CHAPMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Thursday 24 September 2015


CHAPMAN PRIMARY SCHOOL Thursday 24 September 2015
Thursday 24 September 2015
Perry Drive, Chapman ACT 2611 Ph: 6205 7300 Fax: 6205 7307 Website:
“Achieving Excellence Together”
P&C Contact
Board Chair
Anne Simpson
6205 7300
Bronwyn Huntley
0412 409 466
Sheree Bond
After School Care 3.00pm
After School Care website
After School Care email
Chapman P&C Website
Term 3 Week 10
Back to school Term 4
12 October
Boorowa Netball
Birthday Celebrations
16 October
19 – 23 October
0408 880 655/6288 0655
• Uniform Shop Hours 2015 Mondays
& Fridays 9.00-9.30am
• Chapman Fete Flyer
• Chess Term 4 Flyer
• Chapman Birthday Invitation
Dear Parents and Carers
We have had a most amazing term with many opportunities for sharing across the community. Children have
demonstrated to parent/carers our renewed engagement with ICT through Google Apps, preschool children
have danced, played and learnt. Kindergarten have ventured out in all weather conditions and shared their
learning through Bush Kids. Every child has participated in Learning Journey’s and had the opportunity to
share their talents through assemblies, Floriade performances and the Wiz. Teachers have also shared their
expertise with parents through workshops such as the recent KidsMatter and Google Apps forums and by being
available and highly visible in all aspects of their work. Our Front Office staff and LSAs are forever friendly,
efficient and always willing to support our community. Term 3 is almost at an end and I believe we are all
ready for rest and recuperation.
Our Year 5/6 students shine.
What a magnificent performance! Last night an extremely appreciative audience were led on Dorothy’s journey
to the Land of Oz, by a very talented cast of year 5/6 students. The year 5/6 teachers are to be congratulated for
their leadership in preparing the children to sing and dance. Their leadership enabled each student to present
their own character so enthusiastically and confidently.
All children at Chapman had the opportunity to see the Wizard of Oz on Tuesday and we were joined by
students from Arawang, Duffy and Mt Stromlo High for the full dress rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon. Here is
some feedback from Mt Stromlo students
“Wow…this is actually really good!”
“You’d expect this from a high school, but not from a primary school. Amazing!”
“It felt like it went quick, but it was actually quite long. Guess I enjoyed it!”
“I liked the tree costumes but they had no trunks……what about their legs?.......oh yeah….heaps
“I can’t believe how good they were. What a talented class!”
The production couldn’t have been so polished without the support of the 5/6 parents who made costumes,
painted sets, applied makeup and ensured that children were calm, relaxed and well prepared for their opening
night. Special thanks to Director, Dean Howell, choreographer Rachel Holdway, voice coach Kat Tirzins and to
our wonderful Nicki Johannes who kept all of us on track! Year 5/6 teachers and students you are stars and we
look forward to you doing it all again tonight!
Learning Journey
Thank you parents, carers and grandparents for supporting your child’s Learning Journey last week. It was
wonderful to see so many parents engaging in meaningful conversations with your child/ren to support your
child’s Learning Journey. Hopefully you have gained valuable information about their progress and the range of
learning activities that they take part in. Teachers and students are to be congratulated on the impressive range
of quality work on display throughout the school. The learning goals that you have set with your child are
being reviewed by teachers this week to inform their planning and program delivery for Term 4.
We would like to know how you experienced the Learning Journey and would appreciate you completing a
short three question survey by clicking on the link below. This data will be used when we review our Annual
Operating Plan in Term 4.
Learning Journey Feedback:
Our 40th birthday celebrations continue
Come and help celebrate the 40th Birthday at Chapman Primary
with our Special Assembly and Celebrations
Tuesday 20th October
9.30-10.45 Tours of the school for the community
10.45-11.30 Morning tea
11.30 Official Celebration Assembly
12.30 Opening of the sandpit (a present to the children)
If you had a special association with Chapman Primary School over the past 40 years you are cordially invited
to attend the morning celebrations. To enable us to cater, please RSVP to the Front Office on 62057300 or
Last week two of our children participated in the Australian National Eisteddfod Singing Competition. I would
like to offer my congratulations to Haley and Caitlin Bissett who won:
FIRST PRIZE in the Any Song category for her performance of Walking in the Air (by Howard Blake)
SECOND PRIZE in the Musical Theatre category for her performance of You're Never Fully Dressed Without
a Smile (from Annie the Musical)
THIRD PRIZE in the Popular Song category for her performance of Listen to the Man (by George Ezra)
SECOND PRIZE in the Musical Theatre category for her performance of I Dreamed a Dream (from Les
On behalf of all at Chapman I wish you all a safe, relaxing and warm break. See you in Term 4.
Anne and staff
Save the Date!
The annual Chapman Primary Alkira Art Show will be held on October 22 and 23. All students will be working
in class to contribute an artwork to showcase at this event.
2016 Kindergarten
Parent Information Meeting
Thursday 15th October 2015
7.00 - 8.15 pm
(Entry via front office, Perry Drive)
Parents & Carers of our current pre-schoolers are invited to an information evening to learn about important
aspects of their child’s learning program in readiness for starting school in 2016! Please place this date and time
in your diary and return the RSVP that was included on the letter sent home.
At this information session the teachers will talk about or demonstrate:
how preschool is developing your child for the next stage of learning,
the important early literacy and numeracy concepts,
the importance of fine and gross motor skills,
how you can support your child to be ready for kindergarten,
the planned transition visits for term 4,
2016 - Day one and beyond!
Lost Property
Lost Property is overflowing. It is checked by some lovely parent volunteers when they are able, for clearly
named items and these items are returned to children. Unnamed items include clothes, drink bottles,
lunchboxes, balls and skipping ropes.
Any unclaimed items at the end of term will be donated to charity.
Principal’s Awards
Isla Ozolins
James Perry
Oliver Fitzsimmons
Tilley McGuire
Fraser Smith
Oliver Thomas
Ava Coventry
Dali-May Darby
Radha Martin
Abby Ditton
Marcus Cross
Sienna Macias
Arihaan Bose
Hazel Leach
Isla Hardie
Lilliana Torevell
Alice Abbott
William Mikulic-Palmer
Kasey Kaschula
Merlin Doublier
Jovan Jovanca
Kaitlyn Cox
Ingrid Nielsen
Alex Stockbridge
Thomas Uberoi
Bailey Kynaston
Nessa Ball
Novak Stewart
Siddharth Mundepi
Olivia Brooks
Sophie Knight
Bella Pitman
Sienna Bond
Haley Bissett
good descriptive language in Lit Hit
imaginative story writing in Lit Hit
creating tricky growing patterns
creating tricky growing patterns
eagerness to improve his own writing during Lit Hit
trying hard to sound out letters in Lit Hit
displaying FRIENDS values towards others in KMM
her thoughtful details in her written work
an amazing effort with her information report
incredible progress in reading. Well Done!
his hard work to produce a quality information report
showing a never give up attitude when faced with challenging tasks
his never give up attitude during writing tasks
her detailed report on Tasmanian Devils
catching up on your Information Report – Well Done!
displaying a ‘never give up attitude’ with report writing
excellent work habits and regularly producing quality work
great improvement in writing skills
listening carefully and asking interesting questions to further her learning
displaying improved focus and effort in literacy
being such a supportive classmate
impressive reading and comprehension skills
great descriptive writing in your narrative
consistent effort in all learning areas
confidently sharing ideas during class discussions
displaying an excellent understanding of fractions
an improved effort in her reading comprehension
an improved effort during listening tasks
improved application of spelling knowledge within his writing
excellent listening and learning skills
working hard to produce quality work
putting 100% effort into all aspects of school
consistently spelling complex words accurately
working co-operatively to build her roller coaster
Ella Cooper
Amelia Ryan
Jayden Waldron
Ella Jalland
Thomas Hundy
Sofie Nielsen
James Yeoh
Brady Priddle
Ella Crane
Ratu Cabebula
Chloe Symss
Marcus Hurley
Charlotte Yeoh
Tim Rosario
Dan Nichols
Michael McInnes
Tom Greaves
Jasper Van Der Kouw
making valuable contributions to Maths Group discussions
improved concentration and focus during writing tasks
working really hard on his Indonesian collage
excellent effort in bridge building activities
showing improvement in maths groups
creating an outstanding interview of a character for homework
a great effort creating his brochure for I.I
for being a supportive and inclusive classmate
demonstrating excellent leadership and maturity in the classroom
excellent focus and attention to his learning
her interesting and informative biography on Albert Einstein
always being such a happy and helpful class member
your clever use of vocabulary in every piece you write
working diligently every lesson to complete quality work
showing great leadership within his team during bridge building
a wonderful cardboard sculpture
fantastic results in his spelling work
a fantastic biography on Marie Curie
2015 Swim & Survive and Aqua Safe Water Safety and Awareness Programs
This year, the Swim & Survive program will run for students in Kindergarten and Year 1 only. A new Aqua
Safe Water Safety and Awareness program available is for year 2 students. The Year 2 Aqua Safe program is a
product of a partnership between the ACT Government Education Directorate and Royal Life Saving ACT.
