel
Team. The Personnel Team looks forward to sharing this special time of celebration with each and
every one of you. God Bless!
Special Labor Day Weekend Schedule
We want to celebrate all of the wonderful things God has done for us over the last year by
coming together as a church family to recognize all of these blessings through a joint worship
service and church-wide picnic on Sunday, September 1. Mark your calendar today to make sure
you don't miss out on all of the fun!
Joint Worship Service @ 10:00 a.m.
There's nothing better than a worship center filled with
believers praising God, fellowshiping, and growing in the Word,
so that's what we will do on Sunday, September 1. Join us at
10:00 a.m. for a joint worship service, blending musical styles
from all of our services and unifying the body on this special
Sunday morning. There will be no Bible study on September 1.
The nursery will be open to infants through three year olds.
Church-Wide Picnic
We want to keep the celebration going with a church-wide
picnic directly after the joint worship service. The potluck will
begin around 11:30 a.m. in the Atrium and ROC Gym. The
meat will be provided, but we ask that each family bring a dish
large enough to serve 12-15 people to share. To make sure
we have enough food, please bring a dish based on your last
name: A-K bring a side dish, L-R bring a salad, and S-Z bring a
dessert. If you would like to make a donation to help cover the
cost of the meat, you may do so at the picnic. If you would like
to volunteer to help with the picnic, contact Mary Sinclair at or 268-1504.
Upward Basketball
Basketball & Cheerleading
A Wall of Worship
at the FBR Art Gallery
by Mary Sinclair, Volunteer Coordinator
There are many ways to express our
worship. We show it through vocal music,
instrumental music, and dance. Now we
have an opportunity to express our worship
through the visual arts.
One only needs to visit a cathedral or
see the remains of hieroglyphics on ancient
ruins to know the importance of art, color,
and texture in acknowledging the greatness
of our God and His grace.
When we decided to offer an outlet for
this form of expression, it was decided that
the criteria would first and foremost be
spiritual inspiration. Thus the name of the
gallery is “Visual Expressions of our Faith.”
All submissions are original works by
First Baptist Raytown members, immediate
family, and employees. Each piece is
accompanied by scripture appropriate to the
piece and a description of the inspiration.
Among our submissions are wonderful
photography, fabric hangings, watercolors,
acrylics, and even a sculpture.
It surprises me every week when I find out
that someone I have known for a long time
comes out of the “creative closet” and shares
artwork that no one knew he or she did.
We plan for this to be an ongoing and
rotating gallery in the halls of our church.
We invite anyone who has a talent in visual
arts to submit a piece for submission.
As in most galleries, we have a panel of
individuals who determine if the work
meets our criteria of spiritual inspiration.
For more information or to submit an
entry, contact Judy Santner at 913-888-1731
or Mary Sinclair at 816-778-1504. Or, you
may bring it by the church office and leave it
behind the reception desk with your name,
contact information, and the scripture you
would like to accompany the piece.
You can view the wall of worship in
the hall leading from the west lobby to the
main lobby.
provides a positive sports experience for
every child and makes the most of your family's time and money, which is why
it is one of our biggest seasons at the ROC every year. Sign up your K-8th grade
boys and girls for the 2013-2014 season between September 2 and October 26.
Cost to register is $75 ($85 after October 6) per player. Players must attend a
mandatory evaluation on October 12 or October 19 to be placed on a team.
Practices begin the week of November 11 with breaks for Thanksgiving and
Christmas. Games are played on Fridays and Saturdays in January and February.
Sign up online at or at the ROC Office.
Upward Vision Casting Night
If you have a heart for kids or sports, then this is the place for you! All
volunteers are encouraged to attend the Upward Vision Casting Night on
September 3 at 7:00 p.m. in the ROC gym.
Coaches are needed for every age group in basketball and cheerleading.
To coach, you will need to attend the Upward Vision Casting meeting and a
mandatory coaches meeting. Deadline to sign up to coach is October 26. The
number of coaches we have on October 26 will determine the number of teams
we have and the number of kids that get to play this season. Our goal is 300
basketball players and 100 cheerleaders, which means we need a minimum of 30
basketball coaches and 10 cheer coaches. For more information or to volunteer
to coach, email Ron Ruisinger, the Upward Director, at
Opportunities to serve: coaches, assistant coaches, referees, devotion leaders,
team parents, greeters, prayer partners, score keepers, directors, commissioners.
Fun Fest
Fall Fun Fest, our safe, fun Halloween alternative, will be Thursday, October
31, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the ROC. This event is open to preschoolers through
6th graders and their families. Enjoy fun activities such as carnival games,
inflatables, clowns, black light puppetry, cotton candy, popcorn, and lots and
lots of candy! Part of the Halloween fun is dressing up. Costumes are allowed,
but please no devils, monsters, witches, or ghosts, as they can be frightening for
small children. There is no admittance charge but a donation of one or more
non-perishable items for the food pantry would be welcomed. The 5th-6th
graders will sell pizza, chips, soda, and bottled water for a nominal price. They
will also host a baked goods sale. All proceeds from the sale of these food items
will be used to adopt families at Christmas. This is a great opportunity to invite
friends and neighbors.
Candy Donations
This is one of our biggest outreach events for children in our
community, so we want to make sure we don’t run out of goodies.
Last year we almost ran out, so we need your help! We are collecting
packages of individually wrapped candy that can be dropped off
in buckets located at church entrances. We also need cakes
for our cakewalk and other baked goods for the 5th and
6th graders’ mission project bake sale. Baked goods can
be delivered to the Fellowship Hall on October 30
and 31. Please label. For more information about
how you can help, contact Jen Abercrombie at 7781131 or email
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A Time to Dance
Back to School
A Time to Dance will begin its 10th season this fall! A Time to
Dance is set apart, foremost, in that our purpose is to serve and praise
God through dance. Psalm 149:3 reads, “Praise Him with the dance!”
Dance, when used appropriately, is worship. Using appropriate
music, costuming, and choreography, A Time to Dance teaches
accurate dance technique that is at the proper maturation level of
the dancer and caters to the whole student – spiritually, emotionally,
mentally and physically, in an atmosphere that glorifies God. A Time
to Dance offers more affordable classes, low student to teacher ratios,
and Christian instructors who have dedicated their lives to Christ
and are constantly educating themselves in the fields of dance, first
aid, and child development. Classes are available for two-year-olds
through adults. ATTD also offers competitive dance teams and a
new competitive cheerleading squad. For more information, contact
Megan Buck at 268-1507 or, or
visit us at
Celebration Academy of the Arts
The Celebration Academy of the Arts is now accepting registrations
for the fall 2013 semester. Private music lessons are available in piano,
strings, and voice. The purpose of the Celebration Academy of the
Arts is to provide the highest level of excellence in fine arts education
within a Christian environment, to train our students to be of service
in their church and to glorify God through their talents, and to fill
a need in arts education for the members of our community. For
more information, contact Megan Buck at 268-1507 or mbuck@, or visit
Little Learners Preschool
Little Learners is our church’s weekday preschool that follows the
nine-month school year. The goal of Little Learners is to introduce
Jesus to our preschoolers by meeting the academic, physical, social,
emotional, and spiritual needs of the children and their families.
We are committed to providing a safe, loving, Jesus-centered
environment where preschoolers are provided a spiritual foundation
on which future knowledge can be built. We have classes for children
from toddlers to pre-kindergarten. We offer both Tuesday/Thursday
and Wednesday/Friday classes from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Threeand four-day pre-kindergarten programs are also available. For more
information, contact Priscilla Wheeler at 778-1128 or pwheeler@ Check us out at or
on Facebook.
