Texas Bluegrass - Central Texas Bluegrass Association
Texas Bluegrass - Central Texas Bluegrass Association
1 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Central Texas Bluegrass IBMA Member Vol. 34 No. 1 January 1, 2012 Copyright © 2011 by Central Texas Bluegrass Association THe year ahead Bluegrass Events in Texas Meet A Member Mike Moore Top Ten Predictions for 2012 Learnin’ a Little Play Old Time Getting Air Time The Lost Pines 2 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION The Year Ahead - 2012 Monthly weekend Jams & Shows (See Jam Listings too) 1st Weekend (except Sept) 2nd Thursday 2nd Weekend (Apr-Nov) 3rd Weekend (no show in Dec) 4th Weekend (no show in Dec) January 2012 Pearl Bluegrass Bluegrass Open Mic (New World) Texas Pickin Park BABA Spring Creek Bluegrass Club Pearl TX Austin TX Fayetteville, TX League City, TX Bellville TX EVENTS Nedski & Mojo (Ned Luberecki & Stephen Mougin) have booked three house concerts (so far). Friday Jan 20 at 7:00pm. At Tracy Sloan’s. Address is 538 Donaldson Ave, San Antonio. Cost is $15 tsloan22@yahoo.com Saturday, Jan 21 they are doing banjo and vocal workshops as well as playing a house concert in the Sarrazine building in Fayetteville, TX. Two hour workshops begin at 1:00pm. Cost $50. Show starts at 7:00pm. Cost is $15. dorothystall7@yahoo.com Sunday, Jan 22 the dynamic duo is being hosted by Bluegrass Heritage Foundation up in the Dallas area. Check www.BluegrassHeritage.org for info. AFTM Mid-Winter Festival Saturday, Jan 28 in the Dougherty Arts Center 1110 Barton Springs Rd, Austin, TX Workshops all day and performances. (See ad page 9) February 2012 2-5 SPBGMA Music Awards & National Convention Nashville TN 3 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 4 10-11 Del McCoury Band Winter Festival Of Acoustic Music March 2012 2-3 9-18 10-11 24-25 29-31 Argyle Bluegrass Festival South By Southwest (SxSW) House Concert with Betse Ellis RiceGrass III Old Time Music & Dulcimer Festival April 2012 13-14 19-22 26-29 Concho Valley Bluegrass Festival Old Settler’s Music Festival (25th Year) Texas State Championship Fiddlers Frolic May 2012 4-5 11-12 25-27 27-31 Salmon Lake Park Fun Bluegrass Weekend Sandyland Bluegrass Reunion Salmon Lake Park Gospel Music Festival Live Oak Fiddle Camp June 2012 5-9 8-9 July 2012 15-20 Conroe TX (Creighton Theater) Irving TX Argyle TX Austin TX Austin TX (Pittman) Fischer TX (See Ad, page 5) Palestine TX San Angelo TX (See Ad) Camp Ben Austin TX Halletsville TX Grapeland TX Nacogdoches, TX Grapeland TX Halletsville TX (scholarship eligible) Hill Country Acoustic Music Camp Overton Bluegrass Music Festival Kerrville TX (scholarship eligible) Overton TX Camp Bluegrass!!! Levelland, TX (scholarship eligible) 4 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 20-21 21 27-29 Fire On The Strings Bluegrass Festival Summer Bluegrass Gospel Concert Old Mobeetie Music Festival August 2012 9-11 10-11 17 18 Acoustic Music Camp Wichita Falls Bluegrass Festival Rodeo City Music Hall Bluegrass Nights Texas State Mandolin Championship September 2012 1 9-15 14-15 20-23 22 22 27-29 28-30 28-30 Salmon Lake Park Bluegrass Festival Arbuckle Mountain Bluegrass Festival Sandyland Bluegrass Reunion Coffee Creek RV Fall Jam & Bluegrass Festival Big Mineral’s Night of Bluegrass Leander Bluegrass Festival Paluxy River Bluegrass Festival Wickett Bluegrass Festival IBMA World of Bluegrass Fan Fest October 2012 5-7 12 12-13 19-20 19-21 20 25-27 Glen Rose GospelGrass Acoustic Music Jam Camp Bloomin’ Bluegrass Free Festival Mitchell RV Park Fall Bluegrass Festival Austin String Band Festival Jim Paul Miller Bluegrass Fiddler’s Showdown Spring Creek Bluegrass Club Festival League City TX San Angelo TX Mobeetie TX Arlington TX (scholarship eligible) Wichita Falls TX Mesquite TX (rodeo & bluegrass-yes!) League City TX Grapeland TX Davis OK Nacogdoches TX Santo TX Sadler TX Leander TX Glen Rose TX Wickett TX Nashville TN Glen Rose TX Farmers Branch TX (scholarship eligible) Farmers Branch TX Perrin TX Camp Ben Austin TX Garland TX Bellville TX Please let us know about your events by sending email to events@centraltexasbluegrass.org. If you see a mistake above please send us a note at ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org 5 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 6 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Top Ten Predictions for 2012 1. A new supergroup, the Flattcars, will emerge to perform covers of old Lester Flatt numbers (from the Nashville Grass era). The Boxcars will file a trademark infringement suit, claiming the name is misleading. A contretemps involving Adam Steffey of the Boxcars and Stephany Adams of the Flattcars ensues at the IBMA awards. 