scentinel August 12 - York County Kennel Club of Maine


scentinel August 12 - York County Kennel Club of Maine
The Scentinel
York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.
August 2012
he signs of fall are upon us as the Olympics
have come to a close,
and television is loaded with back to school
ads. I have enjoyed my summer greatly
and hope that you all have done the same.
The Patriots have started their training
camp, and the Red Sox are out of the running for any hopes of playing ball in October so that means it is time for York County
Kennel Club to start their new season.
Starting off we have the Seventh Annual
Meet the Breads coming up on Sunday,
September 16th at the Tractor Supply Co.
on RT 1 in Scarborough, Maine from 10am
to 4pm. This is co-sponsored by both Vacationland Dog Club and York County Kennel
Club. This is a great opportunity for the
public to see various dog breeds up close.
Also again this year our own Karen Norteman will be offering the Canine Good
Citizen test better known as CGC. This will
be a great opportunity for those of you taking and passing the test to be ready for the
new title that will come with this program
starting January 1, 2013.
will be needed and we
need to affix a date for the
match, which we will be
discussing at the August
As the summer break has
come to an end and the new season for
YCKC is beginning, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank a couple of club
members. First I would like to thank Karen
Norteman for putting together our new
web site. It is very user friendly and looks
wonderful and now it is easy to remember,, thank you Karen.
For those who do not know, Pollie Goodwin
is stepping down as YCKC’s show secretary
for the Southern Maine Coastal Classic.
This is one job that requires much hard
work and many hours of dedication. Pollie
has given the hard work and dedication
that is job requires and I truly want to say,
“thank you”.
Steve Hersey, President
York Country Kennel Club of Maine, Inc
We have our match coming in October, a
date has to be set but we will be looking
for help the day of the match. Volunteers
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Minutes of the June 4th meeting were not available at the time of this printing. They
will be read at the August 27th meeting.
2012 Club Officers:
Steve Hersey
Corresponding Secretary:
Susan Metcalf
Vice President:
Sandra Bergeron
Recording Secretary:
Tracey Levasseur
Sandy Walton
Christine Calcinari
Danielle Cooley
Mary Smith
Sarah Todd
Breeder Referral:
Danielle Cooley
The Scentinel
Sarah Todd
On Friday and Saturday, June 22nd & 23rd at the
Chickadee Classic, Oonah (Kloud Burst’s Brown Eyed
Girl, CGC, BN, RE, TT) earned two more legs toward
her RAE. On Friday she got 1st in Excellent and 3rd in
Advanced, and on Saturday she got 1st in Excellent and
2nd in Advanced. This gives her 6 legs!
On Saturday and Sunday June 23rd and 24th at the Penobscot
Valley Kennel Club Shows our Gloria, {Ch. Seamist Dream Girl CD
RE} took Best of Breed and a Terrier Group 4 placement both days.
Steve & Elaine
Badger (Breaksea Revolution HIC) and I will appear in the September issue of Dog Fancy, in an
article on K-9 Nosework. There won't be any pictures, but the author quotes me a few times.
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“Ru dy” Grape r
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You are invited to join us for an informative program on
The Granite State Shetland Sheepdog Club is pleased to present a comprehensive seminar covering
the topics of canine orthopedics, the PennHIP method of evaluating for hip dysplasia, plus a program
on how to keep your dogs active and healthy. This program is designed for ALL exhibitors who take
part in activities with their dogs, whether in conformation or the many performance venues.
The first talk on PennHIP will be presented by Krista Vernaleken, VMD, medical director of Bulger
Animal Hospital, who is also certified in the PennHIP method. The second portion will cover
orthopedics and will be presented by Lauren Blaeser, DVM, DACVAS. She is board certified
and has a special interest in Arthroscopy and Laparoscopy. The afternoon session will be presented by Judy Coates, MS, PT, CCRT, a certified canine physical therapist. Judy began studying canine rehabilitation in 2004 and graduated from the Canine Rehabilitation Institute in
2006. She treats dogs with orthopedic, neurologic, sporting and aging issues, and also teaches
K-9 physical therapy to veterinarians and physical therapists. She will include how structure
affects function, front and rear assembly, causes for common injuries, injury prevention as well as a demonstration.
When: Sunday, September 16, 2012 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Where: Bulger Animal Hospital, 247 Chickering Road (Rte. 125), North Andover, MA
The seminar will take place in the hospital’s comfortable lecture hall that includes individual seating with electrical outlets for your laptops.
