Bridge, April 29, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic School
Bridge, April 29, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic School
Parents, I have had many memorable and great experiences in my 27 years as an educator and a coach. Some were on a very small scale and others on a much grander one. Many times memories that stick with you are ones from events that were spontaneous and not planned out. I would like to share with you my list of “Top Ten Memorable Moments” in my time as an educator and a coach. 10. The first time I changed from a High Five to a Fist Bump because the preK student that I was ready to greet had just sneezed in his hand. 9. Coaching my last game as a Boy’s Varsity Basketball Coach and having my Dad sit on the bench with me. 8. Talking sternly to a young student on why we don’t hit each other, not being very happy and walking out of my office, closing the door behind me, realizing that my office door was locked with the keys in it, and seeing the young student laughing at me when I asked him to unlock the door. He didn’t realize I could fit through the window in my office! 7. Having to put out a fire on a student's pair of pants because they became ablaze during a welding lesson in Ag shop class. The entire school got a breath of fresh air as one of the other students pulled the fire alarm. I enjoyed discussing the “pants on fire” incident with the Superintendent of schools the next day. 6. During my first years as assistant principal at a high school, I had a parent come in and was giving me the “what for” about how their daughter’s teacher had called her a name and he wanted to have the teacher fired, only to realize that after a few minutes of heated discussion, that he was in the wrong school. I gladly gave him directions to his daughter’s correct school. (I also called the other school’s principal to give him a heads up) 5. During my first day as a student teacher in the fall of 1988 in Boonville, Missouri, when the senior agricultural mechanics students welded the door shut to the tool room, with me in it, as part of the ritual of welcoming new student teachers to their class. I was able to bust the door open in record time, or so the supervising teacher told me as he held a stopwatch. 4. At my first AllSchool Mass as assistant principal at Chatard High School, having one of the Senior students come up to me after Mass and inform me that my sweater was on backwards. I don’t think very many of the 700+ students noticed as I gave one of the Mass intentions that day. 3. Getting a note from a student telling me that he loved me for taking the place of his dad who had died and gone to Heaven. 2. The endless supply of birthday cupcakes and on one particular child’s birthday, the young student telling me that I probably should only eat half because his mommy told him I may be trying to lose weight! (she was right). 1. Going to Mass during school, praying with students, staff and parents, and growing in my faith. I have had lot’s of memorable moments as an educator. Some stick out more than others. I love what I do and I thank you and your children for being a part of those memories. Have a great weekend, we will see you at the Molly Cassetty Bowl A Thon at Expo Bowl tonight from 7:00pm9:00pm and we will see you at Mass with your children! Thanks and God Bless, Rusty Albertson Principal St. Mark Catholic School Proverbs 3:56 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your path May 2 thru 6 Next week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. We are so thankful for the amazing teachers we have here at St. Mark Catholic School and for all they do for us, so let's show them how much we care. Write your teacher a note thanking her for all she does. Bring in a flower from your garden. Draw a pretty picture of you and your teacher. Or give her a hug and a smile just to say thanks! Upcoming Events April 2 9 Molli Cassetty fundraiser at Expo Bowl May 56 Spring Musical (Gr 68), Shrek Jr. *If you attend the Roncalli Aloha Rebellation tomorrow night, you will have a chance to bid on four reserved front row seats* 6 May Crowning Mass and 8th grade pictures 6 Staff Development Students Dismissed at 1:00 pm ( No Aftercare ) 7 First Communion Mass, 2:00 PM, St. Mark Catholic Church 13 8th grade trip 13 Kindergarten graduation following Mass 16 8th grade graduation practice, class picnic and “Running of the 8th Graders!” 