2. In a new bid to try to achieve “first generation” status as the heir of Bill Monroe, Ricky Skaggs will legally change his name to Ricky Skruggs. His wife, Cheryl White, will change hers to Martha White. 3. Dan Tyminski takes a leave of absence from Union Station in order to fill the guitar slot with the Flattcars. His replacement, performing under the stage name of Dan Timeoutski, is actually the president of the Blockheads, Ron Block’s online fan club. 4. Red Knuckles claims he’s the legitimate heir to the Monroe legacy. Ricky Skruggs threatens to “bust off his peghead scroll, if you know what I mean.” 5. A computer programmer in Reno, Nevada, develops the first color emoticon for general Internet use. This first one is red, and it’s dubbed the “Renoan Red Smilyface.” 6. Red Knuckles replies, “Who you callin’ a peghead?” 7. Attempting to capitalize on both their association with Steve Martin and the public’s fondness for vintage 50’s comics, the Steep Canyon Rangers change their name to the Steve Canyon Rangers. 8. Somewhere in the continental United States, a banjo picker will graduate from high school and be in tune, too (OK, just kidding about that one). 9. An Iranian bluegrass fan downloads a new ringtone from the Red Knuckles web site. The ringtone contains a virus that wipes out Iran’s uranium enrichment program. Again. 10. Jami Hampton buys five more banjos, and there are now so many banjos in her house that the resulting concentration of banjo pot metal throws off the gravitometer at the UT Bureau of Economic Geology, leading the Bureau to predict an imminent earthquake in Central Texas. The ensuing panic clogs I-35 for three days. By A Nonnymus Contributor Instruction for Banjo, Guitar and Mandolin Online and Private Lessons Eddie Collins www.eddiecollins.biz 512-873-7803 7 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Learnin’ a Little: Play Old Time Music Put this on your bucket list. “Join a jam with Old Time musicians”. Check it out. A great opportunity to do this is just around the corner. Look at the ad to the left. Yes, it’s time again for the Austin Friends of Traditional Music (AFTM) to have their Mid-Winter Festival at the Dougherty Arts Center. You owe it to yourself to go. See what it’s all about. Take your instrument!!! Old Time is a little different from bluegrass, but don’t let that scare you. Joining an Old Time jam gives you an opportunity to play a related style of music that will enhance your ability to play bluegrass! Some traditional bluegrass songs are played in Old Time circles too so don’t be afraid to call out a traditional tune when it’s your turn. We all play mountain music, the true country music, you’ll fit in. Here’s how. If you are a banjo picker, joining an Old Time jam will give you an opportunity to learn a little clawhammer style. It’s good for you. You might even find that you like that sound better. Fiddlers will find other friendly fiddlers (Eddie Collins always says “there’s safety in numbers”). Guitarist can work on alternate picking and rhythm patterns (no G-runs please). Mandolin players will find that they can get more time focused on melodies and ear training and less time being the “chick” for the band (as in boom-chick). And speaking of “boom” Bass players can play a little smoother, maybe do a little bowing. So, look to your left. There’s the flyer for the Mid-Winter Fest. Enjoy the workshops, good food, comfortable atmosphere, lousy parking, and great shows. By Tom Duplissey a a w w w. a f t m . u s AFTMTexas@gmail.com 8 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Meet a CTBA Member: Mike Moore Introduce yourself. Tell us your name, a little bit about