Discovery Homeschool Academy
Discovery Homeschool Academy is an enrichment program for
kindergarten through 7th grade. Each Tuesday, over 200 students
attend six classes a day (Art, PE, Music, Spanish, Science, and either
Social Studies or Computers). It's the perfect balance of handson learning with the positive opportunities of a classroom/school
setting, focused on building friendships and lifelong skills in a Godcentered environment. The quality and care of our program is a
terrific compliment to the important purpose and curriculum taught
at home. Students benefit from the socialization, spiritual growth,
and the specialized instruction of our college-educated teachers. It's
a day off for parents and an exceptional day of fun, learning, and
discovery for our students. Request a tour any Tuesday. We'd love to
meet you. Check us out online at
5K Run for Hope Dog Jog & Bark in the Park
By Michelle Williams, Public Relations Director, Hope Network
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Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 21, at 8:30 a.m. so you don’t miss the Hope Network
5K Run for Hope Dog Jog. This year we are partnering with the ROC Recreation Ministry and their
Bark in the Park event at Kenagy Park on Raytown Road. We have a new course this year, beginning
at Kenagy Park and winding through the area neighborhoods before ending back at the park. Bringing
together these two popular community events guarantees a howling good time for all who attend.
As in years past, the Hope Network 5K will be open to both runners and walkers. This year, pet
lovers are encouraged to join us, running or walking with their furry family members. For those who
prefer a shorter fitness walk, we offer the Fido’s Family Fitness Walk of one mile. All runners and walkers
who finish the 5K course will receive a medal and top times will be recognized.
After the race, you, your family, and furry friends can enjoy all the amenities of Bark in the Park. There
will be demonstrations from obedience schools, agility courses, and rescue dogs as well as vendors, pet
contests, and people food (dogs will get treats from the vendors). Add in a disc jockey and activities for the
kids and you’ll be ready to “raise the woof ” at Bark in the Park.
For more information on the Hope Network 5K Run for Hope Dog Jog, or to register, visit www. and click on the 5K icon. To register as a vendor for the 5K or Bark in the Park, call
Michelle at 816-778-1148. For more information on Bark in the Park visit www.
The Benefits and Challenges of Joining a Mega-Church
by Mike Tope, FBR Member
oining a new church and becoming involved in ministry can sometimes be a challenging experience. Our previous
feelings toward big churches were “they are nice places to visit, but they will never meet our family’s needs.” We didn’t
feel like we would get to know anyone, and it would be almost impossible to get plugged in.
When you are actively serving God in church, being “plugged in” just feels right. We would like to share how Christ led
my wife Pixie and me to First Baptist Raytown, and how we found our place to minister in a mega-church.
Our family had previously attended two smaller churches. These churches provided us excellent opportunities for growth
and service. We were able to plug into ministries such as children’s worship, RA’s and GA’s, small groups, committees, and
music ministry. Even though we were serving the Lord faithfully in these smaller churches, we also felt as though God was
calling us to move on to another place of ministry.
As we visited several churches, we knew that we were looking for several key characteristics. We wanted a church that
preached the Word. We desired a place where we would feel welcome and part of the family. We wanted an avenue where we
could plug in and be active in ministry. We wanted an active student ministry so that our daughter would grow spiritually
and build lasting Christian relationships.
While we were searching for a church, our
daughter ended up being invited to FBR by
a friend, and she started participating in the
student ministry. She was even recruited to be
an angel in Christmas Pageant! Needless to say,
she really enjoyed the experience.
As a result of our daughter’s involvement,
my wife and I visited FBR, and we soon
realized we were also being called to attend.
The final nudge God provided was during a class at school (my wife and I are public school teachers). A kindergarten
student asked Pixie, “Who is Jesus?” Pixie felt that in order to be able to invite people to worship services, she needed
to be in a church in the same community in which she worked. Pixie began participating in choir, and both she and our
daughter participated in Pageant around the same time as Pastor Brandon came to FBR.
Once we joined FBR, we found becoming involved in ministry was not as difficult as we had feared. One of the
best places we found to begin is the Starting Point classes for new members and those wanting to know more about
the church. In these classes, we met the church staff and discovered their roles and responsibilities. We learned how
to grow and apply Christian principles to daily life. We discussed spiritual gifts and how to use them to serve God.
We learned about the different church ministries and how to connect with them in order to use our spiritual gifts.
Through the Starting Point classes, new friends made in Bible Study, and also our church staff, I finally felt led to
participate in the Celebration Orchestra. I am having a blast!
Pixie and I would encourage you to do the same. Attend the Starting Point class. Make new friends in
Bible Study class. Discover your spiritual gifts and how you can connect with the various ministries of this
great church.
Just jump in and get “plugged in” quickly. You’ll be glad you did!
We desired a place where we would
feel welcome and part of the family. ”
Starting Point is an opportunity for new members,
and those thinking about membership, to spend time
with Pastor Brandon and other staff members and
learn who FBR is and what we believe. It will also
help us get to know you and help make you feel at
home. Individuals who join FBR remain associate
members until their completion of Starting Point. At
that time, they will become members.
The next four-week session of Starting Point
will be Sundays in October from 6:00-7:15 p.m.
in the Fellowship Hall. Sign up online at www. Questions?
Contact Julie Herron at 778-1118 or jherron@
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ReMarriage on the Rock
ReMarriage Is the Triumph of Hope Over Experience
by Mary Odom, FBR Member
The Blended Family Bible study class has changed its name to
“ReMarriage on the Rock” to reflect the true foundation of the
stepfamily: a solid God-centered marriage. First Baptist Raytown is
serious about upholding the marital standard found in God’s Word
of one man and one woman for life. But FBR must be just as vigilant
about preventing divorce in second and third marriages as we are in
preventing a first marriage divorce. In our current culture, remarriages
have a 60% or higher chance of divorce. Remarried couples that
bring children into the marriage have an even greater risk of divorce.
FBR has recognized the prevalence of stepfamilies and the high
remarriage divorce rate, and has established a ministry to encourage
and strengthen these families. Ministering to stepfamilies doesn’t
mean we are pro-divorce any more than using a hospital makes one
pro-illness. Stepfamily ministry isn’t about condoning sin or lowering
God’s standard for marriage. It’s about providing the support couples
need to enhance deeper oneness and commitment and to prevent
future divorces. The ReMarriage on the Rock Bible study class offers
insights into the unique challenges of stepfamily dynamics that can
put tremendous pressure on the couple’s relationship. Every week, we
study and apply Biblical principles to the complexities of remarried
life. Some challenges commonly faced by remarried couples are:
• Barriers to oneness from past betrayal and inability to
regain trust
• Loyalty issues with biological children
• Integrating family with stepchildren and parenting problems
• Doubts about spiritual condition and church involvement
• Conflicts with ex-spouses and poor co-parenting relationships
• Money management with child support, alimony and
other pressures
• Unrealistic expectations about the integration of
yours, mine, and ours
If you know a remarried couple, please share this resource with
them and invite them to participate. Engaged couples are encouraged
to visit as well to prepare for the challenges ahead. We meet on
Sundays at 9:30 a.m. in B-302. For more information, contact
teachers Jim and Mary Odom at
Support at FBR
Support Groups at First Baptist Raytown are designed to support, love, encourage, and provide resources for hurting people as well as those
who have already walked through struggles. Our groups are filled with people who care and know firsthand that God has a plan for all of us.
