quering new markets, growing number of flights and a steady


quering new markets, growing number of flights and a steady
Razgovor sa povodom – dr Zoran Đurišić,
predsjednik Montenegro Airlinesa
Uspjeh kao imperativ
ilo je potrebno mnogo volje, hrabrosti, vizije i znanja za
suočavanje sa izazovom stvaranja crnogorske avio-kompanije u
vremenu koje nije bilo naklonjeno takvoj ideji, u sredini koja nije
vjerovala u to... Ekonomija je bila u kolapsu, sankcije, rat u susjedstvu...
Koridor do uspjeha, kao krajnje destinacije, od samog početka bio je
prepun iskušenja. Mnogi nisu vjerovali u mogućnost ostvarenja i održivosti ovakvog projekta. Sama ideja o osnivanju crnogorske avio-kompanije devedesetih godina imala je prizvuk političke nepodobnosti.
Idejni tvorac i utemeljivač kompanije bio je jedan od rijetkih koji
je smatrao da Montenegro Airlinesovom orlu nije rano da poleti.
Početkom devedesetih dr Zoran Đurišić svoju viziju pretočio je u djelo.
Montenegro Airlines 24. oktobra 2011. godine slavi sedamnaest godina svog postojanja. O razvoju, planovima i o putovanjima uopšte,
razgovarali smo sa prvim čovjekom i utemeljivačem kompanije – dr
Zoranom Đurišićem.
Recite nam nešto o samom razvoju kompanije…
Avio-kompanija je osnovana 24. oktobra 1994. godine. Iako je ideja o
osnivanju crnogorske avio-kompanije postojala mnogo duže, početkom devedesetih ova ideja je detaljno elaborirana u Vladinoj Agenciji
za prestrukturiranje privrede i strana ulaganja. Tada je konstatovano
da saobraćajna povezanost Crne Gore sa svijetom ne odgovara potrebama savremenog turizma, kao ni potrebama poslovnih ljudi.
Nakon što je 1993. godine Vlada prihvatila ideju o osnivanju avio-kompanije, pristupilo se brojnim administrativnim pripremama.
Osnivački akt potpisan je u septembru 1994. godine, a kompanija je registrovana 24. oktobra 1994. godine za obavljanje redovnog
domaćeg i međunarodnog putničkog i charter saobraćaja, kao i za
prevoz prtljaga i pošte.
Montenegro Airlines jedna je od rijetkih kompanija u Evropi koja se
razvijala u specifičnim okolnostima. Naši putnici morali su da imaju vize za putovanja. Ovo je bio faktor koji je umnogome usporavao razvoj
kompanije. Da nije bilo ove okolnosti, imali bismo veći broj prevezenih putnika. Kompanije iz EU nisu se suočavale sa takvim problemom
i bile su u prednosti u odnosu na nas – Montenegro Airlinesovi putnici tek su poslije petnaest godina njegovog postojanja dočekali trenutak kada mogu nesmetano da putuju.
Kako je godinama rasla kompanija, flota i broj zaposlenih, Montenegro
Airlines se razvijao u modernu instituciju, koja posluje u skladu sa savremenim svjetskim standardima, o čemu svjedoče naši zadovoljni
putnici ali i brojni dobijeni sertifikati, od kojih izdvajam – IOSA serti-
fikat, najveće priznanje iz oblasti bezbjednosti u avio-saobraćaju. Od
nastanka do danas prevezli smo oko pet miliona putnika.
Okosnicu svake kompanije čini njena flota. Kako saznajemo,
planirate nabavku četvrtog Embraera?
Flotu Montenegro Airlinesa čini osam modernih letjelica, od kojih je
pet tipa Fokker 100 i tri tipa Embraer 195. Naša flota prepoznatljiva je
po najmodernijim tehničko-tehnološkim rješenjima u svjetskoj vazduhoplovnoj industriji u svojoj klasi aviona. Embraeri 195 pripadaju
E-jets porodici, prepoznatljivi su po svojoj sofisticiranosti i izuzetnim
performansama. Sa najmodernijim tehničko-tehnološkim rješenjima
sa pravom nose naziv „avioni za 21. vijek”. Ovi avioni dizajnirani su po
tzv. E-principu i nude najsavremeniji inženjering, superiornu ergonomiju, izvanrednu efikasnost i impresivnu ekonomičnost. Njihovim
dolaskom u našu flotu omogućeno je osvajanje novih tržišta, a putnicima je ponuđen najefikasniji, u tehnološkom smislu najnapredniji
i najudobniji avion na nebu. Upravo su u toku pregovori sa renomiranom kućom GECAS povodom nabavke četvrtog Embraera. Njegov
dolazak očekujemo u prvom kvartalu 2013. godine.
Montenegro Airlines, kao kompanija koja prevozi godišnje
preko pola miliona putnika, što predstavlja skoro ukupan broj
stanovnika Crne Gore, prevazišla je lokalne okvire.
Tačno, Montenegro Airlines u godini u kojoj slavi sedamnaest godina postojanja održava redovan saobraćaj ka brojnim destinacijama:
Londonu, Cirihu, Frankfurtu, Rimu, Parizu, Ljubljani, Beču, Beogradu,
Moskvi, Sankt Peterburgu, Nišu i Kopenhagenu. Montenegro Airlines
na najbrži, najpovoljniji i najefikasniji način već godinama povezuje
Crnu Goru i Evropu, dajući na taj način doprinos ukupnoj crnogorskoj
Pored već pomenutih redovnih linija, mnoge destinacije našle
su se na karti naših charter letova: Bari, Brindizi, Napulj, Atina, Krf,
Rodos, Skijatos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurgada, Brno, Ostrava, Grac,
Klagenfurt, Diseldorf, Katanija...
Ciljevi naše kompanije jasno su definisani u smislu inoviranja flote i osvajanja novih tržišta kroz iskorištavanje potencijala u regionu. Naravno, posebno bih istakao našu najvažniju liniju za Beograd
iz Podgorice i Tivta, na kojoj naši avioni saobraćaju i po pet puta
dnevno. Da bismo što duže ostali na ovim tržištima i pozicionirali se
konkurentno, trudimo se da sezonski unapređujemo svoju ponudu,
posebno cjenovnu politiku. Takođe, unapređenjem redovnosti saobraćanja sa minimalnim connection time-om, tržište Srbije povezujemo sa Evropom.
Kako ste zadovoljni proteklom turističkom sezonom?
Sa zadovoljstvom mogu da kažem da smo veoma zadovoljni ovom
ljetnjom sezonom. Tokom juna, jula i avgusta Montenegro Airlines je
prevezao nešto preko 300 000 putnika. Punjenje kabine bilo je bolje
nego prošle godine. Međutim, iako imamo veći broj putnika, troškovi
organizacije letjenja znatno su povećani, pa su samim tim i prihodi
avio-kompanije smanjeni. Međutim, ono što ohrabruje jeste ogroman broj turista koji su došli u Crnu Goru našom avio-kompanijom.
Svi oni su ostvarili veliki broj noćenja u crnogorskim hotelima i imali
su vanpansionsku potrošnju... Dakle, šire gledano, Crna Gora kao turistička destinacija imala je ogromne koristi od aranžmana i letova koje
je realizovao Montenegro Airlines.
Montenegro Airlines je nekoliko puta dobijao priznanje kao
najtačnija avio-kompanija na evropskim aerodromima, sa kojih veliki broj avio-kompanija iz cijelog svijeta obavlja na stotine letova. U čemu je tajna uspjeha Montenegro Airlinesa?
Osim bezbjednosti, u avijaciji je veoma bitna tačnost. Oba ova seg-
menta tretirana su sa posebnom pažnjom u našoj kompaniji. Ranijih
godina na frankfurtskom aerodromu bili smo nominovani u prvih
deset svjetskih kompanija po tačnosti. Moram priznati da su nas priznanja od moskovskog aerodroma Domodedova posebno obradovala jer to je aerodrom sa koga svakog minuta polijeću brojne avio-kompanije iz cijelog svijeta. Kada vas takav aerodrom prepozna kao
najtačnijeg prevoznika, to zaista nešto znači.
Stav Montenegro Airlinesa jasan je – ni u jednom segmentu poslovanja ne smije da bude improvizacija. Posada mora da bude spremna
na vrijeme, tehnika takođe, i sve mora da funkcioniše savršeno.
Tajna uspjeha Montenegro Airlinesa jeste u dobroj organizaciji. Sve
aktivnosti u kompaniji lično pratim i ništa ne prepuštam slučaju. O
svemu sam u svakom momentu informisan – informacijama o kompaniji počinjem i završavam dan.
Dokazali ste da svoje poslovanje bazirate na konstantnom
praćenju savremenih tokova u poslovanju. Šta je novo ovih
dana u Montenegro Airlinesu?
Pa osim inoviranja flote o kojoj sam govorio, Montenegro Airlines se
trudi da prati savremene tokove u svakom segmentu svog poslovanja. Ovih dana ponovo smo obnovili IOSA sertifikat. To je IATA-in
program kontrole sigurnosti i bezbjednosti u vazdušnom saobraćaju.
Kompanije koje posjeduju IOSA sertifikat predstavljaju velike svjetske
avio-prevoznike. Treće obnavljanje IOSA sertifikata i ispunjenje strogo
postavljenih 950 sigurnosnih i bezbjednosnih standarda, najbolja je
potvrda kvaliteta, nivoa poslovanja i vrijednosti Montenegro Airlinesa.
Vodeći brigu o svojim putnicima, kao i svake godine do sada, povodom godišnjice kompanije ponudili smo niz povoljnih tarifa našim
putnicima. Informacije o povoljnostima mogu se dobiti u našim poslovnicama ili centralnom bookingu.
Vaše viđenje globalne ekonomske krize i planovi za 2012. godinu?
Godinu 2010. obilježili su najveći gubici u segmentu civilnog vazduhoplovstva od njegovog postojanja. Civilna avijacija, po IATA podacima,
suočila se sa gubitkom većim od jedanaest milijardi $. U 2010. godini
industrija se vratila nekoliko velikih koraka unazad. Što se broja putnika
i cijene goriva tiče, vratila se na nivo približan onome iz 2007. godine, dok je sa aspekta prihoda ostala znatno ispod nivoa iz te godine.
Uprkos predviđanjima da će avio-industrija u 2011. godini i dalje biti
u zoni „opasnog crvenog”, gubitak avio-industrije je na nivou iz 2010.
Međutim za 2012. godinu očekuje se da može biti na nivou 2010. godine, što je predviđanje koje nas ne raduje. Glavni uzroci za gubitke u
avio-saobraćaju jesu visoke cijene aerodromskih usluga i visoka cijena
goriva, kao i preveliki troškovi održavanja. Da to nisu samo problemi
sa kojima se susreće naša kompanija, pokazuje zaključak ovogodišnje
Generalne skupštine evropskih avio-prevoznika, održane u Rimu, koja
je bila posvećena teškom stanju u kome se našla avio-industrija svijeta.
Interview with Zoran Djurisic, PhD,
President of Montenegro Airlines
Success as Imperative
t took a lot of will, courage, vision and knowledge to face the
challenges of establishing the Montenegrin airline company
in a period that was so totally unfavorable to such an idea, and
in a place that did not believe in it… The economy was in a state of
collapse, with sanctions at home and war in the immediate neighborhood… the road to success, as the final destination, was full of
difficulties from the very start. Many did not believe in the possibility of the realization and sustainability of such a project. The very
idea of founding a Montenegrin airline company during the 1990s
sounded unlikely and politically unsuitable.
Ekonomski eksperti saglasni su da su u vremenu ekonomske krize samo dugoročne investicije – isplative investicije. Vrijeme krize upravo
predstavlja izazov i šansu za ozbiljne kompanije da se u dolazećim
vremenima stabilnije pozicioniraju. I ne samo u vremenima krize
već generalno – vazduhoplovstvo ne toleriše tehnološku stagnaciju. Poznato je pravilo – ako stagnirate, nemate perspektivu, a ako
se opredijelite za ofanzivan razvoj, imate veliku šansu da uspijete.
To je naš put: inovacija flote i poboljšanje svih servisa čini proizvod
Montenegro Airlinesa vrlo konkurentnim.
Smatram da je vrijeme da evropska regulatorna tijela prepoznaju
kompanije kao ekonomske činioce sa kojima moraju sarađivati, a da
zajednički cilj mora biti finansijska stabilnost, mobilnost, konkurentnost i socijalna kohezija.
