Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are


Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are
02 6032 8641
02 6032 8101
PO Box 8 Rutherglen 3685
Barkly Street Rutherglen Victoria 3685 AUSTRALIA
Compiled by Roberta Horne
Vol. 71
Who, i thei ildest d ea s, ould ha e e e a i ipated the e ould e so a i edi le thi gs happe i g i ou o ld a d
all at the sa e i e? Thi gs ou ould t sit do
a d thi k up, thi gs ou ould t e e i age happe i g e ept a e, i a
ad o ie.
A d, as if hat s goi g o i the U ited “tates a d B itai is t pe ple i g e ough, e e had to e du e all the u e tai t
a ou d ou o ele io s — a e it s like the e essio e had to ha e — ill life e e etu to o al?
We e all st uggli g to o p ehe d the e s that a ‘uthe gle i situio , Mo is Wi es, hi h as esta lished just a ea
ate ‘ose ood i
, ill e it the a ket at the e d of the ea . This has hit e ha d o oth a usi ess a d pe so al le el.
To lo als a d ge e aio s of o su e s, Mo is Wi es has al a s ee a out the fa il , eal people
i e i dust a d thei o
u it — ot just as pa t of a huge i te aio al o glo e ate.
The o po aio
a e d up keepi g thei
a e ut the ha e e e o
ith eal passio fo the
ed thei souls!
ute is this litle hap! Leo is the e est e e of the
Cha e s e
ho is usil i esigai g all the ooks a d
a ies a d lea i g litle alli g a ds he e e he goes.
He s e tai l keepi g “tephe a d his fa il o thei toes a d
as ou a i agi e he s e ad e tu ous a d i i g lots of
hea ts as he t ies to o k out hethe he s a hu a o a pupp .
We sill iss Leo s p ede esso , a othe Kelpie alled ‘o
as t agi all take f o us so e o ths ago he she ate
s ail ait .
No dou t o e he s a it igge Bill ill sta t tea hi g hi the
opes so he a help ith ou di g up the sheep.
We e e delighted ith e s f o Lo do ad isi g that,
fo the se o d ea u i g, “tephe has a ied of a “il e
a a d at the
I te aio al Wi e Challe ge.
A k o ledge e t at this le el is g a d p aise i deed as this
i e sho has gai ed the eputaio fo ei g the i est i
the o ld si e it ega
o e tha
ea s ago.
The idelit of ea h Medal i i g i e is assessed, i
asked tasi gs, o th ee sepa ate o asio s at least
dife e t judges — a i edi l tho ough p o ess.
The e s also so e e e ii g e s out of A e i a f o
Maste of Wi e Lisa Pe oi-B o
ho ites fo ‘o e t
Pa ke Ju io s The Wi e Ad o ate.
poi ts out of
e ie of Cha e s ‘a e Mus at
is full of des ipto s as she ate pts to o e this as a
E pe ie e athe tha a taste fo the hedo ists.
Ho e
oated al uts
e tai l does it fo
Let s hope ‘o ert F Ke
edy as right he he said …
“Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty;
but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.”
August — Wo de lust T ade Da —The Fi e Wi e “pe ialist—“ d e
- August — Good Food & Wi e Fesi al Ol pi Pa k at “ d e s “ho g ou ds
August — Wi e Tasi g E po Co
e ial Clu Al u
Tastes of T o ‘egio s is your ha e to dis o er the la ours of ‘uthergle a d the
Ki g Valley i the o e lo aio , the eauiful garde s of Pialligo Estate ear Ca erra.
Fo just $
ou a joi ou i e ake , “tephe Cha e s, et ee
a a d p o “u da , August,
as he a d a li eup of
othe p odu e s, p ese t a a a of thei a a d- i i g i es a d deli ious lo al p odu e f o No th East Vi to ia.
If ou e kee to lea so ethi g e ou a sit i o a aste lass o just take a leisu el st oll a ou d the g ou ds ith ou glass
at the ead as ou eet the ake s a d sa ple the deli ious food o ofe .
Make su e ou at h up ith “tephe as he ll ha e a a ge of u ket list fo iied st les su h as Mus at a d Mus adelle fo ou to
sa ple a d ou a also dis o e the ha s of Gouais, a i e ith a t ul e a ka le sto dai g a k to the da s of the ‘o a
E pi e.
