april 16, 2006 easter sunday - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church


april 16, 2006 easter sunday - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
APRIL 16, 2006
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish
1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail: mainoffice@stapostle.org
630 355-8980 (Main Office)
Visit us on the internet at www.stapostle.org
630 305-6318 (Religious Education)
630 355-0521 (Facsimilie)
Pastoral Staff — Full Time
Rev. Joel Fortier – Pastor, jfortier@stapostle.org
Rev. Mark Cote – Associate Pastor, fr_mark_c@yahoo.com
Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Assistant
Rev. Charles Gemskie, in residence
Rev. Mr. William Worden, D. Min. – Deacon, ext. 105
Rev. Mr. Chuck Lane – Deacon, ext. 220, chucklane2@juno.com
Rev. Mr. Jim Breen – Deacon, 630-357-4853, jimb4853@yahoo.com
Rev. Mr. Larry Kearney Deacon, lrkearney@comcast.net
Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA ext. 138,
Gerry Czerak – Business Manager, ext. 106, gczerak@stapostle.org
Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education,
ext. 109, pdougherty@stapostle.org
Julie Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 111, jfrazier@stapostle.org
Robert Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 112, rfrazier@stapostle.org
Ginny Lucado – Director of Outreach, ext. 121, glucado@stapostle.org
Jim Melton – Director of High School Ministry,
ext. 123, hopedawg1@stapostle.org
Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, ext. 124
Pauline Vandy – Director of Junior High Youth Ministry,
ext. 117, pvandy@stapostle.org
Pastoral Care Staff — Part Time
Audrey Casey, BSN, Parish Nurse volunteer, ext 104, acasey@stapostle.org
Susan Kearney, Pastoral Care Assistant volunteer, ext. 124
Felicia Lawlor, M.S., R.N.,Parish Nurse volunteer, ext 104, flawlor@stapostle.org
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday reconciliation is available after 8:30 a.m.
Mass, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., or after the 4:30 p.m. Mass
in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Fr. Joel
and Fr. Mark are available during the week by appointment. Communal Penance services are held
occasionally throughout the year.
Sick and Home Bound
Call the Church Office to receive prayer and Eucharist from one of the priests or deacons or a Minister
of Care.
Baptisms are usually celebrated two Sundays each
month at a 1:45 p.m. service. On selected dates, Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents are
required to attend a two-part awareness and renewal
program prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office
a few months in advance to make arrangements.
A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas
should contact the church six months in advance.
One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom, or
their parents, must be a registered parishioner for at
least three months prior to calling to set a date.
Religious Education
Support Staff — Full Time
Call the 305-6318 to register.
Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, ext. 118, ncirmo@stapostle.org
Lori Culberson – Liturgical Assistant, ext. 120, lculberson@stapostle.org
Kathy Ferguson - Receptionist, ext. 100, mainoffice@stapostle.org
Diane McQueen – Parish Assistant, ext. 101, dmcqueen@stapostle.org
Anne Schultz – Outreach & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, ext. 113,
Angela Tuttle – Liturgy Assistant & Communications Coordinator,
ext. 110, atuttle@stapostle.org
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic
Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call
the church at 355-8980.
Support Staff — Part Time
Sunday Nursery
Pat Berkhout – Evening/Saturday Receptionist, ext. 119, nitecrew@stapostle.org
Marge Coronado – Evening Receptionist, ext. 119, nitecrew@stapostle.org
Marilyn DeMeo – Database Coordinator (T/Th), ext. 107, mdemeo@stapostle.org
Jorge Gonzalez – Custodian
Louise Leonard - Care Pantry Coordinator, stthomascarepantry@comcast.net
Sue Sportiello – Accounts Payable (M/W), ext. 107, ssportiello@stapostle.org
Ted McKeown - Facility Coordinator, ext. 133, facility@stapostle.org
Theresa Sheliga – Sacristan Coordinator, ext. 116
Lynne Vehlewald – Librarian, ext. 125, library@stapostle.org
Pastoral Leadership Community
Bob Bohanek
Ivan Deatsch
Pam Foster
Guy Francesconi
Julee Gard
Mary Johnson
Rosemary Krol
Carolyn Lowrie
Ray Vogt
Glenn Weir
Commission Facilitators
Parish Life
Faith Formation
Gwen Wells
Pam Foster
Susan Cornell-Ohl
Dave Otto
Phil Meno
Steve Obendorf
Doug & Maureen Johnson
Counseling Service
Call Samarian Interfaith 357-2456 or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124.
Nursery care is available for your child age one
(must be walking) to four at the 9 & 10:45 a.m. Mass.
For more information call the church office.
Liturgy Schedule
(Monday — Friday)
Rosary — 8:10 a.m.
Mass — 6:30 & 8:30 a.m.
Mass — 8:30 a.m.
Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m.
Sunday — 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 a.m.,
& 12:15 p.m.
6:30 p.m. Liturgy at All Saints Academy
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every
first Friday of the month 9 a.m. — Noon.
Dear Friends,
Alleluia! Christ is Risen Today! We don’t just
celebrate a memorial or the commemoration of an
event from the past. We celebrate that Christ is Risen
Today, that we are alive in Him and He is alive in us,
that we share the life of the Resurrection.
I am part of something bigger
than myself. At times all I feel are
“We are an the limits of my physical existence, but then there are days like
today when I feel alive and in
communion with the universe.
That’s what the celebration
of Easter helps me to remember,
that I am alive in Christ, share His
Spirit and am part of a life that
will never end. The joy of the Lord is my strength!
Through our faith and this ritual celebration of
Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we transpose
ourselves into the experience of Jesus. We die and
rise with Him, just as we did at the moment of our
That’s what Easter is all about, renewing our
Baptismal faith and experience. For whatever the
weakness and limitations of my physical existence, I
share the life and Spirit of Jesus which transcends all
of that and it began at Baptism.
And I think the way I access and keep in the
flow of Christ’s life is to live in love for others. It’s
that simple really. To live in love — to savor the
goodness of all creation and everyone, to let myself
be washed in the rain of God and to walk in the
Reign with Him.
St. Thomas is an Easter community, we are an
Easter People! Alive in Christ. Really Present to
each other. We welcome and invite all of you, our
guests and visitors to join with us in the Easter experience all year long. It is experienced in our relationships of care and support, and our outreach and
service to the world as we share in the mission and
ministry of Jesus. The injunction to do this came
with our Baptism and I invite you to join us in living
your faith, and to find support for it, here at St. Thomas.
May the joy and life of the Risen Lord sustain
and fill you as you live in Christ!
Happy Easter to All!
Easter Sunday
of the Lord’s Passion
April 16, 2006
I shall not die, but live,
and declare the works of the Lord.
— Psalms 118:17
Worship Commission
Whereas in Lent we repented, in Eastertide we
rejoice. Whereas we fasted, now we feast. Whereas
we gave alms, now we give witness in all manner of
ways to all people that Christ is truly risen, the old
world order is passed away and the reign of God is
begun. Begun in the newly baptized, newly oiled believers who have taken their place at Christ’s table.
Begun again in us who were baptized and chrismated
long ago or last Easter.
In Central Europe, it’s customary to spritz people
with water on Easter Monday, to remember baptism,
to make merry and in some cultures, even to choose a
spouse! The bathed and anointed church is the risen
Christ’s spouse. Let the wedding feast begin!
Lent was 40 days, the season of sorrow and striving and training. But Eastertide is 50 days, the season
of joy and celebrating and feasting! Fifty days for our
delight! Fifty days to sing the song of saints and angels: Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Copyright © 2002 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800
North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800; www.ltp.org.
Text by David Philippart. Art by Steve Erspamer, sm. All rights reserved. Used with
Liturgical Ministers
A huge thank you to all the liturgical ministers
that helped us to praise and worship our living God
during the liturgies of this past Holy Week. A great
amount of time and talent has been generously shared
in the planning and unfolding of all these special
Masses and services. Particular thanks is extended to
the Worship Environment Team, Sacristan, Lectors,
Eucharistic Ministers, Host-Greeters, Servers, Musicians, Dancers, the youth involved in the Good Friday Stations, Scouts from Troop 81, the Liturgy
Preparation Team, the custodial staff, our terrific Liturgy Office staff and volunteers, and, of course, our
wonderful Priests and Deacons. God is good through
their selfless dedication to our common prayer.
John Angotti’s Music
We were most fortunate to have John Angotti
with us for our celebration of the Triduum this year.
If you would like to know more about him and his
mission or would like to purchase his CDs, you can
access these web sites: www.john-angotti.com /
www.wlp.jspaluch.com. His CDs are also for sale at
amazon.com. Thank you John for sharing your wonderful gifts and talents with us and for helping us to
worship so well.
April 16, 2006 — Page 4
Easter Sunday
HOPE RESTORED—Today Christians around the
world gather to celebrate the centrality of their faiththat the Lord Jesus suffered, died, and rose from the
dead to bring new life to all who believe. What difference can Easter really make in our lives?
Any difference that Easter can bring can be
summed up in one word: hope. Picture yourself as one
of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. The one for
whom you had given up everything, the one in whom
you had placed all your trust, the one who seemed to
be the way to freedom from fear-this one had been put
to death in the most horrifying way. He was nailed to
a cross, and on that cross it seemed that hope itself
breathed its last. Have you ever felt that way-that
hope had breathed its last? For many who lose a cherished job, a spouse to death or divorce, a child to drug
abuse or disease, there just doesn't seem to be any
hope remaining. This was the kind of despair that Peter, John, and Mary of Magdala must have been feeling on that first day of the week.
EASTER: OUR OWN STORY—The Gospel story
today is, in a nutshell, the story of our very own lives.
It is a story of restored hope. Like those disciples, we
must always, when in despair, see and believe that
Jesus Christ rose from the dead. When we place our
belief in the power of God to raise Jesus from the
dead, we also place our belief in the power of God to
deliver us from the death of despair, malaise, and
hopelessness. This is at the heart of why we come to
church this day. We look to the empty tomb to find
hope that was lost. It is for this that we raise heart and
voice in an endless "Alleluia!"