Montenegro Airlines i dalje vjeruje u svoje potencijale i stabilnu
tržišnu poziciju. U skladu sa tim predstavnici Montenegro Airlinesa,
Ministarstva saobraćaja i Ekonomski fakultet u Podgorici ušli su u izradu elaborata koji će predložiti mjere kako bi se u narednih pet godina
The architect and founder of the company was one of the few who
believed that the Montenegro Airlines eagle was not too young to
fly. In the early 1990s, Dr Zoran Djurisic made his vision come true.
On 24 October 2011, Montenegro Airlines celebrated its 17th anniversary. About the future developments, plans and travelling in
general, we talked to the leader and founder of the company - Dr
Zoran Djurisic.
poslovanje Montenegro Airlinesa finansijski stabilizovalo.
Pored prisustva brojnih avio-kompanija i jake konkurencije na tržištu,
zadržali smo mrežu svojih destinacija. Za sedamnaest godina svog
postojanja uspjeli smo da budemo prepoznati kao lider u regionu.
Tako ćemo 2011. godinu privesti kraju i zaokružiti jedan razvojni put
koji nas predstavlja kao regionalnog lidera.
Tell us something about the development of the company…
The airline was established on 24 October 1994. Even though the
idea of establishing a Montenegrin airline company was much
older than that, the idea was elaborated in detail by the Government’s Agency for Economic Restructuring and Foreign Investments back in the early 1990s. It was concluded that Montenegro
lacked the transportation infrastructure to meet the demands of
the tourism industry and the business community.
In 1993, after the Government finally approved the idea of establishing an airline company, we began a number of administrative
preparations. The Articles of Incorporation were signed in September 1994, and on 24 October 1994 the company was registered
to operate scheduled domestic and international passenger transport and charter operations, as well as to operate cargo and mail
Montenegro Airlines is one of the very rare companies in Europe
that has managed to develop in such difficult circumstances. Our
passengers needed visas to travel. This factor significantly slowed
down the company’s development. If it had not been for this circumstance, we would have had a larger number of passengers.
The EU-based companies did not face such problems, which gave
them an advantage over us, whereas the passengers of Montenegro Airlines waited another fifteen years after the company’s
establishment, to be able to travel freely.
Over the years, the company grew in terms of its fleet and the
number of staff; Montenegro Airlines developed into a modern
institution, operating in compliance with contemporary international standards, which can be testified to by our satisfied passengers, as well as by our numerous quality certificates, including the
IOSA certificate, the highest recognition for safety in air transport.
From the beginning of operations until the present day we have
successfully transported around 5 million passengers.
The fleet is the base of every airline company. We have
heard that you are planning to purchase a fourth Embraer?
The Montenegro Airlines fleet consists of eight modern airplanes,
five Fokker 100 aircraft and three Embraer 195s. Our fleet is distinguished by the latest technical and technological innovations in
the international airline industry, in every aircraft class. The Embraer 195s belong to the E-jets family and are recognized for their
sophisticated and extraordinary performance. With their technical and technological features, these planes are rightly called “the
airplanes for the 21st century”. The planes are designed according
to the so called “E-principle” and offer top of the range engineering, superior ergonomics, extraordinary efficiency and impressive
cost efficiency. Their arrival in our fleet has enabled us to conquer
new markets, and our passengers are offered the most efficient,
technologically most advanced, and most comfortable aircraft
in the skies. We are currently in negotiations with the renowned
company GECAS, to purchase a fourth Embraer. The aircraft is expected to arrive in the first quarter of 2013.
As a company that transports over half a million people a year,
which is almost equal to the total population of Montenegro,
Montenegro Airlines has surpassed the local boundaries.
That is true, in the year in which we celebrated our 17the anniversary, Montenegro Airlines regularly flies to numerous destinations,
namely: London, Zurich, Frankfurt, Rome, Paris, Ljubljana, Vienna,
Belgrade, Moscow, St Petersburg, Nis and Copenhagen. For years,
Montenegro Airlines has been connecting Montenegro and Europe in the fastest, cheapest and most efficient way, thus contributing to the overall development of the Montenegrin economy.
In addition to our regular flights, numerous destinations were
added to our charter flight list: Bari, Brindisi, Naples, Athens, Corfu,
Rhodes, Skiathos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurghada, Brno, Ostrava,
Graz, Klagenfurt, Dusseldorf, Catania and others.
The goals of our company have been clearly defined and target
the renewal of our fleet and the conquering of new markets by
exploiting the potential of the region. Of course, I should specifically mention our single most important flight connection to Belgrade from Podgorica and Tivat, which our planes fly up to five
times a day. In order to stay in these markets as long as possible
and position ourselves as a competitive company, we do our best
to promote our services each season, especially when it comes
to our pricing policy. Also, by promoting the regular scheduled
routes with minimal connection time, we are connecting the Serbian market with Europe.
Are you satisfied with this tourist season?
I am happy to say that we are very satisfied with this year’s summer season. During June, July and August, Montenegro Airlines
transported over 300,000 passengers. Total cabin occupancy was
better than last year. However, even though we have more passengers, our flight costs are significantly higher and the airline’s income has declined. However, we are encouraged by such a large
number of tourists coming to Montenegro with our company. All
of them were responsible for a large number of nights in Montenegrin hotels, and the complementary tourist spending... Therefore, in a broader perspective, as a tourist destination, Montenegro
has reaped great benefits from the arrangements and flights of
Montenegro Airlines.
On several occasions, Montenegro Airlines received awards
as the most punctual airline at European airports from
where a large number of airlines from all over the world
have hundreds of flights a day. What is the secret of Montenegro Airlines’ success?
Apart from safety, punctuality is extremely important in the air
transport industry. Our company treats both segments with the
utmost care. In previous years, we were listed as one of the world’s
top ten punctual airlines at Frankfurt airport. I have to admit that we
were especially pleased by the recognition coming from Moscow
Domodedovo airport; it is an airport from which numerous airlines
from all over the world depart each minute. If that airport has recognized us as the most punctual carrier, it really means a lot to us.
Montenegro Airlines maintains a firm policy that no segment of
operations should be based on improvisation. The crew has to be
ready on time, the same applies to technical side, and everything
needs to function perfectly.
The secret of Montenegro Airlines’ success is in its good organization. I am involved personally in all of our company’s activities and
I don’t leave anything to chance. I am informed about everything
at any given moment, and I start and finish each day with the latest information about the company.
You have proved that you base your operations on continual
compliance with the most contemporary business trends.
What is new in Montenegro Airlines these days?
Besides the fleet renewal I have already told you about, Montenegro Airlines is trying to keep all segments of our operations in
total compliance with contemporary trends. Recently we have renewed IOSA (Operational Safety Certificate of the International Air
Transport Association) certificate. IOSA is the part of IATA program
of security and safety control in air traffic. It is important to emphasize that companies holding IOSA certificate are the world’s
largest airlines. The third renewal of IOSA certificate and meeting
strict 950 safety and security standards, is the best confirmation of
quality, operation level and value of Montenegro Airlines.
By taking care of our passengers, just as in all the previous years,
our company’s anniversary will be an occasion to offer a range of
special tariffs for our flights. The information about these tariffs is
available from our offices or central booking.
What is your take on the global economic crisis, and what
are your plans for 2012?
The year 2010 was marked by the greatest losses in the civil air
transportation system ever. According to IATA data, the civil aviation industry was faced with losses of over $11 billion. The industry took several large steps back in 2010. In terms of the number
of passengers and fuel prices, it returned to the level close to 2007
figures, whereas income was significantly lower than in 2007. In
spite of predictions that air industry will continue to be in the ‘dangerous red’ zone during 2011, the loss of air industry is at the same
level as in 2010. However, the next year, 2012 is expected to be
similar to 2010, and we are not happy with this outlook. The main
causes of the losses are high airport taxes and high fuel prices,
as well as extremely high maintenance costs. These are not only
problems for our company, but also in the airline industry all over
the world. This was the conclusion drawn at this year’s General
Assembly of European Regions Airlines Association, held in Rome.
Economic experts agree that in times of economic crisis, the only
feasible investments are long-term. The times of crises are a true
challenge and an opportunity for serious companies to position
themselves better in the upcoming period. Not just in the period
of crisis, but in general, the air transport does not tolerate technological stagnation. Everyone is familiar with a rule – if you stagnate,
you have no prospects, and your chances of success are greater if
you opt for straightforward development. That is our route. Not
just the fleet renewal, but also the improvement of all the services,
and that is something that makes Montenegro Airlines services
very competitive.
I believe it is high time the European regulatory authorities accepted airlines as economic factors they have to cooperate with,
and that our joint goals ought to be financial stability, mobility,
competition and social cohesion.
We at Montenegro Airlines continue to believe in our potential and
stable market position and against that background the representatives of Montenegro Airlines, the Ministry of Transportation and
the Faculty of Economics of Podgorica initiated the drafting of a
study proposing measures for the next 5-year period aimed at enabling the financial stabilization of Montenegro Airlines operations.
Even though the level of competition in the market is strong, and
there are many different airlines, we have managed to preserve
the network of our destinations, and we will end 2011 in that position, rounding off a developmental route that has distinguished
us as a regional leader.
17 godina za nama
Prateći rast broja putnika i povećan obim posla nakon nabavke
novog aviona, rasla je i naša kompanija. Da bi se izašlo u susret
potrebama putnika, ali i da bi kompanija postala bliža svijetu i
svjetskim standardima, osnivani su novi sektori i nove službe.
Postojanje crnogorske avio-kompanije dokaz je da se i u Crnoj Gori može poslovati po
najsavremenijim standardima i da osporavana ideja, ima šanse ako je vodi tim koji
vjeruje u nju. Osvajanje novih tržišta, povećanje broja rotacija i stalno povećanje broja
putnika jesu ciljevi koji su pred kompanijom.
Godina 1994.
Kompanija Montenegro Airlines osnovana je 24. oktobra 1994.
godine. Registrovana je za obavljanje redovnog domaćeg i
međunarodnog putničkog saobraćaja i čarter saobraćaja, kao i za
prevoz prtljaga i pošte. Ideja o osnivanju crnogorske avio-kompanije
postojala je i ranije, ali je početkom devedesetih detaljno elaborirana
u Vladinoj Agenciji za prestruktuiranje privrede i strana ulaganja. Bilo
je sasvim izvjesno da tadašnja saobraćajna povezanost Crne Gore sa
svijetom nije dovoljna za razvoj turizma, održavanje poslovnih veza
sa inostranstvom, ali ni za putovanja građana Crne Gore.
Administrativne pripreme započele su odmah nakon što je 1993.
godine Vlada prihvatila ideju o osnivanju avio-kompanije. Osnivački
akt je potpisan u septembru 1994. godine, da bi mjesec dana kasnije
avio-kompanija bila i zvanično registrovana.
Godina 1995.
Tokom prve godine postojanja Montenegro Airlines je upošljavao ljude, slao ih na obuke, usavršavanja i specijalizacije, kako bi što spremnije dočekali prve putnike. Među zaposlenima našli su se stručnjaci
koji su zanat pekli u velikim i moćnim avio-kompanijama, ali i oni koji
su se prvi put susreli sa avijacijom.
Bilo je to vrijeme kada je kompanija izgradila svoj vizuelni identitet.
Tvorac Montenegro Airlinesovog orla, po kome je i danas prepoznata
kompanija, je arhitekta iz Nikšića Đorđije Markuš.
Godina 1996.
Fokker 28Mk 4000 bio je prvi avion Montenegro Airlinesa. Nabavljen je
u jesen 1996. godine. Prethodne dvije godine zbog situacije u regionu i
vrlo nepovoljne situacije u avio-industriji nije bilo moguće kupiti avion.
Fokker je, inače, nastao prije Boeinga. Ime je dobio po osnivaču
Anthoniju Fokkeru, koji je prvi avion konstruisao 1910. godine, kada
mu je bilo svega dvadeset godina. Deset godina kasnije KLM je u svoj
redovni saobraćaj uveo prvi Fokkerov putnički avion.
Godina 1997.
Avion sa znakom naše kompanije poletio je prvi put 7. maja 1997.
godine. Tog dana tačno u 10 sati i 30 minuta „Lovćen” je sletio u Bari.
Zbog poznatih istorijskih i poslovnih veza Crne Gore i Italije odluka
da se prvo leti u tu zemlju bila je očekivana.
Let ka prvoj međunarodnoj destinaciji trajao je 50 minuta. Nije samo
u Crnoj Gori to bio veliki događaj. Crnogorske predstavnike u Bariju
dočekali su brojni novinari, predstavnici političkog i ekonomskog života Pulje. Na svečanom prijemu priređenom u hotelu „Palas” govorili
su tadašnji gradonačelnik Barija Simeone di Kanjo Abreša, predsjednik Vlade pokrajine Pulja Salvator di Stazo, kao i tadašnji ambasador
SRJ u Rimu Miodrag Lekić.