17 8th grade Graduation Mass and Reception 18 Last school day for PreK students 18 Field Day 19 Last Day of School Last School Mass 9:00 am ~ Awards to follow 12:30 PM Dismissal ( No Aftercare ) _______________________________________________________________________________ Have Fun and Support a Great Cause! The Molli Cassetty BowlAThon will be held Friday, April 29, 2016 from 7:00 9:00 PM Please join us at Expo Bowl, 5261 Elmwood Avenue to support the Molli Cassetty Scholarship Fund Molli's courage, love and her display of Christian faith during her illness were an inspiration to the students and members of the St. Mark Community. If you are unable to attend and would like to make a pledge toward the scholarship fund, please submit to the school and designate the Molli Cassetty scholarship fund on your envelope. Win Four (4) Front Row seats at the Roncalli Aloha Rebellation you will have a chance to bid on these great seats in the Silent Auction! __________________________________________________________________ 2016 FunFest is June 9 , 10 & 11 – that is only 38 days away!!! Main Raffle drawing Again this year our 1st place prize will be $4,000 free tuition paid to any South Deanery Catholic School or Roncalli High School OR $3,000 cash. We are the parish that offers this unique prize. 2 nd prize is $1,000 cash and 3 rd prize is $500. th th th At the beginning of the festival, three tickets will be drawn from all the presold tickets received by 5pm Thursday, June 9 th . Each seller on the ticket drawn will receive $100 cash! The more tickets you sell, the more chances you have to win! Each parish family will receive 6 tickets valued @ $5.00 each. Sell or buy five tickets (BEFORE THE OPENING OF THE FUNFEST ON THURSDAY, JUNE 9 TH AND RECEIVE THE 6 TH CHANCE FREE!!! This applies ONLY to tickets sold before the opening of the festival on June 9 th . This year's’ main entertainment will be Ray Cumberland and Friends (on Thursday, with the Crossroads Brass Band warmup), Friday – Spinrut and Saturday – Tastes Like Chicken. Is there someone in your family celebrating a special occasion? Bring your party here. We have all the food and live entertainment. Sign up weekend – May 14 th & 15 th . Raffle tickets, Beer Sponsorship ($75) and Beverage Sponsorships ($25) will be available. We are still looking for yard signs that we can reuse. Please bring them to church and leave them in the narthex. Would you like to see your name as a St. Mark supporter of FunFest? Call Molly Burns @6944065, Carolyn Bundy 2500467 or Patty Schmalz @ 7864167 to make it happen. We are still looking for a few booth chairs. We need help organizing Set Up/Take Down, Sound & PA set up, Recycling and Win This Car. If you would like to help with the organization of these booths, please call Ann @ 7872058 or the Parish Center. Open computer lab will be Thursdays from 3:004:00. Students may stay after school to work on any school related activities on the computer. This may include homework, ALEKS, IXL, First in Math, etc." If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Cline ~ Box Tops and Labels for Education An easy way to support St. Mark is by taking a few moments to look for the points, labels, or box tops on the products you purchase, then clip and save them. They can be sent to school with your child or placed in the yellow boxes as you enter school and in the Narthex of the church. My Coke Rewards Register your Coke Rewards account by visiting Points entered can then be donated to St. Mark Catholic School 46227. KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS PROGRAM Register online at . You will need your Kroger Plus card number. Marsh Fresh Ideas for Education To enroll your card, please visit . Our school´s code is: 28795. Please ask family, friends and neighbors to enroll their cards, too ! nrolsho . Lunch Menu Week of May 2, 2016 Monday Chicken Corn Dogs and Baked Beans Tuesday Macho Nachos! Beef Chili, Baked Scoops, Corn and Queso Blanco Cheese Wednesday Breakfast Sandwich, Pork Sausage, Egg and Cheese on a Golden Biscuit and Cooked Carrots Thursday Golden Breaded Chicken Patty Sandwich (PK4), Frank’s Hot Sauce Buffalo Grilled Chicken Patty Sandwich (58) and French Fries Friday Stuffed Crust Cheese Pizza and Green Beans Event Day of Week Opponent Time, Location 56 Kickball Friday (4/29) OL Lourdes 5:00, St. Mark Cadet Soccer Friday (4/29) Ss. Francis & Clare 5:30, Central Catholic 4 Kickball Friday (4/29) Nativity 6:00, Nativity Coed Track Sunday (5/1) St. Michael Inv. 12:00, Cardinal Ritter HS 4 Kickball Tuesday (5/3) St. Jude 5:00, St. Jude 56 Kickball Tuesday (5/3) St. Jude 6:00, St. Jude 56 Kickball Wednesday (5/4) St. Monica 5:00, St. Mark 4 Kickball Wednesday (5/4) St. Pius X 6:00, St. Mark Coed Track Thursday (5/5) South Deanery TBA, Roncalli HS Cadet Soccer Friday (5/6) Central Catholic 5:30, Central Catholic St. Mark All Sports Banquet Mark your calendars for the St. Mark Athletic Banquet scheduled for Monday, May 9 at 5:30. The banquet is open to all Lion CYO athletes, Southside Flag Football League players, junior track runners, parents and coaches. This year’s program will be held in Monsignor Schafer Hall. Registration for Fall sports (tackle football, kickball, HS volleyball, crosscountry, flag football & cheerleading) and uniform returns will also occur at the banquet (registration form at the end of the newsletter as well as outside the school office). Please contact Patrick Collier at 3193010 or for more information. St. Mark CYO Fall 2016 Sports Registration Registration for tackle football (Grades 38), cheerleading (Grades 38), girl’s kickball (Grades 38), coed crosscountry (Grades 58), high school girls volleyball (Grades 912), girls basketball (Grades 48), and flag football (Grades K2) is now underway. The registration deadline is July 15 for all sports except for girls basketball (July 29) and flag football (August 12). We need to get a team count as soon as possible. All Parish youth are welcome to compete in CYO sports. St. Mark registration and CYO physical exam forms are available in the church narthex, parish office, school office, and the school and parish web sites. You must register for each sport using a St. Mark registration form PLUS complete a CYO registration (form at the end of the newsletter). CYO registrations for these sports are performed online at w starting in July. Follow the “Register Child” link and complete the information requested. Please contact Patrick Collier at 3193010 or for more information. Roncalli Rebel News Roncalli High School Summer Sports Camps Registration is now underway for the annual summer sports camps at Roncalli High School. Roncalli High School will again be offering summer camps in 20 different sports for boys and girls. The camps are reasonably priced at only $50 per camper per camp. Register at and the online brochure may be viewed at: . Registration forms are also available in hall outside of SMCS office! Join us at Roncalli High School for Aloha Rebelation! Chaplain Fr. Tim Wyciskalla will be the master of ceremonies at this year’s RebelationRoncalli High School’s largest tuition assistance fundraiser. Grab your flipflops and join us for a festive night of food, drinks, friends, student entertainment and live and silent auctions. Date: Saturday, April 30 th Time: Doors open at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:45pm Attire: Hawaiian island casual To reserve your seats, browse auction items, register your phone and start the bidding, go to . Questions? Contact Rachel Brown at . Incoming Roncalli Performing Arts students An informational meeting for parents of incoming Roncalli Performing Arts students will be held Wednesday May 4 beginning at 7:00pm in the school’s auditorium. After the general meeting, Band, Choir and Theatre will break into individual sessions to discuss items which pertain to their specific departments. If you have any questions, please contact Miki Lewinski at 7878277 Ext. 249 or 201617 IHSAA / CYO Athletic Physicals Offered at Reduced Rate Once again this spring the Roncalli Athletic Department will partner with St. Vincent Sports Performance to provide the required IHSAA and CYO athletic physical examinations for the 201617 school year at the bargain reduced rate of $30.00. Physicals for RHS and South Deanery student athletes will be administered on Thursday, May 5, from 79 PM at the Roncalli High School bubble facility. All studentathletes must be signed up early for an appointment in order to receive a physical exam on 5/5/16! South Deanery elementary school parents may call the Roncalli Athletic Office at 7884094 between the hours of 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM beginning M onday, April 25, 2016 to sign up for a physical appointment, or email Chris Lauck at The approved IHSAA Physical Form (4 pages) may be downloaded directly from the RHS Athletics web site home page while the CYO Physical Form may be downloaded directly from the CYO web site. These forms should be completed prior to the physical date and brought that evening for the doctors to complete. It is very important to note that the IHSAA does not recognize the validity of a completed physical form if signed by a nurse practioner only – the form must be signed by a licensed Medical Doctor! Retirement Reception for Kathy Tinder and Dave Toner – May 20 Roncalli High School will hold a reception to pay tribute to Kathy Tinder and Dave Toner, both of whom are retiring at the end of this school year. All are invited to stop by this reception to be held on Friday, May 20, from 3:15–5:00 in the RHS Media Center and extend your own personal thanks to these two outstanding educators! Kathy is completing 43 years of service to Roncalli as teacher, coach, class moderator, ticket seller/taker, and overall diehard Rebel fan! Dave is putting the wraps on his 18 th year as the RHS Athletic Director. Hope you can stop by and join us. If unable to attend the reception, cards or notes of appreciation may be sent to the high school in their name RONCALLI BOYS CROSS COUNTRY TEAM The Roncalli Boys Cross Country team is seeking incoming freshman in the Fall of 2016 to join our team. If you are interested, please contact coach Jeff Buckley at / (317) 5061821 or Coach Rob Brown at / (317) 6508833 We will provide information for summer training and a parent meeting in early May. No experience is necessary, and this is a great way to begin your Roncalli high school career. PURCHASE A REBEL VIP MEMBER CARD Becoming a REBEL VIP MEMBER is a GREAT way to support Roncalli, promote your business, recognize your student athlete, and provide a significant savings for your family! A Rebel VIP Member Card is a pass that allows you and your immediate family into ALL Roncalli home sporting and fine arts events, free of charge! (Regular season games, plays, musicals, concerts IHSAA tournament and Marion County tournament games are excluded) How do I purchase a Rebel VIP Member Card? 1. You may purchase a half page ad in the Roncalli 2016 All Sports Fall Program for $275.00. This purchase provides you with an ad as well as the VIP Card. The program is distributed at all home sporting events, and will be available for view on our Roncalli High School website. It will feature photos of our 201617 Senior Fall Athletes, fall team photos and a preview of the season from each sports coach. It includes a review of the previous year’s winter and spring sports season as well as a capsule look at the upcoming winter and spring sports seasons. If you advertised in this year’s program you will be contacted with the opportunity to renew. To purchase a ½ page ad for the 20162017 school year, CLICK HERE (link to invoice and information on the Roncalli Athletics Page) email Chris Lauck at (phone at #7884094 RHS Athletic Office), or contact a member of the Roncalli Athletic Booster’s Committee: Jenny Amann, Kristie Clark, Pat Henn, Jim Naumovich, Greg White, Pat Soller, Armando Martinez. The Roncalli High School All Sports Program Ad Campaign is the primary fundraiser for the Roncalli Athletic Boosters. ALL proceeds from this Ad Campaign go directly to support the athletes, coaches and teams at RHS. It has been a real blessing for our school. KATIE’S HOPE 5K RUN/WALK The family and friends of Katie Lynch have organized the 5th Annual "Katie's Run/Walk for Hope" on May 21, 2016 to honor Katie's courageous battle with cancer. Her "free spirit", as well as her love of her family and friends, will be celebrated by raising funds for the Katie Lynch Scholarship Fund as well as Make A Wish Foundation, Sunshine Kids Foundation and the children of Riley Hospital. A Be The Match Registry Drive will also take place during the Walk. At this time you will be able to join the National Bone Marrow Registry at no cost while possibly saving a life and becoming someone’s hero! The event will start at 10:00 am at Roncalli high School. Entry fee is $25.00 per adult, $15.00 per student or $100.00 per family. Registration by 5/10/16 will guarantee a Tshirt.Registration forms can be found at . For more information or group pricing, please call Marty Lynch (5181219) or Kathleen Lynch (5021979)
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Bridge, April 22, 2016 - St. Mark Catholic School
sports are performed online at w starting in July. Follow the “Register Child” link
and complete the information requested. Please contact Patrick Collier at 3193010 or