O F ida
August ou ll e a le to pi k up so e ips o
eai g o ktails at MON“TE‘ KITCHEN + BA‘ s MU“CAT MIXOLOGY ut get
i ui k as the e a e o l
pla es. Ti kets a e $
a d i lude Mus at o ktails a d tapas. The follo i g ight, “atu da
ou a u shoulde s ith so e of ‘uthe gle s i e ake as the p ese t a uli- ou se di i g e pe ie e a o pa ied a stu i g
li e up of Du if i e st les — spa kli g, fo iied a d e e thi g i et ee . Ti kets a e $
a d i lude ou se di e a d all i es.
Ti kets a aila le at htp://
.i kete o. o .au/ i e ake sof uthe gle /e po-tastes-of-t o- egio l
O to e —Wi e & Cheese Fest “ea o ks at Willia sto
We had so e e a usi g espo ses last i e e had a o d ga e so, go o ,
o us all ith ou spa kli g it
i di g so e e e di gs fo these uips.
“e d ou e t ies to o e ta@ ha
ou ould e the i e .
. A ept the fa t that …
. If ou a 't e …
e s ose ood. o .au a d ou e e k o ,
. Al a s keep ou …
. It a e …
. D i e a efull ...
. Ne e …
● Ma of us hoose to d i k de afei ated ofee elie i g it to e ete fo ou
health, ut I as athe su p ised/ho iied to lea that this is depe de t o the
de afei aio p o ess used.
It s athe u setli gl to k o that sol e ts a e used to st ip afei e out of the
ofee ea s so i the futu e I ll e looki g to see the e a e o ha ful he i als
i ol ed. "Natu all de afei ated o "“ iss ate p o essed" a e the o ds I ll
e looki g fo i afes a d as I uise the supe a ket aisles i futu e as I u de sta d oth these ethods uilise atu al p o esses that o t ha e e o de i g
if I goi g to glo i the da k.
● A othe t ue sto fo ou— a Chi ese isito ho, he hosi g a di e fo a
la ge g oup of usi ess ope ato s, o de ed the ost e pe si e G a ge at o e of
Mel ou e s top estau a ts. I agi e thei su p ise he the aite pou ed ea h
guest half a glass of the i e the topped it up ith Coke.
● Would ou elie e that o e tha ,
people a e holdi g thei eath i
a i ipaio fo the elease of o al oholi ‘osé la ou ed gu
ies? Yes it s t ue,
a d es ou e ight, it is i A e i a. I te est i the e p odu t aused the
p odu e s e site to go i to elt do a ouple of i es a d the a e e pe i g
to sell out ithi a hou of elease.
● “hould ou e pla i g to isit Mad id this su
e a d ish to go s i
i g,
ou d est ake su e ou k o the “pa ish fo No “ i suit Da as lo al pools a e
o autho ised to hold su h e e ts.
● A g oup of efugee atu ists ho setled i Ge a i
a e o je i g to
pla s to uild a e t e fo Musli efugees as it is di e tl e t doo to thei udist
olo i Mo itz u g, “a o .
● T a el i the
s—ho thi gs ha e ha ged! htp://
.dail ail. e s/
a i le/The- ight a ish-lights-Lo do -Qa tas-esta lished-Ka ga oo-‘ l
● This is e a usi g — at h it to i d out all a out Mille ials htps://
. outu e. o / at h? =hLpE Pa I
Visitor: I
e i p essed ith ou dog
Me: Whi h o e?
Visitor: The o e ith th ee legs
Me: Wh s that?
Visitor: He just peed o the a k heel of
ute a d did t fall o e !
“A great ‘uthergle drop! “
Ke Lee G a t M Bu ie
It as good to see o e of our happy Wi ery
Walka out Fesi al isitors i his fa ourite shirt!
P o ou ed te p ah NEE oh
It s o o de “tephe s i st i tage
of this “pa ish fa ou ite is p o i g to
e so popula - It s a g eat food i e!
K Wadsworth of Coburg please call us on 02 6032 8641 we
have a very nice bottle of wine for you!
I’ve obviously been too good at hiding these details ’cos we still
haven’t heard from T Hassett of 3109 the winner from Vol 70!
“u e it goes ell ith tapas a d f esh
hite heeses ut it ill also lit ou
oast la
to e heights a d help
ou ege dishes shi e.
As ou a see the e s o l a li ited
suppl so ake su e ou do t iss
● Fu the to a ite i the last ediio , the ell k o
ele t i
applia e o pa Ele t olu has a ou ed the a e e te i g the
Aust alia te pe atu e o t olled i e a i et a ket. It see s
likel i e f idges a e set to e o e sta da d e uip e t a d e
ill e ofe ed so e jui e i e e ts to i lude the i ou
kit he e a p a d e ho e desig la outs.