Today's Readings: Acts 10:34a, 27-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 1617, 22-23; Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8;
John 20:1-9 or Mark 16:1-7
Copyright (c) 2005, World Library Publications. All rights reserved.
Welcome Card
Welcome Cards are available on the wire racks at
both entry ways and near the Main Office. We encourage your comments, questions, or requests. Please
give us your feedback and let us know how we can
serve you. These cards may be placed in the offertory
collection baskets during Mass or dropped in the welcome card collection box near the Main Office.
Pray For Our Parish
This is the day!
You have made it good!
We rejoice in you!
Today is the promise of fear being shattered.
Today is the promise of the cold melting away.
Today is the promise of graves opened
and tombs emptied.
Today is the promise of prisoners freed.
Today is the promise of hope.
Today is the promise of dried tears.
Today is the promise of forgiveness and healing.
Today is the promise of lies being whisked away.
Today is the promise of music and dancing.
Today is the promise of life!
Your day!
Ours to share!
We rejoice in you!
Amen. Alleluia!
From: With Every Note I Sing by David Haas, G.I.A. Publications
Today’s Readings
Gospel at the Procession with Palms — Jesus’ entry
into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16).
First Reading — In spite of my sufferings I am not
disgraced. I am not put to shame (Isaiah 50:4-7).
Psalm — My God, my God, why have you abandoned
me? (Psalm 22).
Second Reading — Christ emptied himself, and God
filled this emptiness with exaltation (Philippians 2:6-11).
Gospel — The account of Christ’s passion according to
Mark (Mark 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]).
Readings for the Week
Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11
Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38
Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25
Chrism Mass: Is 61:1-3a, 6a, 8b-9; Ps 89;
Rv 1:5-8; Lk 4:16-21
Lord’s Supper: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116;
1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15
Is 52:13 — 53:12; Ps 31; Heb 4:14-16;
5:7-9; Jn 18:1 — 19:42
a) Gn 1:1 — 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a];
b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18];
c) Ex 14:15 — 15:1; d) Is 54:5-14;
e) Is 55:1-11; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 — 4:4;
g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28;
h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Mk 16:1-7
Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118; Col 3:1-4
or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9
or Mk 16:1-7 or (at an afternoon
or evening Mass) Lk 24:13-35
For the sick…
Mary Pratt, wife of Frank
Dorothy Coe, mother of Dena
Jeff Krey, husband of Sue
Lisa Ziede, sister of Tina Dufkis
Megan Nothwehr, daughter of Christine & Larry
Anna Lukacheck, & Catherine Parker
aunts of Eva Thurman-Keup
Barbara Smith, sister of Patty Kelly
Joan Nance, friend of Jo Anderson
Jo, great aunt of Kathy Cormack
Frances Sponar, aunt of Pat & Carol Greene
Mark Griffin, son of Elizabeth
For the deceased…
Anna Furibondo, mother of Nick
Mark Evans, brother-in-law of Gail & Don Derrow
Eleanor Hartman, mother of Bob
Robert Miller, father of Mary
Dale DeGeeter, brother of Dean
Jean Owen Payne, mother of Sue LaLonde
Virginia Kukolsky, aunt of Sara Rendall
Barbara Smith, mother of Suzi Krason
Mass Intentions
Monday, April 17
8:30 †Sr. Mary Ellen Moloney,
by Sr. Margaret Mary
†Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Moloney,
by Sr. Margaret Mary
Tuesday, April 18
8:30 †Leonard Rondeau, by Andy & Nancy Cirmo
Wednesday, April 19
8:30 †Dionisio & Semiona Estoesta, by Children
Thursday, April 20
8:30 †Mary Borchardt, by Ron & Jean DeLacey
Saturday, April 22
4:30 For the People of St. Thomas
Sunday, April 23
7:30 †Deceased Members of 50+ Holding, by 50+
†Alice Rioux, by Jim & Ann Rioux
9:00 †Norma Jean Hughes, by Marilyn DeMeo
†Bill & Dolores Andrews,
by The Andrews Family
10:45 †Anne Testa, by James Testa
†Steven Maubrach, by Donna McNamara
12:15 Golden Wedding Anniversary for Andrew
& Elaine Hanyzeski
Page 5 — April 16, 2006
Faith and Spiritual Formation Commission
Marriage Enrichment Ministry
Hosts Mass & Candlelight Dinner
Come and share an evening with your
“Magnificent Other” on Saturday, April 22, in the
St. Thomas Lighthouse. Celebrate your love at
this event sponsored by the St. Thomas Marriage
Enrichment Ministry. A Mass with renewal of
marriage will begin at 6 p.m.; the celebration will
then continue at dinner. The cost is $40 per couple. Flyers are available in the Gathering Area.
Please RSVP to Chari Rosales (355-8980 x138)
by April 19.
Today is Easter Sunday – the holiest day of
our church year. Our Lenten season has prepared us for the remembrance of all of those
special events in the life of Jesus that have led
us to this celebration.
