bluegrass bulletin - Central Texas Bluegrass Association
bluegrass bulletin - Central Texas Bluegrass Association
Central Texas Bluegrass Association BLUEGRASS BULLETIN Volume 30 No 11 Copyright © 2008 by Central Texas Bluegrass Association November, 2008 “It’s Time To Go Bearfoot” By Ken Brown Yes, I know it’s getting cooler, but it’s almost time to go Bearfoot! On Saturday November 15th, at 8 pm, this hot young band from Alaska will take the stage at the Cactus Café on the UT campus, sponsored by the Central Texas Bluegrass Association. It’s our 30th Anniversary celebration! CTBA members will get in free (we’ll have a current member list at the door); non-members can join at the door or pay $8. The Band Odessa Jorgensen (fiddle), Angela Oudean (fiddle), Kate Hambre (bass), Jason Norris (mandolin), Mike Mickelson (guitar). Odessa (formerly of the Biscuit Burners) recently replaced Annalisa Tornfelt, who appears on all three of the band’s first three CDs. Twin fiddles, vocal harmonies mostly featuring Odessa, Kate, and Angela, sizzling guitar and mandolin. What more could you want? They’ve played at the Kennedy Center, Merlefest, and the Old Settlers Festival, and they won the Telluride Band contest in 2001. They’ll have a new CD out in 2009. If you want a preview, go to the web site for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts: and use their search engine to search for ―Bearfoot‖. You’ll find a video clip of their performance from October 26, 2007. If you have a fast connection, the audio should come through OK, though the video may be a bit spasmodic. You can also find some MP3 files here: The Cactus Café Unquestionably Austin’s best live acoustic music venue, the Cactus Café is located in the southwest corner of the Texas Union Building, on the UT campus. It’s on the east side of Guadalupe, across from the (continued on page two) (―It’s time to go Bearfoot‖ continued) Co-Op. It’s best to enter the south side of the building, from the West mall; look for the door marked ―Commons,‖ then turn to your left in the lobby. Despite its name the Cactus doesn’t serve food, but it does have a bar, and there is a big food court in the Union. What the Cactus does have is superb acoustics, attentive audiences and one of the best house sound systems in Austin. It’s a pretty small room, so come early! Parking There is no parking adjacent to the Cactus Café. You might get lucky and find a metered space, but don’t count on it. Off-campus meters are free on weekends, but on-campus meters are not (and are limited to 45 minutes maximum). The Longhorns will be at Kansas this weekend, but that will only draw off a few students. 2 See Parking map below: 1. San Antonio Street Garage: entrance on San Antonio near 25th; tickets pulled after 5:45 pm are $3 maximum. 2. Union parking lot: entrance on Whitis, south of 20th. $7 for all day; unlighted, no attendant; pay in cash box. 3. Dobie Mall garage: entrance on north side of 20th between Whitis and University Ave.; 0-60 minutes, $3; $1.50 each additional 30 minutes; $12 /day maximum. 4. AT&T garage; entrance on south side of 20th, almost opposite Dobie garage; 1-1.5 hours, $4; 1.5-2 hours, $6; 2-2.5 hours $8; 2.5—3 hours $10. Other options: the State of Texas lot at MLK and Congress is free on weekends, but is farther away and is usually mostly filled with student cars. There’s also the parking garage under the Bob Bullock History Museum. My advice is to arrive early, eat at one of the neighborhood restaurants (I recommend Ruby’s Barbecue), enjoy the walk to the Cactus and don’t be dismayed just because there’s no parking lot just outside the door. 3 Jam Spotlight By Clifton Bowren This month we salute ―The Retired Musicians Jam‖ of Converse, Texas. I believe it is the oldest Jam still thriving. It was started on the second Thursday in November of 1992 and has never missed a Thursday. How great is that to have held on for approximately 