While holida i g i the iddle east a Aust alia jou alist hea d a out
a e old Je ish a ho had ee goi g to the Weste Wall to p a ,
t i e a da , e e da , fo a lo g, lo g i e.
“o she e t to he k it out. “he e t to the Weste Wall a d the e he
as, alki g slo l up to the hol site. “he at hed hi p a a d ate
a out
i utes, he he tu ed to lea e, usi g a a e a d o i g
e slo l , she app oa hed hi fo a i te ie .
"Pa do
e, si , I' a epo te f o a “ d e e spape , do ou i d
if I ask ou a fe uesio s? What's ou a e “i a d ho lo g ha e
ou ee o i g to the Weste Wall a d p a i g?"
"Mo is Fei e g, a d "Fo a out
ea s." he eplied.
ea s! That's a azi g! What do ou p a fo ?"
"I p a fo pea e et ee the Ch isia s, Je s, a d the Musli s."
"I p a fo all the a s a d all the hat ed to stop."
"I p a fo all ou hild e to g o up safel as espo si le adults a d
to lo e thei fello
a ."
"I p a that polii ia s tell us the t uth a d put the i te ests of the
people ahead of thei o i te ests
A d i all "I p a that e e o e ill e happ "
"Ho do ou feel ate doi g this fo
ea s?"
"Like I' talki g to a lood B i k Wall!"
A to ‘u h “hi az & Mo deuse
Te p a illo
Du if
plus freight
Vi tage ‘u
Old Cella Vi tage
Wal ut ‘ed
otle Ta
otle Old Ta
otle Mt Ca el
$ plus freight
Cha do a
The Fa il
plus freight
Mos ato
Wal ut Mus at
otle ‘uthe gle Mus at
otle Old Vi e Mus at
otle G a d Mus at
plus freight
“hi az
Blue I pe ial & G e a he
ottle Old Vi e Mus adelle
ottle “ eet A e Ape a
plus freight
Ma , a tha ks fo all the ki d o ds a d kee suppo t
e slete s! It s g eat to hea a k f o ou eade s,
f o all o e the o ld, su h as this lo el ote f o Ca oli e
Leslie, a d to k o ou look fo a d to e ei i g ou e s.
Please keep up the o ta t! ‘o e ta
Words of Wisdom from Sir William Golding
I thi k o e a e foolish to
p ete d the a e e ual to
e , the a e fa supe io a d
al a s ha e ee . Whate e
ou gi e a o a , she ill
ake g eate . If ou gi e he
spe , she ll gi e ou a a ,
If ou gi e he a house, she ll
gi e ou a ho e. If ou gi e
he g o e ies, she ll gi e ou a
eal. If ou gi e he a s ile,
she ll gi e ou he hea t. “he
uliplies a d e la ges hat
is gi e to he . “o, if ou gi e
he a
ap, e ead to
e ei e a to of it a k!
I al a s e jo e ei i g ou e slete – it i gs a k so
a happ e o ies of isits to Cha e s ith Al u ased f ie ds a d fa il . M pa e ts, o e f o the UK
ea s ago, at hed Blue I pe ial g apes a i i g f o ou
i e a ds… i e lo e s, the ’d e e a tuall see the p o ess
a d had the p i ilege of eei g Bill, just a k f o judgi g a
ajo i e a a d. Whe
siste a d he fa il a i ed i
Mel ou e f o Ho g Ko g
ea s ago, I i t odu ed
othe -i -la to the pleasu es of Aust alia fo iied i es
ia gits f o Cha e s. Ea h issue akes e feel it’s ee
too lo g si e I’ e isited ou a , f ie dl fa il i e –
a d I’ll etu as soo as I a .
You o l li e o e, ut if ou do it ight, o e is e ough.
Mae West
F o "The Wit a d Wisdo of Wi sto Chu hill" Ja es C. Hu es:
"Late i his life, “i Wi sto took a uise o a Italia ship. A jou alist f o a Ne Yo k e spape app oa hed the fo e p i e
i iste to ask hi
h he hose to t a el o a Italia li e he the Quee Eliza eth u de the B iish lag as a aila le.
Chu hill ga e the uesio his o side aio a d the g a el eplied.