Throughout most of Lent, this column has
focused on the sacrament of baptism. This
weekend at the Vigil, we baptized adults and
non-infant children and brought them into the
fold of our Catholic Christian community. Their
baptism initiated them into both the life and
death of Christ. We usually prefer to dwell on
the life part. But it is Christ’s death that fashions the key which fits the door to the grand
prize: eternal life. Jesus taught us how to do
right by God, both by what He modeled in life
as well as by what He modeled in death. His
death made His resurrection possible. And this
is what we celebrate today.
Happy Resurrection Day to all!
April 16, 2006 — Page 6
Adult Confirmation
Are you a Catholic over the age of 18 who has
not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Come and be filled with the Holy Spirit! A six-week
series of preparatory sessions will be held after the
10:45 Mass on Sundays, beginning April 23. Participants will then be confirmed at a parish liturgy on
June 4, the feast of Pentecost.
If you would like to take part, please call Chari
Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office at 3558980 x138.
Gatherings Round Table
All current, former and potential members of
Gatherings (small Christian communities) are warmly
invited to participate in a discussion regarding the
communities’ experiences and future focus at a Round
Table to be held in the St. Thomas Lighthouse on
Wednesday, April 26, from 7:30-9 pm. Come to renew the spirit of what was, celebrate what is, and
dream new dreams. All input is welcome. Please let
Anne Schultz (355-8980 x113) or Chari Rosales
(x138) know that you are coming.
We want to announce at this
time two openings in our Parish
Pastoral Staff that will occur at the
end of June. First, Pauline Vandy
is retiring as our Junior High Religious Education Director after 15
years of wonderful service to our
parish. Secondly, Ginny Lucado
has decided to resign for personal reasons as Director of our
Parish Outreach Services after
six years of wonderful service in
that office.
We will have more to say in
appreciation about each of them
as their farewell approaches in
June. They will both be greatly
missed by our parish.
Volunteer Tutors Needed
Join the Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange in
their new Adult Literacy/ESL Program, Tutors
on Wheels. The program needs volunteers to
teach in Naperville, Glendale Heights, Addison,
and Bloomingdale. Teaching takes place in
churches, businesses, and social service agencies. Volunteers are needed to teach one hour a
week, on a one-on-one basis in a nearby location.
Tutoring sessions are scheduled weekday mornings, some late afternoons (and/or evenings).
Training, books, and other materials will be provided. You do not need to speak or understand
another language. For more information, call
Jeanie Jadran at 708 354-9200, ext 5035 or Barbara Bernhard 630 217-0396, ext 5037.
Ballroom Dance Classes
Offered at St. Thomas
St. Thomas Parish Life Commission invites
you to participate in ballroom dance classes.
Thursday sessions will be offered May 4, 11, 18
and 25 from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. These sessions are
for beginners and will include Foxtrot, Waltz,
Tango, Rumba, Cha Cha and Swing.
Cost is $20 per couple per session. Proceeds
will benefit ALFA. Pick up a flyer at the entrances to sign up by April 28.
Anyone interested in applying
for either of these positions should
send a letter with resume to
Fr. Joel by April 17 at the parish
Page 7 — April 16, 2006
Religious Education
The Order of the Mass
Children who need help following the Order of
the Mass can use our songbook, “Gather Comprehensive.” Pages 153-173 will help with the following
Rites: of Gathering, of Word, of Eucharist and Dismissal. These books are found on the shelves under
our pews.
Liturgy of the Word with Children –
No session dates
There will not be Liturgy of the Word with Children during the 9:00 and 10:45 masses on April 16
(Easter Sunday) or on April 30 (several First Communion Masses). The last day will be May 7 for the
children until it resumes late September. Anyone interested in helping or being a leader in the future
should contact Patti Dougherty, 355-8980 ext. 109.
Attention 4th and 5th Graders
There is Liturgy of the Word for you on
April 23 at the 9:00 and 10:45 masses.
1st Grade Fun Fair
First Graders, along with a parent, are invited to
attend the 1st Grade Fun Fair on Saturday, April 22 in
the St. Thomas gym any time between 9:30 and 11
a.m. First Graders should bring their snack or juice
donations with them and put it on the snack tables
outside the gym. Tickets for the games will be held
at the gym door for each child. Questions may be
directed to the First Grade Coordinators, Sharon
Sugas (851-6413) and Rosemary Karl (357-4321)
or to Patti Dougherty in the R.E. Office (305-6318).
“Kids Kare” Vitamin Collection by
Elementary Students
Recently, there were two Medical trips; one to
Duchity, Haiti, and one to Quito, Equator, where our
previous Pastor, Fr. Don Kenny, is now serving.
Our students had the option of bringing vitamins
and other medications, to church or to their Religious
Education classes. This past month, our R.E. classes
collected 4 suitcases full of vitamins which went to
Equator and the parish collected 18 suitcases full of
medicines, including vitamins, which went to Haiti.
Children of Haiti and Equator are lucky to get
just one meal per day. This one meal lacks all the essential vitamins children need for growth and good
health. Thank you to everyone who gave just one bottle of vitamins or several. You made a difference in a
child’s life.
April 16, 2006 — Page 8
TREC - High School Youth Ministry
Happy Easter! There are a lot of people in
Churches today all over the country celebrating this
holiday. And if you are one of them, thanks for being
a part of this. If you are raising the bar, and even
reading the bulletin, God bless you for making my
Easter. Why so many people, what’s so big about
this one? There are a number of answers to that question (Rising from the dead is a pretty impressive
miracle.), but what strikes me this Easter is what happened to Christ during Holy Week. In His greatest
act of unselfishness, when He gave up his entire self
to the point of death, the greatest thing in the history
of the world (yep, I’ll say the world) happened!
Imagine what could happen to and for us if we gave
up our lives for others. While I don’t think God is
calling us to death, He is calling us to give our lives
to Him and just reap the benefits! I pray that this
Easter you are celebrating the great gift of life that
God has in store for you.
We would love to share that experience with
you. If you want to check out our high school ministry, go to www.trecministries.org. Have a blessed
5th Grade Peek-Ahead Pizza Party
Fifth graders who will be attending the 6th grade
Religious Education Program are invited to the PeekAhead Pizza Party on Friday, April 21 from 6:30 –
8:30 p.m. in the Lighthouse at St. Thomas Ministry
Center. We will hear all about the 6th grade R.E. program, getting input from Middle School students.
Then we will have pizza and pop before playing some
games the rest of our time together. Parents interested
in helping are welcome to attend. Please RSVP with
Patti Dougherty, 355-8980 ext. 109 by April 17.
Scripture Safari, Vacation Bible School
Registrations for Scripture Safari, our Vacation
Bible School, are now available for parishioners.
Please note that Scripture Safari will be held during
June this summer, June 19 – 23. Scripture Safari is
for children entering Kindergarten through 4th grade.
Youth entering 5th grade or older, may sign up to help
at Scripture Safari. All forms, for youth and adult
helpers, and for attendees, are available in the Gathering Area or the Religious Education Office. Forms
are taken on a first come – first served basis until
openings are filled. Questions may be directed to the
Religious Education Office, 305-6318.
First Communion News...
First Communicants Church Visit
First Communicants have a church visit scheduled on Saturday, April 22 at either 8:30–10:00 or
10:30–12:00 p.m. Students will practice their songs
and receiving the Eucharist. Students will meet their
catechists and aides in the church’s narthex at their
usual class time except for Tuesday classes which
have been assigned as follows:
April 22 time:
Kathy Ferguson
Sue Bennington
Tricia Serna
Missy Julifs
Julie Knox
Please note that class time runs 15 minutes
longer than usual. Older First Communicants or those
attending ASCA should call the Religious Education
Office with desired time of visit. Questions may also
be directed to the Religious Education Office at
Important First Eucharist Information
Information regarding the First Eucharist Liturgies has been mailed to the parents of First Communicants. If you did not receive the information with
important details and final dates along with the diagrams, please call the Religious Education Office
immediately at 305-6318.
Special Instructions
for Receiving Communion
at the First Eucharist Liturgies
1st Eucharist Liturgies will be April 29 at 4:30,
April 30 at 9:00 and 12:15 and May 6 at 1:00 and
4:30 and May 7 at 12:15. In addition, there are some
children receiving their First Communion at the Misa
de Mayo mass on May 27 at 4:30 p.m. During these
liturgies the First Communicant and parent/s will be
invited to come forward first to the front stations.
Other guests in those rows and the rest of the assembly will be asked to wait for Communion until all
First Communicants and parents have received. Eucharistic Ministers will proceed to their assigned stations as usual but will remain facing the altar at their
assigned station (except in front) until all First Communicants and parents have received. At that time,
the catechists who are helping and the host-greeters
will invite everyone else to Communion. This will
include the other guests in the First Communicant’s
pew. We thank you for your patience as the children
and their parent’s receive Eucharist and thank you
for the prayers you have said for these children as
they meet Jesus in this most holy sacrament.
Family Prayer Service for 1st Eucharist
Our last Family Prayer Service for families of
First Communicants is Thursday, April 27 at 7:00
p.m. in the church. This service, It’s About Making
Peace, will last approximately 35 minutes. After the
service we will review some details concerning First
Communion Masses. We ask all members of our faith
community to hold these children in prayer during
their final days of preparation to receive Jesus in the
Junior High
Celebration Social
April 24
St. Thomas Ministry Center (Gym)
7:15 - 9:00pm
(Please note time difference)
Great Fun!
Music (DJ), Food,
Dancing, Friendship
Page 9 — April 16, 2006
Service Commission
St. Thomas Pancake Breakfast
for Hurricane Katrina Relief
St. Thomas’ Katrina Task Force is holding a pancake breakfast, hosted by its Spiritual Relationship
Committee. The breakfast will be used to bring
awareness to where our friends in Long Beach, Mississippi are eight months after the devastating hurricane. We will have updated photos, three DVD’s
showing different news stories, and first-hand updates from our rebuilding team that was just down in
Long Beach from March 18 through March 25.
