Coushatte Ranch Festival, October 29-31
Volume 31, No. 10 Copyright © Central Texas Bluegrass Association October, 2009 Coushatte Ranch Festival, October 29-31 S ometime after 1780, the Koasati and Alabama Indians migrated west and entered Texas, settling chiefly in San Jacinto County and Tyler County. And somehow, the Coushatta, now living mostly in and around the Alabama-Coushatta reservation near Livingston, have lent their name to Coushatte Ranch, a bluegrass-friendly campground resort area tucked away five miles southeast of Bellville, the county seat of Austin County. Coushatte Ranch is the site of the Spring Creek Bluegrass Club’s annual fall festival, sponsored by Buddy and Carolyn Brockett, and it’s been taking place here since 1994. This year’s festival features the Alaska String Band (Juneau), the Bluegrass Brothers (Virginia), Glen Bonham and Southern Tradition (Oklahoma), the Franz Family (Arkansas), plus local favorites Saltgrass, Lonestar, White Dove, and several others. The music starts on Thursday at 6 PM and runs through Saturday. Coushatte Ranch is spread out over several acres of scattered post oak woodland (or maybe it’s post oak and blackjack oak, who knows?) with lots of space for RVs between radiating and meandering gravel roads. There is a community center with a kitchen, showers and restrooms, and a couple of other buildings that are open to pickers in case the weather is nippy or otherwise inclement. The main utility building is large enough that the stage shows have occasionally been moved inside in the past when bad weather threatened. There is usually a good variety of food and crafts vendors arrayed in an arc facing the stage. This is one of my favorite Texas festivals for a couple of reasons: it occurs at a time of year when the weather is usually cool and very comfortable for outdoor picking, and because of its location, it draws lots of good pickers from the Houston area. You’ll see some CTBA members there, too. While you’re at the festival, take time to walk down to the west end of the campground and look at the mind-boggling array of dusty old cars, tractors, farm machinery and other vintage gear stored in the barns and sheds here. There are some prime candidates for restoration here. Coushatte Ranch is located at 2812 Nelius Road. You can get to it (continued on page 3) From the historical photo archive: Buck White and the Down Home Folks at 1977 Kerrville Bluegrass Festival, Quiet Valley Ranch. Left to right, Cheryl White, Sharon White, Buck White, Bob Black and holding fiddle bow but hidden, Doc Hamilton. Photo September 4, 1977, by Ken Brown. Q: How many bluegrass pickers does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: it doesn’t matter as long as they all get a turn. Q: How many bass players does it take to change a light bulb? A: One. Five. One. Five. One…. The Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin is published by the Central Texas Bluegrass Association, a 501(c)(3) taxexempt Texas nonprofit corporation. Contributions are deductible as charitable and educational donations. Work published in this Bulletin is used by permission of the writers, artists, and photographers, who retain all copyrights. Tom Duplissey, President Mike Montgomery, Vice-President Billy Bright, board member Ben Buchanan, board member San Dunn, board member/Treasurer Roy Glover, board member Jami Hampton, board member Carrie Thielemann, board member 2 Central Texas Bluegrass Association Box 9816 Austin, Texas 78766 (512) 261-9440 Ken Brown, Bulletin editor/board member (continued from page 1) by taking Highway 36 south from Brenham, loop around the Bellville courthouse square, go down the hill to the Y intersection, continue south on 36. Then you can either go towards Sealy on 36, turning left on either Gindorf Road or Miller Road. Or you can take the route I like − while still in Brenham, cross over the railroad tracks on 3rd Street or E. Hacienda, and follow Coushatte Road as it gradually curves around and heads east. Turn right on Nelius Road after 5 miles, and that leads you straight to the festival. And if you get hungry while passing through Brenham, I recommend Purcell’s Country Buffet. Three-day tickets are $30, daily tickets range from $8-15. There are no instrumental or band contests