2015 September Pawprint - Lakes Region Kennel Club


2015 September Pawprint - Lakes Region Kennel Club
September 2015
Official Publication of The Lakes Region Kennel Club-NH
AKC Member Club
Ken Polakowski
33 Hackberry Lane
Laconia, NH93246
Deadline 15th of each month
Catherine Bourne
Vice President
Linda Heath
Recording Secretary
Deborah Mardin
Corresponding Secretary
Betsy Fogg
Barbara Champaigne
AKC Delegate
Crecia Closson
Debbie Cost 2016
Susan Buttrick 2017
Cathy Barber 2015
Annual Meeting
September 14 6 :00 PM
Homestead Restaurant
Bristol, NH
A Teacup Auction Will Be Held
Membership Committee
Lori Jean Davis has joined the club. She has
2 Chihuahuas & 2 Australian Sheperds. Is
interested in Agility, Training Classes,
Match, AKC Point Show.
Mike Tierney has applied for membership.
He has 9 Siberian Huskies. Is interested in
Training, Teaching and promoting all dog
sports. Mike will be teaching the Basic Canine Manners Class starting September
September 2015
Souhegan Kennel Club,
Inc. Nashua,NH
Central Maine Kennel
Club Union,ME
Central Maine Kennel
Club Union,ME
Souhegan Kennel Club,
Inc. Nashua,NH
Mid-Coast Kennel Club
of Maine Union,ME
Mid-Coast Kennel Club
of Maine Union,ME
6 STAR Puppy
6 Breed Handling
6 Canine Good Citizen
6 Canine Manners
South Shore Kennel
Club, Inc. - Falmouth,MA
South Shore Kennel
Club, Inc. - Falmouth,MA
7 Novice and Open
7 Rally Novice & Advanced
Cape Cod Kennel Club,
Inc. Falmouth,MA
6 Annual Meeting and
Teacup Auction
6 STAR Puppy
6 Breed Handling
6 Canine Good Citizen
6 Canine Manners
7 Novice and Open
7 Rally Novice & Advanced
Northwestern Connecticut Dog Club, Inc. Goshen,CT
Catherine Bourne's
House 29 Glenridge
Way Gilford, NH 03249
RDOD Yard Sale
6 STAR Puppy
6 Breed Handling
6 Canine Good Citizen
6 Canine Manners
7 Novice and Open
7 Rally Novice & Advanced
6 STAR Puppy
6 Breed Handling
6 Canine Good Citizen
6 Canine Manners
7 Novice and Open
7 Rally Novice & Advanced
Ox Ridge Kennel Club
Member Meeting
Meredith Center Fire Station
August 3, 2015
Meeting Called to Order:
Members Present: Linda Heath, Deb Mardin, Barb Champaigne, Debbie Cost, Corina Alexander, Nancy Large, Susan
Blake, Cathy Barber, Betsy Fogg, Ken Polakowski
Introduction of Guests: Mike Tierney, Chris Gagnon, Jim Gagnon, Eve Williams, Lori Davis
Motion made by Debbie Cost to accept the July 2015 meeting minutes as published. Seconded and passed
Presidents Report: Absent
Recording Secretary Report: No report
Corresponding Secretary Report: Absent
Treasurer Report: Motion made by Nancy Large to accept the treasures report subject to review. Seconded and passed
Committees Reports:
Agility: Betsy Fogg and Nancy Large volunteered to seek out more information on the club putting on an agility trial.
Annual Meeting: September 14 at Homestead Restaurant. There will be a tea cup auction. This meeting is on the second
Monday in September due to Labor Day.
Barn Hunt: Susan Blake did an awesome job setting up and finding the site. Had very good feedback. Most participants
indicated that they would like a two day event. Huge thank you to everyone for a very successful and fun filled event
Handling, Obedience, Performance Classes: Classes start on Sept 8th. See flyer in the Paw Print for more details on classes. Brief discussion on advertising the classes.
Scholarship: Have an applicant/recipient for the vet scholarship who is currently in Scotland attending a university. The
candidate is from Warner NH.
Website: Ken has been working on upgrades and keeping the site up to date with our recent activities.
Rally trial: Premium is almost done. Currently looking for prizes from members. Please let Linda Heath know as soon as
possible if you would like to donate something for prizes.
Nominating committee: Lori Davis has applied to become a member. Motion made by Nancy Large to accept Lori Davis as
a member. Seconded and passed.
Old Business: Yard Sale over Labor Day weekend. In Gilford at Cathy Bourne’s house.
New business: For the October meeting there is a possibility of having someone come in and do a nose work demonstration. A Certificate was presented to LRKC for Responsible Dog Owner’s day from the Wilmot farmers market. Pet day is
sept 19th at Wilmot farmers market.
The annual meeting will be held on September 14, 2015 at the Homestead Restaurant
in Bristol. Election of officers for next year will take place.
The nominees are:
President: Linda Heath
Vice President: Corina Alexander
Recording Secretary: Deborah Mardin
Corresponding Secretary: Susan Blake
Treasurer: Barbara Champainge
AKC Delegate: Crecia Closson
For Director for the two (2)-year term 2015-2017: Cathy Barber
Note: “Article IV, Section 4.(c) Additional nominations may be made at the August
meeting by any member in attend-ance provided that the person so nominated does
not decline when his name is proposed, and provided further that if the proposed candidate is not in attendance at this meet-ing, his proposer shall present to the Recording
Secre-tary a written statement from the proposed candidate signifying his willingness
to be a candidate. No person may be a candidate for more than one (1) position....”
“(d) Nominations cannot be made at the annual meeting or in any manner other than
as pro-vided in this section.
Meeting Details
Social hour starts at 6 PM, set up and ticket sales for the Tea Cup Auction
Short Board meeting 6:30
Dinner will be ordered from the menu.
Regular meeting and election of new officers
Tea Cup Auction
Please bring a new or like new dog related item valued at $5.00 to $10.00
Guests are welcome
Please e-mail bournetobloom@gmail.com if you plan on attending
Nancy Large and Truffle attended the Wilmot Farmers Fair Children’s Day and presented a Responsible Pet Ownership Display. LRKC was awarded a Certificate of Excellence
for the effort. Much thanks to Nancy for representing the club at this event. Additional
thanks to Cathy Bourne and Linda Heath for ensuring that Nancy had the appropriate
materials for the display.
The club staged a successful Barn Hunt Trial at the Sandwich Fairgrounds on July 25.
There were ####entries with #### qualifiers in Instinct, #### qualifiers in Novice, ####
qualifiers in Open, #### qualifiers in Masters, and #### qualifiers in Senior. A gallery of
pictures is displayed below.
The Following article is from:
Does Hollywood Affect a Dog Breed's Popularity?
Nancy Kay, DVM July 8, 2015
A Belgian Malinois named Jagger plays the title role in the recently released movie, Max. As the story goes, the canine
character Max has served in Afghanistan, and is returned to the United States after his Marine handler/partner is killed in
action. Max, who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, becomes part of a coming of age story for the killed
Marine’s younger brother.
Max is pegged to be a summer blockbuster, although the reviews I’ve read have been mixed. Regardless of its popularity
Max will undoubtedly create an, “I must have a Belgian Malinois phenomenon.” Any time Hollywood unleashes a new
dog movie, a “breed du jour” is created. This phenomenon appears to be an ingrained cultural dynamic, no different than
other fads gleaned from the movies such as clothing fashions, hairstyles and even baby names.
Scientific evidence
Three researchers from the University of Bristol, the City University of New York, and Western Carolina University recently conducted a study titled, “Dog Movie Stars and Dog Breed Popularity: A Case Study in Media Influence on Choice.” They
looked at 87 movies released between 1927 and 2004, all of which featured dogs. By evaluating American Kennel Club
(AKC) registration trends, the researchers confirmed that movies do indeed have a lasting impact on breed popularity, in
some cases, for up to ten years.
The duration and intensity of the rise in breed popularity was shown to correlate with the movie’s success, particularly
during its opening weekend. The researchers found that the top ten movies were associated with changes in AKC registration trends such that approximately 800,000 more dogs were registered in the ten years after movie release than would
have been expected from pre-release trends. Lassie Come Home was associated with a 40 percent increase in Collie registrations during the two years following its release in 1943. The Shaggy Dog, released in 1959, produced a 100-fold increase in Old English Sheepdog registrations.
Concerns within the Belgian Malinois community
In response to the release of Max, Judy Hagen, President of the American Belgian Malinois Club (ABMC) stated, “We are
very concerned that the public will see this movie and recognize the intelligence, athleticism and beauty of the Belgian
Malinois, but not realize that the dogs currently being featured in movies and television are the result of years of intense
training. Living with a Malinois requires a commitment to daily training and exercise. Without this they will find their own
activities that will make your life a nightmare of dangerous and destructive behaviors.”
Another ABMC member, Melinda Wichmann stated, “Dedicated Malinois owners joke that Malinois are not just a dog,
they’re a lifestyle. Unless you are ready to be a firm leader 24/7/365, Malinois will assume that you are an idiot and that
they are in charge.”
The Belgian Malinois rescue community is already bracing for the predicted influx of dogs. Taylor Updike Haywood, Midwest Coordinator for American Belgian Malinois Rescue, reported, “It’s already starting here. People are calling and asking to adopt the Air Jordan of dogs.” It so happens that a movie trailer for Max uses the phrase “Air Jordan of dogs” to
describe the breed.
The likely increase in the number of Malinois relinquished to rescue organizations is a valid concern. An impulse purchase
of a Malinois without consideration of the breed’s temperament and all that is necessary to successfully train and care for
one is bound to produce an unhappy ending. Additionally, unethical breeders taking advantage of the movie-generated
demand for Malinois will produce pups without consideration paid to creating good health and temperaments. Yet one
more ingredient in a recipe for disaster.
Max and me
I confess to having mixed feelings about seeing Max. I would love to watch it because three of the scenes in this movie
were filmed in my very own backyard, DuPont State Recreational Forest. As tempting as this is, there will be no Max for
me. I will resist for the following reasons:
I’m a major wimp when it comes to seeing animals or young children suffer, even when I know there will be a happy
I get tweaked when animal-related things such as their behaviors are inaccurately portrayed in the movies. And, this
seems inevitable in Hollywood productions. Don’t even get me started about how veterinarians or scenes of veterinary care are cinematically depicted.
Most importantly, I don’t want to contribute to the box office success of Max. The fewer tickets sold, hopefully the
fewer impulse purchases of Belgian Malinois.
Impulse adoptions
Purchasing a particular breed of dog based on a reaction to a movie is ill advised. Such an impulse adoption foregoes the
important research and preparation necessary to ensure that the dog breed will be a good fit. Think about it, how likely
will a Belgian Malinois, the canine king of police and military work, be a suitable pet for the average family?
I encourage you to share this article with the Max moviegoers you know. Together, we can discourage as many of them as
possible from thinking they need a Belgian Malinois of their very own.
Of all of the dog movies you’ve seen, which one is your favorite?
Nancy Kay, DVM, Dipl., American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, is a 2009 recipient of AAHA's Animal Welfare
and Humane Ethics Award and author of Speaking for Spot.
The Lakes Region Kennel Club, Inc.
New Hampshire AKC Member Club
Dog Obedience
Starting Tuesday September 8, 2015 at the Meredith
Community Center all classes are 7 weeks
Please contact Linda Heath 848-7149 or
e-mail her at bordertaussie@gmail.com for more information
Please bring proof of your dog’s current rabies shots (Veterinarian
Certificate or receipt).
Canine Good Citizen Class & Beyond Puppy 6:00 PM
Prepare your dog for the Canine Good Citizen
and also work on basic obedience.
Instructor: Nancy Large $85.00
AKC S.T.A.R Puppy Class 6:00 PM
Socializing* Training* Activity* Responsibility
Open to all puppies from 8 weeks to one year old
Class is designed to get owners and puppies off to a
good start 6 Week course required Graduation 7th
Instructor: Linda Heath $85.00
Competition Novice Obedience & Open Preparation 6:45 PM
Prepare your dog for the Novice Companion Dog Title.
This Class aims to improve or perfect performance in
Novice exercises and develop the attention needed for
Instructor: Charlene Swainamer. $85.00
The Lakes Region Kennel Club, Inc.
New Hampshire AKC Member Club
Dog Obedience
Starting Thursday 10th, 2013 at
Childs Park, Meredith Center Rd.
Meredith Center, NH
all classes are 7 weeks
Please contact Linda Heath 848-7149 or
e-mail her at bordertaussie@gmail.com for more information
Please bring proof of your dog’s current rabies shots (Veterinarian Certificate or
Breed Handling Classes 6:00 PM
Get your dogs ready for the upcoming shows.
Instructor: Scott Alexander $85.00
Drop ins $15.00
Basic Manners Class
For dogs who have passed the CGC and you who need
a little more training.
Instructor: Mike Tierney $85.00
Novice & Advanced Rally Obedience 7:00
Open to all dogs at least 6 months with obedience training.
Instructor in Corina Alexander $85.00
Lakes Region Kennel Club Members Brags
Owner’s Name:_______________________________________________________
Dog’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Please email brags to polakowski@att.net so they can be published in the PawPrint.
Pictures are welcome too.
Please send photos of your dogs so I can put them in the Pawprint.
Example: Here is a picture of Tux playing Frisbee.
Rally Trial Request for Donations
The club will beholding a Rally Trial in October. Any one wishing to contribute to the
awards should e-mail Linda Heath at: bordertaussie@gmail.com