July 2016 Newsletter - Sherwood Dog Training Club
July 2016 Newsletter - Sherwood Dog Training Club
“Tags, Wags and Brags” Newsletter of Sherwood Dog Training Club July 2016 ********************************************************************************************************************* This newsletter has been prepared for the membership and friends of SDTC and contents may, or may not, constitute the opinions of the club, club, its officers, board, newsletter editor, or individual members July Meeting of STDC will be on the first Wed of the month July 6th at 7:30pm The Village Inn, Bridgeport. General Club Business Come Early to Eat and Socialize Upcoming Events: SDTC Patty Biggins Seminar Oct 1-2 See Website for more information and entry forms At this writing we have a few auditing spots available Contact gldnfan@gmail.com with questions not answered on website K9Community: Portland Dog Obedience Club, Portland Or, July 23, Super MBF, Closes July 6th Portland Kennel Club, Portland Or, July 23-24, Super MBF, Closes July 6th Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club, Squim Wa, July 30-31, Super BaRay, Closes July 13th Nisqually Kennel Club, Rainier Wa, Aug 13-14, Super BaRay, Closes July 27th Olympic Kennel Club, Enumclaw, Wa , Aug 20-21, Super BaRay, Closes Aug 3rd Longview Kelso Kennel Club, St Helens, Or, Sept 3-4, Super MBF, Closes Aug 17th Gig Harbor Kennel Club, Bremerton, Wa, Sept 24-25, Super MBF, Closes Sept 7th Richland Kennel Club, Kennewick, Wa, Sept 30, Super Onofrio, Closes Sept 14t Columbia Basin Training Club, Kennewick Wa, Oct 1-2, Super Onofrio, Closes Sept 14th Mt Hood Keeshond, Salem, Or, Oct 8-9, Event Sec Phyllis Dinsmore, Closes Sept 21st Spokane Dog Training Club, Spokane Wa, Oct 8-9, Event Sec Dorthea Barrett, closes Sept 21st Mt Hood Keeshond Club, Salem Or, Oct 8-9, Event Sec, Phyliss Dinsmore, Closes Sept 21st Wenatchee Kennel Club, Cashmere Wa, Oct 21-22-23, Super BaRay, Closes Oct 5th Vancouver Kennel Club, Vancouver Wa, Oct 29-30, Super Onofrio, Closes 12th Always confirm AKC Events at http://www.akc.org/events/search/ Upcoming UKC Shows Oregon: 08/06/2016 Cornelius, Or [1] Obed and Rally [Canine Action Pack] 08/07/2016 Cornelius Or,[1] Obed and Rally [Canine Action Pack] Washington 7/30/2016 Arlington Wa, Obed -2 Trials [Monroe Valley Dog Training Club] 7/30/2016 Arlington Wa, Rally, 2 Trial [Monroe Valley Dog Training Club] Brags: Brags: Holly Thau, At EDOC, June 18th and 19th, Standard Poodle Taura finished her RE title with a first place and second place. Taura scored 100 both days but on Sunday her mom cost the team -3. On June 12th, Taura earned her L2I nosework title with a first place out of 25 dogs. Patrice Dodd, Our almost-8 year old Irish Water Spaniel, Tooey (ChStanegate Second Thoughts CD RN JH JHU CGC), earned her CGC at the 2016 Irish Water Spaniel National Specialty. She also earned her Working Dog Excellent certificate by passing an AKC Seniorlevel Spaniel hunting test over the Memorial Day weekend Sharon Thompson, Trilogy’s Hannah, is the Queen of Hearts at 9 yrs, she finished her P-CDX at the Clackamas Kennel Club Shows. She did it in 3 shows w 1 2n place and 2 first place wins. This was her first time back in the ring after about 5 years Kaler Howard, Sin-Der achieved her 4th RAE leg at the Clackamas trials on June 25th . [We won’t talk about the scores]. [My apologies to Kaler. Could not get this picture to turn] LB Deborah Friedman Asher earned his first 2 CD legs at the Clackamas Kennel Club obedience trials, and a second Rally Advanced B leg! We had some hard distractions and he was able to handle them much better than a few months ago. Even more than the Q’s I was so happy with far he has come. Best of all he knew he did well, he was happy and I was happy. I also learned a lot to help us on our journey together!]] Amy Smith In May the dogs and I packed up the truck and drove North to Bellingham, WA. Much to my surprise Echo was successful with all four entries and we brought home his Barn Hunt Championship. The trip was very relaxing and the people were great. This last weekend at the Clackamas Kennel Club show I entered Echo in Rally Novice B; his first time in an obedience ring. I’ve been pairing Obedience practice with Barn Hunt and thought this would be the perfect show to see how we’re progressing. Barn Hunt in the morning, Rally, and then a big reward with a second Barn Hunt run in the afternoon. To my amazement Echo stepped up to the plate and gave me everything I ask of him—even when he was hot and tired. We earn his Rally Novice title with three perfect scores. Cheryl Vandlac, Sevens for all the Marbles -Riker - won Winners and Best of Winners at the Canby Show on June 25th for 2 points towards his championship. Barbara Wert, Lori did a great job sniffing at the recent UKC trial at Argus Ranch. She qualified in all 4 events in which she was entered and finished 2 titles! Molly Bredenberg Bogart I finally got my Molly Bredenberg Bogart finally got my off courage up to take my RallyI training wheels courage to take my Rally training wheels off and enterupNovice Obedience at the Canby show and enter Novice Obedience at the Canby show this weekend, and Bogart and I had a good this and Bogart timeweekend, and a qualifying run! and I had a good time and a qualifying run! Training Tips [from John Cox] New Tidbits --- 21 & 22. #21 And the Oscar Goes To: http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/Random%20Little%20Tidbits%2021.pdf #22 Carrying Your Dog in the Ring! http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/Random%20Little%20Tidbits%2022.pdf I now have ALL the Random Little Tidbits articles ALL in one (1) pdf file. Open the link below and save to your computer, if you wish. If you do that, keep in mind to check back to this link as there may be more added articles at a future date. I have also setup the pdf where you can use the bookmark tab to go directly to the article(s) of your choice. http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/Tidbit%20set.pdf Cross post, and use the articles in club publications, if you wish. The Dog Talk Articles Index and the Random Little Tidbits Articles Index have been "activated" with all the article links. Now you may open just the indexes and all the other related links are there in one spot. For example, Random Little Tidbits Articles Index: http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/Tidbit%20Index.pdf Dog Talk Articles Index: http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/dogtalkarticleindex.pdf The link to the Newsroom will also show all the Dog Talk articles, plus other materials related to judging: http://clubs.akc.org/saints/Archives/newsroom.htm Exercise finished! Enjoy, learn, and save withdrawals from your 200 account!!! John Cox, K9 Health: Dehydration and Overheating in Dogs Potentially serious if left untreated, dehydration and overheating can be prevented by recognizing early warning signs. While field dogs are especially vulnerable, these conditions can impact all dogs See article: http://www.akcchf.org/caninehealth/your-dogs-health/caring-foryourdog/dehydration-and-overheating.html There's a new treatment for dogs scared by fireworks and thunder It is entirely possible that no one dreads the dog days of summer more than dogs themselves. Sodden heat gathers itself into sudden barrages of pounding thunder, crackling lightning and pane-rattling rain. Drives dogs crazy, all that noise. http://www.adn.com/alaska-life/pets/2016/06/29/theres-a-new-treatment-for-dogs-scared-by-fireworks-andthunder-2/ How the Visual Abilities of Dogs Change With Age My Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, Dancer, always responded more reliably to hand signals than to voice commands. In fact, he was so attentive to my body movements that often my inadvertent small hand movements (which were not intended to communicate anything to my dog), were read by him as if they were commands, thus producing unintended and unexpected responses. However, when Dancer grew to be 9 or 10 years of age I began to notice that sometimes he would miss, or misread, a hand signal. This problem got worse in successive years. see rest of article at https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/canine-corner/201604/how-the-visual-abilitiesdogs-change-age General Interest What Colors Dogs See and Why it Matters for Dog Sports Dog Vision and Agility Color in dog sports serves the purpose of not only making the event more bright and interesting, but if the colors are chosen properly, they can make the sport safer for the dogs." title="Color in dog sports serves the purpose of not only making the event more bright and interesting, but if the colors are chosen properly, they can make the sport safer for the dogs." See rest of article https://pethelpful.com/dogs/How-Does-a-Dogs-Color-Vision-Affect-Canine-Sport-How-do-Dogs-See Dog owner creates prosthetic paw for his Golden retriever from tennis shoe After having his paw amputated because of a tumor, Sunny the dog had to wear a prosthetic that kept breaking. That's when his owner stepped in and decided to create a custom-designed prosthetic using one of his old tennis shoes. http://abc11.com/pets/dog-owner-createsprosthetic-paw-for-his-golden-retriever-from-tennis-shoe/1373559/ Scientists develop new insights on dog domestication Thu, Jun 02, 2016 Man's best friend may have emerged independently from two separate (possibly now extinct) wolf populations that lived on opposite sides of the Eurasian continent. UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD—The question, 'Where do domestic dogs come from"? has vexed scholars for a very long time. Some argue that humans first domesticated wolves in Europe, while others claim this happened in Central Asia or China. http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/spring-2016/article/scientists-develop-new-insights-on-dogdomestication Just For Fun: