ReportEthicalProperty_2012:Mise en page 1
ReportEthicalProperty_2012:Mise en page 1
Foreword - Managing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 z Préambule - Administrateur délégué . . . . . . . . . 04 z Inleiding - gedelegeerde bestuurder . . . . . . . . . 05 The company in a nutshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 z L’entreprise en bref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 z Het bedrijf in een notendop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Our development strategy in Belgium .......... 10 Other members of the family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 In focus - Waste prevention and reuse Our centres ......... 13 ................................................ 15 Social performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Environmental performance ........................ 22 Our team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The board of directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Financial highlights ..................................... 29 Audited financial accounts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 EPE SA statutory accounts ......................... 43 FOREWO RD PR ÉA MB UL E IN LE ID IN G FR ÉD ÉR IC AN CI ON MANAG ING ADMIN I S T R AT E D I R E C T O R UR DÉL GEDELE ÉGUÉ GEERDE BESTUU RDER Dear shareholders, dear partners, We are pleased to present you with our 2012 Annual Report. For us, this document is the culmination of a year's work. It allows us to communicate in a fully open and transparent manner about our achievements, results and plans. Over the past year, Ethical Property Europe has shored up its existing activities, while actively paving the way for the opening of future association centres. As far as our existing centres are concerned, Mundo-B and Mundo-Namur set up the standard among clusters that pool the actors and activities of the voluntary sector and today house nearly 90 associations. Our conference and seminar rooms have been leased to 240 associations, representing an increase of over 40% compared to the previous year. Our centres regularly host famous names, with José Bové and Yann Arthus Bertrand featuring among this year’s visitors. Last but not least, our offices boast an occupancy rate of 99% and we can report virtually no departures this year, which testifies to the satisfaction of our member associations and their own stability. We test this satisfaction through our annual survey. You will find a summary of the glowing findings of this survey in this report. As for our environmental credentials, this year we installed an additional 60 sqm of solar panels at Mundo-Namur, which should take its production to around 19.000 kWh per annum. At the request of our tenants, we have also built showers for Mundo-B cyclists. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that our centres have an energy consumption that is 60% below average, that more than two-thirds of the waste generated is recycled or composted and that barely one in every six comes to work by car. We are proud of these performances, made possible by our members and by the management methods we have adopted. Having strived since 2009 to consolidate our operations and improve their profitability, we look forward now to be able to move ahead with the opening of new centres. 2013 will certainly be a pivotal year in this respect. Indeed, the associations lined up to move into these centres have done a great deal of preparation and consolidation work that is greatly appreciated. Similarly, we have made considerable progress in terms of our search for buildings. We believe that we can achieve the project we have been working on for some time now to house around twenty youth associations in Brussels (Mundo-J) and we are about to complete Mundo-Antwerpen with the construction of a bio-climatic building on a plot donated by the city in the form of a long-lease. Finally, in Ghent, the project remains active with a solid core of associations. At international level, the Ethical Property family has adopted a model whereby each of the four countries where operations have been rolled out has acquired its own autonomy. The four companies work closely together and respect the same ethical framework: the "Quintessentials". EPE is particularly involved in supporting the French company étic through our financial investment as well as the provision of our expertise for the creation of "MundoMontreuil", scheduled to open in 2014 near Paris. Finally, as far as our finances are concerned, you will read that, this year, we made a statutory profit of 90.618€. Property values have increased overall by 2,5 %, despite a slight downturn in Namur. As for the consolidated accounts, they post a net profit of 64.001€ (group share), which allows the accounting value of the EPE share to reach 99 cents after the payments of a one cent dividend.This is less than expected back at our launch. However, in the light of the crisis impacting the office property sector, and even more so for a young company, I consider that we have held up quite well. We will of course make every effort to continue to improve our financial, social and environmental results over the next year. We hope that the report will make for an interesting read. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 3 , AIRES N E T R S PA CHER CH ER S AC TIO NN AIR ES, Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre rapport annuel 2012. Ce document est pour nous l’aboutissement d’une année de travail. Il nous permet de communiquer en toute transparence sur nos réalisations, nos résultats, nos projets. Au cours de l’année écoulée, Ethical Property Europe a renforcé ses activités existantes tout en travaillant activement à la préparation de l’ouverture de futurs centres d’associations. Nos centres existants, Mundo-B et Mundo-Namur, sont devenus des références en termes de regroupement d’acteurs et d’activités du secteur associatif. Ce sont à présent près de 90 associations qui y disposent de bureaux. Nos salles de conférence et de séminaire ont été louées à 240 associations, soit une augmentation de plus de 40% par rapport à l’année précédente. Nos centres reçoivent régulièrement des visiteurs de renommée, dont entre autres, cette année, José Bové et Yann Arthus Bertrand. Enfin, c’est sans doute le plus important pour nous, nos bureaux affichent au taux de remplissage de 99% et nous n’avons eu quasiment aucun départ cette année, ce qui est une preuve de la satisfaction de nos associations membres, ainsi que de leur stabilité propre. Nous vérifions ce degré de satisfaction au travers de notre enquête annuelle, dont les résultats on progressé et dont vous trouverez une synthèse dans ce rapport. En ce qui concerne les aspects environnementaux, nous avons installé cette année 60 m2 supplémentaires de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques à Mundo-Namur, soit une production escomptée totale d’environ 19.000kWh par an. Nous avons également construit des douches pour les cyclistes de Mundo-B, souhaitées par nos locataires. J’en profite pour rappeler que nos centres ont une consommation énergétique de 60% inférieure à la moyenne, que plus de deux tiers des déchets produits sont recyclés ou compostés, et qu’à peine une personne sur six vient au travail en voiture. Nous sommes fiers des ces performances, rendues possibles par nos membres ainsi que par nos modes de gestions engagés. Ayant travaillé depuis 2009 à la consolidation de nos activités et à l’amélioration de leur rentabilité, il nous tarde à présent de pouvoir concrétiser l’ouverture de nouveaux centres. 2013 sera certainement une année charnière en ce sens. En effet, les associations qui seront les futurs locataires de ces centres ont réalisé un travail de préparation et de consolidation très appréciable. De même, nos avancées en termes de recherche d’immeubles ont bien avancé. Nous pensons pouvoir concrétiser notre projet mené de longue date pour une vingtaine d’associations de jeunesse à Bruxelles, (Mundo-J) et nous sommes sur le point de concrétiser Mundo-Antwerpen avec la construction d’un bâtiment bio-climatique, sur une parcelle cédée par la ville sous forme de bail emphytéotique. Enfin, à Gand, le projet reste actif avec un noyau d’associations solide. Au niveau international, la famille Ethical Property s’est orientée vers un modèle par lequel chacun des 4 pays dans lesquels des activités ont été développées a acquis une autonomie propre. Les 4 sociétés ont des collaborations renforcées et suivent un même référentiel éthique : les « Quintessentielles ». EPE est plus particulièrement investi dans le soutien à la société française étic, de par notre investissement financier ainsi que par la mise à disposition de nos compétences pour la création de « Mundo-Montreuil » qui ouvrira ses portes en 2014 à côté de Paris. Enfin, au niveau financier, vous lirez que, cette année, nous avons dégagé un bénéfice statutaire de 90.618€. La valeur des immeubles a augmenté globalement de 2,5 %, malgré une légère baisse à Namur. Quant aux comptes consolidés, il montrent un bénéfice net de 64.001€ (part du groupe), ce qui permet à la valeur comptable de l’action EPE d’atteindre 99 cents après paiement d’un dividende d’un cent. C’est moins qu’escompté au démarrage de l’activité. Toutefois, en cette période de crise qui affecte le secteur de l’immobilier de bureaux, et d’autant plus pour une jeune entreprise, je pense que nous n’avons pas trop mal résisté. Nous mettrons bien entendu tout en œuvre pour continuer à améliorer nos résultats, financiers, sociaux et environnementaux au cours de cette année. Bonne lecture. l 4 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 GEAC A HTE A LHO NDEE UDER S, GE AC HT E PA RT NE RS, Wij hebben het genoegen om u ons jaarverslag van 2012 voor te leggen. Dit document is voor ons de kroon op een jaar lang hard werken. We kunnen er op transparante wijze onze verwezenlijkingen, resultaten en projecten in uiteenzetten. Ethical Property Europe heeft het afgelopen jaar zijn bestaande activiteiten uitgebreid en ook de opening van nieuwe verenigingencentra actief voorbereid. Een woordje over onze bestaande centra: Mundo-B en Mundo-Namen zijn referenties geworden voor het groeperen van verenigingen en hun activiteiten. Momenteel hebben in deze centra bijna 90 verenigingen een eigen kantoor. Onze vergader- en seminariezalen werden aan 240 verenigingen verhuurd, wat een toename vertegenwoordigt van meer dan 40% ten opzichte van het voorgaande jaar. We ontvangen in onze centra vaak ook beroemde gasten, zoals dit jaar onder andere José Bové en Yann Arthus Bertrand. Tot slot, en dit is ongetwijfeld het allerbelangrijkste voor ons, kennen onze kantoren een bezettingsgraad van 99% en hebben we het afgelopen jaar zo goed als geen klanten zien vertrekken. Dat bewijst dat onze leden-verenigingen tevreden zijn over onze dienstverlening en dat ze zelf ook stabiel zijn. We onderzoeken de tevredenheidsgraad via onze jaarlijkse enquête, waarvan de resultaten tonen dat we vooruitgang hebben geboekt. U vindt een samenvatting van deze enquête in dit verslag. Op milieugebied hebben we dit jaar 60 m² extra fotovoltaïsche zonnepanelen geïnstalleerd in Mundo-Namen, wat naar verwachting een jaarlijkse productie van 19.000 kWh zou moeten opleveren. Op vraag van onze gebruikers hebben we ook douches gebouwd voor de fietsers van Mundo-B. Ik maak van de gelegenheid gebruik om u te vertellen dat onze centra 60% minder energie verbruiken dan het gemiddelde, dat meer dan twee derde van het geproduceerde afval gerecycleerd of gecomposteerd wordt en dat nauwelijks één persoon op zes met de auto naar het werk komt. Wij zijn trots op deze prestaties, die we te danken hebben aan onze leden en ons engagement voor duurzaamheid. We zetten ons sinds 2009 in voor de consolidering van onze activiteiten en de verhoging van hun rentabiliteit. Hoog tijd dus om deze inspanningen in praktijk te brengen en nieuwe centra te openen. 2013 wordt in dat opzicht ongetwijfeld een scharnierjaar. De verenigingen die deze centra in de toekomst zullen gebruiken, hebben immers zeer waardevol werk geleverd op het vlak van voorbereiding en consolidering. We hebben tevens veel vooruitgang geboekt in onze zoektocht naar gebouwen. Het lijkt erop dat we ons langlopende project voor een twintigtal jongerenverenigingen in Brussel (Mundo-J) vaste vorm zullen kunnen geven, en we staan op het punt om Mundo-Antwerpen te concretiseren met de bouw van een bioklimatologisch gebouw op een perceel dat de stad in erfpacht zal geven. In Gent blijft het project actief met een vaste kern van verenigingen. Op internationaal vlak heeft de groep Ethical Property gekozen voor een model waarbij elk van de vier landen waar ze activiteiten heeft, over autonomie beschikt. De vier bedrijven hebben hun samenwerking versterkt en volgen eenzelfde ethisch referentiesysteem: de "Quintessentials". EPE zet zich meer bepaald in voor de ondersteuning van het Franse bedrijf étic, met een financiële investering en de terbeschikkingstelling van onze vaardigheden voor de oprichting van Mundo-Montreuil, de vestiging die in 2014 in de buurt van Parijs haar deuren opent. Wat het financiële aspect betreft, zult u ten slotte lezen dat we dit jaar een statutaire winst gemaakt hebben van 90.618€. De waarde van de gebouwen is over het geheel genomen gestegen met 2,5 %, ondanks een kleine daling in Namen. De geconsolideerde rekeningen tonen een nettowinst van 64.001€, waarmee de boekhoudkundige waarde van het EPE-aandeel stijgt tot 99 cents na betaling van een dividende van een cent. Dat is minder dan we gehoopt hadden bij de start van de activiteit. Maar ik denk dat we ons hoofd goed boven water gehouden hebben in deze crisisperiode, die de sector van de kantoorgebouwen en vooral jonge bedrijven treft! We stellen natuurlijk alles in het werk om onze financiële, sociale en milieuresultaten ook dit jaar te blijven verbeteren. Veel leesplezier! l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 5 Y N A P M O C E TH LL E H S T U N A N I L’ EN TR EP RI SE EN BR EF H ET BE D RI JF IN EE N N O TE N D O P Ethical Property Europe is a company with two objectives: to set up centres for social change organisations and to enable individuals and institutions to make a uniquely ethical investment. Our shareholders gain the security of a property based investment that offers a financial return as well as contributing to lasting social change. Ethical Property Europe supports innovative and progressive organisations working for social change by taking care of their property needs. We develop and manage centres in major cities according to our ‘Mundo’ model. These centres are focal points for social change. The ‘Mundo’ model offers tenants professional office space, affordable rents, flexible and sympathetic management and facilities and services designed to meet their needs. They also become part of a working community where they can exchange skills and ideas under one roof. Communal