2016 Rainbow Reflections – Spring


2016 Rainbow Reflections – Spring
Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of the Rockies
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp
107 South Ninth Street, Suite B
Canon City, Colorado 81212
Volume 28, Number 2
Spring 2016
Rainbow Trail is operated and maintained
under authority of a USDA Forest Service
Special Use Permit. Rainbow Trail is located
in the San Isabel National Forest, USDA.
Address Service Requested
Rainbow Trail Loses Another Giant
“Grampa” Dave Ericson Passes Away on April 6, 2016
by Dave Jarvis, Executive Director
Rainbow Trail lost another
one of its saints this spring. Dave
Ericson, or more affectionately known
as “Grampa Dave” at camp, passed
away on April 6th after a year-long
battle with lung cancer.
How do you sum up in a few
words the lifetime of service that was
the life of Dave Ericson? We could
spend the entire summer telling Dave
stories and sharing examples of his
giving heart and steadfast faith.
Dave had such a passion for
everything he did. He did nothing
half-heartedly. I loved hearing him
talk about his work with Habitat for
Humanity while he was at camp. His
eyes would light up as he shared about
all the cool things they were doing in
Albuquerque at the work sites. He
gave endless hours to Habitat, both at
the sites and on the Board, because he
totally believed in its mission.
Dave felt the same way about
outdoor ministries and especially
about Rainbow Trail. He had such
a deep love for this ministry. He
served on the RTLC Board from 1980
to 1993. He served on the Synod
Outdoor Ministry Committee for over
ten years. Dave was a key player in
positioning Rainbow Trail for the
transition to the new church during
the merger of the LCA and the ALC.
And he was on the Board that called
me to serve at Rainbow Trail in 1989.
Dave was a mentor to me.
He always reminded me to not forget
where we had come from as we moved
Rainbow Trail forward. He was able
to be the living RTLC history for
people as he would share his stories
of both the joys and the challenges of
ministry. For all of that, I am grateful.
Dave became a person I could share
joyous moments and challenges in my
ministry as well, and seek his advice.
In many ways, he became like a
second father to me.
I always loved when Dave
and Ruth were at camp. The place felt
differently. It felt like home. Dave
was an early riser, and he always had
the coffee on at 5:30 AM when they
were at camp. His presence at camp
brought a sense of well-being… a
sense of welcome to strangers, a sense
of family for the staff, and a sense of
belonging for the campers.
Dave and Ruth were the
dynamic duo; a team that will never be
matched. They played off each other,
loving campers and loving staff, and
they always knew just the right time
to step in.
Summer staff anticipated the
weeks that Dave and Ruth would be
at camp. They loved having Dave in
their Bible Studies. They depended
on the daily hugs from him.
As a family camper, Dave was
the true patriarch. He rarely if ever
missed a Bible study and he would be
actively engaged in the conversation
that took place within the study.
The words he would share with the
group were carefully thought out, and
reflected his wisdom, his humility, and
his humanity. When he spoke, people
I also loved watching him
sit among the campers with his camp
grandpa hat on, singing their songs,
laughing at their jokes, sharing in their
joys, and guiding them with his gentle,
loving presence. But no matter how
much he loved the campers, nothing
quite matched the tone in his voice
and the sparkle in his eye as when he
talked about his own daughters and his
grandkids. Thousands of kids called
him Grandpa, and he loved them, but
the love and pride he had for Karly
and Cheyenne was always deep and
Dave’s legacy at camp will
not be buildings or “stuff”; but rather
it will be relationships. There is not a
“Dave Ericson era” at camp because
Dave’s connection with camp spanned
over four decades. That is over twothirds of the life of Rainbow Trail. His
relationship was organic and shaped
differently at each stage of his life.
His time on the Board was pivotal to
the very existence of Rainbow Trail
today. But to me, his greatest ministry
at Rainbow Trail was his years as a
camp grandparent.
A few years back, we
celebrated the 40th anniversary of
Dave and Ruth’s involvement in
Rainbow Trail’s ministry. As a part
of that celebration, James Hersch, the
musician that has been part of RTLC’s
family camp ministry, wrote a song in
their honor. It captures the essence of
Dave and Ruth’s missional and faithful
approach to life. We were honored to
include that song on our new CD “Just
Literally thousands of kids
called Dave “Grampa.” His impact
on this ministry will be a part of
conversations for generations to
come. His love for this ministry and
the people here ran so deep in the
relationships he held dear from this
place. He will be dearly missed!
If you would like to make a
gift the Rainbow Trail in memory of
Dave, send your check to the Canon
City office and mark it “Dave Ericson
Inside this issue...
Trail Boss............................p.2
Something Brewing at RTLC..p.2
Men’s Fly Fishing Retreat.......p. 3
Strategic Plan Process.......... p.3
Site to Sight......................p.3
Thank you PGAs......................p.3
Meet the 2016 Summer Staff...p.4-5
He Be Jammin........................p. 6
Ben There, Done That.............p.7
Wish/Needs List......................p.8
Rainbow Trail Mission Statement
Through the ministries of Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp,
God claims us, Christ transforms us, and the Holy Spirit sends us for faithful service.
Trail Boss
By Dave Jarvis - Executive Director
There is a lot going on this time of the
year. Final preparations for summer, providing
our staff online spring training, attending Synod
assembly, leading retreats, buying clothing for
popshop and assorted recreation equipment we
need to provide our ministry are just SOME of
the things we are doing right now. Campers will
be arriving in a little more than a month. I love
that we can be a part of the faith development
of so many of your children. It is a task we take
very seriously. Thanks for trusting us!
Registrations are looking great for
summer and all weeks are full except week
#10 and the open sign-up Compass Points trips.
There are still some spots in intro #2 for both
boys and girls. There is still a lot of room in
that last week of camp (week #10). Double
check when your school starts for the fall. Many schools don’t start until after
that last week. Don’t miss out on the chance to be at camp with our great staff. If
finances are an issue, email me and let’s talk. Don’t let money be the reason for
not coming to camp. We have campership money available for that purpose. There
are no forms to fill out, and you don’t need to share any private information. Take
advantage of this opportunity to help your child have the best week of their summer
at Rainbow Trail!
Our summer staff will soon be here! Our Directors arrive on Monday, May
23rd and the rest of our ministry team arrives on Memorial Day. We are so excited
about this team and all they will have to offer our campers. This is a great group!
Over 55% of this staff is from the Rocky Mountain Synod. There will be a lot of
familiar faces but also a bunch of wonderful new ones that are ready to meet you
and love you! Please keep this team in your prayers as they prepare for this summer.
May God use them in amazing ways this summer!!
