9:00 pm - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
9:00 pm - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
2-18-07 St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Parish 1500 Brookdale Road, Naperville, IL 60563 e-mail: mainoffice@stapostle.org 630 355-8980 (Main Office) Visit us on the internet at www.stapostle.org 630 305-6318 (Religious Education) 630 355-0521 (Facsimilie) Pastoral Staff — Full Time Sacrament of Reconciliation Rev. Joel Fortier – Pastor, jfortier@stapostle.org Rev. Mark Cote – Associate Pastor, fr_mark_c@yahoo.com Rev. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm. – Weekend Assistant Rev. Mr. William Worden, D. Min. – Deacon, ext. 105 Rev. Mr. Chuck Lane – Deacon, ext. 220, chucklane2@juno.com Rev. Mr. Jim Breen – Deacon, 630-357-4853, jimb4853@yahoo.com Rev. Mr. Larry Kearney Deacon, ext. 225, lrkearney@comcast.net Gerry Czerak – Business Manager, ext. 106, gczerak@stapostle.org Corinne Seguin-Dart – Director of Junior High Youth Ministry, ext. 117, cseguin@stapostle.org Patti Dougherty – Director of Religious Education, ext. 109, pdougherty@stapostle.org Julie Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 111, jfrazier@stapostle.org Robert Frazier – Liturgy and Music, ext. 112, rfrazier@stapostle.org Jim Melton – Director of High School Ministry, ext. 123, hopedawg1@stapostle.org Jan Olah – Director of Pastoral Care, ext. 124 Chari Rosales – Director of Adult Education & RCIA ext. 138, crosales@stapostle.org Michael Ryder – Director of Outreach, ext. 121, mryder@stapostle.org Saturday reconciliation is available after 8:30 a.m. Mass, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m., or after the 4:30 p.m. Mass in the Reconciliation Room of the Chapel. Fr. Joel and Fr. Mark are available during the week by appointment. Communal Penance services are held occasionally throughout the year. Sick and Home Bound Call the Church Office to receive prayer/Eucharist from a priest, deacon or Minister of Care. Baptism Baptisms are usually celebrated two Sundays each month at a 1:45 p.m. service. On selected dates, Baptisms are celebrated at weekend Masses. Parents are required to attend a two-part awareness and renewal program prior to the Baptism. Call the Church Office a few months in advance to make arrangements. Matrimony Audrey Casey, BSN, Parish Nurse, ext 104, acasey@stapostle.org Felicia Lawlor, M.S., R.N., Parish Nurse, ext 104, flawlor@stapostle.org A couple planning on being married at St. Thomas should contact the church six months in advance. One year is preferred. Either the bride or groom, or their parents, must be a registered parishioner for at least three months prior to calling to set a date. Support Staff — Full Time Religious Education Nancy Cirmo – Religious Education Assistant, ext. 118, ncirmo@stapostle.org Lori Culberson – Liturgical Assistant, ext. 120, lculberson@stapostle.org Kathy Ferguson - Receptionist, ext. 100, mainoffice@stapostle.org Diane McQueen – Parish Assistant, ext. 101, dmcqueen@stapostle.org Anne Schultz – Outreach & Adult Faith Formation Assistant, ext. 113, aschultz@stapostle.org Angela Tuttle – Liturgy Assistant & Communications Coordinator, ext. 110, atuttle@stapostle.org Call the 305-6318 to register. Pastoral Care Staff — Part Time RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Any person wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith, or to join our Catholic community should call the church at 355-8980. Counseling Service Call Samarian Interfaith 357-2456 or Jan Olah, Pastoral Care 355-8980 x 124. Support Staff — Part Time Pat Berkhout – Evening/Saturday Receptionist, ext. 119, nitecrew@stapostle.org Marge Coronado – Evening Receptionist, ext. 119, nitecrew@stapostle.org Marilyn DeMeo – Database Coordinator (T/Th), ext. 107, mdemeo@stapostle.org Jorge Gonzalez – Custodian Sue Sportiello – Accounts Payable (M/W), ext. 107, ssportiello@stapostle.org Ted McKeown - Facility Coordinator, ext. 133, facility@stapostle.org Theresa Sheliga – Sacristan Coordinator, ext. 116 Lynne Vehlewald – Librarian, ext. 125, library@stapostle.org Pastoral Leadership Community Ivan Deatsch Pam Foster Guy Francesconi Julee Gard Steven Grumbine Dan O’Grady Ray Vogt Commission Facilitators Worship Parish Life Faith Formation Administration Service Stewardship Gwen Wells Lorraine Katz Dave Otto Phil Meno Sunday Nursery Nursery care is available for your child age one (must be walking) to four at the 9 & 10:45 a.m. Mass. For more information call the church office. Liturgy Schedule Daily (Monday — Friday) Rosary — 8:10 a.m. Mass — 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. (Saturday) Mass — 8:30 a.m. Weekend Saturday Vigil — 4:30 p.m. Sunday — 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 a.m., & 12:15 p.m. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every first Friday of the month 9 a.m. — Noon. Dear Friends, Again we hear in the scriptures today a kind of detachment and blessedness that can only come from being centered and grounded in God as we heard last week. We hear of a detachment from revenge that allows us to love even our enemies. That would truly be a blessing for our lives and our “ For the measure world. Such a person is seen in David, in with which you the first reading. King Saul, who has become jealous of young David, is measure will hunting him with the intention of in return taking his life. David actually gains be measured the upper hand as Saul is delivered into his hands at night while they to you.” sleep. David demonstrates that he could have taken the King’s life, but more he demonstrates his faithfulness to God and does not take the King’s life, “the Lord’s anointed.” David becomes a type of Jesus and what Jesus teaches us in the gospel today, “to love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.” At some point we have to turn the cycle of violence around, we have to stop violence. Just because people are obnoxious to us doesn’t mean that we have to let ourselves be infected by that toxic energy and descend to the lowest common denominator and be obnoxious to them. Rather than wish people evil, to be malevolent; we can wish them well, to be benevolent, wishing that they would change and to pray for them as the Lord teaches. That does take a certain grounded, centeredness in God doesn’t it? To be so free and detached from our impulse for revenge or to strike back, is to be so sure of ourselves as a child of God, that we can be like Jesus in his response to those who persecuted him. It is one of the hardest teachings of Jesus, and yet it is core to the Christian faith. I don’t care if violence comes from the “extreme left” or the “extreme right”, to the extent that they both resort to violence, they are not different. Only Christianity, with its core teaching from the gospel today offers us a truly unique position that can bring hope to a war-torn world. To do this will demonstrate that we are “children of the Most High.” The gospel ends today on this foreboding note: “For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured to you.” This is true about our environment as well as our relations with each other. Violence to Mother Earth and to each other must end if we are to ever enter the Kingdom of God. In the Peace of Christ, Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February 18, 2007 Merciful and gracious is the Lord, slow to anger and abounding in kindness. — Psalm 103:8 This coming Wednesday, February 21 is Ash Wednesday. Services are as follows: 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Masses with the distribution of ashes 12:00 - 12:15 p.m. Prayer Service with the distribution of ashes until 1:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Prays/Praise Event with John Angotti the distribution of ashes planned especially for families and young children 7:30 p.m. Prays/Praise Event with John Angotti and the distribution of ashes Worship Commission Videographers Wanted We are in need of a few people that can operate a video camera during our Prays/Praise Events and other special liturgies and concerts. If you are good with a video camera and would be available for a couple of these occasions, please contact Lori Culberson at 355-8980, ext. 120. Haiti Music Mission Coffee House All are invited to a Coffee House performance by the Haiti Music Mission Team to raise funds for their upcoming mission to Duchity. The Coffee House will be Saturday, March 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Lighthouse. Come enjoy some great music, tasty hors d’oeuvres, and wonderful Haitian coffee, of course! A freewill donation will be taken. Instruments for Haiti We are still in need of more instruments for the music mission to Haiti on March 22. We are in particular need of more trumpets, trombones and recorders. If you have any instrument that you can donate please contact Robert Frazier in the Music & Liturgy Office at 355-8980 x112. Thank you for your help. John Angotti at St. Thomas There is a posting on our web site about our visiting musical artist John Angotti and the dates that he will be with us at St. Thomas. Go to www.stapostle.org, then select News & Information and Worship Commission News. John will be here this coming week, February 21 for the 4:30 and 7:30 p.m. Ash Wednesday services and next weekend, February 24 and 25 for the Saturday 4:30 p.m. and Sunday 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Masses. John’s New CD — It’s Here! John has just completed a brand new album entitled, Stand in the Light. It is a wonderful collection of inspiring song that is sure to stir your faith. It will be for sale when John is with us this coming week. February 18, 2007 — Page 4 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time THE SAYINGS OF JESUS—Those people considered to be