yourself, what city you live in, and why you joined CTBA. My name is Mike Moore. Actually, my first name is William, but my dad and son are both William as well. I was born in Palestine Texas, 7th generation, but as my dad was in the Marine Corps, we lived all over, moving every 2 or 3 years. I graduated High School in Oceanside, CA, just outside Camp Pendleton Marine Base. After coming back to Texas in 1969, I went to work for the Southern Pacific Railroad as a summer job. I spent the next 20 years there. I lived in Austin in the early 70’s and played with a very good guitar player, Sparky Ragsdale. I played banjo. I went back to Houston in the mid 70’s, and was in and out of bluegrass music up until now. I split my time between banjo and competitive pistol shooting. I played banjo in band around the Houston area in the late 80’s, and haven’t really been as serious since. I am married to Kelley and live in McDade right how. I joined CTBA to help continue the bluegrass tradition. Do you play an instrument? I had a little car accident in 1968, and had $70 dollars left over from the insurance and couldn’t wait to go to a music store to buy a banjo. I upgraded a few times to a Mastertone, and 25 years bought a new Stelling. About 5 years ago, I started playing guitar, and have been enjoying it every day. I am playing a Huss & Dalton TDR and can’t imagine a guitar that sounds better to my ear. I have a nice fiddle, mandolin, and bass, but couldn’t really say that I have any skill with them. I have been doing a little singing lately, and I’m not too sure of my skill level there, either. What bluegrass artist do you listen to the most? I started listening to Flat and Scruggs in the late 60’s, so I have a fondness then and now for traditional bluegrass, but when I think banjo music, I would have to say Tony Trischka has been my enduring favorite. Of course I like Scruggs, Wernick, Fleck, and many others. Dan Crary is probably my favorite guitar player. This past year, I have been listening almost exclusively to The Stanley Brothers. I love their harmonies. What is your all time favorite bluegrass song? “Cattle in the Cane”, specifically the version with Dan Crary and Tony Rice. A flawless recording. 9 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 10 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION CTBA Annual Meeting: Photo by Ken Brown CTBA held its Annual Membership Meeting as required in the by-laws. In the photo above CTBA President Sam Dunn addresses the CTBA members present and provides a recap of CTBA’s continued momentum on the heels of the “O’Brother” event in late 2010. In 2011 CTBA provided support to Old Settler’s Music Festival (Driftwood), RiceGrass (Fischer), BlueBell and Bluegrass (Llano), Texas Pickin’ Park (Fayetteville), Leander Bluegrass (Leander), the Health Alliance for Austin Musicians (HAAM), Texas Independence Day Celebration (Killeen), KOOP Radio, Bluegrass Foundation, Camp Bluegrass, numerous other events in the Central Texas area, and the highly successful Bill Monroe Centennial at Central Market (Austin). All in all 2011 was a very good year for Central Texas Bluegrass music and its musicians. CTBA has been fortunate that there is a continued interest in the community as evident by its full 10 member board that enjoys a respectable mix of women, men, and youth (our youngest ever board member - Josh Upham). CTBA would like to thank all of its sponsors and advertisers during the year: HEB, Randalls, One World Theater, Spring Creek Bluegrass Club, Bluegrass Foundation, Folk Alliance, Arbuckle, AFTM, the Cities of Llano, Leander, McKinney Falls, Farmers Branch, and all of our business members with business card ads in this newsletter. THANK YOU!!!! 2012 is upon us and there are already plans to provide support to RiceGrass. Board members make the decisions about which events CTBA supports. If you would like to see your event supported contact one of the Board members and ask them to propose your idea. If you don’t know any of the Board members or have a hard time contacting them please send your email request for support to the CTBA President ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org. 11 