The land exchange process continues to move slowly. There are two
active exchanges on our forest that need to be completed before the Forest Service
can even consider initiating our exchange. Both of those exchanges are expected
to be completed in 2016. We need to be all about patience and perseverance. In
the meantime, the RTLC Board has already begun an exciting strategic planning
process that will set us up to be ready when the land exchange takes place. You
will be involved in the process this summer and into the fall. Look for more details
We continue to need your support for this ministry through prayer, through
your sweat, and through your financial gifts. You can choose how you want to
support – whether it is the annual fund, the land exchange, vehicles, Memorial Day
expenses, or camperships just to name a few. Gifts of all sizes, large and small,
make this ministry run. If everyone will do something to financially support RTLC,
it will make an enormous difference. And the return on this investment will be
tremendous – that is a promise!!!!!
This spring, Rainbow Trail lost another one of its icons and I lost a dear
friend. Grampa Dave Ericson. Dave served RTLC in lots of capacities but his
greatest role, in my opinion, was as a camp grandpa. Dave, and his wife Ruth,
would serve as camp grandparents for up to four weeks a summer. Dave was loved
by staff and campers a like. Dave became one of my greatest supporters and mentors
in my ministry here. He wanted nothing but the best for Rainbow Trail. Dave’s
family has given camp his grandpa hat that he wore every day while at camp. So
Dave will be with us for the whole summer! Dave, thanks for being a true servant
for God!
I’ll see you this summer! It is going to be a great one! I can’t believe
we are already starting another. Thanks for the blessing of serving you another
summer. This is summer #28 for me. I can’t wait! See you soon!
Until next time…
Advertise Your Business for
a Great Cause
Every fall, Rainbow Trail Lutheran
Camp hosts its annual Grace Race to
help stamp out world hunger. This
annual 5k run/walk was started as
part of RTLC’s 50th anniversary in
2007, to raise money for the ELCA
World Hunger Appeal. The event is
held in collaboration with the Rocky
Mountain Synod Hunger Network.
Over the last nine years, the Rainbow
Trail community has contributed
$41,522.00 to the ELCA World Hunger
Appeal. But we think we can do more.
The 10th Annual Grace Race will be
held on Saturday, October 1, 2016. We
are aiming for 400 participants for this
year’s race. This can be the year we
top $10,000 for the check that we send
to the ELCA World Hunger Appeal!!
Another great way to support this
event and cause is to advertise your
business on the classy Grace Race
shirts. For a $300 donation, we will
add your company name and logo to
the race shirt. There will also be a
link for your business off of the RTLC
website. We’ll give your business
some great press and you will help
make an incredible difference in our
world. Contact Dave Jarvis at dave@
rainbowtrail.org for more details.
Something is Brewing at RTLC
Fresh Coffee with a Mission
Rainbow Trail has started
brewing new, locally roasted coffee from
Mission Coffee Roasters in Colorado
Springs. Birthed as an idea in 1991,
Mission Coffee Roasters was later
founded by the Bixler Family in 2003 to
financially support Christian missionaries,
missionaries-in-training, Christ based
ministries, and other non-profits (both
secular and faith based) through the sale
of delicious fresh roasted coffee.
Rainbow Trail’s ministry aligns
well with Mission Coffee Roasters.
They are passionate about non-profit
work, meaningful service to others, and
spreading the good news of Christ. They
sell coffee at wholesale prices to nonprofits to allow for those organizations to
sell the coffee for fundraising purposes
to further their ministry and service.
Additionally, because Mission Coffee
Roasters is located in Colorado Springs,
the coffee we receive from them is freshly
roasted with every order, and arrives at
RTLC within only a few days of being
roasted. This makes for a fresher, more
delicious red mug of coffee every time.
Our very own Popshop will
be selling our Rainbow Trail Blend. We
created this special blend with the help of
Brett and Mike at Mission Coffee, with
all profits going to our campership fund
or another special cause within RTLC’s
ministry. You can help others experience
Rainbow Trail while taking a bit of the
mountaintop experience home with you!
Whether buying a bag of the Rainbow
Trail Blend for your home, or as a gift for
others, this ensures that money will never
be a reason that someone cannot come to
Rainbow Trail.
You can check out Mission
Coffee Roasters at missioncoffeeroasters.
com or at churchcoffee.com. If you
are interested in supporting this part of
RTLC’s ministry by brewing the Rainbow
Trail Blend in your home congregation,
please contact us at 719-276-5233 or
email ben.jarvis@rainbowtrail.org.
Mark your Calendar: CO Gives 2016
Support RTLC on Colorado Gives
Day! On Tuesday, December 6,
2016. Coloradans will come together
again to raise millions of dollars for
nonprofits like Rainbow Trail. Last
year, a remarkable $28.5 million was
distributed to 1,884 Colorado nonprofits. RTLC raised and amazing
$87,358 in that 24 hour
period. Our goal for 2015
was to raise $70,000.
With the support received
in 2015, we have set a
goal for 2016 of $88,000!
All funds raised will
go towards the Annual
Fund. Since we are still
in the middle of the land
exchange process, some people have
shifted their annual fund donation
towards the Capital appeal. But we
still need our annual fund to sustain
day-to-day operations. Mark your
calendars and make a difference!
December 6, 2016
Designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars to
RTLC and Help Great Ministry Happen!
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has a charitable giving program called Thrivent
Choice. Each member is allocated a set amount of money to give to the Lutheran
organizations of their choice. Last year, Rainbow Trail received $31,604 from
this program. Our goal for 2016 is $45,000. We hope that you will designate
your allocated dollars to Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. You will need to go out
to the Thrivent website quarterly to designate your Thrivent Choice dollars. We
know that is a lot to remember and we can help. If you will let us know that you
have designated your Thrivent Choice dollars to Rainbow Trail, we can send
you either an email or a postcard quarterly to remind you to go out and designate
your dollars. If you haven’t designated your Choice dollars to any organization,
just follow the steps below to designate them to Rainbow Trail.
Here are step by step instructions on how to designate your funds.
Over the Internet
1. Log on to www.thrivent.com
2. Sign in with your username and password or register for an account.
3. Once you have registered and signed in, select the “Direct Choice Dollars”
button for Thrivent Choice in the right hand side.
4. In the middle of the next page, type “Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp” in
the “Organization Name” box, leave “City” blank, and click search.
5. Next to our camp name, you will click the “Direct Now” button. You will
be able to assign all or part of your Choice dollars to us. You can also set it
up so Rainbow Trail continues to get your future Thrivent Choice Dollars
as well.
6. Click the “submit” button and your Thrivent Choice Dollars will be sent
to our ministry.
Over the Phone
1. Call 800-847-4836.
2. Follow the prompts that are given.
3. You will be asked for the last four digits of your Social Security number,
then you will be sent through an automated operator system.
Our camp is listed as “Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp.”
This is just one more way that you can give to support this ministry. Encourage
your friends that are Thrivent members to do the same! If you have any questions,
call Dave at the Canon City office.
