A Message From the District Administrator


A Message From the District Administrator
School District of Holmen
A Message From the District Administrator
To the Class of 2013 . . .
Nelson Mandela said that “education is
the most powerful weapon which you
can use to change the world.” Today,
you have achieved what may be the
most significant goal so far in your
lifetime, and have positioned yourself
to change the world. While today we
celebrate with you the accomplishments of the past that have culminated
in your graduation from Holmen High School (HHS); today
also represents the next step in your life’s journey.
As you look ahead, take from your past the many experiences
that have made you who you are today and change the world.
Respect and love your families, cherish your friendships, and
serve others, so that you make every community in which you
live a better place.
In the words of Steve Jobs. . . “Your time is limited, so don't
waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.
They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Everything else is secondary.”
My hope for you is that you will follow your heart and intuition.
Trust in yourself as you reach out to those around you.
Explore the many doors already opened for you, and open
those doors that appear to be closed. Believe in yourself.
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt . . . “The future belongs to
those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”
So go for your dreams! Lead!
As a graduate of HHS, you are
well prepared to face the new
challenges that await you. We
are proud of you! Thank you
for the many contributions you
have made to HHS and to the
School District. We wish you
the best in the future. Celebrate today as you reflect on
your past and plan for your
Job well done!
June/July 2013
Reflection on the 2012-13 School Year
Another school year has come to a close for more than 3,800
students in our School District. Approximately 230 of those
students have completed their years of study in the District
and will be moving-on to post-high school education, military
service, or the workplace.
Graduation 2013 was held on May 25 and was a wonderful
event for everyone in attendance. For our graduates, graduation from Holmen High School is a time to celebrate a significant accomplishment in their life, but it is also a time to look
to the future.
I have attended a number of graduation ceremonies, and each
one has been special. This year’s ceremony was my first as
a parent. I experienced the joy of seeing my son walk across
the stage, and reflected on his journey up to this point in his
life. More than ever before, I was reminded of our purpose
as a community to provide a quality education for our children.
As a parent of a 2013 graduate, thank you to parents, staff,
family, friends, and members of our community for your support of our students. Our 2013 graduates would not have been
as successful without the involvement of so many throughout
the community. As a result of this support, our graduates are
well prepared for the next step in their life’s journey.
Those in attendance at the Graduation 2013 Ceremony also
had the opportunity to recognize seven individuals who are
retiring this year, and who have shared their many gifts and
talents with thousands of students over many years. (Please
see page 2 for the list of retirees). Congratulations and thank
you to our 2013 retirees!
As I reflect on the past school year, there are numerous
accomplishments and successes experienced by our students
and staff that you should be proud of as a key member and
supporter of our school community. Our students continue to
perform at or above the state level in almost all assessment
areas. At HHS, we continue to experience an increase in the
number of students enrolling in our Advanced Placement
program. This past year, student performance on the ACT
exam increased in all areas.
Recently, HHS was ranked #14 in Wisconsin by US News
and World Report. Students have excelled in co-curricular
competitions including Distributive Education Clubs of America
(DECA), Future Farmers of America (FFA), Family, Career
and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA), National
History Day (NHD), Skills USA, Forensics, Solo Ensemble,
and the list goes on and on. Teachers have earned state and
national recognition including HHS teacher, Roger King, who
(Continued on next page)
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Page 2
These staff share more than 175 years of experience in working
with children in the School District of Holmen. We congratulate
these retirees and thank them for all that they have done.
Peter Csiacsek
HS Teacher
28 Years
“Sometimes it is important to work for that
pot of gold. But other times it is essential
to take time off and to make sure that
your most important decision in the day
simply consists of choosing which color
to slide down on the rainbow”.
~Douglas Pagels
These Are The Gifts I’d Like To Give To You
Continued from page 1
was selected this year as the National Agriscience Teacher of the
Lois Johnson
Executive Secretary
38 Years
Deborah Richardson
Elementary Teacher
19 Years
Our athletic programs continue to provide our students with opportunities to enhance and grow critical life skills as they work to better themselves and their teammates. Thank you to our student-athletes for their
dedication and commitment to their team, school, and community.