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 12 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Getting Air Time: The Lost Pines Tuned into KUT the other day and during the Austin Music Minute producer Laurie Gallardo plays The Lost Pines. It’s not the first time the band has been on the airwaves. They have been on Fox News, KGSR, KOOP, KUT and Katy Daly has even played them on Bluegrass Country. They have been other stations and internet sites but since I’m doing this off the top of my head maybe they won’t mind a few omissions. Back in June 2010 I was able to sit down with Talia Sekons to talk about the band. That particular Artist Profile was maybe the third or fourth interview I conducted after taking over the reins as editor of the CTBA newsletter. Talia and I were both new to doing interviews but we were able to get a bit of the history together about how the band started. We shared a little about each member of the band with the newsletter readers. One thing that impressed me during that interview (and still does) is Talia’s clever use of technology and social media tools to get the message out about the band. Back in 2010 bands were just finding out how to use the new tools such as Facebook, MySpace, ReverbNation, SonicBids, etc. These sites rapidly became part of the dialog of all musicians. Where once they spoke mainly about their web site, suddenly they were talking about their Friends-list, their CD-Baby account, their email notification systems, and special accounts for listeners to preview their material. Talia was out there plugging away with all those different software tools and sites trying to find the right mix of applications and “widgets” to get people out to their shows. It worked! Another thing they learned about was Kickstarter. Kickstarter helped them raise the money necessary to go in the studio and record their CD. Of course they weren’t satisfied with just walking into any old studio. They were able to capture the attention of Grammy award winning producer Lloyd Maines and together they produce the “Sweet Honey” CD. If you haven’t heard the “Sweet Honey” CD or you haven’t heard The Lost Pines then how are you going to talk to folks about the local bluegrass bands who are getting AIR TIME? Let’s support these local bluegrass bands! Ask your favorite radio station to “Play The Lost Pines”. 13 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION The Folk Alliance 510 South Main Street, Memphis, TN 38103 901.522.1170 Office 901.522.1172 Fax Building community one song at a time Multi-Educational Cross Cultural Arts Association MECCA is a 501c(3) nonprofit educational organization that teaches music & dance to adults and children. We provide ethnic/cultural/patriotic music and dance groups for civic, schools, churches, and club programs events. Phone: 254-526-9464 e-mail: dfkott@aol.com YouTube channel: mecatx Teaching the Children of the World to Dance, Sing and Play Musical Instruments nc. Caabin10, In RiceGrass Thee Rice Festiva F al & RiceG Grass Supporting Higher Education E in the Arts (830) 739.6986 www.cabin 7 n10.com Salmon Lake Park 34th Annual Bluegrass Festival Grapeland, TX September 1, 2, 3, 4 - 2011 14 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Listing of Newsletter “Artist Profiles”, “Meet A Member”, & “Scholarship Recipients” 2010 Meet a Member Artist Profile March April May Thomas Chapmond June Stacy Holt July Barbara & David Brown August Eddie & Pat Zihlman September Ray Cargo October Al James November Tracy Sloan December Rixi Rosenberg Danny Barnes Dan Huckabee The Carper Family The Lost Pines Jeff Robertson Gerald Jones Chasing Blue Jim Hurst The Upham Family Chris Hirsch January February March April May June July August September October November December Keith Davis Gloria Brashaw Jeff White Bruce Mansbridge & Elaine Kant Jerry & Carol Rabun Doug & Sheryl Sultenfuss Bryce Koslan Chuck Middleton Alan Corlew Tom Duplissey Jay Blincoe The Schuttger Family David Hamburger Billy Bright MilkDrive Sierra Hull Tom Ellis Dennis McDaniel Rolf & Beate Sieker Doc Hamilton Steve Smith Phil Elliott James Shelton Eddie Collins January Mike Moore 2011 2012 Scholarship Recipients 2004 