Site to Sight PAGE 3
By Kyle Larson - Director of Site and Facilities
Spring has really gotten away
from me this year. I can hardly believe
that summer is here yet again. It seemed
for the longest time that we were going to
dodge the grossness of the spring season
and transition straight into summer without
a hitch. How wrong I was. We had a really
mild winter this year but spring came to
play. In just a few short weeks, I’d say total,
camp received over five feet of snow. It’s
been great for the grass but not so good for
the back. I’m certainly ready to say goodbye
to the snow shovels for the season.
As is the cycle for us, spring means
lots to do and not a whole lot of time to do
it. We’ve had a busy season with retreat
groups onsite almost every single weekend.
A huge thank you goes out to a men’s group
from Evergreen Lutheran Church who
gave up one of their weekends to install
a new hardwood floor in Golden Banner
this spring. The cabin looks great! The busyness of this year has made for an
accelerated timeline rolling into summer. Memorial Day seems to be sneaking
up on me quicker than years past but I just have to trust that everything will get
done in time. We’ve got great projects happening this year, as always. Golden
Banner will be getting a facelift with log siding and a tongue in groove ceiling,
Columbine will be getting new railings all the way to the back of the building
as well as a new planter out front, Aspen will be getting a new front door and
Eagle peak will be getting a new ceiling with electrical upgrades as well. Those
are just the big projects, there are plenty of smaller ones that really help us
get the site looking ready for summer. What an incredible blessing all of the
Memorial Day volunteers are to the ministry of Rainbow Trail!
With the changing of the seasons come changes in our staff as well.
This past nine months, Rainbow Trail has been blessed to have Sam Berglund
and Megan Myers as our Program Assistants. They both brought great
experience from other places to benefit the ministry of Rainbow Trail. My
house was and is under construction so I got to know these two better than
any set of program assistants before them. Sam and Megan, thanks for all your
work, your friendship and most of all, for dog sitting this past year. So glad you
both are sticking around for summer!
Another sad but exciting transition comes with the departure of Ben
Larson from his current position as the Director of Compass Points and Day
Camp Ministries. I can barely even remember Rainbow Trail without Ben.
Ben started my second summer as a counselor and has been around ever since.
In the time that I’ve served with him, he’s been a great friend, colleague and
mentor to me. Thanks for all your devoted work Ben, you’ll be missed.
As I scream into summer at what seems to be a faster pace than
normal, I’m certainly trying to take time to just be in creation. I am constantly
blessed by the beauty that surrounds me at camp and the relationships of those
I come in contact with up here. I know that God is truly present in both and
will guide us as we enter our summer season. I’m excited and maybe even a
little stressed to begin another summer but I know that all with be fine. I hope
to see you all this summer!
Follow Us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and now, Snapchat (@rtlc1957)
this summer to see what’s going on at camp! Villages, Day Camps, and OffSite Programs will be posting using the hashtag #whatsyourcallRTLC. Tag
your own posts with this hashtag as well so that we can see the stories of the
summer! Also, you can post anytime using #RTLC when talking about camp,
or #RTLCswag when wearing Rainbow Trail gear!
A r e Yo u R e g i s t e r e d
Fo r C a m p
This Summer?
Weeks Are Almost Full - Register Today!
Into the Wild Just 9 Left
Intro to Camp #2 Just 28 Left
Intro to Camp #3 Just 1 Boy Left JrHigh Compass Points Just 7 Left
SH Compass Points Just 7 Left
Jr./JrHigh #3 92 Left
Check www.rainbowtrail.org for up-to-date status of each week and register today!
Men’s Fly Fishing Retreat
September 22-25, 2016
Take some time to step out of the stresses of
ordinary life and into the refreshing waters of
the Arkansas River. This weekend of fly fishing,
hanging out with the guys, and amazing worship
and conversation is led by Pastor Dave Risendal.
His deep love of fly fishing and the gospel will help
you re-center and deepen your faith. Expand your fly
fishing skills with instruction from Greg Felt, owner
of Ark Anglers Fly Shop, fly tying workshops, and
advice from other seasoned fishermen. Whether you
are an experienced angler or just want to try fly fishing, this is a weekend you
won’t want to miss! The $195 program fee includes meals and lodging. Don’t
have gear? No problem, we can connect you with rental equipment at a great price.
We can also make arrangemens to hire guided fly trips through Ark Anglers if
desired. To get more info, contact Ben, 719-431-0050 or ben@rainbowtrail.org,
or visit the “Retreats” tab on www.rainbowtrail.org.
Registration Opens July 1st!
Thank You Program Assistants
If you have been to RTLC during the past nine months, then you’ve met
Sam Berglund and Megan Myers. Sam and Megan are the wonderful and
talented Program Assistants who have helped us host dozens of RTLC retreats
and events since September. The gifts and energy that they shared with us are
very much appreciated, and they quickly became an integral part of our staff
While we are sad to see their time as Program Assistants come to an end, we
don’t have to say “goodbye” just yet! Both Sam and Megan will be spending
the summer with us as a part of our Director team! Sam will be our Travel
Support Director, and Megan will be our Support Staff Director. We are very
excited that we get to work with them for an additional three months.
The Program Assistant position is a nine month internship program for
those wanting to learn more about working in full-time outdoor ministry.
Participants help in all areas of the retreat season including office work, retreat
hosting, general maintenance, and program planning. They also go through
training sessions to learn about the many facets of camp leadership and help
them develop their own Outdoor Ministry philosophies.
Thank you Sam and Megan for your hard work and dedication to RTLC’s
ministry during these past nine months!
RTLC Stepping Into
Strategic Planning Process
While Rainbow Trail waits
for their opportunity to step into their
land exchange with the Forest Service,
the Rainbow Trail Board is not sitting
idle. They are taking full advantage
of this slower time in the process to
do preparatory work that will catapult
RTLC’s ministry into the future once the
exchange has happened.
The Rainbow Trail Board
performed an extensive search for the right
consultant to guide them in a strategic
planning process. After reviewing eight
proposals, the RTLC board selected Kairos
and Associates to guide the process. The
first phase of the Strategic Planning
process will be the listening phase. The
Board really wants to hear what you love
about this ministry and what you want to
keep and never change. They also want to
hear what your dreams are for the future
of Rainbow Trail as we plan for the next
20 years.
Kristin Wiersma will be leading
the process for us. She has already met
with the RTLC Board at the Spring
Board retreat that was held at camp.
In the coming months, Kristin will be
interviewing Board members, full-time
staff, summer staff, donors, and maybe
even you. We will also provide a short
online survey for the parents of all
summer camp participants to fill out to
seek their input. Also, this fall we will be
hosting cottage meetings in most of the
major cities of our Synod so that we can
meet with larger groups of people face-toface and hear your ideas.
Funding for this process is
included in the funds that are being raised
for the land exchange process. We still
need to raise the remaining $148,000
to cover ALL of the costs associated
with developing of a new strategic
plan, developing a new site master
plan, and covering the consultant fees,
administrative expenses, and the cost of
the studies needed to complete the Forest
Service’s 64-step land exchange process.
This is your camp and we really
want your input. We are excited about the
possibilities of this process as we begin to
cast a vision for the future. Look for more
details in the coming weeks on how you
can be part of planning for the future of
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp!
Now THIS is What You’ve Been Waiting for...
Ashley Ryll
Colorado State University
Centennial, CO
Nicole Grinager
Travel Director
Augustana University
Sioux Falls, SD
Nick Vande Krol
Michelle Roby
Genna Clemen
Drake University
Overland Park, KS
Ben Cox
Pacific Lutheran University
Chaska, MN
Travel Director
St. Olaf College
Edina, MN
Anissa Kneese
Isaiah Cammon
Hannah Gershenoff
Hailey Mohler
Halina Pyzdrowski
Josh Rogerson
Hannah Purkey
Augustana University
Fort Collins, CO
Texas A&M
Fredricksburg, TX
Luther College
Plymouth, MN
Luther College
Decorah, IA
Battle Mtn. High School
Edwards, CO
Katie Romano
Becca Schmelzel
Tony Steinle
Compass Points Director
Augustana University
Canon City, CO
Guitar Instructor
University of Colorado
Wheat Ridge, CO
Augustana, Rock Island
Fort Collins, CO
Jill Nilsen
Jesse Hammon
Alex Powell
Lakewood, CO
Univ. of North Texas
Mansfield, TX
Katie Larson
Chris Kleinfieldt
Luther College
Broomfield, CO
Compass Points Director
Luther College
Blaine, MN
Sands Simonton
Asta Jensen
Fountain, CO
Megan Myers
Luther College
Minnetonka, MN
University of Northern CO
Colorado Springs, CO
Valparaiso University
Evergreen, CO
Maintenance Assistant
Colorado State University
Eagle, CO
University of Colorado
Pueblo West, CO
Support Staff Director
Southwestern Univeristy
The Woodlands, TX
Kyra Jensen
Megan Muehlethaler
Travel Director
Colorado Mesa University
Eagle, CO
Sara Tinklenberg
Metro State University
Willmar, MN
Noah Bonser
Palmer Lake, CO
Janelle Hernandez
Woodcarving Instructor
New Mexico State Univ.
Alamogordo, NM
Ali Welge
Azusa Pacific University
Colorado Springs, CO
Sabrina Perry
Cam Regennitter
Katie Wee
Adam Parrish
Maya Gardner
Derek Kane
Pueblo West High School
Pueblo West, CO
Colorado Springs, CO
CSU - Pueblo
Peyton, CO
Pacific Lutheran University
Spokane, WA
Univ. of Wisconsin, Mil.
Germantown, WI
Lincoln SE High School
Bennet, NE
University of Nebraska
Albuquerque, NM
...The 2016 Rainbow Trail Summer Staff
Hannah Maxa
Luther College
Lenox, IA
Corinne Cooper
Victoria Clark
Office Assistant
Denver, CO
Brady Risendal
University of Colorado
Centennial, CO
Kristine Luebbe
Luther College
Monument, CO
Kalie Saathoff
Travel Director
Pacific Lutheran University
Pueblo, CO
Highland High School
Albuquerque, NM
Greg Dorow
Ginny Miller
Leah Swartzentruber
Melisa Lundy
Lizzy Myra
Fairview High School
Boulder, CO
Compass Points Director
Luther College
Maple Lake, MN
Eagle Valley High School
Gypsum, CO
Meghan Gould
Amos Chung
Emilee Velander
Travel Director
Luther College
Blaine, MN
Arts and Crafts Coordinator
Roger Williams University
Katonah, NY
Colorado State University
Fowler, CO
Rebekah Nestingen
Ranja Adriamanana
Seth Woodring
Hanna Werling
Jeanett Jansen
Pacific Lutheran University All Saints Anglican Academy
Colorado Springs, CO
Evergreen High School
Evergreen, CO
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
Sam Berglund
Allison Vincent Beckman
Travel Support Director
University of Montana
Helena, MT
Coe College
Westminster, CO
Aurice Worley
Cañon City, CO
Colorado State University
Colorado Springs, CO
Bre Young
Travel Director
Pacific Lutheran University
Boise, ID
Ben Larson
Director of Compass
Points & Day Camp
Cañon City, CO
Assistant Cook
Westcliffe, CO
Lakewood High School
Lakewood, CO
Shannon Blanch
Dean Klinkerman
Ropes Coordinator
Augustana University
Watertown, SD
Sara Marietta
Executive Secretary
Cañon City, CO
Chris Seaman
Food Service Manager
Hillside, CO
Colorado State University
Fairplay, CO
Ben Jarvis
Director of On-Site &
Bridging Borders
Colorado Springs, CO
Nellie Jarvis
Intro Camp Director
Cañon City, CO
Nick Hughes
Luther College
Louisville, CO
Jessica Craver
Ropes Coordinator
University of Colorado
Johnson City, TN
Kirby Olson
Summer Facilities Director
Luther College
Lake City, IA
Kyle Larson
Director of Site & Facilities
Salida, CO
Dave Jarvis
Executive Director
Cañon City, CO
He Be Jammin
By Ben Jarvis - Director of On-Site & Bridging Borders
I like springtime regardless of the craziness
of camp preparations during this time of year.
Coming out of winter, with trees and grass turning
green, everything has a hopeful and happy feel to it. I
inevitably spend more time outdoors in the spring, the
days are getting longer, not shorter, and, yes, I begin
to associate the evening daylight with dinners in
Aspen, All Camp activities, and fireside worships. I
guess camp has woven its way into my mind. Despite
the hard days that we might encounter throughout
a summer, it’s the good memories I remember and
the warm feelings I get when I look forward to the
months I’ll spend at camp.
With every summer I work at RTLC, I gain
an understanding of not only how to better do my job
and how fortunate I am to work here, but also a better
understanding of why this work is important. I love that Rainbow Trail’s philosophy
is founded on grace and is rooted in Christ’s love. For three months of the year, I get
to work with 65 staff members devoted to the same purpose of loving kids, families,
and each other. These months are, at their most basic level, practical application of
God’s desire for our lives.
I love that the work we do at camp can take so many different forms. We are
always looking for new ways to serve and better the ministry by which all of us have
been touched-- looking to be better stewards of the blessings we have been given.
We recently began doing business with a local coffee roaster in Colorado Springs.