A special recognition to our coaches and advisors who devote time
beyond their primary responsibilities to make sure our students enjoy
and learn from the successes and challenges experienced in practice
and competition.
Our Academy on the Prairie has had a very successful first year. The
Academy offers high school students an alternative education program,
and it is located at the former Oak Grove site in Brice Prairie. Congratulations to the staff and students on a great year! Be sure to read
Academy teacher Keri Grokowsky’s article on page 6.
With the many accomplishments and successes experienced by our
students, our work as a school community continues. With student
achievement always being at the core of who we are and what we do,
we continue to experience challenges that require all of us to work
together, so that our students have opportunities to learn at high levels.
Roger Saxton
Transportation Supervisor
15 Years
Unja Varnum
Educational Assistant
40 years
The list of initiatives, opportunities, and challenges is extensive as we
move forward in the coming months and throughout the next school
year. School safety, student assessment, staff development, Common
Core State Standards, fiscal sustainability, educator effectiveness,
communication, technology, transportation, and the maintenance of our
facilities, will continue to be focus areas in need of attention and
At the center of any thriving and prosperous community is a progressive school district that is dedicated to growing, developing, and
educating children. The support you provide as a parent, guardian,
employee, volunteer, business, and/or taxpayer makes a difference in
the lives of many students. Thank you for all you do!
Enjoy the Summer!
Judith Wachter
Educational Assistant
6 years
Nancy Waldenberger
Food Service
29 years
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Page 3
School District of Holmen
Class of 2013
Thabata Zampoli Alves
Ashley Kate Amundson
Jack Henry Anderholm
Breanna Elaine Armstrong
Vincent James Arttus
Taylor Diane Ayed
Jared Robert Aylsworth
Thomas Gordon Bakalars, Jr.
Austin William Baker
Brianna Jane Banuelos
Kimberly Kay Barney
Frank Edmund Bay
Claudia Rose Becker
Hope Lynnae Berg-Hardrath
Brianna Marie Berra
Jake William Biesterveld
Tyler James Blom
Ashley Nicole Braund
Marissa Jeanette Brenegen
Sydney Marie Brock
Taylor Ann Buccelli
Olivia Rose Buchli
Luke Thomas Burds
Jaynna Danielle Cabezal
Alexandra Marie Carlson
Andrew John Carlson
Shelbi Lu Carlson
Justin James Cavanaugh
Bryan David Chojnacki
Mercedes Allyn Christen
Jana Cikelova
Shelbi Rae Craig
Jazz Duncan Crawford
William Walter Criste
Sydney Caitlin Crossland
Brianna Elizabeth Renee
Justin Andrew Danielson
Baylee Jeannette Darling
Shawna Marie Delyea
Adam Hunter Dikeman
Zhujia Dong
Eryn Philbrook Eade
Chelsea Marie Ellis
Levi Taylor Eppens
Joseph Aaron Erickson
Gabriell Renee Fasnacht
Austin Herb Feuerhelm
Benjamin Troy Fiers
Zane Thomas Finucane
Devin Harold Flick
Zachariah Howard Fogelson