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 Finn Lynch Christopher Quinters Amy Bell Riley Mathews, Jill Corley, Tyler Colley and Erika Richardson Bethany Rankin and Brett Hawthorne Adam Greer, John Peyton “JP” Shafer, and Devin Paynkewicz Josh, Aaron and Micah Upham & Susannah Armstrong 15 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION From the Mailbox: Allen Hurt & The Mountain Showmen Randy’s Rangers, a Central Texas Bluegrass Association bluegrass band, in association with JRF of Georgetown, Texas, announces the release of their first single record of all-original material entitled “Mountain Carolina Home” ©2011 by JRF. Sherman,TX (469) 236-4190 Please find video at http://www.youtube.com/ user/Randysbluegrass All musicians and listeners are invited to a “Release Bluegrass Jam” at Duke’s BBQ in Georgetown behind the KFC, Thursday January 19th at 5:30pm. $6 Duke’s RedNeck plate at 5pm. Randy has dedicated “Mountain Carolina Home” to the CTBA in recognition of its mission of education and support of local bluegrass music and musicians. The video is also dedicated to the Blue Ridge Mountains themselves, in hopes of bringing the beauty and history to today’s generation that they may learn to treasure and conserve nature’s beauty, about which so many bluegrass songs have been written. Contact: For booking and licensing info, please call Jon or Sigi Field at JRF at 512-8698076 or write sigi@sigi.us . Randy’s Rangers website - http://jrfnet.net/rr www.allenhurt.com Mountain Valley Records Inc. I didn’t know where to start, but I thought you might be able to direct me. I am trying to help my sister sell a Gibson Mandolin 1918 Model A. I live in Henderson, Texas. It sat in a closet for 20-30 years. Plays well, has loud sound, no cracks. Some scratches. Missing pick guard. Bone piece inserted under original nut. Original Gibson string cover lost and replaced with plain chrome one. New hard shell MusiciansFriend case. Plain no-name headstock. Gibson label inside with faded pencil serial number # 46598 indicates made in 1918. I can send photos attached with an email for anyone interested. I hope you can advise me as to the best way to sell this. I am not even sure of its value. I am hoping to sell it for a price that is good both for my sister as well as for the buyer. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give regarding how I can sell this. By God’s Grace, Mike Blake, Henderson, TX (about 30 miles E of Tyler, 40 miles S of Longview and 40 miles NW of Nacogdoches) mblake08@gmail.com Our saddest email was the notification that bluegrass philanthropist Warren Hellman had passed away at age 77. Warren was the man and the money that made the Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival in San Francisco free to all lovers of music. My personal favorite quote of Warren’s was, “As you get older, you get worse at all the things you used to do well,” he said. “You’re not going to run as fast, or ride as well. You’re not going to ski powder. I didn’t play much banjo when I was younger, so it’s a thrill to be doing something that I’m actually improving at. As a substitute for all the disappointments of getting older, it’s just huge.” 16 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION BLUEGRASS JAMS!!! (FOR A COMPLETE LIST CHECK THE CTBA WEBSITE) AUSTIN Bluegrass Beginner/Intermediate JAM (CTBA Sponsored) 1st. & 3rd Thu. 7-9 PM, (call for location) Contact: Steve Mangold (512) 345-6155 Bluegrass Beginner/Intermediate JAM (CTBA Sponsored) 2nd & 4th Sat 4-6 PM; Slow Jam starts at 2:00PM ArtZ Rib House Contact: Steve Mangold (512) 345-6155 Bluegrass Intermediate/Advanced JAM (CTBA Sponsored) Sunday’s 2-6PM, ArtZ Rib House, 2330 S. Lamar Bluegrass All Levels Jam 2nd and 4th Monday 7-11PM Waterloo Ice House (38th and Medical) Contact www.waterlooicehouse.com BELLVILLE (Spring Creek Club Sponsored) Bluegrass All Levels JAM & SHOW Jan. thru Sept 4th Sat; 4pm JAM, 6:30 pm SHOW, Coushatte RV Ranch Contact: (979) 865-5250 bluegrass221@peoplepc.com www.springcreekbluegrass.com BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION Brazos Country Grass Monday’s 6-9PM, JJ. Cody’s, 3610 S. College Contact: www.brazoscountrygrass.com FAYETTEVILLE