wise or good have, throughout the centuries and around the world, had their sayings collected to preserve their memories and their good works. Recently, we have experienced this with people like Gandhi or Mother Teresa. It was no different for the first followers of Jesus. His teaching in today’s Gospel (which follows last week’s Beatitudes) comes from what scripture scholars call a “sayings” source. It is unlikely that Jesus would proclaim these sayings with such rapid-fire delivery; his followers would have had a difficult time grasping, remembering, and living them. Rather, the New Testament authors and their communities remembered and reflected on the many things Jesus said, and preserved them in passages like today’s Gospel to help us know and understand what was at the heart of Jesus’ message. THE MEASURE YOU WILL MEASURE—The readings today all resonate with the message of today’s Gospel, urging us to have compassion for others and to treat them as we would wish to be treated. David spares Saul’s life because he refuses to play God and condemn his adversary. He understands that God will repay him a hundredfold for his compassion. Paul urges his followers to recognize themselves as spiritual beings, capable of responding in a Christlike way in all situations. He knows that once we come to recognize the blessings of a spiritual life, we will embrace it fully. Jesus, understanding human nature, gives us good reason to follow his difficult commands. Those who do so will be blessed beyond imagining! “[G] ood measure packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap” (Luke 6:38). It’s a promise—the same promise given to David in the desert of Ziph, to Paul in the blinding light at his conversion, and to Jesus on the cross. We have no choice but to believe it, too, if we are to save ourselves—and our world. Today’s Readings: 1 Samuel 26:2, 7–9, 12–13, 22–23; Psalm 103:1–4, 8, 10, 12–13; 1 Corinthians 15:45–49; Luke 6:27–38 Copyright © 2006, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. Pray For Our Parish Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time God Most High, merciful and kind, even to the wicked and ungrateful, you have revealed in your only Son the full measure of your love, boundless and unconditional. Create in us a new heart, that we may love even our enemies and bless those who do us wrong, We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, you son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen. From: Prayers for Sundays and Seasons, Liturgy Training Publications. www.ltp.org For the sick… Baby Starr Hilliard, daughter of Sam & Laura Patrick Keener, son of Maureen & Al Sherrie Misrac friend of the Stone family Patrick Rockowitz, son of Lynda Margaret Breitzmann mother of Judy LaPorte Wendy Peterik, friend of Paulette Pekula Michael Hart, brother of Ed Brian Arabia, friend of Joanne Wade Irving Hansen, friend of Jim & Karen Biegon George Spaeth, father of Cathy Piehl Bobby Larson, James McGee, Joshua Dylan, & Katie Kushner from Oswego For the deceased… Reggie Tuazon, husband of Tess Blanche Dahlin, mother of Patricia Leach Gene Scott, uncle of Bill Dougherty & Nancy Trattner Ann Cook, mother of Jane Barnes Kevin Landek, son of Rich & Vickie Tiffany Urso, Katie Merkel, Matthew Frank and Jessica Naton For those recently married... Tracy Kahan & Joe Anemone Mass Intentions Monday, February 19, 2007 8:30 †Anne Battisto, by Vito Battisto Tuesday, February 20, 2007 8:30 †Tex Strong, by John & Pat Huff Today’s Readings Friday, February 23, 2007 8:30 †Hilda Heck, by The Myers Family First Reading — David found Saul in a deep sleep, but would not harm him (1 Samuel 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23). Psalm — The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm 103). Second Reading — We shall bear the image of the heavenly Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-49). Gospel — Give to everyone who asks of you. Lend expecting nothing back (Luke 6:27-38). Saturday, February 24, 2007 4:30 †Malcolm Rovtar, by Family Readings for the Week Wednesday, February 21, 2007 8:30 †William Hurley, by Al & Nanette Wild †Joan Hansa, by Eleanor & John McNicholas Sunday, February 25, 2007 7:30 †Pearl Damore, by The Purpura Family †Ann & Bud Hjorth, by The Hjorth Family 9:00 St. Thomas Choir, by Ann Schultz †Eugene L. Meluch, by Lee & Anne Gibson 10:45 †Lenore McCulley, by Maureen Deneen †John Diesesr, by Jim & Mary Jo Breen 12:15 For the People of St. Thomas Mon: Tues: Wed: Sir 1:1-10; Mk 9:14-29 Sir 2:1-11; Mk 9:30-37 Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thurs: 1 Pt 5:1-4; Mt 16:13-19 Fri: Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Sat: Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 Sun: Dt 26:4-10; Ps 91; Rom 10:8-13; Lk 4:1-13 Page 5 — February 18, 2007 Faith and Spiritual Formation Commission Ukrainian Easter Eggs The Answer is… New Wine! Tania