Krajem avgusta 1997. godine ekipa tehnike Montenegro Airlinesa
preuzela je održavanje aviona. Prije toga Fokker 28 održavali su mehaničari iz Francuske, dok je pet naših mehaničara bilo u Holandiji na
obuci za taj posao. Kompanija je morala da zadovolji uslove za rad –
prije svega sigurnosne. Danas Montenegro Airlines ima odličnu ekipu
inžinjera i mehaničara koji brinu o floti.
Godina 1999.
Ovu godinu obilježilo je NATO bombardovanje. Dok su po
aerodromu u Golubovcima padale prve NATO bombe, u
Fokkeru su bila 83 putnika i članovi posade. Iako posada nije
bila obaviještena o započetim ratnim dejstvima, uspjeli su
bezbjedno da slete i izvedu putnike. No, tada je počela i nova
drama – putnici i posada bili su na sigurnom, ali nametnulo se
novo pitanje – šta sa avionima. Ipak, uz veliko angažovanje zaposlenih flota je sklonjena na sigurno.
Krajem 1999. godine, nakon burnih godina za cijeli region, otvorili smo veoma značajnu destinaciju prema Frankfurtu, koji
je do danas jedna od naših najfrekventnijih destinacija. Kraj
te godine obilježen je letovima za Cirih, Ljubljanu, Skoplje,
Istanbul i Budimpeštu.
Godina 2000.
U aprilu 2000. godine postali smo član Međunarodne asocijacije za vazdušni saobraćaj (IATA). To je bio preduslov za dobijanje dozvola za redovni vazdušni saobraćaj, ulazak u Amadeus i
ostvarivanja tijesne saradnje sa drugim avio-kompanijama.
Pošto smo tri godine obavljali saobraćaj kao čarter kompanija – bili smo spremni da postanemo član IATA. Stučnjaci ove
međunarodne asocijacije, nakon izvršene inspekcije tehničkih,
letačkih, bezbjednosnih i operativnih procedura, konstatovali
su da je kompanija ispunila sve uslove da postane ravnopravan član sa brojnim svjetskim avio-kompanijama.
Godina 2000. bila je prelomna godina za kompaniju jer su
se morale obaviti pripreme za nabavku novog aviona. Od
naredne 2001. godine, zbog novih vazduhoplovnih pravila,
Fokkeri 28 nisu više mogli da lete nad Evropom. U tom trenutku cilj je bio jasan – prodati dva Fokkera 28 i nabaviti moderniji
i znatno skuplji Fokker 100.
Prve godine svog letjenja avio-kompanija je imala 16 000 putnika,
dok je već naredne godine imala 70 000 putnika. Kao posljedica razvoja avio-kompanije i rasta broja putnika došla je i nabavka drugog
aviona, istog tipa.
U maju naša flota postaje bogatija za još jedan avion – Fokker
100. U tom trenutku raspolažemo sa dva aviona toga tipa.
Avion sa serijskim brojem 11272, registarske oznake YZ AOK,
komercijalnog naziva Sveti Petar Cetinjski, proizveden je 1989.
godine. Drugi Fokker 100, proizveden iste godine, sa serijskim
brojem 11268, imao je registarsku oznaku YU AOL i komercijalni naziv Podgorica.
Najvažnije inostrane destinacije sa kojima smo do tada povezali Crnu Goru bile su Ljubljana, Cirih, Budimpešta, Frankfurt
i Rim. Naši avioni letjeli su i prema Beogradu, Skoplju, Atini,
Istanbulu, Parizu, Tel Avivu, Rimu, Londonu...
Sredinom 2001. počeo je sa radom informativno-prodajni
punkt Montenegro Airlinesa u Cirihu i to kao predstavništvo
Monteadrije iz Frankfurta.
Godina 2002.
Godina 1998.
U julu 1998. godine kupljen je i drugi Fokker 28Mk 4000. Tada smo
već mogli ozbiljnije da razmišljamo o većem i jačem osvajanju tržišta.
Bila je to godina velikih izazova i planiranja – kako dalje razvijati kompaniju za koju je bilo već očigledno da raste u pravom smjeru.
Godina 2001.
Dva Fokkera 28 zamijenjana su, uz doplatu, za Fokker 100. Da
bi kompanija imala sertifikat o plovidbenosti, morali smo imati
dva aviona, a nabavka drugog Fokkera bila je neizvjesna.
U junu treći Fokker 100 postaje vlasništvo naše kompanije.
Povećava se broj destinacija i rapidno raste broj putnika koji
lete našim avionima.
Montenegro Airlines je bitna karika u razvoju crnogorskog
turizma. Otvaranjem mnoštva evropskih avio-linija doveli
smo strane turiste i istovremeno postali prozor u svijet za
naše građane. Sve aktivnije nudimo i vrlo privlačne turističke
aranžmane u inostranstvu, koji zbog povoljnosti i atrakcije
mnoge naše sugrađane po prvi put odvode u svijet.
Te godine najatraktivnije destinacije za naše putnike bile su
Istanbul i Pariz.
Istovremeno, nastavljamo razvoj sopstvenog kadra, primamo
nove, uglavnom mlade ljude, a mladi ljudi čine srž naše kompanije i danas. Zaposleni u našoj kompaniji prošli su mnoge
obuke, uglavnom u inostranstvu, ali i u samoj kompaniji.
Godina 2003.
Do kraja 2003. godine imali smo u vlasništvu četiri Fokkera
100. Ovi avioni su opremljeni najmodernijom navigacionom
Elidu Mijović iz Podgorice nagradili smo aranžmanom za dvije osobe
u Parizu.
Sedamnaestog septembra u Ženevi predsjednik kompanije dr Zoran
Đurišić primio je zlatnu medalju za izvanredne poslovne rezultate.
Godina 2007.
Godina 2005.
Petog juna 2005. godine nagradili smo milion i petstohiljaditog putnika. Na prepunom beogradskom aerodromu identifikovana je stalna
korisnica naših usluga, koja je nagrađena aranžmanom za dvije osobe u turskom ljetovalištu Bodrum. Kraj 2005. i početak naredne godine obilježili su rekordan broj i putnika i letova.
IATA Plaketa
Montenegro Airlines-u
IATA, međunarodno udruženje redovnih avio -prevozilaca dodijelila
je Montenegro Airlines-u plaketu za desetogodišnjicu uspješnog poslovanja.
Ovo je još jedno u nizu međunarodnih priznanja koje je uručeno
ove godine.U obrazloženju odluke navedeno je da se Montenegro
Airlines može pohvaliti visokim stepenom profesionalizma i
tačnošću.Tokom 2005. godine letovi su u prosjeku kasnili svega 7,37
minuta. Prevezeno je 370,000 putnika, što je za 15% više u odnosu na
prethodnu godinu.
Know-how izvoz
opremom koja omogućuje automatsko slijetanje, čak i u uslovima
nulte vidljivosti, najmodernijim sistemom za upozorenje pilota na
kvarove i velikim brojem dupliciranih i tripliciranih sistema, čime se
ostvaruje visok stepen pouzdanosti.
Petog marta 2003. godine Montenegro Airlines postao je korisnik
Amadeus system usera.
Amadeus sistem je vodeći svjetski rezervacioni sistem koji koristi sto
trideset svjetskih avio-kompanija. Amadeus sistem omogućava da
naš red letjenja i avio-karte budu dostupne putnicima širom svijeta.
Takođe, karte kompanija sa kojima imamo ugovore mogu se rezervisati i kupiti u našim poslovnicama.
Dvadeset trećeg maja 2003. u Londonu predsjednik kompanije
Zoran Đurišić primio je nagradu Global Rating. Ova svjetska kuća
zajedno sa Međunarodnim informativnim i marketing centrom pri12
kuplja podatke o raznim kompanijama u više od sto zemalja svijeta i
konstantno ažurira podatke interesantne za rejting kompanija.
Godina 2004.
Drugog jula 2004. godine nagradili smo milionitog putnika
aranžmanom za Pariz za dvije osobe. Milionska cifra vezuje se za period od početka obavljanja letova. Izdavanje milionite karte i identifikacija jubilarnog putnika obilježeni su u podgoričkoj poslovnici.
Proslavili smo deset godina postojanja. Kompanija u tom trenutku
ima oko trista zaposlenih. Broj destinacija se povećava. Povodom
deset godina postojanja izdali smo monografiju naše kompanije –
ona je svjedočanstvo o prvoj deceniji borbe za formiranje i opstanak
Kako to rade u svijetu renomirane kompanije, koje su se kvalitetom
svojih usluga nametnule kao lideri, već godinama i Montenegro
Airlines veoma uspješno razvija segment izvoza tkz. “know-how”-a.
Dakle, kompanija nije samo usavršila vazduhoplovnu tehnologiju,
već stečeno znanje i iskustvo izvozi u druge zemlje. Još jedan u nizu ugovora je ugovor sa Albatros Airwaysom iz Tirane. Montenegro
Airlines je potpisao ugovor na dvije godine vrijedan 8 miliona dolara.
Godina 2006.
Dvadeset drugog februara 2006. godine izdali smo prvu elektronsku
kartu na Balkanu. Karta je izdata u našem predstavništvu u Cirihu. Na
aerodromu u Cirihu prva elektronska karta izdata je našem putniku
koji već dvadeset pet godina živi u tom gradu. Činjenica da među
prvima u Evropi uvodimo elektronske karte samo je još jedan dokaz
uspješnosti naše kompanije i želje da dostižemo savremene trendove
u avijaciji.
Dvadeset prvog februara 2007. godine Montenegro Airlines je dobio
IOSA sertifikat – najznačajniji međunarodno priznati program koji
obuhvata bezbjednosne, organizacione i kadrovske standarde u civilnom vazduhoplovstvu, u cilju unapređenja bezbjednosti i efikasnosti
avijacije. Osnovu kontrole čini sedamsto pedeset strogo postavljenih
sigurnosnih standarda, koje je razrađivalo više od sto međunarodnih
eksperata za vazdušni saobraćaj. Njeni standardi razvijeni su kako bi
se u cijeloj industriji podigao stepen bezbjednosti. IOSA standarde
priznaju i američke vazduhoplovne vlasti, koje nakon 11. septembra
2001. primjenjuju veoma stroge bezbjednosne standarde u avijaciji.
Devetnaestog maja 2007. godine uspostavljen je vazdušni most
sa Rusijom. Naši avioni slijeću u Moskvu i Sankt Peterburg. Avioni
Montenegro Airlinesa lete ka Rusiji tri puta nedjeljno tokom zime.
Ljeti je broj letova bio znatno veći.
Dvadeset trećeg jula 2007. godine počinjemo inoviranje flote.
Potpisan je ugovor o nabavci dva aviona tipa Embraer 195. Ovo su
moderne letjelice koji ispisuju nove stranice u komercijalnom vazduhoplovstvu, ali i u poslovanju naše kompanije.
Ovaj avion pripada E-jet porodici – prepoznatljiv je po svojoj sofisticiranosti i izuzetnim performansama.
Montenegro Airlines je 2007. godine prevezao više od 2 700 000
putnika, a naši avioni slijetali su na preko pedeset aerodroma širom
Godina 2008.
Dvanaestog februara našoj kompaniji obnovljen je IOSA sertifikat što
je dokaz da smo ispunili još strože bezbjednosne IOSA standarde.
IOSA standard je međunarodno priznat i prihvaćen standard kontrole
sigurnosti i bezbjednosti u vazdušnom saobraćaju. Prilikom obnavljanja sertifikata svaka kompanija prolazi još strožu kontrolu u odnosu
na prethodnu. Dobijanje IOSA sertifikata najbolja je potvrda o kvalitetu, nivou poslovanja i vrijednosti naše kompanije.
Na početku ljetnje sezone, 14. juna 2006. godine, nagradili smo našeg
dvomilionitog putnika.
Stalan rast broja destinacija, letova i broja putnika, uslovio je da na samom startu ljetnje sezone identifikujemo jubilarnog putnika. Putnicu
Osmog juna na podgorički aerodrom sletio je prvi avion tipa Embraer
195. Dolaskom ove letjelice započela je nova era u razvoju naše kompanije.
Montenegro Airlines se pridružuje grupi evropskih avio-kompanija
koje su izabrale da budu dio porodice Embraer. Ovoj porodici pored
ostalih pripadaju holandski KLM, njemačka Lufthansa, britanski Flybe,
francuski Regional i finski Finnair.
