Rock `n Roll Half Marathon Triathlon Training
Rock `n Roll Half Marathon Triathlon Training
SUMMER 2011 2007 after an invitation from my personal trainer and then TSNW Triathlon Coach Kim Brasfield. First of all, I had no idea what a triathlon was. Secondly, once I understood what it was I was, I was absolutely sure it was something I could never accomplish. But here I am five years later having completed four and planning on my fifth. TSNW has provided the support, coaching, encouragement and camaraderie with other cancer survivors that has made the unthinkable possible. And rather than a group focused on cancer, it is cancer survivors focused on being fit and pushing the envelope of what may have been unobtainable goals. Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon BY K AT H RY N W I L L I A M S, TSNW MEMBER Thanks to Team Survivor Northwest, I just walked in my first half-marathon – all 13.1 miles. That’s a small miracle, considering my physical fitness in early February due to my cancer treatments and then a bad fall. My oncologist, Dr. Kristine Rinn, recommended that I check out TSNW, where I met Monica Strasen (TSNW Program Manager). She told me about the many programs and I started walking with the run/walk group that prepares for walking and running halfmarathon. With her encouragement, I signed up for the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon – but what was I thinking?! At first, two miles was my absolute maximum distance. Gradually 6 miles was almost more than I could do. Then 10 miles almost finished me off, and in June, 13 miles almost wiped me out. Thanks to Monica (and her red coat), supported by volunteers Mark and Kit, we were out there almost every weekend, except for the day it snowed. We learned about equipment, proper stretching, how to pace ourselves, and even what beverages and foods would keep us going in the long distances. The day of the half marathon came. I had a wonderful time. Sure, probably 23,000 participants were faster than I was, but I finished, with enough energy to run the last 0.1 mile! And there was Monica, patiently waiting for me. Because of shoulder issues I swam using the side stroke, I used my old hybrid bike, and walked (I hated running) the 2007 Danskin in the pouring rain. But I FINISHED and left with a medal around my neck. After the 2008 Danskin I decided it was time to buy a lighter bike (compliments of my husband!) and get the shoulder fixed. I bought a new bike in February 2009, had shoulder surgery in May 2009 (my orthopedic surgeon wrote “You are a 55-year old triathlete!”) and completed the Trek Triathlon as a relay completing the bike and run/walk portions. continued on page 2 Thank you, thank you, thank you. And, yes, I have registered for another half marathon and I’m looking for more. Triathlon Training B Y D I A N A K E L S E Y K U TA S , TSNW MEMBER I never considered myself an athlete so it seemed strange to say for the first time that “I am a triathlete.” Not just an athlete, but a TRI-athlete! I started training for the Danskin The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Phone: (206) 732-8350 2011 Golf Clinic BY ALICIA SUPERNAVAGE TSNW OFFICE MANAGER We held our benefit Golf Clinic at Newcastle Golf Club on a beautiful June afternoon. With fabulous golf professionals, our golfers brushed up on their putting, driving and chipping skills. Together, we raised over $11,000 to support women in their cancer recovery. Thank you to all of our donors, golfers and volunteers who made the event a success! Triathlon Training, continued from pg. 1 B Y D I A N A K E L S E Y K U TA S , TSNW MEMBER The Trek Triathlon 2010 was putting it all back together and improving my overall performance. This year I am again pushing myself to gain confidence in the swim, be a stronger runner, and a faster cyclist. What I love about triathlons is the cross training of three sports. But my favorite leg is the bike. I have always loved cycling and in the early 1970’s I was one of the first girls in my high school to have a three speed bike. In 2005 I went to Austin with three girlfriends and survivors to participate in the LIVESTRONG ride – and catch a glimpse of Lance. I trained on the Burke Gilman Trail and thought Texas was flat but much to our surprise, Austin is in hill country. Luckily my two younger brothers made a surprise appearance to ride support. In 2009 and 2010 I rode the Seattle LIVESTRONG with my brother Jeff, again as support. But, any little hill has been my nemesis! So, this year I have set out to train with TSNW for the RAPSody (Ride Around Puget Sound). The tiny hills that used to be the scary hills are now a “piece of cake” and the “no way” hills like Ames Lake, Inglewood and IssaquahFall City are “doable”! TSNW has been instrumental in providing a fun and safe environment to challenge my perceptions about what I am capable of. At age 58 and a 12year survivor, I believe I’m more physically fit and stronger than any other time in my life. My lymphedema on long rides can be a challenge, my swimming needs tons of improvement, but now I can ride those hills and running is actually starting to become something I look forward to! 2 Kath Gordon’s Story BY K AT H G O R D O N, T S N W M E M B E R In 2005, I had just been diagnosed in April, had surgery in May, and by Father’s Day, just two months later, was newly moved from outof-state to Port Townsend, still in shock, and feeling pretty rotten during chemotherapy. I didn’t know a soul except my son and daughter- in-law, and knew nobody who’d walked the cancer journey, as the two friends I had who’d had cancer lived too far away for me to be with them during their treatment. I think I first learned of the TSNW walking group that fall and went to the retreat in January at Fort Worden, where I was overwhelmed at the sight of so many vibrant, cheerful women all engaged in LIFE. I remember realizing then that I, too, could someday be a member of the “healthy and The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. wise women” group, even though it was hard then to keep up while walking the hills of Fort Worden. The members of our walking group met for dinner occasionally and patiently listened to my fears and loneliness. They helped me get over the hump of those early days by normalizing what I was experiencing, and for that I will always be grateful. Now six years later, I am again participating in the classes (after a break when I didn’t want to be having anything to do with cancer, even a survivor’s class). It is good to be back among the wise and healthy women survivors of TSNW. BY R E B E C C A C E D E R G R E E N, T S N W E X E C U T I V E D I R E C TO R Joining Team Survivor Northwest Team Survivor Northwest is the club you never wanted to join and are so glad that you did. Joining is easy and membership is free. Membership is open to any woman with a past or present diagnosis of cancer at any stage of treatment and any fitness level. To become a member and be eligible to participate in all of the great fitness classes offered, simply fill out the membership forms found at and send them to the Team Survivor Northwest office at 200 NE Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Seattle WA 98105. Or call Alicia at (206)732-8350. She will be glad to send you copies of the forms. Once the completed forms arrive in the office, you will receive your membership card that is your ticket to the many wonderful programs of Team Survivor Northwest. Come join in the fun, fitness and friendship that is Team Survivor Northwest. Together, we will climb mountains, survive and thrive! Team Survivor Northwest Phone: (206) 732-8350 3 HELP! B Y A L I C E TA K E U C H I , T R E A S U R E R B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S If Team Survivor Northwest has made a difference in your life, now is the time you can make a difference for TSNW. This organization has been dedicated to providing exercise programs at all levels to cancer survivors without requiring membership dues or program fees. We have been able to do so through individual and corporate donations, a few grants, and a couple of major fundraising events during the year. However, in the last few years, like many families and businesses, TSNW has faced financial challenges due to the economic downturn. This year, the problems are becoming critical. Donations are down at every level, corporate giving is down and grants are very difficult to obtain. While your individual donations are still crucial, for those who would like to do more or do something in lieu of making a donation, TSNW is encouraging you to “get out there and help!” We are hoping you will think of some creative fund raising options to add to the coffers. You could do this individually or with other members, especially if you participate in a TSNW program with women you see regularly. You could brainstorm for ideas that would be workable and worth your time and effort. In the past, the Mountain Climbing Group sold baked goods at the Saturday morning dragon boat practices and t-shirts to TSNW members. The Dragon Boat team has had garage sales to raise funds. One supporter makes beautiful cards and shares the proceeds with TSNW during the month of October. We have one survivor who hosts a fund raising brunch for TSNW on the day of Race for the Cure. Other members have mentioned possibilities that range from a Gear Exchange & Sale, to a Rubber Ducky race. There must be all kinds of possibilities that could be fun for you and beneficial to TSNW. Honoring the survivor in your life is another possibility. Simply ask family and friends who might be wondering what to give you for a special occasion to donate to TSNW in your honor. If you don’t really need a bouquet or another knick knack, honoring you through a donation would be a wonderful way to help the many women Team Survivor serves. Please seriously consider some of these options. This is your organization and can use your help. Together, we can do it! Co-Presidents Paula Tomlinson Lori Robinson Secretary Jean Vye Treasurer Alice Takeuchi Maggie Brower Pam Smith Mentz Elizabeth Munro Cheryl St. Paul MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Co-Chairs Ksenia Koon, MS Kristine Rinn, MD Team Physician and Medical Advisor Julie Gralow, MD Bake Sale B Y A L I C E TA K E U C H I , T R E A S U R E R B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S The TSNW dragon boat team had a bake sale in support of the organization and raised over $400. It was a terrific example of how members of one of the programs can organize a small fundraiser to benefit the whole group. If anyone else wants to plan something similar, we learned a few things along the way. Here are some suggestions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Have one or two people who organize and coordinate the event. Choose a location where you will have a sufficient customer turnout. If having baked goods, they should be homemade and packaged for easy handling. Ask for donations rather than pricing items. This avoids having to make too much change and people actually are more generous this way. The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Janice Connolly, MD, FHM Kim Dammann, RN Patricia Dawson, MD Carol Eddy, PT Fe’ Ermitano, RN Lexi Harlow, PT Sandi Johnson, MSW Patty Kwok, RN Hannah Linden, MD David Mankoff, MD Kimberly Mathai, MS RD Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD Pam Paley, MD Eve Rodler, MD Braden Stridde , MD Nicole Urban, ScD Tanya Wahl, MD David Zucker, MD ADVISORY BOARD Jim Barker Barbara Carey Janice Connolly, MD Kent Ditch Catherine Hawes Denise Johnson Martha Longbrake Barb Melber Nicole Pastarnack Yaneth Vrentas Julia Canas Katrina Cathcart Judy Curran Nina Fogg Cara Holloway Karen Johnson Susan Lowney Kevin Murphy Joyce Rivkin Cathy Wagner TSNW STAFF Rebecca Cedergreen, MAT Executive Director Monica Strasen Program Manager Alicia Supernavage Office Manager TSNW Thanks our Spring 2011 Donors Elite $5000 or more Anonymous Gold Medalists $1000 to $4999 Nina and Fred Fogg Deborah Gates Group Health Cooperative Denise Johnson and Peyton Gaunt Keith & Mary Kay McCaw Family Foundation Kent Dragon Boat Association LKC Foundation Connie and Dick Nickel Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Swedish Cancer Institute The Seattle Foundation Keiko Yanagihara Silver Medalists $500 to $999 Chap and Eve Alvord Connie Anderson APCA Washington Barbara Jo Blair Lois Brooks Barb and Pat Carey Benjamin Carr Julie and Ross Case Therese and Dave Chambers Suzi Desimone Dr. Julie Gralow Paul Herstein Jo Anne Iaciofano Pauline Miyata North Puget Sound Dragon Boat Club Pan Pacific Electronics, Inc. Kathleen Sallee Maggie Smith Vinton Sommerville Alex Toft Paula Tomlinson Beverly Wagner Wasabi Paddling Club Bronze Medalists $250 to $499 Judith Bailey Diane Bowlin Margaret Brannen Kerry Brannen Bill Brannen Bright Horizons Foundation for Children Julia Canas Judy Curran Barbara Davidson Eclipse Marketing Group Elaine Eigeman Janet Fleck Barbara Herr Susan Hester Cara Holloway Bernadette Laqueur Mary-K McCoy Elizabeth Munro Jean Murakami Andy Pletz Susan Quigley Lori Robinson Ann Russell Nancy Schultz Frank Shaw Catherine Spurgeon Teri St. Ogne Alice Takeuchi Steven Takeuchi Barbara & Alvin Umphenour Jean Vye Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Tanya Wahl Ronald Weinstein Kathryn Williams Team Supporters Up to $249 Roberta Aldrich Diane Allen Anna Anafi Lucy Arson Sally Avenson Janet Baba Al Bayless Ernest and Zelda Black Olwen Bode Sandra Bowman Jayne Bradbury Sue Bradner Paul Brindle Scott Bufkin Cindy Burdue Ron Burk BeBe Burns Noreen Burr Nica Burston Linda Capell Glennda Cartner Katrina Cathcart Vivan Chatman Williams TSNW Wish List There are many ways to give to Team Survivor Northwest. One way is to donate any of the items listed below. We appreciate all the ways you share your time, talent, and treasure with Team Survivor Northwest and the women we serve! Contact Alicia at (206) 732-8350 for more information. • • Computer and tech help- cash to hire a professional or volunteer time Printing for quarterly newsletter (~1000 copies) Team Survivor Northwest Anne Chinn Danny Chow Laurie Cogan Amy Corey HK Custer Melissa Denny Julia Donk Teresa Dorian Patricia Doyle Sonja Elend Sarah Ellis Alfred Ellrodt, Jr. Lisa Farin Jan Fitzpatrick Brenda Frost Mary Giordano Sandra Glasow Kath Gordon Sue Griffith-Mercer Tom Hackleman Jean Hadlock Mayang Hale Robert and Jane Hall Loraine Hanson Lexi Harlow Diane Hatzinger-Radloff James Haunty Linda Hedstrom Janet Henderson Vicky L. Hertig Jeffrey Hiatt Julie Hillers Scott Hitchcock Marion Hitchcock Katherine Hitchcock Sheryl Hoefer Carole Huffman Wendie Hunt Burgess Cecilia Izzo Karen Johnson Carrie Jones Katrina Jordan Lynn Kaner Lori Kaufman Joan Kelday Judy Killion Lillian Kiuchi Tammy Sue Korssjoen Viviann Kuehl Jill Landback Judy Leede Lisa Leptich Marcia Lewis Connie Lord Susan Lowney Laurel Manaois Thomas Martin Margaret McFate Melanie McGrory Deborah Mello Sharon Miller John Montgomery Luisa Motten Dawn Mullarkey Tamit Gina Nakamura Alice Nelson Ronald Niemeyer Elizabeth Noblitt Sharon Palmer Cora Palmer Helen Palumbarit Ellen Phillips-Angeles Paul & Fern Portteus Jerilyn Praul Puetz Golf Helen Romain Michael Roze Vicki Ruskin Trudy Russell James Russell Cheri Rutherford Sharon Salavaria Hideo Sasaki Margrit Schubiger Marilyn Schulze Jack Seeley Dawn Siler Joan Sligar Jeanette Smith Kathryn Soucy Kristina Southard Anita Steele Sally Still Janet Stillman Cheryl Stratemeyer Swedish Health Services Alice Takeuchi Mary Ann TaskerThompson Deborah Taylor Nancy Thomas Margaret Thompson Tracee Tomich Fay Tong Suzanne Tripp Judith Turchin Kathy Underwood Aganita Varkentine Julie Venn Wendy Vogt Cynthia Wells Marian Whetham Sue Ellen White Walt Williams Jacque Williams Beverly Winter-Eben Betty Woito Judy Wolcott Diana Woodbery Kim York Barbara Zander Brooke Zimmers • 10’x 20’ or larger, storage space • Office supplies: copy paper, permanent markers, toner cartridges, etc. • Combined office & program space Ways to Support Team Survivor Northwest Team Survivor Northwest supports female cancer survivors as they reclaim their bodies, spirits and lives. Cancer and its treatment often leave people physically and financially drained. Therefore, Team Survivor Northwest is committed to providing free fitness programs that support women in regaining their strength and vitality. To continue to offer programs such as Active Women/Healthy Women, Dragon Boating, Triathlon Team Training and the Annual Fitness Retreat, we rely on the generosity of people like you. Your generosity insures that female cancer survivors have a place to go to reclaim their future. There are many ways to give to Team Survivor Northwest: • • • • Donate Online: There is a link on our website ( through which you may make a secure donation. Just click on Donation on the front page of the website. You will be linked to our donations page. Mail us a donation in the form of a check or money order. Our address is 200 NE Pacific St. Ste. 101, Seattle, WA 98105 Employer Gift Matching: Your employer may have a gift matching program. If they do, we will supply the necessary paperwork for your employer. These employers have given matching donations to TSNW in the past: Microsoft, Starbucks, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merrill Lynch, Macy’s, Nintendo Charitable Bequests and Wills: The language can be as simple as the following phrase: “I hereby bequeath to Team Survivor Northwest, 200 NE Pacific St, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98105…(state dollar amount, percentage or other asset being given)” Volunteer: • Outreach ambassador 5 hours per week • Program champion 5 hours per week • • • Tech volunteer 5 hours per month Event coordinator monthly 20 hours Grant writer monthly 20 hours Phone: (206) 732-8350 5 Fall Gala TSNW Friends and Family Join us on an Alaska Inside Passage Cruise June 1-8, 2012! For more information visit (see the “Events” link”) SAVE THE DATE! Saturday November 12, 2011 Bellevue Hilton TSNW 2011 IMPORTANT DATES AUGUST 14 Danskin Triathlon 27-28 RAPSody Cycling Ride SEPTEMBER 3 Seattle Dragon Boat Festival, Stan Sayres 18 Trek Triathlon TBD Marathon and Half Marathon Training Kickoff NOVEMBER 12 Fall Gala 27 Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon DECEMBER 7 Program Celebration & Member Meeting FEBRUARY 2012 10-12 Retreat at Fort Worden in Port Townsend SAVE THE DATE! Seattle Celebrating Life Dragon Boat Festival September 3, 2011 • Stan Sayres Memorial Park Information and registration at: Join us for a fabulous day of fun, festivities and awareness. A day LOADED with dragon boat racing on Lake Washington. The festival is a benefit for Team Survivor Northwest. We invite cancer survivors, competitive dragon boat clubs, health professionals, community teams and their families for a great day of dragon boat racing and camaraderie. We look forward to seeing you there! 6 The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. PROGRAMS A Walk in the Park Seasonal Programs The following programs are sign-up only. For more information, please call Monica at 206-732-8350 or email • Half Marathon and Marathon Run or Walk Training • CrossFit • Dragon Boating • Outdoor Cycling • Mid-Week Hiking • Swimming • Triathlon Training Ongoing Programs The following classes are drop-in year-round. No sign up is required. Just show up! • Active Women / Healthy Women • Survivor Striders West Sound/ Olympic Peninsula • Urban Hiking • Viva Dance • Yoga BY MONICA STRASEN, TSNW PROGRAM MANAGER TSNW recognized early on the importance of having an offering that would be appropriate and enticing to women who were either in treatment, just out of treatment or looking for a way to get into, or back into, fitness. Walking has played a major part in TSNW programming, from gentle walks to more fitness based walks (Urban Hikes), to goal specific walk training (half marathon training). We are excited that we have been able to bring back a gentle entry level walk, thanks to a group of volunteers that are giving back to TSNW by being walk leaders and organizers for this program. So if you are new to Team Survivor, are in treatment, just out of treatment, or trying to get a handle on where to start with getting fit, joining this walk is a great way to get some exercise at a level that is doable. This walk is on Saturdays, 9:00am, and they meet in front of the bathrooms on the southwest side of Green Lake, next to the crew house and right by the old Aqua Theater. We are also looking for people who would be willing to be a walk leader. This is a rotating schedule, so you most likely would be asked to lead a walk about every four to six weeks. This is a perfect way to give to TSNW, as we would really like to keep this program running strong. For more information about the walks or to volunteer, contact Monica Strasen, TSNW Program Manager at pm@teamsurvivornw. org or (206)732-8350. PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE SUNDAY MONDAY Swimming Queen Anne Pool 11am – 12pm Swimming Mercer Island 5 – 6pm Active Women/ Healthy Women Port Hadlock 4:50 – 5:50pm Active Women/ Healthy Women Seattle-SCCA 6 – 7pm Survivor Striders Chimacum 6pm TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Active Women/ Healthy Women Rainier Valley 6 – 7pm Dragon Boating Leschi 6 – 8pm Leschi Marina Active Women/ Healthy Women Seattle 5:30 – 7:30pm Queen Anne Community Center Port Townsend Walk 6pm At co-op THURSDAY Active Women/ Healthy Women Bellevue 6:30 – 8pm Sportzal Fitness Studio FRIDAY Urban Hiking 9am Various locations Yoga Columbia City 5pm – 6:15pm VIVADance Renton 6:30 – 7:30pm SATURDAY Dragon Boating Leschi 9:30 – 11am Leschi Marina Green Lake Walk Seattle, Green Lake 9am Half Marathon and Marathon Walk/Run Training, Weekend Hiking, Outdoor Cycling, Triathlon Training — Various days and times Team Survivor Northwest has a spectrum of fitness programs to assist you in your recovery and survivorship. Please visit for more program information. Team Survivor Northwest Phone: (206) 732-8350 7 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE WA PERMIT NO. 1676 200 NE Pacific St., Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98105 Please notify the TSNW office if you would like to be removed from our mailing list. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Triathlon Training Report from the Rock ‘n Roll Half Marathon Special Message from the Executive Director A Walk in the Park And more… The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Phone: (206) 732-8350 Fax: (206) 732-0263
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