Blanco, a member of St. Thomas’ Celebration of the Arts Ministry, will demonstrate the art of Ukrainian “pysanky,” decorating eggs with different patterns and styles using the wax-resist technique. Many of the symbols and motifs used have Christian origins The demonstration will take place in the Gathering Area at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 6. Examples from Tania’s own collection of pysanky will be on display. There will also be a mini hands-on workshop after the demonstration. To register, call Chari Rosales in the Adult Faith Formation Office at 355-8980 x138. Q: How does one take steps to develop the spirituality of our own life? A: New Wine Q: How can we learn more about the meaning and history of the Creed that we recite every Sunday at mass? A: New Wine Q: How can I learn more about the history of the Catholic Church and the role of the sacraments in this 21st Century world? A: New Wine Q: Where do I turn to better understand how to conduct a prayer service or a theological reflection for my ministry where I volunteer? A: New Wine C.A.R.E. CORNER For Jews living at the time of Jesus, their “religion” influenced every aspect of their lives. Their worship and prayer practices mirrored long-established religious traditions. How they dressed fell within the boundaries of their religious parameters. What they could and could not eat, how the food was prepared and who they could eat with were all determined by religion. Every aspect of daily life was influenced by their religion. Jesus tried to introduce a shift in this understanding. For Jesus, religion wasn’t so much about rules as it was about relationships; relationship with God and with others. Laws were important for maintaining a civil society, but compassion, empathy and love were critical for creating a humane society. Religion wasn’t supposed to be a system of restrictions which instilled fear. It was supposed to be a place and a way to experience the love of God. February 18, 2007 — Page 6 What is New Wine? It’s an educational and faith formation program sponsored by the diocese and supported by the parish to help you, and any of us, to learn more, understand more, and have more confidence in ourselves as members of the Body of Christ. It can make a big difference in your life – it has in mine! Gerry Czerak Come Away with Me In the gospels, Jesus is repeatedly reported to take quiet time apart for prayer. He invites us to do the same. Meditation time will be set aside in the Chapel from 11:30 a.m. to noon on the Tuesdays of Lent – February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3. Take prayerful advantage of your lunch break and feed the hunger in your soul. ANNUAL WOMEN'S RETREAT February 23 through 25 Ladies, get away from the dreary days of winter into a world of "Joy" at the Sixth Annual Women's Retreat to be held February 24-6 at the lovely, peaceful Carmelite Center in Darien. All delicious meals, snacks and spirits are provided for a totally relaxing weekend in God's arms as the Spirit soothes and transforms you. Comments from last year included, "It was just what I needed. It fulfilled my heart, mind and soul." And "It was powerful. Much grace and healing went on in me this weekend. God was truly present." And, "I needed a break from my fast-paced world and I received it here. It's not just what you plan for us but what we decide to put into the weekend ~ that's what we get out of it." You won't want to miss it! Call Carol Naveja at 369-3844 or Lois Sheridan: 668-4620 St. Thomas Marriage Enrichment Ministry Presents: Renew your Gift of Marriage Find new satisfaction and joy in your relationship. Give each other the gift of this day and the time your marriage deserves. Saturday, February 24 9:30am Check-In with Coffee 10:00am –2:30pm Suggested Donation: $20 per couple (includes lunch and materials) St. Thomas the Apostle Gymnasium Presented by: Dr. Barb Jarvis Pauls, Pastoral Associate at Notre Dame Parish, and former Associate Director for the Diocesan Family Ministry Office Learn and practice new valuable techniques and strategies to enliven romance, increase intimacy, and deepen the spirituality and bonds in your marriage. To register, contact Chari Rosales, Director of Adult Faith Formation 355-8980x138 Page 7 — February 18, 2007 Religious Education Pray for our First Communicants TREC — High School Youth Ministry We invite parishioners to pray for our children making their First Communion this spring. You can pray for a specific child by taking a hand print off the narthex doors the weekend of February 24/25. The hand prints are made from colorful construction paper and will have the child’s first name on it. “Communion” means “one with”. Please pray for this child to become “one with Jesus and our faith community.” What I did on my winter vacation…by Jim Melton. This winter I went to Haiti to try and adopt two babies, David and Michael