Nick Marti Frana
Marina Leigh Freismuth
Austin Tyler Frye
Cory John Galster
Jared Mark Gillmore
Destiney Roberts Gomez-Lyp
Kourtney Abigail Grekoff
Mason Dakota Storm Gress
Emily Ann Gross
Dakotah Lynn Grosz
Travis Jason Guberud
Emilly Jean Gullickson
Avery Joel Hackett
Kimberly Joy Hafner
Mckayla Rae Haldorson
Austin Cain Harper
Bryanna Lynn Hawes
Tianna Marie Hawkins
Evan Anthony Heiderscheit
Zechariah John Hellerude
Leo Anthony Hemmersbach
Ryan Matthew Henderson
Brandon Lee Henthorn
Max David Holden
Emily Catherine Holtan
Tyler Jerome Holzer
Devin James Humble
Kathryn Anne Imgrund
Hailey Jean Imhoff
Alexis Grace Jenkins
Cody DeWitt Jennings
Katrina Elizabeth Jerry
Hunter Sean Jeske
Jaclyn Kristene Johnson
Jacob Alexander Johnson
Kasey Geneve Johnson
Paul Robert Johnson
Nicholas John Kamprud
Maxwell Robert Kean
Shane Riley Kenny
Kyle C. Kenowski
Conner Michael Kerska
Jamie Lee Kessler
Josafine Suzanne Knauber
Brandon Bryan Knutson
Ciara Janae Kolman
Kyle James Korish
Emma Lynn Lamke
Emriana Christian Langreck
Louno Laofoung
Robert Anthony Lecheler
Long Shue Lee
Pa Houa Lee
PaKeng Voua Lee
Cora Elizabeth Lessard
Jacob Kenneth Lezpona
Erik Brandon Lindsey
Dana Ann Longhi
Mai Nue Lor
Yer Lor
Mitchell Patrick Lorens
Derek Albert Lusk
Taylor Mark Lysaker
Emma Elizabeth Madsen
Brittney Marie Mahlum
Spencer Cole Mahlum
Bernardo Lucas Martino
Isidro Nicolela Martins
Joshua Michael Matl
Joseph Keo McKee
Jordyn Ann Messling
Emily Morgan Mihalovic
Danielle Lynn Miller
Everett Austin Miller
Misty Kaitlyn Rose Miller
Walker Joseph Miller
Seth Elijah Miner
Kyle Jordan Moe
Austin Michael Mulac
Liam Patrick Murphy
Sydney Margaret Hotchkiss
Kendra Lynn Nedegaard
Justin Lee Nedvidek
Sylvia Nicole Neumann
Sarah Kristen Nokken
Samantha Erin Oldenburg
Jenna Sue Oliver
Joel Daniel Olson
Bailey Morgan O'Mara
Jessica Rae Onsager
Dylan Joseph Ottenberg
Joshua David Paape
Samuel Scott Page
Sean Quinton Parsley
Samuel Marc Paschke
Nicole Ann Pederson
Viswesh Raj Periyasamy
Terisa Marie Phillips
Maranda Clara Pientok
Nicholas William Poss
Joel Jay Preeshl
Jack Richard Przywojski
Andrew James Richason
Josey Anne Rieber
Caitlyn Marie Russell
Beth Patricia Ryan
Alia Marie Schuster
Briana Lee Schwabenbauer
Rachel Ann Scott
Kayla Dawn Severson
Jordan Brian Shaffer
Andrew Kent Shaw
Dana Dale Shefelbine
Haley Lee Shepardson
Natalie Marie Shepherd
Shelbi Renae Shockey
Anna Clare Sibenaller
Antonio Briant Sime
Donovan James Smith
Mckenzie June Sobkowiak
Brooke Leigh Sosalla
Inthira Srisurin
Samantha Joyce Stetzer
Dayne Micheal Stevens
Valerie Rae Stone
Brandon Joseph Stratman
Samuel Robert Stutzman
Kacee Marie Sullivan
Morgan Nicholle Sullivan
Jamie Lynn Theobald
Nicole Lynn Thielker
Alex James Thompson
Anna Dale Thompson
Jonathan David Tippetts
Maisie Elizabeth Tolzmann
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Dawson Andrew Trailer
Benjamin James Truchan
David Michael Trueman
Mark Paul Trueman
Jonathan Dean Van Riper
Lue Vang
Mai Xee Vang
Xai Vang
Adrian Benito Vigil, Jr.