With this new relationship, our coffee consumption now supports other ministries
and non-profits around the world through Mission Coffee Roasters. Additionally, this
new coffee being sold in Pop Shop will help support other parts of Rainbow Trail’s
ministry. While this seems small, I love finding things like this that don’t drastically
change what we do at RTLC, but change how we do it-- making it impactful. It gives
purpose to areas of our operation that seemingly had nothing to do with ministry.
In just a matter of days, we will finally get to see all the amazing people who
have been called to serve this summer in the same place. My prayer for this summer
is that we enstill on campers the same love that we’ve experienced. The love that
forgives not once, not twice, but as many times as we might need. I pray that we be
gracious stewards and be courageous in our work. May we live the lives that God
desires for us, and let us be the people God intends us to be.
Come to camp this summer, and we will live it together.
The following individuals are members of the 2016 Pathfinders’ Club. Pathfinders is
RTLC’s next level giving club that keeps the ministry at Rainbow Trail growing and
expanding. These individuals have given $1,000 or more to this great ministry. To join,
contact Dave Jarvis 719-276-5233 or find out more and donate online at www.rainbowtrail.
org/donate. Many thanks to the following supporters of Rainbow Trail!
Challenger Peak
Bruce & Nancy Albertson
Eric & Elizabeth Berrill
Stacy & Nicholas Branca
Larry & Lavona Brown
Addi Choi
Amy & Darren DeYoung
Jack & Donna Dice
Phil & Traci Dorth
Vince & Leigh Felletter
Kevin & Janet Flesch
Chris & Stephanie Frankle
Gloria & Joel Friesenegger
David & Sharon Henneke
Betty Kirsebom
David & Becky Kleen
Marcus Kochis
Mary Koepp
Vicki & Chris Lieber
Cheryl & Stephen Mahon
Rob Maruyama & Roz
Tanda & Thomas
Mark & Kim Meyer
Arthur Norman
Karen Nulle
Gary & Beverly Oppedahl
Jon & Kate Palmquist
Jimmy & Shirley Pettigrew
David & Betsy Risendal
Andrew & Annette
Ray & Judy Russell
Gary & Kay Schritter
Karen Smith
Julie & Mike Speck
Ben Spiger & Kendra
Brian & Kira Ward
Richard Watkins
Ruth Von Mosch
Ron & Betty Yergert
Dave Young
Long’s Peak
Rosetta Bidne
Miles & Kim Brown
Jay Davis
Don & Lillian Filegar
Dennis & Lynn Gimlin
Tom & Shari Gould
Scott & Janet Harrison
Janice & James Mulvany
Chuck & Gayle Newell
Michelle & Dave Okes
Marvin & Nadyne Plugge
Walter & Chris Roberts
Corey & Jeanette Stull
Kate & Eric Waggoner
Marsha Yosten
Mt. Elbert
Les Anderson
Tom & Alison Buckett
Mike & Connie Burris
Darwin & Helen Dalzell
Katie Dugan
Jan & Rives Duncan
Fred & Janice Ehlers
John & Kathleen Erickson
Ruth Ericson
Ann Hultquist & Roger
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
Jennifer Lambertus
Dawn & Brent Meyer
Ruth & Dave Ryll
Hanne & Kip Schauer
Mark & Anne Schwartz
Kathy & Craig Twaddell
Mt. Princeton
Craig & Gail Bagenstos
Bob & Margie Dugan
Jeanne & Tim Maloney
Chuck & Michelle Nichols
David & Edie May Phillips
Brenda & Lon Sears
Michelle & Robert
Bob & Joyce Witte
Mt. of the Holy Cross
Randy & Lisa Schrader
Allan Spies
AIG Matching Grants Program
Benevity Community Impact Fund
California Pizza Kitchen
Community First Foundation
OtterCares Foundation
Thrivent Financial – Thrivent Choice
Thrivent Action Team-Grace Race
Thrivent Action Team-Work Weekend
United Way of Larimer County
United Way of Northern New Mexico
Verizon Foundation
The 10th Annual Grace Race
The date has been set! Please
join us on Saturday, October
1st for the 10th Annual
Grace Race. The race will
begin at 4 pm with check-in
beginning at 2:30 pm. We
will be grilling after the race
as we did last year. This year
we will again be partnering
with the Rocky Mountain
Synod World Hunger appeal.
We are hoping to again have
a representative from the
ELCA office in Chicago
joining us. Can’t wait to see
you all there to support the
World Hunger Appeal. We’re
hoping to have 400 runners
and raise $10,000 this year
for World Hunger.
In Honor of Mark &
Carla Ewing
Carol Elliott
In Honor of our Kyle
Robert & Ladonna
In Honor of James
Mossman’s 50th
Lorinda Hoover
Edward & Marlys
Kim & John Olson
These congregations have commited to partnering with Rainbow Trail by
supporting the ministry through their congregation’s budget.
Abiding Hope Lutheran Church,
Advent Lutheran Church, Olathe,
Advent Lutheran Church,
Westminster, CO
All Saints Lutheran Church,
Austin, CO
All Saints Lutheran Church
Miriam Circle, Austin, CO
Amazing Grace Lutheran Church,
American Lutheran Church,
Grand Junction
American Lutheran Church
ELCA, Grand Junction
Ascension Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs
Ascension Lutheran Church
Women, Colorado Springs
Atonement Lutheran Church,
Atonement Lutheran Church,
Augustana Lutheran Church,
Augustana Foundation Fund,
Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry
Hills Village
Bethany Lutheran Church
Foundation, Cherry Hills
Bethany Lutheran Church,
Fredericksburg, TX
Bethel Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Los
Black Forest Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs
Centennial Lutheran Church,
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Santa Fe, NM
Christ Lutheran Church,
Highlands Ranch
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Christ the King Lutheran Church,
Christ the Savior, Aurora
Christ the Servant, Louisville
Community of Joy Lutheran
Church, Rio Ranch, NM
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church,
Cross of Glory Lutheran Church,
Cross of Hope Lutheran Church,
Albuquerque, NM
Elim Lutheran Church, Odgen,
Epiphany Lutheran Church,
Evergreen Lutheran Church,
Faith Community Church
Outreach, Longmont
Faith Lutheran Church, Golden
Faith Lutheran Church, Security
First Lutheran Church, Colorado
First Lutheran Church, Gypsum
First Lutheran Church, Longmont
Glory of God Lutheran Church,
Wheat Ridge
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Glenwood Springs
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder
Grace Lutheran Church,
Colorado Springs
Grace Lutheran Church Women
of the ELCA, Colorado
Grace Lutheran Church, Casper,
Grace Lutheran Church, Waseca,
MN 56093
Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Wheat Ridge
Holy Cross Lutheran Church,
Overland Park, KS
Holy Ghost Lutheran Church,
Fredericksburg, TX
Holy Love Lutheran Church,
Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church,
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Women of the ELCA,
Hope Lutheran Church,
Immanuel Lutheran Church,
King of Glory Lutheran Church,
King of Kings Lutheran Church,
Lord of the Hills Lutheran
Church, Centennial
Lord of the Mountains Lutheran
Church, Dillon
Lutheran Church of Hope,
Lutheran Church of the Holy
Spirit, Centennial
Lutheran Church of the Master,
Lutheran Church of the Servant,
Santa Fe, NM
Messiah Lutheran Church,
Mission Lutheran Church, Swink
Mount Calvary Lutheran
Church, Boulder
Mount of the Holy Cross, Vail
Nativity Lutheran Church,
Commerce City
New Promise Lutheran Church,
St. George, UT
Our Father Lutheran Church,
Our Savior Lutheran Church,
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church,
Ft. Collins
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church,
East Bethel, MN
Peace Lutheran Church, Las
Cruses, NM
Peace in Christ Lutheran Church,
Prince of Peace Lutheran
Church, Colorado Springs
Prince of Peace Women of the
ELCA, Colorado Springs
Prince of Peace Lutheran
Church, Denver
Rocky Mountain Synod
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church, Canon City
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran
Church, La Salle
South Zumbro Lutheran Church,
Kasson, MN
Spirit of the Mountain Lutheran
Church, Golden
St. Andrew Lutheran Church,
St. Luke Lutheran Church,
St. Paul Lutheran Church,
St. Paul Lutheran Church,
St. Peter Lutheran Church,
Greenwood Village
St. Philip Lutheran Church,
St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church,
Tabor Lutheran Church, Pueblo
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Boulder
Trinity Lutheran Church, Fowler
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Trinity Lutheran Church,
Valley Lutheran Church, Denver
Zion Lutheran Church, Trinidad
Ben & Bev Larzelere
Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation,
Cherry Hills Village
Mary Carter
Myron & Mary Eckberg
Dean & Dorothy Halvorson
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
Barb Layman
Joyce Mills
Marcia Oppermann
Dave & Judy Peters
Arlie Riggs
Ben There...
The following individuals are members of the 2016 Trailblazers Club. Trailblazers
By Ben Larson - Director of Compass Points & Day Camp
is an annual giving club that keeps the ministry at Rainbow Trail alive and grow
winter, filled with great retreat
ing. To join, contact Dave 719-276-5233 or check out the “Donate” portion of
our webpage at www.rainbowtrail.org. Many thanks to the following supporters groups at camp, and lots of winter adventures out
of camp! As much as I love winter and skiing, I’m
of Rainbow Trail!
very excited that spring has come to the mountains
Eagle Peak Club
Kevin & Darlene
Kitty Jarvis
again! Camp will soon be filled with campers and
Marcia Oppermann
Stan & Sandy Johnson
David & Linda Ross
Eric & Christina
Charles & Gertraud
staff again. It’s going to be a great summer filled
Roger & Alice Aden
Tara & Chad Sawinski
with an incredible staff, lots of Compass Points and
Mickey & Cindy
Russ & Cheri Sorensen Charlie & Claire
Karen & Vineet Joshi
Bridging Borders groups, full camps, and even more
Linda Stuehrenberg
Art Kraus & Michelle
Dale & Edee Bauer
James & Donna
Jon & Jo Powers
Stone Kraus
Day Camps than we had last summer!
Scott & Kristi Beebe
Elden Ronnekamp
David Kumpe
During each week of the summer, Compass
Elizabeth Bockstahler
Leslie Swetnam
Stephanie Salazar
& Rosemarie
hear the Lutheran Prayer of
Chuck & Robbie
Bob & Jean Terry
Rod & Sharie
Wipfelder Kumpe
Dick Watkins
Bert & Dolly Lager
Courage as they head out on trail. It’s a great prayer
Jim & Cindy Britton
Roy & Judy Wattawa
Carl & Gail Schurman
Jean Larson
that speaks to heading out as God servants, into new
Martha & Clint Calvert Mark & Allison
Teak & Clifford
Roger & Claudia
things and new experiences. It’s a prayer that works
Jeff & Trisha Carlson
in times of joy and sorrow, fear and excitement, and has become part of my life
Shelly & Gerry
Tom Williamsen
Austen Smith
David Lindholm
Lester & Marianne
Timothy & Lisa Smith
& Kathy Sasakin lots of amazing ways over the years. This spring I’ve been praying it a lot as
Dave & Carissa
Bob & Janelle Stover
I make plans for my own new experiences in a Masters of Tourism Management
Gene & Cheri Zeller
Robert & Michelle
Susan Lovro
program that I’ll be starting at CSU. I’ll be working at RTLC through early July
Jean & Larry
Peter & Susan Marty
Rainbow Lake Club
Laura Wouters
Holly & Nick Massie
to help train staff and get the summer kicked off well. Then, I’ll be transitioning
Bill & Charlotte
Tim & Lori Matson
to Fort Collins.