as part of the Dental Mission! We were making no progress in the adoption process and I am pretty sure God didn’t want me to go there because of my dental talents. I wondered what my purpose for going was. During the week we saw plenty of poverty, but lived abundantly. We lived by a bell instead of a watch. We complained about hot showers when people had to walk four hours to see the dentist. We walked 45 minutes to get to church, down a mountain. We saw kids in pain in the dentist chair that even made Mr. Unemotional (me) cry. I saw plenty of God during the week, but couldn’t figure out God. Why was I there? I still don’t really understand what God was doing, but I know that I had a great time just being with God. We hope that happens in TREC. Check it out. Come to APEX on Wednesday from 7:30-9:00 or Sunday night Mass at 8:00. Or check out www.trecministries.org for everything TREC! Kindergarteners as Church The Kindergarteners had a wonderful church visit with Deacon Larry instead of their regular Religious Education class. They also had a brief visit to our Care Pantry. Please stop by and see the bulletin boards in the hallway outside the gym. Then find the board that represents these youth as “church”. Thank you to the following catechists and aides who spend Saturday mornings sharing our faith with these children. * Marge Coronado Carolyn Cuzzone Jonathan Cuzzone Burnice D’Souza Cari Pellegrini Natalie Storey * Mary Szczap Michelle Szczap Sharon Yelaska Stephanie Lange * Grade Level Coordinators Scouts Earn Religious Medals Congratulations to the following Scouts who worked very hard this year to earn their religious medals. Light of Christ Medals: Nick Caruso and Scott Krason Parvuli Dei (Children of God) Medals: Michael Brancato, Nick Caruso, Evan Grove, Scott Krason, Austin Lohr, Tshepo Makay, Joe Meyer, Ryan North, Matt Reed, Zachary Swartz and Scott Wernimont. If you have any Boy Scout or Girl Scout is interested in the religious medal, please contact Patti in the Religious Education Office, 305-6318, for details. February 18, 2007 — Page 8 Discernment Retreat Encounter With God's Call, held March 24-26 at Conception Seminary College, is a discernment retreat for young men age 16 and older who are considering the vocation to priesthood. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the seminarians as they share their stories of responding to God's call. This visit is free. For more information, please contact your Pastor or Fr. Burke Masters, the Joliet Diocese Vocation Director at 815 834.4004/frburke23@aol.com or Conception Seminary College at 660944-2886/Email: vocations@conception.edu Featuring the Junior High as Builders of the City of God Please mark your calendars for the following events for our youth: All 7th graders are invited to attend, “It’s a Jungle Out There”, on March 2, at Joliet Catholic Academy from 5:30-9:00 p.m. The evening will feature an address by Ben Schumann, a Columbine shooting survivor. The evening will feature tribal activities with an emphasis on fun and community. Please contact the R.E office if there is interest in car pooling. Look for the flyer on Monday night! This is a diocesan event, which draws youth from all area parishes. An early sign up is encouraged, so that youth can be grouped with friends and acquaintances into friendly tribes! The 6th grade diocesan event is scheduled for April 20, from 5:30-9:00 p.m. This event is entitled, ”American Idol: Who is your God?” It will be held at Benet Academy in Lisle. Please contact the R.E. office if there is an interest in arranging a car pool. The evening will include skits, music and food. Come on, take a chance and check it out! The puppeteers rocked the place at Saturday morning’s Grandparent’s Program! The seniors, juniors and freshmen crooned to such good oldfashioned melodies as “Amore”, and “White Suitcoat and Pink Carnation”. The seniors received their Valentine’s carnations with grace and appreciation. Our Junior High youth are credited, yet once again, with making this old world a whole lot better. A special thank you to Mrs. Dunning, and Mrs.Falzone, for organizing the event. High Schoolers are warmly invited to volunteer at upcoming events for the Junior High. Ms. Seguin seeks assistance on the following projects; Family St Paddy’s Day party March 16 Lenten Reconciliation mass March 12 Stations of the Cross rendition April 6. This event is preceded by mandatory rehearsals Mar. 