KPMG doo Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
KPMG doo Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines
TEHNIČKI SPONZOR I ZVANIČNI SNABDIJEVAČ CRNOGORSKOG OLIMPIJSKOG KOMITETA Podgorica Nikšić Bar Budva Kotor Igalo Bijelo Polje Berane NAJVEĆA RADNJA SPORTSKE OPREME U CRNOJ GORI SPORTS GEAR BIGGEST STORE IN MONTENEGRO Life as it should be Luštica Development AD, a subsidiary of 4 Registered under LEED® for Homes™ Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 “I used to long for time to myself” NEW HOMES FOR SALE BOOK A VISIT Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 L u š t i c a B a y, R a d o v i ć i , T i v a t i n f o @ l u s t i c a b a y. c o m 5 introduction Dragi putnici, Dear passengers, Željeli smo da Vam, u novom broju magazina, kažemo nešto i o našoj Staroj Crnoj Gori, jer sve što jesmo mi današnji poteklo je iz te naše “države četiri nahije”. Vrijednosti koje je tadašnja Stara Crna Gora slavila, čuče u svakom od nas. I znajte da smo svu tu djetinju odanost svom ognjištu, tu želju da ovo parče neba ostane naše i svih onih koji ga poštuju, naslijedili od „mrkih“ serdara i vojvoda starog doba, naše Stare Crne Gore. A svi Vi, koji dolazite u ovu mističnu zemlju, imate pravo na komadić naše istorije. Bila je ponekad surova , bila je ponosna i posebna, čarobna i turobna, kakva je negdje i danas. I da bi je zavoljeli morate je i upoznati. Dobrodošli! In the new edition of the magazine we wanted to say something about the Old Montenegro, because everything that we are today originates from the “country of the four nahiyahs”. The values that the Old Montenegro of that time celebrated lurk within each one of us. And you should be aware that all that childlike devotion to one’s home and hearth, the desire that this patch of heaven should remain in our hands and in the hands of all who respect it, we inherited from the “grim-faced” chieftains and dukes of that period of old, of our old Montenegro. And all you who come to this mystical land have a right to a chunk of this history. It was once a harsh place, but it was also proud and unique, magical and bleak, just as it is in places even today. And in order to love it, you have to get to know it. Welcome! impressum UREĐUJE I IZDAJE / EDITING AND publishING: Montenegro Airlines DIZAJN, PRIPREMA ZA ŠTAMPU I OGLAŠAVANJE / DESIGN, PREPRESS AND ADS Montenegro Airlines, Sektor PR i Brending GLAVNE I ODGOVORNE UREDNICE / EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Tijana Kavarić, Tanja Knežević Perišić ART DIREKTOR, DIZAJN I PRELOM / ART DIRECTOR AND DESIGN Ana Zeković asistent u prelomu Jovana Vujanović NASLOVNA STRANA / COVER PAGE: Autumn © TEKSTOVI / TEXTS: Tijana Kavarić, Tanja Knežević Perišić, Danijela Ivanović, Sandra Nikitović OGLAŠAVANJE /ADVERTISING Lena Bošković Tel: +382 20 415 561 e-mail: PREVODIOCI / TRANSLATORS Tanja Vukčević, Peter Stonelake LEKTORI / PROOFREADERS Sandra Nikitović, Peter Stonelake ŠTAMPA / PRINTED BY Grafo Group, Podgorica FOTOGRAFIJE: Turističke organizacije opština CG, Dukley, Luštica Bay, Plantaže, Nikola Šoškić, TIRAŽ / NUMBER OF COPIES 5000 sadržaj / 10 content 16 22 24 32 43 Intervju - Daliborka Pejović, predsjednica Odbora direktora Montenegro Airlinesa 10 - 11 INTERVIEW - Daliborka Pejovic, president of the Board of Directors of Montenegro Airlines 12 - 13 INTERVJU - Branimir Gvozdenović, ministar održivog razvoja i turizma u Vladi Crne Gore 16 - 17 INTERVIEW - Branimir Gvozdenovic, Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism in the Government of Montenegro 18 - 20 Luštica Bay 22 - 23 Povoljnosti za putnike / Special deals for passengers 24 - 25 Lustica Bay 26 - 27 Suština Crne Gore 32 - 33 The essence of Montenegro 34 - 35 Crmnica 38 - 41 Lipska pećina / Lipa cave 43 - 44 Njeguši 46 - 47 INTERVJU - Ivan Saveljić, generalni komesar Crne Gore za EXPO 48 - 49 INTERVIEW - Ivan Saveljic, general commissioner of Montenegro for EXPO 52 - 54 INTERVJU - Željka Radak Kukavičić, direktorka NTO CG 58 - 59 INTERVIEW - Zeljka Radak Kukavicic, director of National tourism organization of Montenegro 60 -61 Sjever Crne Gore 64 - 67 North of Montenegro 69 - 71 INTERVJU - Marina Rajčić, rukometna reprezentativka Crne Gore 73 - 74 INTERVIEW - Marina Rajcic, member of the Montenegrin handball national team 75 - 76 Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže / Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends 78 - 87 46 48 58 64 73 78 10 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 11 Daliborka Pejović, predsjednica Odbora direktora Montenegro Airlinesa Možemo biti servis cijele crnogorske privrede I ove godine Montenegro Airlines ima odličan rezultat i trend rasta putnika koji je zabilježen na skoro svim destinacijama u redovnom saobraćaju. Popunjenost aviona je na zavidnom nivou, a operativnost flote maksimalno iskorištena -Ovo je uspješna sezona koja je pokazala da nacionalni avio-prevoznik može da bude ozbiljan generator produženja ljetnje turističke sezone i da predstavlja ozbiljnog partnera crnogorskoj turističkoj privredi, kaže za Inflight Luxury predsjednica Odbora direktora nacionalne avio-kompanije Daliborka Pejović. Naglašavajući činjenicu da nacionalna avio-kompanija, u eri snaženja niskobudžetnih kompanija, može biti itekako konkurentna po svim osnovama, ona je istakla da je Montenegro Airlines, zaključno sa septembrom, prevezao 461 hiljada putnika, odnosno 3,6 odsto više nego prošle, te da će se taj trend rasta nastaviti do kraja godine. 12 Cilj politike Crne Gore je da se kao turistička destinacija što bolje poveže sa svijetom. Montenegro Airlines nesumnjivo daje ogroman doprinos tome iako je relativno mala kompanija. Da li možete ispratiti sve zahtjeve? Vladina politika razvoja turizma ide u smjeru obnavljanja interesovanja za Crnu Goru, te smatramo da se stekla prava prilika da nacionalni avio-prevoznik iskoristi tu povoljnost i učini Crnu Goru što dostupnijom mnogim velikim turoperatorima iz Zapadne Evrope. Prvenstveno tu mislim na turiste iz Njemačke i Velike Britanije, koji bi punili kapacitete ne samo u sezoni, već i u pred i post sezoni. Ne treba, naravno, zanemariti ni potrebe investicione zajednice koja se formira u Crnoj Gori i koja podrazumijeva visokostandardizovanu tražnju. Mi smo spremni da, uz podršku za promociju, uđemo u otvaranje novih avio-linija i tako budemo uspješan servis ukupne turističke privrede. Shodno trenutnim mogućnostima i kapacitetima kojima raspolaže MA u smislu brojnosti flote, postojeće konekcije treba što više staviti u funkciju dalje promocije Crne Gore kao prepoznatljive i dostupne turističke destinacije. Montenegro Airlines je avio-kompanija koja saobraća ka svojim destinacijama tokom cijele godine, ali ipak, uz veoma izraženu sezonalnost. Mi navedeno nastojimo promijeniti, ali bez podrške i saradnje svih zainteresovanih to je jako teško. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines funkcioniše na komercijalnim principima koji vladaju na određenom tržištu, sa više tarifnih grupa po određenoj destinaciji. Smatramo da su naše cijene konkurentne, dokaz za to je i porast broja putnika. Apsolutno je nejasna priča o monopolu imajući u vidu činjenicu da u toku godine oko 15 ruskih redovnih i čarter kompanija dobije dozvole za letjenje u Crnu Goru. Tu isključivo govorimo o tkz. dampingu cijena u obje kategorije saobraćaja. Ovdje saobraćaju i loukosteri koje subvencioniše i država. I u konačnom imamo konkurenciju od skoro 50 aviokompanija. Gdje je tu monopol? “ Montenegro Airlines funkcioniše na komercijalnim principima koji vladaju na određenom tržištu, sa više tarifnih grupa po određenoj destinaciji. Ovdje saobraćaju i loukosteri koje subvencioniše i država. Imamo konkurenciju od skoro 50 avio-kompanija. Gdje je tu monopol? “ Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Koje destinacije bilježe rast putnika? “ Rast u broju prevezenih putnika zabilježen je na gotovo svim destinacijama na kojima realizujemo redovan saobraćaj. Najveći rast u broju prevezenih putnika zabilježen je na linijama ka Kopenhagenu (41 odsto), Ljubljani (38 odsto), Londonu (27 odsto), Dizeldorfu (22 odsto), Parizu (17 odsto). Na najfrekventnijim linijama ka Beogradu prevezeno je čak 4.400 putnika više u odnosu na prošlu godinu. Jedini očekivani pad bio je na liniji ka Rusiji. Prognoze sa početka godine bile su poprilično pesimistične, ali zahvaljujući našoj pravovremenoj komercijalnoj reakciji taj pad se tokom sezone spustio na oko 20 procenata. Ljetnja sezona je za nama, šta se trenutno dešava na planu pripreme postsezone i zimske sezone? U postsezoni nastavlja se serija čarter letova za pet gradova u Njemačkoj. To su Berlin, Lajpcig, Nirnberg, Hanover i Štutgart. Letovi su ugovoreni do 11. novembra. Takođe, do kraja oktobra nastavljaju se redovni letovi za značajne emitivne turističke destinacije London, Pariz, Lion, Kopenhagen, Moskva, Sankt Peterburg, Dizeldorf. Zimski red letjenja, za period od 25. oktobra do 26.marta je već unazad nekoliko mjeseci objavljen za prodaju na zvaničnom sajtu kompanije i u rezervacionom sistemu. U odnosu na prethodnu zimu, povećan je broj letova za Moskvu sa tri na četiri sedmično i Ljubljanu sa dva na tri sedmično. Mi smo spremni da, uz podršku za promociju, uđemo u otvaranje novih avio-linija i tako budemo uspješan servis ukupne turističke privrede “ Čujemo oprečne stavove pojedinih turističkih radnika, koji možda svoje propuste kompenzuju pričom o „skupim kartama“, iako je naša Kompanija, kao nikada do sada imala niz popusta, akcija i aranžmana koji su očito uslovili i povećan broj putnika u posmatranom periodu. Često čujemo priče o monopolu i visokim cijenama karata. Koliko su zapravo ti navodi tačni? Postoje li planovi za otvaranje novih destinacija i kada se mogu očekivati nove linije? Pored činjenice da Montenegro Airlines sa partnerima u Hrvatskoj, BiH, Kosovu i Makedoniji razmatra projekte regionalnog povezivanja i nastupa na ovim tržištima, za sljedeću godinu moguće je uspostavljanje čarter saobraćaja prema Pragu, proširenje čartera na njemačkom tržištu i to na linijama za Hamburg i Minhen. Što se redovnih linija tiče, zbog pozitivnog trenda i isto takvih očekivanja, moguće je povećanje broja rotacija prema Londonu, Ljubljani i Sankt Peterburgu. I postsezona će biti uspješna U postsezoni nastavlja se serija čarter letova za pet gradova u Njemačkoj. To su Berlin, Lajpcig, Nirnberg, Hanover i Štutgart. Letovi su ugovoreni do 11. novembra. Takođe, do kraja oktobra, nastavljaju se redovni letovi za značajne emitivne turističke destinacije London, Pariz, Lion, Kopenhagen, Moskva, Sankt Peterburg, Dizeldorf… 13 Daliborka Pejović, president of the Board of Directors of Montenegro Airlines We can be a for the entire tourist This year Montenegro Airlines also has had amazing results and a growth trend in passengers seen in almost all destinations along regular routes. Our aircraft are filled to an enviable degree and the productivity of our fleet is being used to its maximum Emphasising the fact that a national air-carrier, in an era when low-budget companies are becoming stronger, can definitely be competitive at all levels, she says that Montenegro Airlines, as of September has carried 461,000 passengers, which is 3.6 percent more than last year, and this growth trend will continue to the end of the year. Montenegro’s policy goal is to be better connected to the world as a tourist destination. Montenegro Airlines undoubted is giving an enormous contribution to this, even though it is a relatively small company. Can you meet all the demands? The Government’s policy of developing tourism is leading towards reviving interest in Montenegro and we believe that 14 the right opportunity has been achieved for the national air-carrier to make use of this advantage and make Montenegro as accessible as possible to many large tour operators from Western Europe. I mean first of all tourists from Germany and Great Britain, who would fill the capacities not only during the season, but also in the pre- and post-season periods. Of course, we should not ignore either the needs of the investment community which is being formed in Montenegro and which implies highly standardised demand. We are ready, with support for promotion, to go into opening new air routes and thus to be a successful service provider for the entire tourist industry. In line with current possibilities and capacities which Montenegro Airlines has at its disposal in terms of fleet size, we should utilise our existing connections for the further promotion of Montenegro as a distinctive and accessible tourist destination. Montenegro Airlines is an air-carrier which flies to its destinations all year round, but still with a very noticeable seasonal fluctuation. We are trying to change this, but without the support and cooperation of everyone interested it is very difficult. We hear conflicting attitudes of individual tourist workers, who maybe compensate for their own shortcomings by talking about “expensive tickets”, even though our company has never before had so many reductions, special offers and package deals which have clearly enabled a larger number of passengers in the period under question. We often hear talk about monopoly position and the high cost of tickets. How accurate are these allegations? “ Montenegro Airlines functions according to the commercial principles which apply to the particular market, with many price tariffs for particular destinations. We also have low-cost airlines flying here which are subsidised by the state. We have competition from almost 50 airlines. Where’s the monopoly in that? “ -This has been a successful season which has shown that a national air-carrier can be a serious generator of an extension of the summer tourist season and is a serious partner for the Montenegrin tourist industry, says Daliborka Pejović, the president of the Board of Directors of the national airline, for Inflight Luxury magazine. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 service provider Montenegrin industry In the post-season period we are continuing with charter flights to five cities in Germany. These are Berlin, Leipzig, Nurnberg, Hannover and Stuttgart. Flights have been contracted until 11 November. Also, until the end of October regular flights are continuing for the significant source tourist destinations of London, Paris, Lyon, Copenhagen, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Düsseldorf… Montenegro Airlines functions according to the commercial principles which apply to the particular market, with many price tariffs for particular destinations. We believe that our prices are competitive, and the proof is in the increase in passengers. Talk about monopoly position is totally vague, bearing in mind the fact that this year around 15 regular and charter companies from Russia were granted a permit to fly to Montenegro. Here we are talking exclusively about so-called dumping of the price in both categories of air traffic. We also have low-cost airlines flying here which are subsidised by the state. In the end we have competition from almost 50 airlines. Where’s the monopoly in that? Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Which destinations have seen a growth in passengers? week, and to Ljubljana from two to three flights a week. There has been a growth in passengers carried to almost all destinations to which we have a regular service. The highest growth in passengers carried has been on the routes to Copenhagen (41%), Ljubljana (38%), London (27%), Düsseldorf (22%) and Paris (17%). As many as 4,400 more passengers were carried on the most frequent routes to Belgrade compared to last year. The only expected fall was on routes to Russia. The outlook at the beginning of the year was fairly pessimistic, but thanks to our quick commercial reaction, this fall during the season was kept down to roughly 20 percent. Are there plans to open up new destinations and when can we expect these new routes? The summer season is behind us – what is currently happening to prepare for the post-season period and the winter season? Besides the fact that Montenegro Airlines, along with its partners in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia, is considering projects to link up the region and move into these markets, for next year the setting up of charter flights to Prague and the establishing of charter flights to the German market, meaning flights to Hamburg and Munich, are possibilities. As far as the regular flights are concerned, because of a positive trend and corresponding expectations, we may have an increased number of flights to London, Ljubljana and Saint Petersburg. “ In the post-season period we are continuing with charter flights to five cities in Germany. These are Berlin, Leipzig, Nurnberg, Hannover and Stuttgart. Flights have been contracted until 11 November. Also, until the end of October regular flights are continuing for the significant source tourist destinations of London, Paris, Lyon, Copenhagen, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and Düsseldorf. The winter timetable from 25 October to 26 March was published several months ago for sales of tickets on the official company website and in the reservation system. Compared with last winter, the number of flights to Moscow has increased from three to four flights a “ The post-season period will also be successful We are ready, with support for promotion, to go into opening new air routes and thus to be a successful service provider for the entire tourist industry 15 16 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 PODGORICA - Trg Svetog Petra Cetinjskog BUDVA - Donji Bulevar bb - Tre Canne, Mediteranska 8 - TQ Plaza 17 Branimir Gvozdenović, ministar održivog razvoja i turizma u Vladi Crne Gore Želimo turiste cijele godine Crnu Goru je, prema zvaničnim statističkim podacima, tokom prvih osam mjeseci ove godine posjetilo oko 1,4 miliona turista, koji su ostvarili oko devet miliona noćenja, što je oko 20 odsto više nego u istom periodu prošle godine. I posjeta našim nacionalnim parkovima bilježi rast broja turista za više od 32 odsto, na drumskim graničnim prelazima bilježi se povećanje broja putnika za 7 odsto, dok je promet kroz tunel Sozina povećan za 9 odsto, kaže za Inflight Luxury ministar Branimir Gvozdenović, najavljujući niz aktivnosti koje će unaprijediti ukupnu ponudu države, kako bi bila turistički atraktivna svih 365 dana u godini Dodaje da je, u prvih osam mjeseci, u svim hotelima Budvanske rivijere ostvareno preko 330 hiljada noćenja, što je 13 odsto bolje, dok je u luku Kotor u toku prvih sedam mjeseci uplovilo 15 odsto više brodova u odnosu na isti period prošle godine. Zabilježen je i kuriozitet kada je u jednom danu, u Kotoru boravilo do pet hiljada turista. Ministar Gvozdenović ističe da sve institucije, koje su direktno ili indirektno uključene u turizam, bilježe rast parametara, kao i da lokalne turističke organizacije i predstavnici turističke privrede ocjenjuju veoma uspješnom turističku sezonu za nama. Šta u postsezoni? - Hotelska grupa Budvanska rivijera, već u ovom momentu, bilježi rast u septembru za oko 10 odsto u odnosu na prošlu godinu, takođe su potvrđene grupe u oktobru za hotele „Slovenska plaža“ i „Palas”, a postoji zainteresovanost velikog holandskog touroperatora za zakup kapaciteta u „Budvanskoj rivijeri”. Na produžetak turističke sezone utičemo razvojem MICE turizma, što je u destinacijama kao što je Crna Gora možda najvažniji činilac za smanjenje sezonalnosti u poslovanju turističke privrede, a s druge 18 strane time podstičemo i razvoj drugih vidova turizma. Takođe, brojne zanimljive kulturne i zabavne manifestacije, koje se održavaju širom Crne Gore u periodu postsezone, doprinose sadržajnosti naše turističke ponude. Između ostalog, održavaju se manifestacije „Podgoričko ljeto“, koje traje sve do kraja septembra, „Septembarski dani“ u Nikšiću, „Festival internacionalnog alternativog teatra – FIAT“, „World Music Stage“ i „Kadmov dan“ u Budvi, a već tradicionalno „Festival informatičkih dostignuća – Infofest“ i „Dan Širuna“, kao i mnoge druge manifestacije, što će vjerujem dodatno doprinjeti popunjenosti kapaciteta i u periodu postsezone. Posljednjih godina, sve veću pažnju posvećujemo stvaranju uslova za turističku valorizaciju zaleđa i planinskog dijela Crne Gore, jer je prirodni potencijal veoma značajan za turizam. Planinski turizam je postao jedan od najbrže rastućih sektora u svjetskoj turističkoj industriji, a Crna Gora ima brojne mogućnosti za njegov razvoj, kroz obogaćivanje sadržaja za aktivan odmor u netaknutoj prirodi, boravak u autentičnim etno selima, uživanje u pet nacionalnih parkova, te kroz promociju prirodnih predjela i resursa, posebnih u Evropi. Takođe, cijenili smo značajnim obogaćivanje gastronomske ponude i nastojali smo da je uklopimo sa tradicionalnim Prema podacima NTO, svi gradovi na gostoprimstvom, po kojem je Crna Gora sjeveru CG su zabilježili veću posjetu, bolju prepoznatljiva. Putevi vina, Putevi sira i popunjenost kapaciteta, više događaja koji Putevi meda su sadržaji koji omogućavaju su privukli goste koji žele i nešto drugo, turistima da, slijedeći znakove ovih puteva, osim mora. Kakva je, dakle, formula budu gosti mještana, koji će uz vino iz svojih uspješne sezone i na sjeveru države? podruma, med i sir, ponuditi i crnogorske specijalitete. -Ponuda na sjeveru izuzetno je važna za uspješnu sezonu, blizina mora i planine U okviru segmenta Planinarenje i biciklizam svakako predstavlja naš glavni adut, a brojne realizovali smo aktivnosti na unapređenju mogućnosti za aktivan odmor u prirodi, te infrastrukture, promociji i edukaciji, pristupačne cijene smještajnih kapaciteta a rafting je, takođe, već prepoznat kao i brojne manifestacije, su ono što privlači izuzetan doživljaj. Sve navedeno utiče turiste. pozitivno na razvoj kako sjevera, tako i na cjelokupnu turističku ponudu Crne Gore i Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 generiše pozitivne efekte. Koliko su, po Vama, valorizovani ostali kapaciteti Crne Gore, kao npr. istorijski i vjerski, posebno u centralnom i sjevernom dijelu? Da li postoje neki planovi Ministarstva usmjereni ka boljoj promociji gradova koji imaju, u tom smislu, šta da ponude (Nikšić, Pljevlja, Plav...)