Justin Chinue Vue
Laurie Anne Wanderski
Markus Allen Ward
Maria Anne Warner
Mackenzie Lee Watson
Michaela Marie Watson
Zachary William Watson
Summer Nicole Watters
Ryan Walter Weber
Brady Michael Welvaert
Tyler Jeffrey Westpfahl
Miranda Mae-Lynn Whetzal
Brandon Daniel Wiese
Dream Son Xiong
Julie Yhenglye Xiong
Larry Yeleng Xiong
Lee Xiong
Maly Xiong
Nong Xiong
Yer Xiong
Chai Yang
Fong Yang
Fue Yang
Hli Yang
Michael Yang
Richard Koob Moov Yang
Samantha Kay Yehle
Jayde Wesley Young
Rowshell Ellen Young
Page 4
2013 Holmen High Schools Scholarships, Awards and Recipients List
Holmen High School Scholarships (Schlrsp)
Holmen High School Awards
Academic Excellence Schlrsp
Jacob Johnson
Academic Excellence Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Academic Excellence Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
Altra Found. HHS Marketing/Business Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
Altra Found. Youth Apprentice Schlrsp
Joseph McKee
American Legion Americanism & Government Test Program Schlrsp
Andrew Carlson
American Legion - Oratorical Schlrsp
Terisa Phillips
American Red Cross Schlrsp
Justin Danielson
American Red Cross Schlrsp
Andrew Carlson
American Red Cross Schlrsp
Emma Lamke
American Red Cross Schlrsp
Jessica Onsager
American Red Cross Schlrsp
Lee Xiong
Amy Tangen Family Citizenship Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Arn & Shannon Morris Memorial SADD Schlrsp
Nicole Thielker
Arn & Shannon Morris Track Memorial Schlrsp
Cody Jennings
Arn & Shannon Morris Track Memorial Schlrsp
Josey Rieber
Arn & Shannon Morris Track Memorial Schlrsp
Alia Schuster
Ashley Furniture Schlrsp
Kacee Sullivan
Ashley Furniture Schlrsp
Morgan Sullivan
Association for Families Schlrsp for Military Children
Tyler Westpfahl
Bill Holloway Memorial Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
Brandon Jennings Memorial Schlrsp
Ashley Braund
Brent Mathison Memorial Schlrsp
Summer Watters
Brice Prairie Conservation Association Schlrsp
Terisa Phillips
Brice Prairie Lions Club Schlrsp
Hunter Jeske
Brice Prairie Lions Club Schlrsp
Samantha Stetzer
Brice Prairie Lions Club Schlrsp
Maria Warner
Catholic United Financial Schlrsp
Bryanna Hawes
Conor R. McLaughlin "Spirit" Memorial Schlrsp
Sydney Brock
Conor R. McLaughlin "Spirit" Memorial Schlrsp
Emma Lamke
Conor R. McLaughlin "Spirit" Memorial Schlrsp
Nicole Pederson
Conor R. McLaughlin "Spirit" Memorial Schlrsp
Maisie Tolzmann
Coulee Region Riders Club Schlrsp
Josafine Knauber
Couleecap Schlrsp
Anna Thompson
Dale Carnegie Schlrsp
Antonio Sime
Dale Carnegie Schlrsp
Maisie Tolzmann
Daughters of the American Revolution Schlrsp Briana Schwabenbauer
Debbie White Memorial Schlrsp
Samantha Stetzer
DECA - Holmen HS DECA Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
DECA-Holmen HS DECA Schlrsp
Emily Mihalovic
DECA - Holmen HS DECA Schlrsp
Jaclyn Johnson
DECA - Holmen HS DECA Schlrsp
Brianna Dahl
District #66 Lodge Machinist Union Schlrsp
Emily Mihalovic
Firefighters Credit Union Schlrsp
Maria Warner
Fred Frick Servant Leadership Award Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Hardie Orchestra Schlrsp
Hunter Jeske
Herb Kohl Excellence Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Herb Kohl Initiative Schlrsp
Yer Lor
Herzing Cup Schlrsp
Evan Heiderscheit
Herzing Cup Schlrsp
Anna Thompson
Holmen Alumni Schlrsp
Briana Schwabenbauer
Holmen American LegionAuxiliary Good Citizen Schlrsp
Breanna Armstrong
Holmen American Legion Auxiliary Good Citizen Schlrsp Terisa Phillips
Holmen American Legion Post #284 Schlrsp
Ryan Weber
Holmen Area Fndn Board Schlrsp
Josafine Knauber
Holmen Area Rotary Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
Holmen Area Rotary High Potential Schlrsp
Yer Lor
Holmen Athletic Booster Club Schlrsp
Jaclyn Johnson