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 and Apr. 3 and 4. Most rehearsals are scheduled for 5-6:30 p.m. Please lend your hand at building our community with your expertise and energy! N FU GAME S “Shamrock Shindig” for all ages on Friday, March 16 7:00 ~ 9:00 p.m. At All Saints Catholic Academy’s gym Cost: $5 per family, a canned food donation and a plate of goodies to share. Drinks will be provided. Featuring a sing-a-long with John Angotti Sponsored by St. Thomas Religious Education Office Pick up a flyer to register. Questions ? Call 305-6318. A SN CKS COMM U NITY Page 9 — February 18, 2007 Service Commission Outreach & Social Justice St. Thomas Lectors Host Soup and Bread Night The Lector Ministry of St. Thomas the Apostle presents the 14th Annual Soup and Bread Night on Wednesday, February 28 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the St. Thomas gym (soup served 6:45 p.m.).. Bring the family for a simple Lenten meal to benefit Feed My Starving Children and the St. Thomas the Apostle Care Pantry. Non-perishable food items or a freewill offering will be gratefully accepted. Natural Family Planning: God’s Plan for Love, Marriage & Sexuality At 7:45 p.m. on Monday, February 19, 2007, Dr. Robert Lawler will present a talk on Natural Family Planning: God’s Plan for Love, Marriage & Sexuality. The lecture will be held in the Chapel at St. Raphael, 1215 Modaff Road, Naperville. Refreshments will be provided. All are invited to attend. Make the Connection and Make a Difference Volunteer Drivers Needed Sharing Connections, a nonprofit organization in Downers Grove, helps low income families in need by sharing the abundance of others. Volunteer drivers pick up donated furniture, household items, clothing, and other goods to be distributed to these families. The need for drivers for collection is GREATER than ever. Are you willing to SHARE your time one day a week? Or even one day monthly? Drivers are the necessary link in providing goods to those in need. Reach out and make the Connection! Please contact Dave Cain at 527-1973 or Ray Pankuch at 9040559. www.sharingconnections.org Pregnant? Confused? Need Help? Please call Woman’s Choice Services 630-261-9221 February 18, 2007 — Page 10 We Were Successful! DuPage United went to the Naperville City Council on February 6 and asked the Council for 30 minutes of workshop time within the next month to further educate the Council on affordable housing solutions that have worked in other cities. It was known going into the meeting that workshop time was fully booked for the next two months. The City Manager recommended the Council not approve the request due to the already full schedule. However, the Council granted the request and scheduled a presentation on March 13 at 3 p.m. This is an important step to moving toward some concrete solutions for affordable housing in Naperville. Despite the unfavorable weather, about 50 people attended representing 10 congregations (including 4 pastors), 3 agencies, and one bank. About half the people were from St. Thomas. It was a great collective effort! Don Derrow (from St. Thomas), Ahmed Qadeer, Fr. Joel Fortier and Julie Carlson spoke on behalf of the group and were very effective. The Council now knows that this issue is important beyond a handful of people at St. Thomas. Thanks to those that braved the cold and snowy weather … stay tuned! Pastoral Care 50th Blood Drive Hosted! St. Thomas Parish is sponsoring a blood drive with Heartland Blood Center on Monday, March 5 from 3 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.. This will be the 50th drive held at St. Thomas. Since 1987, a total of 2,913 pints of blood have been donated. Interested donors are asked to call the office at 355-8980 for scheduling. It is suggested that donors will have eaten within four hours of donation. They must be at least 17 years of age, be in good health, and feeling well. In-depth screening will take place on donation day. Appointments are strongly encouraged. Thank you for your consideration. St. Peregrine Chaplet St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. We all know someone who has cancer. They ask us to pray for them – and we do. St. Elizabeth Seton parish is going to begin the devotion to St. Peregrine. There is comfort in praying together and the parish invites anyone who is interested to come and pray this prayer. There is a specific prayer followed by three Hail Marys, three Our Fathers and three Glory Be. The prayer will take place in the upper level worship space at St. Elizabeth Seton every Tuesday starting February 6 at 6:45 p.m. followed by 7 p.m. Mass For more information please call Kathy Ross Parish Nurse at S.E.S. 420-6791. Training Program Offered for Hospice Volunteers CNS Home Health and Hospice is seeking men and women who are flexible, compassionate and non-judgmental for their Volunteer Training Program. Hospice volunteers provide companionship and practical assistance to people in the community who are terminally ill. No special skills or medical background required. The hospice training will be held at the CNS office located at 690 E. North Ave. in Carol Stream on two consecutive Saturdays, March 3 and March 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both days. Lunch will be provided. Applications must be received by February 26. Additional volunteer