Bluegrass All Levels JAM (Texas Pickin’ Park Sponsored) 2nd Sat, April—November, starts at 6 PM, on the Courthouse Square Contact: info@texaspickinpark.com www.texaspickinpark.com GEORGETOWN Bluegrass Jam Intermediate Level every Thursday at Duke’s BBQ Smokehouse, 5:30 PM, Contact: 512-869-8076 or sigi@sigi.us (www.sigi.us/rr) GARLAND Bluegrass All Levels JAM Saturday, March- Nov, 7:30PM between Main & State St at 6th, Contact: HARWOOD Bluegrass/Swing/Country JAM & Stage Show (Pot Luck too!) 3rd Sat, 2-9 PM, 9 mi. E. of Luling, Hwy 90 Contact: Tony Conyers (512) 601-1510 or (512) 940-3731 HOUSTON Bluegrass All Levels JAM 2nd Sat, 1-4 PM, April-November, Houston Railroad Museum, Contact: (713) 319-8906 www. houstonrrmuseum.org LEAGUE CITY Bluegrass All Levels JAM & SHOW 3rd Sat: Jam 5 PM (BABA Sponsored) Show 6:30 PM Jan- Nov. Contact: Rick Kirkland (President) (281) 488-2244 LLANO Bluegrass All Levels JAM 4th Sat (except Nov. & Dec.): Jam 5:30 PM The Badu House Bluegrass Beginner/Intermediate 2nd & 4th Thu. Jam 7:00 PM First Presbyterian Church Contact: Jeff White (325) 248-4114 MANCHACA Bluegrass All Levels Manchaca Railroad Bar-B-Q, FM 1626, Every Thursday 6:30-9:00PM Contact: Dave (512) 680-4433 PEARL JAM & SHOW, 1st Sat: Jam all day Contact: Ronald Medart (254) 865-6013 www.pearlbluegrass.com ROUND ROCK Bluegrass All Levels Danny Ray’s Music, 12 Chisholm Trail, RR, Third Saturday 2:00 PM SAN ANTONIO Bluegrass Beginner/Intermediate JAM Grady’s Barbeque at 7400 Bandera Rd. San Antonio. Monday’s 6-8 PM Contact: Clifton Bowren (210) 602-5544 cliftonfiddler5@aol.com SEGUINE American Legion Hall, 618 Kingsbury 2nd Saturday 6:00PM Contact: John Campbell, Solodotna@aol.com SHULENBURG RV Park Community Center 1st & 3rd Tuesday, 6:30-9:00PM Contact: Loretta Baumgarten (979) 743-4388 Camp@SchulenburgRVPark. com WIMBERLEY Bluegrass All Levels Jam Fri 8-12 PM, Rolling House Clubhouse Contact: Mike Bond 1st Friday each mo., Hondo Hootenanny, starts at 11 AM- Hondo Community Center, 1014 18th st, Hondo, Tx Info 830 426 2831 1st Sat each mo, Field Creek Music - 6: PM field Creek is between Llano and Brady on Hwy 71, Info call Bill Tuckness 325 247 3223 2nd Tuesday - Each Month, All Gospel Jam 6: PM, first Baptist Church - Medina, Tx, Call Linda Barton for info, 830 589 2486 The Austin Center for the Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Bruce Mansbridge, PhD Director 6633 Hwy 290 East, Ste 300 Austin, TX 78723 (512) 327-9494 http://www.austinocd.com 17 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Bluegrass Bands 512 Dave Seeman (davidseeman7@gmail.com) (512) 557-2939 Allen Hurt & The Mountain Showmen Allen Hurt (469) 236-4190 www.allenhurt.com Air Cargo Ray Cargo raybo@raylcargo.com The Bluebonnet Pickers (Marble Falls) Brooks Blake (830) 798-1087 Bluegrass Vatos Ragged Union (Mar‘11) Geoff Union (512) 563-9821 gunion@austin.rr.com Christy & the Plowboys Christy Foster (512) 452-6071 christyfoster@earthlink.net Randy’s Rangers Sigi Field (512) 869-8076 BuffaloGrass (Jun’08) Don Inbody (512) 295-6977 don@inbody.net Rod Moag and Texas Grass Rod Moag (512) 467-6825 rodmoag@texas.net Chasing Blue (Sep‘10) (512) 963-7515 suzoleson@aol.com Robertson County Line Jeff Robertson (512) 629-5742 jaydubya7@yahoo.com Eddie Collins (Dec’07, Nov’09, Apr’11) (512) 873-7803 www.eddiecollins.biz tuneman@austin.rr.com The Sieker Band Rolf & Beate Sieker (512) 733-2857 www.siekerband.com Flatlander Folk Diana & Dan Ost (512) 850-4362 music@flatlanderfolk.com Shawn Spiars (512 627-3921 www.myspace.com/sspiars sspiars@gmail.com The Lost Pines (Jun’10, Apr’11) Talia Bryce (512) 814-5134 thelostpines@gmail.com www.lostpinesband.com Third Rail Susannah Armstrong 936 870 7819 Thirdrailbluegrass@gmail.com Manchaca All-Stars (Nov’07, May’08) Ben Buchanan (512) 282-2756 manchacaallstars@ email.com Steelhead String Band Sharon Sandomirsky ssandomirsky@austin.rr.com (512) 619-8705 Better Late Than Never Duane Calvin (512) 835-0342 One Came Bak Rebecca Graham 210-663-2352 Rebecca.graham77@yahoo.com String Beans Mike Montgomery (512) 394-5471 mikemon@astro.as.utexas.edu Blacktop Bend George Rios (512) 619-8536 blacktopbend@yahoo.com Out of the Blue Jamie Stubblefield (512) 