16 years? The Master of Ceremonies is, and has always been, Jack McAffey, AKA ―Cactus Jack‖, now 87 years young. Jack lives in Adkins, Texas and the jam is currently held at the Senior Citizens Center on Donalyn, in Converse. It is between FM 78 and I-10 east of San Antonio. The picture to the right is ―Cactus Jack‖ with Jim McCalla in the background playing electric Bass and Ernie Gambs on the fiddle. Jack has been Master of Ceremonies at the Comal County, New Braunfels Jam for 2 and 1/2 years and only just recently quit after he turned 87. Allan Beck, above from S.A., playing the Autoharp. I didn’t get the name of the steel player. On bass was Jim McCalla, playing Richard’s bass. He usually plays an acoustic bass. Above we have Diane, who lives in New Braunfels. I don’t remember her last name. She also plays bass, banjo, and guitar. Her husband (not shown) plays bass, mandolin and guitar. In the center above is Al Malse, an excellent fiddler. He is a retired Concert Violinist, reads music, and plays some really good breakdowns. Here he is doing “Soldiers Joy” as good as I have ever heard. To the right is Huegette Paige, from Castroville, Tx., born and reared in France and has a cute French accent. She has a great number of French and German tunes and can really make that accordion talk. These are a great bunch of folks and I know you will enjoy visiting with them and joining them in the jam as much a I did. I know I left some of you out but Roy wouldn’t give me an additional page. 4 CTBA Music Teacher Members Eddie Collins Blazing Bows The Sieker Band 512-836-8255 Mary Hattersley 512-873-8925 Rolf & Bete Sieker 512-733-2857 Any members who give lessons and would like to be included please e-mail me at : Correction on the article: Cell Phone Numbers Going Public !!! My thanks to John Roths, KEOS Music Director in College Station, Tx. For bringing the correct information to us. It seems that Telemarketing to a cell phone number has always been illegal in most cases and is as of now. There are several emails going around which are not correct and I happen to have gotten one of those. My intentions were good but I should have checked it out before publishing it. Here’s what you need to know about the National Do Not Call Registry program: FCC regulations prohibit telemarketers from using automated dialers to call cell phone numbers. Auto mated dialers are standard in the industry, so most telemarketers are barred from calling consumers on their cell phones without their consent. The federal government does not maintain a national cell phone registry. Personal cell phone users have always been able to add their numbers to the National Do Not Call Registry — the same Registry consumers use to register their land lines — either online at or by calling toll-free 1888-382-1222 from the telephone number they wish to register. Registrations become effective within 31 days of signing up and are active for five years. There is no cut-off date or deadline for registrations. Business-to-business calls are not covered under the Registry. For More Information To learn more about the National Do Not Call Registry and the rules that enforce it, visit the FTC at or the FCC at For more information about a planned “wireless 411” directory, visit The FTC works for the consumer to prevent fraudulent, deceptive, and unfair business practices in the marketplace and to provide information to help consumers spot, stop, and avoid them. To file a complaint in English or Spanish (bilingual counselors are available to take complaints), or to get free information on any of 150 consumer topics, call toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357), or use the complaint form at The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft, and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. The above is referenced on: Your registration will not expire. Telephone numbers placed on the National Do Not Call Registry will remain on it permanently due to the Do-Not-Call Improvement Act of 2007, which became law in February 2008. Read more about it at 5 CTBA Band Shows and Events NOTE: All listings need to be in no later than the 15th of the month to go into the next month bulletin November, 2008 Sun Nov 2 11:00 am Fri Nov 7 Sat Nov 8 11:00 am Sat Nov 8 1:30 pm Mon Nov 10 9 pm Tue Nov 11 tba Sat Nov 15 7:30 pm Sun Nov 16 3 pm Thu Nov 13 7:30 pm Eddie Collins & Friends with Danny Santos — Artz Ribhouse, Austin, Tx Thu Nov 13 7:30 pm Danny Santos— Artz Ribhouse, Austin, Tx Sun Nov 22 7 pm Sun Nov 23 7:30 pm Sun Nov 23 11:00 am Tue Nov 25 4:15– 5 pm The Grass Onions —HEB Feast of sharing at the Convention Center, Austin, Tx Wed Nov 26 Dear Henry Band— Freyburg Hall “Thanksgiving Hoedown with the Ginn Sisters”, Schulenburg,Tx tba 8 pm The Sieker Band — Threadgill‟s North, Austin, Tx Austin Lounge Lizards— The Palms Playhouse, Winters, CA Blacktop Bend— Sunset Valley Farmers Market, Austin, Tx Two High String Band — Rice Festival, Fischer Hall, Fischer, Tx The Sieker Band — „Bout Time, Austin, Tx Two High String Band —The Oddfellows Hall, Austin, Tx The Sieker Band — Artz Ribhouse, 2330 S. Lamar, Austin, Tx The Piney Grove Ramblers — Brighton Gardens, Austin, Tx The Sieker Band — Walburg Restaurant , Walburg, Tx Eddie Collins & Friends — Artz Ribhouse, Austin, Tx Blacktop Bend—Threadgill‟s North, Austin, Tx Festivals and Workshops Sat Sat Sat Sun Fri Sat Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 15 Nov 16 Nov 21-22 Nov 22 Chrystal Opry House Bluegrass Show— Tom Bean, Tx 903-546-6893 Texas Pickin’ Park— Fayetteville, Tx 979-378-2753 Texas Acoustic Music Society Show — Paris, Tx 703-785-3958 Southwest Bluegrass Club Show—Grapevine, Tx 972-699-9898 Triple Creek RV Park Bluegrass Weekend — Woodville, Tx 409-283-3642 Quitman Bluegrass Music Show— Quitman, Tx 903-852-6588 If you are a member of CTBA, and your band has an upcoming show, please email Editor at: 6 CTBA Artists and Bands Austin Lounge Lizards Mike Drudge 615-262-6886 Blacktop Bend George Rios 512-619-8536 Blazing Bows Dear Henry Band String Beans Too High String Band Chris Brewster 512-693-4648 Mike Montgomery 512-517-6753 Geoff Union 512-563-9821 Eddie Collins Teresa Garner Bluegrass Wayward Pony Dale Albright Band 512-836-8255 Grass Onions Band Mary Hattersley 512-873-8925 Tom Duplissey 512-454-9313 Bluegrass Vatos Hard to Make a Living Danny Santos 512-218-4141 BuffaloGrass Don Inbody 512-295-6977 The Ledbetters Spencer Drake 803-660-2533 John Hood 512-376-7767 The Piney Grove Ramblers Manchaca All-Stars The Sieker Band B. Buchanan 512-282-2756 David & Barbara Brown Out of the Blue 361-985-9902 www.irishsessions.webhop. org Teresa Garner 512-963-4612 Jamie Stubblefield 512-295-5325 Wayne Brooks 512-345-6609 Rolf & Beate Sieker 512-733-2857 The Grazmatics L. Wayne Ross 512-303-2188 NOTE: Please be sure to check the bands’ website for last minute changes as this does occur from time to time. All bands listed are members of the CTBA. See the membership form on the back cover page for information on band membership. Central Texas Bluegrass Bulletin Roy Glover, Editor published by Central Texas Bluegrass Association Russell Gunn, Treasurer John Hood, President Mike Montgomery, Vice-President Ken Brown P.O. Box 9816 Austin, TX 78766-9816 512-261-9440 CTBA is a 501 (c)(3) tax exempt Texas non-profit corporation. Contributions are deductible as charitable and educational donations. Work published in this Bulletin is used by permission of writers, artists, and photographers, who retain all copyrights to work submitted to the Bulletin. 