Holmen Athletic Booster Club Schlrsp
Emma Madsen
Holmen Athletic Booster Club Schlrsp
Andrew Shaw
Holmen Athletic Booster Club Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
Holmen Business Association Schlrsp
Samuel Stutzman
Holmen Education Association (HEA) Schlrsp
Hunter Jeske
Holmen Education Association (HEA) Schlrsp
Jessica Onsager
Holmen Education Association (HEA) Schlrsp
Kayla Severson
Holmen Education Support Personnel (HESP) Schlrsp
Cora Lessard
Holmen HS Art Club Schlrsp
Sylvia Neumann
Army Female Award
Caitlyn Russell
Army Male Award
Avery Hackett
Athlete of the Year Female Award
Emma Madsen
Athlete of the Year Male Award
Ryan Weber
Big 10 Award
Ryan Weber
H-Award-Female Award
Gabriell Fasnacht
H-Award-Male Award
Andrew Shaw
Marines Female Award
Alia Schuster
Marines Male Award
Tyler Westpfahl
National Guard Female Award
Mackenzie Watson
National Guard Male Award
Zachary Watson
WIAA Scholar Athlete Female Award
Emma Madsen
WIAA Scholar Athlete Male Award
Ryan Weber
Holmen HS FFA Schlrsp
Dakotah Grosz
Holmen HS FFA Schlrsp
Josafine Knauber
Holmen HS FFA Schlrsp
Mckenzie Sobkowiak
Holmen HS FFA Schlrsp
Maisie Tolzmann
Holmen HS Promise of Excellence Award Schlrsp
Kathryn Imgrund
Holmen HS Promise of Excellence Award Schlrsp
Haley Shepardson
Holmen HS Promise of Excellence Award Schlrsp
Brandon Stratman
Holmen HS Student Council Schlrsp
Jared Gillmore
Holmen HS Student Council Schlrsp
Andrew Shaw
Holmen HS Student of the Month Schlrsp
Max Holden
Holmen Instrumental Parents Schlrsp In Memory of Wendy Jo Tolvstad
Beth Ryan
Holmen Instrumental Parents Schlrsp In Honor of Geroge Von Arx
Jacob Johnson
Holmen Lioness Club Schlrsp
Jaclyn Johnson
Holmen Lions Club Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
Holmen Lions Club Schlrsp
Andrew Shaw
Holmen Lions Club Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
Holmen Lutheran Church Merit Schlrsp
Andrew Carlson
Holmen Lutheran Church Merit Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
Holmen Lutheran Church Merit Schlrsp
Avery Hackett
Holmen Lutheran Church Merit Schlrsp
Jordyn Messling
Holmen Office Professionals for Education Schlrsp
Taylor Buccelli
Holmen Wrestling Booster Club Schlrsp
Tyler Westpfahl
Holmen Youth Tackle Football Schlrsp
Austin Feuerhelm
Holmen Youth Tackle Football Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
John Gordon Tabbert Memorial Schlrsp
Max Holden
Kiwanis Community Schlrsp
Anna Sibenaller
Knights of Columbus Council #9385 Father Delbert Malin Schlrsp
Bryanna Hawes
Knights of Columbus Council #9385 Father John Rossiter Memorial Schlrsp
Jaclyn Johnson
Knights of Columbus Don Pedretti Schlrsp
Chelsea Ellis
La Crosse Area Business Club, Inc. Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
La Crosse Area Business Club, Inc. Schlrsp
Samuel Stutzman
La Crosse Area Family YMCA Schlrsp
Anna Thompson
La Crosse Community Fndn Schlrsp
Samantha Yehle
La Crosse Community Fndn Borton Construction, Inc. Schlrsp
Antonio Sime
La Crosse Community Fndn John & Ruth Sherman Schlrsp
Jenna Oliver
La Crosse Community Fndn Vivian & Clayton Veum Schlrsp
Breanna Armstrong
La Crosse Education Association Schlrsp
Bryanna Hawes
La Crosse Oktoberfest Gemutlichkeit Fndn Schlrsp
Destiney Gomez
La Crosse Tribune Extra EffortWestern Technical College Schlrsp
Dayne Stevens
Lorna Mulder Memorial Schlrsp
Kayla Severson
Marine Credit Union Schlrsp
Maisie Tolzmann
Michael Heal Memorial Schlrsp
Danielle Miller
MVC Girls Basketball Showcase Schlrsp
Alia Schuster
Nate Stetter Memorial Schlrsp
Maria Warner
Olson Memorial Wrestling Schlrsp
Avery Hackett
Olson Memorial Wrestling Schlrsp
Tyler Westpfahl
Olson Memorial Wrestling Schlrsp
Fue Yang
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Continued on page 5
Page 5
Continued from page 4
Olson Memorial Wrestling Schlrsp
