Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin
Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin
Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin CTBA thanks: LOGOS FOUNDATION for their generous $250 donation and COLLINGS GUITARS and Quincy Guitars for cosponsoring the recent Steve Kaufman show February 2006 Volume 28, Issue 2 CTBA News by Steve Zimmet The Board elects new officers each January. We are pleased to announce our Officers for 2006 and appreciatively acknowledge their service: Steve Davidson, President Jamie Stubblefield, Vice President Greg Jones, Secretary Russ Gunn, Treasurer The Board would again like to thank Howard Hackney for the wonderful job he did as editor of the Bulletin for the last two years. After much discussion, the Board decided to create a committee to tackle the various tasks that go into bringing the Bulletin to press. The Board is very grateful to everyone who volunteered to serve on the committee: Alicia Kent, Editor Tyler Balthrop, Content Sunny Castille, Content Sean McCormick, Content Dale Albright, Show/ Event/Festival listing Greg Jones (Secretary), CTBA News Russ Gunn (Treasurer), Advertising/ Billing Jane Laughlin (Membership Chair) Mailing Labels, New/Renewing Members Steve Zimmet (Past President), Printing and Mailing Quincy’s Guitars 515 S. Congress Avenue Suite 106 Austin, Texas 78704 512-383-0456 www.quincysguitars.com FINE FRETTED INSTRUMENTS BY: COLLINGS, GOODALL, WEBBER, NATIONAL, DELL’ARTE 2 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION For information on CTBA membership and activities, contact: Central Texas Bluegrass Association P. O. Box 9816 Austin, Tx, 78766-9816 512-261-9440 email:ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org www.centraltexasbluegrass.org CTBA is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 Texas corporation RANDALL’S GOOD NEIGHBOR PROGRAM The CTBA number for this program is 9735. If you sign up, Randall’s will donate a percentage of your purchases to the CTBA! OFFICERS President Steve Davidson sdavidson@rtg-texas.com Vice President Jamie Stubblefield Jamie5011@aol.com Treasurer Russ Gunn raus7070@sbcglobal.net Secretary Greg Jones jonzee2@excite.com Past President Steve Zimmet thegarage@swbell.net DIRECTORS John Hood Jamie Stubblefield Jamie5011@aol.com Jane Laughlin mejanek@yahoo.com Steve Davidson COMMITTEES Beginner/Intermediate Jam Stephen Mangold Membership Jane Laughlin Webmaster ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin Editor: Alicia Kent Editor’s Note: All writers, artists, and photographers retain all copyrights over any work submitted to the Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin. CTBA Artists and Bands Booking Information Austin Lounge Lizards: The Gray Sky Boys Stayton Bonner: Tom Pittman 512-476-3991 Tom Ellis 512-442-1000 512-431-8443 Austin Mandolin Orchestra Hard to Make a Living: stayton@staytonbonner.com Joel Hobbs 512-833-5529 John Hood 512-376-7767 3rd Generation Gospelgrass Barefoot Larry johnhood@grandecom.net Brenda McGlothlin larry@barefootlarry.com Manchaca All-Stars: 830-914-4810 (210) 615-7873 B. Buchanan 512-282-2756 threegenerationgospelgrass@juno. Blazing Bows: Mary Hattersley manchacaallstars@email.com com 512-873-8925; Max Zimmet blazingbows@lycos.com Max Zimmet 512-327-6023 Twangzilla: Cory Hicks, 512-5635584, info@twangzilla.net BuffaloGrass: Piney Grove Ramblers Wayward Pony: Don Inbody, (512) 295-6977, Wayne Brooks, 345-6609, Dale Albright 512-267-4969 don@inbody.net wbrooks9@austin.rr.com dale-mandolin@austin.rr.com Cedar Break: Randy's Rangers The Ledbetters David Wilson 830-257-6043 Jon or Sigi Field 512-868-2925 Spencer Drake 210-698-7062 cedarbreakmail@yahoo.com jrf@jrfnet.net kthdrake@wmconnect.com Cooper’s Uncle: 512-736-2644, Red Eye: Out of the Blue Jamie coopersuncle@hotmail.com Randy Collier 512-423-70918 Stubblefield 512-295-5325 Cumberland Gap: randyc@comp-utility.com jamie5011@aol.com Gary Potter 979-690-6951 Sarah Jarosz: gdpotter@startel.net Sarah Jarosz 512-847-6104 Eddie Collins: 512-836-8255 mjarosz@austin.rr.com tuneman@texas.net Sieker Band: Rolf and Beate Teresa Garner Bluegrass Band, Sieker 512-733-2857 Teresa Ann Garner, 515-5033, thesiekers@aol.com Please note that you must have a CTBA band membership to be included in this listing. TGbluegrass@juno.com Monthly Advertising Rates Ad size Price Full Page $30.00 1/4 page $12.50 1/2 Page $15.00 1/8 page $10.00 Take $10.00 off listed rates if you are a business member. Copy deadline is the15th of the month. Publication on or about the 1st. Contact the CTBA at (512) 261-9440 for more info. The Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin is published monthly by the Central Texas Bluegrass Association. Members of CTBA receive the Bulletin as a member service of the Association. Subscription rate for additional copies and for non-members is $15.00 per year. Contact the editor for advertising rates and information. Copyright © by Central Texas Bluegrass Association. Publisher’s Copy Protective Clause: Advertisers assume liability for all contents of advertisements and from any claims arising there from. We reserve the right to reject advertising for reasons of space availability or publication standards. 3 Taylor Made Banjo Music himself, and would the banjo wasn’t just a practice playing along job. It was an expression with records. Later, he of himself, and would study under Dan something he fell in love By Tyler Balthrop Padgett of the "Outlaw with as a child. I had never heard of the “Banjoman” Todd Taylor until recently. As I sat listening to his new record “Taylor Made”, that old feeling came over me again. The feeling I’m referring to is the same I had the first time I heard Earl Scruggs “He started playing play a five string. I was stunned. Not just by his banjo at the early playing, but because I was just now finding out age of seven, after about him. Todd Taylor may seeing one being played at Disneyworld.” have been new to me, but he is hardly a newbie on the Bluegrass scene. He started playing banjo at the early age of seven, after seeing one being played at Disneyworld. You might say he had a childhood infatuation with the instrument. Todd initially taught Family Band". It didn’t Now Todd, as a solo take very long with such artist, performs and a determined young records blazing banjo mind for Todd to music, but don’t think it’s become a master of the strictly Bluegrass. Todd banjo. continuously pushes the Todd’s twin brother envelope of five string Allen also became an banjo, recording in accomplished guitarist, many different genres. and the two started He loves playing performing and anything from Rock recording together as (thanks Dan Padgett), to “the Taylor Twins”. They Salsa, to Celtic, and of played with some course the beloved legendary acts, like Bill Bluegrass. His Monroe, while touring continuously interesting the Bluegrass Festival solos and fresh takes on Circuit, and cut a great cover tunes are prominent single, “Take what make his most Me Back to Tennessee” recent disc, “Taylor in 1987. Eventually, Made”, a homegrown brother Allen left the gem. I hope more and duo to work outside the more people continue field of music. Todd to discover the passion decided he would Todd Taylor has in his life never give up music, the and music. most important thing in his life. To him, playing 4 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 5 6 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 7 Ronnie Bowman “It’s Getting Better All The Time” “It’s Getting Better All The Time” 