7 CTBA Member Bands CD’s This group composed of Don Inbody on guitar, Scott Byars on mandolin and Howard Surber on bass, all sing both solo and do harmony as well. The CD reflects their own style of music including some songs they have written as well as some of our old time favorites. Contact information provided below for prices and shipping. For Booking info go to : Artist: Title: Contact : Booking: BuffaloGrass Gone to Nickel Creek www.buffalograss This group has developed a unique style of their own and given a new sound to the Bluegrass Music. I have this album and thoroughly enjoy it. It is unlike many of the albums you buy these days which when you finish listening to it you almost never put it back in the CD player because you don’t have the urge to listen to it again. This entire album will have you wanting to listening time and again. Artist: Teresa Garner & Bluegrass Express Title: Cold Cold Ground Contact: The Manchaca All Stars are a lively and Entertaining group who have play various venues around the area for over 20 years. You may have seen and listened to them at the Manchaca Fire Hall in Manchaca, Tx where they were the house band for many years. Their music consist of a wide range from the realm of country to Bluegrass. Contact info provided below: Artist: Manchaca All Stars Title: First Attempt Call: (512) 282 - 2756 or 512 496-3756 Here it is! Eddie Collins latest release and boy is it great. I am like the man in the commercial that can’t decide which flooring he wants. I like this one no that one no that one! Well that is the way I feel about Eddie’s latest CD release. All of his releases have been great but I think it is my favorite until he comes out with another. Helping Eddie out on this release are Mike Montgomery: fiddle, tracks 2,5,6,9 & 12, Billy Bright: Mandolin on tracks 4,6,9,12 and Amy Collins: Flute on track 5. Artist: Eddie Collins Title: Rapid Transit Contact: www.eddiecollins.bus/eddie/cd.html These two albums have been out for a while with ―Golden Wings‖ being the latest release. I have both CD’s and enjoy both…. Roy The following is a testimonial listed on Eddie’s web site: ….‖unpretentious music that draws the listener in. It reminds me not so much of a fancy banquet as an enjoyable, satisfying breakfast with friends at your favorite local diner.‖ …..Pete Wernick (Dr. Banjo) For info on ordering go to: Artist: Eddie Collins Title: Golden Wings or Rise & Shine Contact: www.eddiecollins.bus/eddie/cd.html “Singer/songwriter Danny Santos the inspiration of his Tejano heritage, a musical legacy ranging from Hank Williams to the Beatles, and a Texas-sized determination to create a unique mix of country/ folk tinged with Bluegrass and the Blues. His songs illuminate the joys of true love, the woes of love lost and the weary longing of those still searching. It’s a style forged from maturity, grit and drive‖. I took this from his website but I have listened to his music and it truly relates and states it much better than I could. For ordering info go to: Artist: Danny Santos Title: Done Gone Got Lucky Contact: 8 CTBA Business Members Overton Bluegrass Festival City of Overton Sponsoring Bluegrass and Gospel Music Don Eaves 903-834-3171 Drawer D Overton, Texas 75684 Texas Bluegrass Celebration Sponsored by City of Early Charlotte Parrack 325-646-8531 300 Early Blvd. #31 Early, Texas 76802 Notice: We will be taking more pictures at bluegrass events and jams. If any member does not want their picture published in the Bulletin please opt out by contacting … Roy Glover at: 9 10 CTBA Area Jams and Events AUSTIN AREA, CTBA FAYETTEVILLE: Beginner/Intermed. Jam 1st. & 3rd Thu. 7-9 pm, Texas Pickin‖ Park...Jam 2nd Saturday, each Steve Mangold 512-345-6155 month beginning at 6 pm on the Courthouse Square. Acoustic Instruments only. CTBA 2nd & 4th Sat , Artz Ribhouse, beginner/ For Info: Intermediate Jam 4—6 contact: Steve Mangold 345-6155 Jam Session: Sunday at Artz Ribhouse, 2-5 pm and multiple jam sites for acoustic music (bluegrass, country and Cajon). Jams from 10 am til 2 pm. For discount coupons at local KOA contact Dr. Mike Davis: NEW BRAUNFELS Landa Country Music Jam —1st and 3rd Monday each month 10 am, at Senior Citizen’s Center 655 Landa St. New Braunfels 830-589-2486 GARLAND Bluegrass on the Square: Sat-March thru NovemLive Bluegrass Show: Artz Ribhouse Sunday 6 ber between Main and State Sts. At 6th, 7:30pm pm; 512-442-8283 to 1 am, Jim Miller 972-276-3197 PEARL Jam & Stage Show, 1st Sat: Jam 12:00, Show AAAMS Jam 2nd & 4th Wed. Leander/Cedar GEORGETOWN 4:30 pm Hwy 183, 7 mi South of Purmela Park Fine Arts Academy, 200 Buttercup Rd, Ste. Randy’s Rangers Thursday Jam: Duke’s BBQ contact: Ronald Medart 254-865-6013 104, Cedar Park, 6:30 to 8:30 pm, 512-401-8863 Smokehouse, 7-9 pm, 512-869-8076 or SAN ANTONIO AFTM Contra Dance: 3rd Sat. 3501 Red River Open Bluegrass Jam Session 1st & 3rd Tue. , 67:30 to 11 pm, $7 453-8936 2nd Sunday Jam, held at 1 pm at the San Gabriel 8:30 pm Grady’s BBQ Store No San Pedro Ave, Park in Georgetown behind the football stadium. at Jackson –Keller (beginner Friendly) AFTM Jam Session: 2nd Sun at Artz Rib house at Contact Jon or Sigi 512-869-8076 2330 S Lamar, Austin Tx Beginner/Intermediate Bluegrass Jam 2nd ThursTHE GROVE day 7-9 pm at 6418 Ridgehurst, San Antonio, Tx FIDDLERS GREEN jam session in the BARN out Outside Pick General Store, 15 mi. west of Hosted by: Clifton Bowren 210-602-5544 back behind the shop every 2nd and 4th Thursday Temple on Hwy 36, Sat, 6pm til……….. from 7pm to 11 pm. Phone : 512-452-3900 Contact: M. Anderson 512-282-1215 (3rd Sat. is THE BIG JAMBOREE ) SHULENBERG RV Park community Center BANDERA HARWOOD 2nd Tuesday of every month 6:30—9:00 pm 4th Friday of each month at Silver Sage Corral– Stage Show & Jam Session 3rd Sat, 9 mi. E. of Laretta Baumgarten 979-743-4388 east of Bandera. Starts at 6:30 pm. For more info Lulling, Hwy 90, 2 to 9 pm call (830)796-3969 (Not on Good Friday) Ben Buchanan 512-263-7193 WIMBERLEY HONDO BELLVILLE, Bluegrass Jam Fri 8-12 pm, Lane’s Country Café Spring Creek Club Jam/Show Jan. thru Sept 4th Hondo Hootenanny, 1 pm Hondo Community Wimberley, Tx Sat; 4pm Jam, 6:30 pm show. Coushatte Recrea- Center, 1st Fri each mo. 830-426-3438 tion Ranch 979-865-5250 LEAGUE CITY (BABA) Plenty of RV camping and good food. Jam & Free Bluegrass Show 3rd Sat: Jam 5pm, Show 6:30pm Jan thru Nov., League City Civic BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION, Notice: We will be taking more Brazos Country Grass Monday Jam J. Cody’s, Center, 300 W. Walker St. 281-636-9419 pictures at bluegrass events and 3610 S. College 6-9 pm jams. If any member does not LIBERTY HILL 4th Sat. Jam Session at 1 pm until 6 pm, Hwy 29 want their picture published in CEDAR PARK, Irish sessions Jam, It’s a Grind West, contact Paula at 512-778-5410 the Bulletin please opt out by Coffeehouse, once a month. Check out website: contacting … Roy Glover at: MANCHACA www.irishsessions/webhop/org Open Jam every Thursday night from 7-9:00 pm at The Railroad BBQ on FM 1626 in Manchaca, Tx CLEBURNE Show and Jam: 3rd Fri. Cleburne Civic Center, MCDADE 1501 W. Henderson (Hwy 67) 7 pm $3 2nd Monday of each Month: McDade Jamboree at the McDade VFW Post Hwy 290. 7-10 pm Call: 512-273-2307 CONVERSE 2nd Thursday each month Retired Musicians Jam MEDINA 10 am to 3 pm—250 Donalan, Converse, Tx call 2nd Tuesday—each month— all gospel jam at the 210-658-3578 (South of Converse off Hwy 1516) first Baptist Church—Median, Tx. Starts at 6 pm for info call...Linda Barton 830-589-2486 ELGIN 2nd Friday of each month: Elgin Jam –Back Forty 2nd Friday each month— The Medina Jam session Chiropractic/Rain Deer Productions-105 W. 2nd will be held at the Masonic Lodge at 6:30 pm St. Elgin 7-10 pm (bring covered dish) 3rd Friday of each Month: Blue Fire-Station jam MONTGOMERY session FM 696 7-10 1ST SATURDAY Jam in Downtown Historical Montgomery, Tx Quaint shops, farmer’s market, If we left off your jam, please contact Roy at 11 Central Texas Bluegrass Assoc. P.O. Box 9816 Austin, Texas 78766=9816 To:
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