opportunities are available. For more information call Kathleen Sanford, Supervisor of Volunteers, at 630-933-7830. Since 1987, a total of 2,913 pints of blood have been donated. Coming Event... The St. Thomas Health Ministry Committee and Adult Faith Formation are pleased to announce the third and last presentation in the Nutrition Series. This final event is The Importance of Weight Control and will be presented at 7:30 p.m. on March 8 in the St. Thomas lighthouse. The featured speaker is Sean M. Rardin, M.D. Dr. Rardin is board certified in Family Medicine. He has a background in fitness and has worked for over 10 years as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. He is a member of the medical staff at Edward Hospital in Naperville, Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, and Rush-Copley Hospital in Aurora. Rardin resides with his family in DuPage County Renew your New Year's Resolutions on March 8! Control your weight by increasing your activity. Do you supersize portions? Healthy Diets vs Fad Diets What is good fat, bad fat? This event is sponsored by Health Ministry Committee and Adult Faith Formation. To ensure seating, RSVP to Jan Olah in the Pastoral Care Office 355-8980 x 124. In the hospital? Call the parish office 355-8980 and one of our parish nurses or ministers of care will visit, bring Eucharist or assist you with your needs! Page 11 — February 18, 2007 Stewardship Commission Stewardship… A Way of Life Last Weekend’s stewardship of financial gifts... Weekly Sunday Offertory (week 33) Envelopes Loose Automatic Direct Debit Mailed in & stock donations Total for week $26,631 23,807 2,824 $12,771 $3,692 $43,094 *Based on Collection Counters Reports Fiscal Year (7/1 to 6/30) to date: Weekly Average 7/1/06 to date: Sunday Offertory Goal YTD $1,156,518 $35,046 $1,122,000 Goal for Fiscal Year 7/1 to 6/30 Remaining for Fiscal Year $1,768,000 $611,482 Diocesan Appeal updated Results Parish Appeal Goal Pledges received at St. Thomas Remaining amount to goal % of Goal Pledge to date Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not to count the cost; to fight, and not to heed the wounds; to labor, and not to seek to rest; to give of myself and not to ask for reward, except the reward of knowing that I am doing your will. — St. Ignatius Loyola $142,254 108,487 $33,767 76.3% Evangelize with a Yard Sign The Religious Education Office has available for a small donation Yard Signs. These signs have this year’s message, “What are you looking for?” with symbol and “The Faith Community of St. Thomas the Apostle.” Let’s show our neighbors how proud we are of our parish! Stop in the R.E. office to get yours! Questions? Call our office, 305-6318. February 18, 2007 — Page 12 Parish Life Commission 50 and Holding Single Adult Ministry Mature Adults Young at Heart S.A.M. - Single Adult Ministry is a community for all Christian single adults 45 and over. The ministry promotes balance in single life through spiritual, service and social functions. It offers singles an opportunity to celebrate life. If you are 50 or over, you are cordially invited to join our group. We always welcome fresh ideas and new friends. Couples and singles are welcome. Upcoming meetings and activities include: Feb. 21 Ash Wednesday March 4 7:30 AM Sunday Mass for Living and Deceased members of 50 & Holding Fri Feb 23 - Lenten Fish Fry at Chin’s 34th St. Fishery in Lisle, Contact Yolanda Sat. Mar 3- King and I at Drury Lane in Oakbrook, Cost $26 for show only at 8:30, Contact Jack . Mar. 7 1:00 PM Lunch TBD (to be determined) Mar. 14 (1:00 PM——Afternoon meeting) Monthly Meeting/Chili and Bingo. CURRENT Young Adult Ministry for People in their 20’s and 30’s Fri. Mar 9, Fish Fry at Elmer’s Doghouse in Montgomery, Contact Irene Sat. Mar 17 -St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and Dance, Purchase your own ticket after Masses and mention a SAM table, Contact Lynn ily4875@earthlink.net Fri. Mar 23 – Fish Fry at St. Peter and Paul Contact Jack Fri. Mar. 30 - Fish Fry at DuPage Inn in Downers Grove Contact Yolanda . We need you at our next Core Meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at St. Thomas at 7:30. Contact Dave at 630 851-3444 X225 to become a part of the leadership team for Young Adult Ministry. If you want any other information about Current, check out www.currentministry.com! Finding Work Without Losing Heart: A Retreat for Women and Men in Job Transition When: February 20 and 21, this two-day retreat begins with registration at 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday and concludes with dinner Wednesday evening. Where: Warrenville Cenacle, Warrenville, Il Cost: The actual participant cost of the retreat is $95, covering materials, meals and overnight accommodation in a private room at the Cenacle retreat center. For those who cannot afford $95, a minimum fee of $15 is acceptable. To Register: Call 