The funds raised from this breakfast will be forwarded to Fr Louie, pastor of St. Thomas in Long
Beach, to be put toward their church rebuilding fund
and other parish needs.
The pancake breakfast will be held Sunday,
April 30 from 7:30 a.m. to1:30 p.m. in the Gym.
Advance tickets will be sold after all Masses the
weekends of April 8 and 9 and again on April 22 and
23. Ticket prices will be $10 per family, $5 per adult,
$3 for children 6 to 12, seniors over 70 are free.
Two adults would be $10. A family of more than 2
people would be a max of $10.
The different ministries of our church will be
working the griddles, so come with your appetites
and see your favorite ministry leaders flipping pancakes.
Calling All Cooks
Last Call!
This is the final
reminder to submit
your favorite
recipes for our
cookbook fundraiser
benefiting our
brothers and
sisters in
Long Beach,
Recipes can be dropped in the
basket in the Gathering Area by the
receptionist desk. They can also be
mailed or e-mailed to: Brad Tangeman,
5So412 Scots Dr., Naperville, IL, 60563.
Or e-mailed to Bigbradleyt@aol.com.
Please be sure to include your name
with the recipe.
The presale kickoff campaign for
the cookbook will begin at the pancake
breakfast, which is being held on
Sunday, April 30.
US Bishops Join the
“Million Voices for Darfur” Campaign
The crisis in Sudan continues to be a major concern of Catholic Relief Services, the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops, and Catholics throughout the United States. CRS staff in the Darfur region report that the
violence continues. Meanwhile, the United Nations is considering sending peacekeeping troops to the region.
CRS continues its commitment to assist the people of Darfur by providing humanitarian relief in the form of
shelter, water, sanitation, education and food. In southern Sudan, CRS is involved in agriculture, health, education, and peacebuilding activities to help rebuild the region after decades of civil war. CRS is also playing a
leading role to assist refugees and displaced people returning to southern Sudan.
The Save Darfur Coalition, which includes the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, has launched the Million Voices for Darfur campaign. As part of this campaign, the Save Darfur Coalition has made a special appeal to all faith communities in the United States to participate in a National Week of Prayer and Action for
Darfur, April 2 through 9. Resources and materials, including hard copies of postcards asking President Bush to
support a stronger multinational force to protect the people of Darfur, are available on line at
http://millionvoicesfordarfur.org/. Postcards are also available outside the Outreach Office.
In addition, CRS is providing resources for Catholics to learn, pray, reflect, and speak out in support of our
Sudanese sisters and brothers. For an overview of available resources, please visit our web site
http://sudan.crs.org/. To access current CRS action alerts on Sudan, please visit our Action Center at
April 16, 2006 — Page 10
Reflections on Trip to Mississippi
to Help Katrina Victims
I’m very grateful that I went. Although what was accomplished was so miniscule in proportion to the broad picture of
what is needed, it was still more than nothing. The work and certain aspects of the accommodations were challenging, but if they
hadn’t been, it wouldn’t have meant as much for me. The hardships gave a taste of how the people have been living for so long
now, but without the painful grieving they have had to endure
from all that they have lost. Once down there, I saw and could
feel the immensity of the loss. Everything as they knew it was
wiped out in ten hours. They didn’t just lose their homes and all
that was in them, but their loved ones and friends, their church,
their stores, their whole neighborhood, town, and towns beyond.
In many cases they lost their jobs and their businesses. And, they
are still living in the destruction, in makeshift housing surrounded by debris and broken, uprooted trees and without work,
still groping for answers about their future, still waiting for help
and insurance support, still living in the aftermath of the death of
so many. Their pain is evident as tears well up in their eyes or
streak their faces when they tell their stories. And their tears can
only be met with our own and our willingness to listen…to listen
over and over again until the pain has been dissipated and committed safely to memory.
But deep beneath their pain I could feel stirrings of Hope.
Behind their glazed eyes there was a sparkle…a belief that life is
still vital…that strength has come from their losses and pain.
There is gratitude too for all that they have and appreciation far
beyond what they had before…for the little things the simple
pleasures…the joy of being alive. And that lesson and the feeling
that grew out of it was contagious for me, and I am sure for
many who were gifted with this opportunity to be a part of this
rebuilding and ministering process. If my life’s path allows it I
will return to offer more assistance.
Jo Anderson
March 18 – 25, 2006
Long Beach and Gulfport, Mississippi
Earth Day
Gym Shoe Recycling
On Saturday and Sunday, April 22-23, Earth Weekend,
Care with God’s Creation will be collecting used and worn out
gym shoes.
Wearable shoes will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul or the
Haiti ministry and the worn out shoes will be sent to NikeGo
Places. NikeGo Places collects, slices and grinds up used athletic shoes to make a springy material, which is used in making
sports surfaces. Since 1993, NikeGo Places has recycled more
than 13 million pairs of shoes, and has helped donate more than
100 athletic courts, tracks, and playground surfaces to communities around the world.