here, but there’s an open stage on Saturday morning, and somebody always shows up for that. And by the way, this may be the only festival in Texas that has its own resident pickers. Dick Joiner and several other regular performers actually live here at Coushatte Ranch. For details on the festival, see the display ad on page 8 of this issue, or go to the Spring Creek club’s web site at: Alaska String Band: Bluegrass Brothers: 3 Mexican Hill Ranch Bluegrass Festival, October 3 T his is a brand-new festival at Richards, Texas. If you’re familiar with the Fire on the Strings festival at Montgomery, well, Richards is about 18 miles northwest of Montgomery, right on the Grimes-Walker County line. The festival is located a short distance northwest of Richards, at 7774 FM 1486. Take FM 1486 north from Highway 149 just outside of town. This is a one-day Saturday festival with rough camping only, and three bands: Tayhoss, Saltgrass, and the Lone Star Bluegrass Band. A word about the first band − it’s a new one from Houston, and I can tell already that it’s going to be a powerhouse, because all four of these guys are superpickers. It consists of Bobby Nichols, the monster Tony Rice-styled flatpicker and baritone singer from Bellaire; Randy Powell, expert fiddler; the irrepressible and insouciant Kelly Lancaster on mandolin (second-place mando winner at Winfield in 1990 and 1998), and George Hanson on bass. Based on what I heard at Grapeland and from knowing all these guys, this is going to be a monster band. Tayhoss: 4 CTBA Awards Flatpicking Scholarships by Jami Hampton CTBA is proud to announce two youth scholarships that were awarded for Steve Kaufman's Flatpicking Guitar Workshop, held at Fiddler's Green music store on September 11-12. Both Austinites − Josh Upham and Amy Collins − applied for the scholarships and submitted strong recommendation references for their interest and dedication to furthering their musical goals. Josh is a 14-year-old guitar player and singer who has been playing for two years. He said he appreciated the scholarship and was particularly interested in the cross-picking techniques he learned at the eight-hour workshop. Josh is from a musical family with a strong interest in bluegrass music − his mother plays mandolin, one brother plays fiddle, and another brother plays the bass. Amy Collins is a 16-year-old who plays the guitar, banjo, flute, and piano and plays in a band called the Rainbirds. Amy's goal is to learn to play as many instruments as possible and wants to understand various forms of music such as bluegrass, jazz, Latin, and Indian. Amy said she learned more in one day at the workshop than she had in the previous year. CTBA congratulates these up-and-coming young musicians on their selection and we hope to hear more about them in the future. Left to right: Amy, Steve, Josh. Photo by Jami Hampton. Miscellaneous news Congratulations to Dr. Gary Hartman, director of the Center for Texas Music History at Texas State, author of History of Texas Music, co-editor of the Journal of Texas Music History, member of the Texas Swing Kings and Lone Star Swing, CTBA member, master flatpicker and vocalist, frequent ArtZ jammer, and nonpareil good guy, who has been elected to the board of directors of the Old Settler’s Music Festival. All of us here among the massive and highly paid editorial staff at the Bluegrass Bulletin offer a tip of the old Blue Highway ballcap to Gary, and add, ―Well done, dude! You’re buyin’ the next round!‖ Congratulations to Josh Bailey of Victoria, second-place mandolin contest winner at Winfield this year (and last year, too). Congratulations also to Gary Mortensen, alternate showcaser in the instrumental category, for Squealer’s Dream (OK, Gary, we need to hear that one at the next jam, I think). 