Funding from the ACT government has been made available to discount the cost for year 2 students to
participate in this program. It aims to instil vital water safety skills in all year 2 public school students.
AQUASAFE consists of 5 classroom-based theory lessons delivered by our year 2 teachers at school, and 10
pool-based lessons delivered by qualified Royal Life Saving ACT program instructors.
Both programs will be held at the Canberra International Sports & Aquatic Centre (CISAC) – Eastern Valley
Way, Belconnen and will operate for 10 days from the Monday 16 - Friday 27 November. Permission and
payment forms have been sent to all students in K-2 last week.
The cost for the Swim & Survive program for Kindergarten and Year 1 students is $99 per child. The cost of
the Aqua Safe program for year 2 students is $50 per child (due to the ACT Government funding). These
amounts cover the 10 lessons and bus transport to and from the swimming pool.
All children in years K-2 are encouraged to attend and we are very proud of the fact that our Kindergarten to
Year 2 participation numbers last year were very close to 100%. Swimming is a life-long skill that all students
are encouraged to develop.
Once payment has been received a code will come home to enable participants to complete their online
enrolments. ‘The enrolment portal is now open.’
Michelle Maier
Swim Program Coordinator
Student Safety
We are requesting your support to ensure our student’s safety before and after school. We also want children to
have a safe and happy spring holiday enjoying their leisure time with friends and family.
Despite the school’s ongoing effort to educate the children on bike and road safety, we feel it’s not working for
many of our students. Recently there have been some near misses with student’s ‘carelessly’ crossing roads and
riding scooters and bikes on footpaths as they come to school.
Last week Anne was informed about an unsafe and dangerous bike incident that occurred when a child was
riding very fast on the footpath as a car was reversing out of their driveway. Thankfully only because of the
great caution shown by the resident, who lives on one of the main thoroughfares that CPS students use, a more
serious accident was avoided.
Once again we would appreciate if families can speak with their own children about how and where they cross
roads as they walk or ride to school and emphasise this important safety matter.
Parents may find the following articles interesting and informative:
STOP! Look, Listen and THINK!!!
Other reminders to support our school with keeping all our students and community safe:
Please drop students to school or ensure they arrive no earlier than 8:20am.
Please collect your children from school as close to 3:00pm as possible.
Please dismount your bike/scooter at the school and gate entry points and walk it through the grounds.
There is to be no riding in the playground before or after school.
Please use the ‘Stop and Drop Zone’ at the front of school as sign posted.
Please do not park on the red kerbs and block the entry to the Perry Drive car park.
Excursion Medical Permission
It is the responsibility of the parent to notify the school of any medical issues and/or medications that their child
is taking. All students attending an excursion must have a current Excursion Medical Permission note
completed. If the information that you provided on your child’s 2015 Excursion Medical Information form has
changed since the beginning of this year (e.g. medications), please complete a new form for your child prior to
this excursion. The Excursion Medical form is available from the school website or at the front office.
Remember that you can use the ebooks (electronic books) over the holidays, and any other time. The guide to
accessing ebooks from your school library catalogue through the digital backpack for students (from home or
any internet browser) can be found on the schools web page look for the link and guide on how to log on.
Happy Holiday Reading!
Here is the link to access ebooks:
ICAS competition results- English, Writing and Spelling skills tests.
Our school had a large number of years 3-6 students enter the ICAS competitions this year. Congratulations to
all students who entered these competitions. There were some very challenging questions. All students who
participated will receive a participation certificate and performance assessment. Our students have achieved
some outstanding results for the English, Writing and Spelling skills tests. Students who received a credit,
distinction or high distinction have been mentioned for their outstanding achievements.