Benjamin Fiers
Olympic Builders General Contractors, Inc. Schlrsp
Antonio Sime
Onalaska First Lutheran ChurchMabel Anderson Memorial Schlrsp
Beth Ryan
Renee Steele Memorial Schlrsp
Sydney Brock
Riverland Energy Cooperative Schlrsp
Bailey O'Mara
Robert and Eleanor Franke Charitable Fndn Schlrsp Ashley Amundson
Robert and Eleanor Franke Charitable Fndn Schlrsp Justin Danielson
Robert and Eleanor Franke Charitable Fndn Schlrsp Destiney Gomez
Robert and Eleanor Franke Charitable Fndn Schlrsp
Yer Lor
Ron Ehrlichmann Memorial Schlrsp
Joel Olson
Ron Ehrlichmann Memorial Schlrsp
Brooke Sosalla
Sandy Richert Achievement Award Schlrsp
Hailey Imhoff
Sarah Mullenbach Memorial Schlrsp
Jaclyn Johnson
Sarah Mullenbach Memorial Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Sarah Mullenbach Music Memorial Schlrsp
Jacob Johnson
Tim A. Dienger Memorial Schlrsp
Briana Schwabenbauer
TLC Mission Schlrsp
Shelbi Craig
UW-La Crosse Soaring Eagle Schlrsp
Alexandra Carlson
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Alexandra Carlson
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Andrew Shaw
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Beth Ryan
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Brooke Sosalla
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Emma Madsen
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Even Heiderscheit
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Gabriell Fasnacht
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Hailey Imhoff
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Jacob Johnson
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Maisie Tolzmann
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Nicholas Poss
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Nicole Pederson
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Samuel Sutuzman
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Viswesh Periyasamy
Vern Dale Schlrsp
Zachary Watson
Viking ATTITUDE Awards:
ATTITUDE AWARD - I: Individual
ATTITUDE AWARD - T: Technology
ATTITUDE AWARD - U: Understanding
ATTITUDE AWARD - D: Determined
ATTITUDE AWARD - E: Excellence/Effort
Viterbo Nightingale Nursing Schlrsp
Viterbo University President's Merit Schlrsp
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Covenant Scholars
Wisconsin Masonic Fndn Frontier Badger Lodge #45 Schlrsp
Wisconsin Masonic Richland Lodge #66 Schlrsp
Wisconsin Realtors Fndn Schlrsp
WKTY Sportscasters Club Schlrsp
YWCA - Teen Lead Schlrsp
YWCA - Teen Lead Schlrsp
YWCA - Teen Lead Schlrsp
YWCA - Teen Lead Schlrsp
Nicholas Poss
Julie Xiong
Brianna Dahl
Larry Xiong
Robert Lecheler
Dreamson Xiong
Dakotah Grosz
Evan Heiderscheit
Breanna Armstrong
Breanna Armstrong
Ashley Braund
Andrew Carlson
Shelbi Craig
Destiney Gomez
Hailey Imhoff
Nicholas Poss
Andrew Shaw
Haley Shepardson
Antonio Sime
Mckenzie Sobkowiak
Brandon Stratman
Zachary Watson
Tyler Westpfahl
Lee Xiong
Chai Yang
Fue Yang
Samantha Yehle
Jenna Oliver
Ciara Kolman
Beth Ryan
Emma Madsen
Nicole Pederson
Terisa Phillips
Maranda Pientok
Valerie Stone
Institutional Scholarships (Reported by students)
Augustana College Presidential
Brady Welvaert
Gustavus Adolphus College Dean's
Jacob Johnson
Gustavus Music Award
Jacob Johnson
Iowa State Award for Competitive Excellence
Emma Madsen
Luther College Dean's
Maria Warner
Luther College Imagine Fellowship
Andrew Carlson
Luther College President's
Andrew Carlson
Saint Benedict President's
Nicole Pederson
Saint Benedict Recognition
Nicole Pederson
Saint Benedict Saints
Nicole Pederson
University of Evansville Indiana Basketball
Caitlyn Russell
UW-Eau Claire Diversity Achievement
Yer Lor
UW-Eau Claire The Blugold Promise-Gunderson Destiney Gomez-Lyp
UW-Madison Powers-Knapp
Joseph McKee
University of Iowa/National Scholars Award