5 Events calendar: October, 2009 Thursday-Saturday, October 1-3: Melody Ranch Bluegrass Festival, Melody Ranch, 1977 White Mound Rd., off Hwy 902, southeast of Sherman in Grayson County; for information: (903) 271-4260 or (903) 752-5223. Thursday, October 1, 8 PM: Greencards at Sengelmann Hall, Schulenberg; Friday, October 2, 7 PM: Blacktop Bend at Waterloo Ice House (Slaughter/Escarpment), 9600 Escarpment Blvd.; 301-1007. Friday, October 2, 7 PM: The Siekers at Walburg Restaurant Oktoberfest, Walburg. Saturday, October 3, 7 and 9:30 PM: The Greencards at McGonigel’s Mucky Duck, Houston; $20. Sunday, October 4, 10 AM: The Siekers at Maria's Taco Xpress, 2529 S Lamar Blvd; 444-0261. Sunday, October 4, 6 PM: The Grass Onions at Freddie’s Place, 1703 South 1st Street Sunday, October 4, 4-8 PM: Two High String Band at Cheatham Street Warehouse, 119 Cheatham St., San Marcos; Thursday, October 8, 6:30-8:30 PM: Bluegrass open mike at the New World Deli, 4101 Guadalupe; 451-7170; Friday, October 9, 7 PM: The Siekers at Walburg Restaurant Oktoberfest, Walburg. Friday, October 9, 8 PM: Two High String Band plus Charles Thibodeaux and the Cajun Aces at Jovita’s, 1619 S. 1st St.; $7 at the door. Friday, October 9, 8 PM: Robertson County Line at the Lumberyard Music Hall, 1109 Main St., Bastrop; (512) 321-PLAY. Saturday, October 10, 7:30 PM: The Sieker Band at ArtZ Rib House, 2330 S. Lamar; 442-8283. Saturday, October 10, 7 PM: Two High String Band at Grand Re-opening Celebration, Wheatsville Coop, 3101 Guadalupe. Wednesday, October 14, 6-7:30 PM: Brian Byrne & Borrowed Time, Austin Farmers Market at Triangle Friday, October 16, 7:30 PM: Blacktop Bend at Manchaca Fire Hall. Friday, October 16, 8 PM: Cherryholmes at Grand 1894 Opera House, 2020 Post Office St., Galveston. Friday-Saturday, October 16-17: Austin String Band Festival at Camp Ben McCulloch, sponsored by Austin Friends of Traditional Music; with the Seiker Band, Lost Pines, Hays County Burn Band, others; starts at 6 PM Friday and 1 PM Saturday; Saturday, October 17, 10 AM: Banjo workshop with Rolf Sieker at Austin String Band Festival Saturday, October 17, 7 PM: Tayhoss and Southern Style at BABA monthly show, Johnny Arolfo Civic Center, League City; jamming before the show. Saturday, October 17, 8 PM: Cherryholmes at Centrum Hall, 6823 Cypresswoods Dr., Spring, Texas. 6 More events: October, 2009 Sunday, October 18, 10 AM: The Siekers at Maria's Taco Xpress, 2529 S Lamar Blvd; 444-0261. Friday, October 23, 7 PM: The Siekers at Walburg Restaurant Oktoberfest, Walburg. Saturday, October 24, 5 PM: The Sieker Band at German-Texan Heritage Society Oktoberfest, German Free School, 507 E. 10th; Friday-Saturday, October 23-24: Mitchell Resort and RV Park, Perrin, Texas; fall bluegrass festival with Alaska String Band, Triple L Band, Star Canyon, Lonesome Prairie, others; Sunday, October 25, 6-8:30 PM: Eddie Collins at ArtZ Rib House, 2330 S. Lamar; 442-8283. Thursday-Saturday, October 29-31: Spring Creek Bluegrass Club’s fall festival at Coushatte Ranch, Bellville; Alaska String Band, Bluegrass Brothers, Glen Bonham, Saltgrass, and more. Friday, October 30, 7 PM: The Siekers at Walburg Restaurant Oktoberfest, Walburg. Friday, October 30, 6:30-9 PM: Lost Pines at Central Market Westgate, 4477 S. Lamar, 899-4300 The Toy Hearts at Flipnotics, September 23, 2009. Left to right: Stewart Johnson, dobro; Ray Cargo (yes, our Ray Cargo helping out on bass); Hannah Johnson, mandolin; Rafael Maillet, fiddle; Sophia Johnson, guitar. Photo by Ken Brown. 7 8 CTBA Artists and Bands Austin Lounge Lizards Mike Drudge Cooper’s Uncle The Ledbetters The Sieker Band 615-262-6886 Spencer Drake 512-736-2664 830-660-2533 Rolf & Beate Sieker 512-733-2857 Blacktop Bend David & Barbara Brown The Lost Pines String Beans 361-985-9902 Talia Sekons Mike Montgomery 512-517-6753 Dear Henry Band Manchaca All-Stars George Rios 512-619-8536 Blazing Bows Mary Hattersley 512-873-8925 Bluegrass Vatos B. Buchanan Chris Brewster 512-282-2756 512-693-4648 manchacaallstars@ Eddie Collins Danny Santos 512-218-4141 danny@dannysantosmusic .com 512-836-8255 Brian Byrne and Borrowed Time Jon Ricketts <> 217-6437 Don Inbody 512-295-6977 Jamie Stubblefield 512-295-5325 Grass Onions Band brianbyrneandborrowedtime The Grazmatics 512-699-9251 L. Wayne Ross 512-303-2188 BuffaloGrass Out of the Blue Howard Rains 7704 Peaceful Hill Lane Austin, Tx 78748 512-577-0851 The Piney Grove Ramblers Wayne Brooks 512-699-8282 877-899-8269 512-563-9821 Wayward Pony Dale Albright dale-mandolin@austin. The Wimberley Bunch Charlie & Sally Lewis Box 2077 Canyon Lake, Tx 78133 (830) 899-7511 Randy’s Rangers Sigi Field 512-869-8076 http://pages. Randalls Good Neighbor Program To designate your contribution to the CTBA, go to the address below, print the