1. On My Way Back Home 2. Crazy Train 3. The Mountain 4. Build A Little Playhouse 5. Four Wheel Drive 6. Old Flames 7. The Epitaph Of Lester Moore 8. Till We Meet Again 9. Perfect Love 10. It’s Getting’ Better All The Time 11. Walkin’ The Dog Several years after leaving the Lonesome River Band; Ronnie Bowman has put out yet another great album. Featured musicians include Wyatt Rice on lead & rhythm guitar, Garnet Bowman (Ronnie’s wife) on harmony vocals, Andy Hall on dobro, Steve Thomas on fiddle, Dave Pomeroy on bass, Adam Steffey on mandolin, as well as other guests. Writing 8 of the 11 songs on this recording, Ronnie shows that along with being an incredible singer, with an uncanny knack for delivering a song, he is also a great writer. The title cut, “It’s Getting’ Better All The Time” is a #1 song for the country duo “Brooks & Dunn” My personal favorite on the album, “Till We Meet Again” is one of those ‘story songs’ that few other artists than Ronnie could deliver with such heartfelt, almost aching vocals. Keeping along the same theme, “The Mountain” gives the listener a view from a mountain’s perspective. On a lighter note is “The Epitaph Of Lester Moore”, cowritten by Bowman and Del McCoury. Del joins in on harmony vocals, with Del’s band providing the backup. It’s one of those classic murder tales, which should become an instant favorite with the bluegrass crowd. One of the more interesting songs on the CD is “Old Flames” (a remake of the Dolly Parton song); reworked with a slightly faster tempo and feel. When you listen to this disk, don’t be quick to stop the disk after the last track. There’s a hidden track of Ronnie singing a song written about his grandma Mary Belle Bowman. Absolutely beautiful! For anyone out there who hasn’t bought this CD, it’s one of this year’s best. ♪ A letter of introduction … Being a new contributor to the CTBA newsletter, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Sean McCormick, I’m 32, and my wife, Pam, and I live in Gainesville, TX. I grew up in Willow Springs, Missouri. My father, Charles McCormick, was a bluegrass musician since the early 70’s. Playing the banjo, and guitar, as well as being a singer; he was without question my biggest musical influence growing up. He performed with several bluegrass groups out of Northwest Arkansas and Missouri; having the opportunity to open up for such groups as Jim & Jesse McReynolds. Passing away in 2004, he is sorely missed. I’ve been a bluegrass musician for over 20 years, and am currently performing with AcousticBlend. I play guitar, mandolin, banjo, and provide lead and harmony vocals, as well as writing songs for the group. Charlotte Mayall, out of Granbury, TX, who performed for many years with Vern Young; plays bass, sings lead and harmony. She has been honored in the past with nominations for SPBGMA bass player, and female vocalist of the year. Don Graham, also out of Granbury, TX, plays guitar and provides some of the lead vocals for the group. A long time bluegrass musician, he is known for his heartfelt vocals and strong rhythm guitar. I hope you’ll enjoy the articles and CD reviews I contribute to the newsletter. If you are a member of a group, and would like your CD reviewed for the newsletter, feel free to contact me via e-mail at sean291224@yahoo.com, or by mail at: Sean McCormick, 820 S. Lindsay St., Gainesville, TX 76240. “Ronnie Bowman has put out yet another great album. ” 8 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION 9 Calendar ►Shows/Events: Feb 3 [Friday] ● Sieker Band; Austin Bergstrom Intn’l Airport, Austin, TX 3:30pm ● Teresa Garner Bank; County Seat Café, Georgetown, TX Feb 6 [Monday] ● Brazos Country Grass; J. Cody’s, Jam Session, 3610 S. College, Bryan, TX, 6-8 pm; www.brazoscountrygrass.com Feb 10 [Friday] ● Manchaca All Stars; Manchaca Firehall, Manchaca, TX, 7:30pm ● Sieker Band; Down The Alley Bistro, Georgetown, TX, 6 pm ● Ricky Skaggs & Kentucky Thunder; One World Theater, Austin, TX; 512/329-6753 Feb 12 [Sunday] ● Austin Lounge Lizards; University Performing Arts Center, TX State University, San Marcos, TX, 7:30pm; 512/245-3501 Feb 13 [Monday] ● Sieker Band; Cypress Creek Cafe, Wimberley, TX, 9 pm Feb 17 [Friday] ● Sieker Band; County Seat Cafe, Georgetown, TX, 6 pm Feb 18 [Saturday] ● Byron Berline Bank with Hickory Hill Music City Texas Theater; Linden, TX, 7:30pm; 903/756-9934, www.musiccitytexas.org ● Barefoot Larry; The Cove Bar & Deli, 606 W Cypress, 9 -12 pm; 210/2272683 ● Sieker Band; ArtZ Rib House, Austin, TX, 7:30pm Feb 24 [Friday] ● Sieker Band; Manchaca Firehall, Manchaca, TX, 7:30pm Feb 25 [Saturday] ● Austin Lounge Lizards; Jovita’s, 1619 S. First St., Austin, TX, 8:30pm; 512/447-7825, www.jovitas.com Feb 26 [Sunday] ● Eddie Collins; ArtZ Rib House, Austin, TX, 6 - 8:30 pm Feb 28 [Tuesday] ● Stayton Bonner; The Armadillo Palace, Houston, TX, 7 pm ►Festivals: ● Saturday, Feb 4, 2006, AFTM MidWinter Festival, Dougherty Arts Center, Austin, TX - Tickets are available at the door only and are $15; Students and Seniors are $7. Students age 12 - 18 are $5, and children under 12 are welcome for free. Info: chris--at--wagon1.com ♫ Cooper's Uncle ♫ Max Zimmet with Eddie Collins and Jon Kemppainen ♫ Onion Creek Crawdaddies♫ Sarah Jarosz with Erik Hokkanen; Times TBA th ● Feb 10 – 14, 18 Intn’l Folk Alliance Conf, th Austin, TX, thru Feb 14 ; w/ Sarah Jaroz +; http://www.folkalliance.net/news/details.php ?nid=19 rd ● March 3 & 4, 2006, 3 Argyle Bluegrass Festival, Argyle, TX; 940/464-7434 or 7273, www.argylebluegrassfestival.com ● March 30, 31, April 1 and 2, 2006, Bluegrass Jamboree, Oakdale Park, Glen Rose, TX, 254-897-2321, www.oakdalepark.com ● April 20 - 23, 2006, Old Settler’s Music Festival, Driftwood, TX; early bird tkts now, www.oldsettlersmusicfest.org ● May 12, 13 and 14, 2006, Texas State Mountain and Hammer Dulcimer Championships, Oakdale Park, Glen Rose, TX, 254-897-2321, www.oakdalepark.com ● May 19 & 20, 2006, Bluegrass Picnic & Picking Under the Stars, Oakdale Park, Glen Rose, TX, 254-897-2321, www.oakdalepark.com ● June 14 - 18, 2006, Hill Country Music Camp, Schreiner University, Kerrville, TX, www.hcamp.com ● September 28 – October 1, 2006, Bluegrass Reunion, Oakdale Park, Glen Rose, TX, 254/897-2321, www.oakdalepark.com Join CTBA Today A one year membership includes a subscription to the Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin. Business membership includes a business card advertisement in each issue. Band membership includes a Booking Info listing. O New O Renewal PLEASE NOTE THAT LISTENERS AND PICKERS ARE WELCOME TO JOIN. Note that the following amounts are the minimum contribution amounts. O Individual ($20) O Family ($25) O Band ($25) O Patron ($30) O Business/Sustaining ($50) O Student ($15) For Family, Band and Patron Memberships, please append a list of the members of your family or band. Name __________________________________________________________________________________ Date _____________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip Code ____________________________ Phone: Home ___________________________________ Work _________________________ Mobile ______________________________ Email: __________________________________________ Fax ___________________________ Occupation _________________________ O Please contact me about volunteering. Please send the Bulletin as: O PDF file via email O Hard copy via US Postal Service mail O I do not want m name and contact information included in a CTBA Membership Directory or in the CTBA mailing list, which may be exchanged with other music and arts related organizations. Mail your check and application to CTBA, PO Box 9816, Austin, TX 78766-9816 Contributions to CTBA are tax deductible as allowed by Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3). FREE CD with an additional donation of $10 or more. 10 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION Central Texas Bluegrass Association PO BOX 9816 AUSTIN, TX 78766 Phone (512) 261-9440 E-mail ctba@centraltexasbluegrass.org Promoting bluegrass music in Central Texas since 1978. CTBA Area Ongoing Events AUSTIN AREA, CTBA •Beginner/Intermed. Jam 1st & 3rd Thursday 7-9 pm; Steve Mangold 512-345-6155 • CTBA Jam Session: Sunday at Artz Rib House, 2-5 pm,512-442-8283 • CTBA 1st Saturday Show & Jam Artz Rib House:4:00 pm, show 6:00pm ARTZ RIB HOUSE • Live Bluegrass Show: 2330 S. Lamar, Sunday 6:00 pm; 512-442-8283 AAAMS JAM • 2nd + 4th Wed, Anderson Mill Baptist Church,10633 Lake Creek Pkwy 258-5843, • Leander Jam, Friday, 7-9, 260-8838 AFTM • Contra Dance: 3rd Sat., Lutheran church at 3501 Red River 8-11 pm, $7, 462-0511 • AFTM Jam Session: 2nd Sun at Threadgill’s South Barton Springs & Riverside, 2pm OTHER • every second, fourth, and fifth Tuesday Evenings, 6pm-9pm. Tito's Mexican Restaurant, 955 S. Alamo, San Antonio, Tx. 78205. (Corner S. Alamo & Beauregard) Details at www.barefootlarry.com SMITHVILLE, •WayStation Opry; 1st Sat, 205 NE 2nd, 6 pm, Steve Boatright, 512-272-8008 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION • Jam Session: Monday: 6:00 to 8:00 pm Buppy's Catering 979-690-6951 • Jam Session and BG Show; 2nd Sat: Jam4pm, Show-7pm, Wellborn Com. Ctr. 979-690-6951 CEDAR PARK, J&J's BBQ, 1st and 3rd Friday, 6-8:30 pm. 260-8838. CHRIESMAN • Jam: 3rd Sat: 7-10 pm; Chriesman Cmnty Center, Don Cook 979-567-0573 CLEBURNE • Show & Jam: 3rd Fri Cleburne Civic Center, 1501 W Henderson (Hwy 67)7 pm, $3 www.geocities.com/ntbbluegrass FLATONIA • Jam:4th Saturday, Stockman's Restaurant, Stuart & Diane Raef 361-865-2154 GARLAND • Bluegrass on the Square: Sat- March thru October between Main and State Sts. at 6th, 7:30-1 am Jim Miller 972-276-3197 GEORGETOWN Georgetown On the Square Jam • 2nd Sun, 1 pm, wkly jams Tues. contact Jon, 512-869-8076 http://Insta-web.com/bluegrass THE GROVE • Outside Pick General Store, 15 mi. west of Temple on Hwy36, Sat, 6 pm til... M. Anderson 512-282-1215 HARWOOD • Stage Show & Jam Session 3rd Sat, 9 mi. E. of Luling, Hwy 90, 2-9 pm, Ben Buchanan 512-263-7193 LULING • Bluegrass Jam Session/Show: 1st Sat every month, 200 E.Travis, 4:00, 830-8752917 LEAGUE CITY (BABA) • Jam & Free Bluegrass Show 3rd. Sat: Jam 5pm, Show 6:30 Jan-Nov, League City Civic Center, 300 W. Walker St. 713-990-5171 CENTRAL TEXAS BLUEGRASS ASSOCIATION PO BOX 9816 AUSTIN, TX 78766 We’re on the Web! See us at: www.centraltexasbluegrass.org LIBERTY HILL 4 t h S a t u r d a y Jam Session at 1 pm until..,Hwy 29 West; Contact Paula at 512-778-5410. PARIS • Jam & Stage Show 3rd Sat: Jam 5:00, Show 7:00 Chisum HS, Hwy 19 & 24, south of Paris $5-members $6-others Brenda Burks 903-784-8859 PEARL • Jam & Stage Show 1st Sat: Jam 12:00, Show 4:30 Hwy 183, 7 mi. south of Purmela Ronald Medart 254-865-6013 ROCKNE • Bluegrass/Country Jam 1st Sat: 3pm til ..., 8 mi. S. of Cedar Creek on FM 535 TOMBALL • Spring Creek Club Jam/Show 4th Sat: 5pm-jam, 7pm-show Oklahoma Community Center, NE of Tomball 939-865-5250 SAN ANTONIO • Contra Dances: 3rd Sat: 7:30 pm, International Folk Culture Center at Our Lady of the Lake Univ. 512-434-6711, ext. 407 SOUR LAKE (Beaumont) • Jam & Free Show: Southeast Tx BG Music Assn, 3rd Sat: 4pm, Elementary School, Hwy 326 S. Edy Mathews 409-755-0622 WIMBERLEY • Bluegrass Jam Fri: 8-12 pm, Charlie’s Catfish Mike Bond (512) 847-2238
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