Jared Gillmore
Winona State University Academic Award
Bailey O'Mara
Winona State University Presidential Honor
Brooke Sosalla
The Viking Alumni Award Committee needs your assistance
to nominate Holmen alumni for the prestigious Holmen Viking
Alumni Award. This award was developed to recognize graduates of HHS whose accomplishments have brought honor
and distinction to Holmen schools. These accomplishments
may be demonstrated through distinctive records of achievement in their personal or professional lives. This record of
distinction should extend over a period of time to assure continuity of performance and maturity. All HHS alumni having
graduated at least 5-years, living or deceased are eligible for
nomination. Nominees do not have to currently reside in the
Holmen School District.
Those who submit nominations are asked to provide detailed
information on the nominee in respect to the following criteria:
 community service activities;
 example of leadership;
 personal achievements;
 contributions to their school district;
 professional achievement;
 honorary awards and citations.
Nominations should include specific examples of achievement, if applicable to the candidate, in each of the six
categories. Nomination deadline is June 30, 2013.
For assistance or additional information, contact Mark
Englerth, Holmen Activities Director at 526-9208 or
engmar@holmen.k12.wi.us. The nomination form can be
accessed online at: www.holmen.k12.wi.us/page/3288
The recipient will be honored during the Homecoming activities on Friday, October 4, 2013. Last year’s recipient was
Dan McHugh.
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Page 6
Academy on the Prairie
Written by Keri Grokowski, Teacher
The Academy on the Prairie is Holmen High School’s
off-site alternative education program, located on Brice
Prairie in the Oak Grove building. The students participating in this program enjoy a blended-learning environment,
with a mix of independent online coursework and faceto-face instruction/classes.
Students from The Academy on the
Prairie (AotP) have had a busy, productive, and successful school year.
In addition to earning credits towards their high school diplomas,
these students have taken part in
several service-learning projects
throughout the year. The AotP students collaborated with Project LIVE
students to go bowling, prepared
and served a Thanksgiving Feast,
decorated Christmas cookies, and
hosted an end-of-the-year dance party. They also created
a video and “lessons” on interviewing skills, and adapted
and led physical education activities and group games for
the Project LIVE students.
In February, the AotP developed a partnership with the
Upper Mississippi National Wildlife and Fish Refuge
where students are volunteering for a variety of environmental projects. The students spent several mornings
removing invasive trees on the prairie surrounding the
La Crosse District Visitor Center. Recently, they spent
the day working with the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers to
plant trees on a restored island in the Mississippi River.
This collaboration will continue into next fall when AotP
students will assist with projects such as seed collection
and duck banding. Another highlight from the year was
the student-led classroom renovation project.
While studying Personal Finance last fall, the students decided to set a group S.M.A.R.T. goal to repaint the classroom. To achieve this goal, they worked together to write an
application for a grant from the Holmen Area Foundation (to
pay for the paint and materials), measure the room and calculate the area to be painted, wash the walls, putty and
sand holes, remove trim and tape edges, clear out the
room, and finally to put two coats of fresh paint on the walls.