Bring your clean worn gym shoes to the boxes in the Narthex and Gathering Area. Think about your old shoes creating
play spaces for kids around the world.
Pastoral Care
Prayer shawls have been delivered to
over 100 St. Thomas parishioners going
through a recent crisis of body, mind or
spirit. We have received many words of
thanks and testimony to the feelings of
love, care, and prayerful touch from the
St. Thomas prayer shawl recipients.
The shawl ministry asks that all of
St. Thomas continue to pray for these
needy parishioners as they recover, heal,
gain strength, and/or cope with their personal crisis.
Day of Renewal
Mark your calendars!
Attention: all Pastoral Care;
Outreach and Social Justice
Our day of Renewal is scheduled for
Saturday, April 29.
Come join us for a fulfilling day!
Breakfast at 9:00 a.m. followed
by spiritual nourishment.
Jill Bates, D. Min. will be the
presenter of the day.
Father Joel will celebrate Mass
at 11:45 am.
Any questions, contact Diane in the
Parish Office, or Ginny Lucado,
Outreach Office, or Jan Olah,
Pastoral Care Office
Page 11 — April 16, 2006
Stewardship Commission
A Conscious Steward
The good steward is a conscious
steward, not a guilty steward. Successful Catholic stewards are not handwringing worrywarts: “Am I doing
enough? Did I spend enough time
there? Did I use my talents to the fullest? Am I as generous as I should be?”
Nothing is more corrosive to a good
healthy spirit of stewardship than to be
constantly second-guessing yourself.
That isn't the way God works with and
through us. He is not some sort of unappeasable grouch who is never satisfied with what we do. No, the good
steward joins in God's own generous
nature by quite simply and directly addressing the needs of the moment.
Used by permission of
St. Anthony Messenger Press
All Are Welcome
Advisory Committee:
Designated Seating
in the Sanctuary
The spaces with the handicap
logo on the floor in the main
church are designated for individuals who use wheel chairs. These
spaces are not intended to be
occupied by the chairs with
armrests but left open for wheelchairs. The adjacent seats with the
logo sticker on the back are intended for the partner of the person
in the wheelchair. Please leave
these locations available if you do
not have a disability.
The chairs with armrests have
been strategically located throughout the church for people with
physical challenges who need help
of the armrests. Please, these
chairs should not be moved from
their assigned locations.
Stewardship… A Way of Life
Last Weekend’s stewardship of financial gifts...
Weekly Sunday Offertory (week 39)
Automatic Direct Debit
Mailed in & stock donations
Total for week
*Based on Collection Counters Reports
Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date:
Weekly Average 7/1/05 to date:
% of Annual Sunday Offertory Goal
Sunday Offertory Goal for YTD
Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30
April 16, 2006 — Page 12
We are a single
flock under the care
of a single shepherd. There can be
no separate Church
for persons with disabilities.
Welcome and Justice for
Persons with Disabilities,
Parish Life Commission
If you are 50 or over, you are cordially invited to
join our group. We always welcome fresh ideas and
new friends. Couples and singles are welcome.
Upcoming meetings and activities include:
Wed, Apr 19, 7 p.m., Monthly Meeting in the Lighthouse. Topic: How to Avoid Identity Theft.
Sun, Apr 23, 7:30 a.m. Mass for Deceased Members
There’s no better time than NOW to join 50 and
Holding. If interested, call Bill Huff (parishioner).
Hope to see you!
Current — Young Adult Ministry
People all over the country are celebrating today in
honor of Christ and what He did on Easter! Our faith
is a celebration of this every day. If you would like to
become a greater part of that celebration with other
people in their 20’s and 30’s, we’d love to share that
with greatness with you. If you want to know about
Current, Young Adult Ministry in the Naperville area,
check out www.currentministry.com or call Jim at
355-8980 X123. Have a blessed Easter!
S.A.M. - Single Adult Ministry is a community for
all Christian single adults 45 and over. The ministry
promotes balance in single life through spiritual, service and social functions. It offers singles an opportunity to celebrate life.
Fri, Apr 28, 6 p.m. Get together for dinner at the
Grand Mandarin, 3099 Ogden, Lisle. Call Jack.
Sun, May 7, 3 p.m. Chinese acrobats at the Paramount
in Aurora. Tickets $25. Call Betty.
Mon, May 29, 3 p.m., Memorial Day picnic at Betty
Kost’s. Our group will join with the Community Singles. Call Betty.
Lenten Fish Frys
March 24, Satisfied Frog; 29W012 Butterfield Rd.,
Warrenville; Call Jo .
March 31, Rayme's; 4801 Rt. 53, Lisle;
Call Jack .
April 7, Hugo's Frog Bar; 55 S. Main, Naperville;
Call Ann .
Clergy Appreciation Night
Please join the Knights of Columbus in
a show of support and thanksgiving for our
clergy and religious leaders of all Naperville parishes.