Breakfast will be provided at 8:30 a.m. with the morning session to follow at 9:00; lunch will be served at noon,
followed by the afternoon session, which is scheduled to last from 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Cost: $25.00 per person ~ Registration deadline is September 2, 2012
Detach the form below & mail to Diann Gindlesperger, 136 Burnt Swamp Rd., E. Kingston, NH 03827.
include your check made out to GSSSC. Questions? 603-394-7018 or
Number attending:
Amount enclosed:
The Scentinel, August 2012, Page 6
Two AKC All-Breed Sanctioned Matches*
(including Miscellaneous Breeds) In one location! Offered by
Greater Lowell Kennel Club
“B/OB” Match
North Shore Kennel Club
“B” Match
4-H Fairgrounds 51 South Chelmsford Road Westford, Massachusetts 01886 Date: Sunday, September 23, 2012
10 am – Puppy 11 am –
Obedience & Breed
Entries taken at: 8am until 1/2 hour before the start of judging for all classes Entry fee: $8.00** CGC Fee:
$10.00 paid to tester (Bring: AKC/ILP #, updated rabies cert, buckle collar (no choke, pinch, harness) and flat lead (no flexi) Temperament
Test Fee: $30 (pre-entry only!)*** ***Test & Certified by American Temperament Test Society – Dogs must be over 18 months of age – 45 Dog
Limit – Book Early Entry for Temperament Test closes Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012
Puppy Extravaganza Breed/
Group/JS Obedience – CGC TT
3-6 month Puppy Extravaganza
6-9 month Puppy Extravaganza
Best Puppy in Extravaganza
9-12 Month Puppy Extravaganza
Greater Lowell KC
Paul Ziesmer
Kevin Flynn
North Shore KC
Sporting (breeds/group)
Linda Flynn
Kent MacFarlane
Hounds (breeds/group)
Kevin Flynn
Kevin Flynn
Working (breeds/group)
Kent MacFarlane
Paul Ziesmer
Terrier (breeds/group)
Kevin Flynn
Paul Ziesmer
Toy (breeds/group)
Linda Flynn
Linda Flynn
Non-Sporting (breeds/group)
Paul Ziesmer
Linda Flynn
Herding (breeds/group)
Paul Ziesmer
Kevin Flynn
Junior Showmanship
Linda Flynn
Paul Ziesmer
Kevin Flynn
Paul Ziesmer
Best in Match
Linda Flynn
Ira Kaplan
Obedience (Reg & Non-Reg)
Linda Flynn
Kevin Flynn
Lauren Richardson
CGC Test
Temperament Test
Holly Stump (for Entry
Contact: Sandra Walker Telephone: 978.562.2554
Contact: Nancy Cyr Telephone: 978-852-9446
* Wins at match shows do not earn any points towards AKC Championship ** A $1 discount per entry when entry is entered in
BOTH matches. Dogs with majors are invited to show for exhibition only. Professional handlers are invited to show their own dogs
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Camp N Pack Weekend
An Alaskan Malamute Rescue of New England Event
October 5-8, 2012
Camp Timber Trails
Tolland, MA
It’s time for the Fifteenth Annual Camp N Pack Weekend. More information and our registration
form is available on our web site WWW.AMRONE.ORG.
This year’s Camp N Pack will be a traditional arctic theme and will include the following and more:
Fun, interesting dogs
Fun, interesting dog people
Hot, tasty meals
Fresh air
Agility equipment
Weight pulls
Saturday night live auction
Silent auctions
10 mile qualifying hike
Dog videos
Fenced doggie exercise areas
Canine Good Citizen testing
Short casual hikes
Ice cream buffet
Rescue parade
Workshops on a wide range of dog related activities
Group photos
Dog games
AMRONE sweatshirts and tee shirts, and dog goodies available for sale
“Gently used” donated dog items available for sale
Please visit our web site WWW.AMRONE.ORG for detailed information about the weekend’s schedule, registration form, location, maps, and rules.
Newcomers are welcome - including dogs of every breed. Please feel free to copy this page and
give it to friends, or post anywhere accessible to fellow dog lovers.
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his newsletter is published by the
York County Kennel Club of Maine.
Opinions expressed in articles and
editorials are not necessarily those of the York
Advertisements, litter announcements and
show brags do not constitute endorsement.
The editor reserves the right to accept or
reject any material submitted for publication.
Submissions to the Scentinel should be received
by the editor by the 15th of the month at noon.
Send Submissions to:
Sarah Todd
17 Rice Avenue
Kittery, ME 03904-1625
Upcoming Meeting:
The next meeting will be Monday, August 27th at 7pm in the Community room of the York County Credit Union, Biddeford branch.
For those with GPS, the address is 75 Boulder Way, Biddeford, Maine. For those coming via the
turnpike, take exit 32, the Biddeford exit. Pass through the toll plaza and continue to the set of
lights. Go straight at the lights, across route 111 onto the Biddeford Spur, and take the first right
onto Mountain Road. As you proceed up the hill, turn right into Mailhot Plaza. The Credit Union
is the first building on the left. Come in the side door.
The Scentinel
Sarah Todd, Editor
17 Rice Avenue
Kittery, ME 03904-1625
Thank you for receiving
this newsletter by e-mail!
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