York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.
York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc.
The Scentinel York County Kennel Club of Maine, Inc. July/August 2014 York CountyKennel Club of Maine Meeting Minutes June 2, 2014 Attendees: Sandy Bergeron, Karen Gatchell, Ron Geer, Carroll Goodwin, Pollie Goodwin, Steve Hersey, Eileen Kelly, John Kelly, Tracey Levasseur, Karen Norteman, Gloria Pasquini, Mary Smith The meeting was called to order at 7:08 PM by Acting President Steve Hersey. Minutes of the Last Meeting: Karen G. moved to accept, Gloria seconded. Accepted without changes. Report of the President Acting President Steve Hersey says it’s been a fun 2 years. He is still hoping that someone else will step up to the plate. Otherwise, the Board will have to handle the issue of choosing the next President at the next meeting. The club will not be able to function as a club without a President. Corresponding Secretary's Report Gloria received a form from AKC for the officers’ slate; it needs to be updated and returned (which can be done online). Does Danielle still want to be referral chair? Eileen Kelly will be the new Legislative Liaison. Because we have no President, we can’t send that form in until we have one. York County Kennel Club Officers: Sandra Bergeron, Acting President 207-282-0684 sandra2@roadrunner.com Karen Norteman, Recording Secretary 207-324-9046 seadog@gwi.net Carroll Goodwin, Treasurer 207-324-5400 dnsfarm@roadrunner.com Gloria Pasquini, Corresponding Secretary 207-459-5132 bonniebay@roadrunner.com Board of Directors: Mary Bateman 207-646-8589 setters@maine.rr.com Stephen Hersey 603-926-6915 sabotea@comcast.net Tracey Levasseur 207-247-3384 sharpei@sacoriver.net Mary Smith 207-748-0967 bouvs3@comcast.net The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 1 Susan Parsons’ mother sent a note of thanks to the club for our donation to Skye Terrier Rescue in in Susan’s memory. Treasurer’s Report Carroll reports that he has the club checkbook and all the materials. The checkbook register is out of date; it will take a while to reconcile. He does have current bank statements and balances through April. He will make a full report at our August meeting. He went over the membership list to make sure that it was current. Award plaques will be $28.50 each. Karen Batchell suggested announcing in the Scentinel — maybe October — to prepare everyone to finish titles by end of this year in order to get the award in 2015. Maybe our awards dinner could be on a Monday night as a regular meeting, or in June or July because we don’t meet during the summer. Steve handed the gavel over to Sandy, who as VP is now acting president. Unfinished Business none Ron asked about numbers from the Cluster. Carroll explained that Teri will have the books done within 90 days of the show's closing. Cluster Committee There was lots of good press about the shows, even with the rain delay. Raffle: Two of the winners of the Longhorn Pet Supply gift cards were from far away. One donated hers back to the club; the other said to sell it for the best value. Lost & Found: 3 crates, 2 dollies, 1 VariKennel. Owners were found for most of the lost items. Misc. brushes, squirt bottles, etc. are still unclaimed. Sunshine Committee Steve reported for Sarah. Sarah sent only the one card since our last meeting, the one to Susan’s mother. She would like to know if anyone else needs sunshine. Awards Committee Gloria sent our logo to Phil from Tut’s. He is making a die from the logo. After that is made, we can order metal name pins. Price is $8/no logo. Because we are shrinking the logo, he wants to see how it comes out before saying for sure if it will fit. Steve brought in other examples of pins. New Business Tracey requests the loan of our tables for a yard sale. This was okayed by all present. There was much discussion about publicity for the show. Are we going to do a match this year? Carroll and Pollie will chair it if we want to host one. Dan and Mary Smith will man the kitchen. Pollie says that VDC will donate some glassware that we can fill with dog cookies and use as trophies. Tracey Levasseur will do publicity. Time and place to follow, probably at Finish Forward Dogs in the early fall. Meet the Breeds: This year it's on Sunday, September 7 at Tractor Supply in Scarborough, between 10 AM - 2 PM. VDC is hosting this year. Tractor Supply is having a strut-your-mutt/pet expo type event. Can we get people from the clubs to participate? Date is TBD this summer. Maybe YCKC could put up a booth or something. The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 2 Cluster Equipment Cleanup Day: is 6/8 at 10 AM. Where: Teri Welch's house, 33 Lafayette Street, Yarmouth. Workers Appreciation Dinner: When and where should we hold it? Gloria will ask the Oak Street Bistro. Please don’t schedule it for September 1314. September 5? It’s the Friday night before Meet the Breeds. Board meeting: Should we hold the next one before our next club meeting in August? It should not be on the same day as the regular meeting. Baby Rowan is now CH Burlesque Doing It Her Way HIC. She earned that last stinkin’ point at the Penobscot Valley shows in June, where she got her first point the year before. She placed third in her class at the Bearded Collie Club of Canada’s National Specialty. No date set for the next Cluster meeting. Some discussion about the lunch break at the Cluster shows and how they affect obedience scheduling. Pollie moved to adjourn. Karen G. Seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM. Respectfully submitted, Karen Norteman Recording Secretary Do you know a club member who could use a little “sunshine”? If you know of someone who could use some well wishes, thank yous, congratulations or any other sentiment for any reason, please don’t hesitate to contact the “sunshine” committee via Sarah Todd. You can reach her by email at: pocsec@comcast.net Cheerio! -Karen Last weekend Ron and I and Rio, our Bouvier and Solo our Toy Fox Terrier went to Harrisburg, PA. The Shows were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The numbers were in it was majors for Rio each day, I was really excited - but sure - all I wanted was a little piece of it. Well, the first day Rio was Winners and. Best of Winners and Best Opposite . I was flyin. The next day a REPEAT WOOHOO, I'm never coming down. Both majors—4 point majors. Sunday she took it again 4 more points. OMG! She only had three going in and coming home with 15 points to finish her. You always see these things in the dogs magazines but NEVER ME. YEEHA! Mary Smith was instrumental in getting us to go, and she has news too. Thanks, Sandy Bergeron or phone (or text) at 207-451-3682 The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 3 Hans (Warwick’s MADDS Handsome Handful Of Licorice) and Zee (Warwick’s MADDS Zee On Fire) had the following wins this summer Best of Winners at the North Shore Kennel Club, both shows. Best of Winners at the Middlesex K C show Best of Winners at the Penobscot K C Show Best of Winners at the Hockamock K C show Best of Winners at Wampanoag K C show Best of Winners(1 pt.) at the Wampanoag K C, Best of Winners (1 pt.) at the Naugatuck K C Owner Handler Grp 4 at the Kenilworth K C show Best of Winners (1 pt.) at the Farmington Valley K C show Grp 4 at the Woodstock K C Show Owner Handler Grp 4 at the Penn Ridge B C Show Best of Winners, for a 4 pt. Major at the Harrisburg K C Show Winners Dog (2 pts.) at the Penn Ridge K C Show Oonah and I have been busy again! In June, Oonah earned her CDSP CD title in only three trials. And a couple weeks ago at All Dog’s Gym’s World Cynosport Rally Tournament, Oonah qualified in 11 out of 12 runs and even earned a perfect score in a level 3 run. She finished her level three title at the tournament with an award of excellence. And here is Zee’s brag Veteran -Grp 1 at the Middlesex Kennel Club -Mary & Dan Smith -Sarah Todd It's been a busy Spring and Summer for my Gordon Setters. At the Friday YCKC show this May, my Boomer finished his Championship. He is now Ch Brynbar Tamarack Sonic Boom JH. Not to be outdone, his litter sister Penny finished her Master Hunter title. The Gordon Setter Club of America has an award called Beauty Brains and Birdsense for dogs who earn titles in conformation, obedience and the field. Since Penny achieved the required titles, which included the higher level hunting titles, she will grace the cover of the GSCA News in September. She is Ch Tamarack Brynbar Worth Every Penny CD MH, and is just 3 years old. Another youngster making waves is Sizzle who became a Champion in July at just 15 months old. She is Ch Tamarack Brynbar Sass and Sizzle. And proving that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks, my 9 year old Emma (Penny and Boomer's mother) earned her CD in July to complete the requirements for her BBB award. She is Ch Tamarack Brynbar Calendar Girl CD JH. All the above dogs were bred by and are owned by myself and Mike Brnger and Ellen Shanahan. ~~ Donnah Brnger, Brynbar Setters. The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 4 The York County Kennel Club would like to thank our members who volunteered their time to work at the Southern Maine Coastal Classic, May 15-18, 2014. We invite you to a Workers Appreciation Dinner at the Oak Street Bistro, 3 Oak Street, Alfred, Maine, on Friday, September 5, 2014, at 6 p.m. Volunteers have a choice of one of three entrees: pan-seared chicken; parmesanencrusted haddock; roast strip sirloin. Dinner also includes house salad, bread/butter, and dessert. Alcoholic beverages are not included and are the responsibility of the volunteers. Volunteers may bring a guest, but they are responsible for paying for their guest’s meal. The cost of a guest’s meal is $24.99 plus tax and tip. Gloria has sent out an email to the workers whose names she has been given. If you have not received an e-mail from her, and you set up, broke down, cleaned equipment, and/or worked at the shows, please contact her at bonniebay@roadrunner.com. She will then send you an e-mail with details. Although we try to be very careful to get everyone’s name who worked, omissions do happen. We don’t want anyone who volunteered to be missed. Thank you to everyone who made our cluster a huge success. Looking forward to seeing you on September 5th! The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 5 2014 Obedience Advisory Committee - Recommendations The 2014 Obedience Advisory Committee met in June to discuss the future of the sport and to review the more than 1,000 suggestions submitted by the Fancy. The committee members have more than 260 combined years in the sport of obedience! They put a great deal of thought into what the Fancy was asking to change, in order to produce meaningful recommendations that will move the sport of obedience into the future, while keeping in mind the importance of the past. The committee is continuing to discuss additional sport related changes and once complete, additional recommendations will be forthcoming for comment. The following recommendations of the Obedience Advisory Committee are being published so the Fancy may provide feedback before the recommendations are finalized. Please feel free to share this link with your fellow dog friends and club members. Only one submittal per person should be provided. You should refer to the entire list of recommendations on the PDF document at the link below to see the complete information before providing feedback. To provide feedback, select a recommendation from the link below and choose from the condensed information in the drop-down list. Please rate the item using the selection criteria; there is a comment box for brief comments regarding that particular recommendation. If you wish to comment on additional recommendation(s), use the RATE ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATION link to add additional sections. Be sure to click SUBMIT at the bottom when you are ready to send your comments to AKC. Comments will be taken until the deadline date of: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 at 12 Noon Eastern Standard Time Go to: http://www.akc.org/events/obedience/obedience_advisory_committee.cfm and follow the links from there to comment! The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 6 ELLIS DOG TRAINING PRESENTS ONE DAY TRACKING CLINIC WITH TRACKING JUDGE MARY THOMPSON DATE: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2014...RAINDATE: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2014 LOCATION: 410 CIDER HILL ROAD, YORK, MAINE COST: $75.00 WORKING SPOT WITH ONE DOG; $50.00 AUDIT TIME: 8:30AM—4:30PM APPLICATION: FILL OUT AND MAIL WITH FEE TO ELLIS DOG TRAINING, 10 MAIN STREET, GONIC, NH 03839 OR CALL DIANE AT 603-834-0113 NAME: DOG’S NAME: ADDRESS: DOG’S BREED/AGE: TEL/E-MAIL: WAIVER: I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE IS SOME ASSUMED RISK THAT MAY BE INCURRED IN DOG TRAINING, EVEN WHEN THE UTMOST CARE IS TAKEN, AND THEREFORE I WILL HOLD ELLIS DOG TRAINING, PAWS TO TRAIN, FELLOW CLASSMATES, AND ALL ASSOCIATIONS OF THE TRAINING FIELD AT 410 CIDER HILL ROAD IN YORK, MAINE HARMLESS OF ANY INJURY THAT MAY OCCUR DURING TRAINING ON THE TRAINING GROUNDS AND IMMEDIATE SURROUNDING AREAS. I EXPRESSLY ASSUME THE IMPLIED RISK AND THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY DOG OR THE DOG I AM TRAINING WHILE ATTENDING THE TRACKING CLINIC PLEASE SIGN DATE: GUARDIAN TO SIGN.) (MUST BE 18 YRS OR OLDER OR The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 7 The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 8 Therapy Dog 101 Training & Testing Weekend Workshop If you have a well-mannered, happy dog and you’re interested in volunteering, then this workshop is for you! The workshop will provide an intensive, hands-on approach to all facets of therapy dog work. Date: October 4 – 5, 2014 Location: Paw-zn-Around Doggie Daycare 8 New County Road Saco, Maine 04072 $220 for Workshop & Test Presented by: Gina Hayes Just Dogs Training Therapy Dogs International Evaluator 2014 Red Cross Hero For more information: Richard Barnaby 207-459-7779 yankeehdwood@metrocast.net The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 9 T his newsletter is published by the York County Kennel Club of Maine. Opinions expressed in articles and editorials are not necessarily those of the York County Kennel Club of Maine. Advertisements, litter announcements and show brags do not constitute endorsement. The editor reserves the right to accept or reject any material submitted for publication. Deadline: Submissions to the Scentinel should be received by the editor by the 15th of the month at noon. Send Submissions to: Sarah Todd poc-sec@comcast.net or 17 Rice Avenue Kittery, ME 03904-1625 Upcoming Meeting: The next meeting will be Monday, August 25th at 7pm in the Community Room of the York County Credit Union, Biddeford branch. For those with GPS, the address is 75 Boulder Way, Biddeford, Maine. For those coming via the turnpike, take exit 32, the Biddeford exit. Pass through the toll plaza and continue to the set of lights. Go straight at the lights, across route 111 onto the Biddeford Spur, and take the first right onto Mountain Road. As you proceed up the hill, turn right into the Mailhot Plaza. The Credit Union is the first building on the left. Come in the side door. The Scentinel Sarah Todd, Editor 17 Rice Avenue Kittery, ME 03904-1625 The Scentinel, July / August 2014, Page 10
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