facilities generally include meeting and conference facilities, a restaurant, reception, mail and copy services and where possible a garden designed as a haven for l Ethical Property Europe est une société qui poursuit un double objectif : réaliser des centres pour les acteurs du progrès sociétal et permettre aux particuliers et aux institutions de faire un investissement éthique unique. Nos actionnaires bénéficient de la sécurité d’un investissement immobilier qui permet non seulement d’obtenir un retour financier, mais également de contribuer à un progrès sociétal durable. Ethical Property Europe is een bedrijf dat een dubbele doelstelling nastreeft: centra voor actoren van de maatschappelijke verandering opzetten, en personen en instellingen de mogelijkheid bieden om een unieke ethische investering te doen. De investeerders van het bedrijf krijgen de zekerheid van een op vastgoed gebaseerde investering die niet alleen een financieel rendement biedt maar ook bijdraagt tot een duurzame sociale verandering. Ethical Property Europe soutient les organisations innovantes et progressistes qui œuvrent pour le progrès sociétal en s’occupant de leurs besoins en termes d’infrastructures et des services liés à ces infrastructures. Nous développons et gérons des centres dans les principales villes européennes selon notre modèle ‘Mundo’. Ces lieux deviennent des centres névralgiques du changement sociétal. Ethical Property Europe steunt innovatieve en progressieve organisaties die zich inzetten voor sociale verandering. Wij doen dit door ons te bekommeren om de vastgoedbehoeften van die organisaties. We richten in verschillende grootsteden centra op en runnen die volgens ons Mundo-model. Deze centra staan in het teken van sociale verandering. Le modèle ‘Mundo’ offre à ses locataires des bureaux avec des loyers raisonnables, des espaces flexibles et une gestion adaptée conçue pour répondre à leurs besoins. Ils deviennent membres d’une communauté de professionnels où ils peuvent échanger compétences et idées sous un même toit. Les équipements collectifs incluent généralement une cafétéria, des salles de Het Mundo-model biedt huurders professionele kantoorruimten tegen betaalbare huurprijzen, een flexibel en inschikkelijk management en voorzieningen en diensten die ontwikkeld zijn om aan de behoeften van de huurders te voldoen. De huurders worden ook deel van een werkgemeenschap waar ze kennis en ideeën kunnen uitwisselen onder één dak. De gemeenschap- 6 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 biodiversity. Properties are ecorenovated and managed to minimise energy and water use, waste, car travel and the use of harmful materials. In special cases, tenants may also benefit from part ownership of a centre. We now manage office facilities totaling nearly 8,000 square meters in Brussels and Namur. We are in the process of building a network of centres across Europe in support of the social change movement. Ethical Property Europe is part of the growing Ethical Property Family of companies that is committed to the overall aim of making the best use of property for society and the environment. The members of the Ethical Property Family operate in four European countries: Belgium: Ethical Property Europe (3 centres); The United Kingdom: The Ethical Property Company (15 centres), as well as 2 service entities: the Ethical Property Foundation (Property advice) and Ethical-IT (IT services) France: étic (1 centre); The Netherlands: Ethical Property Nederland (1 centre) OUR VALUES ARE BASED ON FOUR FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES: Contributing to an equal and just society We believe in treating all people equally and with respect. We are committed to offering and continually improving access to our properties, to the services we provide, to the jobs we offer, and to investment in the company. We aspire to overcome gender, class and other barriers by enabling all sectors of society to participate equally in what we offer and who we employ. We also aim to overcome wealth barriers by ensuring that our services remain affordable, within the constraints of our business model. conférence et de réunion et, lorsque cela est possible, un jardinrefuge pour la biodiversité. Les immeubles sont éco-rénovés et éco-gérés afin de minimiser les consommations d’énergie et d’eau, les déchets, l’usage de la voiture, et les matériaux dangereux. Dans certains cas, les locataires peuvent être co-propriétaires du centre. Nous gérons actuellement des centres d’associations à Bruxelles et Namur totalisant près de 8.000 m². Notre objectif est d’établir un réseau de centres à travers l’Europe pour soutenir le mouvement du progrès sociétal. Ethical Property Europe fait partie d’une famille grandissante d’entreprises et d’organisations qui se sont engagées à utiliser au mieux l’immobilier pour la société et l’environnement. Les membres de la famille Ethical Property opèrent dans quatre pays européens : Belgique : Ethical Property Europe (3 centres), Grande-Bretagne : Ethical Property Company (15 centres), Ethical Property Foundation (conseil) et Ethical-IT (services IT); pelijke voorzieningen omvatten doorgaans een cafetaria, een congrescentrum, grote vergaderruimten en waar mogelijk een tuin ingericht als toevlucht voor biodiversiteit. De gebouwen worden op milieuvriendelijke wijze gerenoveerd en beheerd om het energie- en waterverbruik, de afvalproductie, het autogebruik en het gebruik van schadelijke materialen tot een minimum te beperken. In bepaalde gevallen kunnen huurders mede-eigenaar worden van een centrum. We beheren momenteel centra met een totale oppervlakte van bijna 8.000 m2 in Brussel en Namen. We willen in Europa een netwerk van centra uitbouwen ter ondersteuning van sociale verandering. Ethical Property Europe behoort tot een groeiende familie van vennoten en organisaties die zich inzetten voor een gezamenlijk doel, namelijk het optimaal aanwenden van vastgoed voor de samenleving en het milieu. De zes leden van de Ethical Property-familie opereren in vier Europese landen: België: Ethical Property Europe (3 centra), Het Verenigd Koninkrijk: The Ethical Property Company (15 centra), Ethical Property Foundation (advies) en Ethical-IT (IT diensten) ; France : étic, (1 centre), Pays-Bas : Ethical Property Nederland (1 centre). Frankrijk: étic (1 centrum), NOS VALEURS REPOSENT SUR QUATRE PRINCIPES FONDAMENTAUX Nederland: Ethical Property Nederland (1 centrum) La contribution à une société juste et équitable Nous croyons qu’il faut traiter les gens avec respect et de façon équitable. Nous œuvrons à rendre accessibles au plus grand nombre nos centres, nos services, les emplois que nous proposons, ainsi que la possibilité d’investir dans notre entreprise. Afin que tous les secteurs de la société puissent participer de façon égale à nos activités, nous nous assurons que nos services soient abordables, tout en respectant nos contraintes budgétaires. ONZE WAARDEN ZIJN GEBASEERD OP VIER FUNDAMENTELE BEGINSELEN Bouwen aan een rechtvaardige samenleving Wij vinden dat alle mensen gelijk en met respect moeten worden behandeld. We trachten alles wat de toegang kan belemmeren tot onze panden, tot de diensten die door ons worden geleverd, tot de banen die wij aanbieden en tot investeringen in het bedrijf, weg te nemen. Wij streven ernaar om discriminatie l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 7 Contribute to a sustainable society La contribution à une société durable We believe in building both physical and social structures, and encouraging behavioral changes that lead to sustainable lifestyles with a positive environmental impact, that use their fair share of the planet’s resources. Nous souhaitons encourager les comportements et construire les infrastructures et les structures sociales qui amèneront un style de vie durable avec un impact environnemental positif et qui n’utiliseront que notre juste part des ressources de la planète. Embedding values in business and in society as a whole We believe that every action we take and decision we make as a business should be based on the Triple Bottom Line principle of People-Planet-Profit, reflecting our values, and not just our financial return. Contribute to positive communities We believe that the world’s problems are better solved by people working together and that living in a positive community leads to a happier and more fulfilling life. l Ancrer nos valeurs aussi bien dans nos affaires que dans la société Nous pensons que chaque action, chaque décision de notre entreprise doit prendre en compte le triple bilan : Personne-Planète-Profit, qui reflète les valeurs que nous souhaitons promouvoir, et pas uniquement le résultat financier. Contribuer à des communautés positives Nous sommes convaincus que les problèmes du monde sont mieux résolus quand les gens travaillent ensemble plutôt que chacun de leur côté, et que vivre dans une communauté positive apporte une vie plus épanouie. 8 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 op grond van huidskleur, geslacht, klasse, enz. te elimineren door ervoor te zorgen dat alle groepen in de samenleving op voet van gelijkheid toegang hebben tot de producten, diensten en banen die wij aanbieden. Wij streven ernaar om financiële barrières te slechten door onze diensten betaalbaar te houden, binnen de beperkingen van ons businessmodel. Bouwen aan een duurzame samenleving Wij geloven in het aanmoedigen van gedragswijzen en het tot stand brengen van zowel fysieke als sociale structuren die leiden tot een duurzame levensstijl met een positieve milieu-impact waarbij ieder alleen zijn of haar rechtmatig deel van de hulpbronnen van onze planeet gebruikt. Waarden inbedden in het bedrijfsleven en in de samenleving als geheel Wij zijn van mening dat elke actie die we als bedrijf ondernemen en elke beslissing die we als bedrijf nemen, gebaseerd moet zijn op de OUR ANNUAL REPORT This Annual Report covers the period from October 2011 to September 2012. It is designed to demonstrate openly the Triple Bottom Line nature of the company by reporting in equal measure our social, financial and environmental achievements. Our intention is to be clear, honest and transparent with our shareholders and all stakeholders. Ethical Property Europe abides by a range of social, environmental and financial performance targets that are set out in a document called the ‘Quintessentials’, shared by the Ethical Property Family members. This document is available on our website at References to these targets can be found throughout this report. As we work in a multilingual environment, you will find that parts of this document are written in three languages (Fr, En, Nl), and some others in one of the three languages. NOTRE RAPPORT ANNUEL Ce rapport annuel couvre la période d’octobre 2011 à septembre 2012. Il est conçu pour montrer de façon claire notre philosophie du triple bilan en communiquant nos résultats sociaux, financiers et environnementaux. Nos intentions sont d’être clairs, honnêtes et transparents non seulement avec nos actionnaires, mais avec toutes les parties prenantes. Ethical Property Europe s’est engagé à atteindre des objectifs de performance sociale, environnementale et financière qui sont fixés dans un document appelé « Les Quintessentielles », partagé par tous les membres de la famille Ethical Property. Ce document est disponible sur notre site internet Vous trouverez régulièrement des références à ces objectifs dans ce rapport. Etant donné que nous travaillons dans un environnement multilingue, nous avons décidé de rédiger certaines parties de ce rapport en trois langues (En, Nl, Fr), et d’autres parties dans une seule de ces trois langues. drie kernthema's People, Planeet, Profit die de waarden weerspiegelen die wij nastreven, en niet alleen op het financiële rendement. Bouwen aan positieve gemeenschappen Wij zijn van mening dat de problemen in de wereld beter worden opgelost door mensen die samenwerken dan door individuen die op eigen houtje werken, en dat wonen in een positieve gemeenschap leidt tot een gelukkiger en meer bevredigend leven. ONS JAARVERSLAG Dit jaarverslag beslaat de periode van oktober 2011 tot september 2012. Het is bedoeld om iedereen inzicht te geven in de ”triple bottomline” van ons bedrijf door in gelijke mate te rapporteren over onze realisaties op sociaal, financieel en ecologisch gebied. We willen duidelijk, eerlijk en transparant zijn, niet alleen tegenover onze aandeelhouders, maar ook tegenover alle stakeholders in ons bedrijf. Ethical Property Europe verbindt zich ertoe sociale, ecologische en financiële doelstellingen te realiseren, beschreven in het document "Quintessentials", dat wordt gedeeld door alle leden van de Ethical Property familie. Dit document kan op onze website geraadpleegd worden. U vindt verschillende verwijzingen naar deze doelstellingen in dit rapport. Aangezien we in een meertalige omgeving werken, hebben we besloten sommige delen van dit verslag in drie talen (en, fr, nl) en andere delen slechts in één van deze talen te schrijven. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 9 T N E M P O L E V E OUR D GY E S T R AT In Belgium Ethical Property Europe is working to develop and strengthen its network of centres in order to support a growing number of associations. In Belgium, three projects for new centres are in development by Ethical Property Europe and are at different stages: in Antwerp, Brussels and Gent. MUNDO-ANTWERPEN A group of organisations, mainly active in the sustainable architecture and environmental sectors, contacted Ethical Property Europe in 2010 looking for help to set up a project for a “Mundo” style centre in Antwerp. Several suitable properties were considered but we have now decided to focus on the acquisition of a plot of land belonging to the city of Antwerp on which a new building can be constructed. The plot is located alongside the “EcoHuis”, a centre for ecoarchitecture managed by the town. Initially, we were quoted a high asking price, however the town of Antwerp ultimately agreed to offer the plot to Ethical Property under the form of a long lease (99 years), at a more favourable price. The group of associations is dynamic and the financial feasibility of the project is achievable under these circumstances. Ideally, if acquisition of the land is finalized successfully and adequate finance is secured for the project, the Mundo-Antwerp centre could open at the beginning of 2015. The project would be our first new construction as well as our first project in Flanders! MUNDO-J For more than three years, we have been working to establish a second centre in Brussels for several l 10 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 organisations who are active in the children’s, youth and student sectors. The project currently involves about 20 organisations in a centre that will be known as “Mundo-J”, referring to the Dutch and French words for youth (Jeugd/Jeunesse). Three properties are currently under consideration and we think that the best option for the centre in financial terms would be to operate it under a “management contract”, meaning that Ethical Property Europe would manage the centre but not own it. MUNDO-GENT Gent is the second city in Flanders and benefits from a dynamic non-profit sector which was the focus of a feasibility study undertaken by Ethical Property Europe recently. The groups contacted showed great interest in the project and since then we have been working with around twenty of them to find and acquire an adequate property. Few buildings for sale in the area met the needs of the organisations, who require 2000m2 close to a station and although we did identify a suitable property at the beginning of 2012, it was eventually sold to a third party at a much higher price. In spite of these difficulties, we are continuing our search. OTHER MEMBERS O F T H E FA M ILY z The Ethical Property Company – UK Ethical Property UK owns and operates 15 centres in England and Scotland, providing 15,000m2 of rentable office, event and retail space to a variety of charities, voluntary groups and social change organisations. The company also provides management services to likeminded landlords and is now responsible for managing 6 centres containing an additional 6000m2 of space. Ethical Property Europe is member of a “family” of companies, which develop activities in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, France and Belgium. For the time being, the family has moved away from adopting a centralised approach for the management of each company. The national companies have however established close collaborative working relationships and observe a common charter known as “the Quintessentials”. Ethical Property Europe works particularly closely with its younger sister company étic (France), helping them develop their MundoMontreuil centre near Paris. In addition, the Ethical Property Company in the UK is giving active support to Ethical Property Nederland as it looks to grow. These ties will be of benefit to each organisation, allowing the Ethical Property family to make the best use of its collective experience and resources in helping establish new centres Europe wide. At the end of the financial year 2011/12, the company’s owned centres contained 239 tenant organisations while over the year an additional 478 organisations have been supported by our managed centres, whether as tenants or by taking advantage of the meeting and conference space. Throughout 2011/12 tenant numbers remained fairly flat with demand in larger cities such as London outweighing available space. However, as has been the trend in recent years, centres in smaller cities such as Brighton and Leeds, hit particularly hard by funding cuts, have proved more difficult to fill. To address this, the company has increased its marketing spend both nationally and locally, focusing more explicitly on communicating the benefits of its space to tenants and removing previous barriers that they identified within the space filling process. Within their owned centres, energy use decreased by 1% throughout the year while carbon dioxide emissions were down by 34% because of a change in supplier at their largest centre, Development House, and the installation of solar panels in 3 buildings. 89% of UK based tenants reported that being in an Ethical Property centre helped them achieve their strategic objectives. Having identified and purchased a suitable property in Vauxhall, south London, work continues on the redevelopment of the centre formally known as The Foundry, in partnership with four charitable foundations. This is the largest project Ethical Property has undertaken, with a total cost of over £10million to regenerate the 3400m2 property. More than 50 appropriate organisations have expressed an interest in taking space in the building. The redevelopment is due to be completed in Autumn 2013. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 11 z Étic en France z Ethical Property Nederland Situé à Vaulx-en-Velin, dans la banlieue lyonnaise, étic a été fondée en septembre 2010. Les activités d'étic ont commencé par des contrats de gestion d'immeubles: Ethical Property Nederland (EPNL) heeft zich dit jaar geconcentreerd op de verdere ontwikkeling van zijn project Mundo Den Haag en tegelijkertijd het management op zich genomen van een gedeelde kantoorruimte voor creatieve, culturele en sociale ondernemers in Haarlem. Woopa, un immeuble de bureaux de 9.300 m² situé à Vaulx-en-Velin, détenu en copropriété par 9 coopératives, BeeoTop, un immeuble de bureaux et de salles de réunion de 2.000 m² à Paris, pour des associations de solidarité et acteurs du développement durable. Étic a aussi mis en place un espace de « coworking » de 350 m² pour des entrepreneurs sociaux: le Comptoir étic, basé au Woopa. En 2012 étic a signé l'acte d'achat d'une usine désaffectée aux portes de Paris afin de créer MundoMontreuil. Après rénovations, le bâtiment aura une superficie d’environ 2.000 m² et hébergera les bureaux d’une vingtaine d’associations, des salles de réunion et de conférence et une cafeteria. Tout comme pour Mundo-b et Mundo-Namur, il s’agira d’une rénovation à la pointe en termes de développement durable. Les travaux de rénovation devraient commencer début 2013, l'ouverture du centre étant prévue début 2014. Afin de financer cet achat, étic a pu compter sur un capital initial de 440.000 €, auquel a participé Ethical Property Europe, et a lancé une nouvelle levée de fonds afin d'atteindre un capital de 2 millions d'euros avant le début des travaux. étic a reçu trois récompenses au cours de l’année, avec une bonne couverture médiatique. Cela a permis de mettre en avant les valeurs de la famille Ethical Property, le travail des acteurs du changement social et les investissements éthiques. l 12 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Voor Mundo Den Haag werd een geschikt gebouw van in totaal 2000 m² gevonden op een bijzonder zichtbare en centrale locatie. EPNL rekent erop, op basis van een verwachte investering door een aantal liefdadigheidsinstellingen en veelbelovende gesprekken met duurzame banken, in staat te zijn het gebouw begin 2013 aan te kopen. Mundo Den Haag plant zijn deuren eind 2013 te openen na een geschatte renovatieperiode van 9 maanden. Het gebouw zal een levendige en inspirerende werkplaats zijn voor gelijkgezinde sociale ondernemers en liefdadigheidsorganisaties en bestaan uit een betaalbare en flexibele kantoorruimte, een brainstormruimte, vergaderzalen en een cafetaria. Het centrum zal ook een uitgebreid assortiment ondersteunende diensten bieden, regelmatig evenementen rond sociale verandering plannen en het delen van kennis en ideeën vereenvoudigen om waardevolle partnerships te cultiveren binnen en buiten de gemeenschap Mundo Den Haag. In tussentijd staat Mundo Den Haag, anno begin 2013, op het punt het startschot te geven voor ‘Mundo in Motion’, een tijdelijke locatie in een leegstaand (handels)gebouw met bureaus en ontmoetingsruimtes. Dit vormt een uitstalraam voor Mundo Den Haag in de stad om het concept Mundo Den Haag op de markt te brengen en de gemeenschap met de buitenwereld te delen. Sinds februari 2012 heeft EPNL ook een managementcontract met Stichting Klein Haarlem, een kleine organisatie die een centrum van 550 m² ter beschikking stelt voor creatieve, culturele en sociale aannemers en verschillende interne en externe evenementen organiseert. S IN FOCU Waste prevention and reuse z Rreuse: lobbying against design obsolescence RREUSE is an NGO which represents national and regional networks of social companies active in reuse, repair and recycling. More and more, the industry tends to produce non-lasting goods that will have to be replaced within a short period of time with the objective of feeding a steady demand for goods – and thereby ensuring the continuous need for mass production. However, this short-sighted industrial production policy lacks to address two main issues. First, it ignores the environmental impact of growing consumption of goods that are being thrown away after a few years, producing increasingly more waste. Second, in these times of economic crisis, citizens are confronted with a decrease of their purchasing power and lack the means to replace broken items. Three of our members tackle these issues at different levels and offer sound solutions to remedy this problem. We asked them to tell us more about their action. Today, we find ourselves in the midst of a throwaway society, with most of our waste furniture, electronic appliances and textiles being recycled, incinerated or landfilled without even being considered for reuse. Yet extending the lifetime of products through reuse activities offsets the need to produce a new appliance, thus saving its embodied energy, materials and chemicals. Unfortunately reuse and repair activities are becoming more marginalised and our products, especially if cheap and mass produced, are becoming increasingly difficult to repair with spare parts harder to come by. At the same time, Europe is caught up in a deep economic downturn. In the EU an average of 11% of people are unemployed. Social enterprises, active in reuse and repair activities provide work and training opportunities for people who are at most risk of social exclusion such as the long term unemployed, disabled persons, (ex)prisoners, ex-drug addicts, young offenders etc. Such skill sets include driving commercial vehicles, warehouse logistics, carpentry, mechatronic engineering and marketing. Such social enterprises provide good quality items and appliances at a fraction of the price of a new one, which gives access to such products to all income groups. The reuse and repair sector carried out by actors from the social economy thus has tremendous social value. In 2012 for example, RREUSE has been working on improving EU legislation relating to waste, product and employment policy including the push for separate provisions for preparation for reuse activities in the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment Directive; contributing to the creation of possible durability criteria of product design within the Ecodesign Directive aimed to help extend the lifetime of our products; and actively promoting the increased role of social economy actors. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 13 z Ressources: le label Rec’up RESSOURCES est la fédération des entreprises d'économie sociale actives dans la réduction des déchets par la récupération, la réutilisation et la valorisation des ressources. Elle rassemble plus de 60 entreprises qui collectent, trient, réutilisent ou recyclent des biens qu'elles revendent dans des magasins en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Le secteur de la seconde main est en constante évolution. La récup'attitude et la crise économique que connaît notre société jouent leur rôle dans cette croissance. Mais plus encore, le développement du secteur passe par l'augmentation du nombre d'acteurs dont les services se professionnalisent. RESSOURCES a mis au point un référentiel qualité qui permet aux entreprises du réemploi de s'engager dans une démarche d'amélioration continue de la qualité : Rec'UP. En 2011, le réseau Rec’Up a collecté 6500 tonnes d’encombrants chez les particuliers: mobilier, électroménager, vêtements, objets de déco, jouets, livres... Grâce à leur travail de collecte, tri, réparation et vente, plus de 1000 tonnes ont retrouvé une seconde vie. Rec’Up propose une réponse efficace à la demande des citoyens qui font le choix d'une consommation réfléchie d'un point de vue environnemental, social et solidaire tout en prenant en compte la qualité des produits, le prix et le service. Rec’Up est porté par 10 structures soit 16 points de vente et centres de tri répartis en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Les entreprises d’économie sociale labellisées Rec’Up s’engagent à respecter 120 normes destinées à assurer aux consommateurs la qualité de tous les objets mis en vente et la garantie d'une politique de prix juste et claire. En achetant Rec’Up, le consommateur offre une nouvelle vie à un objet et s'inscrit dans une démarche citoyenne. Les bénéfices réalisés grâce à ses achats soutiennent, en effet, des projets de solidarité et offrent des emplois à des personnes fragilisées sur le marché du travail. Le réseau emploie à ce jour 200 personnes. z Netwerk bewust verbruiken vzw Netwerk Bewust verbruiken heeft twee projecten die bijdragen tot herbruik en afvalpreventie : 1. Repair Cafés Het Repair Café, een succesvol Nederlands initiatief waarbij repareren centraal staat, komt nu ook naar Vlaanderen. Bezoekers krijgen gereedschap en materiaal ter beschikking om hun kapotte spullen te repareren, en kunnen rekenen op hulp van deskundigen. Sinds deze zomer werkt Stichting Repair Café samen met Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken om het initiatief ook in Vlaanderen op de kaart te zetten. Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken wil via Repair Cafés herstellen terug in de samenleving brengen en buurtgenoten bij elkaar brengen rond dit thema. Via een pilootproject met de steun van de provincie worden lokale groepen in Vlaams-Brabant warm gemaakt om Repair Café te organiseren. Dit gebeurt samen met partners LETS Vlaanderen, Transitie Vlaanderen, Komosie, Vlaams Netwerk van organisaties waar Armen het woord nemen,.. Lokale groepen starten met ondersteuning van NBV hun eigen Repair Café op, voor en door mensen in de buurt. Het project heeft naast een ecologisch doel (minder afval, minder aankopen), ook een sociaal doel: het zorgt voor sociale cohesie doordat mensen met heel verschillende achtergronden met elkaar in contact komen tijdens een inspirerend en laagdrempelig evenement. Het Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken wil in 2013 een hele reeks Repair Cafés zien ontstaan: minstens 10, maar het Nederlands voorbeeld geeft aan dat ook 20 haalbaar is. Geïnteresseerden uit heel Vlaanderen en Brussel kunnen echter advies en ondersteuning krijgen. 2. Sharing is caring Het project Sharing is caring van het Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken laat mensen kennis maken met én actief deelnemen aan de verschillende initiatieven op gebied van consudelen. Het beoogt vorming en communicatie (een event en on-line tools) rond de hergebruikeconomie en andere manieren van duurzaam materialen-bezit. Het project speelt in op het einde van het tijdperk van de passieve consument: de nieuwe cosument organiseert zich en gebruikt zijn netwerken om zijn doelen te bereiken. Consumenten zoeken actief naar oplossingen in nieuwe tijden. Het concept van collaborative consumption (ook gezamenlijke consumptie of consudelen genoemd) is dan ook overal aan een opmars bezig. Via lenen, ruilen, delen, huren wordt een andere manier van productbezit mogelijk. Toegang hebben tot (het gebruik van) een product wordt zo belangrijker en waardevoller dan het product zelf bezitten. Mensen betalen andere mensen (peer to peer), bedrijven of overheden voor het gebruik van een kwalitatief degelijk product. Zie voor een overzicht ook: consuminderen/1083-consudelen.html l 14 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 S E R T N E OUR C HIGHLIGHTS y Our offices bo ast a very stable occupancy rate y A significant in crease in the num ber of clients hiring our confer ence and meetin g rooms y An ever-growi ng profile MUNDO-b Mundo-b in brief Property: 4000 square meters Offices let: 2050 square meters – 33 organisations Hive (co-working space) : 18 organisations 8 meeting rooms – 1 conference room Other facilities : restaurant – library – 2 gardens A landmark on Brussels’ associative map Despite the high rate of vacant office space in Brussels and the financial crisis, this year, our offices boasted an occupancy rate of 99.5%. Moreover, we are regularly contacted by organisations looking for office space. This clearly demonstrates the popularity of the concept we have developed. In concrete terms, Mundo-b houses 52 organisations. Throughout the year, between 250 and 300 people work, meet and network at Mundo-b every day, not even counting external visitors. Thanks to its conference and meeting facilities (9 rooms) and its organic and fair trade cafeteria, Mundo-b is a forum that is becoming increasingly known and appreciated by the Belgian and international non-profit sector. Some public and private institutions, as well as a few universities also regularly use it for their trainings and seminars. More than 2,700 meetings and conferences (i.e. more than 7 events per day) were held this year by nearly 140 different organisations - including the associations based in the centre. This figure is up by 40% compared to the previous year. A majority of these meetings were related to the environment and sustainable development. This year, a new space has been opened in an annex, the facilities of which include showers for cyclists as well as a room for training courses and workshops. Proven environmental credentials Mundo-b’s reputation is also fuelled by the fact that the Brussels Region recognises the building as an "exemplary building", which attracts a large number of groups (students, architects, etc.) eager to understand the building’s eco-renovation and eco-management approach. Our way of reducing our environmental impact is to promote solutions that are simple, inexpensive, and based on the participation of our teams and our tenants. Not just any standard office building Mundo-b is a vibrant place, committed to social and environmental change. Besides the fact that there is always something going on, the centre’s team makes every effort to initiate or support all projects that make a contribution to collective life. Socio-cultural events take place regularly: live music evenings, exhibitions, project presentations, tastings, etc. Yoga classes and conversation tables are also organised during lunch breaks. Future challenges and projects Mundo-b’s management team exists to serve both tenants and visitors. Given the international nature of the events that take place in the building, we have taken up the challenge of working on most projects in three languages - French, Dutch and English - to respect this cultural diversity. Operational aspects related to the running and life of the centre are discussed every 2 or 3 months in a management committee bringing together the tenants and the Mundo-b team. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 15 z The 33 organisations with office space at Mundo-b Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) Civil society groups concerned with the increasing influence of corporate lobbyists on the political agenda in Europe Association 21 Works to accelerate the emergence of sustainable development in society Central Eastern Europe (CEE) Bankwatch Network Prevents the harmful environmental and social impacts of international development finance Climate Action Network Europe (CAN) Works to limit human-induced climate change Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) Targets the economic and political power of corporations and their lobby groups EcoLog Supports the development of collective living and working spaces ECORES Sustainable development consultancy firm founded by Groupe One Ergo Network Network of organisations, focused on the empowerment and grassroots mobilisation of the Roma people European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) Unites and represents civil society organisations in 15 European countries European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation (ECOS) Increases the ecological performance of products and improves consumer information on sustainable consumption European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) Campaigns for, and provides information on sustainable transport solutions across Europe European Network on Debt & Development (Eurodad) Works on issues related to debt, development finance and poverty reduction Forests and the European Union Resource Network (FERN) Works on forests and forest peoples’ rights Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) Campaigns for sustainable, just societies and environmental protection at a grassroots level Food & Water Europe Monitors the practices of multinational corporations that impact our food and water Green Belgium Promotes sustainable development, sustainable water management, education and public participation Groupe One Economists working towards a more responsible economy Ingénieurs Sans Frontières (ISF) Works to improve the quality of life in disadvantaged communities worldwide through sustainable engineering projects Inter-Environnement Bruxelles Campaigns for a better quality of life in Brussels Jeunes & Nature* Youth nature organization Kamilou Sustainable caterer Max Havelaar Works for fair trade agreements for small farmers and agricultural workers in disadvantaged regions Milieuzorg Op School (MOS) Provides environmental education programs in schools Natagora Promotes nature conservation to the public Naturefriends International Links environmental and social aims, focusing on sustainable regional development and sustainable tourism Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken (NBV) Network for sustainable and responsible consumption Quinoa Development organisation facilitating voluntary work in southern countries Rreuse Works on reuse and recycling issues Saferworld Network of federations preventing armed violence and creating safer communities l 16 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Seas at Risk Works to protect and restore the marine environment of the European seas Terre des Hommes Fédération Internationale Works for children’s rights, promoting equitable development without racial, religious, political, cultural or gender-based discrimination Wake Up Creates video clips to raise public awareness of ecological problems Werkgroep voor een Rechtvaardige en Verantwoorde Landbouw (WERVEL) Works on sustainable agricultural development overseas and locally z The 18 member associations of the Hive Organisation Description Country of origin Arocha A Christian nature conservation organisation UK Better Cotton Initiative Promote a more sustainable cotton production for the people and for the environment Switzerland European Federation of Associations of Environmental Professionals (EFAEP) Provides a platform for an international exchange of environmental experts UK Foire aux Savoir-Faire Promote the development of know-how and do it yourself techniques Belgium Foodwatch Draws public attention to practices in the food industry that are not in the interests of consumers Germany Global Health Advocates Mobilizes society against diseases that keep people in poverty France Global Water Institute Assists demobilized populations, using water-related activities to prevent conflict and ensure sustainable development Belgium GRACQ Daily cyclists’ organization Belgium Gruppo Volontariato Civile (GVC) Volunteers organisation in development cooperation and humanitarian aid Italy Institut Eco-Conseil (IEC) * Offers training for eco-counselors Belgium Les Jardins de Pomone Raises awareness to biodiversity conservation and sustainable food consumption Belgium Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé (LUSS) Association of patients, users and citizens concerned by health, campaigning institutional actors of health and the authorities Belgium Objecteurs de croissance Strives towards an economic modal shift, that would free itself from the dichotomy consumer / producer Belgium Pangea Promotes the production of sustainable African bio-energy Belgium Surfrider Works for the sustainable management of the ocean and coastline France Textual Healing Editing and copywriting with a focus on development and environmental issues UK /the Netherlands Urban Concept Develops cultural and urban projects with a focus on sustainable development Belgium Zimbabwe Europe Network Civil society network of organisations lobbying the EU for a more sustainable policy on Zimbabwe The Netherlands l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 17 A FUTURE MUNDO-J IN THE MAKING A stone’s throw away from Mundo-b, on Square du Bastion, three associations share an office space of 500 m², managed by Ethical Property Europe, offering services and infrastructures similar to those of our Mundo centres. These are associations eager to move into a future centre dedicated to the youth sector and that were forced to find new premises in 2011. These organisations can also make use of the Mundo-b facilities: cafeteria, conference room, gardens, etc. Networking activities with the Mundo-b associations have been organised by the Mundo-b team. Within a year or two, these organisations should move into the future Mundo-J centre. z The three associations at Square du Bastion Kind en Samenleving Research organisation aiming at empowering children and youth Missing Children Europe Federation representing 28 organisations across Europe active in cases of missing and/or sexually exploited children at grassroots level Vlaamse Scholierenkoepel Organisation for and by pupils on education issues, that represents and defends their interests MUNDO-NAMUR Mundo-Namur in a brief Property: 3.200 square meters Offices let: 1.760 square meters – 24 organisations Hive (co-working space) : 10 organisations 5 meeting rooms – 3 training rooms - 1 conference room Other facilities : restaurant – garden At the heart of Wallonia Mundo-Namur has been up and running for almost 2 years. The centre houses 34 associations, primarily active in the French speaking part of the country. Except for 2 departures and 3 newcomers in the Hive, no association has left the centre and its members are clearly in for the duration. This year, the centre achieved an occupancy rate of 98,5%. Located at the heart of the capital of Wallonia, MundoNamur welcomed no fewer than 2,300 meetings during the year, mostly in connection with sustainable development, which represents a significant increase compared to the first year of operation. Approximately 100 in-house and external organisations use our infrastructures as a platform for their projects and initiatives. The café, an essential activity In 2012, we had to contend with the departure of the restaurant’s manager – an independent structure. Since we consider the presence of a restaurant and catering service as a real added value for our centres, we decided to take on the management of the restaurant for a year. The activity was carried out successfully but its management is complicated for a structure such as ours. We therefore searched and found someone else l 18 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 to take over this activity who will rent the space and be in charge of the catering as from 2013. Ongoing efforts to improve the centre During the past year, we have fine-tuned the regulation of the heating and ventilation systems of our low energy building. The gradual creation of green spaces, with an emphasis on biodiversity, has been carried out in collaboration with a sheltered employment company, and we have built a covered bicycle parking area with 20 spaces. Finally, 60 m² of solar panels were installed on the roof, which will cover between 6 and 8% of the annual electricity consumption of Mundo-Namur. Dynamism under development Mundo-Namur serves as a central hub for the activities and actors of social change and sustainable development. In addition to the events organised by our tenants and the associations that rent meeting rooms, life in the centre also hinges around activities that foster a friendly and sociable working atmosphere: BBQs, lunchtime jogging sessions, open doors during “Neighbours’ Day”, exhibitions, etc. In the pipeline After one and a half years in situ, the tenants are gradually latching onto the Mundo concept. As in Brussels, a management committee meets every two or three months to discuss improvements in terms of management and to propose new initiatives. One of the projects for the upcoming year is to boost community initiatives: organising language courses, working groups on specific topics, etc. z The 24 associations with office space at Mundo-Namur Amis de la Terre Environmental association active in educating the public to environment friendly behaviours Ardenne et Gaume Protection of outstanding nature sites in the Ardenne and the Gaume regions Bioforum Wallonie Coordination of the stakeholders of the organic sector Cercles des Naturalistes de Belgique Classes, trainings, activities for youth and adults interested in nature CP Bio Technical training for the organic producers, and coordination of initiatives in organic agriculture and horticulture Droits quotidiens Legal advice and support for disadvantaged people Ecosonso Promoting environmental and healthy consumption patterns Empreintes / CRIE de Namur Awareness, training and mobilisation of youth in ecological values Faune et Biotopes Federation linking farmers, environmentalists, hunters and others concerned with rural land management Fédération Francophone d’Equitation et d’attelage de loisir (FFE) Promotes equestrian leisure and tourism Fédération Inter-Environnement Wallonie Federation of Walloon environmental organisations Forêt Wallonne Promotes sustainable forests in the Walloon Region Institut Eco-Conseil Offers training for eco-counselors Ligue des Familles Promoting families’ common interests Natagora Nature protection association Objectif 2050 Develops tools and skills for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Oxfam Magasins du Monde Association active in the fair trade sector Plain Pied Specialises in accessibility for people with limited mobility Plate Forme Maison Passive Promotes and advises on low energy use buildings Réseau Idée Environmental education information network Ressources Federation of social economy organisations that receive, collect, sort, recycle and resell products at the end of their lifecycle Sentiers de grande randonnée Promotes, creates and maintains walking paths Association for the defense and promotion of paths and trails Valorisation touristique des parcs et jardins historiques de Wallonie Promotes Wallonia’s listed gardens and outstanding heritage z The member associations of the Hive Abece Network of environment advisors Apere Organisation promoting renewable energy Bativert Co-op active in the eco-build sector Eureka Sustainable architects and consultants in energy efficient buildings F.S.C. Belgium Supports global sustainable forestry and promotes FSC labelled products in Belgium GRACQ Daily cyclists’ organization Groupe One Economists working towards a more responsible economy Le Coursier Mosan Bike delivery professional Odiccees Environnement Observatory of sustainable habits Plateforme pour le Service Citoyen Campaigning for a Volunteer Citizen Service for young Belgians between 18 and 25 l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 19 CE N A M R O F R E P L A I SOC HIGHLIGHTS y The environment rem ains the major field of action of our members y An upturn in member satisfaction at Mundo-b OUR MEMBERS SATISFACTION OF OUR MEMBERS As at 30 September 2012, we had 88 tenants in our centres, 28 of which are tenants of our "Hive" (flexible and shared office spaces). As for our conference and meetings rooms, they were used by 165 external organisations. This year again we conducted a satisfaction survey among our members. This survey covers both the quality of the infrastructures and the services provided, as well as aspects related to the Mundo “project”: strengthening synergies between organisations, communication, etc. Most of our tenants are non-profit organisations/NGOs (76%). The remainder is made up of federations (16%), a handful of foundations (6%), and a small proportion of social enterprises (2%). This is the third time we have organised this survey for Mundo-b and the second for Mundo-Namur. The response rate was consistent with our expectations this year, with one in two workers giving us their opinion. Member satisfaction is measured on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 expressing strong dissatisfaction and 5 very high satisfaction. We consider a score of 4 or more as a best practice, and 3 or more as satisfactory. Approximately 40% of our tenants have fewer than 5 employees. The same proportion works with teams of between 5 and 20 employees. Associations with over 20 employees are in a minority. FIELDS OF ACTION More than half of our members work on environmental issues and sustainable development. Another field of action that is well represented (16%) within our centres is social justice. The remaining 35% are spread between development in the South, civil rights, health issues, the resolution of conflicts in the world, support for minorities. Below, we present a summary of the results expressed by the heads of the associations housed in our centres and compare them with last year’s results. The detailed results are used by our staff to improve the management of our centres. Mundo-b Overall satisfaction with management and facilities Management of the centre 2011 Mundo-Namur 2012 2011 2012 3,8 4,1 4,1 4,1 4 3,8 3,9 3,8 Cleanliness of offices and meeting rooms 4,2 4 4,1 3,6 Rental level value 3,6 3,8 3,7 3,3 Quality of offices and meeting rooms l 20 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Mundo-b Overall satisfaction with services and social life of the centres Mundo-Namur 2011 2012 2011 2012 Reception services 4,3 4,2 4,3 4,3 IT services 3,4 3,5 3,2 3 Life and atmosphere of the centres 3,9 4 3,9 4,2 Environmental renovation and management of the building 3,8 4,2 3,7 3,9 Enhancing the visibility of the tenants 3,6 3,9 3,7 3,8 Support to emerging and small organisations 2,9 3,4 3,4 3,5 Consistency of our practices with our values 4,1 4,1 4,1 3,9 Transparency of the management 3,8 3,9 3,9 3,8 Overall, the satisfaction of our members housed in Mundo-B and Mundo-Namur is very close to our "best practice" goal. If we take the average of all the variables analysed, Mundo-B showed a slight improvement, as its overall score is 3.8/5 against 3.6/5 last year and Mundo-Namur witnessed a very slight decline from 3.8/5 in 2011 to 3.7/5 this year. It is therefore gratifying to see that the slight decline observed last year at Mundo-B is reversed. Our efforts to provide better services and to support the "Mundo" project seem to be bearing fruit. We will continue on this path in 2013. At Mundo-Namur, the results are also positive. The quality of our infrastructures continues to be appreciated by our members, and the atmosphere and life of the centre are considered very satisfactory. One worrying aspect needs to be pointed out however: the drop in satisfaction with the IT services. Indeed, we have witnessed a series of technical problems. In response, we have decided this year to fundamentally change the IT services we offer. In 2013, we will continue to enhance our services. To this end, we will take inspiration from the satisfaction survey but also from the feedback of the management committees composed of representatives of our tenants who are a very valuable source of proposals and ideas. Our goal is to provide a working environment that is professional and friendly, that meets the expectations of our members, and is conducive to synergies and collaboration between associations. In this context we enlisted the support of two interns whose mission was to strengthen the collective and cooperative initiatives within the Mundo centres. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 21 AL T N E M N O R I ENV RMANCE PERFO HIGHLIGHTS ct ronmental impa reduce our envi to rts fo ef ur g in y Unwaver d at Mundo-Nam lts r panels installe is showing resu y 60 m² of sola ility policy that ob m g tin llu po y A non- ENERGY This is the first year we can compare the energy consumption of our two centres. Last year in fact we did not have the figures for our energy consumption at Mundo-Namur, since back then, the centre had not yet completed a full year of operation. This year again, our consumption reaches the goals we set out in the "Quintessentials". We have even beaten "best practice" objectives, since at Mundo-b we consume 16% less than our "best practice" in electricity and heating, and at Mundo-Namur we use 33% less than our "best practice". ENERGY CONSUMPTION AT MUNDO-b AND MUNDO-NAMUR Mundo-b consumption (kWh/m2/year) Mundo-Namur Ethical Property Best practice Standard office building 2011 2012 2011 2012 woodchips 18 26 - 26 - - gas 24 23 - 2 - - Total heating consumption 42 49 - 28 60 113 Consumed electricity 44 48 - 50 - - Generated electricity 3 3 - 2 - - Total electricity consumption 47 51 - 52 60 125 Total energy consumption 88 100 - 80 120 238 Although the goals achieved are already remarkable, we must qualify these data with two observations. First, the heating consumption at Mundo-B increased by 15% this year, an increase that is partly due to the harsh winter. It is therefore necessary to continue to raise awareness among workers in our centres about the need to use heating rationally. The consumption of heating at Mundo-Namur is also too high compared to forecasts. Here too, we will put in place measures to reduce consumption. l 22 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 SOLAR PANELS This year, we installed solar panels on the roof of Mundo-Namur. Our centres now have 150 m² of solar panels, for a total power production of 19,000 kWh per annum. This year, our own electricity production covered 5% of our total electricity consumption. This proportion will increase next year, as our solar panels in Namur were only in operation for the last 5 months of the year. With our solar production, we avoided the emission of 3598 kg of CO2 over the year (calculated on the basis of the average Belgian energy mix). ELECTRIC ENERGY SOURCES Lampiris remains our electricity supplier. We selected this supplier for the 100% renewable and non-nuclear origin of its energy production. Its energy mix is as follows: Biomass Hydraulic energy 31.88 % 36.82% 31.25% Wind In comparison, the average Belgian energy mix can be broken down as follows: Coal-fired power plant Renewable: wind + hydraulic + wind 6% 50 % 4% 40 % Nuclear Gas-fired power plant FUEL Our heating is produced from gas and woodchips. Our goal is to use a maximum of woodchips as they are less polluting than hydrocarbons and reduce our energy dependence given that they are sourced from Belgian forests. It is also important to point out that our woodchips are made from sawmills waste in the Ardennes, which means that they do not contribute to deforestation. Our aim is for 70% of heating to be produced from woodchips overall. Sources of fuel in 2012 Mundo-b Mundo-Namur Overall % woodpellets 52% 92% 67% % gaz 48% 8% 33% CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS At Mundo-Namur, our CO2 emissions are very low due to the combination of two elements: very limited heating needs thanks to the excellent energy performance of the building, and the predominant use of woodchips for heating. Our CO2 emissions have increased slightly this year at Mundo-b, following a higher consumption of heating compared to last year. Our overall emissions are 60% more efficient than our "best practice" goal. In the table hereunder we compare the CO2 production of our 2 centres with the production that would occur in properties of the same size, based on average levels of energy consumption for offices (gaz boiler/no solar panels/non-green electricity supplier). On this basis we consider that we have avoided the production of 321,3 tons of CO2 last year ! l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 23 Tons of CO2 produced in 2012 Mundo-b Standard office of the same size MundoNamur Standard office of the same size Heating : pellets/gaz for the Mundo – Gaz for 20,0 83,0 4,2 78,2 Electricity consumed (solar production deducted) 2,7 97,6 2,6 92,0 Total 22,7 180 ,6 6,8 170,2 Production of CO2 avoided 157,9 163,4 WATER CONSUMPTION At Mundo-b we use the equivalent of 15 litres of water per person per day – which means that it remains at the same level as last year. At Mundo-Namur, we consume 14 litres. These figures are in line with the objectives of Ethical Property, which considers a consumption of 15 litres as satisfactory. We do not reach the best practice of 8 litres. That being said, this objective does not take into account the many visitors to our meeting rooms and our restaurants. We plan to adapt these goals to better reflect the actual situation. WASTES AND RECYCLING We try to keep the generation of waste to a minimum in our centres, and to do this we respect the following rules: prevent waste at its source - reuse what can be reused – recycle as much as possible - and only send to the incinerator once every other possibility has been exhausted. In our centres, we recycle more than 2/3 of the total waste generated. Thus, glass, cardboard, plastic and cans are sorted in each office. Each centre has a specific place where the polystyrene, wood, energy saving bulbs, cork, electronic devices, water filters, ink cartridges, etc. are collected. As for organic waste (produced by the cafeterias and offices), we compost it in our gardens, with the help of our members, who are responsible for this. Our policy also requires the reduction of waste generated by our purchases. For example, we use second-hand furniture supplied by actors of the social economy. As for office supplies, we use a supplier who is very mindful of his environmental impact (and therefore of excess packaging), and that groups deliveries of equipment for all of our members twice a month in order to reduce transport. Once all these opportunities have been exhausted, about 25 kg of waste per person per year are sent to the conventional channels from Mundo-b, and 22 kg from Mundo-Namur. The goal is to be able to further reduce these figures. TENANTS TRAVEL TO WORK TABLE Thanks to the excellent location of our centres, the vast majority of our members (five out of six) uses non-polluting means of transport to get to their workplace. However, significant variations can be observed between our centres. At Mundo-b, almost half of workers come to work on foot or by bike. The others use public transport. The car or motorcycle make up an almost negligible proportion. As the city of Namur constitutes a relatively small urban area, some of our tenants come from more rural districts where public transport provision is quite irregular. This therefore forces about a third of workers of Mundo-Namur to come to work by car. To maintain this ratio as low as possible, we provide our members with a fleet of bicycles and a shared car. Mundo-b MundoNamur Bastion Total Walking 15% 6% 0% 9% Cycling 32% 6% 9% 17% Public transportation 51% 56% 82% 56% Motorcycle / scooter 1% 0% 0% 1% Carsharing 0% 3% 0% 0% Car 1% 29% 9% 17% l 24 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 M A E T R OU HIGHLIGHTS y The team is gr owing again in 20 12 y More women in managerial functio ns than in 2011 y Only one in ev ery 4 employees comes to work by car. As at 30 September 2012, Ethical Property and its subsidiaries had 20 employees. Staff Statistics 2011 2012 Number of full-time staff 5 7 Number of part-time staff 12 13 Equivalent full-time posts 12,1 14,4 27 18 Youngest staff member Oldest staff member 66 67 Highest paid worker € 48.960 € 50.380 Lowest paid worker € 21.000 € 20.550 Ratio of highest to lowest salary 2,3 to 1 2,5 to 1 The increase in the number of employees is due to the creation of a new team of three people who run the cafeteria at Mundo-Namur. For other functions, the past year has seen few changes in the team. The continuity of our staff makes a significant contribution to our efficiency, since it makes it possible to build relationships of trust. It also helps train our staff in a longterm perspective. HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY Ethical Property Europe aligns the wages of its workers on the non-profit sector. To motivate our employees, we have set up a plan to offer meal vouchers. We have also increased the amount of leave granted to our employees, from 20 days to 23 days’ annual holidays, which allows everyone to enjoy more personal time free of professional obligations. TRAINING We firmly believe in the importance of offering our employees proper training. This year, our employees followed, among others, courses in the areas of human resources, environmental management, languages and finance. In addition, our employees have had the opportunity to share best practices and discuss their management with our partners in the l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 25 Ethical Property family on several occasions. Finally, we note our long-term investment in the training of less qualified people through our restaurant in Namur. Mundo Gusto is actually a place of learning for people in sheltered employment, to whom we offer internships. We do this in collaboration with local companies active in the social economy. PARTICIPATION We encourage everyone's participation during the regular team meetings. We believe that it is by discussing with all those involved in the challenges we face that we will come up with the best solutions. Every year, we organise a team-building session so that the workers of our centres can meet in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Managers and senior managers also meet up to air their grey cells once a year and to discuss business prospects and strategies. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES It is important for us to break through the "glass ceiling" that stops women from earning leadership roles in the business world. For this reason, we monitor annually the distribution of men and women at different levels of the company. Level in company Female % 2011 Male % Total Female % 2012 Male % Total Directors 1 17% 5 83% 6 1 17% 5 83% 6 Senior managers 0 0% 2 100% 2 0 0% 2 100% 2 Managers and higher skilled employees 3 60% 2 40% 5 4 80% 1 20% 5 Less skilled and junior employees 7 70% 3 30% 10 9 69% 4 31% 13 Total 10 59% 7 41% 17 13 65% 7 35% 20 Overall, we find a higher proportion of women than men in the company. Although there is a lack of women in positions of responsibility, we are making every effort to gradually rebalance this situation. BUSINESS TRAVEL We continue to encourage alternative methods of transport to the car for commuting among our staff. Thanks to various incentives, 75% of our team use means of transport other than the car for their work journeys. The vast majority of business travel is made by public transport, walking and cycling. To transport material, we use the car sharing system. For missions abroad, we only travel by train. l 26 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 THE BOARD S OF DIRECTOR z Anne Vleminckx Non-Executive Director and Chair Anne graduated from the Catholic University of Leuven in 1975. She worked as a research assistant at the Centre for Economic Studies at the University before joining Generale Bank where in 1990 she became Manager for Corporate Communications. In 1996 she left the bank to become Vice Chairwoman of the management committee of the Brussels Stock Exchange where she was responsible for marketing and finance. She joined Agfa Gevaert in 2001 as head of Corporate Communication before becoming Chief Financial Officer in 2005. She left Agfa Gevaert in 2008. She now works as financial advisor. z Frédéric Ancion Managing Director Frédéric trained as a bio-engineer specialised in economics. He has 12 years of experience in the development of environmental and collaborative projects on behalf of community and other groups. First employed in the non-governmental sector, Frederic then set up Ecolog, a consultancy company. He was instrumental in launching organic food cooperatives and has conducted a number of feasibility studies in the sustainable development sector. Since 2007, Frédéric has worked, first with the Ethical Property Company (UK) and then with Ethical Property Europe on the purchase, renovation and financing of the Mundo centres in Brussels and Namur and on the development of future centres. He is the Managing Director of Ethical Property Europe since 2010 and has been appointed by EPE as Managing Director of Brussels Sustainable House, the company that owns Mundo-B together with MDD, a cooperative of Belgian non-profits. Frederic is Chairman of the non-profit organisation Ecoconso asbl. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 27 z Bob Burlton Non-Executive Director Bob was Chief Executive of Oxford & Swindon Co-operative Society from 1987 to 2006. He was elected as director of The Co-operative Bank in 1993 and was Chair of Co-operative Financial Services, which is responsible for national co-operative banking and insurance business in the UK (2004-2010). Until recently, Bob chaired or was a director of several cooperatives, among which were the Phone Co-op, an Ethical Business providing telephony services; Co-operatives UK, the apex body of co-operative societies in the UK, and a member of the Board of the Co-operative College and the Co-operative Group (CWS), where he oversaw as Chair the merger with United Co-operatives, which created the largest consumer co-operative in the world. He joined the Ethical Property Company in the UK as a non-executive Director in 2009 and is now the Chair of the Company. z Pierre Collette Non-Executive Director Pierre holds a Master in Real Estate from the Solvay Business School and has 24 years of experience in the real estate sector in Belgium and abroad. Pierre has been an Equity Partner and member of the Board at Cushman & Wakefield Belgium during several years. He is now acting for them as Senior Consultant. He has special responsibility for development and sustainability issues and for the “Office Agency” department. Pierre advises Ethical Property Europe on its property purchases. z Eric De Keuleneer Non-Executive Director Eric is Chief Executive Officer of Credibe, a state-owned credit institution, and a senior lecturer at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics (ULB). He was previously head of Corporate and Investment Banking at Generale Bank, which later became Fortis. Eric is on the board of non-governmental organisations The World Wildlife Fund Belgium, where he is vice-chair, and University Foundation, where he is Executive Director. He also sits on a number of other boards including the social loan fund Crédal, Mobistar, Keytrade Bank and Bank Delen, Lampiris (a supplier of energy to EPE), and Pension Fund Management Companies Amonis and Hydralis. z Jamie Hartzell Non-Executive Director Jamie founded the Ethical Property in the UK in 1998 and was its Managing Director until 2010, taking it from a company of which he was the sole employee to one that employed 45 staff, at which point he stepped down to lead the international development of the Ethical Preperty Family. He also set up both the Ethical Property Foundation, a UK charity providing property advice, Ethical IT, and Ethical Property Europe. Previously, for eight years Jamie was a director of his own television company, which specialised in providing media support to campaign groups. He was also a trustee of Student Hubs, a charity encouraging the UK’s university students to get more involved with social and environmental issues, and is a director of Zaytoun, a co-operative importing fair trade olive oil and other products from Palestine. Jamie is currently the Managing Director of Ethex, an online meeting place to help people make positive ethical investments. l 28 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS This section illustrates our key financial indicators, the evolution of our activity and the interest of the directors in the capital of the company. E.P.E. SA (Ethical Property Europe) is a holding company with three subsidiaries which includes two operating companies: Brussels Sustainable House SA (for Mundo-B) and Green Property SCRL (for Mundo-Namur). Shareholders have a direct stake in the holding company EPE SA/NV, the company from which dividends can be paid. The Management decided to present the result of the entire group to disclose the financial position and the operating performance. This disclosure is prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs (IFRS for SMEs). EVOLUTION OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2012 At the level of the statutory entity, the main evolutions are as follows: z E.P.E. SA has made a profit for the year of €90 618; z The statutory net assets amount to €5.399.430, including a shared capital of €5.254.600, a legal reserve of €10.391 and a carried over profit of €120.450 EUR, taking the payment of a dividend of €52.546 into account; z The total profit carried forward which could be distributed as a dividend amounts to €119.155, being the profit carried forward from last year (€86.909) and 95% of the result of this year less the formation expenses (€53.841). At consolidated level, the main evolutions are as follows : z The net operating consolidated result increased from €965.845 to €1.039.850 for the year ended 30 September 2012; z The Management has proceeded to a formal valuation of the investments properties based on our valuation rules, which are detailed in the audited accounts. The fair value is adjusted respectively by €397.624 for Mundo-B and by (-€116.808) resulting in a portfolio result for the year of €280.815; z The EBITDA (Earnings before Taxes and Depreciation and Amortization)1 calculation moved from €525.748 in 2011 to € €747.679 in 2012 which gives a ratio to the gross income of 43,54% (2011) and of 43,96% (2012). 1 EBITDA= Operating result+depreciation+amortisation l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 29 This increase of EBITDA in Euro explains mainly the evolution of the free cash flow2 showing an increase of €213.842 and amounting for the year ended to €273.887. z The consolidated statement of comprehensive income indicates that the net result of the entire activities amounts for the year to €297.316. Taking into account the non controlling interest of our company, the comprehensive income for the year (the result out of which we have deducted the one belonging to MDD scrl owing 50% of BSH) is €64.001; z The consolidated net assets amounts to €6.722.830 including a capital of €5.254.600, a loss carried forward of €23.327 and minority interest of €1.491.557. This change of equity allows the group to disclose a Net Asset Value per share that has reached 1,00€ before the payments of a dividend. The Board of Directors has decided to propose the payment of one cent dividend. DIRECTORS The directors listed below served for all or part of the year. Their interests in the company's issued share capital as of 30 September 2012 were: Shares of €1.00 each Jamie Hartzell Frédéric Ancion Eric de Keuleneer Pierre Collette Anne Vleminckx Bob Burlton 25,186 12,000 10,000 4,500 0 0 OUR SHAREHOLDERS 34 individuals and institutions have invested in the company since it was founded. The full breakdown of shareholdings was as follows, as of 30 September 2012. Size of shareholding Number of shareholders Number of shares % of all shareholders % of all shares From 1 to 50,000 shares 22 € 826 186 65% 16% From 50,001 to 100,000 shares 4 € 370 000 12% 7% From 100,001 to 250,000 shares 4 € 900 000 12% 17% From 250,001 to 500,000 shares 2 € 610 000 6% 12% More than 500,001 shares 2 € 2 548 414 6% 48% Total 34 € 5 254 600 100% 100% AUDITORS The consolidated financial statements have been audited by HLB. 2 The free cash flow is called in the audited accounts as being the net earning (see section E : cashflow from operating activites) l 30 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 A U D IT E D F IN A N C IA L ACCOUNTS SECTION 1CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF ETHICAL PROPERTIES EUROPE PREPARED UNDER IFRS FOR SME(s) z A. CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Note Year to 30-sept-12 € Year to 30-sept-11 € 13.174.847 12.879.623 4.731 7.057 ASSETS Fixed assets Intangible assets 10,22 Positive consolidation differences 8,23 528.892 617.041 Investment properties 7,24 12.355.848 11.999.044 Other properties, plant and equipment 10,23 221.872 244.427 9 63.504 12.054 615.770 801.931 Financial assets Current assets Inventories 12 24.467 11.797 13,25 173.662 334.490 Cash at hand and in bank 14 123.131 237.795 Prepayments and accrued revenue 26 Debtors 294.510 217.849 13.790.617 13.681.554 Equity 6.670.284 6.425.514 Share capital 5.254.600 5.254.600 TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY, PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES Consolidated reserves Non-controlling interests (75.873) (87.329) 1.491.557 1.258.243 l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 31 Note Provisions and deferred taxes Provisions for risk and charges Deferred taxes Year to 30-sept-12 € Year to 30-sept-11 € 771.723 438.545 16 0 0 21,27 771.723 438.545 6.348.610 6.817.494 Debts Debts of one year or more 17,28 5.332.513 4.458.578 Debts of less than one year 17,18,29 801.539 1.834.122 15,30 214.558 524.794 13.790.617 13.681.554 Note Year to 30 Sep 12 € Year to 30 Sep 11 € 19 1.386.138 1.207.518 (346.288) (241.673) Accrued expenses and deferred revenue (inc. Investments Grants) TOTAL EQUITY, PROVISIONS AND LIABILITIES z B. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS Years ended 30 September 2012 and 30 September 2011 Rental Income and Other Operating Revenue Property Expense Property Operating Result 31 1.039.850 965.845 Goods and Services 31 (247.139) (396.159) Salary costs 31 (418.729) (283.966) Depreciation 22 (57.806) (68.735) 9,23 (88.149) (80.824) Depreciation Positive Consolidation differences Other Income 206.662 120.936 Other expense (113.983) (30.656) (+/-) Total corporate overheads and other operating revenue and expense (719.144) (739.405) Operating Result Before Result on Portfolio 320.706 226.440 152.219 Changes in fair value of investment properties 24 280.815 (+/-)Gains or Losses on disposals of investment properties 20 0 0 (+/-) Portfolio Result 280.815 152.219 Operating Result 601.521 378.659 Financial income 24.779 38.759 Financial expense (292.041) (271.704) 3.236 10.005 (264.026) (222.940) 337.495 155.719 (+/-) Other non operating income and expense (+/-) Financial and non operating result Pre-Tax Result (+/-) Transfer from deferred taxes and to deferred taxes Corporation Tax 21,27 (40.179) 58.695 21 0 (6.790) (40.179) 51.905 (+/-) Total corporation tax and deferred taxes NET RESULT 297.316 207.624 A NON-CONTROLLING INTEREST 233.315 126.822 B GROUP INTEREST 64.001 80.801 0,01 0,02 BASIC NET RESULT AND DILUTED (€/SHARE) (GROUP SHARE) l 32 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 z C. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Years ended 30 September 2012 and 30 September 2011 Note Year to 30 Sep 12 € Year to 30 Sep 11 € OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 297.316 207.624 Non controlling interests 233.315 126.822 64.001 80.801 Share Capital € Retained earnings € Total € 5.254.600 (87.328) 5.167.272 0 0 Total comprehensive income Group Share z D. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Equity as at 30 September 2011 Capital Increase Other Comprehensive income Net Result for the year Amount of dividends recognised as distributions Revaluation surplus/deficit 3 Currency translation difference Total changes in equity Equity as at 30 September 2012 Equity per share 64.001 64.001 (52.546) (52.546) 0 0 0 0 0 11.455 11.455 5.254.600 (75.873) 5.178.727 1,00 (0,01) 0,99 Year to 30 Sep 12 € Year to 30 Sep 11 297.316 207.624 z E. CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT Cash flows from operating activities Net Result of the year Adjustments for: - Changes in fair value of investment properties -280.815 -152.219 - provision and elimination transactions of conso 71.050 -86.223 - amortisation depreciation (notes 6, 7) 146.157 149.559 - deferred taxes 40.179 -58.695 273.887 60.045 - current asset 145.107 396.790 - current liabilities -297.426 -785.015 Sub-total Changes in working capital -152.319 -388.225 Net cash generated from operating activities 121.568 -328.180 - Foreign exchange losses/(gains) on operating activities Sub-total Net Earnings Changes in working capital (after adjustments): 3 Revaluation surplus and deficit concerns assets which are not measured at fair value l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 33 Year to 30 Sep 12 € Year to 30 Sep 11 € Cash flows from investing activities Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired -51.450 -10.000 Purchases and or costs of investment properties -75.990 -587.498 Purchases of other property, plant and equipment (PPE) -33.537 -99.693 -497 -8.146 Proceeds from sale of PPE Purchases of intangible assets Purchases of available-for-sale financial assets Grants received 19.084 94.916 -142.389 -610.420 Proceeds from borrowings 100.000 1.000.000 Repayments of borrowings -193.844 -165.626 Net cash used in financing activities -93.844 834.374 Net (decrease)/increase in cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts -114.664 -104.226 Cash, cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of year 237.795 342.021 0 0 123.131 237.795 Net cash used in investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Proceeds from issuance of ordinary shares Proceeds from loan from subsidiary undertaking Dividends paid to company’s shareholders Dividends paid to holders of redeemable preferences shares Dividends paid to minority interests Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and bank overdrafts Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year - continuing operations SECTION 2NOTES AND DISCLOSURES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS This section illustrates the accounting policies that are the specific principles, bases, conventions, rules and practices applied by Ethical Properties Europe in preparing and presenting its financial statements. z 1. BASIS OF PREPARATION These consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standard for Small and Medium-sized Entities (IFRS for SMEs ). The financial statements are denominated and rounded to the nearest Euros. These standards have been approved by the International Accounting Standards Board and published 9 July 2009. They have been prepared under the historical cost convention, as modified by the revaluation of investment property and derivative financial instruments at fair value. The preparation of financial statements in conformity with the IFRS for SMEs requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying the group’s accounting policies. Areas involving a higher degree of judgement or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimations are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are disclosed in the notes. The disclosures required by the IFRS for SMEs are not required for items whose effect is judged to be immaterial to an understanding of the financial statements. z 2. LEGAL STATUS Ethical Properties Europe is a Limited Liability Company incorporated in 2008 under Belgian Law and having its registered office in Brussels - Rue d'Edimbourg 26. Its registration number is 0898.169.124 The company holds investments in the following companies: l 34 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Company Registration number Corporation Headquarter Holding Nominal Value Brussels Sustainable House SA/NV 0434.973.536 Green Property SCRL Ground Property SPRL Percent of all shares Rue d’Edimbourg 26, BE 1050 Brussels 1,250 shares € 100 50,0% 0806.678.922 Rue Nanon 98, BE- 5000 Namur 8,370 shares € 50 99,98% 0806.842.436 Rue d’Edimbourg 26, BE 1050 Brussels 1,599 shares € 20 99,94% Brussels Sustainable House SA/NV owns the Mundo-B property, Ground Property owns the freehold of Mundo-Namur and Green Property holds a 27 year lease on Mundo-Namur from Ground Property. Maison Du Développement Durable SCRL owns 50% of Brussels Sustainable House SA/NV. Brussels Sustainable House SA/NV also holds one share in Green Property SCRL. This share has a nominal value of € 50, of which Ethical Property Europe owns 50%. Compared to last year, no change in the ownership has occurred. z 3. BASIS OF CONSOLIDATION Each subsidiary is globally integrated in the consolidated accounts. This consolidation technique refers to the full consolidation/equity method. Compared to last year, no change in the consolidation scope has occurred. z 4. GOING CONCERN At 30 September 2012, the Group had net current assets of € 5,231,273.Accordingly, Ethical Property Europe continues to use the going concern basis in preparing its financial statements. z 5. CONSISTENCY OF THE ACCOUNTING POLICIES At 30 September 2012, management confirms that the group chooses and applies consistently its accounting policies. They are applied consistently to similar transactions and events. No changes in accounting policies has incurred resulting of an amendment to the IFRS for SMEs standard. Concerning the investment properties, we note that this year, an independent expert, GUDRUN EXPERT with office located Avenue des Arts, 50 - B - 1000 Brussels, provided the mutual agreement market price z 6. FOREIGN CURRENCY TRANSLATION Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency (Euro) using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of such transactions and from the translation at year-end exchange rates of monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the consolidated income statement, except when deferred in equity as qualifying for cash flow hedges and qualifying net investment hedges. z 7. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES Investment property is property (land or a building, or part of a building, or both) held by the owner or by the lessee under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both, rather than for:(a) use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes, or (b) sale in the ordinary course of business. An entity shall measure investment property at its cost at initial recognition. The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price, non deductable VAT and any directly attributable expenditure such as legal and brokerage fees, property transfer taxes and other transaction costs. If payment is deferred beyond normal credit terms, the cost is the present value of all future payments. An entity shall determine the cost of a self-constructed investment property in accordance with the market conditions. However, the group does not recognise in the carrying amount of an investment property the costs of the day-to-day servicing of such property, i.e. repairs and maintenance of the property. These costs are recognised in profit and loss as incurred. After initial recognition, investment property is carried at fair value: z The fair value of an asset represents the amount at which that asset could be bought or sold in current transaction between willing parties; z The fair value of an investment property is based on the market developments and the specific characteristics of the properties also defined as the (a) “mutual agreement” market price of and (b) the investment value of that property and is in principle determined by an independent expert who establishes the valuation of the real-estate portfolio and a report at the end of each fiscal year. However, the cost of proceeding each year to such formal valuation is too high compared to the added value whose disclosure represents to the group’s stakeholders. In lack of formal valuation, the group has restricted the methodology to the following: l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 35 An average value will be taken between (a) the mutual agreement market price and (b) the investment value: z a. The mutual agreement market price is calculated from the last formal valuation or the historic costs of the investment property and is yield by key performance indicators of the market i.e. abex index, statistics provided by the government and other officials or listed companies who publish the result of their valuation and increased by the change executed in the characteristics of the properties and lowered by the dilapidation of a building. z b. The investment value corresponds, in the group approach, to the terminal value calculated on the discounted growth to infinity of the net rental. This net rental is based on cash flow in the last year of the explicit forecast period. The discount rate to be used is the weighted average cost of capital, which is the minimum rate of return required to cover the risk of cash flow of the forecast period and the company’s sources of funding, i.e. shareholders and lenders, for financing a company’s projects. Any gain or loss arising from a change in fair value is posted in the profit and loss statement. z 8. POSITIVE CONSOLIDATION DIFFERENCES (GOODWILL) The positive consolidation differences represent the excess of the cost of a business combination over the fair value of the group’s share of the net identifiable assets of the acquired subsidiary at the date of acquisition. Goodwill on acquisitions of subsidiaries is included in positive consolidation differences. Goodwill is carried out at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated depreciation of assets. Goodwill amortisation is calculated by applying the straight-line method to its estimated useful life. The useful life of goodwill is presumed to be 10 years. At each reporting date, the group assesses whether an additional depreciation of assets is required based on the net assets of the acquired subsidiary. z 9. PARTICIPATING FINANCIAL INTERESTS Participating Financial Interests are recognised at the transaction price less appropriate write down to cover the depreciation of assets. The amount of the provision is recognised in the income statement. z 10. OTHER FIXED ASSETS The group recognises an item of property, plant or equipment if, and only if: (a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the entity, and (b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably. The group derecognises an item of property, plant and equipment: (a) on disposal, or (b) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Depreciation policy: The other assets are stated at cost less depreciation. Depreciation is provided at rates calculated to write off the cost of assets, less their estimated residual value, on a straight line basis as follows: Other Properties 4 50 years Interests on properties under renovation 5 10 years IT Licenses and Web Site 3 to 5 years Furniture, fittings and equipment 3 to 5 years z 11. FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES Ethical Property Europe does not use any financial instruments. z 12. INVENTORIES The group recognises only the work in progress that comprises feasibility study, direct labour, other direct costs and related production overheads (based on normal operating capacity) that are incurred in connection with the development and prospection of new centre. At each reporting date, the work in progress inventories is assessed for impairment. Impairment decision is taken based on the probability of implementing these new projects. If inventory is impaired, the carrying out amount is reduced and is recognised immediately in profit or loss. The group derecognises the carrying out amount when a new centre is either implemented or abandoned. z 13. TRADE RECEIVABLES Trade receivables are recognised at the transaction price less appropriate allowance for irrecoverable amounts. The amount of the allowance is recognised in the income statement. 4 Other properties correspond to properties assets which do not satisfy the IAS standards to be recognised as investment properties. In this case, land is not depreciated. 5 The group adds to the carrying out amount of the property, the interests incurred whilst the properties were under renovation. The interest costs are not to be transferred to the heading investment properties and are depreciated on a straight line basis. l 36 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 z 14. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, demand deposits and other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less. Bank overdrafts are shown within borrowings in current liabilities on the statement of financial position. z 15. GOVERNMENT GRANTS When a grant does not impose specified future performance conditions on the recipient, the group recognises the government grants in income when the grant proceeds are receivable. When a grant imposes specified future performance conditions on the recipient, the grant is recognised in income when the performance conditions are met. In this case, the income is recognised on a straight-line basis depending on the grant agreement terms and conditions. Grants, received before the revenue recognition criteria are satisfied, are recognised as a liability. z 16. PROVISIONS Provisions are recognised in the balance sheet when: - There is a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event; - It is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation; and - A reliable estimate can be made on the amount of the obligation. The amount recognised as a provision is the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet date. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the amount of a provision is the present value of the expenditure expected to be required to settle the obligation. z 17. INTEREST-BEARING BORROWINGS Borrowings are recognised initially at the transaction price. Borrowings are subsequently stated at amortised cost. Interest expense is recognised on the basis of the effective interest method and is included in finance costs. Borrowings are classified as current liabilities unless the group has an unconditional right to defer settlement of the liability for at least 12 months after the reporting date. z 18. TRADE AND OTHER PAYABLES Trade and other payables are stated at their carrying out amount. z 19. RENTAL INCOME Rental income from operating activity is recognised in income on an accrual basis. Rental gratuities and other incentives granted to tenants are recognised over the first firm period of the useful life of the contract on a straight-line basis. z 20. GAIN OR LOSS ON SALES OF INVESTMENT PROPERTY The result on disposals of investment property represents the difference between sales proceeds net of transaction costs and the latest reported fair value of the property sold. The result is realised at the time of the transfer of risks and rewards. z 21. TAXATION The tax expense for the period comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognised in the consolidated income statement. The current income tax charge is calculated on the basis of the tax laws enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date in the countries where the Group’s subsidiaries operate and generate taxable income. Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation and establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected to be paid to the tax authorities. Deferred income tax is recognised, using the liability method, on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying out amounts in the consolidated financial statements. Deferred income tax is determined using tax rates (and laws) that have been enacted or substantially enacted by the balance sheet date and are expected to apply when the related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax liability is settled. Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences can be utilised. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 37 z 22. FIXED ASSETS TABLE (IN EUR) Consolidated Intangible and Tangible Assets Intangible assets Investment Properties (at cost) Properties and other tangible assets Fixtures and fittings Total 10.735 11.269.384 168.836 209.038 11.657.993 497 75.990 5.954 Investment At 1st October 2011 Additions Disposals Transfers from one heading to another 27.582 110.023 (1.109) (1.109) 3.912.696 (3.912.696) 11.232 11.345.374 174.790 235.511 11.766.907 At 1st October 2011 3.678 - 23.782 109.664 137.124 Additions 2.823 18.074 36.909 57.806 At 30th September 2012 - Depreciation Disposals Transfers from one heading to another At 30th September 2012 6.501 0 41.856 146.573 194.930 Prior Year 7.057 11.269.384 145.054 99.374 11.520.869 At 30th September 2012 4.730 11.345.374 132.934 88.939 11.571.976 Net book value z 23. GOODWILL (IN EUR) Consolidated Goodwill BSH Investment in participating interest Transaction Price 1.580.000 Owner Equities (50%) (698.513) Positivie Consolidation Difference 881.487 Depreciation At 1st October 2011 264.446 Additions 88.149 Impairment At 30th September 2012 352.595 Net book value At 30th September 2012 528.892 z 24. INVESTMENT PROPERTIES The fair value of investment properties is based on the following factors: z GUDRUN EXPERT has provided a report dated 3 December 2012 to the board of directors. This report is a formal valuation of the mutual agreement market price showing a market value respectively of € 8.350.000 for Mundo-b and of € 4.300.000 for Mundo Namur. z The investment value calculation is based on the twenty years business plan of the company showing for the coming year a net rent of € 294.640 (Mundo Namur) and of € 457.860 (Mundo-b) z The following assumptions were also used to determine the investment value A discounted rates that were applied to calculate the terminal value of cash flow of 8,04% for 2012; An indexation of 3% on the net rent l 38 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Result: i. Evolution of the “mutual agreement” market value M.A. Market Value Value as at 30/09/2011 Value as at 30/09/2012 Mundo-b 7.921.279 8.350.000 Mundo Namur 4.512.616 4.300.000 Total 12.433.895 12.650.000 M.A. Market Value coefficient Total Market Value 8.350.000 0,5 4.175.000 Investment Value 7.265.267 0,5 3.632.633 ii. Fair value calculation as of 30 September 2012 Mundo-b Total 7.807.633 Mundo Namur Market Value 4.300.000 0,5 2.150.000 Investment Value 4.796.430 0,5 2.398.215 Total 4.548.215 iii. Changes in fair value for the year Property Fair Value 2011 Changes in fair value Prior Years Total Costs 2012 Fair Value 2012 Changes in fair value total Changes in fair value the year (1) as per last F.S. (2) as per last F.S. (3) See note 22 (4) See tables (i, ii) (5) = (4) - (3) (6) = (5) - (2) Mundo Namur 4.659.598 171.820 4.493.203 4.548.215 55.012 -116.808 Mundo-b 7.339.445 557.839 6.852.171 7.807.633 955.463 397.624 Total 11.999.044 729.659 11.345.374 12.355.848 1.010.474 280.815 6 z 25. DEBTORS Debtors € Trade debtors 151.724 Credit notes to receive from suppliers 11.668 Suppliers with debit balance 4.280 Other debtors 3.577 Recoverable VAT Total 2.413 173.662 z 26. PREPAYMENTS AND ACCRUED REVENUE Prepayments and accrued revenue € Prepayment : operating expenses 40.393 Deferred Interests payable 254.117 Total 294.510 6 The gain 280.815€ arising from a change in fair value is posted in the profit and loss statement. z 27. DEFERRED TAXES Deferred Taxes Deferred taxes held in the statutory accounts as of 1 October 2011 Addition 7 € 445.712 292.999 Transferred to the profit and loss statement 8 (15.762) Sub-total Statutory Reserve as of 30 September 2012 722,949 Deferred tax adjustments (under IFRS for SMEs) as at 30 September 2011 (7.168) Deferred tax adjustments (under IFRS for SMEs) for the year ended 30 September 2012 55.941 Sub-total Consolidate Adjustments as of 30 September 2012 48.774 Total Consolidated Reserve at the year ended 30 September 2012 771 723 z 28. DEBTS OF ONE YEAR OR MORE The debts of one year or more comprises exclusively bank loans which amounts to €5.332.513 The amounts are guaranteed by real securities or irrevocably promised by the enterprise on its own assets whose book value is of 12.355.848. z 29. DEBTS OF LESS THAN YEAR Amounts falling due within one year € Bank loans 460.821 Trade creditors 207.244 Social security and other taxes 76.033 Other creditors 4.895 Dividends (subject to AGM approval) 52.546 Total 801.539 z 30. ACCRUED EXPENSES AND DEFERRED REVENUE Amounts falling due within one year Accrued Expenses : operating expenses Deferred revenue : financial income € 25.803 1.682 Investments grants 187.073 Total 214.558 z 31. OPERATING RESULTS : PROPERTY OPERATING RESULT, GOODS AND SERVICES AND SOCIAL BALANCE i. Property operating result Rental Income and Other Operating Revenue € Rental Income 744.503 Rent meeting room 102.124 Other Operating Income 96.803 Recharged costs to tenants Total 7 At statutory level, the Q/P of deferred tax related to the investment grant has been recognised this accounting year 8 At profit and loss level, this income is cancelled by a consolidation entry to reflect the participating interest EPE has in BSH at the time of acquisition l 40 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 44.708 1.386.138 Property Expenses 9 € Phone and ICT costs (52.329) Property Tax (79.097) Maintenance and repairs (51.984) Office supplies (54.785) Write off tenant's debtors 2.263 Others (3.153) Total Property Expenses (346.288) Property Operating Result 1.039.850 ii. Goods and services Goods and services € Communication (internet-phone costs) 8.801 It supplies and small IT materials 4.963 Office supplies and small materials 24.758 Travel 15.874 Marketing 818 Director Fees 103.270 EPC Fees 6.215 MDD Fees 15.000 Ethical IT Fees 3.704 Professional Fees 41.071 Insurance 1.076 Other 21.589 Total 247.139 iii. Social Balance Description Consolidated Payroll Cost Codes BNB Full Time Part-Time 102 Total EFT or € € 418.729 Number of employees recorded on the personnel register during the financial year: At the closing date of the period 105 16 14 23,6 Entries for the year 205 13 26 22,9 Departure for the year 305 6 15 1 9 The property operating result does not include direct staff costs. l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 41 SECTION 3REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF EPE SA RUE D’EDIMBOURG 26 – 1050 BRUSSELS Dear shareholders of EPE SA, we received the contractual mission by your Board of Directors to express an independent opinion on the consolidated statements of the business combination made out of the four companies EPE SA, Brussels Sustainable House SA, Green Property SCRL and Ground Property SPRL. We have not performed an individual statutory audit on any of these components nor a contractual audit on the individual financial statements. The audited consolidated statements of those 4 companies witch are showing a total assets of €13.790.617,00 and a net profit of €297.316,00, are made out of a balance sheet, an income statement and related notes. We stamped the audited documents in order to identify them; We have not audited any other paper that can be distributed with those statements. Please remember that the management is responsible z 1. for the preparation and the fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements. This year, the management decided to use International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs; z 2. to maintain internal control relevant to the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; z 3. to select and apply appropriate accounting policies that are consistent with the IFRS for SMEs; z 4. to make accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. We performed audit procedures based on our assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements by considering the relevant internal control for the preparation of those consolidated financial statements. Our audit does not have the purpose to express an opinion on the effectiveness of those internal control procedures. We evaluated the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant estimates made by management. We examined, on a test basis, the evidence supporting the amounts included in the consolidated financial statements. We evaluated the overall presentation of and disclosures of the consolidated financial statements. We conducted our audit in accordance with the auditing standards “norme relative à la certification des comptes annuels consolidés” as issued by “Institut des Réviseurs d’Entreprises” witch require that we plan our audit to obtain reasonable but not absolute assurance whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that these procedures provided us a reasonable basis to meet our contractual mission to express an independent opinion on the identified consolidated statements. In our opinion, the consolidated statements of the business combination made out of the four companies EPE SA, Brussels Sustainable House SA, Green Property SCRL and Ground Property SPRL for the year ended 30th of September 2012 give a true and fair view of the group’s assets and liabilities, its financial position and the results of its operations in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs. Brussels, February 13th 2013 HLB Dodémont-Van Impe & Co Represented by Stéphane Rosier Registered auditor l 42 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 RY O T U T A T S A S E EP ACCOUNTS Balance sheet Bilan Balans Year Exercice Boekoefening 2012 2011 ASSETS ACTIF ACTIVA Fixed assets Actifs Immobilisés Vaste Activa € 2.355.467 € 1.926.829 € 53 841 € 102 173 € 1 608 € 2 553 Tangible assets Immobilisations corporelles Materiële vaste activa € 80 618 € 53 702 Investments Immobilisations financières Financiële vaste activa € 2 219 400 € 1 768 400 Current assets Actifs Circulants Vlottende Activa € 3 195 404 € 3 700 184 Debtors of one year or more Creances à plus d’un an Vorderingen op meer dan een jaar € 2 355 000 € 655 000 € 24 467 € 11 797 € 781 459 € 2 883 286 Cash at hand and in bank Valeurs disponibles Liquide middelen € 23 909 € 148 465 Accruals Comptes de régularisation Overlopende € 10 568 € 1 636 € 5 550 870 € 5 627 013 Start-up costs Frais d'établissement Oprichtingskosten Intangible assets Immobilisations incorporelles Immateriële vaste activa Projects development Développement de projets Ontwikkeling van projecten Debtors of less than one year Créances à un an au plus Vorderingen op ten hoogste een jaar Total assets Total de l’actif Totaal der activa l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 43 Balance sheet Bilan Balans Year Exercice Boekoefening 2012 2011 LIABILITIES PASSIF PASSIVA Equity Capitaux Propres Eigen Vermogen € 5 399 430 € 5 370 191 Share capital Capital Kapitaal € 5 254 600 € 5.254.600 Reserves Réserves Reserves € 10 391 € 5 860 Grants Subsides Subsidies € 13 988 € 22 822 € 120 450 € 86 909 Debts Dettes Schulden € 98 894 € 256 821 Deferred taxes Impôts différés Vertraagde belastingen € 7 203 - Debts of less than one year Dettes à un an au plus Schulden op ten hoogste een jaar € 83 691 € 248 821 Dividends of the year Dividendes de l’exercice Dividenden van het jaar € 52 546 - € 8 000 € 8 000 € 5 550 870 € 5 627 013 Carried over profit / loss Bénéfice / perte reporté(e) Overgedragen winst / verlies Accruals Comptes de régularisation Overlopende Total liabilities Total du passif Totaal der passiva Profit and loss Compte de résultat Resultatenrekening Year Exercice Boekoefening 2012 2011 Turnover Ventes et Prestations Bedrijfsopbrengsten € 356 981 € 301 230 € 21 853 € 19 662 Expenses Coûts des Ventes et Prestations Bedrifjskosten € -483 962 € -435 202 Directors or managers Administrateurs ou gérants Beheerders of zaakvoerders € -103 648 € -156 853 Other goods and services Services et biens divers Diverse goederen of diensten € -58 416 € -82 675 Salaries Rémunérations Bezoldigingen € -233 036 € -125 849 Depreciation Amortissements Afschrijvingen € -56 897 € -54 200 € -9 183 € -7 865 € -22 781 € -7 759 Projects development activation Activation développement de projets Activeren van projectontwikkeling Project development value decrease Réduction de valeur développement de projets Waardekorting projectontwikkeling Other charges Autres charges Andere Kosten l 44 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Profit and loss Compte de résultat Resultatenrekening Year Exercice Boekoefening 2012 2011 Gross profit Résultat d’exploitation Bedrijfsresultaat € -105 128 € -114 310 Interest receivable and other financial income Produits financiers Financiële opbrengsten € 195 985 € 196 688 € -240 € -399 € 90 618 € 81 978 €- € -8.890 € 90 618 € 73 088 €- €- € 90 618 € 73 088 Interest payable Charges financières Financiële kosten Profit on ordinary activities before taxation Résultat courant de l'exercice avant impôt Resultaat uit de gewone bedrijfsuitoefening Exceptional revenues Revenus exceptionnels Ongewone opbrengsten Profit before taxation Résultat de l'exercice avant impôt Resultaat van het boekaar vóór belastingen Taxes on profits Impôts sur les revenus Belastingen op winsten Profit/loss for the year Résultat de l'exercice Resultaat van het boekjaar Appropriation account Affectation et prélèvements Resultatenverwerking Year Exercice Boekoefening 2012 2011 Profit/loss of the bookyear to be appropriated Résultat de l'exercice à affecter Te bestemmen resultaat van het boekjaar € 90 618 € 73 088 Profit/loss carried over from last year Résultat reporté de l'exercice précédent Resultaat overgedragen van vorig boekjaar € 86 909 € 17 476 Appropriation to reserves Dotations aux réserves Toevoeging aan het eigen vermogen € -4 531 € -3 654 To the Legal reserves A la réserve légale Aan de wettelijke reserve € -4 531 € -3 654 € -52 546 €0 € -120 450 € -86 909 Dividends Dividendes Dividenden Profit/loss to be carried over Résultat à reporter Over te dragen resultaat l Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 45 l 46 Ethical Property Europe Annual Report 2012 Ethical Property Europe sa Graphisme : Beltza Mundo-B, Rue d’Edimbourg 26 1050 Brussels, Belgium Telephone: +32 (0)2 894 4660
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