English skills
Writing skills
Spelling skills
William Abbott
Sienna Bond
William Rogers
Zoe Stimson
Rohan Martin
Laura Lovatt
Sophie Lovatt
Amelia Hodges
Grace Obst
Jock Phillips
William Rogers
Ceara Kaschula
Holly Katsoolis
Kyan Russell
Charlotte Yeoh
Grace Obst
Jock Phillips
Sehaj Kang
Flynn Katsoolis
Maxwell McKenzie
William Abbott
Sienna Bond
Abigail Graham
Rohan Martin
Ceara Kaschula
Charlotte Yeoh
Stewart Anderson
Serena Drury
Mae Metcalfe
Jock Phillips
Josephine Robertson
Bridget Clough
Josephine Robertson
Flynn Katsoolis
Haley Bissett
Serena Drury
Josephine Robertson
Haley Bissett
Mr Howell
ICAS coordinator.
Sporting News
ACT Athletics Championships
Congratulations to all students who represented Chapman Primary and the
South Weston Region at the ACT Athletics Championships last week. The
students were up against the best athletes in the Capital. A special mention
must go to Liliana Bacueti, she performed exceptionally well and came
third in the 12 years discus. Liliana will now represent the ACT at the
National Championships later in the year. We wish her all the best!
High Distinction
Ceara Kaschula
Viva Rugby 7s
A number of students from years 4 to 6 participated in a Viva
Rugby 7s exhibition last Thursday night at Viking Park. The
students played a new version of Touch Rugby against other
schools from Canberra. Aaron Christensen was outstanding on
the night and was awarded the best on field. For his efforts he
received a $100 gift voucher from Harvey Norman. It was
special occasion for the students as they played before the
Canberra Vikings and Sydney Stars. Additionally, Fox Sports
was televising the main game and many students were seen on
live television. Mr Weddell and I were impressed with all
students on the night.
Jon TuckerSports Coordinator
Milo Blast Cricket Cup
On the 10th of September girls from years 3, 4,
5 and 6 represented our school at the Milo Girls
Cricket Cup. All students displayed excellent
sportsmanship through encouraging and
supporting their team. Well done on the
fantastic results of all the teams and
congratulations to the Year 4 girls for making it
through to the finals.
Lauren Daniel
Sports Committee
The preschool children and their families had a wonderful
time at the obstacle-a-thon last Sunday. We were lucky to
have lovely weather and a good time was had by all. The
money raised will enable us to purchase an exciting and
diverse range of musical instruments.
The system of purchasing books from the Harry Hartog
bookshop is going well and we would like to say a big
thankyou to the families that have already donated books to
the preschool. There are still books available on the list if
you would like to be part of this fundraiser.
This is our final week of Zumba with Susan and it was great to see so many family members coming to watch
and participate in the dancing with their children.
We would like to wish all families a safe and happy holiday and look forward to a busy final term of preschool.
The Preschool Team
Kindergarten - The Garden
We have finished a very successful term. We have been very busy in all our learning areas.
Let’s recap some of the highlights:
Lit Hit
All our children were split into smaller learning groups across 7 teachers. They have all
shown progress with their sentence and story writing. Hopefully you were able to share
their stories during the Learning Journey.
Learning Journey
Learning Journey was very well attended this year. We watched as the children’s spirits were lifted and their
pride shone through as they showed their big people around the class and the school. The wonderful Chapman
community spirit was on show as all the visitors encouraged and provided positive feedback to their children.
Bush Kids
Bush Kids came to an official end this week with a beautiful day. We had a big turn out from our families as
many members of each family joined us on the ridge. Many lucky big people were treated to a ‘French Spa’ or
had their faces painted or even got some ‘tattoos’. I’m sure the charcoal washed off easily when they got
home! We would like to thank all of the family members who were able to attend throughout the term and to
help support us in this new programme. We would also like to acknowledge the support of Doug, Jenny and
Arminel from the local land care group who came with us each week and talked with the children about why
there was charcoal on the ridge, why are we cutting out these particular plants and other such things that
interested the children. And of course a big thank you to Trish, our BSO, who washed and dried our vests for
us each week. We are currently collating all of the feedback sheets to help us assess the programme.
Next Term
We have the 40th school birthday to celebrate, WITH CAKE! The annual Alkira show will be held in week 2.
We also have swimming next term and we encourage as many of our families to attend before the big
swimming season gets into full swing. Many parents in the past have said that even if their child already
attends swimming lessons after school, their child’s confidence and skills are strengthened by going each day
for 2 weeks. Please return your note, even if you are not attending so we can be sure of our numbers and buses
can be booked.
Parent reading will move back to mornings next term. If you are interested in helping with this please sign up
ASAP on the sheets on your child’s classroom door.
Happy holidays from the Kindergarten team.
Michelle May, Tessa van der Hoek, Priscilla Reyenga and Kristy Messenger
Year 1 - Where the Forest Meets the Sea
Wow, what an actioned packed term! We have very busy wrapping up this term with an incredible leaning
journey. We would like to particularly thank the students for all of their hard work and also thank the parents
and carers for coming in and showing their support.
In maths, we have been investigating data collection. Some data activities included going outside and tallying
the colour of cars that drive past the school. Students then placed this information into a bar graph and
discussed their findings. Students enjoyed this experience and displayed great enthusiasm.
In literacy, we have been working on poems about ‘Spring’. Students have been creative learning about how to
write ‘5 senses poems’ and ‘acrostic’ poems.
We are looking forward to this week’s assembly where we will showcase our ‘hand made’ instruments and play
a merry tune to get your groove on!
We would like to wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday and look forward to a busy and exciting Term 4.
Year One Teachers
Prue Anderson, Tegan Kennedy, Laura Poultney and Helen Tranter
Year 2 – Animalia
It is almost hard to believe that we are at the end of Term 3 already! We would like to thank all of our parents
and special visitors who attended our Learning Journey on Tuesday. The children were eager to share all of
their wonderful work they have completed throughout the year and we were extremely proud of them all. We
hope that you enjoyed learning a new maths or literacy game as well as enjoy a taste of the sherbet you made
together! We look forward to seeing the children work towards and achieve their Term 4 goal that was written
with their visitor at the end of the Learning Journey.
Swimming notes for the Term 4 swimming program have gone out to families and we would appreciate if these
can be returned as soon as possible. It is hoped that all year 2 children attend this program.
This week, the children are enjoying engaging in a range of maths and literacy games and activities that are
consolidating the skills they have learnt in word study, maths and reading groups over the term. In writing, we
have begun to delve into the world of Poetry. We are viewing a range of poetry styles and techniques, and in
the coming weeks, the students will be creating their own small anthology of poems. So far, the children have
written some acrostics, emotion and haiku poems. It is a really great way for the children to look at a different
style writing to express feelings, emotions and ideas.
Once again, we would like to thank all of our wonderful helpers who support us in the classroom each week.
We hope you all have a restful and enjoyable break over the holidays.
Year 2 Team
Sharon Hickey, Lee Hodges, Bek Lane, Kate Pottenger and Melina Clark
Year 3 – The Tree House
The Year 3 teachers were very proud of the way the students shared their learning during Learning Journeys
last week. We were very pleased to receive such positive feedback from parents and carers and the students
were left glowing with confidence after giving their tours.
This week, students had the privilege of watching the school musical. From all accounts, the students enjoyed
the performance and Year 3 would like to congratulate all the Year 5/6 students for their stellar performance.
Also this week, the Year 3 teachers took time to reflect on the term that we have had and plan for Term 4. We
have been really pleased with the level of engagement students have shown across the term, with many students
claiming that this terms Inquiry units have been the best so far!
If you have not yet been a Mystery Reader and would like to sign up, please email your child’s teacher to put
you in one of the final few places. Once these are full there will be no more opportunities to be a Mystery
Reader. Thank you to all those who have been Mystery Readers this year.
We hope everyone has a restful holiday break and comes back ready for one last busy term before heading off
to Year 4! We really encourage all students to maintain their reading over the holiday break and look forward
Term 4.
Kind Regards,
Fiona O’Hare, Lauren Daniel, Mark Shiels and Trish Foster.
Year 4 – The Land Of Oz
We would like to thank the many parents, grandparents and family friends who visited our school last week for
Learning Journeys. The students loved sharing their work and showing off their fabulous efforts in the
classroom. We certainly hope the Roller Coasters were a hit!
It was also great to see so many parents and grandparents at our assembly in Week 8.
The term has again been very busy with excursions, assemblies, Learning Journeys, carnivals and Fathers’ Day
stalls all occurring.
We will be finishing the term with visits from our buddies helping them preparing to transition to “Big” school
next year. We have also started our preparations for Alkira and look forward to sharing our artworks next term.
We again thank the many parents who have assisted us this term in one way or another and look forward to
continuing to work together during the last term.
Have a great break!
Year 4 Team
Sheridan Brill, Paul Campbell, Fiona Duncan
Year 5/6 – Superheroes
After three months of gruelling rehearsals the 5/6 Superheroes are
excited about the opening night of The Wizard of Oz. So far our dress
rehearsals have received rave reviews. We’d like to thank all our
parent volunteers who have helped ensure that our sets, costumes and
make-up were completed to a high standard. We’d also like to give
special thanks to Nicki Johannes for all your assistance. It’s been a
busy and exciting term in the 5/6 unit and we hope everyone enjoys a
well-deserved holiday.
The Year 5/6 team.
Chess Club
Chess Club at Chapman Primary School runs on Tuesday lunch from 11:10 am - 11:55 am. If you are
interested in joining the paid tuition, please return the attached enrolment form to school by Tuesday of Week 2
in Term 4.
Upcoming chess events
Chess puzzle
Puzzle #13: White to play and checkmate in 2 moves.
2nd October: Canberra Chess Challenge 9
6th October: Masterclass Holiday Workshop
More information on events and coaching can
be found on:
Solution puzzle #12
1. Rg8+, Rxg8 2. Nf7#
P & C Update
Earn & Learn Once again, thanks to everyone who had collected and stuck stickers. Our final total is 49, 440
points (824 sheets with 60 stickers on each) – great work!!!! We will keep you posted in relation to the
educational resources which the school and the preschool claim with our points. - Thank You
A very big thank you to Trish Payne for her kind donation of the Giant Panda to the Kindergarten classes – the
children love her and will enjoy many books in the company of the Giant Panda!!
Contact information
If you need to get in contact with the President, Treasurer, Secretary or Fundraising people on the P & C we
have set up a standard email addresses. They are as follows:
President –
Secretary –
Treasurer –
P & C Meetings for the rest of the year
At the last meeting we have locked our meeting dates for the rest of the year as follows (start time is 7:30pm
and we will be in the staff room)
28 October
25 November
Everyone is welcome – if you can’t make it and would like something raised please forward your
question/comment to Bronwyn via email
Thank you Bronwyn Huntley
Chapman 40th Birthday
You are invited to share your family favourite recipes as a part of the Chapman Primary School P&C’s 40th
Birthday Cookbook.
If you know any families who have previously been a part of the Chapman community, please pass along this
request as we are keen for their recipes and as well as images of students and memorabilia from the last 40
years. Please contact for any queries.
Start cultivating those cuttings now! Spring has sprung, and the fete, will be here. It is never too cold to be out in
the garden, so when next you are - could you pot some of your cuttings for donations, please? We have plenty of
spare pots if you need them, feel free to email us. Thank you.
The Entertainment Schedule is enclosed at the end of the Communicator for your information. Please see when
their children will be performing and consider volunteering for a stall in your free time.
PRIZE DONATIONS – dig deep and support your school!
If you are a business owner or would just like to donate something to the fete (that can be used in the Choice
Raffle) then we would love to get an email from you. Please email Jillian as per her email above.
The Choice Raffle is where you get to pick the prizes that you would like to win. You pay $20 for 21 tickets. Some
of the businesses that have already donated prizes are National Zoo & Aquarium, Hellenic Club, Canberra Irish
Club, Canberra Labor Club, National Dinosaur Museum, KidCity, ShowPony Events, Zone3, Raiders Club and
Canberra Southern Cross Club.
We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Lucky Dip Stall. If you are interested please contact Kirsten via
her email listed above.
Book Stall at the Fete - Is it time to spring clean your bookshelf?
Due to the school's 40th Birthday celebrations, donations for the book stall cannot be accepted at school until
after Monday 26th October, but please start collecting. We would love your donations for the bookstall at the
fete. We accept donations of books, records, CDs, DVDs, board games and puzzles in good condition. (No
encyclopaedias, magazines or white elephant items please).
We are also looking for volunteers to help sort the donations before the fete and for the weekend of the fete. If you
are able to help, or have large donations please contact Anna Foxcroft on 0404 278105 or
Melanie Edwards on 0419 449511
Sunday, 1 November 2015 12noon to 4pm
Senior Blacktop (Streeton Drive side of school)
Kindy Melodies (Michelle May)
Chapman Champs (Sharon Hickey)
Year 5 Band (Kat Tirzins)
Year 6 Band (Tracy Foggett)
Chapman Singers (Years 1, 2, 3 & 4) (Nicky Dears)
Musical, Wizard of Oz Munchkins & Emerald City (Dean Howell)
Year 1 Recorder (Nicky Dears)
Year 2 Recorder (Nicky Dears)
Body Percussion (John McKenzie)
Ukuleles (Nicky Dears)
Guitar – My Way Music, Arlo and Students (Owen Cusick)
Drumming (John McKenzie)
Guitar – My Way Music, David and Students (Owen Cusick)
Canberra Celtic Pipe Band (Julie Williams)
Chapman Taekwondo Demonstration (Glen McKinnon)
Hey winter is over!
