Active Women, Healthy Women at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Active Women, Healthy Women at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Spring 2011 Active Women, Healthy Women at Seattle Cancer Care Alliance House By monica strasen TSN W P r o g r a m M a n a g e r Team Survivor Northwest is fortunate in that we have a great ally, partner and supporter – the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA). Lisa Horton is the manager of the Patient and Family Resource Center at the SCCA and is vested in making sure that patients at the SCCA are given all possible resources to help them navigate the huge world of cancer. Many years ago Lisa met with us and was enthusiastic about partnering with TSNW. We started an Active Women, Healthy Women class at the SCCA in 2003 and the class has been going ever since. Seattle Cancer Care Alliance recently opened a new facility, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance House, which provides a place to stay for those in treatment at the SCCA. The SCCA House not only provides pleasant housing but also has a common kitchen area, a dining room and other common areas that allow people to have a little down time from the rigors of cancer treatment. They also have a wonderful exercise room which is spacious, provides some natural light and has an exercise bar and mirrors. Lisa contacted us about possibly moving our class at SCCA to the exercise room in the SCCA House as the exercise room would be perfect for a class such as Active Women, Healthy Women. When we saw the room, we couldn’t say no – it WAS perfect for us, so in fall of last year we moved the class to the SCCA House. The Active Women, Healthy Women class at SCCA is special in that it is truly geared towards women in all phases of cancer treatment. In treatment, just post treatment, or out of treatment for some time but looking to get fitter – all are welcomed. The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Sue Bream, the instructor, is a certified fitness trainer who also has a certification in cancer and exercise. She has taught this class for four years now and is sensitive to people’s individual needs and structures their workouts accordingly. Many of the women who have become regulars in this class keep coming because they know Sue will help them get the workout they need – whether that is gentle movement after surgery or chemo or more rigorous training getting ready for some athletic event. Active Women, Healthy Women at SCCA House is an ongoing, drop-in program on Monday nights from 6:00 to 7:00pm. It is a safe, welcoming exercise venue and Sue would be more than happy to help you put together an exercise routine. If you’ve been putting off starting exercise because you can’t figure out where to begin, this is the perfect place to start – join us! Phone: (206) 732-8350 2010 Fitness Retreat By alicia supernavage tsnw office manager The annual TSNW Fitness Retreat is one of our major events of the year. In February, over 80 women joined us at Fort Worden for a weekend of fitness workshops, educational speakers, beautiful scenery, camaraderie and fun. We learned about managing complementary and alternative therapies for cancer patients undergoing conventional cancer treatments with naturopath Dr. Laura James. We heard an engaging presentation from Dr. Stanley Riddell about new advances in cancer immunotherapy at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Women participated in kite building, hula hooping, Nordic walking, yoga and photography workshops. One of the highlights of the weekend was the Recess Games workshop. Everyone had a blast learning (or relearning!) how to play four square and different types of tag. We hope to see you at next year’s retreat on February 10-12, 2012 at Fort Worden in Port Townsend. sa v e t h e d a t e ! 90 Day, 90 Mile Challenge Celebration and Potluck Thursday June 30 - 5:30-7:00pm - Seward Park by the swim beach Join us for a potluck picnic to celebrate the end of the Living Fit 90 Day, 90 Mile Challenge. We are excited to be a part of your fitness program to ensure we have done everything in our power to help you reach your goals; we hope you had FUN and enjoyed the 90/90 challenge! Friends and family are invited. Please bring a dish or snacks to share. Heavy rain cancels. To RVSP, contact Alicia in the TSNW office at or (206) 732-8350 2 The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Message from the Executive Director Ride Around Puget Sound with Team Survivor Northwest By Rebecca cedergreen, TSN W e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r This summer a group of women cancer survivors will embark on a cycling journey to around Puget Sound (RAPSody). This two day ride, August 27 & 28, will cover 170 miles and includes a rolling 9,600 elevation gain and loss. For each one, this two day event is a celebration of life and recovery. It is also a chance to work together with other women who have had similar experiences and improve individual fitness levels, one of the single best things to improve her odds of survival. In addition many of these women will also be raising awareness and funds for Team Survivor Northwest. As one member put it, “An organization that has helped us in our own personal journey of recovery.” Join the ride! The really great news is that we have opened up our training for anyone who wants to support survivorship programs. This is a great opportunity to ride and support the survivor in your life while helping raise crucial funds for Team Survivor Northwest programs. Here’s how it works: Any Team Survivor Northwest member will receive free coached training for the ride at no cost. Members who want to raise money on behalf of TSNW, with a minimum $250, will also receive: Bike Jersey, TSNW sag service during the ride, CATZ training. Non-member / Supporters / Family and friends fundraising on behalf of TSNW, with a minimum $500, will receive the same coached training, bike jersey, TSNW sag service, CATZ training. Our cycling coach is Tommy McCarthy. He is incredibly enthusiastic and well prepared to work with our team. He has a strong background as a bicycle tour leader, bicycle team rider, and indoor cycling instructor. His approach is well rounded, including technical training, indoor & outdoor ride opportunities, with several long rides scheduled in the area. In addition Tommy will encourage nutrition and mental conditioning. The CATZ training is a unique added benefit for anyone raising funds. CATZ, Competitive Athletes Training Zone, is committed to working with full body conditioning in preparation for the RAPSody. They are offering two 3 week sessions: the first in May on the front end of your training, and the second 3 weeks in August just prior to the ride. To join the team and support women surviving any type of cancer at any stage of treatment or recovery on an incredible ride that celebrates life in the Pacific Northwest email our Program Manager, Monica Strasen at pm@teamsurvivornw. org . Start training now. To support our team, visit http://teamsurvivornw. org/?content=RAPSody_Cycling_Ride We would LOVE to have you on the team! you can do it Joining Team Survivor Northwest Team Survivor Northwest is the club you never wanted to join and are so glad that you did. Joining is easy and membership is free. Membership is open to any woman with a past or present diagnosis of cancer at any stage of treatment and any fitness level. To become a member and be eligible to participate in all of the great fitness classes offered, simply fill out the membership forms found at and send them to the Team Survivor Northwest office at 200 NE Pacific Avenue, Suite 101, Seattle WA 98105. Or call Alicia at (206)732-8350. She will be glad to send you copies of the forms. Once the completed forms arrive in the office, you will receive your membership card that is your ticket to the many wonderful programs of Team Survivor Northwest. Come join in the fun, fitness and friendship that is Team Survivor Northwest. Together, we will climb mountains, survive and thrive! Team Survivor Northwest Phone: (206) 732-8350 3 Discovering Your Family’s Medical History By ksenia koon, ms S e at t l e C a n c e r C a r e A l l i a n c e By exploring your family’s medical history, you and your medical providers can be better equipped to manage your health. Researchers are still working to fully understand the complex interactions of our genes and the environment in the etiology of diseases like cancer. Incredible strides have been made in understanding hereditary risk over the last 15 years. Obtaining an accurate medical history is the first step in identifying patterns of inheritance, calculating risk, distinguishing genetics from other risk factors, and making important medical and surveillance decisions. Your family history is sometimes called your family tree and in medical terms it’s called your pedigree; it is an important part of understanding your risk for certain conditions. The first step in constructing your family tree is to decide on a format for collecting the information. You can design your own family tree, or you can check your local bookstore, software store, or the Internet for creative ideas. Any format you choose is fine, as long as you have plenty of space to write down information. Next, fill in your family tree with the names and relationships of family members who you already know. Include the basics such as name, birth date, current age, names of children, any known medical conditions, and the age when the conditions began. If you do not know the name of the medical condition, you should write down the symptoms that your relative had—you may be able to find out more details later. If your relative is no longer living, include the relative’s date and cause of death. Interview your blood relatives who are closest to you first, such as your parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, or uncles. See if they can help you add information on other relatives who you may not know. Some families have certain individuals who keep in close touch with multiple people in a family, or who organizes family get-togethers. This relative may be particularly helpful to you when collecting family history information. 4 Be sure to also ask about any lifestyle factors that may influence your relatives’ health, such as diet, physical activity, smoking, alcohol use, and workplace hazards. These environmental factors, rather than genes, may also contribute to certain health conditions. Also include the ethnic background of your family members, since certain medical conditions may be more common in specific populations. After gathering your family medical history, you may notice that you still have gaps in the information. Finding the answers will not always be easy, and it may be worthwhile to try to find medical records or death certificates to sort out some of the gaps. Death certificates, which are available at county courthouses, can be useful, but unfortunately they typically only list the immediate cause of death and do not include information on underlying medical problems. Once you’ve gathered your family health history, you may begin to see patterns in disease. In general, the more relatives who have had a particular condition the greater the chance that it could carry a hereditary risk. Also, pay attention to the ages when your relatives were diagnosed to see if they developed the condition at younger ages than typical for that condition. Such a trend could indicate that your relatives were more genetically susceptible to developing the condition. Keep in mind that the health history of your close relatives is more relevant to you than the health history of more distant relatives. You should share any health patterns in your family history with your health-care provider. You may be able to get advice on routine medical tests and changes to your lifestyle that could help you stay healthy. Your health-care provider can help you determine if a particular medical condition in your family warrants consideration of genetic counseling and/ or genetic testing. Although cancer can have an underlying hereditary susceptibility, usually it is not inherited. In fact, only five to 10 percent of breast and gynecologic cancers are thought to be caused by an inherited genetic predisposition. Most of the time, having a family member with cancer does not mean other individuals in the family are at significantly increased risk. However, if several blood relatives have had the same type of cancer or they have been diagnosed at young ages, you The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. should discuss this with your health-care provider. Genetic and health information has unique personal, family, and social implications. Although family dynamics can sometimes be complicated, be sure to share your knowledge (as appropriate) with your siblings, children, and other interested family members. By taking the time to construct and update your family medical tree, you will be helping yourself and your family members. TSNW 2011 I M P O RT A NT D A TE S MAY 1Summer Weekend Hiking Kickoff JUNE 12Shore Run 17Golf Clinic Event 25Rock and Roll Half Marathon 30Living Fit 90 Day Challenge Celebration Seward Park JULY 13-15San Juan Bike Trip AUGUST 14 Danskin Triathlon 27-28RAPSody Cycling Ride SEPTEMBER 3Seattle Dragon Boat Festival, Stan Sayres 18Trek Triathlon TBDMarathon and Half Marathon Training Kickoff NOVEMBER 5Fall Gala 27Seattle Marathon and Half Marathon DECEMBER 7 Program Celebration & Member Meeting TSNW Thanks our Winter 2011 Donors Gold Medalists $1000 to $4999 Nina and Fred Fogg Paula Tomlinson Keiko Yanagihara Silver Medalists $500 to $999 Patricia Doyle Bronze Medalists $250 to $499 Lisa Black Maggie Brower Robert and Jessica Hickey Elizabeth Munro Team Supporters Up to $249 Roberta Aldrich Mine Anderson MaryLynne and Ted Barber Bette Beck Kathi Beery Lynette Benaltabe Louise Benaltabe Marilyse Benyakar Jane Berkman Sharon Black Olwen Bode Margaret Brannen Lois Brooks Francois and Susan Burianek Glennda Cartner Julie Case Katrina Cathcart Sherry Catlett-Jones Therese Chambers Beth Crane Diana Cronin Marijke de VriesMaddy Suzi Desimone Kim Dirksen Julia Donk Francesca Drum Joan Elvin-McAree Brenda Frost Sandra Glasow Vicky L. Hertig Marilyn Hoots Mary Ann Hunt Wendie Hunt Burgess Katrina Jordan Karen Kasonic Lori Kaufman Nancy Knudsen Tammy Sue Korssjoen Lyla Kraft Viviann Kuehl Marcia Legro Mary Mataja Mary-K McCoy Renee Michard Lori Mitchell Connie Nickel Ronald Niemeyer Cathy Nilon Vicki Ohly Linda Parsons Jerilyn Praul Esther Rousso Cheri Rutherford Sharon Salavaria Margrit Schubiger Patty Schuchart Dawn Siler Nora Smith Sandra Smith Kristina Southard Catherine Spurgeon Pam Stoeffler Cheryl Stratemeyer Deborah Taylor Tammie Turpen Kathy Underwood Juli Vaughan Julie Venn Joan Ward Rosemary Washington Beatrice Wells Jan Wiedenhoft Judy Wolcott Elena Wood Sarah Young Ways to Support Team Survivor Northwest Team Survivor Northwest supports female cancer survivors as they reclaim their bodies, spirits and lives. Cancer and its treatment often leave people physically and financially drained. Therefore, Team Survivor Northwest is committed to providing free fitness programs that support women in regaining their strength and vitality. To continue to offer programs such as Active Women/Healthy Women, Dragon Boating, Triathlon Team Training and the Annual Fitness Retreat, we rely on the generosity of people like you. Your generosity insures that female cancer survivors have a place to go to reclaim their future. There are many ways to give to Team Survivor Northwest: Team Survivor Northwest • Donate Online: There is a link on our website ( through which you may make a secure donation. Just click on Donation on the front page of the website. You will be linked to our donations page. • Mail us a donation in the form of a check or money order. Our address is 200 NE Pacific St. Ste. 101, Seattle, WA 98105 • Employer Gift Matching: Your employer may have a gift matching program. If they do, we will supply the necessary paperwork for your employer. These employers have given matching donations to TSNW in the past: Microsoft, Starbucks, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Merrill Lynch, Macy’s, Nintendo • Charitable Bequests and Wills: The language can be as simple as the following phrase: “I hereby bequeath to Team Survivor Northwest, 200 NE Pacific St, Suite 101, Seattle, WA 98105…(state dollar amount, percentage or other asset being given)” TSNW Wish List There are many ways to give to Team Survivor Northwest. One way is to donate any of the items listed below. We appreciate all the ways you share your time, talent, and treasure with Team Survivor Northwest and the women we serve! Contact Alicia at (206) 732-8350 for more information. • Computer (desktop or laptop) for Therese, our office administrator and volunteer • Computer and tech help- cash to hire a professional or volunteer time • Printing for quarterly newsletter (~1000 copies) • 10’x 20’ or larger, storage space • Combined office & program space • Office supplies: copy paper, permanent markers, toner cartridges, etc. Volunteer: • Outreach ambassador 5 hours per week • Tech volunteer 5 hours per month • Program champion 5 hours per week • Event coordinator monthly 20 hours BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Paula Tomlinson Vice President Lori Robinson Secretary Dena Singleton Treasurer Karen Johnson Pam Smith Mentz Elizabeth Munro Cheryl St. Paul Jean Vye MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Co-Chairs Ksenia Koon, MS Kristine Rinn, MD Team Physician and Medical Advisor Julie Gralow, MD Janice Connolly, MD, FHM Kim Dammann, RN Patricia Dawson, MD Carol Eddy, PT Fe’ Ermitano, RN Lexi Harlow, PT Sandi Johnson, MSW Patty Kwok, RN Hannah Linden, MD David Mankoff, MD Kimberly Mathai, MS RD Anne McTiernan, MD, PhD Pam Paley, MD Eve Rodler, MD Braden Stridde , MD Nicole Urban, ScD Tanya Wahl, MD David Zucker, MD ADVISORY BOARD Jim Barker Julia Canas Barbara Carey Katrina Cathcart Janice Connolly, MD Judy Curran Kent Ditch Nina Fogg Catherine Hawes Cara Holloway Denise Johnson Karen Johnson Martha Longbrake Susan Lowney Barb Melber Kevin Murphy Nicole Pastarnack Joyce Rivkin Yaneth Vrentas Cathy Wagner TSNW STAFF Rebecca Cedergreen, MAT Executive Director Monica Strasen Program Manager Alicia Supernavage Office Manager • Grant writer monthly 20 hours Phone: (206) 732-8350 5 sa v e t h e d a t e ! Seattle Celebrating Life Dragon Boat Festival September 3, 2011 Stan Sayres Memorial Park Information and registration at: Join us for a fabulous day of fun, festivities and awareness. A day LOADED with dragon boat racing on Lake Washington. The festival is a benefit for Team Survivor Northwest. We invite cancer survivors, competitive dragon boat clubs, health professionals, community teams and their families for a great day of dragon boat racing and camaraderie. We look forward to seeing you there! 6 The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. sa v e t h e d a t e ! PRo g r ams Seasonal Programs The following programs are sign-up only. For more information, please call Monica at 206-732-8350 or email • Half Marathon and Marathon Run or Walk Training • CrossFit • Dragon Boating • Outdoor Cycling • Mid-Week Hiking • Swimming • Triathlon Training Ongoing Programs The following classes are drop-in year-round. No sign up is required. Just show up! • Active Women / Healthy Women • Survivor Striders West Sound/ Olympic Peninsula • Urban Hiking • Viva Dance • Yoga Urban Hiking B y S a l ly S t i l l , U r b a n H i k e C o o r d i n a t o r a n d TSN W M e m b e r Not really hikes, but invigorating exercise by walking through various residential areas and parks in the Seattle area and east side of Lake Washington. Each Friday we walk about 1 ½ hours, followed by social time at a convenient coffee house. We alternate weekly between west and east side of the lake. Leaders for our walks volunteer by signing up for a convenient Friday, and do some preplanning to cover about 3 to 4 miles. Many times the history of our city or special neighborhood features provide added interest to our walks. It is not necessary to lead a walk to always be welcome to join us. TSNW friendships provide wonderful companionship to enjoy walks weather wet or dry. Contact Urban Hike coordinator Sally Still with any questions p r o g r ams a t a g la n c e Sunday Swimming Queen Anne Pool 11am – 12pm Swimming Mercer Island 5 – 6pm Monday Tuesday Active Women/ Healthy Women Port Hadlock 4:50 – 5:50pm Active Women Rainier Valley 6 – 7pm Active Women/ Healthy Women Seattle-SCCA 6 – 7pm Survivor Striders Chimacum 6pm Wednesday Dragon Boating Leschi 6 – 8pm Leschi Marina CrossFit Redmond 7:30 – 8:30pm Active Women/ Healthy Women Seattle 5:30 – 7:30pm Queen Anne Community Center Port Townsend Walk 6pm At co-op Thursday Active Women/ Healthy Women Bellevue 6:30 – 8pm Sportzal Fitness Studio Friday Urban Hiking 9am Various locations Yoga Columbia City 5pm – 6:15pm Saturday Dragon Boating Leschi 9:30 – 11am Leschi Marina VIVADance Renton 6:30 – 7:30pm Half Marathon and Marathon Walk/Run Training, Weekend Hiking, Outdoor Cycling, Triathlon Training — Various days and times Team Survivor Northwest has a spectrum of fitness programs to assist you in your recovery and survivorship. Please visit for more program information. Team Survivor Northwest Phone: (206) 732-8350 7 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE WA PERMIT NO. 1676 200 NE Pacific St., Suite 101 Seattle, WA 98105 Please notify the TSNW office if you would like to be removed from our mailing list. i n s i d e t h i s i ssu e Join us for the Ride Around Puget Sound Active Women Healthy Women classes The mission of Team Survivor Northwest is to support women in their cancer recovery Seattle Celebrating Life Dragon Boat Festival this summer And more… through empowering programs of physical activity and health education. Phone: (206) 732-8350 Fax: (206) 732-0263
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