Through these groups you will find a safe, confidential place to share your heart, build relationships, with people who can relate to what you
are dealing with, resources that provide answers to some of your challenges and, through God’s word, find the reassurance that He is faithful
to restore and renew your life. Currently, we are offering the following support groups:
Free Indeed Addiction Recovery
“So if the Son sets you free you will be
free indeed.” John 8:36. If you struggle with
drugs or alcohol and are looking for freedom
from your addictions, Free Indeed, our new
addiction recovery group, will take you
through a biblically based 12-step program
to help you gain back your freedom from
addiction. Free Indeed meets on Wednesdays
at 6:30 p.m. in A-207.
JobLinks - kicks off September 9
JobLinks is a ministry of First Baptist Raytown
for those needing job search assistance, prayer,
and support during unemployment. JobLinks
meets on the second Monday of each month
in the Fellowship Hall. Tips on writing a good
resume and effectively presenting your skills
in an interview are available to participants.
To receive an information packet or to be
contacted by a JobLinks mentor, call 3531994.
page 6
Most people will tell you that separation
and divorce are the most painful and stressful
experiences they’ve ever faced. It’s a confusing
time when you feel isolated and have lots
of questions about issues you’ve never faced
before. But you don’t have to go through it
alone. DivorceCare is a video, discussion, and support-based group.
Through videos you will hear from top experts on divorce and
recovery subjects, and through discussion you will get the support
you need. Childcare is available during DivorceCare, but your
children may also attend Preschool Praise’ntations or WaM Choirs.
The class is free, but there is a workbook available for $10. You may
purchase the workbook the first day of class. DivorceCare meets on
Sundays at 5:00 p.m. in B-310. If you have any questions, contact
Greg McNown at 816-507-5927 or or call
the church office at 353-1994.
GriefShare meets the first and third Tuesdays
each month in room C-218 at 6:30 p.m.
GriefShare is led by Chris Reed and Nadine
Kenney, who are joined by facilitators Sherry
Meredith and Cheryl McCunniff. The class
is free, but there is a workbook available for
$15. Childcare is available.
Take the Dare
by Alyson Browning, Communications Director
ftentimes, Christians are looking for new ways to serve
and innovative ministries to begin. We like to be flashy
and on the cutting edge. Christians want to minister
through avenues that are culturally relevant to reach the masses,
but we sometimes forget that service doesn't have to be flashy,
innovative, or expensive to make an impact. Sometimes it's as
easy as meeting a basic need in someone's life, which is exactly
what the Goforth Bible study class seeks to do on a weekly basis.
"Our class was looking for something we could do to serve
and not deplete church resources," said Anthony Eutzy, Goforth
class member.
They didn't have to look far to find Heart of Hope, a
monthly collection of non-perishable food items and toiletries
to restock the shelves of FBR's Hope Network Food Pantry,
located on the lower level of the church.
"Hope Network was already set up with a broad reach and
impact," said Scott Pucket, another Goforth class member. "We
wouldn't have to set up everything from scratch because the
infrastructure was already there."
In fact, Heart of Hope isn't new at all. It used to be known
as First Can Sunday, but the Goforth class updated the name
and look, worked within and outside the church to promote
it, and committed to taking ownership of this important, yet
basic ministry.
You have probably seen the Heart of Hope red barrels
around the church. No, they do not match the décor of the
building; however, they fit right in with two of our core values:
serve sacrificially and give generously.
Every Saturday afternoon, someone from the Goforth class
rolls out the red barrels and places one by each church entrance
in preparation for Sunday morning donations. Why do they
do it every week when it's promoted as Heart of Hope "First"
"The barrels serve as a trigger," said Anthony. "It's easy to
forget to bring food on the first Sunday of every month."
"That way if you forget, the barrels are out every week and
you know you can bring your donations the next week," said
On Sundays, after the 11:00 hour has begun and most
everyone has arrived at church, Scott and Anthony collect the
barrels and take the donations down to the food pantry. Even
though Heart of Hope is only promoted in the bulletin once a
month, the donations are coming in every week.
"I don't think there's been a week we've put the barrels out
and not collected something," said Anthony.
Some weeks they unload a few items into the pantry while
other weeks they have a hard time getting everything down
there because the barrels are overflowing.
"I think it's a good thing when you start complaining about
too much food," said Scott.
Even though the barrels overflow, the largest collection the
two have ever handled only lasted two weeks in the pantry.
Both men are dads and they understand that there are kids in
our community who are going without food. These are children
who should not suffer because the adult in the home cannot or
will not get a job.
"It's our duty to help," said Anthony. "Not just as Christians,
but as humans. There shouldn't be a question of whether we
should give them food. We just need to do it."
The Goforth class is always looking for more help and more
food. In fact, they want to challenge you to bring so much food
they can't handle it.
"I dare you to bring so much food that it makes our job
difficult," said Scott.
Will you take that dare? Will you join the forces of Heart of
Hope to make sure the hungry in our community will not miss
another meal? Will you share the love of Christ by meeting a
very basic need in a man, woman, or child's life? Take the dare
and impact our community.
Suggested Donations:
Hygiene Items (shampoo, soap, razors, deodorant, etc.)
Feminine Products
Canned Soup
Breakfast Bars
Spaghetti AND Sauce
Oatmeal Packets
Canned Veggies
Ramen Noodles
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Canned Meats
Canned Fruit
The Food Pantry
The Hope Network Food Pantry serves families in the
Raytown C-2 School District and church members who are in
need. The Pantry is currently able to serve 15 families each time
it is open. The Hope Network Food Pantry is open on Tuesdays
from 1:00-3:00 p.m. and Wednesdays from 6:00-8:00 p.m. For
more information about Hope Network, contact Janet Lowe at
778-1105 or visit
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24th Puppet Mission Trip to Valley Mills, TX
by Carmen Kraus, Recreation Outreach Director
wenty-six First Baptist Raytown members traveled to Valley
Mills, Texas, in early July for the 24th annual Pathway Puppets
mission trip led by Pamela Smith. While there, we met up with
former FBR members and puppeteers Scott Davis and Tyler Jordan,
who are both on staff at First Baptist Church Valley Mills.
The 14 puppeteers led the FBC Valley Mills Sunday morning
worship service, which was an incredible beginning to a lifechanging week.
Monday through Friday, the puppet team led VBS from 8:3011:30 a.m. A total of 170 children learned how to be a member
of God’s family. Pastor John Wheatley told us that number
amounted to at least half of all the kids who live in Valley Mills.
During the week, the children learned about Faith Heroes,
like David and Esther, through Bible study, crafts, recreation, and
music. On Friday, during family night, the children shared what
they had learned throughout the week through songs.
Family night was full of good times! The sanctuary was packed,
standing room only, with some sitting in the overflow room in
the fellowship hall. After the children performed their songs in
costumes, with God rods and white gloves, Skooter the Clown
Exceeding the Goal:
for Africa
The goal was set in February:
pillowcase dresses to be completed by
the first of June to be sent to orphans in
the Horn of Africa, where approximately
1,300 refugee children live. When the
project began, Women on Mission leaders
were overwhelmed by the size of the task,
wondering if the goal could be met. Through
some church advertising and a lot of word
of mouth, people flocked to the project.
Participants ranged in age from children to
senior adults and consisted of all skill levels.
Some women were able to complete stacks
of dresses by themselves, while others simply
wanted to help out though they had no
sewing experience. They were put to work
cutting, measuring, and ironing. It was a
true team effort completing dresses for the
children in Africa.
Once the leaders broke past their goal of
100 dresses, they began to get excited about
the possibility of sending so many dresses to
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(a.k.a. Scott Davis) was there to spread joy and the gospel with
everyone. The puppet team did their 30-minute black light
musical program flawlessly. There was also the offering to break
the tie in the penny war between the girls and boys. The girls
won, but really, the local food pantry won. The final total for the
week was $1,000 donated to the food pantry. After the invitation
and the challenge to the parents to be Faith Heroes for their kids,
the puppet team left the town with a blessing, through their final
performance to Laura Story’s “Blessings.” The evening concluded
with a hot dog fellowship in the gym, and each child was given a
Bible before they left.
This was a life-changing week for Valley Mills, Texas. The
lives of 170 kids and 50 teens and adults were touched, 170 kids
and 20 youth helpers were given a Bible to continue growing in
Christ, and 44 of those children are now a part of God’s family!
Not only were the lives of those in Valley Mills changed forever,
so were the lives of the 26 FBR members.
What an awesome opportunity to be a tool God uses, to be
a part of His big Kingdom building plan! Thank you, FBR, for
supporting the puppet team!
the refugee children, but they had no idea
just how big this project would become.
The ladies of Women on Mission prayed a
prayer of dedication over 497 dresses before
they sent them on to the Blue River-Kansas
City Associational Office to be added to
the dresses provided by other churches. The
association sent the dresses to the Horn of
Africa through a mission trip that look place
in July.
The Story Lives On
by Brenda McBride, WOM Coordinator
This year marks 125 years for Women's
Missionary Union (WMU). FBR’s Women
on Mission will host a celebration Thursday,
October 3. WMU's mission remains the
same as in 1888: to educate and involve
adults, youth, children, and preschoolers in
the cause of Christian missions.
Today, WMU continues to look toward
the future to challenge Christian believers
to understand and be radically involved
in the mission of God. Current WMU
organizations are: Women on Mission,
Adults on Mission, myMISSION (young
women), Acteens, Challengers, Youth on
Mission, Girls in Action, Royal Ambassadors,
Children in Action, and Mission Friends.
In addition to the anniversary celebration,
you can join WOM for the Baptist Women
World Day of Prayer, which will be observed
on Thursday, November 7. They will also be
observing the week of prayer for international
missions the first week of December with
a program on Thursday, December 5.
Watch the Sunday bulletin and www. for more details.
Kids Day at
FBR partnered with the Raytown Park
Department for Kids Day at Summer Fest on
June 15 in downtown Raytown. 15 volunteers
from FBR ran games for the children to play
for free. Stable T-Farms brought their petting
zoo for the kids to enjoy. Also, a police car, a
fire truck, and an ambulance were there for
the kids to explore. This was great way to
reach out and love our community!
Blessings From the Dominican Republic
by Paula Buehler, FBR Member
never imagined I would ever go on a
mission trip; I’m just not the evangelical
kind. When I was in anesthesia school,
however, I heard about medical mission
trips – where medical providers go to third
world countries to provide medical care and
attention to those who would otherwise
not receive treatment. I knew instantly that
was the kind of mission trip I would love.
When the opportunity came up to go to
the Dominican Republic, I jumped at the
I had only been a licensed Nurse
Anesthetist for three months when a friend
asked if I would fill in a spot on the trip.
From that moment until the time I left for
the Dominican, I kept wondering, “How
am I going to do this? What if I can’t get
the spinal? How do I work an anesthesia
machine that’s as old as I am?” But I
continuously thought of Philippians 4:13: “I
can do all things through Christ who gives
me strength.” It was God’s plan for me to be
there at that moment in time. He would not
let me fail.
In February of this year, I was a part of a
medical mission team that went to Hospital
El Buen Samaritano (The Good Samaritan
Hospital) in La Romana, Dominican
Republic. On our two-hour bus ride to the
hospital from the airport in Santo Domingo,
I was instantly reminded we were no longer
in the United States. The poverty, the homes,
the transportation (mostly walking, bicycles
or mopeds), the smells, the sounds – all
different, all unbelievable. For five days, we
provided laparoscopic tubal ligations under
spinal anesthesia to Haitian immigrant
women living in the batays of the sugar cane
fields. The men worked the fields, the women
took care of the children and their one- or
two-room concrete or wooden houses. The
youngest woman we served was 21 years old
and had three children; the oldest was 40
with 12. I knew this procedure would change
the lives of these women – I never knew how
profoundly it would change mine.
God’s plan for me
... He would
not let me fail. ”
Over the week, my friend Meghan and I
performed over 90 spinal anesthetics (where
we inject local anesthetic into the spinal
column to make the patient numb from
the rib cage down). Our team treated every
woman who walked into the clinic and even
helped diagnose a young woman with a tubal
Lives Changed at Inner City
Basketball Camp
by Carmen Kraus, Recreation Outreach Director
In June, FBR led an Inner City Basketball Camp with the help of Sports Crusaders, who
taught about basketball as they told the kids about Jesus. 12 of those campers accepted Christ
during the week.
80 youth enjoyed a week of basketball camp at Milestone Youth Center at 12th and Indiana
in Kansas City. Each day, during June 10-14, from 11:00 a.m. until 7:30 p.m., the sounds of
bouncing basketballs could be heard at Milestone. Lunch was provided for the children daily
at Victory Temple, and FBR members brought dinner to Milestone for the youths daily. On
the last day of camp, each child received a t-shirt and a Bible and were treated to a pizza party!
The five Christian college athletes from Sports Crusaders did a great job. It was a great week
thanks to the kindness of First Baptist Raytown members and the Fredrick Boulevard Baptist
Church in St. Joseph, who paid for the camp. Big thanks to the volunteers, Sports Crusaders,
Victory Temple, Frederick Blvd, Hope Network, FBR Bible study classes, JOY Ministry, and
host homes for making this week possible. But most of all, it was the tremendous spirit of the
five young men from Sports Crusaders that made our camp a success.
For more information on Recreation Outreach programs, contact Carmen Kraus at ckraus@ or 268-1526.
pregnancy and ensured she got the proper
follow-up treatment.
One day we went on a trip to the batay,
the community where these women lived.
There I had the opportunity to meet with the
children. While communication was difficult
at times (my four years of Spanish in high
school two decades ago wasn’t helping me
much), I understood the power of a smile.
These kids, mostly barefoot, several without
pants or proper clothing, would run up to
us and request a photo. Then they would
look at themselves in our digital cameras
or smart phones and laugh. The sound was
pure, childhood joy that started in their
bellies and erupted into the air. That was
the moment my heart left my body, and
stayed with the children of the Dominican.
I plan to go back next year, and every
year after as long as I am able. When I go
next year, my hope is to take a suitcase full
of sandals and shoes for these children who
run the streets of the batay barefoot. God has
blessed me beyond my wildest dreams – now
it’s time for me to bless these children.
incredible ministry
opportunity all over
the United States in
prisons filled with
men and women who
need to be given the
opportunity to receive
the ultimate pardon.
In his book, The
Raytown native Bill Corum writes
about his own journey from handcuffs
to freedom. His incredible story shows
that no individual is too lost for Christ's
love to find.
You can purchase a copy of The
Ultimate Pardon at the ROC Bookstore
for $15.
page 9
New Sunday lineup at FBR!
Choir & Orchestra
If you are looking for the big church feel
with a full choir and orchestra leading in a
wide range of traditional and contemporary
music, then this is your service. Come
worship along with a full praise team as we
sing your favorite songs, learn some new
ones, and hear a powerful message from our
Senior Pastor.
Worship Band
If the choir and orchestra scene isn't for you,
check out our contemporary service led by a
small group of singers and worship band. You'll
be able to worship along with songs you hear
on the radio as well as learn some new songs
and sing some old ones with a new twist, all
before hearing a message from the pastor.
Coffee House
Church doesn't just have to take place on
Sunday mornings and it doesn't have to look
like sitting in a pew and wearing a suit, which
is why we're starting the new 5:00 service in
the Atrium with the same great message from
Sunday mornings but with a more casual
atmosphere and acoustic worship style.
Sunday, September 8!
Preschool Praise'ntations @ 5:00 p.m.
3 years (by 7/31/13) through Kindergarten
Located on the 1st floor of A building
WaM Choirs @ 5:00 p.m.
1st-6th Grade
Located on the 2nd floor of B building
page 10
Student Choir @ 6:00 p.m.
7th-12th Grade
Located in room B-301
Only seeing each other on Sundays is not enough! That’s why we bring the church family together every Wednesday evening to hang out, serve,
pray, and hear God’s Word. We have something for everyone, kids through senior adults, every Wednesday night at FBR.
Church-Wide Dinner
4:30-6:15 p.m. | Atrium
Cost: $5 for adults and $4 for children 10 and under. Please make
reservations by noon on Wednesday by calling 268-1534. View the
weekly menu at or see your
weekly bulletin.
Bible Study with Pastor Brandon
5:45-6:15 p.m. | Atrium
Join us for a time of worship and a message from God’s Word taught by
Pastor Brandon.
Celebration Orchestra
6:30-8:00 p.m. | A-213
The orchestra is open to anyone high school aged and above who is able
to play the music in our library. Experience level typically needed is three
to four years of playing. We rehearse on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00
p.m. in the orchestra room (A-213). New musicians are always welcome;
if you are interested in this ministry and would like to know more,
contact Larry Jones at or 778-1115.
Underground for 7th-12th Graders
Prayer Meeting
6:30 p.m. | Fellowship Hall
Lift our church family up in prayer at this guided prayer time led by
Associate Pastor Larry Thomas.
5:30-8:00 p.m. | Student Underground
The Underground is the greatest place for 7th-12th graders to hang out,
make new friends, do homework, have fun, and be encouraged by the
Word of God. We believe God has provided this facility to minister to
students in a safe, friendly environment. The Underground is equipped
with video games, pool tables, foosball, air hockey, ping pong and a
computer lab. For more information about the Underground, contact
Chad Melton at or 778-1123.
Celebration Choir
GLOW for 1st-6th Graders
6:30-8:00 p.m. | A-222
Celebration Choir, our adult choir, leads in worship each Sunday morning
and forms the nucleus for the annual Heart of America Christmas
Pageant and other productions throughout the year. If you would like to
try us out, we would love to have you join us at our regularly scheduled
rehearsal on Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in Celebration Hall (A222). No audition is required, just a heart of faithfulness! For more
information, contact Lynn Lewallen at llewallen@firstbaptistraytown.
com or 778-1113.
6:30-8:00 p.m. | Kid City
GLOW is designed to connect what kids learn on Sunday morning with
how they live the rest of the week. Kids will have opportunities to put
into action various biblical lessons through service projects, active Bible
study and evangelism. For more information on GLOW, contact Jen
Abercrombie at or 778-1131.
5:30-8:30 p.m. | A-202
We have free childcare available from 5:30-8:30 p.m. for your little ones.
page 11
Gearing Up for the New Junior Bible Quiz Season By Carolyn McCraw, JBQ Coordinator
e are so excited to begin JBQ this month! If you are
new to our church or have been here for a short or even
long time, we want to invite you to come be a part of
a wonderful, life-changing program for the whole family! We are
providing a K-6th grade, Bible-centered, structured curriculum that
parents can use as a tool to help their children learn biblical facts,
doctrine, and scripture verses. Children are learning these facts and
concepts in a fun, comfortable environment with their own age
group. We have parents who volunteer to be coaches, officials at JBQ
meets, helpers, and most of all, a great support to all our teams.
By the way, did I mention “teams”? Each age group will be
discussing and learning God’s word on a team! Once a month from
September to March, our teams will attend a JBQ meet to compete
with other church teams for personal and team points. Each quizzer
tries to buzz in first to answer set questions and receive the designated
points. Points awarded earn the quizzer personal ribbons and trophies,
January Quiz Outs
Pee Wees:
B-Achiever: B Master: Ella Kurtz -3
Elizabeth Shiner - 3
Caleb Hunter-3
Jake Talley - 1
Raleigh Wallace - 4
November Ribbons (awarded in January)
Caleb Hunter - 11th
Raleigh Wallace - 7th
February Quiz Outs
Pee Wees:
B Achiever:
B Master:
Caleb Barker - 3
Ella Kurtz - 1
Caleb Hunter - 2
Jake Talley - 1
Raleigh Wallace – 5
January Ribbons (awarded in February)
B Achiever:
B Master:
Jake Talley - 2nd
Caleb Hunter - 3rd
Raleigh Wallace - 3rd
March Quiz Outs
Pee Wees: B Achievers:
B Master:
page 12
Caleb Barker - 2
Maddox Hunter - 1
Ella Kurtz - 2
Elizabeth Shiner - 2
Caleb Hunter - 1
Isaac Shiner - 1
Jake Talley - 2
Raleigh Wallace - 3
and at the end of the season, team trophies also. We encourage each
family involved to prayerfully set their own goals and expectations
for their children and to participate as much as their family schedule
will allow.
If you missed our parent meeting on July 21, we are beginning our
Sunday practices on August 4 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Our first JBQ meet
is September 7 at 9:00 a.m. Then our Sunday practices move back to
4:00-5:00 p.m. on September 8 for the continuation of the season.
Jump on board! You can join any time! We are just getting started.
We look forward to yet another fun and exciting JBQ Season!
Come and visit us in B-112 and we will help you get started.
Questions? Visit or call Carolyn
McCraw at 913-709-1549. Hope to see you soon!
Here is an update of the second half of our last JBQ season:
February Ribbons (awarded in March)
B Achiever:
B Master: March Ribbons
B Achiever:
Caleb Hunter - 3rd
Jake Talley - 3rd
Raleigh Wallace - 4th
Caleb Hunter - 5th
Jake Talley - 3rd
Books of the Bible Memory Award
Isaac Shiner
We are also very proud of the dedicated
participation and outstanding achievements
of all of our quizzers:
Seal Awards
Discover Seal: Caleb Barker
Rebekah Bottoms
Alyssa Hillen
Haylee Hillen
Maddox Hunter
Ella Kurtz
Joey Talley
Searcher Seal:
Caleb Hunter
Jake Talley
Clara Wallace
Achiever Seal: Raleigh Wallace
At the final awards ceremony in March these
special awards were presented:
Individual Division Trophies
B Achiever: B Master:
Caleb Hunter - 3rd
Jake Talley - 4th
Raleigh Wallace - 3rd
Individual Certificate
(a quiz-out in every match for one JBQ meet)
B Achiever: Caleb Hunter
B Master: Raleigh Wallace
Individual Certificate
(most quiz-outs in division)
B Master: Raleigh Wallace
Financial Peace University
Shatters Money Myths
by Larry Jones, Stewardship Development Director
ver the years, we tend to pickup
a lot of bad money advice from
those around us. As a result
of this bad advice, we may have a
mountain of student loan debt that just
won’t go away. We may be upside down
on a car or home loan. We may have
made some lousy investments and our
401(k) turned into a 101(k)!
In Financial Peace University, Dave
Ramsey calls this bad financial advice
“money myths.” Myths such as: “car
payments are a way of life, and you’ll
always have one.” Or, “the home equity
loan is good for consolidation and is a
substitute for an emergency fund.” Or,
“debt is a tool and should be used to
create prosperity.”
The problem with all of these myths
is that they run counter to a biblical
approach to handling money, and
they never work long term. Using his
satirical sense of humor, Dave Ramsey
debunks these myths and many others.