After the students painted, the school district completed the
renovation by installing new carpet. It was a great lesson
not only in setting and achieving goals, but as a metaphor
for confronting problems and empowering students to make
positive changes in their lives.
To wrap up their successful year, the students hosted an
Open-House at the Academy on the Prairie on Thursday,
May 30th from 8am until 2pm. The school was open to the
public, and students led guided tours to share details about
the alternative program and celebrate all of this year’s
The 2013 WORLD TOUR was a huge
success! It couldn’t have been done
without the generous donations from
local businesses, community members, staff, and especially the parents.
Thank you to everyone who played a
part in keeping the 2013 graduating
class safe!
Special thanks to the parents who volunteer their time and
talents throughout the year, and especially to those who
helped for the first time this year. We hope to see you again
next year. Also, thank you to the many teachers and school
district staff who helped with all of the details that go into
putting this event together.
The organizing committee will start meeting again in the fall
to begin work on next year’s event. Anyone who is interested in getting involved is invited to join in planning for next
year. Even doing a small part makes a huge difference. We
never know how many lives we keep safe by holding this
If you have any suggestions or comments, or if you would
like to get involved by donating your time, talents, or money,
please call Cherie Knudtson at 526-3372.
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Page 7
Mike Schmitz Memorial
18 Holes for Holmen
“A Community of Caring”
It is time for the 13th Annual “18 Holes for Holmen” golf tournament, a memorial tribute to
Michael Schmitz. We look forward to you joining us on Wednesday, June 12, 2013, for the
12:30 p.m. shotgun start at Drugan’s Castle Mound Golf Course in Holmen. This fundraiser
benefits both the Holmen Area Foundation and Holmen High School Activities Department.
We would like to thank our tournament sponsor, Altra Federal Credit Union for their continued
This year’s event features a $10,000 cash prize for a hole-in-one on hole 15 sponsored by
Coverra Insurance and two $3,000 chances with a hole-in-one on holes 5 or 13 co-sponsored
by Associated Bank and Fleis Insurance! We thank our lunch box sponsor HSR Associates,
and our post event social appetizer sponsors, Holmen Business Association (HBA) and
We look forward to seeing you at the Mike Schmitz Memorial “18 Holes for Holmen” golf tournament. Please sign up as an individual or a team. Thank you for your commitment to the Holmen
community and school district.
For more information, please contact:
Adam Fleis
Holmen Area Foundation
Chair 18 Holes for Holmen
Naomi Rislow
Holmen High School
Committee Member
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.
Upcoming Events
Be sure to visit the District Calendar on the web site:
Summer Vacation Begins (half day)
7:00pm School Board Meeting
7:00pm School Board Meeting
School Board Meeting
School Board Meeting
Summer School Program Dates:
Elementary Schools July 22 - August 8
Middle School
July 22 - August 8
High School
June 10 - July 13
“The more that you read, the more
things you will know. The more that
you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss
Enjoy your Summer!
School District of Holmen
1019 Mc Hugh Road
Holmen, Wisconsin 54636
Whom to Contact
Office hours are 7:30a—4:00p
The following telephone numbers may be helpful
if you have questions:
District Offices
HS Office
HS Guidance
HS Attendance
Activities Office
Middle School Office
Evergreen Elementary
Family Learning Center
Sand Lake Elementary
Prairie View Elementary
Viking Elementary
Early Childhood/4K
Transportation Office
Nutrition Service Office 526-1324/1325
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage
Holmen, WI 54636
Permit No. 4
Published bi-monthly
School District of Holmen
1019 Mc Hugh Road
Holmen, WI 54636
(608) 526-6610
The School District of Holmen does not discriminate on the basis religion, race, color,
national origin, creed, ancestry, age, sex,
arrest/conviction record, pregnancy, marital
or parental status, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.
Car. Rt. Pre-Sort
Visit our web site at www.holmen.k12.wi.us
Vision: Educating every student to achieve global success.