When: Thursday, May 25, 2006
Time: 6 p.m. Cocktail Hour
(Cash Bar) Hors d’ oeuvres
7 Dinner (Choice of Entree + Wine)
8:30 Entertainment
Where: White Eagle Golf Club
Price: $40 per ticket
Along with Father Joel, and Father Mark, the
Knights will host a clergy appreciation night for all the
religious and clergy for all Naperville parishes. This is
an opportunity to show our support to them for all that
they do for us.
Tickets are limited and will be sold on a first come
first served basis. Tickets will not be sold at the door
on the evening of the event. For tickets contact: Ken
Kroll at (630) 399-1940 or Al Knoeck at (630)
Hospitality Volunteers
Needed for Weekdays
St. Thomas is in need of additional
volunteers who have an aptitude for
friendly greeting to help staff the reception
desk in the Lobby of the Ministry Center
during the weekdays. If you like to make
people feel welcomed and be of service to
visitors and parishioners alike, you can
staff the desk during one or two time
slots per week, each from 8:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. or 12:30 p.m.
to 4:30 p.m. You would
greet, answer phones,
give directions,
interact with staff, under
the direction of Kathy
Ferguson, General
Office receptionist.
Page 13 — April 16, 2006
Administration Commission
Jobs Ministry Weekly
Networking Meeting
Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m.
(after the 8:30 a.m. Liturgy)
The April St. Thomas Jobs Ministry “Nite-ofNetworking” meeting will be held Thursday evening
April 27 at 7 p.m. at the Church, where employed Job
Ministry Volunteer parishioners will share information with Job Seekers about:
Their company and position
How they “landed” their position
Their company website
“How” to approach their company when inquiring
about positions
Open positions, if available, within their company
Opportunities in their area of expertise and what
the future looks like
Many other topics of interest to assist your efforts
to full employment
We will “host” 2 rounds of structured networking, starting with assigned tables of cross- functional
networking, followed by functional networking.
Functional areas include:
Human Resources
Supply Chain/Operations
Project Management
Information Systems
We will also be “hosting” a 1 hour session, Networking # 101, starting at 6 p.m., to assist people
recently displaced or new to the job search process.
During this session you will be “learning” about:
handbills, resumes, business cards, web sites, other
resources. We will use this hour to acquaint you all
about how to start your job search process. You will
join the rest of the group at 7 p.m. in the gym for the
“Nite-of-Networking”. Please bring 30 “Handbills”
and business cards to share.
Please plan to attend this very informative meeting so that with everyone working together, we can
bring meaningful employment to the Job Seekers
Contact Jim Breen at jimb4853@yahoo.com for
more info.
April 16, 2006 — Page 14
Monday, Apr. 17
8:30am —12:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
7:00—8:30 p.m.
RCIA, Youth Center & Senior Center
7:15—9:00 p.m.
Hispanic Ministry, Meeting Room 2
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Justice & Peace, Meeting Room 4
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Charismatic Prayer, Resource Center
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Meditation, St. Patrick’s Chapel
Tuesday, Apr. 18
8:00—8:45 a.m.
Wholistic Practices, Gym
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Jr. High End of Year Social, Gym
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Men’s Prayer Group, Rectory Basement
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Marketing Communications, Meeting Room 4
Wednesday, Apr. 19
8:30am-12:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area
8:45—11:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Senior Center
6:00—9:00 p.m.
50 & Holding, Lighthouse
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Current Core, Resource Center
7:00—9:00 p.m.
Apex, Youth Center
7:00—9:00 p.m.
St. Thomas Pax Christi Video, Senior Center
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Celebration of the Arts, Gathering Area
7:30—9:30 p.m.
Finance Committee, Meeting Room 2
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Pro-Life, Meeting Room 4
7:30—9:00 p.m.
Sojourner Rehearsal, Church
Thursday, Apr. 20
8:30am-12:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café– Gathering Area
10:00am-12:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry, Meeting Room 1
6:30—8:30 p.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Meeting Room 1
7:00—8:30 p.m.
Care With God’s Creation, Resource Center
7:00—9:00 p.m.
DuPage United, Meeting Room 4
7:15—9:00 p.m.
Racial Justice, Meeting Room 2
Friday, Apr. 21
8:30am-12:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café– Gathering Area
9:30—11:30 a.m.
Job Ministry, Lighthouse
6:30—8:00 p.m.
5th Grade Peek Ahead Pizza, Gym, Lighthouse
Saturday, April 22
8:30am-12:00 p.m. 2nd Grade Church Visit, Church
8:30—11:00 a.m.
Bread of Life, Resource Center
9:30—11:00 a.m.
1st Grade Fun Fair, Gym
2:00—4:15 p.m.
Library Hours, Library
6:00—10:00 p.m.
Candlelight Mass & Dinner, Lighthouse
Sunday, April 23
7:30am-1:00 p.m.
Donut Sunday, Gym
9:00am-12:00 p.m. L.O.W. for 4th & 5th Grade, Ministry Center
9:00am-12:00 p.m. L.O.W. for Children, Ministry Center
10:45—12:45 p.m. RCIA, Senior Center
12:00—1:00 p.m.
Quest Choir, Lighthouse
1:45—2:45 p.m.
Baptisms, Church