He gives people financial hope with a
step-by-step plan to get out of debt,
create an emergency fund, invest for
retirement, pay off the house early,
and give like never before. FPU is the
class that should be mandatory for
every high school or college student
around the country for a solid financial
foundation for the future!
What Other FBR Members
Are Saying About FPU
“The first class immediately grabbed
our attention. We both realized our dire
financial state and how financial peace
could be a reality in our lives if we only
made a few changes. Dave Ramsey’s
humor and no-nonsense approach was
a motivator in bringing both of us back
to class each week. Dave made money
management fun and entertaining.
We learned more about each other and
ourselves as it related to finance. We’re
in the driver’s seat now and it feels
good! This would not have been possible
without Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace
– Shunton and Christie Hammond
“By the time we graduated from the
class, we were able to complete Baby Step
1 ($1,000 emergency fund) and begin
paying off
over $3,000 in debt so
far- all this after just 13 weeks!”
our Debt Snowball,
– Levi and Tiffany Gilmore
“Our only regret is that
FPU wasn’t around when
we were in our 20s. We
highly recommend FPU to all ages, both
single and married, who want to change
their financial future in a mighty way.
We are so blessed to have been able to
get started down the path to financial
freedom, even at this stage of life. Praise
the Lord and thank you Dave Ramsey!”
– Don and George Keith
“Just an update for a bright,
we paid off
$5,000 in credit card
debt. The baby steps are coming
Monday morning…
along. Thanks for leading the FPU class.”
– Chuck and Melody Bruns
Brand New for Fall 2013:
Wednesday Night Classes
For the very first time in our five years
of offering Financial Peace University,
we are now offering a Wednesday
night, nine-week session that will run
September 4 through October 30 from
6:30-8:30 p.m. in room B-206. The first
class is free. In order to attend the entire
session, a FPU kit must be purchased
for $93 through the DaveRamsey.
com website. We understand that this
cost is not affordable for every family,
and the church does not want the
cost of the kit to hinder anyone from
taking the course. You can contact
Larry Jones at 778-1115 or ljones@ to discuss the
financial options available to you. Sign
up online at www.firstbaptistraytown.
The Legacy Journey
by Larry Jones, Stewardship Development Director
The long awaited follow-up class to Financial
Peace University has finally arrived! Dave Ramsey
and his team have put together a brand new
course for those in our church body who have
already gone through FPU.
The Legacy Journey is the class that will
teach individuals and families how to live and
leave a legacy—one that will bless their families,
community and the world for generations
to come. This exciting new class will address
questions like what does the Bible really say about
money? About wealth? How much money makes
you wealthy? How much does God expect you
to give to others? How does wealth affect your
friendships, marriage and children? How much
is enough? How should you invest for the future?
How do you ensure that your family is truly
The Legacy Journey is an all-new, sevenweek class that meets once a week for 90
minutes. It incorporates small group discussions
and interactive class activities to encourage
accountability and discipleship. This brand-new
course doesn't replace Financial Peace University;
it builds on the foundation for your money that
FPU provides. This is the class for both FPU
graduates and anyone who wants a biblical
framework for dealing with money and wealth.
You'll learn practical how-tos on investing wisely,
planning your estate, giving generously, and
building generational wealth.
The Legacy Journey will meet on Sunday
afternoons, September 15 through October
27, from 4:30-6:00 p.m. in room B-306-308.
In order to attend the entire session, a Legacy
Journey kit must be purchased for $109 through
the website. If you have
additional questions, please contact Larry Jones
at 778-1115 or
To sign up for The Legacy Journey, visit www.
page 13
by Gene Calhoun, Worship Pastor and Producer of the Heart of America Christmas Pageant
want to take this opportunity to share with you about one of
Kansas City's most effective evangelism outreach ministries.
Each year, First Baptist Raytown produces the Heart of America
Christmas Pageant. Our goal has always been the same – to share
the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Last year, more than 20,000
people attended the pageant with more than 1,100 people making a
decision for Christ.
I wish I could share with you all the personal testimonies of
the thousands who have given their lives to Christ since the first
performance 34 years ago. These life-changing stories inspire more
than 400 members of First Baptist to volunteer and sacrifice hundreds
of hours of their time to make the pageant a reality each year.
Since our very first pageant in 1979, we have relied on the
contributions of people such as you to fund this endeavor. Through
the generosity of our members and friends in the community, we are
able to present the gospel in this dramatic way free of charge to the
Kansas City metropolitan area.
A few years ago we began the Pageant Business Patron Program.
This is in addition to our traditional Patron Program. Your business
can be featured in a special section of our pageant program that will
be given to more than 20,000 people attending the pageant this year.
At each performance, the attendees will be encouraged to utilize the
services of our business patrons listed in the program.
As an individual Patron or a Business Patron, for each $25 you
contribute, you are entitled to one reserved-seating Patron ticket.
Fill out the ticket order form on the next page and return it with
your check and/or ad.
page 14
There are three levels of Business Patron gifts and advertising space:
COLOR ad sizes & prices are as follows:
Full page ad (5.5” x 7.75”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,500.00
1/2 page ad (5.5” x 3.875”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00
1/4 page ad (2.75” x 3.875”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $350.00
Add 1/8 " bleed to above sizes
B/W ad sizes & prices are as follows:
Full page ad (5.5” x 7.75”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000.00
1/2 page ad (5.5” x 3.875”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500.00
1/4 page ad (2.75” x 3.875”) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250.00
Add 1/8 " bleed to above sizes
Artwork can be provided via email, CD or USB drive. Accepted
formats include PDF, JPG, EPS* or hard copy** (i.e. laserprint,
velox, print). Artwork should be emailed to
I know of no other outreach ministry where so many lives are
changed year after year. Would you prayerfully consider joining with
business leaders from all over the greater Kansas City area to help
change a life, which in turn will change our city?
For more information on our Pageant Patron Program, or for
information on other ways you can become involved, call Lynn
Lewallen at 778-1113. We look forward to your partnership in
reaching Kansas City.
Patron Ticket Order Form
To Place an ad
in the program
that will reach
over 20,000 people
please provide…
For Patron information, please call 816-778-1113.
For every $25 you donate, you will receive one reservedseating Patron ticket and preferred parking for the
performance of your choice. As an expression of our
appreciation, your name or the name of your company
will be printed in the pageant program if received by
Monday, November 4.
Note: This form is for Patron tickets only.
Complimentary tickets will be available in October.
Name: _____________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________
Company: __________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________
Name(s) to appear in program:
City: __________________ St: ___ Zip: __________________
q Check here if you do NOT wish to be listed in the
Patron section of the program.
Phone: (________ )___________________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Email: _____________________________________________
City: __________________ St: ___ Zip: __________
Phone: (______ ) ____________________________
… and indicate your preference below.
# of Tickets ________ @ $25 each = $ ____________
q Full-page COLOR ad – $1,500.00
q Half-page COLOR ad – $750.00
q Quarter-page COLOR ad – $350.00
q Full-page B/W ad – $1,000.00
q Half-page B/W ad – $500.00
q Quarter-page B/W ad – $250.00
Artwork can be provided via email, CD or USB drive. Accepted
formats include PDF, JPG, EPS* or hard copy** (i.e. laserprint,
velox, print). Artwork should be emailed to
Cut out the form(s) above and mail to:
First Baptist Raytown
Heart of America Christmas Pageant
10500 East 350 Highway, Raytown, MO 64138
# of Tickets
Saturday, Dec. 7th
Sunday, Dec. 8th 3:30pm
Friday, Dec. 13th 7:00pm*
Saturday, Dec. 14th
Sunday, Dec. 15th 3:30pm*
Friday, Dec 6th
ALL 7pm performances will be webcast LIVE at
* Interpreted in Sign Language
If you are placing an ad in our program, include your check made out to:
First Baptist Raytown
Not a business or a "big donor"?