Iz Niša, preko Podgorice,
u Evropu
U februaru, naša kompanija u saradnji sa gradom Nišom ozvaničila
je početak saobraćanja na relaciji iz Niša preko Podgorice do svih
evropskih metropola. Saobraćaj sa niškog aerodroma odvijaće se
tokom cijele godine. Na ovaj način će biti ostvarena odlična konekcija niškog regiona sa evropskim gradovima na kojima Montenegro
Airlines saobraća
Dvanaestog septembra 2008. godine identifikovan je jubilarni tromilioniti putnik ove avio-kompanije. Jubilarna putnica identifikovana je
na osnovu kompanijskih statističkih pokazatelja i podataka iz globalnog rezervacionog sistema – Amadeus. Tromilionska cifra vezuje se za
period od početka obavljanja letova kompanije. Nagrada, aranžman
za dvije osobe u Parizu, uručena joj je u poslovnici Montenegro
Airlinesa, odmah nakon kupovine tromilionite karte.
Godina 2009.
Dvadeset trećeg maja na podgorički aerodrom sletio je i drugi avion tipa Embraer 195. Njegovim dolaskom omogućeno je otvaranje
novih linija i osvajanje novih tržišta.
Dvadeset osmog juna na mapi Montenegro Airlines destinacija našlo
se pet novih linija: Kopenhagen, Diseldorf, Skoplje, Niš i Priština.
Osvajanjem novih tržišta kompanija daje svoj doprinos brzom i povoljnom povezivanju cijelog regiona sa evropskim metropolama i traži
modus da obezbijedi što bolju uposlenost svojih kapaciteta.
Pored redovnih linija, mnoge destinacije našle su se na karti naših
čarter letova: Bari, Brindizi, Napulj, Atina, Krf, Rodos, Skijatos, Istanbul,
Tel Aviv, Riga, London, Hurgada, Brno, Ostrava, Grac, Klagenfurt,
Diseldorf, Katanija i druge.
Sajt naše kompanije www.montenegroairlines.com proglašen je
za najbolji turistički web site u Crnoj Gori u 2009. godini. Priznanje
za najbolji web site dodijelili su Ministarstvo turizma i Nacionalna
turistička organizacija.
Godina 2010.
Osamnaestog jula, novi Montenegro Airlinesov Embraer 195 sletio je
na podgorički aerodrom. Ovo je treći avion ovog tipa u floti nacionalnog avio-prevoznika, koja sa njim broji osam savremenih aviona.
Nabavkom tri moderna aviona ovog tipa realizovana je prva faza obnove crnogorske avio-flote.
16 godina - 16 destinacija
24 oktobra, prigodnim pres koktelom obilježena je 16. godišnjica
postojanja Montenegro Airlinesa. 16 godina nakon osnivanja
Montenegro Airlinesa, prevezli smo skoro 4,5 miliona putnika.
Stvorena moćna flotu od 8 aviona. Napravljeno skoro 100.000 sati naleta, i do kraja 2010. godine, prevezeno je 600.000 putnika, što je cifra
jednaka broju stanovnika Crne Gore.
17 years behind us
The Montenegrin flag carrier proves that it is possible to meet the highest business standards in Montenegro and that the idea, originally dismissed by many,
has a chance if its management team has full confidence in its feasibility. Conquering new markets, growing number of flights and a steady increase in the
number of passengers are the company’s main objectives for the future.
Godina 2011.
Danas Montenegro Airlines održava redovan saobraćaj ka Cirihu,
Frankfurtu, Rimu, Parizu, Ljubljani, Beču, Beogradu, Londonu, Moskvi,
Kopenhagenu, Diseldorfu i Nišu.
Pregovori o nabavci četvrtog aviona tipa Embraer 195 u toku su i njegova nabavka očekuje se početkom 2013. godine.
Strategija daljeg razvoja Montenegro Airlinesa jeste da u naredne dvije
do tri godine u potpunosti pređe na tip aviona Embraer 195. Flota od
šest Embraera optimalna je za destinaciju i državu kakva je Crna Gora.
Do danas, Montenegro Airlines je prevezao pet miliona putnika.
Osvajanje novih tržišta, otvaranje novih linija, povećanje broja rotacija
ka postojećim destinacijama, povećanje broja putnika, jesu ciljevi koji
su i dalje pred kompanijom.
Montenegro Airlines
na TOP nivou
Našoj kompaniji po treći put biće obnovljen je IOSA sertifikat što
je dokaz da smo ispunili još strožije bezbjednosne IOSA standarde. Prilikom obnavljanja sertifikata svaka kompanija prolazi još
strožiju kontrolu u odnosu na prethodnu.
U svijetu trenutno postoji oko 3 000 kompanija, a ove standarde
koje je upravo zadovoljila naša kompanija, prošlo je samo 280
kompanija u svijetu. Iz IOSA tima, provjeravajući 950 standarda,
Montenegro Airlines su ocijenili sa najvećim ocjenama. Svake
dvije godine se vrši obnova ovog sertifikata. Sa 750 smo zahtjeva smo počeli 2005. Ove godine je 950, tako da svake naredne
godine očekujemo nove zahtjeve. Standardi u vazduhoplovstvu
se stalno pooštravaju, tako da smo ispunjavajuci ove kriterijume ,
potvrdili naše prisustvo među najboljima.
Administrative preparations started as soon as the Government accepted the idea of establishing this company in 1993. The founding
act was signed in September 1994, and a month later the airline was
officially registered.
Montenegro Airlines was founded on 24th October 1994. The company is licensed to operate scheduled domestic and international
passenger transport and charter operations, as well as to operate
cargo and mail transport.
The idea to establish a Montenegrin airline existed even earlier, and
in the beginning of the 90’s the idea was elaborated in detail in the
Government Agency for Restructuring of the Economy and Foreign
Investments. At that time, it was acknowledged that Montenegro
lacked the transportation infrastructure to meet the demands of the
tourism industry and the business community, as well as the travel
needs of Montenegrin citizens.
During the first year of its existence, Montenegro Airlines hired people, organized training and professional development programs, in
order to be well prepared for the first passengers. The first employees
in the Montenegrin airline company were either experts who had
already gained their skills in big and powerful airlines or those who
were experiencing aviation for the first time.
In July 1998, we acquired a second Fokker 28Mk 4000. The purchase
of the second craft allowed the company to eye new markets and to
plan their conquest. This was a year of great challenges and plans on
how to further develop the company, which was obviously developing in the right direction.
In the first year of operations, the airline transported 16,000 passengers, and in the second year Montenegro Airlines transported as many as 70,000 passengers. The company’s growth and increase in the
number of passengers resulted in the acquisition of another plane of
the same type.
That was the time when the company had built its visual identity. The
creator of the Montenegro Airlines’ eagle, which is still the trademark
of the company, is the architect from Niksic, Đorđije Markuš.
The Fokker 28Mk 4000 was the first Montenegro Airlines airplane. It
was purchased in the autumn of 1996.
In the two years prior to that, due to the difficult situation in the region and a very unfavorable situation in the airline industry, it was not
possible to acquire the company’s first airplane.
Fokker was created earlier than Boeing. It was named after the founder Anthony Fokker, who constructed the first plane in 1910, when he
was only 20 years old. And ten years later, KLM introduced the first
Fokker passenger airplane into its scheduled operations.
An airplane with our company logo took off for the first time on 7
May 1997. At exactly 10:30 am on that day, “Lovcen” landed in Bari,
Italy. Based on the well known historic, as well as business ties between Montenegro and Italy, the decision to make the first flight to
Italy was expected.
The duration of our first international flight was 50 minutes. This was
not a big event only in Montenegro. The Montenegrins were greeted
in Bari by numerous reporters, political figures and business people.
At the official reception held at the Palas Hotel, the guests were addressed by the Mayor of Bari, Mr. Simeone di Cagno Abrescia, the
Prime Minister of the Provincial Government of Puglia, Mr. Salvatore
Di Stazo and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s Ambassador in
Rome at the time, Mr. Miodrag Lekic.
In late August 1997, the technical team of Montenegro Airlines took
over airplane maintenance. Prior to that, the Fokker 28 was maintained by mechanics from France, while five of our mechanics were
trained in the Netherlands to take over that responsibility. The company had to meet the working conditions first, primarily the security
ones. Today, Montenegro Airlines has an excellent team of engineers
and mechanics taking care of our fleet.
Following the increase in the number of passengers and the increase
in operations after the procurement of the first plane – our company
developed, as well. We founded new sectors and departments, in order to meet the needs of our passengers, but also to bring the company closer to world and global standards.
This year was marked by the NATO bombing campaign. While the
first NATO bombs fell on Golubovci airport, one of our Fokker’s carried 83 passengers and crew members. Although the crew was not
informed about the start of combat operations, they managed to
land safely and take the passengers out of the plane and off the runway. But, that is when the new drama started. The passengers were
safe now, but what to do with the planes – that was the next issue
to address. With great efforts by our staff, we managed to move our
fleet to a safe place.
In late 1999, after turbulent years for the entire region, we launched a
very important route to Frankfurt. To this day, Frankfurt remains one
of our most important destinations. The close of that year was also
marked by flights to Zurich, Ljubljana, Skopje, Istanbul and Budapest.
In April 2000, Montenegro Airlines became a member of the
International Air Transport Association (IATA). IATA membership was
a precondition for obtaining a license for scheduled air operations,
joining the Amadeus global reservation system and the establishment of close cooperation with other carriers. After operating for
three years as a charter company, Montenegro Airlines was ready
to become a member of IATA. After thoroughly investigating the
company’s technical, flight, safety and operational procedures, IATA
experts concluded that we fulfilled all conditions for membership in
the organization and Montenegro Airlines took its place alongside
numerous other world class airlines.
This was a decisive year for the company, as we had to undergo preparations for the acquisition of another new plane. As of 2001, due to
new rules, the Fokker 28 planes could no longer fly over Europe. At
that point, our goal was clear – to sell the two Fokker 28 planes and
procure the more modern and significantly more expensive, Fokker
The two Fokker 28 planes were exchanged for a Fokker 100, with an
additional charge. In order for our company to obtain the navigation
certificate, it was necessary to have two planes, and the procurement
of the second Fokker was uncertain at the time.
In May, our fleet was enriched by another Fokker 100 plane. At the
time, we had two planes of that type. The airplane with the serial
number 11272, registration number YZ AOK, with the commercial
name Sveti Petar Cetinjski, was produced in 1989. The second Fokker
100, produced in the same year, had the serial number 11268, registration number YU AOL, and its commercial name was Podgorica.
The most important international destinations that we connected
Montenegro to were at the time, included Ljubljana, Zurich, Budapest,
Frankfurt and Rome. Our planes also flew to Belgrade, Skopje, Athens,
Istanbul, Paris, Tel Aviv, and London.
In mid 2001, we opened a Montenegro Airlines informative and
sales point in Zurich, as a representative office of Monteadria from
In June, our company acquired the third Fokker 100. This was followed by an increase in the number of routes and a rapid growth in
the number of passengers using our services.
Montenegro Airlines is an important element in the development
of Montenegrin tourism. In addition to enabling foreign tourists to
come to our country – by opening up numerous routes to European
destinations – we also opened a travel window for our citizens, as
well. We are constantly becoming more active in offering very attractive international travel packages, and as they are reasonably priced
and attractive, they represent the way for many of our citizens to travel abroad for the first time. That year, the most attractive destinations
for our passengers were Istanbul and Paris.
At the same time, we continued efforts to professionally develop our
staff. We hired new, mostly young people, who represent the very
core of our company today. Our staff undertook numerous training
programs, mostly abroad, but also in company, as well.
By the end of 2003 we had four Fokker 100s in our fleet. The Fokker
100s are equipped with the most modern navigation devices, which
enable automatic landing, even in zero visibility conditions. The
planes are also equipped with a great number of failsafe systems,
and numerous duplicate and triplicate systems, thus achieving a high
level of reliability.
On 5th March 2003, Montenegro Airlines became an Amadeus
System user.
Amadeus is the leading global reservation system, used by 130 other
international airlines. Through Amadeus, our flight timetable and
tickets became available to passengers all over the world. Tickets for
Montenegro Airlines’ partner carriers can be purchased through our
sales agencies.
On 23 May, in London, the President of our company, Mr. Zoran
Djurisic, received the Global Rating award. This international company, together with the International Informative and Marketing Center,
collects information about various companies in over 100 countries
of the world and continuously updates the data necessary for such a
company rating.
On 2nd July 2004, we rewarded our one-millionth passenger with a
seven-day vacation for two in Paris. This figure is related to the period
from the beginning of our flight operations. The sale of the one-millionth ticket and identification of the awarded passenger took place
in our Podgorica sales agency.