295-5325 jamie5011@aol.com The Wimberley Bunch Marilyn Lumia (512) 557-2112 gus@ vownet.net Blue Creek String Band Thomas Chapmond tchapmond@gmail.com (512) 791-3411 Piney Grove Ramblers (Jan, Apr’08) Wayne Brooks (512) 699-8282 www.pgramblers.com Karen Abrahams Babyhead Promotions (512) 659-5256 www.karenabrahams.com Alan Munde Gazette Bill Honker (214) 693-1620 bhonker@gmail.com Austin Lounge Lizards Mike Drudge, agent (615) 262-6886 www.austinlizards.com Autumn Walkers (Brenham) Lou-Lou Barbour (979) 836-4165 Bee Creek Boys Jim Umbarger (512) 922-5786 info@beecreekboys.com 18 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Membership and Advertising Rates CTBA’s Volume 2 $10.00 (includes shipping costs to anywhere in the United States) http://www.centraltexasbluegrass.org/merchandise.html Central Texas Bluegrass still have a few T-shirts remaining. They are 100% pre-shrunk cotton, high quality shirts with CTBA’s logo on the front. Available in Navy Blue and White. Sizes are S, M, L, XL, and XXL. Only $10.00 Take $5.00 off the advertising rates if you are already ad business member. Copy deadline is the 15th of the month. Publication is on or about the 1st day of the each month. Send electronic notices to: ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org Send payment to: Central Texas Bluegrass Association Attention: Editor PO BOX 9816 Austin, TX 78766 Advertisers assume liability for all content of advertisements and from any claims arising there from. We reserve the right to reject advertising for reasons of space availability or publication standards. If you would like CTBA to review CD’s or would like us to include promo material for artists performing in Texas, please send to our email at ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org or snail mail to the PO Box listed above. Ad Size FULL PAGE 1/2 PAGE 1/4 PAGE 1/8 PAGE Price $30.00 $15.00 $12.50 $10.00 Please Join CTBA: http://www.centraltexasbluegrass.org/join.html Central Texas Bluegrass Association Bluegrass Newsletter is published by the Central Texas Bluegrass Association, a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Texas Non-profit Corporation. Contributions are deductible as charitable and educational donations. Work published in this Bulletin is used by permission of the writers, artists, and photographers, who retain all copyrights. Tom Duplissey, Editor THE CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION IS A NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION WHOSE MISSION IS TO PROMOTE BLUEGRASS MUSIC IN CENTRAL TEXAS. Board Members: Sam Dunn, President Eddie Collins, Vice President Mike Hurlbut, Secretary Rixi Rosenberg, Treasurer Tracy Sloan, Coleman Stephens, Ben Hodges, Gloria Brayshaw, Chuck Middleton Past President - Jami Hampton CTBA provides a link between clubs, restaurants, and other venues and Central Texas Bluegrass musicians. Our members range from listeners and lovers of bluegrass music to world-class professional musicians who all have the same desire: to promote the music. CTBA sponsors jams, workshops, provides scholarships to needy musicians, donates to other non-profit organizations, supports radio stations that promote bluegrass music & musicians, and provide festival venues for our listeners and fans of bluegrass music to enjoy. KEEP ON PICKIN’ 16 COPYRIGHT © CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Support Texas music and get an “Enjoy Texas Music” license plate! Funds received through your purchase of the “Enjoy Texas Music” license plate will help make grants to benefit music-related educational and community programs sponsored by Texas non-profit organizations (like CTBA!!!). Randall’s Good Neighbor Program The process to get this started is a bit of a pain, but it makes donating to CTBA, your local schools, or your favorite non-profit organizations very, very easy. Just go to the link below, print the form and fill it out, enter CTBA’s code 9735, and take to your local Randall’s store: http://shop.safeway.com/corporate/randalls/gn_houston_austin.pdf Central Texas Bluegrass Association P.O. Box 9816 Austin, Texas 78766 ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org Phone: (512) 415-3177