? Strategijom razvoja turizma u Crnoj Gori, koja je usvojena 2008. godine, postavljen je cilj da se, pored podizanja nivoa kvaliteta ponude, stvore i tržišni preduslovi za privlačenje većeg broja turista tokom pred i post sezone i to prvenstveno putem diverzifikovane ponude na primorju, kao i u centralnom i sjevernom dijelu Crne Gore, uz njihovo povezivanje u jedinstven proizvod. U okviru segmenata turističke ponude koje treba intenzivnije razvijati, u Strategiji posebno mjesto zauzima i dio koji se odnosi na razvoj ponude kulturnog i vjerskog turizma. Imajući u vidu i istraživanja Svjetske turističke organizacije, Ministarstvo je potrebu za razvojem segmenta vjerskog turizma potenciralo i u Agendi reformi u turizmu, koju je Vlada usvojila 2013. godine. Konačan cilj pospješenja razvoja raznolike turističke ponude jeste da se, kroz saradnju u klasterima – subregionima destinacije – preduprijede slabosti i obezbijedi sinergija za stvaranje zajedničke ponude sa visokim kvalitetom i raznovrsnošću, umjesto uniformnosti i monolitnosti, što će, u krajnjem, rezultirati održivim razvojem Crne Gore kao turističke destinacije. S obzirom na prepoznat potencijal razvoja vjerskog turizma predstoje brojne aktivnosti, uz saradnju prvenstveno sa Ministarstvom kulture, koje će imati za cilj i kvalitetniju turističku valorizaciju kulturnih i vjerskih dobara i objekata. Aktivnosti se, između ostalog, odnose i na vrednovanje materijalne i nematerijalne kulturne baštine s turističkog aspekta, odnosno s aspekta njene turističke atraktivnosti. Takođe, potrebno je u razmatranje uključiti i geografski položaj kulturnih i vjerskih znamenitosti, kao i stepen njihove očuvanosti, uz davanje prednosti onim objektima koji su pristupačni, koji se nalaze u turističkim mjestima, uz puteve ili duž „panoramskih ruta“. Njihovom turističkom valorizacijom, odnosno prihodovanjem od turističkih posjeta, generisaće se osnova za njihovu održivost. Dakle, potencijal je prepoznat, a preduzimaju se i aktivnosti da Crna Gora, u okviru ukupne turističke ponude, promoviše i segment vjerskog turizma. Turističke agencije u tom smislu već i imaju tu vrstu ponude, gdje najčešće nude jednodnevne izlete do manastira Ostrog, Morača, Pivskog manastira, hrama Hristovog Vaskrsenja i drugih, ali svakako da postoji prostor i za dalji razvoj ovog oblika turizma, što predstoji u narednom periodu. Šta treba uraditi u narednom periodu kako bi dostigli zlatne godine crnogorskog turizma? Kakvi su planovi Ministarstva u tom smislu? Ministarstvo održivog razvoja i turizma je posvećeno cilju da Crna Gora postane turistička destinacija sa ponudom tokom čitave godine, sa diverzifikovanim turističkim proizvodom namijenjenim Svi u planine! Planinski turizam je postao jedan od najbrže rastućih sektora u svjetskoj turističkoj industriji, a Crna Gora ima brojne mogućnosti za njegov razvoj, kroz obogaćivanje sadržaja za aktivan odmor u netaknutoj prirodi, boravak u autentičnim etno selima, uživanje u pet nacionalnih parkova, te kroz promociju prirodnih predjela i resursa, posebnih u Evropi. r različitim ciljnim grupama potrošača, sa akcentom na visokokvalitetni turizam uz stalna nastojanja za unapređenjem kvaliteta, uz poštovanje principa održivog razvoja. Ovakvim pristupom i odnosom teži se povećanju benefita od turizma, što će doprinijeti i povećanju zaposlenosti i poboljšanju životnog standarda ljudi. Produženjem sezone, kroz osmišljavanje i realizaciju raznih manifestacija i događaja, kao i definisanjem proizvoda koji nemaju sezonalni karakter, turistička sezona traje 365 dana, što dovodi do povećanja prometa i prihoda od turizma. Montenegro Airlines pravi servis naše turističke privrede Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 “ Ministarstvo održivog razvoja i turizma je posvećeno cilju da Crna Gora postane turistička destinacija sa ponudom tokom čitave godine “ Jedan od glavnih zadataka nacionalne avio-kompanije Montenegro Airlines je da našu državu poveže sa velikim brojem destinacija i učini dostupnijom tokom cijele godine. Vaša kompanija u Crnu Goru godišnje doveze putnika gotovo koliko ona ima stanovnika. Većina njih su turisti, što govori da je Montenegro Airlines pravi servis naše turističke privrede. Takođe, u prethodnom periodu vratili ste za nas vrlo interesantna emitivna tržišta Njemačke i Francuske. Sa Njemačkom je ugovoren veliki broj čarter letova koji su počeli krajem marta, a završavaju se sredinom novembra i na taj način se doprinijelo produžetku sezone za nekoliko mjeseci. 19 Branimir Gvozdenović, Minister of Sustainable Development and Tourism in the Government of Montenegro We want tourists all year round According to official statistics, around 1.4 million tourists visited Montenegro during the first eight months of this year, resulting in about 9 million overnight stays, which is roughly 20 percent up on the same period last year. Our national parks also saw a 32-percent rise in the number of tourists, and the growth in traffic on the road border crossings was marked by a 7-percent rise in the number of travellers, while the traffic through Sozina Tunnel increased by 9 percent, says Minister Branimir Gvozdenović for Luxury Inflight magazine, announcing a number of activities aimed at improving the country’s overall offer so that it will be attractive to tourists all 365 days of the year He adds that in the first eight months of this year, there were 330,000 overnight stays in all of the hotels along the Budva Riviera, a rise of 13 percent, while 15 percent more ships sailed into the port of Kotor during the first seven months compared to the same period last year. An interesting fact is that during one day up to 15,000 tourists were staying in Kotor. Minister Gvozdenovic notes that all institutions either directly or indirectly connected to tourism are showing a growth in figures, and local tourist organisations and representatives of the tourist industry assess that this has been a very successful season. What’s happening in the post-season period? on the other hand we are also encouraging the growth of other types of tourism. Similarly, the many interesting cultural and entertainment events which are being held in Montenegro in the post-season period are contributing to the comprehensive character of our tourist offer. Among many other manifestations, the events: “Podgorica Summer” which lasts until the end of September, “September Days” in Nikšić, the “Festival of International Alternative Theatre – FIAT”, the “World Music Stage”, “Cadmus’ Day” in Budva, the already traditional “Festival of IT Achievement – Infofest” and “Mackerel Day” I believe will additionally contribute to the filling of capacity in the post-season period. According to the National Tourist Organisation’s figures, all the cities in the - The Budva Riviera hotel group even now North of Montenegro saw more visits, for September is seeing a growth of about greater filling of capacity, more events 10 percent on last year, and groups are bringing guests who want something other confirmed in October for the “Slovenska than the sea. What then is the formula for a plaža” and “Palas” hotels; there is also a lot of successful season in the North as well? interest from major Dutch tour operators for rental capacity on the Budva Riviera. - The tourist offer in the North is exceptionally important for a successful To extend the tourist season, we are turning season – the closeness of the sea and to MICE tourism, which in destinations like mountains is of course our main asset, but Montenegro is perhaps the most important the many possibilities for a recreational factor for reducing the seasonal fluctuations holiday in nature, as well as the affordable in employment in the tourist industry, and prices of accommodation and the many 20 events going on are what attract tourists. In recent years, we have been paying more attention to creating the conditions for tourist valorisation of the inland and mountainous regions of Montenegro, because the natural potential for tourism is very strong. Alpine tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourist industry worldwide, and Montenegro has many possibilities to develop this, through enhancing the elements necessary for holidays in untouched nature, staying in authentic ethnic villages, enjoying the five national parks and through the promotion of natural landscapes and resources, unique in Europe. Similarly, we have assessed the enhancement of the gastronomic offer as significant, and we have endeavoured to fit this in with the traditional hospitality for which Montenegro is well known. The Wine Roads, Cheese Roads and Honey Roads are features which enable tourists, by following the appropriate road signs, to be the guests of locals, who along with the wine from their cellars, their honey and cheese, offer Montenegrin specialities. Within the Mountaineering and Cycling segment, we have organised activities to improve the infrastructure, promotion and education, while rafting is also already Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 21 Let’s all go to the mountains! In your opinion, to what extent are the other capacities of Montenegro, for example historical and religious, especially in the central and northern regions valorised? Are any of the Ministry’s plans directed towards better promotion of cities which have something to offer in this way (Nikšić, Pljevlja, Plav...)? The Strategy for the Development of Tourism in Montenegro, which was adopted in 2008, set the goal, beyond the raising of the quality of tourism in Montenegro, of also creating preconditions in the industry to attract a greater number of tourists during the pre- and post-season periods, and primarily through diversification of the offer on the coast, as well as in the central and northern regions of Montenegro, joining them into a unique product.Within the segments of the tourist offer that need to be intensively developed, there is a special place in the strategy for the Montenegro Airlines a true service provider for our tourist industry One of the main tasks of the national airline Montenegro Airlines is to connect our country with a large number of destinations and make it accessible all year round. Your company every year brings almost as many travellers to Montenegro as the country’s population. Most of them are tourists, which shows that Montenegro Airlines is a true service provider for our tourist industry. Also in the previous period you have brought back for us the very interesting source market of Germany and France. A large number of charter flights have been contracted with Germany, which started at the end of March and will finish mid-November, and in this way it has contributed to the extension of the season by several months. 22 part that relates to the offer of historical and religious tourism. Bearing in mind research conducted by the World Tourism Organization, the Ministry also emphasised the need to develop the religious tourism segment in the Tourism Reform Agenda, which the Government adopted in 2013. The final goal of achieving development of a varied tourist offer is being achieved through cooperation among clusters – destination subregions – to bolster the weaknesses and provide synergy for the creation of a joint offer with high quality and diversity, instead of uniformity and a lack of character, which in the end will result in sustainable development of Montenegro as a tourist destination. Given the identified potential of developing religious tourism, there are many activities coming up, mainly in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, whose goal will be the quality valorisation of cultural and religious property and buildings. Activities relate to, among other things, appreciating the material and non-material cultural heritage from the aspect of tourism, that is, from the aspect of its attractiveness to tourists. Likewise, it is necessary also to include into this evaluation the geographical position of the cultural and religious sites of interest, as well as their level of preservation, giving precedence to those structures that are more accessible, which are located in tourist places, next to or along “panoramic routes”. By valorising them for tourism, that is, by generating income from tourists visiting them, a basis for sustainable development will be created. So the potential has been recognised and activities are being undertaken for Montenegro to promote the segment of religious tourism within the overall tourist offer. Tourist agencies are already offering this, and most frequently offer daytrips to Ostrog Monastery, Morača, Piva Monastery, the Church of Christ’s Resurrection and others, but certainly there is room for further development of this form of tourism, which lies ahead of us in the coming period. Alpine tourism has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the tourist industry worldwide, and Montenegro has many possibilities to develop this, through enhancing the elements necessary for holidays in untouched nature, staying in authentic ethnic villages, enjoying the five national parks and through the promotion of natural landscapes and resources, unique in Europe. What should be done in the coming period to usher in a golden age of Montenegrin tourism? What are the Ministry’s plans toward this? The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is dedicated to Montenegro becoming a tourist destination with an allyear-round offer, with a diversified tourist product intended for a varied target group of consumers, with the emphasis on highquality tourism, with constant efforts to improve quality, respecting the principles of sustainable development. Such an approach and attitude will lead to an increase in the benefits from tourism, contributing to an increase in employment and the raising of people’s living standards. By extending the season through designing and putting on various events, as well as through identifying products which are not seasonal in character, the tourist season will last 365 days, which will lead to an increase in the volume and revenues from tourism. “ The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is dedicated to the goal of Montenegro becoming a tourist destination with an allyear-round tourist offer “ recognised as an exceptional experience. All these things have a positive effect on the development of the North and on the overall tourist offer of Montenegro, and generate further positive effects for the country. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Elegance is an attitude Simon Baker Bul. Dzordza Vasingtona br. 59, Podgorica Tel: +382 67/643971 Conquest Classic Moonphase Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 23 P očinje polako, skoro neprimjetno. Dok se kapljice rose presijavaju na jutarnjem suncu, a hladan povjetarac jedva provijava u večernjim satima, čini vam se da se gotovo može jasno vidjeti smjena godišnjih doba u Crnoj Gori, dok uzbudljivi ljetnji mjeseci ostaju iza nas, a dolazi svježije vrijeme zlatnih jesenjih dana. Baš u ovo vrijeme, dok intenzitet sunčevih zraka postepeno jenjava, sjedeći iza svojih radnih stolova, pomalo nostalgično vraćamo se mislima u uzbudljivo i aktivno ljeto, razmišljajući o minulim dešavanjima. Malo je onih koji se mogu više poistovjetiti sa ovim od tima iz Luštice Bay, jednog od najvećih razvojnih projekata u Crnoj Gori. Dočekujući svoje prve vlasnike ovog ljeta, Luštica Bay organizovala je program događaja koji može da parira i najrazvijenijim destinacijama, doprinoseći tako nezaboravnoj sezoni za svoje prve stanovnike, koji su bili zauzeti useljavanjem i opremanjem svojih novih domova. 24 Prepuni ljetnji kalendar omogućio je stanovnicima da prisustvuju i budu dio događanja i mnogobrojnih aktivnosti, poput nekoliko wellness radionica, koje su organizovane nakon mnogobrojnih sličnih uspješnih aktivnosti tokom prošle godine, ovog puta predvođene međunarodno priznatom joga instruktorkom, Jules Sung. Radionice su podrazumjevale kompletnu fizičku detoksikaciju u kombinaciji sa praktičnim časovima joge i meditacije, pod stručnim vođstvom Jules Sung. Učesnici su napustili radionice osjećajući se opuštenije, mlađe i uravnoteženo, kako u umu tako i u tijelu. Život u Crnoj Gori se uglavnom provodi na vodi ili otkrivanju crnogorske obale i stoga je bilo prikladno da stanovnici imaju časove jedrenja i “veslanja na dasci”, uz već popularne časove streljaštva i golfa koji postoje već godinama. I ove godine realizovano je nekoliko golf takmičenja, od kojih je treće sponzorisano od strane svjetski poznatog sportskog brenda Garmin, koji je pobjedniku poklonio Garmin Vivofit sat. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Kao i uvjek u Luštici Bay, postoji nešto za svakoga, od zaljubljenika u fitnes do kulturnih entuzijasta. Muzički i kulturni programi su bili bogati ovog ljeta, uključujući izložbe i koncerte na otvorenom sa srpskim gudačkim kvartetom “Il Belpaese”, te mnogim drugima. Partnerstvo sa Kotor Art festivalom rezultiralo je brojnim zanimljivim i jedinstvenim događajima, kao što su “Clay Bay”, prva radionica gline u Luštici Bay, u sklopu koje su djeca i odrasli oprobali svoje vještine u radu sa grnčarijom, što je rezultiralo nekim izuzetnim skulpturama. Stanovnici Luštice Bay su takođe imali prilike da uživaju u prelijepim večernjim događanjima, okupljanjima poput nedjeljnjih ljetnjih roštilja, gdje se naročito dobro osjeća duh zajednice. Ove večeri, koje su se održavale na terasi Pool Bar-a, bez sumnje su bile izuzetan uvod u centralni dio ljeta, kako bi pripremile stanovnike za najveći događaj: Lustica Bay Summer Launch Party. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Obučeni u bijelo, Luštica Bay tim, zajedno sa prijateljima, komšijama i stanovnicima uživali su uz koktele, zakuske i živu muziku jedinstvenog orkestra pod vođstvom dirigenta Fabio D’ Andrea. Goste je pozdravio direktor Luštica Bay projekta, Daren Gibson i direktor Orascom Development Holding kompanije, Samih Saviris. Ispod zvjezdanog neba, sve veća zajednica stanovnika i prijatelja projekta proslavila je dosadašnja dostignuća, a pravo vrijeme tek dolazi. Svakodnevno, stanovnici Luštice Bay su imali prilike da uživaju u dugim, opuštenim ljetnjim danima na popularnoj novoj plaži, pristupačnoj sa kamenog stepeništa koje vodi direktno iz njihovih domova do prelijepe obale. Plivači su imali prilike da uživaju u svježijim jutarnjim časovima pored mora, dok su popodnevne sate provodili upijajući zrake vrelog ljetnjeg sunca na plutajućem pontonu. Uz brojne značajne korake koji očekuju ovaj projekat, planiranje je nastavljeno i tokom ljetnjih mjeseci. Uključujući najavu pobjedničkog dizajna za prvi hotel u Luštici Bay - “Promenada Hotel” - čija izgradnja treba da počne u posljednjem dijelu ove godine. Rad na glavnoj marini je takođe uznapredovao, dajući definisaniji oblik nove marine u zalivu Trašte. Luštica Bay trijumfovala je u svim nastojanjima da oda omaž tradicionalnoj crnogorskoj arhitekturi svojim modernim i ekološkim dizajnom, čineći ovaj projekat neprimjetno različitim od tradicionalnih domova koji se nalaze u obližnjim UNESCO zaštićenim mjestima, Kotoru i Perastu. Luštica Bay je nesumnjivo remek djelo u nastajanju i sa toliko uzbudljivih dostignuća do sada, preostaje nam da i za sljedeću godinu očekujemo puno novih iznenađenja na pomolu. 25 Povoljnosti za putnike Vodeći računa o svim kategorijama svojih putnika Montenegro Airlines u svojoj ponudi uvjek ima specijalne tarife i povoljnosti za putovanja. TARIFA ZA Porodična tarifa za/iz Beograda STUDENTE IZ CRNE GORE Sve porodice koje odluče da putuju do Beograda ili dolaze iz glavnog grada Srbije u Crnu Goru avionima Montenegro Airlinesa od 15. septembra do 15. decembra 2015. godine imaju priliku da to urade po najpovoljnijim cijenama koristeći pogodnosti porodične tarife. Za kupovinu karata po ovim cijenama obavezno je zajedničko putovanje minimum jednog roditelja i jednog djeteta od 2 do 12 godina. Tarifa se ne odnosi na putovanje jednog roditelja sa bebom (do 2 godine starosti). U okviru porodične tarife, cijena povratne karte za roditelje, za putovanja na relaciji Podgorica/ Tivat – Beograd i nazad, iznosi 125,22 eura po osobi, dok je za dijete cijena karte 65,22 eura. Navedene cijene se odnose na povratna putovanja i uključuju sve pripadajuće takse i naknade. Karte po ovoj tarifi možete kupiti do 13. decembra 2015. godine pozivom na broj Call centra 19804, za pozive iz inostranstva: +382 20 228 187, kao i u svim Montenegro Airlines predstavništvima i autorizovanim agencijama. 26 Cijene povratnih karata sa svim taksama za studente su: • za/iz Beograda 110€ • za/iz Ljubljane 150€ • za/iz Rima, Beča, Ciriha i Frankfurta 180€ • za/iz Pariza 220€ • za/iz Moskve 240€ Senior tarifa Montenegro Airlines u svojoj ponudi ima i posebne povoljnosti za građane sa navršenih 60 godina i više. U pitanju je senior tarifa koja važi za putovanja iz Crne Gore ka Beogradu, kao i iz Beograda za Crnu Goru. Iznos povratne karte sa svim taksama je 110 eura. Karte po ovim cijenama se mogu rezervisati i kupiti do 30. aprila 2016. godine i važe za putovanja u ovom periodu. Neophodno je da putnik, prilikom kupovine karte, pokaže dokument kojim potvrđuje da stiče uslov za izdavanje karte po ovom osnovu Montenegro Airlinesa u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Za studente iz Crne Gore, do navršene 26 godine starosti, Montenegro Airlines u svojoj ponudi ima posebnu studentsku tarifu koja se može rezervisati i kupiti do 26. marta 2016. godine i važi za putovanja u ovom periodu. Karte se mogu izdavati i sa otvorenim datumom povratka, a mogu se kupiti samo u poslovnicama Montenegro Airlinesa u Crnoj Gori i Srbiji. Sve detalje o ovim tarifama i ostalim povoljnostima možete dobiti putem veb sajta, u svim poslovnicama Montenegro Airlinesa ili na broj Call centra +19804, a ukoliko pozivate iz inostranstva + 382 20 228 187. Kako bi iskoristili povoljnosti kupovine karata u okviru ove tarife, studenti treba da dostave kopiju važećeg pasoša i potvrdu od fakulteta o upisanoj školskoj godini. Prodaja karata po ovim tarifama je moguća 24 sata od rezervisanja za letove iz/ka Beogradu. Iz/ ka svim ostalim destinacijama rezervacije i prodaja su moguće najranije 21 dan prije putovanja u zavisnosti od popunjenosti leta, gdje je i period važenja rezervacije do 72 sata od momenta pravljenja iste. Karte po ovim cijenama se mogu izdavati isključivo u poslovnicama/predstavništvima kompanije. Želimo Vam ugodan let! Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Special deals for passengers When considering all its different kinds of passengers “Montenegro Airlines” has always offered special fares and concessions. FARES FOR STUDENTS FROM MONTENEGRO FAMILY FARES TO/FROM BELGRADE All families who decide to travel to Belgrade or are coming from the capital of Serbia to Montenegro on Montenegro Airlines flights from 15 September to 15 December 2015 are offered the opportunity to make these For students from Montenegro up to and including journeys at the most favourable prices using the convenience of the Family tariff. 26 years of age Montenegro Airlines has prepared a special Student tariff and these tickets can be Within the Family tariff, the price of a return reserved and bought up until 26 March 2016 and ticket for parents, on the Podgorica/Tivat– this applies to trips taken during this period. Belgrade route and back is € 125.22 per person, while for a child the price is €65.22. The The prices of return tickets inclusive of all mentioned prices refer to return trips and are taxes for students are: inclusive of all taxes and charges. In order to buy • to/from Belgrade €110 • to/from Ljubljana €150 • to/from Rome, Vienna, Zürich and Frankfurt €180 • to/from Paris €220 • to/from Moscow €240 In order to buy a ticket at this special rate, students should show a copy of a valid passport and proof of enrolment at their university. The purchase of these tickets is can be done up to 24 hours after making the reservation for flights to/from Belgrade. For all other destinations, reservation and purchase is possible at the earliest 21 days before trip depending on how bookedup the flight already is, while the reservation is valid for up to 72 hours from the moment the reservation is made. Tickets at this tariff are issued exclusively in the branch offices/agencies of the company. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 tickets at these prices, a joint trip is compulsory i.e. there must be at least one parent and one child from 2 to 12 years of age. The fare refers to a trip made by one parent and an infant (up to 2 years of age). Tickets at this rate can be bought from 13 December 2015 by calling our Call Centre on 19804, or if calling from abroad: +382 20 228 187, as well as at all Montenegro Airlines branch offices and authorised agencies. SENIOR FARES Montenegro Airlines has also had in its offer a special concession for citizens who are 60 years of age or older. We are talking about the Senior tariff which refers to trips made from Montenegro to Belgrade, as well as from Belgrade to Montenegro. The total cost of the ticket with all taxes included is €110. Tickets at these prices can be reserved and bought up until 30 April 2016 and apply to journeys made during this period. When buying this ticket the passenger must show documentation which confirms that he/she fulfils the condition for issuing the ticket. Tickets can be issued with an open return date, and can be bought only in Montenegro Airlines branch offices in Montenegro and Serbia. All details regarding these fares and other special offers can be found on the website www., at all “Montenegro Airlines” branch offices or by contacting our Call Centre on +19804, or if calling from abroad: + 382 20 228 187. We wish you a pleasant flight! 27 I t starts off slowly, almost unnoticeably. Dew lingers on the grass in the morning, and a cool breeze rolls in off the mountaintops in the evening; this is the shifting of seasons in Montenegro, when the heady, thrilling summer months are left behind and the crisp, golden autumn days set in. It is during this transitional period as the suns intensity cools that we find ourselves once again deskbound, and nostalgically casting our minds back to the dizzyingly busy summer, contemplating all that has passed. None will be experiencing this feeling more than the team at Luštica Bay, one of Montenegro’s most highly anticipated and largest real estate and lifestyle developments. Welcoming its first homeowners this summer, Luštica Bay organised an events programme to rival that of established haunts. Ensuring it was a memorable and unforgettable season for its residents, who were busy settling into their new homes and adopting the healthy, active lifestyle inherent of the destination. The bustling summer calendar saw residents and guests take part in an array of events and activities, including a number of wellness retreats, which were re-introduced with gusto following initial success last year, lead by internationally renowned yoga instructor and health coach, Jules Sung. The retreats embraced complete physical detox coupled with mindfulness practices including yoga and meditation under Jules’ expert guidance. Participants left rejuvenated, relaxed and balanced, both in mind and body. 28 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 L ife in Montenegro is largely spent on the water or discovering the coastline and therefore it was only fitting that sailing lessons and stand-up paddle (SUP) boarding be introduced this summer, alongside the already popular archery classes and golf tutorials. A future centrepiece to the development, Luštica Bay utilised the existing golf driving range, by hosting several golf competitions. The third of which was sponsored by world-renowned sporting brand Garmin, with the triumphant victor winning a Garmin Vivofit watch. As always at Luštica Bay, there is something for everyone, from the fitness fanatics to the culture enthusiasts. Music and culture were abounding this summer, including art exhibitions and open-air concerts with Serbian String Quartet ‘Il Belpaese’. Luštica Bay’s partnership with ‘Kotor Art Festival 2015’ lead to some exciting and unique events, such as ‘ClayBay’, Luštica Bay’s first pottery workshop, where both children and adults tried their hand at clay making, resulted in some brilliant sculpture works. The residents of Luštica Bay also revelled in gloriously balmy evenings, invoking a palpable community spirit at the weekly summer barbecues. These evenings, held at the Pool Bar Terrace, were no doubt a summer highlight, and prepared residents suitably for the bay’s largest event: Luštica Bay’s Summer Launch Party. Dressed all in white, the Luštica Bay team, along with friends, neighbours and residents enjoyed an elegant evening of cocktails, canapés and live music performed by an orchestra lead by Fabio D’Andrea. The guests were welcomed by the CEO of Lustica Bay, Mr. Darren Gibson and CEO of Orascom Development Holding, Mr. Samih Sawiris. Under the stars, the ever-growing community celebrated their journey together so far, and the journey still to come. Homeowners have enjoyed long, lazy summer days at the popular new beach, accessible from a stone staircase leading directly from the apartments to the stunning shores. Swimmers were able to relish the cooler early mornings, whilst afternoons were spent soaking up the sun on the floating pontoon. With more milestones to hit, planning has continued apace throughout the summer months. Including the announcement of the winning design for Luštica Bay’s first hospitality project - the ‘Promenade Hotel’ - and building is set to begin later this year. Work on the marina also progressed providing a more defining shape to the new port in the Bay of Traste. Luštica Bay has triumphed in all its endeavours to marry traditional Montenegrin architecture with modern and environmentally friendly design, rendering the burgeoning project indistinguishable from the traditional homes found at the nearby UNESCO World Heritage sites of Kotor and Perast. Luštica Bay is undoubtedly a masterpiece in the making, and with so many exciting landmarks reached this summer; we can only wait to see what’s in store for next year. 30 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 31 O staroj Crnoj Gori ili državi četiri nahije Suština Crne Gore Tri vijeka razvoja crnogorskog plemenskog društva, od 16 do 19 vijeka ili vrijeme Stare Crne Gore, znače suštinu naše istorije. Iako često manipulisana od strane onih koji su isto tako vjekove potrošili da slome tu našu suštinu i samobitnost, ona i dalje živi, žilavo i tvrdoglavo pronoseći vrijednosti na kojima smo odrasli i mi današnji S tara Crna Gora sastojala se od četiri nahije: Katunske, Lješanske, Riječke i Crmničke, a svaka od njih od plemena, svako pleme od bratstava, koja su zahvatala mala ili veća naselja. Katunska nahija se dijeli na devet plemena: Cetinjsko, Pleme Njeguši, Pleme Ćeklića, Pleme Bjelice, Cuce, Ozrinići, Pješivci, Zagarač i Komani. Cijela Lješanska nahija smatra se kao jedna velika oblasna i narodna cijelina sa nepotpunim plemenskim karakterom. Ko je glavar? Vlast glavara počivala je na običajnom pravu, ali od velikog značaja bio je njegov lični ugled. Po pravilu glavari su bili imućniji ljudi, ali samo bogatstvo nije bilo dovoljno da neko postane glavar. Starješina je, po pravilu, morao posjedovati kvalitete koji su odgovarali kriterijumu crnogorskog ratničkog društva. Glavari su se uvijek smatrali boljim rodom. Oni nijesu imali nikakvu vlast i nikoga nijesu mogli kazniti za neizvršenje zapovijesti. 34 Podjela ide na veća i manja naselja i na dva “plemena”, Gradac i Draževinu. Riječka nahija se sastojala od Plemena Ceklin, Kosijeri, Pleme Dobrsko Selo, Ljubotinj i Građani, a Crmnička nahija od plemena Podgor, Dupilo, Brčeli, Gluhi Do, Sotonići, Limljani i pleme Boljevići. Riječ nahija je turskog porijekla. Svaka nahija imala je jednog serdara, a svako pleme jednog vojvodu, kneza i barjaktara. Guvernduri i mitropoliti Opštecrnogorski glavar koji je bio formalni upravljač Crne Gore u 18. vijeku, zvao se guvernadur. Najznačajnija ličnost u crnogorskom plemenskom društvu bio je mitropolit. Vladike su formalno bile samo duhovni poglavari, koji su, sa vjerskog, političkog i ekonomskog stanovišta bili zainteresovani za učvršćivanje plemenskog jedinstva Crne Gore. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Opštecrnogorski zbor kumstvo kao svetinja Najviši upravni i politički organ u crnogorskom plemenskom društvu bio je Zbor. On je opšti politički okvir koji je iznad užih seoskih, bratstveničkih i nahijskih podvojenosti. Zbor je u stvari vojnodemokratsko predstavništvo naroda Crne Gore. Na Zboru je imao pravo učešća svaki Crnogorac, odnosno ratnik. Narodna pripadnost identifikovala se sa Zborskom pripadnošću. Crnogorac je postajao i onaj ko je primljen u Zbor. Isključenje iz Zbora bila je najteža moralna osuda u crnogorskom plemenskom društvu. Odluke opšteg Zbora načelno su bile obavezne za svu Crnu Goru. Od davnina se ženidbama i udajama širio i učvršćivao krug dobrih prijateljstava po svim krajevima Crne Gore. Ovdje se kumstvo smatralo svetinjom i uzvišenim odnosom među ljudima i zbog toga ono se nije moglo odbiti. U narodu je ostala izreka:”Sve se može odbiti, a kumstvo ne može”. U slučajevima kada se u porodici radovalo ili žalilo među prvima se obaviještavao kum. Koliko je kumstvo uzvišena veza govore izreke:”Bog na nebu, a kum na zemlji. Kada prolaziš pored kumovske kuće, nazovi Boga pa i ako nikog u kući nema ili kad prelaziš preko kumovske njive, pazi da ti pri opancima ne ostane kumovske zemlje”. U Crnoj Gori kum se odabirao po čuvenju kuće i po ličnom čuvenju neke osobe. I kod vjenčanja i kod krštenja, kumovski poklon kumovima ili kumčetu je uvijek najbolji i najčešće se davao u zlatnicima, u zlatnom nakitu ili u novcu. Kumu bi se davala najljepša košulja, čarape, maramica i sl. Za trpezom, kumovsko mjesto je uvijek bilo na čelu trpeze. Sedam veličanstvenih Na Ivanovim koritima, od 1998. godine, u vidu bronzanih poprsja, samuju sedam veličanstvenih iz četvrte crnogorske dinastije Petrović-Njegoš: vladika Danilo (1670-1735), vladika Sava (1700-1782), vladika Vasilije (1709-1766), Petar Prvi (1748-1830), Petar Drugi (1813-1851), knjaz Danilo (1826-1860) i kralj Nikola (1841-1921). Slavni Petrovići su bili vladari i gospodari male-velike Crne Gore, koja Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 je pod njihovim vođstvom, vjekovima, branila svoj opstanak i svetu slobodu. Ta borba naroda crnogorskog, od bitaka kod Carevog Laza, Martinića, Krusa, pobjeda nad vojskom Napoleona Bonaparte u Primorju, do slavnog Grahovca, Vučjeg Dola i Fundine, dovela je do međunarodnog priznanja Crne Gore 13. jula 1878. godine na Berlinskom kongresu, kao tada dvadeset sedme nezavisne države u svijetu. 35 About Old Montenegro and the state of four nahiyahs The essence The three centuries, i.e. from the 16th to the 19th, of the evolution of Montenegrin tribal society, or the period of Old Montenegro represent the essence of our history. Although very often manipulated by those who also spent centuries trying to destroy this essence and substantiality of ours, it is still alive, tenaciously and stubbornly passing on the values with which we grew up T he Old Montenegro consisted of four regions, or nahiyahs: Katunska, Lješanska, Riječka and Crmnička, and each one of them was made up of tribes; every tribe consisted of clan families which included smaller or larger settlements. Katunska nahiyah is divided into nine tribes: Cetinjsko, Njeguši, Ćeklići, Bjelice, Cuce, Ozrinići, Pješivci, Zagarač and Komani. The entire Lješanska nahiyah is considered a huge territorial and community unit with an incomplete tribal character. The division goes further into larger Who is the lord? The authority of the lord was based upon customary law, but his personal reputation played a great role as well. As a rule, lords were wealthier people, but wealth alone was not enough for one to become a lord. A lord needed to possess the qualities which satisfied the criteria of Montenegro’s warring society. Lords were always considered people of superior origins. They did not have any power and could not punish anybody for unfulfilled orders. 36 and smaller settlements and two “tribes”, Gradac and Draževina. Riječka nahiyah consisted of the following tribes: Ceklin, Kosijeri, Dobrsko Selo, Ljubotinj and Građani, and Crmnička nahiyah included the following tribes: Podgor, Dupilo, Brčeli, Gluhi Dol, Sotonici, Limljani and Boljevići. The word “nahiyah” is of Turkish origin. Each nahiyah had one chief (called “serdar”), and each tribe one duke, lord and standard-bearer. “Guvernadurs” (“governor”, Ital. governatore) and metropolitans The overall Montenegrin lord, who was also the ruler of Montenegro in the 18th century held the position of “guvernadur”. The most prominent personality in Montenegrin tribe society was the metropolitan. Bishops were formally only ecclesiastical rulers, who were from a religious, political and economic point of view interested in the reinforcement of tribe unity in Montenegro. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 of Montenegro Being a godfather - best men: a sacred matter Marriages served for centuries to make the circle of good friends firmer and closer throughout the entire Montenegro. Being someone’s godfather was considered a sacred matter here and a solemn bond between people and because of that, it could not be refused. There is still a saying: “You can refuse anything, but being someone’s godfather never”. In families, whether there was a joyful or sorrowful event, the godfather was the first to receive the news. One can conclude how solemn godfather– godchild relations are, through sayings such as: “God above, godfather below. When you are passing by your godfather’s house, salute God, even when there is nobody in the house or when you are passing across your godfather’s field, take care that none of your godfather’s soil remains on your peasant shoes”. In Montenegro, a godfather was chosen according to his house’s renown or his own personal renown. At a wedding or a christening, the present given by the best man to the groom, or the godfather to a godchild was given mainly and most often in florins, golden jewellery or coins. The godfather was given the most beautiful shirt, stockings, handkerchief, etc. At the table, the godfather’s place was always at the head. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 General Montenegrin Assembly The most important governing and political body in Montenegrin tribal society was the Assembly. It is a general political framework which is above the smaller village, brotherhood and nahiyah divisions. The Assembly is, as a matter of fact, a military and democratic representative body of the people of Montenegro. Every Montenegrin man, i.e. warrior, had the right to participate in the Assembly. Nationality was identified with belonging to the Assembly. Anybody who was accepted into the Assembly could become a Montenegrin. Exclusion from the Assembly was the most shameful moral condemnation in Montenegrin society. The decisions of the General Assembly were basically binding for the entire State of Montenegro. The Seven Dignified Ones Since 1998, at Ivanova korita, in the form of bronze busts, have stood the statues of the Seven Dignified Ones from the fourth Montenegrin dynasty of Petrović-Njegoš: Bishop Danilo (1670–1735), Bishop Sava (1700–1782), Bishop Vasilije (1709–1766), Petar I (1748–1830), Petar II (1813–1851), Prince Danilo (1826–1860) and King Nikola (1841–1921). The famous Petrovići were the rulers and sovereigns of smallbut-mighty Montenegro, which, under their leadership, defended its survival and religious freedom for centuries. That struggle of the Montenegrin people, from the battles at Carev Laz, Martinići, Krusi, the victory over Napoleon Bonaparte’s army at Primorje, to the famous battles of Grahovac, Vučji Dol and Fundine, led to the international recognition of Montenegro as the 27th independent state in the world on 13 July 1878 at the Congress of Berlin. 37 Četiri nahije koje su činile suštinu Stare Crne Gore i danas su njen centar, njeno srce a svaka za sebe ima svoje uzdanice, svoj ponos i nešto posebno čime se samo ona diči, ljubomorno čuvajući duh prošlih vremena. Crmnička nahija nam i danas daruje ukuse najboljih vina, u Katunskoj će putnik namjernik probati nadaleko čuveni njeguški sir i pršut, a u Riječkoj posjetiti jedinu pećinu u Crnoj Gori otvorenu za turističke posjete. Crmnica C rmnička regija, u basenu Skadarskog jezera, od davnina je poznata po uzgoju vinove loze, proizvodnji domaće rakije i crnog vina, vrhunskog kvaliteta. Crmnica, područje koje se prostire od Skadarskog jezera prema Jadranskom moru, na nadmorskoj visini do 500 metara, više je od pet vjekova mjesto gde se proizvodi autohtono vino i to čuveno „crmničko“, čijom se proizvodnjom bavi lokalno stanovništvo. Vinogradarstvo je na ovom području bilo rasprostranjeno još u doba Rimljana, a Slovensko stanovništvo nastavilo je sa gajenjem vinove loze. Prema podacima Nićifora Dučića u Crmnici je 1863. godine rodilo 5 041 barela vina, što iznosi oko 363 hiljada litara. Knjaz Nikola se trudio da unaprijedi crmničko vinogradarstvo. U svojoj bašti kod Virpazara posadio je 1874. godine 12 hiljada čokota vinove loze, a naredbom iz 1890. godine naložio “da svaki crnogorski vojnik iz onih mjesta, gdje može roditi loza, usadi po 200 loza”, a potom oslobodio od poreza sve one koji su lozu sadili. 38 Vranac (sinonimi:Vranac crmnički, Vranac crnogorski) je autohtona crnogorska sorta i vodeća je sorta vinove loze za proizvodnju crvenih (crnih) vina u Crnoj Gori Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 V ino se degustira najmanje 10 000 godina, tačnije od kada se smatra da je vinova loza prvi put uvedena u kulturu u okruženju Crnog i Kaspijskog mora, kaže za Luxury Inflight dr Svetozar Savić jedini WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) degustator vina u Crnoj Gori. Govoreći o pravilnoj organizaciji degustacije, Savić je istakao da je neophodno ostvariti nekoliko preduslova. Boja prostorije u kojoj se obavlja ocjenjivanje vina treba da bude što neutralnija, a poželjno je da svjetlost u prostoriji bude prirodna. Takođe, kaže Savić, prostor treba da bude izolovan od uticaja spoljnih mirisa, a insajderi (degustatori) ne smiju koristiti mirise (parfeme, dezodoranse, afetrshave losione...), jer će njihova mirisna nota ometati degustaciju. -Naša čula najosjetljivija su u kasno prijepodne. Zato se profesionalne degustacije održavaju obično nekoliko sati prije podneva. Da bi uvećali zadovoljstvo pijenja i ocjenjivana vina treba koristiti i odgovarajuću čašu u obliku cvijeta „lale“ koja mora biti čista, ispolirana i napravljena od tankog, prozirnog stakla, rekao je Savić. Tokom senzorske analize vina (degustacije) čulima se, kaže on, nastoji postignuti maksimalno objektivna ocjena. Da bi se minimiziralo odstupanja između ocjena degustatora, prilikom degustiranja učesnik mora biti u dobroj fizičkoj i mentalnoj kondiciji, broj degustatora veći, a njihova struktura (pol, starost, edukacija, socijalni milje) raznolika. -Ukoliko ste neraspoloženi ili prehlađeni ne treba da degustirate. Takvo mentalno ili zdravstveno stanje odraziće se na kvalitet vašeg ocjenjivanja. Ako ste u dobroj fizičkoj i mentalnoj kondiciji, a imate relativno dobra čula i, još želite da unaprijedite svoje sposobnosti u ocjenjivanju vina, onda je najbolje da svakog dana, uz provjerenog degustatora, kušate najmanje jedno vino, zaključuje Savić. “ Prve sertifikovane degustatore Crna Gora je dobila tek 2007. godine, kada je na Univerzitetu u Zagrebu, a na zahtjev Ministarstva poljoprivrede Crne Gore, organizovana prva provjera degustatorskih sposobnosti crnogorskih kandidata “ Izraz - degustacija (lat. kušati, založiti, uživati) nedovoljno je precizan i kolokvijalnog karaktera. Ispravan termin bio bi senzorsko ocjenjivanje (lat. sensus - čulo) ili ocenjivanje kvaliteta vina čulima vida, mirisa i ukusa Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 39 Crni mineral u Crmnici U selu Brijege u Crmnici, otkriveno je nalazište minerala granata koje je iste boje kao i vino. Granati su veličine zrna bibera, imaju 16 ravni (faseta) sa satelitom, svaki je isti i pripada grupi spesarini. Po predanju, mineral je nastao iz prosutog crnog vina. Još u Starom vijeku u vrijeme berbe grožda, prvo istočeno mlado vino nosila je djevica u vrču i prosipala ga u šumi u znak zahvalnosti boginje zemlje. Djevojku koja je nosila vrč čuvenog vina na glavi, zatekla je noć na putu ka odredištu. Ni mjesečina joj nije mogla osvijetliti put i djevojka je zalutala. Našavši se u nepoznatom predjelu, punom tamnih sjenki, djevojka se od straha sledila, vrč se razbio, a na mjestu prosutog vina utroba zemlje je iznjedrila granate boje crnog vina. 40 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Black mineral in Crmnica The mineral garnet, which has the same colour as wine, was discovered in the village of Brijege in Crmnica. Garnet is the size of a pepper grain, is round-cut with 16 facets, each looks the same and belongs to the spessartine group. According to tales, the mineral was created from spilt red wine. Back in ancient times, during the Middle Ages, the first new wine was carried in a jug by a virgin and she would sprinkle drops in the forest as a sign of gratitude to the goddess of the soil. A girl who was carrying the famous wine in a jug on her head found herself on her way to her destination at night. Not even the moonlight could light her way and she got lost. In the middle of an unknown area, full of dark shadows, the girl became stricken with fear, the jug broke, and at the place where the wine was spilt, garnet of a deep-red wine colour was produced from within the soil. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 41 The four nahiyahs which were the essence of the old Montenegro, are still its centre even today, its heart, and each one of them has its mainstay, its pride and something special to be proud of, jealously preserving the spirit of old times. Crmnička nahiyah gives us, even today, the tastes of the best wines, and in the pastoral settlements a chance traveller can try the widely renowned cheese and ham from Njeguši, and in Riječka nahiyah visit the only cave in Montenegro to have been opened for tourist visits. Vranac (synonyms: Crmnica Vranac, Montenegrin Vranac) is a local Montenegrin grape variety and a leading grape for the production of red wines in Montenegro. Crmnica S ince time immemorial, the Crmnica region, within the Lake Skadar basin has been known for the cultivation of grapes, the production of domestic brandy and red wine of the highest quality. Crmnica, a region which stretches from Lake Skadar to the Adriatic Sea, at an altitude of 500 metres, has for five centuries been known as a place where a local white wine, the so-called famous “Crmnica” wine is produced. Viticulture was prevalent here even during the period of the Roman Empire, and the Slavic people continued to grow and 42 cultivate grapes. According to data that Nićifor Dučića has collected, the amount of wine produced in Crmnica in 1863 was 5 041 barrels, which amounts to 363 000 litres. Prince Nikola tried to improve viticulture in Crmnica. In his garden near Virpazar he planted 12 000 grapevines in 1874, and in 1890 he ordered “that every Montenegrin soldier from those places where grapevines can be grown, must plant 200 grapevines”, and then excused all those who planted a grapevine from paying tax. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 I t is at least 10 000 years since wine was first tasted, i.e. from the time when grapes are considered to have been introduced for the first time into the culture within the area of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, says the only WSET (Wine and Spirit Education Trust) wine taster in Montenegro, dr Svetozar Savić, for Luxury Inflight. When talking about organising a proper wine tasting, Savić emphasizes that it is necessary to fulfil several preconditions. The colour of the room in which the wine tasting is held should be as neutral as possible, and the light in the room is preferably to be as natural as possible. Savić also says that the surroundings should be isolated from external smells, and wine tasters must not use fragrances (perfumes, deodorants, aftershave lotions...), because the smell interferes with the tasting process. - Our sense of smell is most sensitive in the late morning. That is why professional tasting is done several hours before noon. In order to increase the pleasure of drinking and to assess the wine, an appropriate wine glass should be used. It should be the shape of a tulip, and it must be clean, polished and made from thin, transparent glass, said Savić. During the sensory analysis (degustation), the maximum degree of objectivity should be attained, he says. In order to minimise the discrepancy between the grades of tasters during degustation, the participant must be in good physical and mental shape, the number of tasters fairly large, and their profile (sex, age, education, social background) diverse. - If you are in a bad mood, or have a cold, you should avoid tasting wines. Such a mental or health condition will have an influence on the quality of your assessment. If you are in good physical and mental shape, and have relatively good senses, and want to improve your assessing abilities, then it is best for you to taste at least one wine every day alongside an approved wine taster, concludes Savić. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 “ “ The first certified wine tasters in Montenegro appeared in 2007 when the University of Zagreb, at the request of the Montenegrin Ministry of Agriculture, organised the first verification of tasting abilities of Montenegrin candidates Definition – tasting, degustation, i.e. Montenegrin: degustacija (lat. taste, relish), is not a precise enough term and it is of a colloquial nature. The correct term should be “sensory assessment” (lat. sensus - sense) or assessing the quality of wine using the visual, olfactory and taste senses. 43 Nova turistička atrakcija u Crnoj Gori L Lipska pećina ipska pećina je prva pećinska atrakcija u Crnoj Gori koja nudi šarmantnu raznolikost kraških obilježja, kako bi pružila posjetiocima jedinstven doživljaj podzemnog svijeta. Nalazi se na 33 km od Budve, 35 km od Podgorice i 5 km od Cetinja. Ovo je prva i jedina pećina u Crnoj Gori otvorena za komercijalne turističke posjete, a njena autentičnost je u njenoj istinskoj, divljoj ljepoti koja očarava i čini posjetu nezaboravnom. Lipska pećina se može pohvaliti prekrasnim i divljim sistemom od 2.5 km prolaza, dvorana i galerija. Njena ljepota je poznata od davnina, a posebnu pažnju su joj poklanjali Petar II Petrović Njegoš i kralj Nikola I, velike ličnosti crnogorske istorije. Iako se pretpostavlja da su mještani Lipe Dobrske otkrili pećinu mnogo ranije, zvaničan datum otkrića pećine smatra se 1839. godina, kada se na Njegošev nagovor čuveni engleski arheolog Henri Layard prvi put spustio, istražio pećinu i napravio prve zvanične zabilješke o njoj. Kralj Nikola je 1887. godine tražio od čuvenog ruskog naučnika Pavla Rovinskog da se spusti u ovu pećinu. Te godine je objavljen i tekst o Lipskoj pećini u časopisu Glas Crnogorca, gdje je naučnik poredi sa mnogo većom - Postojnom u Sloveniji, uz napomenu da, iako je manja, ipak bogatija pećinskim ukrasima. Lipsku pećinu su mještani u bezvodnom kraju, od davnina koristili za snabdijevanje vodom. U njoj se nalazi veliki bunar najčistije pitke vode. Po kazivanjima mještana i sam ulaz u pećinu su napravili austro-ugarski osvajači kako bi koristili njene vodne resurse. Iako pećina do danas nije bila otvorena za turističke posjete, u prošlosti su je rado posjećivali gosti crnogorskih vladara i strane delegacije. Pećina je ove godine otvorena za posjete, koje se obavljaju u pratnji obučenih vodiča i u skladu sa svim standardima očuvanja i održivosti životne sredine. Temperatura u pećini je tokom cijele godine od 8 do 12 stepeni, u ljetnjim mjesecima je od 10 do 12 stepeni, dok je zimi od 8 do 10 stepeni. Prilikom posjete turisti mogu da biraju tri vrste tura. Prva je porodična koja uključuje vožnju vozićem i ulazak u pećinu do Njegoševe dvorane, druga je za istraživače, dok je treća najekstremnija i najduža, te je namijenjena “tragačima”. Dijamantski nakit više nije luksuz najveći izbor u regionu i do 40% niže cijene VIGORITA SINCE 1900 - MADE IN ITALY DIAMOND CENTER Ul. Miljana Vukova 29 , 81000 Podgorica New tourist attraction in Montenegro! Lipa cave L ipa Cave is the first cave attraction in Montenegro which offers a charming diversity of karst features giving visitors a unique experience of the underground world. It is situated 33 km from Budva, 35 km from Podgorica and 5 km from Cetinje. This is the only cave in Montenegro opened for commercial tourist visits, and its authenticity is in its true wild beauty which captivates and makes the visit unforgettable. Lipa Cave boasts a beautiful and natural cave system with 2.5 km of passages, halls and galleries. Its beauty has been known for a very long time, and special attention was given to it by Petar II Petrović Njegoš and King Nikola I, who played a very important role in Montenegrin history. Although it is assumed that the inhabitants of the village of Lipa Dobrska discovered the cave much earlier, the official date of its discovery is consider to be 1839, when, at Njegoš’s insistance, the famous English archeologist 46 Henri Layard for the first time climbed down and explored cave and made first official records. In 1887, King Nikola asked the famous Russian scientist Pavle Rovinski to climb down into the cave. The very same year magazine “Glas Crnogorca” published a text about the cave, in which the scientist compared the cave to a larger one in Postojno, Slovenia, noting that although it was much smaller, it was richer with cave ornaments. In an area without water, villagers used the cave for their water supply. There is a large well of the purest drinkable water in it. According to the stories of the villagers, the opening of the cave was made by AustroHungarian conquerors in order to use its water resources. Although the cave has not been open for tourist visits up till now, it was readily visited by the guests of Montenegrin rulers and foreign delegations in the past. This year the cave is available for visits, which are led by trained guides in accordance with all environmental protection standards. The temperature in the cave is between 8 and 12 degrees Celsius throughout the entire year, during the summer between 10 and 12 degrees and during winter between 8 and 10 degrees. When visiting the cave, tourists can choose between three kinds of tours. The first one is a family tour which includes a short train ride and entrance into the cave as far as Njegoš Hall, the second one is for explorers, while the third is the most extreme and longest one and it is intended for “hunters”. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 MOBILE CASINO OD SADA I NA TVOM MOBILNOM UREĐAJU 47 Njeguši U krševitoj podlovćenskoj regiji najpoznatiji kulinarski proizvodi su Njeguški pršut i sir. Poseban ukus i aroma ovih specijaliteta uslovljen je miješanjem planinskog i morskog vazduha. Njeguški sir Na Njegušima se pravi nadaleko poznati sir koji je još u 17. vijeku uvršten u antologiju svjetskih sireva. Riječ je o Njeguškom, punomasnom i tvrdom, siru koji se proizvodi u širem području planine Lovćen računajući i priobalno područje od Budve do Herceg Novog. Pravi se prvenstveno od ovčjeg mlijeka, kada je i najkvalitetniji, a može i od kravljeg ili miješanog ovčjeg, kravljeg i kozjeg. Nakon sirenja, a prije degustacije, čuva se i do 3 mjeseca. Poseban specijalitet priobalnog područja je Njeguški sir u maslinovom ulju koji predstavlja spoj mediteranskog i kontinentalnog ukusa. Njeguški pršut Veoma je duga tradicija proizvodnje visokokvalitetne dimljene pršute vrijednih domaćina po Katunskoj nahiji. Svjesni da nastavljajući kulinarsku tradiciju čuvaju nacionalnu prepoznatljivost mještani sela Njeguši pršutu pripremaju na način kako su to radili njihovi preci, a značajan uticaj na kvalitet dimljene pršute ima mješavina mediteranske i kontinentalne klime u njihovom selu. Upravo “ruža vjetrova” u dolini ispod Lovćena, u selu Njeguši izoštrava miris i ukus pršuta i čini ga izvrsnim. Pršuta se proizvodi na prosječnoj nadmorskoj visini od 860 metara. Proizvodnja najčešće počinje početkom novembra, kada je temperatura vazduha ispod 10 stepeni. Prvo se u svježi svinjski but dodaje morska sol, a potom se, tako posoljen, but kači i dimi. Dim koji obogaćuje aromu stvara se sagorijevanjem bukve u period od oko 40 dana. Pršuta najboljeg kvaliteta dobija se između 10-og i 12-og mjeseca od početka proizvodnje. Njegu si I n a rocky area beneath Mount Lovćen, the best known culinary products are Njeguši ham and Njeguši cheese. The special taste and smell of these products is determined by the unique mixture of mountain and sea air Njeguški cheese The widely famed cheese produced in Njeguši was included in the anthology of world cheeses even in the 17th century. The cheese from Njeguši is a thick, high-fat cheese which is produced within the wider region of Mount Lovćen, including the coastal area from Budva to Herceg Novi. It is primarily made from sheep’s milk, which gives the best-quality cheese, but it can also be made from cow’s milk, or by mixing sheep, cow and goat’s milk. After curdling and before tasting, it is preserved for up to 3 months. An exceptional speciality of the coastal area is Njeguši cheese dipped in olive oil which represents a combination of Mediterranean and continental tastes. Njeguški ha m The production of high-quality smoked ham by the industrious inhabitants of Katunska Nahija has a very long tradition. Aware that by continuing this culinary tradition they are preserving a national brand, the villagers of Njeguši prepare the ham in the same way their ancestors did; the mixture of the Mediterranean and continental climate in their village has a significant impact on the quality of smoked ham. It is the unique air currents in the valley beneath Mount Lovćen, in Njeguši village that makes the smell and taste of ham sharp and extraordinary. The ham is produced at an average altitude of 860 metres. Very often, production starts at the beginning of November when the temperature drops below 10C. Sea salt is put into hog hams, after which the ham is lifted and hung up to smoke. The smoke which enriches the taste is created by burning beech over a period of 40 days. The best-quality smoked ham is achieved between 10 and 12 months from the beginning of production. 50 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 51 Ivan Saveljić, generalni komesar Crne Gore za EXPO MALA zemlja velikih mogućnosti P romocija Crne Gore na Svjetskoj izložbi EXPO Milano 2015. ispunila je očekivanja, kaže za Luxury Inflight Ivan Saveljić, generalni komesar Crne Gore za EXPO i dodaje da je crnogorski paviljon bio veoma dobro posjećen, te da je do sredine septembra bilo preko 200 hiljada posjetilaca. - Fokus crnogorske promocije na Svjetskoj izložbi, široko je postavljen i usmjeren je na cjelokupnu promociju zemlje, uključujući investicione potencijale, turističku atraktivnost, zdravu hranu, kulturu, istoriju i tradiciju. Raduju 52 “ “ S vjetska univerzalna izložba – World EXPO održava se svake pete godine od 1851. godine. Prvobitno zamišljena u cilju prikazivanja najnovijih tehničkotehnoloških dostignuća, vremenom je prerasla u univerzalnu izložbu globalnog karaktera. Crna Gora se ove godine predstavila kao „mala zemlja velikih mogućnosti“ Fokus crnogorske promocije na Svjetskoj izložbi, široko je postavljen usmjeren je na cjelokupnu promociju zemlje, uključujući investicione potencijale, turističku atraktivnost, zdravu hranu, kulturu, istoriju i tradiciju neformalne ocjene učesnika i posjetilaca EXPO-a, da crnogorski paviljon ostavlja izuzetno upečatljiv pozitivan utisak na posjetioce. To je, kako se može pročitati i u italijanskoj štampi, ocjena i italijanskih posjetilaca na koje je naš paviljon ostavio snažan utisak i motivisao ih da posjete Crnu Goru, ocjenjujući je kao izuzetnu turističku destinaciju, kaže Saveljić. Kako je on naveo najveću pažnju posjetilaca privlače prikazi gumna i Durmitora, te svod od vune koji upečatljivo dočarava osobenosti crnogorskog reljefa. Dio izložbenog prostora u paviljonu posvećen je i djelima renomiranih crnogorskih slikara 20. vijeka, a krase ga i suveniri koji odražavaju naše podneblje, te širok spektar promotivnog materijala, uglavnom turističkog sadržaja. -Osim stalne postavke našu zemlju smo predstavili kroz posebne sadržaje u okviru Klastera i drugih prostora na EXPO-u. Do kraja izložbe u planu su prezentacije lokalnih turističkih organizacija, razvojnih i investicionih projekata, kao i poslovni susreti sa ciljem cjelovitog predstavljanja naše zemlje, istakao je Saveljić. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 EXPO je ove godine okupio 144 zemlje učesnice, 3 međunarodne i 13 nevladinih organizacija. Podsjećajući na temu svjetske izložbe „Hraniti planetu, energija za život“, Saveljić je kazao da, shodno temi, veliki broj izložbenih prostora i brojne održane konferencije ukazuju na činjenice da se svijet suočava sa sve većim brojem stanovnika, globalnim klimatskim promjenama, povećanjem zagađenja vazduha i tla, te da nude i određena rješenja. -Naš Biomediteranski klaster je skup zemalja koje predstavljaju bogatu tradiciju zdrave, na prirodan način, proizvedene hrane. Dokazano je da je mediteranska ishrana, kroz kombinaciju hrane iz mora, žitarica, agruma, začina i vina, osnova za zdrav i dug život. Crna Gora, bogata vodenim resursima i nezagađenim tlom, na izložbi se predstavlja kao ekološka država, sa organskom i tradicionalnom hranom visokog kvaliteta i prepoznatljivom turističkom ponudom za sva četiri godišnja doba, kazao je generalni komesar Crne Gore za EXPO Ivan Saveljić. Održavanje EXPO-a kroz istoriju pratila je izgradnja posebnih građevina, kao što su Ajfelov Toranj u Parizu (EXPO 1889), Prater u Beču (EXPO 1873), Rojal u Melburnu (EXPO 1880), Atomijum u Briselu (EXPO 1958) Posjetioci crnogorskog paviljona imali su priliku da uživaju u koncertu poznatog crnogorskog gitariste Miloša Karadaglića, zvucima benda Vladimira Maraša i njegovih gostiju, a i da prisustvuju prezentacijama Nacionalne turističke organizacije, lokalnih turističkih organizacija, kao i pojedinih projekata koji se realizuju u Crnoj Gori. Posebnu pažnju izazvalo je gostovanje Stevana Jovetića, proslavljenog crnogorskog fudbalera, koji sada brani boje milanskog Intera. Njegova posjeta Paviljonu bila je sastavni dio promocije Glavnog grada Podgorice, čiji je gost tim povodom bio i po rangu najviši zvaničnik EXPO-a, Generalni komesar Izložbe, gospodin Đuzepe Sala (Giuseppe Salla), istakao je Saveljić Gumno i Durmitor Prikazi gumna i Durmitora kao osnov umjetničkog izraza predstavlja idejno rješenje koje je osmislio arhitekta Marko Brajović i njegov atelje iz Brazila, kaže Ivan Saveljić. Priča o krugu proizilazi iz običaja sakupljanja Crnogoraca oko ognjišta, ističe on i dodaje da je krug i forma crnogorskog nacionalnog plesa, ali i gumno kao osnovno mjesto okupljanja u tradiciji crnogorskih sela. Crna Gora se kao stara i nova država, prije Milana, predstavila dva puta na EXPO-u, i to 1905. godine u Liježu i 2010. godine u Šangaju. U Liježu je Crna Gora bila predstavljena u samostalnom paviljonu izložbom narodne nošnje i kolekcije oružja. Kako navodi tadašnja belgijska štampa Paviljon je „odisao elegancijom i ukusom“. U Šangaju smo nastupali na izložbi čija je tema bila Održivost gradova i naš Paviljon je posjetio impozantan broj gostiju Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 -Kroz ovu ideju Crna Gora, kao jedna velika porodica, prihvata ljude da uđu u prostor kruga, gdje se razvijaju sve aktivnosti definisanog programa paviljona. Dio tog gumna je i interaktivni sto sa šest monitora koji pružaju više informacija o crnogorskoj regionalnoj raznolikosti, te o tradicionalnoj crnogorskoj kuhinji, kazao je Saveljić. Kako je on naveo drugi dominantan elemenat u paviljonu je svod od vune, tradicionalnog crnogorskog materijala, koji upečatljivo dočarava osobenosti crnogorskog reljefa. -Ovakav vizuelni prikaz Durmitora se reflektuje u ogledalu u centru gumna, pa posjetioci imaju jedinstven doživljaj kao da hodaju po crnogorskim planinama, ističe on. 53 small state with great possibilities Ivan Saveljić, General Commissioner of Montenegro for EXPO The universal exposition – the World EXPO has been held every five years since 1851. Originally intended for the purposes of demonstrating the latest technological accomplishments, over the years it turned into a universal exhibition of a global character. This year Montenegro is represented as a “small state with great possibilities” T he promotion of Montenegro at the world’s fair, EXPO Milan 2015 fulfilled expectations, says Ivan Saveljić, the General Commissioner of Montenegro for EXPO, for Luxury Inflight, and he adds that the Montenegrin pavilion was very well visited, and that by the middle of September it had had more than two hundred thousand visitors. - The emphasis of the Montenegrin promotion at the world’s fair is on the overall promotion of our state, including its investment potentials, tourist attractions, healthy food, culture, history and tradition. The informal assessments of participants and visitors to the EXPO are pleasing, and 54 the Montenegrin pavilion has been making an extraordinarily positive impression on visitors. This is, as can be read in the Italian newspapers, the assessment of Italian visitors on whom our pavilion made a strong impression and motivated them to visit Montenegro, evaluating it as an excellent tourist destination, says Saveljić. He further adds that the visitors are most attracted by the exhibits of a threshing floor and Durmitor, then a woollen arch which impressively displays the peculiarities of the Montenegrin relief. Part of the Montenegrin area is dedicated to renowned Montenegrin painters from the 20th century, and is decorated with souvenirs which reflect our Montenegro has been represented twice at the EXPO, before Milan, as both an old and a modern state, first in 1905 in Liège, and more recently in 2010 in Shanghai. In Liège, Montenegro was introduced as an independent pavilion through an exhibition of folk costumes and an arms collection. According to the Belgian press then, the pavilion exuded “elegance and taste”. In Shanghai we made an appearance at the exhibition, whose theme was the maintenance of cities and our pavilion was visited by an impressive number of guests of the exhibition. climate, as well as with a wide spectrum of promotional material, mainly with features of interest for tourists. - Besides the regular setting, we have presented our country through special events within the Cluster and other areas at the EXPO. Towards the end we are planning presentations of local tourist organisations, development and investment projects, as well as business meetings, with the aim of a complete presentation of our country, says Saveljić. This year the EXPO has gathered 144 participant countries, 3 international and 13 non-governmental organisations. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Visitors to the Montenegrin pavilion had the opportunity to enjoy the concert given by the famous Montenegrin guitarist, Miloš Kardaglić, then the sounds of the band of Vladimir Maraš and other guests, and also to see the presentation of the National Tourist Organisation, local tourist organisations, as well as certain projects which are being realised in Montenegro. - Special attention was attracted by Stevan Jovetić, a celebrated Montenegrin football player, who now wears the colours of Inter Milan. His visit to the pavilion was part of the promotion of the capital city of Podgorica, whose guest was the highest-ranked official of EXPO, the General Exhibition Commissioner, Giuseppe Salla, said Saveljić. - Our Biomediterranean Cluster is a collection of countries which represent the rich tradition of naturally made, healthy food. It has been proved that a Mediterranean diet with its combination of seafood, cereals, citrus fruits, spices, and wines is a foundation for a healthy and long life. Montenegro, which is rich in water resources and unpolluted soil, is presented at the exhibition as an ecological state, with organic and traditional food of a high quality and a distinctive tourist offer for all seasons, says the General Commissioner of Montenegro for EXPO, Ivan Saveljić. Gumno and Durmitor The displays of Gumno (threshing floor, prim.trans.) and the mountain Durmitor, as the basis of the artistic expression, represent the conceptual solution designed by architect Marko Brajović and his studio in Brazil, says Ivan Saveljić. “ 56 Tales told in a circle originate from the Montenegrin custom of gathering around the fireplace, he says and adds that the circle is also the form of the Montenegrin national dance, but Gumno is also the principal gathering place in Montenegrin village tradition. - Through this idea, Montenegro, as a large family, accepts people into the space of the circle, where all the activities of the defined programme of the pavilion are developed. Part of Gumno is an interactive table with six screens showing more information about Montenegrin regional variety, and about traditional Montenegrin cuisine, said Saveljić. The other dominant element in the pavilion is the woollen arch, made out of this traditional Montenegrin material, which impressively evokes the peculiarities of the Montenegrin relief. - The visual display of Durmitor is reflected in the mirror in the middle of the threshing floor, so that visitors can have a unique experience of how it feels when they walk in the Montenegrin mountains, emphasises Saveljić. “ Referring to the theme of the world exhibition – “Feed the planet, energy for life” – Saveljić says that a large number of exhibition areas and numerous conferences are highlighting the fact that the world is facing a growing population, global climate changes, and air and soil pollution, so they are offering various solutions. The emphasis of Montenegro’s promotion at the world’s fair is directed towards complete promotion of the country, including its investment potential, tourist attractions, and its healthy food, culture, history and tradition EXPO has been accompanied by the construction of special buildings, which have become the symbols of certain cities, such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris (EXPO 1889), Prater in Vienna (EXPO 1873), the Royal in Melbourne (EXPO 1880) and the Atomium in Brussels (EXPO 1958). Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 57 VRIJEME U VELIKOM STILU S tvaranje jedinstvenih i zanosnih satova se odvija u sjedištu Hrono AG lociranom u centru Švajcerske u istorijskom gradu Soloturnu. Tamo se svi satovi sa puno strasti ručno izrađuju, da bi zadovoljili Swiss Made kvalitet koji se može osjetiti i primijetitina prvi pogled. Švajcarski tim radi na kreiranju trendi COVER brenda i kolekcije SWISS MILITARY muškog brenda, od samog dizajniranja pa do proizvodnje. Samo ime COVER je simbol za inovativno dizajnirane satova koji prate moderne trendove. Ovi jedinstveni satovi daju fantastičan pečat individualnosti onima koji ih nose. COVER Co169 Perla je oličenje stilizovanog dizajna i neosporne elegancije. Brojčanik je okružen vrijednim svjetlucavim sedefom na kojem do izražaja dolaze sWarovski kristali. COVER Co174 Palatino XL ima moderan i sportski izgled uramljen u kućištu savršenih proporcija, što je zaštitni znak ovog modela. SWISS MILITARY satovi proizvedeni u Chrono radionicama su sportskog izgleda i avanturistickog duha što odgovara onima koji vode aktivan život. Sami brand i njegovi modeli su simboli visoko cijenjenih Swiss Made vrijednosti i izrade. Satovi Švajcarske kompanije Chrono AG su popularni u preko 50 zemalja širom svijeta. Danas, ovi sofisticirani trendi Swiss Made satovi visokog kvaliteta dostupni su i u Crnoj Gori po najpristupačnijim cijenama. Veliki izbor Swiss Made satova se može naći u zlatari Alberto u Starom Gradu u Kotoru i u Tivtu, na Trgu Magnolija.Tamo ste dobrodošli od 10:00 do 22:00 časova, gdje će Vam u Vašem izboru poklona za sebe ili Vaše voljene pomoći članovi četvrte genracije poznatih zlatara iz Crne Gore. Ovlašćeni servisi su dostupni u preko 50 zemalja. Info : T GREAT STYLE IN TIME he creation of unique and captivating timepieces is happening at the Chrono AG headquarters located in the centre of Switzerland in the historic town of Solothurn. Here, all watches are passionately being manufactured by hand, for Swiss Made quality that can be felt and seen at first glance. Swiss team is working on creation of the trendy COVER brand and masculine Swiss Military brand collections from design to manufacturing. The name COVER is symbol for innovative watch design in tune with the modern trends. These unique timepieces give those who wear them a beautiful touch of individuality. COVER Co 169 Perla is the quintessence of stylish design and undeniable elegance. The dial is surrounded by valuably shimmering mother-of-pearl on which rays of SWAROVSKI crystals sparkle magnificently. COVER Co 175 Palatino XL has a modern and sporty look captured in a case of perfect proportions is this chronograph’s trademark. Swiss Military watches manufactured by Chrono are sportive in look and of adventurous spirit to suit those who lead an active lifestyle. The brand and its timepieces are symbols of the highly esteemed Swiss Made values and workmanship. The watches of Swiss company Chrono AG are popular in over 50 countries worldwide. Today these sophisticated, trendy and high quality Swiss Made watches are available in Montenegro at the best affordable price. Wide selection of Swiss Made watches is available at ALBERTO JUWELLERY AND WATCHES stores in Old City of Kotor and in Tivat at Magnolia Square. You are welcome there every day from 10:00 to 22:00. You will be assisted in your choice of the gift to yourself or your loved ones by members of the fourth generation of the famous jewellers of Montenegro. Guarantee service for Swiss watches is provided in over 50 countries. Info : Željka Radak Kukavičić, direktorka Nacionalne turističke organizacije Crne Gore SEZONA PREMAŠILA OČEKIVANJA Početkom ove godine, zbog krize na tržištu Rusije, najave su bile da nas očekuje teška turistička sezona na koju će se odraziti tada očekivani pad broja turista sa ruskog tržišta. Međutim, podaci Nacionalne turističke organizacije Crne Gore govore da je ljetnja sezona premašila sva očekivanja, a očekuje se dobra popunjenost hotelskih kapaciteta i u postsezoni. irektorica Nacionalne turističke organizacije (NTO) Željka Radak Kukavičić za Inflight Luxury kaže da je turistička sezona bilježila kontinuirani rast broja turista i ostvarenih noćenja tokom ljetnjih mjeseci i naglasila da je ovogodišnja turistička sezona prevazišla sva očekivanja. Crnu Goru je, prema procjenama, tokom ljetnje sezone posjetilo oko 1,4 miliona turista koji su ostvarili oko 9 miliona noćenja. Prema podacima lokalnih turističkih organizacija najveću posjećenost ostvarili su turisti iz regiona, bivših zemalja Sovjetskog saveza, Italije, Poljske, Njemačke, Rumunije, Austrije i Francuske, što znači da smo zadržali poziciju na ključnim emitivnim tržištima, a primjetan je rast broja “ 60 turista iz Zapadne Evrope, kazala je Radak Kukavičić. Kako je ona navela, očekuje se nastavak pozitivnog trenda i u postsezoni, a prema informacijama iz hotelske privrede, dobra popunjenost nastaviće se do druge polovine novembra. - Očekuje nas veliki broj seminara i konferencija koji će doprinijeti i dobroj popunjenosti kapaciteta do sredine novembra. Planiramo da u narednom periodu kroz Crnogorski kongresni biro (MCB), kao poseban organ u okviru Nacionalne turističke organizacije Crne Gore za MICE tržište, podstičemo saradnju privatnog i javnog sektora u cilju boljeg plasmana ove vrste ponude, kaže Radak Kukavičić. Ovogodišnja turistička sezona prevazišla je sva očekivanja. Crnu Goru je prema procjenama tokom ljetnje sezone posjetilo oko 1,4 miliona turista koji su ostvarili oko 9 miliona noćenja Lonely Planet, vodeći svjetski turistički vodič, u novom izdanju za oktobar 2015. godine, svrstao je Crnu Goru među 75 najpoželjnijih destinacija (na 33. mjestu). Takođe, plaža Jaz našla se na prvom mjestu liste deset najboljih evropskih plaža koje treba neizostavno posjetiti, pozicionirajući Budvu i Crnu Goru ispred Portugala, Francuske, Italije, Velike Britanije, Španije, Grčke i Litvanije. Za sve ljubitelje adrenalina, Lonely planet preporučio je dnevne izlete, među kojima kojima je i obavezni rafting kanjonom Tare “ D Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 61 Šta, po Vama, treba uraditi da bi Crna Gora postala turistička destinacija za sve ukuse i na cijeloj svojoj teritoriji? Savremeni turista je prevazišao odmor u vidu desetodnevnog odmora na plažama i sve više je okrenut traganju za odmorom koji pored relaksacije nudi autentični ambijent, zdravu okolinu i nova iskustva. Domaće agencije bilježe veći broj zahtjeva za kombinovanim turama. Tzv. „event“ industrija, koja uključuje festivale, konferencije, izložbe, sportske, kulturne i razne druge manifestacije, jako se brzo razvija i ima veliki uticaj na turizam. Zato se prilikom organizacije manifestacija i festivala trudimo da putem relevantnih institucija, pružimo značajnu podršku u svakoj etapi realizacije i pripreme određene manifestacije. Kako ocjenjujete ulogu Montenegro Airlinesa u ukupnoj turističkoj ponudi Crne Gore? Montenegro Airlines, naša nacionalna avio - kompanija, sve više se razvija iz godine u godinu i u značajnoj mjeri doprinosi razvoju turističke ponude Crne Gore, kako svojim proširenjem redovnih linija ka novim destinacijama, tako i uvođenjem čarter letova prema glavnim emitivnim tržištima. Crna Gora je avio - destinacija i dostupnost naše države preduslov je za dalji razvoj turizma i ukupne ekonomije. Pozitivni trendovi rasta turističkog prometa kada su u pitanju pojedina tržišta zapadne Evrope, prije svega Francuske i Njemačke, rezulat su, pored ostalih realizovanih aktivnosti, bolje povezanosti kroz redovan i čarter saobraćaj koji je realizovao Montenegro Airlines. Vjerujem da će menadžment Montenegro Airlinesa kroz svoju poslovnu politiku, uključujući svakako politiku cijena obezbijediti konkuretnost u odnosu na druge avio prevoznike. Kako dodatno privući zapadne turiste i šta NTO planira za narednu turističku sezonu? Koje su to zemlje, koje akcije, sajmovi.... Imamo ambiciozan plan i za narednu godinu. U segmentu sajamskih nastupa planira se dalja, strateška, modifikacija nastupa na sajmovima turizma među kojima su Beč, Istanbul, Beograd, Moskva, Berlin i dr. sa naglaskom na zajedničke nastupe sa crnogorskom turističkom privredom. Do kraja tekuće godine izvjesno je učešće na sajmovima u Parizu, Varšavi i Londonu. Takođe, planiramo organizovanje studijskih posjeta za novinare i turoperatore sa ciljem stvaranja jasne slike o crnogorskom turističkom proizvodu i motivisanja što većeg broja turista da posjete Crnu Goru. Krajem septembra očekujemo posjetu predstavnika najprestižnijih časopisa iz Velike Britanije i to Guardian-a, Times-a, Telegraph-a Sunday Times-a i Daily Express-a što će u značajnoj mjeri doprinijeti promociji “ Pozitivni trendovi rasta turističkog prometa kada su u pitanju pojedina tržišta zapadne Evrope rezulat su, pored ostalih realizovanih aktivnosti, bolje povezanosti kroz redovan i čarter saobraćaj koji je realizovao Montenegro Airlines “ Pokazatelji govore da iz godine u godinu smještajni kapaciteti unapređuju kvalitet. Takođe, ponuda je bogatija za sadržaje koji nijesu vezani samo za sunce i more, te cijenimo da iz godine u godinu ostvarujemo progres, navela je direktorica NTO CG. Crne Gore na ovom emitivnom tržištu Promocija na udaljenim tržištima (Kina, Japan, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati, Indija) će biti realizovana u saradnji sa zemljama regiona i međunarodnim institucijama (ETC i UNWTO). Ono na čemu insistiramo, a što je definitivno komparativna prednost Crne Gore u odnosu na druge turističke destinacije, jeste spoj kontrasta i raznovrsnost kvalitetne ponude na malom prostoru. Rijetke su destinacije na svijetu, na kojima se može u istom danu uživati i na prelijepim plažama i srednjovjekovnim primorskim gradovima, a potom na planini, uz brojne mogućnosti za aktivan odmor u netaknutoj prirodi, boravak u autentičnim etno selima, uživati u pet nacionalnih parkova, koji pokrivaju petnaestak posto ukupne teritorije naše zemlje. Prirodni “lendmark” lokaliteti su naš glavni adut: najdublji kanjon u Evropi, najveće jezero na Balkanu, 150 vrhova iznad 2000 metara, jedini fjord na Mediteranu. “ Prirodni “lendmark” lokaliteti su naš glavni adut: najdublji kanjon u Evropi, najveće jezero na Balkanu, 150 vrhova iznad 2000 metara, jedini fjord na Mediteranu “ 62 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Željka Radak Kukavičić, Director of National Tourism Organization of Montenegro THE SEASON HAS EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS irector of National Tourism Organisation (NTO), Željka Radak Kukavičić, says for Inflight Luxury that the tourist season has shown a constant and continual increase in the number of tourists and overnight stays during the summer and she emphasises that this year’s tourist season exceeded all expectations. According to estimations, during the summer season Montenegro was visited by 1.4 million tourists, which resulted in about 9 million overnight stays. According to the figures of local tourist organisations, the highest numbers of “ Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Positive trends of tourist traffic growth with regards to certain markets in Western Europe, besides other realised activities, are the result of better connection through regular and charter flights by Montenegro Airlines visitors were tourists from the region, tourists from former Soviet countries, Italy, Poland, Germany, Romania, Austria and France, which means that we have maintained our position in key source markets, and there is a significant rise in the number of tourists from Western Europe, says Radak Kukavičić. As she says, the continuation of this positive trend is expected even in the post-season period, and according to figures from the hotel industry, a good occupancy rate will continue until the second half of November. There are a large number of seminars and conferences ahead of us, all in the aim of contributing to a good occupancy rate until the middle of November. As a separate body within the National Tourist Organisation of Montenegro and through the Montenegro Convention Bureau (MCB), we are planning in the coming period for the MICE market to prompt cooperation between the private and public sectors with the aim of better placement of this kind of offer, says Radak Kukavičić. “ D “ “ At the beginning of this year, because of the crisis in the Russian market, there were indications that a difficult tourist season was ahead of us, which led us to believe that the number of Russian tourists would go down. However, the figures from the National Tourism Organisation of Montenegro show that the summer season exceeded all expectations, and we expect hotels to be full even during the post-season period. Natural “landmark” localities are our greatest asset: the deepest canyon in Europe, the largest lake in the Balkans, 150 peaks above 2,000 metres, the only fjord in the Mediterranean 63 The indications show that occupancy capacities are improving in quality from year to year. The offer is also richer with activities which have to do with more than just sun and sea, so we appreciate that we are achieving progress year on year, says the Director of the National Tourist Organisation of Montenegro. In your opinion, what needs to be done to make Montenegro a tourist destination for all tastes and on all of its territory? The modern tourist has outgrown the typical vacation lasting 10 days, which is spent on the beach and is now more interested in searching for a holiday which, besides relaxation, offers an authentic environment, healthy surroundings and new experiences. Local agencies note a higher number of requests for combined tours. What we insist upon, and which is definitely a comparative advantage of Montenegro in regard to other tourist destinations, is a link between the contrast and variety of quality offer within a small territory. It is rare to find destinations in the world which offer beautiful beaches and old coastal towns, then trips to the mountains all in the course of the same day; and all 64 this with active holidays in untouched nature, spending time in authentic eco-villages, enjoyment of five national parks which cover 15% of the total area of our country. Natural “landmark” localities are our greatest asset: the deepest canyon in Europe, the largest lake in the Balkans, 150 peaks above 2,000 metres, the only fjord in the Mediterranean. The so-called “event” industry, which includes festivals, conferences, exhibitions, sports, cultural events and many other manifestations, is developing very fast and is having a great impact on tourism. This is why, when organising events and festivals, we try through relevant institutions to provide significant support at every stage of realisation and preparation of a certain event. How do you assess the role of Montenegro Airlines in the overall tourist offer of Montenegro? Montenegro Airlines, our national airline, is developing more and more, and is contributing, to a significant extent, to the development of the tourist offer in Montenegro, both by opening regular routes to new destinations, and by introducing charter flights to the main source markets. Montenegro is a flight destination and accessibility to our country is a precondition for further development of tourism and the overall economy. Positive trends in tourist traffic growth with regards to certain markets in Western Europe, primarily France and Germany, are the result of realised activities, better connection through regular and charter flights with Montenegro Airlines. I believe that Montenegro Airlines management will, through its business policy, including, of course, the pricing policy, ensure competition in regard to other air carriers. What are additional means to attract tourists from the West and what is the NTO planning for the next tourist season? What countries, promotions, fairs... We have an ambitious plan for next year as well. When it comes to the travel fair segment, what we are planning is further strategic modification of our appearance at tourist fairs, amongst which are those in Vienna, Istanbul, Belgrade, Moscow, Berlin, etc. with an emphasis on appearing along with the Montenegrin tourist economy. Appearance at fairs in Paris, Warsaw and London is definite by the end of this year. We also plan to organise study trips for journalists and tour operators with the aim of creating a clear picture of the Montenegrin tourist product and motivating a larger number of tourists to visit Montenegro. Towards the end of September, we expect a visit from representatives of the most prestigious magazines from the United Kingdom, including the Guardian, the Times, the Daily Telegraph, the Sunday Times and the Daily Express which will to a great extent contribute to the promotion of Montenegro in this source market. Promotions in distant markets (China, Japan, United Arab Emirates, India) will be realised in cooperation with countries from the region and international institutions (ETC and UNWTO). “ This year’s tourist season has exceeded all expectations. According to estimations, Montenegro was visited by 1.4 million tourists during the summer season, which resulted in about 9 million overnight stays “ In its new edition for October 2015, Lonely Planet, the leading world tourist guide, classifies Montenegro amongst the 75 most desirable destinations (in 33rd place). Jaz Beach is to be found in first place on the list of the ten best European beaches which should not be missed, thus positioning Budva and Montenegro ahead of Portugal, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain, Greece and Lithuania. For all adrenalin junkies, Lonely Planet recommends daytrips, amongst which is rafting down the Tara Canyon. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 65 S mješten u zelenom krajoliku nadomak podgoričkog aerodroma, boutique hotel Aria je dizajniran da ispuni želje čak i najzahtjevnijih gostiju. Mirna okolina, svježi vazduh i širina prostora su idealno mjesto na kojem ćete iskusiti vrhunski odmor ili pak Vaš poslovni put učiniti ugodnijim. Elegantne i funkcionalne sobe i apartmani, prostrani restoranski dio i bazenski kompleks, garantuju niz nezaboravnih iskustava. Profesionalno gostoprimstvo Obogaćujući i unapređujući svoju ponudu, Aria hotel je stvorio dugogodišnju tradiciju bogatu vrhunskim kvalitetom, profesionalnom uslugom, a zadovoljni gosti su svjedočanstva tome. Premda će mnogi biti oduševljeni već pri prvom susretu sa hotelskim ambijentom, udobnošću soba i panoramskim pogledom, najjači utisak ostavlja prijateljsko osoblje koje svojom profesionalnošću ispunjava sve Vaše želje i zahtjeve. Udobnost koju trebate Svojim idealnim dizajnom i udobnošću, sobe i apartmani su prilagođeni ugodnom boravku bilo da odsjedate radi kvalitetnog odmora ili učestvujete na nekom od lokalnih kongresa i sajmova. Kako u smještajnim jedinicama tako i u ostatku hotela, postignuta je skladna i opuštajuća atmosfera koja odiše modernim stilom i komfortom ispreplijetanim sa tradicionalnim naznakama interijera Jedinstveno gastronomsko iskustvo Za vrijeme boravka u Aria hotelu gosti nikako ne smiju propustiti uživati u kulinarskim specijalitetima A la carte restorana. U restoranskom meniju je zastupljena internacionalna, mediteranska i tradicionalna hrana a pored vrhunskih delicija restoran će Vas očarati i elegantnim ambijentom, koji se proteže na zatvorenoj terasi gledajući na uređeni hotelski vrt. Poslovni sastanci Pored idiličnih odmora, gostima se nudi mogućnost organizovanja poslovnih sastanaka i drugih dešavanja. Spoj poslovnog i relaksirajućeg ambijenta čini Aria hotel jedinsvenim izborom za organizaciju poslovnih i drugih događaja. Stoga, bilo da dolazite radi organizacije poslovnih sastanaka, poslovnih ručkova ili intimnih proslava rođendana, Aria hotel će Vam osigurati vrijedne uspomene koje ćete zauvijek pamtiti. Situated in green landscape near Podgorica airport, small boutique hotel Aria is designed to please even the most demanding guests. Quiet and spacious surrounding and fresh air is ideal place where You can experience the ultimate holiday or make Your business stay more comfortable. Elegant and modern rooms and suites, specious restaurant venue and pool space, all guarantee a set of unforgettable experience. Professional hospitality With continuously service enrichment and improvement, Aria hotel has created a longstanding tradition full of professional service quality and satisfied guests. Even thrilled at first with hotels ambience, comfortable rooms and panoramic view, the strongest impression comes from friendly stuff which will meet all Your wishes and requires. Comfort You crave With an ideal design and functionality, rooms and suites have been tailored to provide a pleasant stay, whether You stay as a tourist or You attend local congress and seminars. The relaxing atmosphere could be felt in every hotel’s corner - modern style and comfort is combined with traditional interior elements. Ultimate culinary experience During Your stay in Aria hotel, You should not miss out the culinary specialties. In restaurant A la carte menu You will find international, mediterranean and traditional dishes. Beside the delicious dishes, this restaurant also captivates with its lovely and elegant ambience, which extend onto indoor terrace overlooking decorated hotel’s garden. Meeting facilities In addition to an idyllic holiday and time spend with the loved ones, Aria hotel offers its guests the possibility of organizing conferences and other events. Combination of business and relaxing ambience makes Aria hotel a unique choice for the organization of business and other events. Thus, whether You are coming to organize business meeting, lunch with business partners or intimate birthday celebration, Aria will provide You with a unique experience and moments that You will cherish forever. sjever crne gore THE NORTH OF MONTENEGRO 68 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Plavska razglednica Kolašinska tišina šuma Jedna od najljepših vazdušnih banja, sa izuzetnim potencijalom kada je u pitanju izletni turizam je Kolašin, na oko 950 m nadmorske visine i oko 72 km udaljen od Podgorice. Okružuju ga stoljetne šume i planinski vrhovi Bjelasice, sa izuzetnim skijaškim terenima. Tu je i Biogradsko jezero, jedno od najvećih ledničkih, okruženo prašumom, sa preko 50 vrsta drveća, koje zimi pokrije led. Na prostoru opštine Kolašin nalazi se više egzotičnih mjesta nego bilo gdje u regionu. Najznačajnije od njih su: prašuma Biogradska gora sa Biogradskim jezerom, kanjoni Morače, Tare i Mrtvice, lednička jezera na Bjelasici i Lukavici, atraktivni kraški oblici reljefa. Pored toga, raskošan biodiverzitet, prisustvo endemično-reliktne flore i faune, što pruža ugodan osjećaj svakom posjetitelju grada i okoline. vitkog minareta, zaštićena je kao spomenik kulture. Nasuprot njoj nalazi se, džamija Sultanija koju je Plavsko jezero i rijeka Lim, podigao sultan Abdul Hamid daju obrise dolini u kojoj je II 1907. godine i vjerovatno smješten Plav, gradić okružen je jedna od posljednjih obroncima prekrivenim džamija koje je Osmansko šumom i livadama. Dobio je carstvo podiglo na Balkanu. ime po rimskom imperatoru Zidali su je skoro 10 godina Flaviusu (Phlavius) iz čuveni majstori iz Debra, vremena kada je kraj pripadao primjenjujući, po prvi put, rimskoj imperiji. tehniku klesanja kamena U centru Plava, na pomoću žljeba. Danas je to uzdignutom platou veliki potkupolni objekat sa nekadašnjeg „Dizdarevog betonskim minaretom visine Grada” okruženog bedemima, 41.5 metara. nalazi se Stara ili Carska Manastir Sv. Trojice u džamija, sagrađena 1471. Brezojevicama kod Plava je godine. Zbog originalne najstariji sakralni objekat i arhitekture, duboreza i sačuvani spomenik. Podignut arabeski, kamene i drvene je krajem 12 vijeka. gradnje, galerije, soferluka i Manastir DANI BOROVNICE Najznačajniji kulturno-istorijski spomenik u ovom kraju je Manastir Morača, sagrađen u 13. vijeku. Freske i ikone manastira su remek djela srednjovjekovnog slikarstva i nastale su u periodu od 13. do 16. vijeka. U manastiru se nalazi freska „Gavran hrani proroka Iliju”, simbol manastira, primjerak „Oktoiha’’, prve štampane knjige u Crnojevića štampariji iz 1493. godine i krst od orahovine