Base Camp
David Miller & Anne
It’s been a joy and adventure to serve at Rainbow Trail these past eight
Jay Davis
Margaret & Norm
Kim & Russel Dixon
years. I’ve been blessed with meeting lots of incredible campers and staff, and
Bill & Bonnie Mohler
Paul & Kathy Edstrom
Cheryl Almquist
Brad & Deb Abbott
Bob & Linda Morton
getting to share my passion for wilderness and adventure with them. As I get ready
Kurt & Marsha
Edna Anderson
Linda & David Asselin Gail & Mark
to start new things and explore new ways of sharing my passions with others, I
Melissa Beaman
Dennis Bagenstos &
find it to be a time filled with joy and sorrow, fear and excitement. A perfect time
Jerry & Lore Jean
Gary & Patty Bliss
Judy Leiseth
Randy & Gail Mundt
Liza & Nathan Blom
Debbie & Julio Blanco Patti Nelson
for the Lutheran Prayer of Courage…
Susan & David Fisk
Larry & Eleanor
Diane Boldt & Paul
Richard & Penny
“Lord God, you have called your servant to ventures of which I can not see
Gloria & Joel
on paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give me faith to
Jack & Phyllis Brown
Matthew & Ashlea
Corey & Katie Okes
Todd & Jill Grivetti
Brian & Marisa
Dave & Judy Peters
go out with good courage, not knowing where I go, only that your hand is leading
Dave & Kim Guinn
Daniel & Diana Breed
Terry & Susan
me and your love supporting me, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”
John & Peggy Harris
Jeff & Annie Heath
David & Linda Higbea
Stacy & Erik
Koren Holden &
Randall Toney
Steve & Linda Jurrens
Tom & Katherine
Charlie & Linda Kelly
Beth Knutson & Steve
Severt & Mary
Kenneth & Donnell
Kristin & Mike
Nicole & Bob Long
Phyllis & Randall
Todd & Mary McNeil
Jill & Doug Monsen
Bob & Andrea
Delores & Gerry
Craig & Terri Mulford
James & Judy Myra
Arthur Norman
Robert & Colleen
Kim & John Olson
Candy & Larry Ourada
Karen Pforr
Clint & Anne
Mark & Sharon Pope
Jim & Carol Reppert
Willy & Julie Reusser
Rick & Charlene
Emily & Scott Dalen
Chuck & Lee
Ina Kay & Tom Devers
Andrea Doeden
Joanne & Jim Dumler
Carl & Katie Edstrom
Craig & Beverly Essex
Suzan Gebow
Rick & Debra Geddes
Ken & Kay Gerhart
Laura & Mike
Mark & Vera GuebertSteward
Peder & Noel Hansen
Scott & Susan Harman
Ray & Carrie Harney
Kathy & Dirk Hogue
Edson & Mary
Pat Holman & Phil
Fannie Hughes
Stanley & Evelyn John
Allison & John Kane
Craig Kelly
Ben Larson
Catherine & Matt
Steph Lord & William
David & Michelle
Adrian & Andrew
Caitlin & Joshua
Sigurd & Dianne
Pauline Brodbeck
Martin & Nancy
Joel & Carolyn BuckGengler
Julia Cooley
Sharon Cox
Jim & Jann Marie
Bob & Margaret
Judy & Louie
Maren Diercks & Paul
Russ & Pat Edwards
Swan Ellert
Emily Ewing
Mark & Carla Ewing
Barbara & Chuck
Scott & Sue Fernau
John & Cathy
Steve & Lewanne
Landon Harman
June Hartmann &
Allan Ochs
Greg & Barbara
Donna Hayden
Nancy Henning
David & Carla Herbig
Victor & Lois Hoops
Paul & Lynne
Ruth Idler
Paul & Jeff Isaacson
George & Nancy
Alissa & Josh Plumley
Clara Remele
Tiff & Kevin Roiseland
Rick & Becky Romano
Jim & Mary Ruden
Kristen & Mike
Brad & Brooke
Jim & Bonnie
Gina & Jay Simonson
Teran Sittner
Kevin & Sarah Smith
Paul & Lisa Smith
Jim & Pat Speckmann
Harold & Susan Stitt
Sharon & Bruce Stokes
Dave & Deb Stransky
Marion Talley
La’Arnie & Bert Tise
Merlyn & Jerry Tjelle
Scott Treider & Carol
Amber & Joe Turner
Clarence & Marlyn Ver
Leonard & Judy
Greg & Deb Watson
Barbara White
Wayne & Joan White
Terry & Holly
Einar & Lone
Ben & Corliss Wyatt
Gene & Angie
Are YOU Willing?
If you could make a gift that
literally impact generations of future
campers at Rainbow Trail, wouldn’t
you jump at the chance to do that?
Well, there is a very simple way you
can do that. Rainbow Trail depends
on the support of generous people to
do its ministry. A very simple and
easy way to make a difference is to
include Rainbow Trail in your will
as the beneficiary of an estate gift or
as the beneficiary of life insurance
policy. By naming Rainbow Trail in
your will, you will become a member
of the Sangre de Cristo Society. This
group becomes the foundation upon
which the future of the ministry of
Rainbow Trail will be built. Your gift
will reach beyond your lifetime and
ensure that the Gospel will continue
to be shared through this ministry
for generations to come. Two great
examples of this are the estates of
Pauline Hammond and of Maxine
Johnson who provided gifts that
helped build our new ropes course. If
you have already included Rainbow
Trail in your will, let us know so we
can include you in the list of members
of the Sangre de Cristo Society. For
more information, please contact
Dave in the Canon City office.
...Done That
God’s Peace,
A Great Way to Support RTLC:
Thrivent Action Teams
Thrivent is offering an exciting way
for its members to positively impact
organizations like Rainbow Trail
through a program called Action
Teams. An Action Team is easy to
organize. All that has to happen is a
Thrivent member identifies a worthy
project, finds a group of people to help
with the project, and then goes to the
Thrivent website and establishes the
project in the system. Thrivent will
provide a $250 debit card with starter
funds for the project in hopes that it
can be used to generate more. For
example, if your church wanted to buy
RTLC something off the wish or need
list, you could host a breakfast using
the starter funds and all the proceeds
from your breakfast could be used to
purchase that item. Or you could do
something similar to raise campership
funds for your youth to go to camp
this summer. Shepherd of the Hills
Lutheran Church in Canon City used
an Action Team to host a breakfast
and raised $1056 for camperships
for their youth to go to camp this
summer! The sky is the limit for what
projects can be done to help Rainbow
Trail. Consider forming an action
team and make a difference! Contact
Dave Jarvis if you have any questions
or want more details!
In Memory of Wayne &
Trudie Jarvis
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
In Memory of Mary
Ellen Zander
Harry Zander
In Memory of Mark &
Marshall Aberle
Martin Aberle
In Memory of Dawn
Rosetta Bidne
Dawn & Brent Meyer
In Memory of Wally &
Darlene Remstad
Stacy Coulson
In Memory of Arlene
Kristin McCracken
In Memory of Van
Nita Altum
Stephen Antony
Larry & Eleanor Bonicelli
Cynthia & Curt Brogren
Thomas & Beverley Dare
Susan Doyle
Paul & Kathy Edstrom
Polly Hagerty
Kimberley Kistler
Steven & Debra Kinz
Brian Kruse
Bert & Dolly Lager
Nicholas Schreck
Richard Sloneker
Dwight & Sheryl Stenseth
Edwin & Nancy Vikman
Lester & Marianne
In Memory of Vera &
Eric Stark
David Stark
In Memory of Mo
Marilyn Gibson
In Memory of Mac
Crosbie, Gladys
Duensing & Lewis
Jennifer & Todd Crosbie
In Memory of Daniel Ray
Virginia & Tom Crow
In Memory of Audrey
Paul & Marcia Dahlgren
In Memory of Dave
Virginia Antonetty
Charles & Cathrine Craig
Donald & Mary Lou Elder
Betty Hass
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
Dale & Fern Knudsen
Jim & Linda Martin
Dick & Judy Meyners
Brenda Mougey & Gerry
Dave & Michelle Okes
Marcia Oppermann
Susan Prevas
Anne Marie Raftshol &
Michael Emery
William Rothlisberger
Catherine Simmelink
Karen Smith
Bruce Varnado
Robert & Sally Vogel
Arlene Warren
Wayne & Joan White
Bryce Willman
The Rainbow Trail Board
of Directors
In Memory of William H.