We celebrated ten years of existence. At that point, the company
employed approximately 300 people. The number of destinations
increased. At the occasion of our tenth anniversary, we issued our
company monograph, to witness the first decade of our fight for the
creation and development of the company.
On 17th September, in Geneva, the President of our company, Mr.
Zoran Djurisic, Ph. D., received the Gold Medal for exceptional business results.
On 5th June 2005 we rewarded our 1,500,000th passenger. At the
crowded Belgrade Airport, we identified our lucky passenger and rewarded her with a vacation for two in the Turkish resort of Bodrum.
The year-end of 2005 and the beginning of 2006 marked a record
number of passengers and flights.
IATA plaque to
montenegro airlines
Montenegro Airlines has received plaque for 10th anniversary from
IATA, international association of regular air carriers.
This is another of many international recognitions that have been
awarded to Montenegro Airlines this year. In decision elaboration
is stated that Montenegro Airlines can mention with pride its high
level of professionalism and accuracy. During 2005, flights were delayed averagely for 7.37 minutes. More than 370.000 passengers were
transported, which is for 15% more compared with the previous year.
know-how export
Montenegro Airlines very successfully develops the segment of
export, so called ‘know-how’ export, as the renowned companies
world-wide which have become leaders owing to the quality of their
services. Therefore, not only the company perfected aviation technology, but it also exports acquired knowledge and experience to
other countries.
Another in line of agreements is the agreement with Albatros
Airways from Tirana. Montenegro Airlines signed the agreement for
the period of two years in the value of 8 million dollars.
On 22nd February 2006, we issued the first electronic ticket in the
Balkans. The ticket was issued at our representative office in Zurich.
The ticket was then processed and accepted at the Zurich airport by
a passenger who has been living in Switzerland for more than a quarter century.
At the beginning of summer season, 14th June 2006, we rewarded
our two-millionth passenger.
The constant growth in the number of destinations, flights and thus
passengers, enabled us to identify the “jubilee” passenger at the
very beginning of the season. Our passenger, Ms. Elida Mijovic of
Podgorica was awarded with a vacation for two in Paris.
On 21st February 2007, Montenegro Airlines officially received IOSA
certification from IATA. IOSA is the most important, internationally
recognized oversight program for airline safety that involves safety,
organizational and HR standards in civil aviation in order to improve
overall aviation safety and efficiency. IOSA certification inspections
consist of 750 strictly defined safety standards, developed by more
than one hundred international industry experts. These standards
have been developed in order to raise the safety bar in the entire
air industry. The IOSA safety program is recognized by American air
transport authorities, which have been applying very strict standards
since 9/11.
line was identified.
The jubilee passenger was identified based on company’s statistic
indicators and data from the global reservation system Amadeus.
The number “three million” refers to the period from the beginning
of Company’s operations. The award, a vacation for two in Paris, was
granted to one of our passengers in the Podgorica Sales Agency, immediately after she purchased the three-millionth ticket.
On 23rd July 2007, the process of fleet modernization was started.
Montenegro Airlines signed a purchase agreement for two new
Embraer 195s. These aircraft open a new chapter in the company’s
commercial air transport history and create fresh opportunities for
our business operations.
Embraer 195s belong to the E-jets family and are recognized for their
sophisticated and extraordinary performance..
In 2007, Montenegro Airlines transported over 2,700,000 passengers
and its planes landed in over 50 different airports throughout Europe.
On 23rd May, the second Embraer 195 plane landed at Podgorica airport. Its arrival enabled us to introduce new routes and conquer new
On 28th June we added five new destinations to the Montenegro
Airlines destinations map, as follows: Copenhagen, Dusseldorf,
Skopje, Nis and Pristina. In this way, the company contributed to faster and easier connections between this region as a whole and the
major European cities, trying to ensure the best use of its capacities
by conquering new markets.
Besides our regular lines, numerous destinations were added to
our charter flight list: Bari, Brindisi, Naples, Athens, Corfu, Rhodes,
Skiathos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, London, Hurghada, Brno, Ostrava,
Graz, Klagenfurt, Dusseldorf, Catania and others.
Our company web site www.montenegroairlines.com was selected as the best tourism web site in Montenegro in 2009. The award
for the best web site was issued by the Ministry of Tourism and the
National Tourism Organization.
On 12th February 2008, our IOSA certificate was renewed, following
our compliance with new, stricter IOSA safety standards.
On 8th June 2008, our first Embraer 195 landed at Podgorica airport.
The inclusion of this aircraft in our fleet marked the beginning of a
new era for Montenegro Airlines.
Montenegro Airlines now joined the group of European airlines
that have chosen to become part of the Embraer family, including
the Dutch KLM, the German Lufthansa, the British Flybe, the French
Regional and the Finnish Finnair.
On 12th September, the jubilee three-millionth passenger of this air-
On October 24th, Montenegro Airlines held a press cocktail party to
celebrate its 16th anniversary. Sixteen years after Montenegro Airlines
was founded, we have transported almost 4.5 million passengers.
We also have a powerful fleet of 8 airplanes. We have logged almost
100.000 flight hours, in 2010 we have transported 600.000 passengers, which is a figure equal to the number of citizens in Montenegro.
On 19th May 2007, our air bridge to Russia was established. Since
then, scheduled flights to Moscow and St. Petersburg have been
operating on a regular basis. Montenegro Airlines operates flights to
Russia three times a week in the winter season. During the summer
season the number of flights to Russia is significantly higher.
16 years - 16 destinations
On 18th July, the new Montenegro Airlines aircraft Embraer 195 landed at Podgorica Airport. This is the third plane of this type in the fleet
of the national carrier, thus adding the eighth modern aircraft to its
fleet. With the purchase of three modern aircrafts of this type the first
phase in the renewal of the Montenegrin airline fleet has been accomplished.
from Nis via Podgorica
to europe
In February, our company in cooperation with the city of Nis made
official the commencement of operations from Nis via Podgorica to
all European metropolises. Traffic from Nis airport will be performed
all year. In this manner, great connection between Nis region and
European cities towards which Montenegro Airlines is flying will be
Today, Montenegro Airlines has regular flights to London, Zurich,
Frankfurt, Rome, Paris, Ljubljana, Vienna, Belgrade, London, Moscow,
Copenhagen, Dusseldorf, and Nis.
Negotiations for the purchase of the fourth Embraer 195 aircraft are
underway, and the procurement is expected to be finalized by the
end of 2012.
The strategy of further development of Montenegro Airlines is to
completely switch to the Embraer 195 aircraft in the next two to
three years. A fleet of six Embraer airplanes is optimal for a destination
and state such as Montenegro.
So far, Montenegro Airlines has transported five million passengers.
Conquering the new markets, introducing new flights and increasing
the number of rotations on existing ones, and increasing the number
of passengers are the company’s main objectives for the future.
on top level
Our company will have IOSA certificate renewed for the third time,
which is the evidence that we have met even more strict IOSA security and safety standards. During certificate renewing, each company
must pass even a more strict control compared with the previous
In the world there are around 3000 companies, and these standards,
which our company has recently met, have been fulfilled only by 280
companies in the world. From IOSA team, while running a check on
950 standards, Montenegro Airlines was marked with the highest
grades. Every two years this certificate must be renewed. In 2005 we
started with 750 requirements.
This year that number is 950, so next year we expect new requirements. Standards in aviation contsantly intensify, so by fulfilling this
criteria, we confirmed our place among the best arlines.
Treći put obnovljen IOSA SERTIFIKAT – Sigurnost
prije svega
Rame uz rame sa najboljima
IOSA SERTIFIKAT – IOSA je dio IATA programa kontrole sigurnosti i bezbjednosti u vazdušnom saobraćaju. Važno je istaći da kompanije koje posjeduju
IOSA sertifikat predstavljaju velike svjetske avio-prevoznike, pa je Montenegro Airlines jedina manja kompanija koja se našla u društvu velikih. Treće obnavljanje IOSA serfitikata i ispunjenje strogo postavljenih 950 sigurnosnih i
bezbjednosnih standarda, najbolja je potvrda o kvalitetu, nivou poslovanja i
vrijednosti Montenegro Airlinesa.
IATA je međunarodna asocijacija redovnih avioprevoznika koja obuhvata 260 članica. IATA je
razvila međunarodno priznat i prihvaćen standard IOSA standard (IATA Operational Safety Audit). Njegov cilj je uspostavljanje standardâ za
procjenu operativne bezbjednosti redovnih avioprevoznika.
IATA je akreditovala svega šest auditorskih agencija koje se bave inspekcijom avio-kompanija u
skladu sa IOSA standardom. Francuska Qualiaudit, kao agencija koju je svjetsko udruženje ovlastilo da kontroliše bezbijednost redovnih avioprevoznika, obavi je inspekciju u Montenegro
Captain Gerard Meillat,
IOSA Lead Auditor & Evaluator
Strogi standardi
„Bezbjednost je prioritet broj jedan za IATA i njenih 260 članica.
IATA je tijesno sarađivala sa regulatornim vlastima i avio-kompanijama, i sačinila je određen broj programa kako bi pomogla
svojim članicama da unaprijede bezbjednost. Jedan od ključnih
elemenata IATA inicijativa za bezbjednost jeste IOSA, program
kontrole operativne bezbjednosti”, rekao je kapetan Gerard
Meillat na pres-konferenciji održanoj nakon završene inspekcije.
INFLIGHT: Kakav je utisak na Vas ostavila naša kompanija i
ljudi koji rade u njoj?
Meillat: Profesionalnost i posvećenost koju pokazuju menadžment
i zaposleni u ostvarivanju IOSA registracije dobar je predznak za
budućnost Montenegro Airlinesa. U ime Quali-audita i IATA želimo
Montenegro Airlinesu uspjeh i biće nam zadovoljstvo da sarađujemo
sa njima u budućnosti.
INFLIGHT: Koji su ciljevi IOSA programa?
Meillat: IOSA program ima dva cilja: da se unaprijedi bezbjednost
i efikasnost avijacije i da se uštedi novac eliminisanjem suvišnih
provjera. IOSA program lansiran je u drugoj polovini 2003. godine. Od
tada se preko 430 avio-kompanija, a među njima su i one koje nisu
članice IATA, obavezalo da se podvrgne IOSA kontroli bezbjednosti.
INFLIGHT: Šta za jednu kompaniju znači obnova IOSA sertifikata?
Meillat: Svaka avio-kompanija koja prođe IOSA kontrolu i primi IOSA
registraciju velika je pobjeda za bezbjednost vazduhoplovstva.
Osnovu svih IOSA kontrola čine IOSA standardi i preporučene prakse
ili ISARPS, koje je razvijalo više od sto stručnjaka iz ove oblasti razvilo, uključujući i operatore i regulatorna tijela. Iskustvo pokazuje da
ponašanje u skladu sa IOSA standardima zahtijeva jako rukovodstvo,
posvećenost i velike napore od strane cijele organizacije – počev od
izvršnog direktora, menadžera za bezbjednost i kvalitet (safety and
quality managers), pa preko svih ostalih sektora.
Podgorici je 14. oktobra 2011. održana pres-konferencija na
kojoj su saopšteni rezultati treće po redu IOSA kontrole koja
je izvršena u Montenegro Airlinesu.
Jedan od ključnih elemenata IATA inicijativa za bezbjednost jeste
IOSA, program kontrole operativne bezbjednosti. IOSA ima jasan i jednistven cilj – poboljšanje sigurnosti u vazdušnom saobraćaju. Osnovu
kontrole čini 950 strogo postavljenih sigurnosnih standarda, koje je
razradilo više od sto međunarodnih eksperata za vazdušni saobraćaj.
Ovi standardi razvijeni su kako bi se u cijeloj avio-industriji podigao
stepen bezbjednosti. IOSA program bezbjednosti priznaju i američke
vazduhoplovne vlasti, koje nakon 11. septembra 2011. primjenjuju
veoma stroge standarde.
Izdavanje ovog sertifikata uslijedilo je nakon kompleksne kontrole
načina rada Montenegro Airlinesa. Strogost standardâ i intenzitet
kontrole znače da avio-kompanija mora besprekorno da funkcioniše
- Montenegro Airlies je ispunila svih 950 IOSA standarda u smislu
odgovarajuće dokumentacije i implementacije.
Kontrolisana je organizacija kompanije, letački poslovi, kabinsko osoblje, operativni centar, tehnička operativa, zemaljski poslovi, robna
operativa, bezbjednost saobraćaja. Dobijanje IOSA sertifikata najbolja je potvrda o kvalitetu i nivou poslovanja Montenegro Airlinesa.
Priznanje je proizvod rada svih zaposlenih i dokaz da kompanija ispunjava najveće standarde i prati najsavremenije trendove u avijaciji.