form and fill it out, and take to your local store: 9 Two High String Band Geoff Union All bands listed are members of the CTBA. See the membership form on the back cover for information on band membership. CTBA Business Members P.O. Box 483 Grapeland, Tx 75884 Overton Bluegrass Festival City of Overton Sponsoring Bluegrass and Gospel Music Don Eaves 903-834-3171 10 Sponsored by City of Early Drawer D Overton, Texas 75684 Charlotte Parrack 325-646-8531 300 Early Blvd. CTBA Area Jams and Events AUSTIN AREA, CTBA GEORGETOWN Beginner/Intermed. Jam 1st. & 3rd Thu. 7-9 Randy’s Rangers Thursday Jam: Duke’s PM, Steve Mangold 512-345-6155 BBQ Smokehouse, 6-8 PM, 512-869-8076 or> CTBA 2nd & 4th Sat , ArtZ Rib House, beginner/Intermediate Jam 4—6 contact: Steve THE GROVE Mangold 345-6155 Outside Pick General Store, 15 mi. west of Temple on Hwy 36, Sat, 6pm until ? Jam Session: Sunday at ArtZ Rib House, 2-6 Contact: Moody Anderson, 512-282-1215 PM PEARL Jam & Stage Show, 1st Sat: Jam starts at noon, show 4:30 PM, Hwy 183, 7 mi South of Purmela; contact: Ronald Medart 254-865 -6013 Live Bluegrass Show: ArtZ Rib House Sun- HARWOOD day 6 pm; 512-442-8283 Stage Show & Jam Session 3rd Sat, 9 mi. E. of Luling, Hwy 90, 2 to 9 PM AAAMS Jam 2nd & 4th Wed. Leander/Cedar Park Fine Arts Academy, 200 Buttercup Rd, Ste. 104, Cedar Park, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 512- HONDO Hondo Hootenanny, 1 PM, Hondo Commu401-8863 nity Center, 1st Fri each month 830-426-3438 AFTM Contradance: 3rd Sat. 3501 Red River HOUSTON 7:30 to 11 pm, $7 453-8936 Second Saturday jam, 1-4 PM, sponsored by AFTM Jam Session: 2nd Sun at ArtZ Rib BABA and the Houston Railroad Museum (April-November), Houston Railroad MuHouse, 2330 S. Lamar, Austin, 2-4 PM seum, 7390 Mesa Road; www.; 713-319-8906 FIDDLER’S GREEN jam session in the BARN out back behind the shop every 2nd LEAGUE CITY (BABA) and 4th Tuesday from 7 PM to 11 PM. Jam & Free Bluegrass Show 3rd Sat: Jam 5 Phone: 512-452-3900 PM, Show 6:30 PM Jan- Nov., League City Civic Center, 300 W. Walker St. 281-6369419 BANDERA 4th Friday of each month at Silver Sage Corral– east of Bandera. Starts at 6:30 pm. For LIBERTY HILL more info call (830)796-3969 (Not on Good 4th Sat. Jam Session at 1-6 PM, Hwy 29 West, contact Paula at 512-778-5410 Friday) Beginner/Intermediate Bluegrass Jam 2nd Thursday 7-9 pm at 6418 Ridgehurst, San Antonio. Hosted by Clifton Bowren 210-602 -5544 BELLVILLE Spring Creek Club Jam/Show Jan. thru Sept 4th Sat; 4pm Jam, 6:30 pm show. Coushatte Recreation Ranch 979-865-5250 Plenty of RV camping and good food. LILLIAN Third Friday show and jam, 10552 CR 519, Lillian; 7 PM, $4; or 817-929-8391 MANCHACA Open jam every Thursday night from 7-9 PM at The Railroad BBQ on FM 1626 in Manchaca BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION, Brazos Country Grass Monday Jam, J. Cody’s, 3610 S. College 6-9 PM McDADE 2nd Monday of each Month: McDade Jamboree at the McDade VFW Post Hwy 290. 7-10 ELGIN PM Call: 512-273-2307 3rd Friday of each Month: Blue Fire-Station jam session, FM 696, 7-10 PM MEDINA 2nd Tuesday—each month— all gospel jam at FAYETTEVILLE: the first Baptist Church—Medina. Starts at 6 Texas Pickin’ Park: Jam 2nd Saturday, each PM; for info Linda Barton 830-589-2486 month beginning at 6 PM on the Courthouse Square. Acoustic instruments only. 2nd Friday each month— The Medina Jam For info: session will be held at the Masonic Lodge at 6:30 PM (bring covered dish) GARLAND Bluegrass on the Square: Saturday, MarchNovember between Main and State Sts. At 6th, 7:30 PM to 1 AM 11 MONTGOMERY 1ST SATURDAY Jam in downtown historical District from 10 AM– 2 PM. For discount coupons at local KOA contact Dr. Mike Davis: SAN ANTONIO Open Bluegrass Jam Session Tuesdays, 6-8:30 PM, Grady’s BBQ Store No. San Pedro Ave, at Jackson –Keller (beginner-friendly) SHULENBERG RV Park community Center 2nd Tuesday of every month, 6:30—9:00 PM Laretta Baumgarten 979-743-4388 WIMBERLEY Bluegrass Jam Fri 8-12 pm, Lane’s Country Café, Wimberley Editor’s note: this list of jams hasn’t been verified in a long time. Call ahead before checking out an unfamiliar jam, to make sure it’s still active. Central Texas Bluegrass Association P.O. Box 9816 Austin, Texas 78766 To:
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