Your contribution, no matter the size, will make a
difference for the Kingdom. If 100 people give $25,
that is $2,500 to change the community. Pray
about what gift you can give this year.
page 15
Volunteer to Serve in FBR’s Largest Church-Wide Service Opportunity
The Heart of America Christmas Pageant
It may be close to 100º outside, but we’re thinking Christmas
inside. It’s time to gear up for our annual Christmas Pageant and
we’re hoping you plan to be a part of this outreach ministry. A group
of over 400 volunteers work together to put on a free Christmas
Pageant right here at FBR every year. We gift these performances to
20,000 people in our community annually and provide them with a
visual representation of the Gospel and an opportunity to respond
that powerful message.
The choir and drama cast are the “visible” parts of Pageant but
there are so many “behind the scenes” positions that are integral parts
as well. How effective would the Pageant be without those beautiful
costumes? How many of our members would be able to participate if
there were no childcare? No matter that you cannot sing or act – we
can use your talent somewhere else! We won’t start working in some
of the areas until September or October, but there are a few areas
where we can use you now. Be sure to note the sign-up deadlines for
each of our volunteer areas. Sign-up forms will be available in the
Sunday bulletin or you can sign up at
pageant/volunteer. We’re looking forward to having you on the team!
Pageant Kick Off
Not sure where to serve? Not sure how to serve? Not sure what
that means? We invite you to join us at the Pageant Kickoff on
Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium to learn what
this year’s story will be about and to see if your favorite song made it
to the song list. There will be people there to answer any questions
you might have about the different places to serve and to get you
signed up in the right spot.
When is Pageant?
The 2013 Christmas Pageant performances will be December 6-8
and 13-15.
Auditions for speaking parts will be held September 29 and 30.
Solo auditions will be held September 29 and October 2. You must
attend one of the above audition times if you want a speaking part
or a solo.
Sign up between
Sept. 8-22 for:
Expectations: Attend rehearsals (usually
on Wednesday evening and/or Sunday
afternoon) for scene(s) assigned in addition
to rehearsals for all cast.
Cast (speaking)
Celestial Angels
Role: Assume character for assigned role
and interact with other characters to create
dramatic presentation
Requirement: Attend audition on Sept. 29
or 30
Expectations: Memorize lines and attend all
assigned rehearsals on Wednesday evenings
and/or Sunday afternoons.
Cast (non-speaking)
Role: Be part of the crowd in Bethlehem
& Jerusalem, both on stage and in aisles.
Children who are signed up automatically
become part of the Triumphal Entry scene
and must be accompanied by a responsible
adult. Choir members automatically become
members of cast non-speaking in all scenes.
Requirement: None
page 16
Role: Appear in scenes of Jesus’ birth and
Second Coming
Requirement: At least 13 years of age; must
have good balance, the ability to stand
for long periods of time, and full range of
motion for dance movements.
Expectations: Attend rehearsals every
Sunday afternoon beginning the first Sunday
in October in addition to assigned rehearsals
for cast
Jewish Dancer
Role: Dance in aisles and on stage during
assigned scenes.
Requirement: Must be at least 12 years old
Expectations: Attend rehearsals every Sunday
afternoon beginning first Sunday in October
in addition to rehearsals for all cast
Office Help (daytime)
Role: Assist with miscellaneous clerical duties
such as stuffing envelopes and programs
Requirement: None
Expectations: Because many duties are timesensitive, it is important that volunteer is
able to come in when called to complete the
task before deadline
Prayer Team
Role: Prayer for various pageant groups and
Requirement: None
Expectations: Faithful daily prayer and if
possible pray in prayer room during one or
more presentations and in choir room with
cast and crew before the start of performances
Prop Crew
Role: Make new props, repair old ones
Requirement: Love working with crafts,
artistic, organized, good eye for decorations
Expectations: Be available for dress rehearsals
Dec. 2 through Dec. 5 plus all performances
Sign up between
Nov. 3-24 for:
Cleanup Crew
Role: Clean up church premises after Friday
and Saturday night performances
Requirement: None
Expectations: Be at the church at around
9:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings
to clean up Worship Center and Bible study
rooms; help clean up the church the week of
after pageant is over
Costume laundry
Sign up between
Oct. 6-20 for:
Role: Retrieve costumes after last
performance and wash them
Requirement: Access to a washer and dryer
Expectations: Be available immediately
following last performance to retrieve
basket(s) of costumes; return clean and
folded costumes within two weeks
Backstage Crew
Role: Position and remove stage props for
each scene
Requirement: Physically able to lift and
carry; able to move quietly
Expectations: Attend rehearsals for all
cast beginning Sunday, Nov. 24 plus all
Set decoration crew
Lobby Decorations
Role: Prepare lobby and Atrium
Requirement: Physical ability
Expectations: Prepare lobby by putting up
pipe & drape curtains around doorways; set
up Christmas trees in lobby and Atrium
Stage construction
Role: Help set up and serve at the Pageant
Buffet on all pageant dates
Requirement: None
Expectations: Assist with putting and
keeping food and table service available,
assist guests with food trays, refill drinks,
clean up when guests leave and make tables
ready for next guests
Unload trailer
Role: Bring larger props and stage setting
from the trailer to assigned positions
Requirement: Ability to lift moderately
heavy items
Expectations: Be available the afternoon of
Nov. 10
Role: Direct traffic in the parking lot on
performance dates and assist visitors in
finding parking spaces
Requirement: None
Expectations: Be here an hour and a half
before performance time and stay until
parking lot has emptied
Role: Provide security for visitors and cast
during pageant performances
Requirement: Familiarity with building;
security/police background helpful
Expectations: Respond to unusual or
suspicious situations, assist with medical
emergencies and maintain building safety
and security
Role: Count and distribute tickets in the
front lobby on some Sunday mornings in
Requirement: Attentive to details; accurate
Expectations: Be available on Sunday, Nov.
24 and/or Sunday, Dec. 1, from 10:30-11:00
a.m. and/or from 12:00-12:30 p.m.
Ushers/Ticket Takers
Role: Assemble and place small props on
stage to decorate the set for authenticity
Requirement: Keen eye for decorative detail;
Expectations: Be available during the day the
week of Nov. 21
Role: Help with unloading and assembling
set Sun., Oct. 27, 1:00 p.m.; striking the
set after the last performance Sun., Dec. 15,
5:00 p.m.
Requirement: Ability to lift set pieces and
use tools such as screwdrivers, drills, etc.
Expectations: Be available to help with
construction the week of Oct. 27
Role: Assist visitors in finding seats; hand out
Requirement: None
Expectations: Be at assigned door on
night(s) assigned one hour before start of the
performance. Assigned ushers will remain in
the lobby to assist visitors.
Food Services – Buffet
Food Services – Pageant Crew
Role: Set up and serve dinner to the pageant
cast and crew on Saturday, December 8, and
Saturday, December 14
Requirement: None
Expectations: Assist with putting and
keeping food and table service available and
clean up afterward
page 17
JOY Women's Events
Man Up Events
When we hear the name Gideon, most of us think about his
300 soldiers or a fleece laid out under the evening sky. But Gideon’s
story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His
people – His love for them as well as His strength operating in spite
of, even through, their weakness. Join us and let this study encourage
your weakness as the key that the Lord gives you to unlock the full
experience of his strength in your life.
Priscilla Shirer's Gideon is an eight-week, video-driven Bible study
that will meet Wednesdays, September 4 through October 23, from
9:30-11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The Thursday session will
be September 5 through October 24 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. Books will be available the first day of class for $15.