INFLIGHT: Šta mora da uradi svaka kompanija kako bi bila
upisana u registar?
Meillat: Da bi dobila IOSA registraciju, svaka avio-kompanija mora da pokaže da ispunjava svih 950 IOSA standarda i u smislu
odgovarajuće dokumentacije i implementacije. Zato gospodinu
Zoranu Đurišiću i svim njegovim kolegama treba čestitati za pripremu svih oblasti Montenegro Airlinesa za IOSA provjeru. Međutim,
IOSA nije „jednokratna” procjena. Svaka IOSA registrovana avio-kompanija, uključujući Montenegro Airlines, kontroliše se svake dvije
godine kako bi dokazala da nastavlja da obavlja letove u skladu sa
IOSA standardima. Istovremeno, nastavlja se razvijanje IOSA standarda, kako bi se u cijeloj industriji podigao stepen bezbjednosti.
IOSA CERTIFICATE renewed for the third time –
Safety above all
Shoulder to Shoulder
with the Best
IOSA CERTIFICATE - IOSA is a part of the IATA’s air transport safety and
security audit programme. It is important to mention that the other companies with IOSA certificate are the large international companies, which makes
Montenegro Airlines the only small carrier among them. The third renewal of
the IOSA certificate and the meeting of 950 strict safety and security standards
is the best confirmation of the quality, level of operation and value of Montenegro Airlines.
IATA is an international association of airlines
with 260 members. IATA has developed a standard called IOSA (IATA Operational Safety Audit),
which is an internationally recognized and accepted aviation standard. It is aimed at establishing standards designed to assess the operational
safety of an airline.
Captain Gerard Meillat,
IOSA Lead Auditor & Evaluator
Stringent Standards
“Safety is the No. 1 priority of IATA and its 260 member airlines. IATA
has closely cooperated with the regulatory authorities and airlines,
and developed a certain number of programmes to help its members improve their safety. One of the key elements of these IATA safety initiatives is IOSA, the IATA Operational Safety Audit,” Gerard Meillat
said at a press conference held after the audit.
INFLIGHT: What are the goals of the IOSA programme?
Meillat: IOSA programme has two goals: to improve the safety and
efficiency of air transport and to save money by the elimination redundant controls. The IOSA programme was launched in the second
half of 2003. Over 430 airlines, including non-IATA members, have assumed the obligation to undergo the IOSA safety audit since then.
n 14 October 2011, a press conference was held in
Podgorica, presenting the results of the third IOSA audit of
Montenegro Airlines.
One of the key elements of IATA safety initiatives is IOSA, IATA
Operational Safety Audit. IOSA has a clear single goal – to improve
the level of safety in air transport. The audit is based on 950 stringent
safety standards, developed by over a hundred international experts
in the field of air transport. Its standards have been developed in order to raise the level of safety in the whole airline industry. The IOSA
safety programme is also recognized by the US aviation authorities,
which have been applying very strict standards since September 11,
The certificate was awarded after a complex analysis and control of
the manner of Montenegro Airlines’ operations. The strict standards
and intensive audit require from a carrier to function perfectly, mean
that Montenegro Airlines had to meet all 950 IOSA standards in terms
of adequate documentation and implementation.
The audit focused on the company’s organization, flight operations,
cabin crew, operational centre, technical operations, ground operations, cargo operations, and transport safety. Obtaining the IOSA
Certificate is the best confirmation of the quality and high level of
Montenegro Airlines operations. The recognition is the result of
great efforts by all the employees of the company, and undisputable
evidence that it meets the highest standards and follows the latest
trends in the airline industry.
IATA has only accredited six audit organizations
to conduct audits of airlines in line with the IOSA
standards. France’s Quali-audit, which was in
charge of the Montenegro Airlines control, was
accredited for a safety audit of airlines by the
global association.
dards. In parallel, IOSA standards will continue to develop, raising the
level of safety in the whole industry.
INFLIGHT: What are your impressions of our company and
its employees?
Meillat: The professionalism and commitment demonstrated by the
management and employees in completing IOSA registration is a
good sign for the future of Montenegro Airlines. On behalf of Qualiaudit, I wish Montenegro Airlines every success and it will be our
pleasure to cooperate with it in the future.
INFLIGHT: What does the renewal of the
IOSA Certificate mean for a company?
Meillat: Each airline that goes through an IOSA audit and
receives IOSA registration is a great victory for air transport
safety. All IOSA audits are based on IOSA Standards and
Recommended Practices (ISARPS), developed by over 100
experts in this field, including the operators and regulatory
authorities. Our experience has shown that to carry out all operations in line with the IOSA standards requires a very strong management team, and considerable commitment and a great effort
on the part of the whole organization, starting from the Executive
Director, Safety and Quality managers, down to all other sectors.
INFLIGHT: What must a company do to be IOSA registered?
Meillat: In order to be IOSA registered, each airline must demonstrate that it meets all 950 IOSA standards in terms of adequate documentation and implementation. Mr Zoran Djurisic and all of his colleagues should therefore be congratulated on the level of preparation by all parts of Montenegro Airlines for the IOSA audit. However,
IOSA is not a one-off assessment. Every IOSA registered airline, including Montenegro Airlines, is audited every other year in order to
prove that it continues to operate flights in line with the IOSA stan23
Kada su u pitanju charter letovi spisak gradova u koje su slijetali
naši avioni je još duži. Tokom više od jedne i po decenije letjeli smo
svuda po Evropi ali i van nje. Mnoge destinacije našle su se na karti
naših charter letova: Bari, Brindizi, Napulj, Atina, Krf, Rodos,
Skijatos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurgada, Brno, Ostrava, Grac,
Klagenfurt, Dizeldorf, Katanija i drugi.
17 godina uz Vas
Svi se vjerovatno sjećate da smo vozili mnoge naše uspješne sportske
ekipe, reprezetativce koji brane boje naše države. U našim avionima
bilo je suza zbog poraza ali i veselja i pjesme nakon sportske pobjede.
Naša misija je bila i ostala - povezati Crnu Goru sa svijetom i dovesti svijet u Crnu
Goru. Povezali smo Podgoricu sa Beogradom, Ljubljanom, Rimom, Parizom, Bečom,
Londonom, Cirihom, Frankfurtom, Dizeldorfom, Kopenhagenom, i Moskvom.
d samog osnivanja Montenegro airlines je imao jasnu viziju
i misiju – spojiti Crnu Goru sa svijetom. U tome smo i uspjeli.
Uspjeli zahvaljujući tome što već sedamnaest godina uporno radimo trudeći se da podignemo kvalitet usluga koje pružamo.
A naši korisnici na naše napore odgovaraju na najboji način - sve ih
je više. Svjesni smo svi - dobro Montenegro Airlinesa je dobro Crne
Gore. Više zadovoljnih turista koji će nam se opet vratiti ali i više zadovoljnih građana Crne Gore koji danas sa podgoričkog i tivatskog
aerodroma mogu lako i brzo otputovati u svijet.
građanima Crne Gore da osjete pravi ugođaj evropskih prijestonica
pod slavljeničkim svijetlima. Doček Nove godine u Budimpešti, Rimu
ili Parizu bio je godinama prava atrakcija.
Tri puta sedmično tokom ljeta letimo i ka Kopenhagenu. To je grad
sa hiljadugodišnjom tradicijom, sa kaldrmisanim trgovima i željeznim
ogradama, u kojem je nastala najstarija monarhija na svijetu.
Kopenhagen čuva svoju tradiciju, ali je i prijestonica najsavremenijeg
dizajna. U modernim građevinama od stakla i granita smješteni su svjetski poznati muzeji umjetnosti i istorije, kao što su Nationalmuseet
(Nacionalni muzej), i Statens Museum for Kunst ( Nacionalna galerija).
Ka ovoj destinaciji nasi avioni saobracaju dva puta nedjeljno bilo da
je u pitanju ljetnji ili zimski red letjenja.
Sedamnaest godina nakon osnivanja kompanije imamo mnogo
redovnih linija. Povezali smo Podgoricu sa Beogradom, Nišom,
Ljubljanom, Rimom, Parizom, Bečom, Londonom, Cirihom,
Frankfurtom, Dizeldorfom, Kopenhagenom i Moskvom.
Za sedamnest godina postojanja kompanije od kojih su mnoge bile
ili godine tranzicije, bombardovanja, političke nestabilnosti i naposlijetku globalne krize – nije mala stvar otvoriti toliko stalnih linija ka
U zemlju sira, čokolade i skupocjenih časovnika letimo već godinama
a broj putnika se stalno povećava. Čak dva puta dnevno smo tokom
protekle turističke sezone letjeli ka Cirihu i nazad. Tu je Fraumünster,
najstarija crkva u Cirihu, sazidana 853 godine. Tu je i glavna ulica u
Cirihu koja se proteže od željezničke stanice do jezera i na svih 1500
metara pruža užitak u kupovini na najvišem nivou.Tu su i Kineski vrt,
Kunsthaus Zürich - muzej sa jednom od najvećih svjetskih kolekcija
moderne umjetnosti, Muzej igračaka...
Danas sa nama možete putovati širom Evrope. A ako ćete da nastavite put dalje – mi vas vodimo do destinacija sa kojih vrlo lako
možete nastaviti vaše putovanje. Gdje god zaželite.
U svim ovim gradovima možete kupiti naše karte i dobiti i informacije
o letovima. U nekima od njih imamo stalna predstavništva i to na
vrlo atraktivnim i prestižnim lokacijama - kao što je to slučaj u Parizu,
Londonu, Rimu, Cirihu, Frankfurtu, Moskvi, Beogradu... U drugima
imamo zastupnike sa kojima već godinama uspješno sarađujemo i
koji nas reprezentuju na najbolji mogući način.
Posebno smo ponosni na činjenicu da smo u godinama kada je vrlo
mali broj građana Crne Gore imao pasoš i na često komplikovan način
morao dolaziti do vize – nudili vrlo atraktivne turističke aranžmane.
Tako su mnogi zahvaljujući povoljnim cijenama aranžmana vidjeli
Pariz, obradovali se Diznilendu, obišli Rim, šetali Bečom... Posebno
su privlačni bili naši novogodišnji aranžmani koji su pružili priliku
Najviše putnika nam stiže iz Moskve. Ruska prijestonica je sa
Podgoricom povezana već nekoliko godina. Svakodnevno letimo ka
Moskvi, tokom ljeta i četiri puta dnevno! To je, inače, naša najduža
destinacija. Let za Moskvu traje tri sata i dvadeset minuta. I pored
mnoštva ruskih avio kompanija čiji avioni lete iz Moskve ka Crnoj
Gori mi uspijevamo da prevezemo najveći broj putnika. Ovo jasno
govori da turisti koji dolaze iz Rusije prepoznaju kvalitet usluge koji
pružamo. Istovremeno, sve je više naših sugrađana koji žele upoznati
rusku prijestonicu, vidjeti Kremlj, Crveni trg, muzeje i sve ostale znamitosti po kojima je poznat ovaj grad.
London je još jedan grad iz kojeg nam rado dolaze turisti željni
Mediterana i svih izazova koje on pruža. Ovaj grad je odavno zanimljiv našim studentima, naučnim radnicima, umjetnicima, poslovnim
ljudima... Svima onima koji žele uživati u ovom velegradu, posjetiti
Bakingemsku palatu, vidjeti Big Ben, Trafalgar skver, krstariti Temzom,
šetati Hajd parkom...Ka Londonu nasi avioni saobracaju i do 3 puta
nedjeljno bilo da je u pitanju ljetnji ili zimski red letjenja.
Redovna linija za Pariz otvorena je 5. aprila 2003. i tada su naši avioni
dva puta sedmično, utorkom i subotom letjeli ka Francuskoj. U ljetnem periodu i do osam puta nedjeljno saobracamo za Pariz. Pored
toga – slijećući na pariski aerodrom Charles de Gaulle omogućili smo
našim putnicima odlične veze sa Amerikom, Australijom, Kanadom,
Velikom Britanijom i brojnim drugim destinacijama.
Od aprila 2004. avioni Montenegro Airlinesa lete na destinaciji
Podgorica – Beč – Podgorica. Tako je prijestonica Austrije postala
bliža svima onima koji su poželjeli da obiđu njene znamenitosti, ali
i poslovnim ljudima koji su sem biznisa u Beču mogli naći i dobru
konekciju za ostale dijelove svijeta. Liniju za Beč održavamo u saradnji
sa Austrian-om tako imamo deset letova sedmično na ovoj relaciji.
Frankfurtski aerodrom je jedan od najvećih u Evropi i na njega naši
avioni slijeću jednom do dva puta dnevno, zavosno da li je ljetnja ili
zimska sezona. Frankfurt je grad bankara i poslovnih ljudi. I tranzitna tačka za one koji putuju avionom. Preko Frankfurta možete doći
do bilo koje tačke na zemljinoj kugli. Ukoliko se, ipak, odlučite da
se zadržite u ovom gradu uživaćete u predivnim pejzažima na rijeci
Majni, brojnim muzejima i starom gradskom jezgru, ukusnoj hrani i
odličnom šopingu.
Radovali su se i oni putnici kojima smo uručivali nagrade. Pomenućemo
samo neke. Krajem 2003. kupujući kartu za Beograd Gojko Vučković iz
Podgorice je saznao da je u toj godini - tristahiljaditi putnik naše kompanije. Na poklon je dobio put u Rim za dvije osobe.
A na osnovu statističkih podataka iz “Amadeus” sistema 2. jula takođe
2003. nagradili smo i milionitog putnika. Cvijeta Bojović dobila je
na poklion petodnevni aranžman za dvije osobe u Parizu. Ona je
“zaokružila” spisak na kojem je prvi milion ljudi koji su ušli u naše avione.
Pomenimo - “Amadeus” je sistem koji koristi naša kompanija
omogućava precizne statističke proračune i pomoću kojeg i dobijamo podatke o jubilarnim izdatim kartama.
Nagrađivali smo vas i to i dalje radimo - miljama koje ste dobijali i
dobijate u okviru Frequent flyer program-a.
Svojevrstan fenomen je i to što će naša kompanija tokom 2011. uspjeti da preveze broj putnika koji je veći od ukupnog broja stanovnika
Crne Gore. Ovakav trend rasta broja putnika će i u narednim godinama biti zadržan što ukazuje na značaj Montenegro Airlinesa kao
bitne karike u razvoju Crne Gore kao turističke destinacije.
Montenegro Airlines vas novim destinacijama i povoljnim cijenama inspiriše da putujete i otkrivate nove predijele. No, prije nego se
odlučite da kupite kartu potražite detaljne informacije o destinacijama
i cijenama na našem se internet sajtu www.montenegroairlines.com
Tu ćete saznati šta je novo u našoj ponudi, kao i koje su to specijalne
cijene avio-karata. Naravno, ne zaboravite da vas čeka i novi broj
Inflight magazina sa mnoštvom zanimljivih članaka. Ukoliko želite
telefonom da dobijete informaciju o nekom letu, najbrži i najbolji
način jeste da pozovete našu booking službu na broj – 19804.
Dizeldorf je grad dijaspore zemalja bivše Jugoslavije. Grad iz kojeg
nam dolaze turisti i grad koji vrijedi posjetiti. Posebno je zanimljiv
zaljubljenicima u nautiku jer je dizeldorfski Sajam nautike jedan od
najposjećenijih u svijetu. Ka ovoj destinaciji nasi avioni saobracaju
dva puta nedjeljno bilo da je u pitanju ljetnji ili zimski red letjenja.
Glavni grad Slovenije je odavno jedno od naših najvažnijih odredišta
i među prvim nasim međunarodnim linijama. Ljubljana je grad
koji će vas oduševiti svojim predivnim parkovima, šetalištima,
Tromostovljem, monumentima koji ga krase. Saobracaj ka Ljubljani
odvija se u saradnji sa Adria Airways-om, na principu Code Share
ugovora, tako da obavljamo i po 5 letova sedmično na ovoj relaciji.
Na našoj mapi Beograd je jedna od najvažnijih tačaka – sa najvećim
brojem putnika i dnevnih letova. Tako smo preko Podgorice gradove
povezali sa Evropom, a Crnu Goru povezali sa regionom. Saobraćaj
ka ovim destinacijama obavlja se svakodnevno sa podgoričkog aerodroma.
17 years with You
Our mission has always been to connect Montenegro with the world and bring the
world to Montenegro.We have connected Podgorica with Belgrade, Ljubljana, Rome,
Paris, Vienna, London, Zurich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen and Moscow.
ince its establishment, Montenegro Airlines has had a clear vision and mission – to connect Montenegro with the world.
We have succeeded in doing that. We have succeeded thanks
to the fact that we have been working persistently for seventeen
years, trying to raise the level of quality of the services we provide.
And our clients respond to our efforts in the best possible way –
their numbers are growing. We are all aware that what is good for
Montenegro Airlines is good for Montenegro. There are more satisfied tourists who will come back, and there are also more satisfied
citizens of Montenegro who use the airports of Podgorica and Tivat
for fast and easy flights to the world.
Sixteen years after the establishment of the company, we have exactly the same number of regular flights – sixteen. We have connected
Podgorica with Belgrade, Nis, Skopje, Pristine, Ljubljana, Rome, Paris,
Vienna, London, Zurich, Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Copenhagen, Moscow,
and soon with Milan and Brussels.
It has been no small thing to introduce sixteen regular flights to
Europe over the sixteen years of the company’s existence, characterized by the transition, bombing, political instability, and recently by
the global crisis.
Today, you can travel all over Europe with us. If you plan to continue
your journey – we will take to you to the destinations it is easy to
continue your trip from. Wherever you want.
In many European cities, you can purchase our tickets and obtain
flight information. We have permanent offices in some of them, in
very attractive and prestigious locations, e.g. in Paris, London, Rome,
Zurich, Frankfurt, Moscow, Belgrade… In others, we have representatives we have a successful cooperation with, and who represent us in
the best possible way.
We are especially proud of the fact that, in the years when only a few
citizens of Montenegro had passports and when it was often complicated to get a visa, we offered very attractive travel arrangements.
It was thanks to our competitive prices that many people saw Paris,
During the summer, we fly to Copenhagen three times a week. It
is a city with a thousand year long tradition, stone paved squares
and iron fences, and the world’s oldest monarchy originated from
it. Copenhagen preserves its tradition, but it is also the capital with
the most contemporary design. Its modern glass and granite buildings accommodate world famous art and history museums, such as
Nationalmuseet and Statens Museum in Kunst.
We have been flying for years to the country of cheese, chocolate
and expensive watches, and the number of our passengers keeps
growing. During the last tourist season, we flew to Zurich and back
twice a day. We recommend that our passengers to Zurich visit the
Fraumünster, the oldest church in Zurich, erected in 853 ad. The main
street in Zurich – extending for 1,500 metres from the railway station
to the lake and offering the highest shopping standards – is also well
worth a visit. There is also the Chinese Garden, and the Kunsthaus
Zürich – a museum featuring one of the largest modern art collections in the world, the Toy Museum, and so on.
enjoyed Disneyland, visited Rome, or walked around Vienna. Our
New Year’s arrangements were especially attractive, providing an opportunity for the citizens of Montenegro to feel the atmosphere of
famous European capitals illuminated by holiday lights. The celebration of New Year’s Eve in Budapest, Rome or Paris has been a true
attraction for years.
Most of the incoming passengers arrive from Moscow. The capital of
Russia has been connected with Podgorica for several years now. We
fly to Moscow every day, and up to four times a day during the summer! That is our most distant destination. The flight takes three hours
and twenty minutes. Despite many Russian companies flying from
Moscow to Montenegro, we have succeeded in transporting the
most passengers. That clearly proves that the tourists coming from
Russia recognize the quality of the service we provide. At the same
time, there are an increasing number of our citizens who wish to get
acquainted with the capital of Russia, see the Kremlin, Red Square,
the museums and the other landmarks this city is famous for.
London is another city that sends us tourists longing for the
Mediterranean and all the sun and beauty it provides. This city has
long been interesting to our students, scientists, artists, businesspeople… There are more and more people who want to enjoy this
metropolis – visit Buckingham Palace, see Big Ben, Trafalgar Square,
cruise the Thames, and enjoy a walk through Hyde Park… Our airplanes fly to London up to three times a week, both in the summer
and wintertime.
Our regular flight to Paris was opened on 5 April 2003 when our
airplanes started to fly to France twice a week, on Tuesdays and
Saturdays. During the summer, we fly to Paris up to eight times a
week. In addition, through our flights to the Charles de Gaulle airport, we have provided our passengers with excellent connections
to America, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and many other
Since 2004, the airplanes of Montenegro Airlines have been flying from Podgorica to Vienna and back. In that way, the capital of
Austria has become closer to those who wanted to visit its landmarks, as well as to the businesspeople that can, apart from doing
business in Vienna, find good connections with other parts of the
world. We operate our flight to Vienna in cooperation with Austrian
Airlines – we have ten flights a week to this destination.
We also recall the happiness of the passengers we had rewarded.
We will mention only some of them. In late 2003, having bought his
ticket to Belgrade, Gojko Vucinic learned that he was the 300,000th
passenger of our company in that year. The prize he received was a
trip for two to Rome.
On the basis of the statistics provided by the Amadeus system, on 2
July 2004, we rewarded our one millionth passenger. Cvijeta Bojovic
was awarded a five-day arrangement in Paris for two. She completed
the list of the first million passengers transported by our airplanes.
Let us mention that the Amadeus system used by our company enables precise statistical calculations, providing the data about the jubilee number of our tickets sold.
We have been awarding you with the air-miles you have been receiving within the framework of the Frequent Flyer Programme. Quite a
phenomenon is expected to happen during 2011, when the number
of passengers transported by our company in the twelve month period will exceed the total population of Montenegro. We will maintain
such a growth trend in the years to come, which proves the importance of Montenegro Airlines for the development of Montenegro as
a tourist destination.
The Airport in Frankfurt is one of the largest in Europe and our airplanes land there up to two times a day, depending on the season.
Frankfurt is the city of bankers and businesspeople, and a transit area
for airplane passengers. By way of Frankfurt, you can reach any destination in the world. On the other hand, if you decide to stay there, you
will enjoy the beautiful sceneries on the River Main, numerous museums, the old part of the city, delicious food and excellent shopping.
Dusseldorf is a city of the Diaspora of the former Yugoslav countries.
It is a city many of our tourists come from, and which is also worth
a visit. It also holds special appeal for sailing enthusiasts, since the
Dusseldorf boat show is one of the best exhibitions of this type in the
world. Our airplanes fly to this destination twice a week, both during
the summer and winter seasons.
The capital of Slovenia has been one of our most important destinations for a long time, and it was one of our first international flights.
Ljubljana is a city that will bewilder you with its beautiful parks, promenades, Triple Bridge, monuments… The flights to Ljubljana are operated in cooperation with Adria Airways, on the basis of a Code Share
Agreement, and we have up to five flights a week to this destination.
One of the most important destinations on our Map is Belgrade –
with the largest number of passengers and flights a day. That is how,
by way of Podgorica, we have connected these cities with Europe,
and Montenegro with the region. We fly to these destinations from
Podgorica airport every day.
As regards the charter flights, the list of cities our airplanes have flown
to is even longer. In over one and a half decades, we have flown all
over Europe, and beyond. Many destinations have found their place
on our map of charter flights: Bari, Brindisi, Naples, Athens, Corfu,
Rhodes, Skiathos, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Riga, Hurghada, Brno, Ostrava,
Graz, Klagenfurt, Dusseldorf, Catania, and others.
Everybody can probably remember that we have transported many
of our successful sports teams, national teams defending the colours
of our country. Our airplanes have witnessed the tears of defeat, but
also the celebrations and the singing after some famous sports victories.
With new destinations and competitive prices, Montenegro Airlines is
constantly inspiring you to travel and discover new destinations. But,
before you decide to buy a ticket, look for more details about destinations and fares on our website www.montenegroairlines.com
You will find there all the information about our new range of offers,
as well as our special fares. And do not forget that a new issue of
Inflight magazine is waiting for you with many interesting articles. If
you prefer to inquire about a flight by phone, the fastest and best
way is to contact our booking service at 19804.
Moćna E – jet grupacija
Sistem motora aviona tipa Embraer 195 inkorporira tehnologija FADEC (Full Authority Digital
Engine Control). Zadatak FADEC kompjutera jeste
da obezbijede optimalno korišćenje motora, kontrolišu opterećenje i dovedeno gorivo, na osnovu
pilotskih inputa, u svim uslovima leta. Kao rezultat
ove napredne tehnologije dobija se na uštedi goriva i dužem radnom vijeku samih motora.
Zbog čega je ovaj avion tako drugačiji? Na prvi
pogled možda nećete primijetiti ništa neobično.
Embraer 195 ima dvorednu konfiguraciju sjedišta.
Putnici koji poznaju velike avione sa jednim prolazom navikli su na redove sa po šest sjedišta. Ipak,
na avionu E195 nećete naći srednje sjedište. Zbog
toga što ima samo četiri sjedišta po redu, komfornost je veća i svako dobija mjesto pored prolaza
ili pored prozora. Na vrhu liste prioriteta uvijek su
udobnost putnika i operativna efikasnost.
Pogonsku snagu Embraera 195 čine dva motora
koje je proizvela američka kompanija General
Electic Aviation. S oznakom koju nose – CF34-10
– specijalno su dizajnirani da pruže veću snagu
na dužim letovima i kao takvi namijenjeni su za
regionalne civilne avione.
Dolet Embraera 195 iznosi 3.334 km (sa maksimalnim brojem od 116 putnika) pa do 4.074 km,
i kao takav namijenjen je za osvajanje udaljenih tržišta. Ovi avioni u maksimalnim iznosima
dostižu brzinu 890 km/h i visinu leta 12.500 m.
Prilikom uzlijetanja, sa gornjim limitom kada je
težina u pitanju, avioni E 195 zahtijevaju dužinu
piste 2.044 m, dok je potrebna dužina piste pri slijetanju 1.282 m. Maksimalna težina ovih aviona
iznosi 50.790 kg.
oderni putnički avioni predstavljaju najkompleksnije sisteme poslije kosmičkih. Nekoliko stotina hiljada djelova
čini avionske sisteme – povezani i usklađeni, slično kao
sistemi živog organizma, oni se kontinuirano razvijaju. U tom
smlislu, praćenje i analiziranje trendova razvoja avio-saobraćaja
u svijetu predstavlja jednu od najvažnijih aktivnosti Montenegro
Airlienesa. Unapređivanje flote i stalno usavršavanje svojih
stručnjaka biće moto crnogorske avio-kompanije i u predstojećim
godinama, koje će nesumnjivo donijeti nova čuda čovjekovog
stvaralaštva i mašte.
Početak stvaranja
Dvije godine od osnivanja firme kupljen je prvi Fokker 28, kojim
je obavljen prvi let 7. maja 1997, ka Bariju. Već naredne godine
kupljen je i drugi Fokker 28, i od tada se može govoriti o floti
Montenegro Airlinesa.
Prelomna 2000. godina
Početak milenijuma bio je za kompaniju preloman – morali su
se stvoriti uslovi za nabavku novih aviona jer postojeći Fokkeri
Fokker je stariji proizvođač od Boeinga, a ime je
dobio po osnivaču Anthoniju Fokkeru, koji je prvi
avion konstruisao 1910, i to u dvadesetoj godini.
Godine 1920. prvi Fokkerov putnički avion – F II, sa
šest sjedišta, uveden je u redovan avio-saobraćaj.
Fokkerove lovce i bombardere koristili su i Nijemci u
Prvom i Drugom svjetskom ratu. Fokker 100 u floti
Montenegro Airlinesa jeste reperezent vrhunske
vazduhoplovne tehnologije. Ove letjelice oprem-
28, zbog novih vazduhoplavnih pravila, nisu više mogli da lete
Evropom. Za nabavku modernijih i znatno skupljih Fokera tipa
100 bila su potrebna velika sredstava. Obezbijeđen je kredit od
crnogorskih banaka za kupovinu neophodnih aviona. Postojeći
Fokkeri 28 kompenzovani su za novi avion tipa Fokker 100. U narednim godina, zahvaljujući uspješnom poslovanju, Montenegro
Airlines je obogatio svoju flotu sa još četiri aviona tipa Fokker 100.
Inoviranje flote
Polovinom 2007. potpisuje se ugovor o nabavci aviona Embraer
195 i počinje inoviranje flote Montenegro Airlinesa. Godinu dana
kasnije, 8. juna 2008, na podgorički aerodrom slijeće prvi Embraer
u floti nacionalnog avio-prevoznika.
Dolaskom drugog aviona tipa Embraer 195, u maju prošle godine, omogućeno je osvajanje novih tržišta i otvaranje novih linija.
Sredinom ove godine flota je obogaćena i trećim avionom iz ove
moćne E-jet grupacije, čime je realizovan strateški plan: flota je
inovirana i sada je čini osam aviona – pet aviona tipa Foker 100 i
tri aviona tipa Embraer 195.
ljene su modernom navigacionom opremom koja
omogućuje automatsko slijetanje, čak i uslovima
nulte vidljivosti, najmodernijim sistemom za upozoravanje pilota na kvarove, i velikim brojem odvojenih i utrojenih sistema, čime se omogućava visok
stepen bezbjednosti. Rolls Royce motori, čiji nivo
buke zadovoljava najstrože svjetske kriterijume,
omogućavaju slijetanje na sve aerodrome svijeta,
u svako doba dana.
The powerful E – jet group
This year, Montenegro Airlines implemented its strategic plan regarding
fleet innovation, consisting of five aircraft – five Fokker 100s and three Embraer 195s. Fleet improvement and the continuous development of its experts
will remain the main motto of the Montenegrin airline in the years to come,
and one which will surely bring about new miracles of creativity and imagination.
The Embrer 195 is the first new aircraft developed for regional commercial air transport in over
20 years. The engine system of the Embraer 195
type of aircraft incorporates a technology called
FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control).
The task of the FADEC computers is to provide
the optimum use of engine operation, controlling the payload and fuel injection in all flying
conditions, on the basis of the pilot’s inputs. This
advanced technology results in fuel savings and
a longer lifespan of the engine.
What makes this plane so different from others?
At first sight, you may not notice anything unusual. The Embraer 195 has a two row seat configuration. Passengers who are familiar with big, one
aisle planes, are accustomed to six seat rows. However, the Embraer 195 does not have the middle
seat. Having just four seats in a row allows for additional comfort and every passenger is assigned
either a window or an aisle seat. The top priority
of our company is always passenger comfort together with operational efficiency.
The Embraer 195 is propelled by two engines
manufactured by the USA Company, General
Electric Aviation. Having a CF34-10 designation,
they are specially designed to provide additional
propulsion on longer flights. As such, they are intended for regional passenger airplanes.
The Embraer 195 has a range of between 3,334
km (with a maximum number of 116 passengers)
and 4,074 km, which makes it suitable for conquering more distant markets. The maximum operating speed of this airplane is 890 km/h, and its
maximum cruising altitude is 12,500 m. The take
off field length of the E-195 airplanes, with its
maximum takeoff weight, is 2,044 m, while the
landing field length is 1,282 m. The maximum
takeoff weight of this aircraft is exactly 50,790 kg.
odern passenger aircrafts are the most complex flight systems apart from those used in space flights. Several hundred thousand pieces of technology are combined into
aircraft systems, which are connected and fine tuned, similar to that
of a living organism, and which continuously develop. In that sense,
monitoring and analyzing air-transport developments in the world
is one of the most important activities that Montenegro Airlines always pays special attention to. Fleet improvement and the continuous development of its professionals will remain the motto of the
Montenegrin airline in the years to come, which will surely bring
about new miracles of creativity and imagination.
A significant amount of funds were needed to procure the new,
more modern and significantly more expensive Fokker 100s. We
obtained a bank loan from Montenegrin banks to procure the necessary aircraft.
The first steps in fleet
Fleet renewal
On the second anniversary of company founding, the company
purchased its first Fokker 28. It made its first flight on 7th May 1997,
to Bari. The following year we acquired a second Fokker 28, and
since then one can truly speak about the Montenegro Airlines fleet.
The key year of 2000
The beginning of the new millennium was decisive for our company, as we had to create the prerequisites for the procurement of
new aircraft. According to new rules, the existing Fokker 28s could
no longer fly in Europe.
The existing Fokker 28s were traded in for the new Fokker 100 aircraft.
In the years that followed, based on its successful operations,
Montenegro Airlines managed to add four more Fokker 100s to its
In mid 2007, the Montenegro Airlines fleet renewal programme began, with the signing of a purchase agreement for the Embraer 195
aircraft. A year later, on 8th June 2008, the first Embraer in the fleet of
the national airline landed at Podgorica Airport.
Fokker has a longer tradition of aircraft production than Boeing. It was named after its founder, Anthony Fokker, who constructed his first
plane in 1910, at the age of 20. In 1920, the first
Fokker passenger aircraft, the FII with six seats
was introduced into regular air transport. Fokker
fighter and bomber aircraft were also used by the
German Luftwaffe in both World Wars.
In the Montenegro Airlines fleet, the Fokker 100
is an example of superb aircraft technology.
These aircraft are equipped with the most modern navigation devices, which enable automatic landing, even in zero visibility conditions. The
planes are also equipped with a great number
of failsafe systems, and numerous duplicate and
triplicate systems, thus achieving a high level of
reliability. Rolls Royce engines comply with the
strictest noise criteria and enable Montenegro
Airlines to fly to all world airports at any time of
the day or night.
The arrival of the second Embraer 195 aircraft has enabled the conquering of new markets and the introduction of new routes. In the
middle of this year, the fleet added a third aircraft from this powerful E-jet group, thus completing the strategic plan regarding fleet
renewal. The fleet now consists of eight aircraft – five Fokker
100s and three Embraer 195s.
Poslovnica Beč / Sales Office Vienna
Adresa / Address: Kaiserstr. 86, 1070 Vienna
Telefon / Phone: + 43 664 3 111 405
Fax: + 43 179 639 35
Udaljenost / Distance 798 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 65 min
Poslovnica Cirih / Sales Office Zurich
Adresa / Address: Postfach 2419, 8058 Flughafen, Terminal 2
Telefon/Phone: + 41 43 816 7876
+ 41 43 816 7877
+ 41 43 816 7878
Fax: + 41 43 816 7884
Udaljenost / Distance 1222 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 105 min
Poslovnica Frankfurt /
Sales Office Frankfurt
Adresa / Address: Terminal 2, Halle D, 60547 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon / Phone: + 49 69 28 23 74
Fax: + 49 69 28 11 76
Udaljenost / Distance 1456 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 115 min
Poslovnica Kopenhagen /
Sales Office Copenhagen
Adresa / Address: Vester Voldgade 96, 4th floor
1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark
Telefon / Phone: + 45 33 11 33 16
Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55
Udaljenost / Distance 1625 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 160 min
Poslovnica London /
Sales Office London
Adresa / Address: Grosvenor Gardens House, suite 112 / 3th floor
35–37 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0BS
Telefon / Phone: + 44 (0) 207 8644 031
+ 44 (0) 207 8644 032
Fax: + 44 (0) 207 8644 033
Udaljenost / Distance 1776 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 155 min
Poslovnica Moskva / Sales Office Moscow
Poslovnica Sankt Peterburg /
Sales Office St. Petersburg
Adresa / Address: 2. Sovetskaja ulica, 7, office 209, 191036 Sankt Peterburg
Telefon / Phone: + 7-812-332-68-13
Fax: + 7-812-332-68-15
Udaljenost / Distance 2078 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 180 min
Poslovnica Rim /
Sales Office Rome
Šalter na aerodromu / Airport ticket counter
Adresa / Address: Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci, terminal 2, 00187 Roma
Telefon / Phone: + 39 06 6595 8661
Udaljenost / Distance 1625 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 80 min
Poslovnica Beograd /
Sales Office Belgrade
Adresa / Address: Knez Mihailova 23, 11000 Beograd
Telefon / Phone: + 381 11 2621 122
+ 381 11 3036 535; + 381 11 3036 536
Fax: + 381 11 2181 861
Šalter na aerodromu / Airport ticket counter
Beograd / Belgrade Aerodrom Nikola Tesla
Udaljenost / Distance 313 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 38 min
Poslovnica Niš /
Sales Office Niš
Adresa / Address: Vazduhopolovaca 24, 18000 Niš
Telefon / Phone: + 381 18 583 336
Adresa / Address: Kadesevskaja nabereznaja br.6/1/2 str.1.
Telefon / Phone: + 7 499 230 16 73
Adresa / Address: Aerodrom Domodedovo, office 3.57
Telefon / Phone: + 74 95 28 715 25
Fax: + 74 95 28 715 26
Udaljenost / Distance 1959 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 190 min
Fax: + 381 18 583 336
Poslovnica Pariz / Sales Office Paris
Šalter na aerodromu / Airport ticket counter
Adresa / Address: 140, avenue Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris
Telefon / Phone: + 33 1 70 36 19 07
Fax: + 33 1 70 36 19 08
Udaljenost / Distance 1 764 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 140 min
Adresa / Address: Letališče Brnik, 4210 Brnik
Telefon / Phone: + 381 11 228 6241
Udaljenost / Distance 365,5 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 35 min
Ljubljana Aerodrom Brnik
Telefon / Phone: + 386 4 2594 252; + 386 4 2594 245
Udaljenost / Distance 743 km, trajanje leta / flight duration 60 min