iz 16. vijeka, svojevremeno rađen punih jedanaest godina. Već 16 godina zaredom, održavaju se Dani borovnice, koji su postali internacionalna manifestacija. Najbolji su promoter Plava i Prokletija, te čudesne planine koja je najveća prirodna plantaža borovnice na svijetu. Posjetioci uživaju u proizvodima vrijednih žena: sokovima, kolačima, „Akšijašu“ - slatkom od borovnica, koje se služi u drvenoj činiji. Tu je i vino od borovnice, izuzetnog kvaliteta i veoma traženo u zapadnoj Evropi i Americi. Morača Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 69 Ljubavi kod Ali pašininih izvora Najveće i vjerovatno najljepše ledničko vrelo u Evropi, ispod Prokletija, čija voda ispod Vezirove brade, vri na sve strane, pohodile su rijeke ljudi koji uglas ističu da „žive za ove dane i druženje kraj starinskih zapuštenih vodenica”. Oko kraškog vrela sa tridesetak većih i manjih izvora, koji u dolini sa desetinama rukavaca prave nesvakidašnju vodenu mrežu, samo tih dana montirane su improvizovane tezge, vašarske kafane ispod raznolikih šatora, muzičari… Posebna dimenzija sabora u dolini ispod Vezirove brade je upoznavanje omladine koja je rasuta svuda po svijetu, ali i ugovaranje brakova između uglednih plavo-gusinjskih porodica.Procjene su Gusinjana, da se na vašaru sklopi i do 40 brakova, a da se nakon toga prave velike svadbe i često nastavlja život u inostranstvu. A vašar, kao i skoro svi vašari… Na drvenim sklepanim tezgama nema šta se tog dana ne prodaje i nudi! Procjene su da u tim danima u Gusinju boravi najmanje 30 hiljada ljudi. ZELENA DOLINA LIMA Grad Berane, smješten u zelenoj dolini rijeke Lim, okružen je obroncima Bjelasice, Cmiljevice, Turjaka, Komova. Veličanstvenosti ovih pejzaža, pored velikog broja vrhova koji prelaze 2.000 m, doprinosi i nekoliko ledničkih jezera, kao i prostrani šumski predio sa raznovrsnom florom i faunom. Planina Bjelasica pruža pogodne uslove za pješačenje i biciklizam. Markirano je oko 100 km planinarskih staza. Sezona kupanja u Limu traje oko dva mjeseca, a skijališna sezona oko 120 dana godišnje. Hidrografski turistički motivi ovog područja su 70 GRAD BIJELE RADE Bijelo Polje se nalazi u dolini koju presijeca planinska rijeka Lim. Nekada je to zaista bilo polje, s proljeća prekriveno cvjetovima bijele rade, cvijeta koji je i polju i tamošnjem naselju odredio ime – Bijelo Polje. To je i značenje turske riječi Akovo za varoš, nekada poznatu stanicu dubrovačkih karavana, koja se zvala Nikolj– raznovrsni i interesantni, počev od velikog broja vrela, preko riječnih tokova među kojima se po atraktivnosti i veličini ističe rijeka Lim, do posebne atrakcije u vidu ledničkih jezera kojih najviše ima na beranskom dijelu Bjelasice. Sve ovo je upotpunjeno raznovrsnim biljnim i životinjskim svijetom, a posebno bogatstvo predstavlja raznovrsno ljekovito bilje. Kulturno-istorijsko nasljeđe čine arheološki lokaliteti koji svedoče da je ovo područje bilo naseljeno još u praistorijsko vrijeme, sakralni spomenici: manastir Đurđevi stupovi, manastir Ćelije, manastir Šudikova, džamija u Petnjici, svaki na svoj jedinstven način očarava posjetioce i otkriva duhovna bogatstva. pazar. Od svih gradova na sjeveru Crne Gore, Bijelo Polje ima najpovoljniji geografski položaj. Nalazi se na raskrsnici važnih puteva: na pruzi Beograd – Bar, na magistrali koja od Beograda vodi prema moru, dobre su veze Bijelog Polja i prema Pljevljima i Žabljaku, niz kanjon Tare, prema Beranama, Plavu i Rožajama i dalje Ibarskom magistralom prema Srbiji i Kosovu i Metohiji. NAJVISOČIJI GRADIĆ BALKANA Grad Žabljak se nalazi u središtu regiona Durmitora, na nadmorskoj visini od 1450 metara, što ga čini najvišim urbanim konglomeratom na Balkanu. Žabljak okružuju 23 planinska vrha visine iznad 2200 metara i 16 magičnih ledničkih jezera, kao i Kanjon Tare. Turistička sezona traje tokom čitave godine – prosto ne možete reći koji dio godine je najljepši za boravak na Žabljaku, jer je svako godišnje doba jedinstveno lijepo i pogodno. Nedaleko od ove varošice nalazi se i Javorov gaj, divovsko drvo, pod čijom se krošnjom može skloniti više od stotinu ljudi, te su stanovnici ovog dijela Crne Gore izuzetno ponosni na njega. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 SJEVERNA KAPIJA CRNE GORE Pljevlja imaju šta ponuditi i svima koji imaju „nemirniji duh“, svima željnim avanture i adrenalina. Rafteri mogu splavariti Tarom, a odvažniji zip-lineom premostiti obale rijeke. Biciklisti mogu krstariti obilježenim stazama u dužini 270 kilometara, pješaci „špartati“ markiranim stazama obodom grada i planine Ljubišnje, a avanturisti se spustiti u podnožje, ove „gore sa 300 izvora“, u kanjon Drage. Tu su šume, uglavnom četinarske, sa nešto bukve i hrasta u podnožju. Pri vrhu je gusta klekovina, na pojedinim mjestima neprohodna, baš kao i vijugavi, makadamski, uski put koji od Pljevalja vodi do Ljubišnje, čije su padine obrasle raznim čajevima i gorskim cvijećem, što je odlika pitomih planina. Pljevlja su najsjevernija crnogorska opština, čiju je istoriju obilježilo vjekovno preplitanje hrišćanstva i islama, nose epitet raskršća karavanskih puteva, kultura, običaja i arhitektura. Tradicija i nasljeđe su izuzetno bogati, a duša i srce grada, njegove ulice i sokaci, njegove gorde ljepotice, borova šuma i rijeke opjevani su i uz tamburice u brojnim pjesmama. Kao malo koji grad, Pljevlja se mogu podičiti eksponatima još iz Starog Rima, biserima hrišćanske i islamske kulture, velelepnim arhitektonskim građevinama kakva je Veliki most na Đurđevića Tari, Muzejom humora i satire, netaknutom prirodom koja ostavlja bez daha... ĐALOVIĆA PEĆINA MILET BAŠTA Da je tradicija i duhovno nasljeđe ovog kraja veoma bogato svjedoče i dva reprezentativna vjerska objekta, svojevrsne duhovne oaze pravoslavlja i islama: Manastir Svete Trojice i Husein pašina džamija, oba podignuta u XVI vijeku. Udaljeni oko dva kilometra, vjekovima svjedoče o skladnom suživotu i dobrim komšijskim odnosima. Razdvaja ih prelijepa Milet bašta, najstariji gradski park u Crnoj Gori. Datira s kraja 19. vijeka i djelo je austrougarskih vojnika. Na nju se nadovezuje i sportskorekreativni kompleks sa gradskim parkom, novootvorenim mini zoološkim vrtom, vještačkim jezerima, ribnjakom i izvorištem Breznice. Sportski centar Ada, Gradski stadion sa atletskom stazom, terenima za male sportove i dva terena sa vještačkom travom, uz obližnju trim stazu, predstavlja kompleks koji će pružiti komfor svim sportskim ekipama i odlične uslove za pripreme. Sela sa čistim vazduhom i zdravom organskom hranom nude aktivan odmor i uživanje u svakom trenutku dana i na svakom mjestu. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Pećina nad Vražijim virovima (Đalovića pećina) najduža je pećina u Crnoj Gori, a njene prirodne vrijednosti se mogu mjeriti sa najljepšim pećinama u Evropi. Istražena dužina pećine je oko 17,5 kilometara, sastoji se od većeg broja kanala, hodnika i dvorana koji se prema položaju i opšim morfološkim karakteristikama mogu podijeliti na više cjelina: „Kanal sa jezerima”, „Veliki lavirint”, „Veliki kanal” i dio pećine u nastavku Velikog kanala koji je odvojen sifonima – „Koridor iza sifona”. Stalnih jezera u ovom kanalu ima 15, dok je između 20 do 30 periodičnih. „Veliki” i „Mali lavirint” su splet petanaestak kanala različitih dimenzija, u kojima se nalaze pećinski ukrasi različitih vrsta, oblika i boja. Širina kanala može da dostigne i do 20 metara, dok visina na pojedinim mjestima dostiže i 60 metara, tako da se u pećinu može smjestiti zgrada od 20 spratova. Posebno divljenje zaslužuje ogromna dvorana „Katedrala”, sa velikim stalagmitom pod imenom „Monolit”, čija je visina oko 18 metara. 71 THE NORTH OF MONTENEGRO Silent Forests of Kolašin Kolašin is one of the most attractive health resorts, with great potential in terms of day-trip tourism, located at an altitude of 950 metres. This town is surrounded by hundred-year-old forests and the peaks of Mt. Bjelasica, with amazing ski runs. In its vicinity is Lake Biogradsko, one of the largest glacial lakes, surrounded by virgin forest with more than 50 types of trees, and covered with ice during the winter season. There are more exotic places in the area of the Municipality of Kolašin than anywhere else in the region. Some of the most Morača Monastery The most important cultural and historical monument in this area is the Morača Monastery built in the 13th century. The monastery’s frescoes and icons are masterpieces of medieval art and were created in the period between the 13th and 16th century. The fresco “A raven feeds the prophet Elijah”, copy of “Oktoih“ the first printed book on Slavenian language in the Crnojevica printing house and a cross carved out of walnut dating from the 16th century are the symbols of the monastery. 72 important places include: the virgin forest of Biogradska Gora and Lake Biogradsko, the canyons of the rivers Morača, Tara and Mrtvica, glacial lakes on Mt. Bjelasica and Mt. Lukavica, and attractive karst relief. In the last five years, a steady growth in the number of visitors has been recorded. The number of foreign visitors is much higher, especially those coming from western countries and the rest of Europe, indicating that the tourist offer is much more compatible with the trends prevailing in western tourist markets. During the summer season, the tourist offer is diverse, based on the outdoor activities. You may enjoy hiking tours along the marked trails of Bjelasica, Komovi and Sinjajevina, rafting on the River Tara, mountain biking on Mt. Bjelasica, recreational fishing, or you may visit the Botanical Gardens and Biogradska Gora National Park. Postcard from Plav Plav, a small town surrounded by slopes covered in forests and meadows, is situated in the valley shaped by Lake Plav and the River Lim. It was named after Flavius, the Roman Emperor, from the period when this area was in the Roman Empire. In the centre of Plav, on the raised plateau of the former “Dizdar’s Town” surrounded by ramparts, is the Old Mosque, also called the Emperor’s Mosque, built in 1471. It has been protected as a cultural monument because of its original architecture, woodcarvings and arabesques, stone and wooden construction, galleries, portals (soferluk) and tall minaret. Opposite the Old Mosque is the Sultan’s Mosque, built by Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1907, which is probably one of the last mosques built by the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans. The famous masters of Debar took almost 10 years to build it, for the first time applying a stone-dressing technique using a stone chisel. Today, it is a large domed building with concrete minaret 41.5 metres high. The Church of the Holy Trinity, in Brezojevice near Plav, is the most ancient sacral building and preserved monument, built at the end of the 12th century. Blueberry Days The Blueberry Days Festival, which has become an international event, has been celebrated for the past 16 years. This festival is the best promoter of the town of Plav and the Prokletije Mountains, the largest natural blueberry plantation in the world. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 © 2013 KPMG d.o.o. Podgorica, a Montenegrin limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity All rights reserved. The KPMG name, logo and “ cutting through complexity” are registered trademarks or trademarks of KPMG International. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Offering you formulas for success: Let's make it simple KPMG's commitment is to provide consistently high quality professional services to our clients worldwide. As the business world changes in response to new political and economic situations, so does KPMG We help our clients cut through complex issues and deliver clear and practical solutions to meet their needs. Our services include: Audit Tax Advisory Bookkeeping, accounting and payroll services Contact details: KPMG d.o.o. Podgorica Svetlane Kane Radević 3 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro T: +382 20 201 480 KPMG d.o.o. Beograd Kraljice Natalije 11 11000 Belgrade, Serbia T: +381 11 20 50 500 73 Love at Ali Paša’s Springs The largest and probably the most beautiful glacial spring in Europe is located at the foot of the Prokletije Mountains. This is Ali-Paša’s Springs, a natural fountain with nearly thirty springs, large and small, creating an astonishing net of water in the valley of the socalled Vizier’s Beard. Since the ancient times this has been the symbol of life in this area, and even today it is a place where the people of Gusinje gather from all around the world. Every year, on 2 August, the locals organize a traditional gathering at Ali-Paša’s Springs. A large number of emigrants attend this reunion, and according to the locals of Gusinje, in the past few years more than 40 marriages were entered into at this event. Town of Daisies Bijelo Polje is situated in the valley intersected by the mountain river, the Lim. Bijelo Polje has the most favourable geographical position of all the towns in the north of Montenegro. It is located at the intersection of important roads: on the Belgrade–Bar railway, on the main road leading from Belgrade to the coast, with good connections to Pljevlja and Žabljak, along the canyon of the River Tara, towards Berane, Plav and Rožaje, and further down the Ibar Highway towards Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija. The highest altitude town in the Balkans Green Valley of the River Lim The town of Berane, situated in the green valley of the River Lim, is surrounded by the slopes of Bjelasica, Cmiljevica, Turjak and the Komovi. The magnificence of these landscapes, apart from the large number of peaks reaching above 2,000 metres, is even greater owing to several glacial lakes, as well as a vast forest area rich in flora and fauna. Mt. Bjelasica offers great hiking and biking tours. There are around 100 kilometres of marked mountain trails. The swimming season on the River Lim lasts about two months, and 74 the skiing season around 120 days a year. The tourist features of this area are diverse and interesting, ranging from the large number of springs, the river courses among which the Lim stands out as the largest and most attractive, to the special attraction of glacial lakes, of which the majority lie in the area of Mt. Bjelasica near Berane. The cultural and historic heritage consists of archaeological locations testifying to the fact that this area was settled in the prehistoric era, including religious monuments: Đurđevi Stupovi Monastery, Ćelije Monastery, Šudikova Monastery, the Petnjica Mosque, each one of them enchanting visitors in its unique way and revealing a spiritual wealth. The town of Žabljak is situated in the central part of the Durmitor region, 1,450 metres above sea level, which makes it the highest urban conglomerate in the Balkans. Žabljak is surrounded by 23 mountain peaks higher than 2,200 metres and 16 enchanting glacial lakes, as well as the Tara Canyon. The tourist season lasts all year around – one simply cannot choose the best part of year to spend time at Žabljak, because every season is exceptional and favourable. Not far from the town is Javorov gaj, a gigantic tree under whose branches can shelter more than a hundred people, and the people of this area are extremely proud of it. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 The Northern Gate of Montenegro Pljevlja is the northernmost municipality of Montenegro, the history of which was marked by centuries of entwining of Christianity and Islam. It represents a traditional intersection of caravan roads, diverse cultures, customs and architecture. Not many towns can, like Pljevlja, boast about exhibits originating from Ancient Rome, pearls of Christian and Islamic culture, grand architectural works such as the impressive Đurđevića Tara Bridge, the Museum of Humour and Satire, and unspoilt nature that takes one’s breath away. Pljevlja has a lot to offer to all visitors with a “restless spirit”: rafters can punt down the River Tara, and bolder ones can cross the river by zip-line. Cyclists can ride along the 270 kilometres of marked trails, and hikers can walk up and down the marked trails on the periphery of the town and on Mt. Ljubišnje, while adventurers can descend to the foot of this “hill of 300 springs” to the canyon of the River Draga. There are forests, mainly coniferous, with several beech and oak trees at its foot. Near the peak there is a dense juniper forest, impenetrable at some points, just like the winding, narrow macadam road leading from Pljevlja to Ljubišnje, whose slopes are covered in various aromatic herbs and mountain flowers, typical of gentle mountains. pitomih planina. Milet Bašta (Milet Garden) The fact that this area has a rich tradition and spiritual heritage is testified to by two representative religious buildings, unique spiritual oases of Christianity and Islam: Holy Trinity Monastery and Husein-pasha’s Mosque, both constructed in the 16th century. These sacral buildings have witnessed over centuries the harmonious life together and good neighbourly relations, with only two kilometres between them. They are separated by the wonderful Milet Bašta, the oldest town park in Montenegro. It dates from the end of the 19th century and was built by Austro-Hungarian soldiers. Next to Milet Bašta, there is a sport and recreational complex with a town park, a newly open mini zoo, artificial lakes, a pond and the source of the River Breznica. The Ada Sports Centre, the Town Stadium with an athletics track, smaller sports pitches and two pitches with artificial turf, with a running track nearby, comprises a complex that will provide comfort for all sport teams and great conditions for training. Villages with clean air and healthy organic food offer active holidays and joy at every moment of the day and in any place. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 ĐALOVIĆA cave foto by PSK Akovo Lake Gallery”, “the Great Labyrinth”, “the Great Gallery” and part of the cave extending from the Great Gallery, divided by siphons – “the Corridor Behind the Siphons”. There are 15 permanent lakes, and between 20 and thirty periodic lakes. “The Great Labyrinth” and “the Small Labyrinth” involve a network of fifteen galleries of various dimensions that feature cave decorations of various types, shapes and colours. The width of the galleries may reach as much as 20 metres, and the average height is around 20 metres, although in particular areas it reaches 60 metres, so it can accommodate a 20-storey building. The huge chamber called the “Cathedral”, with a huge stalagmite called the “Monolith”, 18 metres high, is especially breathtaking. The Cave Above Vražji virovi (the Devil’s Whirlpools) – Đalovića Cave – is the longest cave in Montenegro, and its natural attributes may compete with the most magnificent caves in Europe. The explored length of this cave is 17.5 kilometres, and it’s composed of a large number of galleries, corridors and chambers that may be divided into several units according to their position and general morphological characteristics: “the 75 76 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 77 PUTUJTE ODMAH PLAĆAJTE NA RATE MARINA RAJČIĆ, rukometna reprezentativka Crne Gore SANJAM NOVU OlimpijadU O va djevojka je najmlađi evropski rukometni prvak, a sa samo 19 godina, doživjela je nevjerovatan sportski uspjeh, koji je nedostupan mnogim sportistima tokom cijele karijere. Tog 7. avgusta naše rukometašice su, pobjedom nad Francuskom, ušle u polufinale Olimpijskih igara. Slike rasplakanih djevojaka, koje su u Crnu Goru donijele srebrnu olimpijsku medalju zlatnog sjaja, špalir građana, djece, starih i mladih, koji su ih dočekali na aerodromu i mahali cijelim putem do Podgorice, ostaće zauvijek svima u pamćenju, ponajviše našim junakinjama. Od tada se nazivaju crnogorske “zlatne lavice” “ “ Moj motiv je oduvijek bio i biće, da ocu olakšam život i da bude srećan i ponosan na nas Te noći se sjećam kao da je bilo juče, to nikad zaboraviti neću. Svaki detalj koji je vezan za Olimpijadu uvijek će ostati u mom pamćenju. To je najljepša noć u mom životu. Sjećam se, cijela Crna Gora je slavila sa nama. Ljudi su bili toliko srećni. Cijelim putem od aerodroma do Trga Republike je bilo male djece sa roditeljima, koji su mahali i pozdravljali nas. Iz obližnjih kuća vijorila se naša zastava, predivna noć. Bio je tako dobar osjećaj, jedva čekam da se ponovi. Iako mladi, Vaš put do sportskog trona Evrope i svijeta, bio je posut „trnjem i ružama”, bili ste sestri i bratu kao majka, koju ste rano izgubili, ocu podrška, vodili kućno domaćinstvo i stizali na treninge. Bili ste među najboljim đacima podgoričke Barutane, potom srednje Medicinske….kako ste postizali sve i šta je bio lajt motiv? Da, moj put nije bio nimalo lak, ali, kad imate dobre ljude oko sebe koji znaju prave vrijednosti života, sve lakše bude. A i u tom trenutku, kao dijete, sve želite da probate i istražite (sve je lakše). Tu je najveću žrtvu imao moj otac. A moj motiv je oduvijek bio i biće, da njemu olakšam život i da bude srećan i ponosan na nas. Da li je tačno da ste sa 9 godina ispekli prvi domaći hljeb za svoju porodicu? Šta Vas je motivisalo da se rano otrgnete iz male sredine u svjetski sportski vrh? Da, tačno je. Svu zahvalnost zaslužuju moje tetke koje su mi zamijenile majku. One su i pored svojih porodica, I naravno, nijesam voljela da trčim uvijek našle vremena za nas i bile uz nas. puno, to je prvo zbog čega sam se odlučila da postanem golman… A što se sporta tiče, pomogao mi je profesor fizičkog iz osnovne škole na Barutani u kojoj sam učila. Bila Čini se da su rukometašice sam visoka i jaka za svoje godine, preporučio mi je da reprezentacije Crne Gore kao odem na jedan rukometni trening u klubu Auto Rex i ako mi se svidi, da nastavim. Sportsku halu su izgradili porodica. Vaš timski rad, ali i ponos što predstavljate Crnu Goru, tumači preko puta mog sela, tako da mi je bilo lako da se se kao odgovor na fenomen zvani organizujem. “zlatne lavice”. Sa 13 godina, prema riječima Vašeg prvog trenera, bili Da, mi smo stvarno jedna velika ste nezaustavljivi, davali 13-15 golova po utakmici, a porodica. Mislim da to svi vide i osjete ipak ste uporno tražili da budete golman. Zašto? kad igramo. A baš tu snagu nam daju naši najbliži i ljudi koji su svim srcem Golmani su posebni ljudi… (smijeh) Sviđalo mi se uz nas, naši vjerni navijači. to što su odvojeni od drugih, u svome svijetu, uvijek zajedno i na neki način posebni. Olivera Vukčević: Sestra mi je uzor Olivera, igrate lijevo krilo, na pragu ste prelaska u seniorsku ekipu pa i Vaša karijera djeluje meteorski? Koliku snagu daje činjenica da je uz Vas uvijek bila i Vaša, dvije godine, starija sestra Marina? Da, na pragu sam i daću sve od sebe da svoj cilj ostvarim. Marina mi daje veliku snagu, jer je, ipak, tu neko ko je u sportskim vodama, ko razumije sve izazove, padove, podizanja, želju, svakodnevnu borbu - neko ko ima veliko iskustvo. 80 Kakvi su dalji sportski planovi? Šta je sada cilj? Plan je da se usavršim u svom poslu i da se krene u nove pobjede. A cilj mi je da se ponovi Olimpijada. Da li je udaja nešto promijenila u sportskom životu Marine Rajčić? Jeste, dala mi je još veću snagu da ono što sam zacrtala i ostvarim. Koliko je Marinin sportski uspjeh uticao na Vas, na opredjeljenje da svoje snove ostvarite takođe u rukometu? Još od kad sam bila mala, imala je veliki uticaj na mene, počela sam da treniram isti dan kad i ona. Sa razlogom je dobijala riječi hvale, što me je vodilo ka tome da vjerujem da će se, ako radim maksimalno, taj rad isplatiti. Definitivno uzor, samim tim što mi je sestra, znam njenu ličnost, njene vrijednosti, razmišljanja, pa zajedno sa sportskim uspjesima to je čini kompletnim čovjekom kojeg mogu da gledam kao uzor. Planovi u narednom periodu? Planovi…da budem srećna, a san svakog sportiste je Olimpijada, moje je da dam sve od sebe da to ostvarim. Da li je opterećenje ili uzor imati sestru evropsku i svjetsku šampionku? Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 MARINA RAJČIĆ, member of the Montenegrin national handball team I’m dreaming about the next Olympic Games T his girl is the youngest European handball champion, and at only 19 years of age she has achieved unbelievable sporting success, which many sportsmen throughout their entire career can only dream about. On 7 August 2012 our female handball team, in defeating France went through to the Olympic Games semi-finals. The images of girls crying tears of joy, who had brought to Montenegro an Olympic silver medal of the golden shine, and the long queues of people, old and young, who welcomed them at the airport and waved the entire way into Podgorica, will stay in everyone’s memory, longest in the memory of our female champions themselves. Since then, they have been called the Montenegrin “golden lionesses” I remember that night like it was yesterday, I will never forget it. Every detail about the Olympic Games will stay in my memory forever. That was the most beautiful night in my life. I remember all of Montenegro was celebrating with us. People were so happy. Along the entire way from the airport to Republic Square in Podgorica there were little children with their parents, waving and cheering us. From the nearby houses our flag was being flown. That was such a beautiful night, such a wonderful feeling. I can’t wait for it to happen again. Although you are very young, your road to the European sports throne Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 was “sprinkled with thorns and roses”, you lost your mother very early so you were like a mother to your sister and brother, a support to your father, you led the household and managed to make it to training. You were amongst the best pupils of Podgorica’s Barutana, then in Medical Secondary School… How did you manage to achieve all this and what has been your motivation? to do). It was my father who sacrificed the most here. My motivation has always been and always will be to make life easier for him, to make him happy and proud of us. Yes, you’re right. My life was not easy at all, but when you are surrounded by good people who know true life values, it all becomes easier. And at the same time, as a child you want to try and explore everything (everything is easier Yes, it is true. I am very grateful to my aunts who stood in for my mother. Even with their own families, they always had time for us and were with us. Is it true that you baked the first bread for your family when you were only 9 years of age? What motivated you to leave your small surroundings and reach the very top of sport? 81 “ “ My motivation has always been and always will be to make life easier for my father Olivera Vukčević: My sister is my example Olivera, you play on the left wing, you are about to enter the senior team, and your career rise has been meteoric, so to say? How much strength does the fact that your older sister by two years, Marina, has always been with you, give you? Yes, I’m about to enter senior team and I will do my best to achieve my aim. Marina gives me a lot of strength, since she is somebody from the sports world who understands all the challenges, the ups and downs, the wishes and the everyday struggle – somebody with a lot of experience behind her. And as for sport, my teacher for physical education in Barutana, where I attended elementary school, helped me a lot. I was very tall and strong for my age; he recommended that I go to one handball training session at Auto Rex club and, if I liked it, to continue going. The hall was located along the road to my village, so it was easy for me to organise. According to the words of your first coach, at the age of 13 you were unstoppable. You scored 1315 goals per game, but you were intent on becoming a goalkeeper. Why? Goalkeepers are special people… (laughs) What I liked was that they were separate from others, in their own world, always together but on the other hand very special. And of course, I didn’t like running so much. That was the first reason why I decided to become a goalkeeper… 82 It looks like the Montenegrin female handball team functions as a family. Your team work, but also the pride with which you represent Montenegro is interpreted as this phenomenon called the “golden lionesses”. It is true. We are really a very big family. I think that everybody sees and feels it when we play; and that very strength comes from our nearest family members and people who are with us with their whole hearts, our faithful fans. What are your further sports plans? What is your aim now? I plan to further improve and to achieve new victories. The aim is to repeat the Olympic success. Has marriage changed anything in Marina Rajčić’s sports life? Yes, it has. Marriage has given me more strength to achieve what I have been planning. How much did Marina’s success influence you, your decision to fulfil your dreams in handball? Ever since I was a kid, she had a lot of influence over me; I started training the same day she did. She was praised with good reason, which led me to believe that if I did my best, that work would pay off. Is it a burden or a good example to have a sister who is a European and world champion? It is definitely a good example. Considering the fact that she is my sister, I know her personality, her values, her way of thinking, and along with her sporting success it makes her a complete person whom I can view as a good example. Your plans for the future? Plans…to be happy, but the dream of every sportsman is the Olympic Games. It is up to me to do my best in order to achieve it. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Anti - aging centar za estetiku i mršavljene Bulevar Bečići (kod crkve Sv. Toma) +382 (0) 78 106 162 +382 (0) 68 331 333 BROJ 1 U SVIJETU LASERSKA DERMATOLOGIJA LASER Br 1 U SVIJETU CANDELA Gentle Max Pro Trajno uklanjanje dlaka, kapilara, ožiljaka, tetovaža i pigmentacija Estetska Dermatologija Botox, hijaluron, mezoterapija lica i tijela (lipoliza) Dermatologija KOZMETOLOGIJA Veliki broj hemijskih pilinga za revitalizaciju kože i rješavanje problematičnih stanja kože Liječenje akni i drugih kožnih oboljenja prirodnim preparatima spravljenih po specijalnoj recepturi Neinvazivna liposukcija - EXILIS aparat sa radio - talasnom frekvencijom koji zamijenjuje liposukciju Dr Vanja Banićević specijalista dermatovenerologije i mezoterapije Dr Ioanna Batistolu Doc. dr Dejan Čubrilo specijalista estetske i antiejdžing medicine liječenje poremećaja metabolizma gojaznosti bio-hormonskom terapijom Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže... Pariz grad ljubavi, svjetlosti, mode, umjetnosti Š to reći o Parizu, a da svi već ne znaju? Grad svjetlosti, kulture, mode, provoda, velelepne arhitekture i odlične kuhinje odavno je postao prava svjetska prijestonica. Glavni grad Francuske je od 12. vijeka i to je ostao do danas, uz pauzu od 4 godine za vrijeme njemačke okupacije i stvaranja tkz. Višijske Francuske. To je grad koji je vijekovima bio i ostao popularna destinacija za turiste, studente, umjetnike… Danas, francuska prijestonica ima preko 160 muzeja, oko 200 umjetničkih galerija, preko 100 pozorišta, oko 700 bioskopa i preko 10 hiljada restorana. Svake godine posjeti ga preko 44 miliona turista i to ga čini najposjećenijim gradom u svijetu. Pa, krenimo… Ajfelov toranj Prošetajte Jelisejskim poljima i Najpoznatija pariška ikona, sagrađena je prođite kroz Trijumfalnu kapiju 1889. godine kao eksponat za Svjetsku izložbu povodom proslave stogodišnjice francuske revolucije. Do vrha kule vode 1665 stepenica i 4 lifta koji se nalaze u svakom od njenih stubova. Sa vrha kule pruža se pogled na cijeli Pariz. Na posljednjem nivou nalazi se voštana figura Gustava Ajfela, koji je projektovao čuveni toranj. Posjetite Luvr Prošetajte po Versaju Grad Versaj nalazi se u predgrađu Pariza, koji je širom svijeta poznat po Versajskoj palati - rezidenciji francuskih kraljeva Luja XIV, Luja XV i Luja XVI. Smješten na preko 11 hektara ovaj dvoracspomenik čuven je po svojoj ljepoti, mnogobrojnim fontanama, predivnom zelenilu, astonomskom satu... Ipak, najupečatljivija je 75 metara duga i 10 metara široka „Galerija ogledala“ smještena na prvom spratu dvorca, koja je povezivala kraljevske odaje salone rata i mira, pri čemu je salon rata pripadao kralju, a mira kraljici. Dvorac i parkovi koji ga okružuju napravljeni u cilju glorifikacije kralja Sunca (Luja XIV) te sve na što naiđete predstavlja otvorenu ili skrivenu aluziju posvećenu njemu. 84 Muzej svjetske umjetnosti je svakako nezaobilazna stanica. To je muzej koji sadrži jednu od najbogatijih umjetničkih zbirki na svijetu, a stalnu postavku čini i čuveni portret Leonarda da Vinčija - Mona Liza. U Luvru je danas izloženo preko 35 hiljada djela, od praistorije do 19. vijeka. Najprestižnija i najšira avenija u Parizu. Dugačka je 2 kilometra i nalazi se u sjeverozapadnom Parizu. Prostire se od trga Konkord do trga Šarl de Gola gdje se nalazi Trijumfalna kapija. Druga je najskuplja ulica na svijetu, nakon Pete avenije u Njujorku. Tu možete uživati u ukusu dobre kafe u nekom od luksuznih kafea ili u pogledu na 12 veličanstvenih avenija sa 50 metara visoke terase na vrhu slavoluka Trijumfalne kapije. Uživajte u krstarenju Senom Vožnja brodom rijekom Senom uz posmatranje kastedrale Notre Dame i degustaciju lokalnih specijaliteta i francuskog vina oduševiće Vas i otkriti jedan sasvim novi ugao posmatranja Pariza. Pozirajte slikarima na boemskom brdu Monmartru Na Monmartru, brdu iznad Pariza, zvonjavu crkve često nadglašava smijeh turista koji uživaju pozirajući slikarima. Monmartr je najvjernije sačuvao izgled starog Pariza, sa krivudavim ulicama i starim kućama. Kada obiđete znamenitosti (baziliku Sveto srce, Mulen ruž ili Crvenu vetrenjaču) u brojnim neobičnim kafićima na zidovima će Vas dočekati poruke ljudi iz čitavog svijeta. Dječje carstvo u Diznilendu Najposjećeniji zabavni park u Evropi prepun likova iz bajki uz pregršt pozorišnih predstava, sa brojnim atrakcijama za sve uzraste ispuniće sva očekivanja najmlađih: Alisa u zemlji čuda, Petar Pan, a za one hrabrije kuća straha, Indijana Jones, Space mountain i mnoge druge. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends... Paris the city of love, light, fashion and art W hat can one say about Paris that is not already well known? The city of light, culture, fashion, entertainment, magnificent architecture and excellent cuisine has long become the world’s capital. Paris has remained the capital of France ever since 12th century, with only a four-year break during the German occupation and the creation of so-called Vichy France. This is a city which has for centuries been and remained a popular destination for tourists, students and artists. Today the French capital has 160 museums, about 200 art galleries, more than 100 theatres, about 700 cinemas and more than 10,000 restaurants. It is visited by 44 million tourists each year and that makes it the most visited city in the world. So, let`s go…… Eiffel Tower Walk along the Champs-Élysées and go through Arc de Triomphe The most famous icon of Paris was built in 1889 as an exhibit for the World Exhibition celebrating one hundred years since the French Revolution. In order to reach the top of the tower you have to climb 1,665 steps or use one of the four lifts found in each of its columns. From the top of the tower stretches a view over the entire Paris. At the lowest level one can see the wax figure of Gustave Eiffel, the constructor of this famous tower. The the widest and most prestigious avenue in Paris. It is 2 km long and is located in the north-west of Paris. It stretches from the Place de la Concorde to the Charles de Gaulle Square where the Arc de Triomphe is located. It is the second most expensive street in the world, after Fifth Avenue in New York City. Here you can enjoy the taste of good coffee in some of the luxurious cafés or the look over the 12 gorgeous avenues from the 50-metre-high terrace located at the top of the Arc de Triomphe. Visit the Louvre This museum of world art is a stop not to be missed. It boasts one of the richest art collections, and a permanent fixture is the famous Mona Lisa portrait by Leonardo da Vinci. More than 35,000 works are exhibited today in the Louvre, dating from prehistory up until the 19th century. Walk through Versailles Enjoy a cruise along the River Seine A cruise along the River Seine while observing Notre Dame Cathedral and tasting local specialities and French wines will completely thrill you and you will also discover a new angle to view Paris. Kid’s kingdom in Disneyland The most visited theme park in Europe, full of characters from fairy tales and lots of theatrical plays, with numerous attractions for all ages will fulfil all the expectations of the youngest ones: Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and for the braver ones the Phantom Manor, Indiana Jones, Space Mountain and many others. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 You can pose for painters on the bohemian hill of Montmartre Montmartre, on a large hill in Paris, the chiming of church bells is often outrung by the laugh of tourists who enjoy posing for the painters. Montmartre has most faithfully preserved the look of old Paris, with its winding streets and old houses. When you have finished visiting the sights (the Sacré-Cœur Basilica or the Moulin Rouge) on the walls of various unusual cafés you will be welcomed by messages from people from all over the world. Versailles is a town in the suburbs of Paris, known worldwide for the Palace of Versailles – the residence of French Kings Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. Situated in grounds covering over 11 hectares, this château and monument is famous for its beauty, its numerous fountains, the wonderful greenery and it astronomical clock. The most remarkable, though, is the “Hall of Mirrors”, 75m long and 10m wide. It is located on the first floor of the palace and connected the royal apartments – the War Room and the Peace Room (the Salon de la Guerre and the Salon de la Paix). The Salon de la Guerre belonged to the king, and the Salon de la Paix to the queen. The palace and the parks were made for the glorification of the Sun King (Louis XIV, le Roi-Soleil) which means that everything that you come across is in some way dedicated to him. 85 Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže... Ljubljana zeleni djelić Evrope U koliko tragate za utočištem od stresa i užurbanosti, mjesto koje je ugodno posjetiti je prijestonica jedne od najprosperitetnijih evropskih zemalja, koja možda ne izaziva turističko ushićenje, ali zasigurno će izazvati osjećaj zadivljenosti raznovrsnošću, detaljima, kao i skladnim dimenzijama. Ljubljana je mali grad, ljubazne i opuštene atmosfere, koji nudi dosta različitih sadržaja. Za Vas izdvajamo... I Ljubljana ima svoju Juliju Ulica “visećih” patika Legenda o bledskoj krempiti Spomenik najvećeg slovenačkog pjesnika Franca Prešerna u centru Ljubljane okrenut je ka drugoj strani trga, ka fasadi zgrade na kojoj je isklesan ženski lik pjesnikove neostvarene ljubavi. Verona ima Šekspirovu Juliju, a Ljubljana Prešernovu - Juliju Primicovu. Ni mještani Ljubljane ne znaju zašto patike vise iznad jedne od centralnih ulica i sigurno je da će i Vas tjerati na promišljanje i inspirativnost. Brojni turisti slikaju patike i cipele okačene o žice iznad njihovih glava, a nerijetko se dešava da i turisti donose svoju obuću i nude da bude postavljena na žici. Nacionalna poslastica koja se jede na proslavama u Sloveniji je bledska krempita, za koju postoji legenda koja kaže da je nastala nadograđivanjem postojećeg recepta za krem kolač koji se pravi u Vojvodini – Republika Srbija. Uprkos svim specijalitetima kuhinje koja je pokupila ono najbolje od hrane svojih susjeda Slovenci ostaju umjereni u degustaciji, pridržavaju se dobrih životnih navika, preferiraju zdravu hranu i puno vježbaju, te su uglavnom vitki. Ljubljana obećava opuštajući i dobar provod Iako je jedna od najmanjih prijestonica u Evropi, Ljubljana nudi opuštajući provod kako za one koji vole da sjede uz obalu rijeke uz taktove poznate muzike (Prešernov trg, Tromostovje, te obala rijeke Ljubljance), tako i za one koji su u velikim metropolama osjetili značenje dobrog noćnog provoda. Tome najviše pomaže činjenica da Ljubljana ima preko 20 fakulteta i veliki broj studenata koji gradu daju mlad, avanturistički i zagarantovano uzbudljiv noćni život. 86 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends... Ljubljana a green part of Europe I f you are looking for a refuge from stressful life, hustle and bustle, one place that is pleasant to visit is the capital of one of the most prosperous European countries, which might not cause tourist exhilaration, but will surely cause a feeling of bewilderment with its variety, details, as well as harmonious dimensions. Ljubljana is a small city, with a kind and relaxed atmosphere, which offers many different activities. This is what we recommend to you... Ljubljana also has its Juliet The street of “hanging” shoes The monument to the most remarkable Slovenian poet, France Prešeren, in the centre of Ljubljana is turned towards the opposite side of the square, to the facade of a building on which a woman’s figure is carved. It represents the poet’s unrequited love. Verona has Shakespeare’s Juliet, Ljubljana the Juliet of Prešeren. Not even the citizens of Ljubljana have a clear idea why shoes hang over one of the central streets, and this fact will surely inspire you to think and wonder. Numerous tourists take photographs of the shoes and trainers which hang from the wires above their heads, and sometimes it happens that tourists bring their own shoes and offer them to be hung on one of the wires. A legend about Bled cream cake A national dessert which is eaten during celebrations in Slovenia is Bled cream cake. Legend has it that it was made by remodelling an existing recipe for cream cakes from Vojvodina – in Serbia. Despite all specialities of this cuisine which picked up only the best from its neighbours, Slovenians are known for their moderation when it comes to food and drink, they maintain good living habits, prefer healthy food and exercise a lot, which makes them fit and in good shape. Ljubljana promises laid-back and good entertainment Although it is one of the smallest capitals in Europe, Ljubljana offers a relaxing time for entertainment, both for those who like sitting by the river with the motifs of famous music (Preseren Square, the Three Bridges, the banks of the River Ljubljanca), and for those who have had the opportunity to experience what it means to have a good night out in large metropolises. The fact that Ljubljana has more than 20 university faculties and a large number of students, which give the city a young, adventurous and guaranteed exciting night life, especially contributes to this feature. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 87 Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže... Svi putevi vode u Rim vodimo i mi Vas ! M nogi su velikani pisali o Rimu. Mnogi su mnogo toga rekli, pisali istorije, zapisivali legende, slikali, vajali, gradilii....Svaki kutak vječnog grada ima neku legendu, nosi u sebi poetiku. I, jedino što se nameće kao odgovor na pitanje šta treba vidjeti u Rimu, je – sve. Mi ćemo se locirati na „uži“ dio grada, te predlažemo, da uz naš aranžman od 4 ili 3 dana obavezno: Obiđite fontanu Di Trevi i Španske stepenice Posjetite Koloseum, Cirkus Maksimus, Panteon Nikad se ne zna da li će se baš u Vašem slučaju obistiniti čuveni rimski mit. Predanja kažu da ćete se sigurno vratiti u Rim ako ubacite novčić u fontanu. Ako ubacite dva, nova ljubav je na pomolu, dok će Vam tri novčića, navodno, osigurati brak ili razvod. Da li ste ikada zamišljali kako izgleda trka dvokolicama ili borba gladijatora u Koloseumu? Možete oživjeti svoju maštu kroz niz obilazaka arheoloških nalazišta kojih je Rim prepun. Neki su samo blijeda slika nekadašnje slave najvećeg carstva koje je ikada postojalo, a drugi, kakav je Panteon, hram svih bogova, traje i 2.000 godina kasnije. Posjetite Vatikan Prijavite se za grupni obilazak lavirintima vatikanskih muzeja i Bazilike svetog Petra. Ako volite istoriju, ovo je odlična prilika da naučite mnogo toga, ne samo o istoriji najmanje države na svijetu, nego i cijele Evrope. Probajte italijansku kuhinju Šta ćete jesti u Rimu zavisi od doba godine. Mnoga jela sadrže sezonske sastojke i najbolja su ako se jedu “kad im je vrijeme”. Uvjek možete uživati u klasičnoj italijanskoj pasti i sirevima koji su toliko ukusni, da su i sami vrijedni posjete ovoj zemlji. Predlog Montenegro Airlinesa su restorani na trgu Polja cvijeća - Campo de’ Fiori. Piazza Navona, Bocca della Verita Rim je poznat po veličanstvenim trgovima i ukrašenim obeliscima. Na trgu Piazza Navona nalazi se veličanstvena fontana čiji je obelisk ukrašen papinim grbom i golubicom s maslinovom grančicom, dok četiri diva predstavljaju četiri velike rijeke - Gang, Dunav, Nil i Rio Plate, odnosno četiri kontinenta Afriku, Evropu, Aziju i Ameriku. Nezaobilazna atrakcija u Rimu su čuvena “Usta istine” - Bocca della Verita. Legenda ovaj antički reljef pretvara u detektor laži, stavljajući ruku u usta isklesanog lica bradatog čovjeka. 88 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends... All roads lead to Rome and we will lead you there, too! M any great men have written about Rome. They have said much, written down its history, its legends, they have painted, sculpted and built. Every corner of the Eternal City has its own legend and echoes with its own verse. And the only answer that is given to the question of what one should visit in Rome is – everything. We shall limit ourselves to a “narrower” selection of the city’s sights, so we recommend that with our package trip of 3 or 4 days you should: Visit the Di Trevi Fountain and Spanish steps You never know whether a famous Roman myth will turn out to be true in your case. According to the tales, if you throw one coin into the fountain you will return to Rome. If you throw two coins, you can expect new love to come your way, while three coins will ensure you either marriage or divorce. Visit the Vatican Apply for the group tour through the labyrinths of the Vatican’s museums and St. Peter’s Basilica. If you love history, this is a great opportunity to learn so much, not only about the history of the smallest state in the world, but about the whole of Europe as well. Piazza Navona, Bocca della Verità Rome is well-known for its magnificent squares and decorated obelisks. On the Piazza Navona there is a splendid fountain with an obelisk decorated with the Pope’s coat of arms and a female dove with an olive branch, while four giants represent the four Great Rivers – the Ganges, the Danube, Nile and the Rio de la Plata, i.e. the four continents: Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. An attraction in Rome not to be missed is the famous “Mouth of Truth” – the Bocca della Verità. Legend turned this ancient relief into a lie detector, where one must put a hand into the mouth of the carved bearded man’s face to prove one’s truthfulness. Don’t miss the opportunity to taste Italian cuisine What you choose to eat in Rome depends on the season of the year. Many dishes contain seasonal ingredients and are best consumed “when it is their time”. You can always enjoy classic Italian pasta and cheeses which are so delicious, it is worth visiting this country just to taste them. “Montenegro Airlines’” recommendation is to visit the restaurants on the “Field of Flowers” - the Campo de’ Fiori. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Visit the Coliseum, the Circus Maximus and the Pantheon Have you ever imagined what a race with two-wheeled chariots or gladiatorial combat in the Coliseum would look like? You can feed your imagination by visiting the many archaeological sites with which Rome teems. Some are only a pale image of the former glory of the greatest empire ever, while others, such as the Pantheon, the temple of all gods, are still standing, even after 2000 years. 89 Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže... Cirih grad banaka,čokolade i festivala M iran, okrepljujući, skup, pedantan i racionalan – sve ovo je Cirih, tipičan švajcarski grad, okružen spektakularnim planinama, Ciriškim jezerom, rijekom Limat...Puls ovog grada je nevjerovatan, ritmičan baš kao čuveni švajcarski sat. Šta god da odaberete da radite u ovom gradu sigurno ćete uživati, jer ovaj grad nudi za svakoga ponešto i kao stvoren je za: Za ljubitelje umjetnosti Za kupoholičare, ljubitelje mode i šopinga Za one koje umjetnost inspiriše Cirih je poseban grad, jer se u ovom gradu održavaju brojni književni, muzički, tehno i dens festivali. Tu se održava Gradska opera Zürich, Ljetnji javni umjetnički program. U Cirihu možete posjetiti Muzej mode, arhitekture i dizajna, Muzej moderne umjetnosti, a naša preporuka je da obiđete i stari dio grada, tzv. Doerfli i njegove idilične restaurirane kvartove sa ukrašenim trgovima, katedralama, palatama, fontanama i spomenicima. U glavnoj ulici u gradu, Banhofstrasse, nalazi se više od 300 specijalizovanih prodavnica za sve one koji žele kupiti skupocjenu odjeću i obuću, dijamantsko prstenje ili možda ukusnu čokoladu za poklon. Brojne prodavnice koje zadovoljavaju ukus mladih nalaze se u ulici Niederdorf, u starom dijelu grada. Ali to nije sve. Treću oblast za trgovinu u kojoj se nalaze velike filijale Migros, lanci robnih kuća možete posjetiti u ulici Lowenstrasse. Za krstarenje po Ciriškom jezeru Izlet do Ciriškog jezera i obilazak malog grada Rapersvil, na sjevernoj obali jezera do koga se dolazi brodom, je nešto što će Vam sigurno prijati. Ovo je pravi način da upoznate prirodu ovog grada i da ga sagledate iz drugog ugla. Za one koji vole noćni provod Cirih je grad u kom možete uživati u bogatom noćnom provodu. Posjetioci pristižu u kafiće oko 21 sat, a u klubove sa živom muzikom, disko i luksuzne barove oko ponoći. Za ljubitelje čokolade, kafe i ostalih gurmanluka Još od vremena kada je Danijel Peter, suosnivač “Nestlea”, napravio prvu mliječnu čokoladu 1857. godine, a Rodolf Lindt napravio prvu čokoladu koja se topila u ustima “chocolat fondant”, ovaj proizvod je postao sinonim za Švajcarsku, baš kao i satovi kukavice. U strogom centru Ciriha gurmani mogu posjetiti kultno mjesto Aelpli bar ili pivnicu Zeughauskeller koji nude ukuse koji ni najrafiniranije sladokusce ne ostavljaju ravnodušnim. Obavezno probajte Fondi, jelo na bazi nekoliko vrsta sireva 90 ili tortu od bijele čokolade sa likerom od pomorandže. Pasija lokalnog stanovništva svakako je dobra kafa. Skoro svaki kvart ima neko kultno mjesto za ispijanje ovog omiljenog napitka. Za “Schwarzenbach” kažu da je hram kafe, čaja i sušenog voća, a postoji još od daleke 1864. godine. Nasuprot njega nalazi se “Schober Café”, francuska poslatičarnica osnovana 1874. godine, gdje se ručno izrađuju čokoladice i to geometrijskom preciznošću. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends... Zürich the city of banks, chocolates and festivals C alm, refreshing, expensive, meticulous and rational – Zürich represents this all – a typical Swiss city, surrounded by spectacular mountains, Lake Zürich and the River Limmat... The pulse of this city is unbelievable, rhythmic, just like the famous Swiss watches. Whatever you choose to do in this city you will definitely enjoy it, because this city offers something for everybody and it is as if it were created: For art-lovers For those who are inspired by art, Zürich is a special city, because in this city various literary, musical and techno dance festivals are held. City Opera Zürich is held here, and a summer public art programme as well. In Zürich you can visit the Fashion, Architecture and Design Museum, the Museum of Modern Art, and our recommendation for you is to visit the Old Town, socalled Dorfli, with its idyllic restored quarters with decorated squares, cathedrals, palaces, fountains and monuments. For a cruise on Lake Zürich An excursion to Lake Zürich and a visit to the small town of Rapperswil, at the north of the lake which is reached by boat, is something you will find very pleasant. This is the best way to get to know the nature of this city and to see it from a different point of view. For lovers of chocolate, coffee and other delicacies The passion of the locals is a good coffee. Almost every quarter has some kind of cult place for drinking this favourite drink. “Schwarzenbach” is said to be the temple of coffee, tea and dried fruits, and it has existed since as far back as 1864. “Schober Café”, a French pastry shop founded in 1874 lies opposite; here one can find hand-made chocolates, made with geometrical precision. Ever since Daniel Peter, co-founder of “Nestle”, made the first milk chocolate in 1857, and Rodolf Lindt made “chocolat fondant”, the first chocolate which melted in mouth, this product became a synonym for Switzerland, as well as cuckoo clocks. In the very centre of Zürich, gourmands can visit a cult place, the “Aelpli Bar” and an ale house “Zeughauskeller” which offer tastes which will not leave even then most refined food-lovers indifferent. You must try “fondue”, a dish based on several types of cheeses, or a white chocolate cake with orange liqueur. For those who love the night life Zürich is a city in which you can enjoy a rich night life. Visitors come to the cafes at 9:00pm, and then to clubs with live music, disco and luxurious bars about midnight. For shopaholics, fashion and shopping lovers In Banhofstrasse, the main street in the city, there are more than 300 specialised shops for all those who wish to buy expensive clothes and shoes, diamond rings or maybe a delightful chocolate as a gift. Numerous shops which satisfy the taste of those who are younger can be found in the Niederdorf Street, in the Old Town. But this is not all: you can visit a third shopping area where large Migros subsidiaries and department store chains are located in Lowenstrasse Street. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 91 Montenegro Airlines Vas vodi i predlaže... Beč muzička prijestonica Evrope B eč, grad lepršavih valcera, velelepnih dvoraca, umjetnosti i kulture, je grad koji će Vam iznova i iznova priuštiti uživanje, jer u Beču postoji toliko znamenitosti da je za obilazak neophodno više dana. I koliko god dana da izdvojite, uvjek ćete u njemu naći nešto novo što će Vas očarati. Ono što zasigurno ne trebate propustiti je da: Osjetite atmosferu habzburškog vremena u Schönbrunn–u Osjetite ritam lepršavih valcera Na mjestu gdje je car Matijas 1612. godine otkrio izvor vode koji je zbog pitkosti nazvao Lijep izvor - Schönbrunn, danas se nalazi rezidencija austrijskog predsjednika. U ovom dvorcu, kojeg mnogi nazivaju Mini Versaj, svaka dvorana i svaki salon vraća Vas u atmosferu carskog habzburškog vremena. Razgledanju dvorca kao da nema kraja, epohe se smjenjuju, a Vi stičete utisak kao da će svaki trenutak otpočeti neka dvorska zabava a Vi postati dio nje. Upravo u Beču, u dvorcu Schönbrunn, maleni Johan Hrizostom Volfgangus Teofilus, poznatiji kao Volfgang Amadeus Mocart, svojom virtuoznošću zadivio je caricu Mariju Tereziju. Osim Mocartove kuće, u ovom gradu možete posjetiti i kuću u kojoj je živio Johan Štraus, kuću u kojoj je komponovao Betoven, ali i Šubertovu rodnu kuću. Svi oni su živjeli, stvarali i pronalazili inspiraciju u velelepnom Beču, pa je jasno zašto ovaj grad nazivaju muzičkom prijestonicom svijeta. Otkrijte „bisere“ unutar dvorca Hofburg U nekadašnjem sjedištu moćnog Habzburškog carstva, Hofburgu nalazi se najznačajnija svjetska riznica. U ovoj Carskoj riznici izložena je kruna Svetog Rimskog Carstva, Longinovo koplje kojim je proboden Hrist, ali i najveći smaragd na svijetu. Upoznajte neobičnu arhitekturu budućnosti u Beču Jedna od neobičnih turističkih atrakcija Beča je djelo originalnog, vizionarskog umjetnika Hundertwassera, kuća krivih zidova, talasastih spratova niz koje prolazi žuboreća voda, a drveće raste iz unutrašnjosti stanova. Oživite dijete u sebi Ukoliko putujete sa djecom ili želite da ponovo probudite dijete u sebi i dobro se zabavite posjetite Prater, najpoznatiji bečki lunapark. U njemu se nalazi Riesenrad s kojeg se pruža prekrasna panoramska slika cijelog Beča. U Prateru se može satima uživati u najrazličitijim atrakcijama, voziti se različitim prevoznim sredstvima, baviti se raznim sportovima Posjetite mjesto postanka psihoanalize Oživite autentičnu atmosferu šetajući odajama kuće u kojoj je živio utemeljivač psihoanalize, Sigmund Frojd, u ulici Berggasse 19. Mjesto gde je nastala psihoanaliza, mjesto gdje je Frojd živio, pisao i slušao svoje pacijente 47 godina, danas je prilično prazan muzej. Stvari koje u njemu nedostaju nalaze se u Londonu gdje je Frojd proveo posljednju godinu života. 92 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Montenegro Airlines takes you to and recommends... Vienna the music capital of Europe V ienna, the city of the waltz, splendid palaces, art and culture, is a city which will over and over again offer you enjoyment. Since in Vienna there are so many places to visit, it takes many days to do sightseeing. And no matter how many days you plan for Vienna, there is always something new which will enthral you. What you should never miss out on is to: Sample the atmosphere of Habsburg times in Schönbrunn See the unusual architecture of the future in Vienna Palace One of the most unusual tourist attractions in Vienna is a piece At the place where Emperor Matthias in 1612 discovered a spring of water which was named Beautiful Spring - Schönbrunn, today is the residence of the President of Austria. In this palace, which is called by many MiniVersailles, each room and salon brings you back to the atmosphere of royal Habsburg times. The visit to the palace seems unending, epochs change one after the other, and you get the impression as if each moment some kind of court entertainment is about to start, and you are part of it all. of art by the highly original and visionary artist, Hundertwasser, a house of curved walls, wavy floors down which rippling water flows, and trees are growing from the apartment’s interior. Feel the rhythm of the waltz It was here in Vienna, in Schönbrunn Palace, that young Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus, known as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, amazed the ruler Maria Theresa with his virtuoso skill. Besides Mozart’s house, you can also visit the house where Johann Strauss lived, the house where Beethoven made his compositions as well as Schubert’s birthplace. All of them lived, created and found inspiration in magnificent Vienna, so it is quite clear why this city is called the music capital of the world. Choose the ”pearls” inside the Hofburg Palace In the former seat of the powerful Habsburg Monarchy, Hofburg, there is the most significant treasury in the world. In this royal treasury, the crown of the Holy Roman Emperor is exhibited, the Lance of Longinus, the spear that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross, as well as the largest emerald in the world. Bring to life the child in you If you are travelling with children or wish to bring to life the child in you and have a good time, visit the Prater, the best-known amusement park in Vienna. Inside there is the Riesenrad, from which a beautiful panoramic view of the whole of Vienna stretches. The Prater gives various opportunities for enjoyment for hours; one can drive or be driven in various vehicles, do different kinds of sports, etc. Visit the place where psychoanalysis was born Experience the authentic atmosphere by walking through the rooms of the house in which the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, lived, at the address 19 Berggasse Street. The place where psychoanalysis was born, the place where Freud lived, wrote and listened to his patients for 47 years is a rather empty museum nowadays. The missing property from the house can be found in London, where Freud spent the last year of his life. Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 93 Skraćenice u avijaciji AC – Aircraft/ avion APT – Airport/ aerodrom PAX – Passenger/ putnik YCD – Senior/ seniori (stariji od 65 godina) ADT – Adult/odrasli (stariji od 12 godina do 65 godina) CHD – Child/dijete (dijete od dvije do 12 godina starosti) INF – Infant/ beba (dijete ispod dvije godine starosti) YTH – Youth/omladinac OK - Confirmed / potvrđeno RT – Return/ povratak OW – One way/ jedan smjer BAG – Baggage/ prtljag ARR – Arrival/ dolazak DEP – Departure/ odlazak ADLY – Arrival delay/ kašnjenje u dolasku DDLY – Departure delay/ kašnjenje u odlasku CNCL(CNLD/CXLD ) – Canceled/ otkazano NVB - Not valid before/ nije važeće prije NVA - Not valid after/ nije važeće nakon NONREF – Non refundable/ nerefundabilna tarifa FQTV – Frequent flyer number/ broj FF kartice Oznake obroka: KSML - Kosher meal/ košer VGML- Vegetarian meal/ vegeterijanski obrok MLML- Muslim meal/ obrok bez svinjskog mesa CHML – Child meal/ obrok za dijete GFML - Gluten free meal/ obrok bez glutena NLML - Low lactose meal/ obrok sa manje laktoze DBML - Diabetic meal/ obrok za dijabetičare LCML – Low calorie meal/ niskokalorični obrok Posada: CAPT – captain/ pilot F/O - first officer/ kopilot STW – stewardess/ stjuardesa STD – steward/ stjuart PUR – purser/ perser F/E – flight engineer/ avio-inženjer 30 LUXURY GUIDE summer 2015 KONTAKTI Call Centar Telefoni: 19804 - informacije, rezervacije, prodaja + 382 20 405 545 - Call centar Supervisor + 382 20 228 187 - za pozive iz inostranstva e- mail: Poslovnice Šalteri na aerodromima Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 55, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora Telefon: + 382 20 664 411 ,+ 382 20 664 433 , Fax: + 382 20 665 291 e- mail: Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Aerodrom Golubovci, 81000 Podgorica, Crna Gora Telefon: + 382 20 445 105, dežurni GSM: + 382 67 624 524 e- mail: Beograd - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Knez Mihailova 23, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Telefon: + 381 11 2621 122, + 381 11 3036 535, + 381 65 933 99 33 ,Fax: + 381 11 2181 861 e- mail: Tivat - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Aerodrom Tivat, 85320 Tivat, Crna Gora Telefon: + 382 32 670 500,dežurni GSM: + 382 67 670 500 e- mail: Budva - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Mediteranska 21, 85310 Budva, Crna Gora Telefon: + 382 33 451 735, + 382 33 456 244, Fax: + 382 33 454 900 e- mail: Kotor - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta, 85330 Kotor, Crna Gora Telefon: + 382 32 304 860, + 382 32 304 861, + 382 32 304 864, Fax: + 382 32 304 865 e- mail: Beč - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Liechtensteinstrasse 12, Beč 1090, Österreich Telefon: +43 19 226 289, +43 67 65 566 878, Fax: +43 19 226 289 e- mail: Cirih - Travel Gate AG (Generalni agent prodaje za tržište Švajcarske) Adresa: Lintheschergasse 17, 8001 Cirih, Švajcarska Telefon: +41 44 221 10 27, Fax: +41 44 221 10 26 e-mail: Pariz - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: 120, avenue Des Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris, France Telefon: + 33 1 42 25 08 69, Fax: + 33 1 42 25 08 71 e- mail: Beograd - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Telefon: + 381 11 228 6241,dežurni GSM: + 381 64 617 4879 e- mail: Moskva - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Aerodrom Domodedovo, kancelarija 3.57, Moskva, Rusija Telefon: +7 495 287 15 25, +7 495 287 15 26 e- mail: Frankfurt - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: Aerodrom Frankfurt, Terminal 2, Hala D, 60547 Frankfurt, Njemačka Telefon: + 49 69 28 23 74, fax: + 49 69 28 11 76 e- mail: Rim - I.T.R. Handling Adresa: Aerodrom Leonardo da Vinči - Fiumićino, Terminal 3, 00187 Rim, Italija Telefon: + 39 06 6595 8053, + 39 33 5649 6227 Dizeldorf - JET TRAVEL Telefon: + 49 1756712919 Moskva - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: ul. Korovij Val br.7 s.1 ob.II, 119017 Moskva, Rusija Telefon: + 7 499 230 0868 e- mail: London - Montenegro Airlines Adresa: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom Telefon: + 44 (0) 7701012010 e- mail: Kopenhagen - Quality Air Tours Adresa: Vester Voldgade 96, 4 sprat,1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark Telefon: + 45 33 11 33 16, Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55 e- mail: 96 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 CONTACTS Call Center Phones: 19804 - Information, booking, sales + 382 20 405 545 - Call center Supervisor + 382 20 228 187 - For international calls e-mail: Sales Offices Airport Ticket Counter Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines Address: Bulevar Ivana Crnojevića 55, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Phone no: + 382 20 664 411, + 382 20 664 433, Fax: + 382 20 665 291 e- mail: Podgorica - Montenegro Airlines Address: Airport Golubovci, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Phone no: + 382 20 445 105, GSM: + 382 67 624 524 e- mail: Belgrade - Montenegro Airlines Address: Knez Mihailova 23, 11000 Beograd, Serbia Phone no.: + 381 11 2621 122, + 381 11 3036 535, + 381 65 933 99 33,Fax: + 381 11 2181 861 e- mail: Tivat - Montenegro Airlines Address: Airport Tivat, 85320 Tivat, Montenegro Phone no: + 382 32 670 500, GSM: + 382 67 670 500 e- mail: Budva - Montenegro Airlines Address: Mediteranska 21, 85310 Budva, Montenegro Phone no.: + 382 33 451 735, + 382 33 456 244, Fax: + 382 33 454 900 e- mail: Kotor - Montenegro Airlines Address: Stari grad 320, Zgrada turističkog fakulteta, 85330 Kotor, Montenegro Phone no.: + 382 32 304 860, + 382 32 304 861, + 382 32 304 864,Fax: + 382 32 304 865 e- mail: Vienna - Montenegro Airlines Address: Liechtensteinstrasse 12, Wien 1090, Österreich Phone no.: +43 19 226 289, +43 67 65 566 878, Fax: +43 19 226 289 e- mail: Zurich - Travel Gate AG (General sales agent for Swiss market) Address: Lintheschergasse 17, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland Phone no.: +41 44 221 10 27, Fax: +41 44 221 10 26 e-mail: Paris - Montenegro Airlines Address: 120, avenue Des Champs Elyseés, 75008 Paris, France Phone no.: + 33 1 42 25 08 69, Fax: + 33 1 42 25 08 71 e- mail: Belgrade - Montenegro Airlines Address: Aerodrom Nikola Tesla, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone no.: + 381 11 228 6241,GSM: + 381 64 617 4879 e- mail: Moscow - Montenegro Airlines Address: Domodedovo Internat. Airport, office 3.57, Moskow, Russia Phone no.: +7 495 287 15 25, +7 495 287 15 26 e- mail: Ljubljana - Airport Brnik Address: Letališče Brnik, 4210 Brnik Phone no.: + 386 4 2594 252, + 386 4 2594 245 Frankfurt - Montenegro Airlines Address: Airport Frankfurt, Terminal 2, Halle D, 60547 Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland Phone no.: + 49 69 28 23 74,Fax: + 49 69 28 11 76 e- mail: Rim - I.T.R. Handling Address: Airport Leonardo da Vinci - Fiumicino, Terminal 3, Departures, 00187 Roma, Italy Phone no.: + 39 06 6595 8053, + 39 33 5649 6227 Düsseldorf - JET TRAVEL Phone no.: + 49 1756712919 Moscow - Montenegro Airlines Address: ul. Korovij Val br.7 s.1 ob.II, 119017 Moskow, Russia Phone no.: + 7 499 230 0868 e- mail: London - Montenegro Airlines Address: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N 3AX, United Kingdom Phone no.: + 44 (0) 7701012010 e- mail: Kopenhagen - Quality Air Tours Address: Vester Voldgade 96, 4 floor,1552 Copenhagen V, Denmark Phone: + 45 33 11 33 16, Fax: + 45 33 11 54 55 e- mail: Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 97 SCHEDULED FLIGHTS CHARTER FLIGHTS ST.PETERSBURG North Sea KOPENHAGEN MOSCOW HANNOVER DUSSELDORF LONDON FRANKFURT Celtic Sea PARIS MULHOUSE DIJON NANTES BERLIN LEIPZIG NUREMBERG STUTTGART ZÜRICH GRAZ VIENNA LJUBLJANA Caspian Sea BELGRADE LYON Black Sea TIVAT ROME PODGORICA BAKU NAPOLI BARI YEREVAN BRINDISI PALERMO CATANIA EMBRAER 195 SPOLJNE DIMENZIJE /EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS Razmah krila / Wingspan Ukupna dužina / Length Overall Ukupna visina / Height Overall Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora / Horizontal Stabilizer Span Širina trupa / Fuselage Width Visina trupa / Fuselage Height EMBRAER 190 FOKKER 100 28.72m 38.65m 10.55m 94ft 3in 126ft 10in 34ft 7in 12.08m 3.01m 3.35m 39ft 8in 9ft 11in 11ft 0in SPOLJNE DIMENZIJE / EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS Razmah krila / Wingspan Ukupna dužina / Length Overall Ukupna visina / Height Overall Razmah horizontalnog stabilizatora / Horizontal Stabilizer Span Širina trupa / Fuselage Width Visina trupa / Fuselage Height 92ft 5in 9ft 0in 6ft 7in 19.75in 18.25in UNUTRAŠNJE DIMENZIJE / INTERNAL DIMENSIONS Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length 25.91m Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width 2.74 m Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height 2.00 m Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width 0.49 m Širina sjedišta / Seat Width 0.46 m UNUTRAŠNJE DIMENZIJE /INTERNAL DIMENSIONS Dužina putničke kabine / Cabin Length 28.17m Širina putničke kabine / Cabin Width 2.74m Visina putničke kabine / Cabin Height 2.00m Širina prolaza između sjedišta / Aisle Width 0.50m Širina sjedišta / Seat Width 0.46m 28.72 m 36.24 m 10.55 m 94ft 3in 118ft 11in 34ft 7in 12.08 m 3.01 m 3.35 m 39 ft 8 in 9ft 11in 11ft 0in 85 ft 9ft 0in 6ft 7in 1ft 7in 18.25in DIMENZIJE/DIMENSIONS Razmah krila / Wing span Ukupna dužina / Total lenght Ukupna visina / Total height Prečnik trupa / Fuselage diameter Površina krila / Wing area 28.08 m 35.53 m 8.50 m 3.30 m 93.5 m2 92 ft 1.4in 116 ft 6.8 in 27 ft 10.5 in 10 ft 9.92 in 1006.5 sq ft PERFORMANSE / PERFORMANCE Max brzina leta / Max operating speed Max brzina leta / Max operating speed Max visina leta / Max operating altitude 320 kts CAS 0,77 M 10.668 m 35000 ft TEŽINE / WEIGHTS Max težina bez goriva / Max zero fuel weight Max težina na polijetanju / Max take-off weight Max težina na slijetanju / Max landing weight 35835 kg 43090 kg 38780 kg 79000 lb 95000 lb 85500 lb 39 ft 8 in (12.08 m) 94 ft 3 in (28.72 m) 39 ft 8 in (12.08 m) 98 39 ft 8 in (12.08 m) 94 ft 3 in (28.72 m) Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015 99 PODGORICA, Delta City I sprat PODGORICA, Bulevar Džordža Vašingtona 106/1 KOTOR, tržni centar Kamelija I sprat 100 Luxury Inflight Magazine 2015