Erna Zorn
2016 - 2017 Events Calendar
May 20-23............................Memorial Day Work Weekend
June 12- August 20.....................................Summer Camps
September 2-5.............................Labor Day Family Retreat
September 22-25.........................Men’s Fly Fishing Retreat
October 1........................................Grace Race 5k (Denver)
October 14-16..............................Fall Ambassadors Retreat
November 4-6.............................Fall Confirmation Retreat
December 2-4.....................................................AdventFest
Nita Altum
Stephen Antony
Larry & Eleanor Bonicelli
Cynthia & Curt Brogren
Thomas & Beverley Dare
Susan Doyle
DST Systems, Inc
Paul & Kathy Edstrom
Todd & Jill Grivetti
Laura & Mike Growney
Polly Hagerty
Steven & Debra Kinz
Kimberley Kistler
Brian Kruse
Bert & Dolly Lager
Gregg Magee
Tim & Sandra Maxa
Paula Maxwell
Orla O’Callaghan & Paul McCarthy
Andrew & Annette Roinestad
Kristen & Mike Saathoff
Nicholas Schreck
Richard Sloneker
Dwight & Sheryl Stenseth
Edwin & Nancy Vikman
Lester & Marianne Woodward
Black Forest Lutheran Church
Roger & Jane Barrack
Jerry Berg
Larry & Lavona Brown
Trudy Dierschow
Todd &Jill Grivetti
Stanley & Evelyn John
The Estate of Maxine Johnson
Kim & John Olson
Mark & Sharon Pope
Greg Dew
Kris Ericson
Fred & Janice Ehlers
Grace Lutheran Church, Boulder
Scott & Janet Harrison
Karel & Tom Hemler
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
Jane Jebsen
Art Kraus & Michelle Stone Kraus
John & Pam Marietta
Doug Mathison
Brad & Carissa Nietfeldt
Dave & Betsy Risendal
Laurel & Jeff Roberts
Joan Ryan
Hanne & Kip Schauer
Roberta Wentworth
Bob & Joyce Witte
Laura Wouters
Thank you to the following friends of Rainbow Trail who gave a gift in 2016
Diane Boldt & Paul Hurcomb
Scott & Emily Dalen
Sandra Fancher
Bill & Sharon Gorman
Paden Hendrickson
Dennis Johnson
Don & Mary Koppenhaver
Jean & Ben Miller
Ann & Merlin Nimrod
Corey & Katie Okes
Jim & Mary Ruden
Laura Wouters
Ben & Corliss Wyatt
Augustana Foundation Fund, Denver
Ron & Olga Augustson
Bethany Lutheran Church Foundation,
Cherry Hills Village
Faith Lutheran Church, Golden
Ray & Nicole’ Ferry
Paul Hadland
Dave & Nellie Jarvis
Dawn & Brent Meyer
Laurie & Clayton Mohler
Jill & Doug Monsen
James & Judy Myra
Marcia Oppermann
Kevin & Deney Perkins
Kristen & Mike Saathoff
Randy & Lisa Schrader
Teak & Clifford Simonton
Allan & Karen Spies
May & Michael Tassler
Westby Coon Prairie Lutheran
Church, Westby, WI
Marsha Yosten
We make every effort to list each donor, but mistakes do happen.
If we have inadvertently omitted your name or listed you
incorrectly we apologize. Please call us, 719-276-5233,
and let us know so that we can make corrections.
A different, yet significant way to support
the ministries of Rainbow Trail
Needs List
These are essential items needed for our day-to-day
operations. A designated monetary gift would certainly
be welcome as well. You can bring these items with you
any time you come to camp or call us to arrange a drop-off
or pick-up. Thank you for your continued support!
White 20# copy Paper (Laser quality)
Reams of colored copy paper
Nalgene Water Bottles (40)
Masking tape
3-ring Binders- 1” (15), 1.5” (10)
Adobe Creative Suite 6 (Mac)
Duct tape
Packaging tape
Postage stamps
Long barreled fire lighters (Bic)
9x12 Manila envelopes (no clasps)
6x9 Manila Envelopes (no clasps)
16 - 5 ft. round white Lifetime tables
6 or 8 ft. rectangular white Lifetime
25-gallon Rubbermaid tubs (24)
A “new” economic car for Day Camp
Computer Battery Back-Up System
Dry Wall Screws - 1.25” and 2”
Deck Screws - 2” and 3”
Foam Brushes - 1”
Paintbrushes - all sizes, inexpensive
Wish List
These are larger items that we haven’t budgeted for, but
would love to have. Contact us if you would like to donate
any of these items, new or gently used. You can bring
them to camp, or call to arrange a drop-off or pick-up.
Thank you for your continued support.
Industrial Mop buckets (call us first!)
New Mac Laptop computers
New Full sheets – white (16)
New Full or single mattress pads
New Queen sheets – white
New Queen mattress pads
3-piece towel sets (20)
Digital camera (min 10-12 megapixel)
Costumes for life of Christ
5 gallon shop vacuums (2)
Upright vacuums
New high chairs
32” Digital Flat Screen TVs (4)
GoPro HERO4 Black
Vermeer Brush Chipper
Freezerless Refridgerator
Dish Cart
File Cabinet
Shop Online
It’s easy to give a gift from RTLC’s Needs or Wish Lists online. We’ve preselected items that we are looking for and provided links straight to great
deals that we’ve found. You can even ship directly to us!
Administrative Office
107 S. 9th Street, Suite B
Canon City, CO 81212
Phone: 719-276-5233
Fax: 719-276-5235
Office Hours: 9 am - 5 pm
Camp Office
P.O. Box T
3056 County Road 198
Hillside, CO 81232
Phone: 719-942-4220
Fax: 719-942-4000
Full-Time Staff
Dave Jarvis, Executive Director..............................dave@rainbowtrail.org
Sara Marietta, Executive Secretary...........................info@rainbowtrail.org
Aurice Worley, Bookkeeper..........................accounting@rainbowtrail.org
Ben Larson, Dir of Compass Points & Day Camp.........ben@rainbowtrail.org
Ben Jarvis, Dir of On-Site & Bridging Borders.. ben.jarvis@rainbowtrail.org
Kyle Larson, Dir of Site & Facilities..........................kyle@rainbowtrail.org
Chris Seaman, Food Service Manager.....................chris@rainbowtrail.org
Board of Directors
President...............................Michelle Okes, Bethany Lutheran, Denver, CO
Vice Pres..... Rev. Vera Guebert-Steward, Evergreen Lutheran, Evergreen, CO
Secretary............................Scott Skrine, King of Glory Lutheran, Arvada, CO
Treasurer.......................Kathy Twaddell, Atonement Lutheran, Boulder, CO
.................................................Russ Britton, Bethany Lutheran, Denver, CO
.............................................Kevin Flesch, Augustana Lutheran, Denver, CO
........................................ Chris Lieber, First Lutheran, Colorado Springs, CO
.................................................................Jane Jebsen, Faith Lutheran, Golden, CO
........................................................Allan Spies, Augustana Lutheran, Denver, CO