Childcare will be available by reservation only through Julie Pieratt at or 778-1100 ext. 2122.
Register for Gideon online at
or at the JOY table in the lobby.
Sometimes you just need to get out of the office or away from
the house and just have lunch with the guys. That's what Power
Lunches are all about. Grab a buddy for an hour of great food
(everyone pays their own way) and fellowship in a very casual, nonchurch gathering with an inspirational 5-10 minute talk around
the table from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Thursdays this fall. Here’s where
we’ll be:
JOY Women's Fall Bible Study: Gideon
JOY Card Ministry Workshop
JOY Ministry would like to invite all ladies to join us for our
Card Ministry. If you like to make cards, are a crafty person, or
just want to have a fun evening with other ladies, come join us as
we create handmade cards to be used by the various ministries of
First Baptist Raytown. We will meet on the fourth Tuesday of the
month from 6:30-8:00 p.m. in conference room C-218 (behind
the reception desk). The cards will be ready to make when you
get there! Join us on Tuesdays, September 23, October 22, and
November 19.
Cropping with JOY
Scrapbookers, card makers, and paper artists, join us for a
FREE all day ladies (12 and above) event - Cropping with JOY.
Bring your own tools, supplies, paper and projects. You can share
ideas and show off your creative layouts in a fun atmosphere with
Christian music to crop by. Feel free to bring your own lunch,
but remember all drinks must have lids. This event is open to the
public, so invite your friends! No small children! Childcare is not
available for these events. Space is limited, so register early at www. Cropping with JOY meets from
9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Join us on Saturdays,
September 21, October 19, and November 16.
Coupon Exchange
JOY Ministry invites you to come fellowship and learn about
clipping, saving, and how you can serve others all while couponing!
Bring your scissors, your unused coupons, and saving tips to share!
This year’s coupon exchange group will be meeting from 7:008:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall on a quarterly basis. Watch www. for upcoming coupon exchanges.
page 18
Power Lunches
August 29
September 5
September 12
September 19
September 26
October 3
October 10
October 17
October 24
October 31
November 7
November 14
November 21
Gates BBQ – Main Street
Tim’s Pizza – 40 Highway
Buffalo Wild Wings – Jackson Drive
Gates BBQ – State Line
La Fuente – Douglas St
Manny’s Mexican – Southwest Blvd
Tim’s Pizza – 40 Highway
810 Zone – Town Center
Buffalo Wild Wings – Chipman Road
Manny’s Mexican – Southwest Blvd
Gates BBQ – Main Street
810 Zone – Chipman Road
Tim’s Pizza – 40 Highway
Awakening the Warrior: Promise Keepers Event
We’re taking a guys only road trip to Tulsa, Oklahoma Friday,
September 20-Saturday, September 21 for Awakening the Warrior:
Promise Keepers Event. Buses will leave FBR on Friday at 11:30
a.m. and return Saturday at 11:30 p.m. Block out this VIP weekend
for a powerful and fun time together. Register online at www.
Men’s Small Groups
There are so many different ways to get connected with other
guys this fall from hangouts on Thursdays for lunch to Bible studies
to small groups, all designed to help you get a win in your life.
There will be small groups available many times throughout the
week, beginning the week of September 16 and running through
November 16. We’ll deal with issues like relationships, struggles
at work, and temptations that all men face. Choose
the time that best fits your life and jump right
in. So far, we have small groups available on
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays,
and Saturdays. Watch your bulletin and
for more details coming soon.
L – for adults 55 & older
September – On September 17, First Baptist member
Dick Drace will entertain LLL with an instrumental concert
on the baritone horn. Dick is a long-time member of the
FBR Celebration Orchestra and spent 30 years teaching
music in the North Kansas City School District. LLL begins
at 9:30 a.m. in the Atrium. Make your reservations by Friday,
September 13, by calling Marilyn Constantz at 257-1184.
October – In October, LLL will be entertained by the
Senior Singers, a musical group led by Marilyn West.
The Senior Singers have performed nationally as well
as internationally. Come hear this musical performance
at LLL on October 15 at 9:30 a.m. in the Atrium. Make
your reservations by Friday, October 11, by calling Marilyn
Constantz at 257-1184.
Jewish Roots Ministry
Fall Shabbat Services
October – Scottt Fields will speak on “T’Shubah – It’s
More Than a 180” at the Shabbat Service on Friday, October
18, at 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium.
November - Join us for the Shabbat Service on Friday,
November 15, at 7:00 p.m. in the Atrium.
For more information about any of these services, contact
James and Gayanne Briggs at 816-358-6645.
Fall Biblical Feasts
Rosh Hashanah – Celebrate Rosh Hashanah (Feast of
Trumpets) with us on Friday, September 6, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Atrium.
Yom Kippur – Celebrate Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
with us on Friday, September 13, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in
the Fellowship Hall.
Sukkot – Celebrate Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) with
us on Friday and Saturday, September 20-21, at the Farrar’s
farm near Adrian, MO. For more information, contact
James and Gayanne Briggs at 816-358-6645.
Men's Basketball League
The Men's Basketball League runs October 19
through December 28. Cost per team is $275. League
includes six games and a tournament. Note: There will
not be games on December 7 and 14. Please join us
for Pageant on these days. League is limited to the first
eight teams to register and pay. Register online at www.
Fast Pitch Softball League
Men’s Fast Pitch Softball is coming to the
ROC this fall! For more information, contact
Gary Harden at Gary.A.Harden@usace. Watch www.firstbaptistraytown.
com/adult-leagues for more information
coming soon.
Church leaders from across the metro area – and beyond
– experience the benefits of quality training during MALT
(Metro Area Leadership Training). The annual training
event draws close to 250 people each year from churches
throughout the metro area and beyond.
Leaders can learn from conferences such as “Talking to
a Child About Salvation,” “Making Your Class Work: More
Than Teaching,” and “Creating a Reaching Atmosphere.”
Deacons, Bible study workers, and pastors respond to the
opportunity for further training for their roles in these
important functions of a church.
The annual MALT event will be held at First Baptist
Raytown on Saturday, September 14 from 9:00-11:30
a.m. Cost is $5 per person (registration at the door) with
a $50 maximum per church. Childcare is provided by
reservation only. Reserve your childcare online at www. or call Julie Pieratt at
778-1100 ext. 2122.
FBR members! If you are an FBR leader or member, you
can attend MALT for free! Register through Carla Williams
at 778-1152 or
New CSI Classes Begin in
The classes of Christian Studies Institute (CSI) are
FBR’s program of college-level classes to give our members
top quality offerings in Bible background, church history,
theology, and practical courses they could only get in
a Christian university or seminary. The completion of
seven courses will earn the student a diploma. Two new
classes are being offered beginning in September.
New Testament Backgrounds will be taught by Joe
Barbour in room B-304 on Sundays, September 15
through November 3, from 4:30-5:45 p.m. There is no
cost for the class; however a textbook is available for
purchase on the first day of class. To enroll, visit www. or call Joe at 350-8002.
Church History I will be taught by Cliff Ramsey
in room B-302 on Sundays, September 22 through
November 10, from 4:30-5:45 p.m. To enroll, visit www.
or call Cliff at 220-1573.
page 19
10500 East 350 Highway | Raytown, MO 64138 | 816.353.1994
R109 G206 B245
R29 G118 B187
R42 G59 B143
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Reference Materials
September 16-30
25% off Adult Fiction
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30% off Ministry
Appreciation Cards
October 14-31
25% off Home Décor
November 1-16
15% off new Jesus Calling
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August 7
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