312.906.9908 or visit www.ctcchicago.org Understand the stages of a transition and how the transition process is fundamental to human development. Explore the spiritual and psychological dimensions of transition “Who am I now?” “Where is God in all this?” “What’s next for me?” Learn ways to pray and find peace during a time of transition. Spiritual directors and bereavement counselors are available for one-on-one consultation. Page 13 — February 18, 2007 Administration Commission Jobs Ministry Weekly Networking Meeting Friday mornings at 9:30 a.m. (after the 8:30 a.m. Liturgy) Lighthouse The St. Thomas the Apostle Jobs Ministry Invites you to attend The February 2007 Jobs Ministry Meeting Thursday, February 22, 7:00 p.m. St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church 1500 Brookdale Road Naperville, IL 60563 Phone: 630-355-8980 The speaker will be Mike Skarr, President and CEO of the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce. Mike’s presentation is titled “Jobs Transition – Let’s Get Real”. Mike will explore what job transition really means and how you should go about making your transition lead to “landing” meaningful employment. Mike has been very active in the Naperville community having served as President of United Way and receiving the Distinguished Service Award in Business from the Naperville Jaycees. Mike received an engineering degree from Marquette University and an MBA from Lewis University. Please plan to attend this very informative presentation by Mike Skarr on Thursday evening February 22. Contact Jim Breen at jimb4853@yahoo.com for more info. Jobs Ministry – Not Just Help Finding a Job The following email was received from an individual that has found our Jobs Ministry to be life affirming. “ … I am a member of the Jobs Ministry. I wish to say thank you for the opportunity to join this Ministry as at the time that I became aware of your program, I was deeply distressed with not finding any work. I am pleased to advise that the Jobs Ministry opportunity changed my life completely around. I was almost about to give up and decided that I would try the Ministry and was pleasantly surprised to find that there is a way to continue and it is through prayer and the Jobs Ministry.” JOB RETREAT! Finding Work Without Losing Heart: A Retreat for Women and Men in Job Transition (See page 13) February 18, 2007 — Page 14 THE WEEK AHEAD Monday, Feb 19 9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 4:!5—5:15 p.m. Youth Choir Rehearsal, Church 6:00—7:15 p.m. Handbell Rehearsal, Church 6:30—9:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 7:00—9:30 p.m. Just Faith, Resource Center 7:15—9:00 P.M. Healing the Soul, Rectory Basement 7:30—9:00 p.m. Haiti Twinning Awareness/Comm, Lighthouse 7:30—9:00 p.m. Justice & Peace, Meeting Room 4 7:30—9:00 p.m. Meditation, St. Patrick’s Chapel 7:30—9:30 p.m. RCIA Team, Meeting Room 2 Tuesday, Feb. 20 8:00—8:45 a.m. Wholistic Practices, Gym 9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 10:00—11:00 a.m. Care Pantry, Lighthouse 4:30—5:45 p.m. R. E. Classes at Brookdale School 6:30—9:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 7:00—9:30 p.m. Adult Basketball, Gym 7:00—8:00 p.m. Choir Pot Luck, Lighthouse 7:00—9:00 p.m. Men’s Spirituality Group, Rectory Basement 7:30—9:00 p.m. Charismatic Prayer, Meeting Room 2 7:30—9:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Church Wednesday, Feb 21 ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30 & 8:30 a.m. Masses Noon-1:00 pm Distribution of Ashes 4:30 p.m. Praise/Prays Service 7:30 p.m. St. Thomas Praise, Church 6:00—10:00 p.m. ALPHA Course, Lighthouse 6:30—9:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 7:00—9:00 p.m. Current Core, Resource Center 7:00—9:30 p.m. Coed Volleyball, Gym 7:30—9:15 p.m. Finance Committee, Senior Center Thursday, Feb 22 9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 9:30—11:00 a.m. Catechist Study Group, Meeting Room 4 6:00—7:30 p.m. Trec Band, Church 6:30—9:30 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 7:00—10:00 p.m. Jobs Ministry Lecture, Lighthouse 7:30—9:30 p.m. Testify, Church Friday, Feb 23 9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 5:00 pm thru weekend Women’s Retreat in Darien Saturday, Feb 24 Women’s Retreat in Darien 8:30—10:30 a.m. Ensemble Rehearsal, Lighthouse 8:30am-3:30 p.m. Marriage Enrichment, Gym & Senior Center 8:30—11:45 a.m. R.E. at All Saints Academy 9:00am-12:00 p.m. Gathering Place Café, Gathering Area 9:00—10:30 a.m. Men’s Christian Fellowship Sat., Resource Center 10:00--11:00 a.m. Rainbows, Ministry Center 2:00—4:00 p.m. Library Hours Sunday, Feb 25 8:30am-12:30 p.m. Donut Sunday, Gym 9:00 & 10:45 a.m. Masses, Children’s Liturgy of the Word thru 5th grade, Ministry Center 6:30—8:00 p.m. Quest, Ministry Center & St. Patrick’s 8:00—9:00 p.m. TREC Mass, Church
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