Time to shock your body out of its comfort zone!
Head over to Fitness Studio Canberra – 37 Mount Vernon Drive, Gleneagles Estate, Kambah.
For your post winter melt down! Contact Jane on 0404 075169 or email
Certificate IV Fitness & registered with Fitness Australia
Small groups
Personal service
Tailored sessions
Spring specials from $90 for 6 sessions
Craft Show
Weston Creek Uniting Church
Parkinson Street – Weston
Friday 23 October 2015 – 10am – 9pm
Saturday 24 October 2015 – 10am 4pm
Official opening Friday 7pm
Morning and afternoon teas
Coffee and dessert Friday night
Admission by donation
RSPCA ACT will be running a series of education sessions over the school holidays for
youngsters interested in learning more about animals. We get a lot of requests from
schools and their participants about visiting our shelter or working with our animals
so to meet demand we developed “Kids n Kritters”. As a part of our organisation’s
objectives, RSPCA ACT strives to educate the community on the humane treatment
of animals and we believe positive education begins at a young age. We would love for you to share our program with
your students to help us with our mission to prevent animal cruelty in the ACT. The great news is, we now have brand
new classes for kids aged between 8-10 and 11-13! Our classes include:
Introduction to Dogs:
Our Introduction to Dogs sessions are all about learning what is required when it comes to looking after puppies
and dogs. You’ll get the chance to test out your new skills and knowledge with some of the dogs residing at the
shelter and make some toys to brighten up the dogs’ days.
Class Details
Ages: 8-10 and 11-13 years
Maximum Class Size: 8
Course Duration: 2 Hours
Cost: $50
Reading, Enrichment and Fun
This fun and varied session will give you the chance to create enriching toys, read to and get to know some of
our dogs at the shelter and try your hand at taking photos of dogs! You’ll also get to be part of our dogs’
adoption journey by writing a short profile about their great qualities.
Class Details
Ages: 8-10 and 11-13 years
Maximum Class Size: 8
Course Duration: 2 Hours
Cost: $50
Are you interested in taking the family to Disneyland? Or perhaps visiting family in the UK? Or maybe
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your 2016 European Adventure with return airfares to Europe starting from as low as $1242 per person. I can
assist you with your every travel need, with the only thing you need to worry about is what to pack in your
suitcase. Call me today - these won't last long!
Michaela Roberts
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Children’s Vision and Hearing
Good vision and hearing are important for your child’s educational, physical and social development and to
help them reach their full learning potential. Many children continue to experience undetected and unnecessary
vision and hearing problems and often they assume that how they see and hear is normal.
It is up to us, their teachers and parents, to be able to recognise the signs of vision and hearing problem early,
and to help children look after their eyes and ears.
Symptoms of vision problems include:
• complaints of blurred vision, headaches, or sore eyes
• delayed progress in reading ability
• a turned eye, red or watery eyes, and frequent blinking
• poor hand-eye coordination in sports
• losing their place or omitting words and skipping lines when reading
Contact for a copy of the Children’s Vision Parent Guide or visit the website:
Optometrists Association Australia recommends that children’s eyes be checked regularly throughout their
school life, and immediately on observing any problems with their eyes or vision.
Most regular vision tests are bulk billed but check with the provider when you book as there may be a small
additional payment for behavioural optometry.
We suggest that you go to your own optometrist, if you have one, your local optometrist or one of the
optometrists listed below who offer behavioural optometry assessments which look at additional aspects of
Mr Craig Butler of Mackinley Optical - call 6248 9100 - Canberra City or 6251 3399 – Westfield Belconnen
Evan and McMahon 62571103
Special Eyes – Woden Westfield 62851606
Pino and Langley – City 62474748
OPSM – Weston Cooleman Court 62880599
Symptoms of hearing problems include:
• speech delay
• frequent or recurrent ear infections
• a family history of hearing loss (hearing loss can be inherited)
• poor school performance
Nurse Audiometry at Community Health 62079977
To enable us to cater; please RSVP to the Front Office on 52057300 or email: