August 2007
August 2007 S HARE & C ARE A UGUST 2007 S ALISBURY N EWS 2 B ERLIN N EWS 3 C RISFIELD N EWS 4 M ID -S HORE N EWS & N UTRITIONAL U PDATE 5 S URVIVOR S TORY 6 H ILARIOUS H UMOR 7 & C OMPLEMENTARY M EDICINE D ONATIONS 8 M EDICAL N EWS , S AVE THE D ATE & C OMMUNITY E VENTS 9 D ID Y OU K NOW & C ONTEST N EWS 10 This newsletter is made possible by the Rotary Club of Salisbury Sunrise, Inc. From The Director: Women Supporting Women is the proud recipient of a grant from both Choptank Electric Foundation and MGi Pharma to purchase a new book. This educational book will be replacing many of our Sue Revelle Executive Director pamphlets in the “newly diagnosed” tote bag and consolidating the information into one easy to read book. Material covered will be – understanding breast cancer, treatment options, reconstruction, fertility, sexuality, and many other topics. We are pleased to offer this book free to help empower the newly diagnosed and enable them to become part of the decision making in their treatment plan. The newly diagnosed bags with the new book will be given out from our offices and through the surgeon’s offices in your area. Thank you to both Choptank Electric Foundation and MGi Pharma for their grants and assisting survivors in their struggle to regain control through education during a very difficult time – diagnosis. Thought for the Month Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. — Mahatma Gandhi S HARE & C ARE P AGE 2 M EETINGS & H APPENINGS Survivor Meeting S ALISBURY C HAPTER N EWS 106 W. C IRCLE A VE ., S UITE 101 (I N THE C ANNON B UILDING ) 410-548-7880 Thursday, August 2nd 7 p.m. Lymphedema Meeting Meetings will resume in September Coffee Clutch Stitching Group Thursday, August 9th 10 a.m. with Myra Ramsey HURRY—Space is Limited FREE POOL THERAPY Stretch for Success Office Staff Nancy Murphy Melody Bankert Marketing Fund Develop- Lisa Jones Vonnie Brown Office Manager Facilitator Friday, August 17, 2007 Thursdays 6:30—7:30 at the Holly Center in Salisbury Wicomico Youth & Civic Center (some free bathing suits available) Doors open at 4:30 pm Dinner at 6 pm To reserve your spot, call 410-548-7880 Guest Speaker: Lillie Shockney, RN,BS,MAS Administrative Director, Johns Hopkins Breast Center MARK YOUR CALENDAR… Personal trainer & survivor, Marlene Catlin is available for your free personalized assessment and exercise rehabilitation. Special thanks to Morrison Chiropractic Center for the use of their fully-equipped facility for exercise rehabilitation. For more information, call WSW or 410-548-2225 and ask for Marlene. Hope Is On The Horizon CELEBRATION of LIFE Survivor Meeting with guest speaker & food provided by Roche. OCTOBER 3rd (Date Change-1st Wednesday instead of Thursday) WALK for AWARENESS Admission by ticket only Ticket Cost $60, includes dinner, a filled Horizon of Hope Longaberger® Basket with Protector To reserve your tickets, please contact Joyce Hickman at 410-749-2147 or October 13, 2007 Winterplace Park, Salisbury Quilt Raffle Tickets Available for the Start Getting Your Teams Together Aunt Gracie Attic Stairs Machine-Made Quilt A Special Thank You to all of the COMMITTEE MEMBERS and SPONSORS that made this Ride For Awareness possible. GREAT RIDE !!! GREAT FOOD !!! GREAT FUN !!! S HARE & C ARE P AGE 3 Berlin Chapter News M EETINGS & H APPENINGS 10031 Old Ocean City Blvd., suite 107 Atlantic Business Center Monthly Survivor Meeting 410-641-2849 WSW BERLIN - Monthly Support Group Saturday, August 18th Hawkins’ Boat Ride Call the office for information and reservations. Hawkins’ Boat Ride on the “Morning Star” Saturday, August 18th at the West Ocean City Fishing Center Board at 5:30PM sail at 6PM WE ARE UPDATING our office’s appearance in Berlin and moving things around. Stop in to see a wonderful armoire that was donated to us for display of our jewelry by the MONKEY’S TRUNK in West Ocean City. Berlin Staff “PINK RIBBON NIGHT AT THE RACES” Has been moved to Thursday, August 23rd at Ocean Downs. Buffet Dinner, 50/50 and lots of fun for only $27 per person. Come join WSW Berlin for loads of fun and support! MARIAN COLBERT 18th ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT to be held at Deer Run Golf Course, located off of Route 50 East to be held on Saturday, September 1st. Ed Colbert, owner of Deer Run, can field 36 teams (4 players) with the putting contest starting at 11 a.m. Lunch is provided and the players have a shot gun start at 1PM. Registration opens at 10:30AM and continues until all the teams are filled. Dinner is also provided for the players. After dinner there will be an auction, announcement of winners and trophies, a 50/50, and drawing for prizes. Additional dinners for family members are available at $20 each. Two mulligans and a tee gift are also a part of the player fee, which is $100 per person. Mimi Gulyas Peuser, Coordinator Ginny Reister, Vice President Mark Your Calendars: Friday, October 5, 2007 at Stephen Decatur High School Cafeteria 5:30PM Doors Open * 7PM Games Begin VERA BRADLEY “MYSTERY BINGO” Women’s Insurance In Salisbury Julie Case Gamee Elliott 410-742-8141 410-749-4725 Karen Davis 410-749-8800 S HARE & C ARE P AGE 4 M EETINGS & H APPENINGS C RISFIELD C HAPTER N EWS Survivor Meeting 410-968-9131 No meeting in August. Meetings will resume in September. Crisfield Staff 609 W. M AIN S T ., U NIT 105 Our heartfelt sympathies go out to our facilitator, SUE HEATH, at the loss of her father, FRANK SNYDER, on July 9th. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you, SUE. We postponed our picnic for our JULY meeting, but intend to have it for the SEPTEMBER meeting at the home of our member, CHARLOTTE DAUGHERTY. Plan to attend and bring the family —- more on this event in the September newsletter. We now have bins for recycling cell phones at our office and at MERCANTILE PENINSULA BANK. We also now have a limited number of prostheses and bras if anyone is in need —— THEY ARE FREE!!! Jane Riggin, Coordinator MANY THANKS to our member, LOTTIE JACKSON, for volunteering at our office on Tuesdays. We truly appreciate your help! NO MEETING IN AUGUST —— SEE YOU AT THE PICNIC IN SEPTEMBER. Anyone interested in attending HOPE IS ON THE HORIZON on August 17th, please call the office at 410-968-9131, as several of us are planning to attend. Sandy Riggin Secretary Sue Heath Facilitator P/T Secretarial Position available at Crisfield WSW. Must have good computer skills and available 2-3 days each week for 4 hours each day. Gary K. Marshall Insurance Agency Are your insurance rates going up? If so, call us … we would love to save you money!! At Gary K. Marshall Insurance Agency, we are 100% committed to our customer’s total satisfaction. As an independent agency, we represent many different insurance companies which give us the ability to fit our customers with the perfect policy that suits their needs. We offer many different insurance products including Auto, Home, Renters, Life, Health, Business, and much more. Now with 2 locations to serve you better!! Princess Anne Salisbury S HARE & C ARE P AGE 5 Mid-Shore News 21 N. Hanson Street, #112, Easton 410-822-9420 (Supporting Cambridge, Easton & Denton) We have a wonderful getaway planned for Ladies Only! Come join us on Sunday, August 26th, for a Riverboat Cruise on the Warwick and Choptank Rivers, from 12 to 4pm. There will be musical entertainment by our own, Shelley Abbott, with lite fare included. The Dorothy Megan Riverboat, docked at Suicide Bridge Restaurant, leaves at 12 o'clock sharp, and the $25. tickets must be purchased in advance. Please come out and bring your girlfriends for a great day on the water that will benefit our Mid-Shore Chapter. For more information or to obtain tickets, please call Shelley at 410-943-1035 or the Easton office at 410-822-9420. Plans are well underway for our upcoming Ride-In for Awareness, on September 8th and 9th, at the VFW Post in Federalsburg. Save the date for a day of fun and entertainment. Information for Sponsors and Vendors is still available. This year, there will be a car show and a motorcycle show, along with music, entertainment, food and drinks. For the most complete source of information, go to or call the Easton office. The Women's View Magazine, a popular publication serving the upper and mid-shore areas, will be doing a story on our organization in their Sept./Oct. issue. The theme of this issue is breast cancer information, and will include survivor stories about some of our Mid-Shore members. Look for your copy in early September from Dorchester County to Kent County. As our Mid-Shore office is growing, we are looking for people who would like to offer their time in various ways, from event volunteers to office help. If you are interested in becoming more involved with our organization, please call Lori at the office. M EETINGS & H APPENINGS Cambridge meeting Tuesday, August 21st 6:30-7:30pm Dorchester Gen’l Hosp. Solarium Easton meeting Thursday, August 16th 6:30—7:30pm 21 N. Hanson St #112 Easton Denton meeting Tuesday, August 28th 6:30—7:30 p.m. Caroline County Public Library Mid-Shore Staff Lori Yates Coordinator Mary Miller Denton Facilitator Paula Vlahovich Cambridge/ Easton Facilitator N UTRITIONAL U PDATE Food, Plastics, and Your Health Revisited Many manufacturers claim their #7 plastics are safe, are they? The #7 recycling code means “other plastics.” But most #7 bottles—including some popular sports water bottles—are polycarbonate plastic made with BPA. This chemical, which alters normal hormonal activity and mimics the effects of estrogen, can leach from polycarbonate. In mice and rats, exposure to BPA has led to birth defects, miscarriages, mental retardation, breast and prostate cancers, early puberty, and reduced sperm counts. Many manufacturers and retailers claim that #7 polycarbonate plastics with BPA are safe. But I believe the potential leaching of BPA into foods or beverages is reason to avoid this plastic. Excerpt taken from Dr. Andrew Weil’s Self Healing, December 2006 issue S HARE & C ARE P AGE 6 Survivor’s Story Having raised $200 for Women Supporting Women through their B.E.S.T. Motel cookbook sales are Alice Tingle, a member of Berlin's Women Supporting Women group and a 26-year breast cancer survivor; Bonnie Troxell, cookbook publisher and a 7-year survivor; and Angie Bollas, owner of General Kitchen's House of Chipped Beef, whose staff sold the most cookbooks. The following article was written by Bonnie Troxell, who is a breast cancer survivor since 2000 and is a retired teacher from Wicomico County Public Schools. During her retirement, she does freelance writing for The Daily Times in Salisbury and works during the summer at the Beachmark Motel. OCEAN CITY -- B.E.S.T. Motels staff members recently contributed the proceeds from the sale of their “A Treasure of Recipes” cookbook to Women Supporting Women, a local breast cancer support group. The cookbooks were a collective effort by the staff, guests, family and friends of the motel group, General’s Kitchen, Seaside Deli, and the Sahara Café. Because several women in the group of recipe contributors were recipients of the kindness from Women Supporting Women in Berlin and Salisbury, the decision was made to donate the profits from the cookbook sales to them. The idea began for the cookbook several years ago during the annual covered dish luncheon at the Beachmark Motel on 73rd Street. At the end of the motel season each September, the housekeepers at the motel have a covered dish luncheon for all the staff members. A comment was made several years ago that it would be great to have the recipes of the home-cooked dishes, made by the housekeepers. Bonnie Troxell, motel desk clerk, collected the recipes from the housekeepers, from other staff members and then from guests of the motel, friends and family members who had heard about the project. Staff members from three other Ocean City motels in the B.E.S.T. group: the Executive, Sahara and Tides, also got involved when they heard about the cookbook. Then the staff members of the Sahara Café, Seaside Deli and General’s Kitchen also contributed recipes. During the closed season, from October to April, Troxell, a breast cancer survivor since 2000, entered the 153 recipes into the computer to be printed in book form. Added were appropriate graphics for the recipes and pictures of some contributors. With the assistance of Crisangela Sexton, cover designer; Jeanne Blanchard, original artist for section dividers; Linda Somers, graphics selector; Debbie Candy, central coordinator; Bill Sexton, book organizer; Alison Wright, copywriter; Sarah Tubbs, proofreader; Bonnie Troxell, index compiler; and Hugh Wilde, Jr., manager, the books were individually printed, compiled and bound in the Executive and Beachmark offices. “The General’s Kitchen sold the most cookbooks, thanks to Angie Bollas, owner,” said Troxell. “In all, we sold more than 200 cookbooks, and only have a few left for sale at General’s Kitchen, Sahara Motel, Beachmark Motel, Executive Motel and the Sahara Café.” According to Troxell, recipes are now being collected for volume two for next year. For more information, call Troxell at 410-430-1972. S HARE & C ARE P AGE 7 Hilarious Humor At 85 years of age, Wally married LouAnne, a lovely 25 year old. Since her new husband is so old, LouAnne decides that after their wedding she and Wally should have separate bedrooms, because she is concerned that her new but aged husband may over-exert himself if they spend the entire night together. After the wedding festivities LouAnne prepares herself for bed and the expected "knock" on the door. Sure enough the knock comes, the door opens and there is Wally, her 85 year old groom, ready for action. They unite as one. All goes well, Wally takes leave of his bride, and she prepares to go to sleep. After a few minutes, LouAnne hears another knock on her bedroom door, and it's Wally. Again he is ready for more "action". Somewhat surprised, LouAnne consents for more coupling. When the newlyweds are done, Wally kisses his bride, bids her a fond goodnight and leaves. She is set to go to sleep again, but, aha you guessed it - Wally is back again, rapping on the door, and is as fresh as a 25-year-old, ready for more "action." And, once again they enjoy each other. But as Wally gets set to leave again, his young bride says to him, "I am thoroughly impressed that at your age you can perform so well and so often. You are truly a great lover, Wally." Wally, somewhat embarrassed, turns to LouAnne and says: "You mean I was here already?" The moral of the story: Senior moments have their advantages. C OMPLEMENTARY M EDICINE Longer, Stronger Nails Chemotherapy can leave stripes on fingernails for several months and cause naul fungus that can prove tenacious. You can soak the nails in white vinegar. There are ao many changes in your nails, says Johnson. "They may split, discolor, or separate from your skin." Moiosturizers and buffers help reduce ridges an dpeeling as nails grow out, says Ovitz. She advises being careful about using acriylic nails or trimming cuticles, both of which can cause infection while a person's immune system is comprimised during and after treatment. Ovitz recommends soaking cuticles and pushing them back. Sanitation is paramount, at home or a salon. from Health, living well after cancer pg. 27 S HARE & C ARE P AGE 8 T HANK Y OU F OR Y OUR D ONATIONS ! INDIVIDUAL BUSINESSES Harry & Rita Coffman Maggie Moo’s Josephine Moluski Tawes Real Estate Eunice Sorin Circuit Court for Wicomico Co. Office of the Clerk (Casual Day) Beatrice & Donald Zinmeister Erma & Robert Williams REGIONAL CHAPTER SPONSORS Apple Discount Drugs Peninsula Cancer Center—PRMC Hill’s Drug Store WalMart—South Salisbury Lilly Jen State Farm Insurance Karen Davis, Julie Case, Gamee Elliott BOSCOV’s Elizabeth J. Orr (through the United Way) Community Health Charities BJ Maddox B.E.S.T. Motels Cookbook Sales—Bonnie Troxell Cindy Muir TITLE SPONSOR Herl’s Fiberglass Repair, Inc. EVENT SPONSOR AquaCare Rehabilitation In Memory of Birdie Powell Frank, Darleen & Lisa Cooper Gary Marshall Insurance Cactus Taverna In Memory of Stella Marie Koslosky Robert Hebda, Albert Vernacchio In Honor of Penny Bradford Doris Kaufman In Honor of Shirley Baker Michelle Bradford PINK RIBBON Avery Hall Insurance Agency Michael P. Cooper Memorial Fund Gary Denston presented a check to Sue Revelle KUMON Math & Reading Center HOPE CONTRIBUTOR Slim & Tone Salisbury Trice Geary & Myers, LLC Garden Treasures PHYSICAL THERAPY AND INJURY CENTER OF AQUACARE “The Specialists in Breast Cancer Recovery” The Lymphedema Recovery Program at the Physical Therapy and Injury Center of Aquacare assists individuals to manage their symptoms of lymphedema and help them improve their quality of life. Lymphedema is defined as the swelling of a body part caused by the abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid. Those at risk for developing lymphedema is anyone who has had either of the following: simple mastectomy, lumpectomy, or modified radial mastectomy in combination with axillary node dissection and, often radiation therapy. The treatment consists of patient education, manual lymphatic drainage (which is a light, superficial massage to stimulate lymph flow), compression bandaging, and therapeutic exercise. Training in self-care, self-bandaging and gentle stretching will be provided as an intricate aspect of this program. Benefits of the program will help the individual reduce swelling, regain range of motion, return to work or leisure activity, prevent infection or further complications, and enhance self-esteem. Jennifer O’Neill, MPT, Lymphedema Specialist, Regional Clinical Director S HARE & C ARE P AGE 9 M EDICAL N EWS S AVE T HE D ATE August 17, 2007 Hope Is On The Horizon Salisbury August 23, 2007 Pink Ribbon Day at the Races -Ocean Downs Berlin September 1, 2007 Marion Colbert Memorial Golf Tournament Deer Run Golf Club Berlin September 8-9, 2007 Ride-In for Awareness Mid-Shore September 23, 2007 Snazzy Jazzy Night Pohanka, Salisbury October 5, 2007 Victorian Charm-Vera Bradley BINGO Berlin October 12, 2007 Kate Tawes Crab Feast-Crisfield October 13, 2007 Walk for Awareness WinterPlace Park Salisbury October 20, 2007 Basket BINGO Mid-Shore November 16, 2007 Groomathon Berlin taken from the June 2007 edition of Harvard Women’s Health Watch Community Events . . . “Caring for the Caregiver” will be held on Tuesday, August 21 from 11:30 am to 1 pm at AGH Conference Room #1. Are you the point person for a loved one with serious health challenges? Join this drop-in group discussion for support and ways to manage your stress. Cost is $30. To register, call Diane Armstrong at 410-251-7701. LOOK GOOD...FEEL BETTER is a free program teaching beauty techniques to women cancer patients in active treatment to help them combat the appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. Free cosmetic kits are provided. This program will be held in Wicomico County on Monday, August 20th from 2-4 p.m. at PRMC’s Radiation Oncology Conf. Room; and in Worcester County on Monday, August 13th from 6-8 p.m. at 21st Century Oncology, 314 Franklin Ave, Berlin, MD. To register in Wicomico Co, call Malindie at 410-543-7006; and in Worcester Co, call Ruthie at 410-641-0277. NONPROFIT ORG. PAID SALISBURY, MD 21801 PERMIT #146 P AGE 10 106 W. Circle Avenue, Suite 101 Salisbury, MD 21801 Return Service Requested. ATTENTION: If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, or wish to have it e-mailed to you, please call WSW at 410.548.7880 and save precious funds and trees. Did You Know . . . Low glycemic eating is a safe and easy way to adjust eating for weight loss and improving overall health. A Low-Glycemic Weight Loss Class will be starting the 2nd week of September on Tuesday nights for 6 weeks at WSW in Salisbury. Martha Stover, N.C., will be teaching the class. Martha has over 25 years in the Health and Nutrition industry. She is a certified Wellness Coach and local business owner. She supports WSW with her time and passion for health to help women have the proper information to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The ladies who took the last series lost inches, dress sizes, lowered cholesterol, blood pressure and many of their doctor’s remarked how good their blood results were. If interested, please contact WSW. Cost will be $35 which includes the informative booklet and journal. Contest for Survivors & Supporters: Sell the most raffle tickets and win: Authenticated, Uncirculated 2006 American Eagle Silver Dollar containing one troy ounce of .999 silver - - Raffle Tickets - Pink Kitchen Aid Mixer Donated by Shore Appliances Cost of Tickets: $1 each or 6 for $5 Call 410-548-7880 for tickets
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