'The e a e th ee thi gs I like a out Italia ships. Fi st, thei uisi e, hi h is u su passed. “e o d, thei se i e, hi h is uite supe .
A d the - i i e of e e ge
- the e is o e of this o se se a out o e a d hild e i st.'
Those very clever people at the University of California, Davis are constantly coming up with fresh
ideas on how the flavours and textures of wine are created.
Using technology such as high-throughput gene sequencing the scientists are gradually uncovering the ‘how’ and ‘why’ some vintages are better than others.
They’re currently exploring the possibility that Microbes found in ‘Must’ may in fact be key predictors of the resultant wine.
What do you re ko this is?
Once they understand and can identify desirable metabolites they’ll be able to help winemakers
create better wine by enabling them to detect those species that cause spoilage at this very early
stage of the winemaking process.
Must: the first step in winemaking – a slurry of crushed grapes including the skins, seeds and stems.
Microbes: the oldest form of life on earth and although minuscule vital to our existence.
Metabolites: alcohol is one of the most common primary metabolites and is involved in the
fermentation process of products such as beer and wine.
Ala Stutard ith his lash
A eri a pytho ski oots !
Ho ard ‘ogers
as kee to
k o if his ell
aged Bro
Mus at ould
sill e OK. Bill s
ad i e as to
“pull the ork a d
see “ so e re
a aii g a re ie .
Brown 2 sliced onions and 1 clove of garlic In oil or butter
Add 1kg of thick rib of mutton cut into cubes
Add 1 ½ cups of water & simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Mix 3 Tbls Curry powder in a cup of dry white wine
fold into above mixture
Add 3 skun and chopped tomatoes, 3 sliced bananas,
1 Tbls desiccated coconut, ½ cup sultanas, 1 grated apple plus 2 Tbls Apricot Jam
Cook until meat is tender
Serve with small bowls of coconut, diced pineapple,
Bananas, avocado, chutney etc and hot boiled rice
Wine selection:
We don’t have a recommendation from Stephen this time as he hasn’t tasted this one,
so we’d be keen to hear what you think.
Please keep in mind Wendy‘s thoughts that you’ll probably want a little sweetness with
this dish. The Family or Moscato could be the way to go and Laurie thought perhaps
he’d go for the Blue Imperial and Grenache blend.
John from Sandringham had a gorgeous story to share about when and he and his wife called into
the cellar door some years ago and Bill asked if they could possibly “hold the fort” for a while.
Although a bit surprised by such an unusual request they happily agreed once Bill had run them
through a brief training session before he took off … “You’ll know they’re from Melbourne when they
grizzle about the prices and Sydney if they say how cheap the wine is” advised Bill before setting
off into Rutherglen to pick up a pie for his lunch.
Gra dfathers Do 't Al ays K o E erythi g…
Hu te as ea s old a d as sta i g ith his g a dfathe fo a fe da s.
He a e i to the house ate pla i g outside ith the kids e t doo a d asked,
G a dpa, hat's that alled he t o people sleep i the sa e ed oo a d
o e is o top of the othe ?
Although a litle take a a k, G a dpa de ided to tell hi the t uth.
Well, Hu te , it's alled se ual i te ou se.
Oh, OK said litle Hu te , efo e goi g a k outside to pla ith the kids agai .
A fe
i utes late he a e u i g a k i a d said a g il , G a dpa, it
is 't alled se ual i te ou se - It's alled Bu k Beds a d Ji
’s u
a ts a o d ith ou!
Wife te ts he ha d a hus a d o a old i te o i g:
Hus a d te ts a k:
Wife te ts a k
i utes late :
"It is ete to e looked o e tha o e looked."
Mae West
(02) 6032 8641
02 6032 8101
P O Box 8 Rutherglen 3685
Title__________ First Name ________________________________________________Surname______________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone No (______) ______________________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Home Address_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________State_________ Postcode_________
Delivery Address (if different from above)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________State________ Postcode_________
Is there somewhere safe to leave your order in no one home?
Per Item
New South Wales
South Australia
Western Australia
Northern Territory
Mixed dozens can be shipped
Flagons: up to 6 to a carton
Payment must be forwarded with the order
Prices may vary without notice
The following bulk wines are available in 23 1/2 litre containers— P.O.A.
Rutherglen Ruby, Tawny, Muscat, Muscadelle & Mt Carmel
$10 Refundable security deposit for containers
We are happy to quote for the supply of unlabelled wines (cleanskins) for special
occasions such as weddings and anniversaries
Bottle Dozen
Qty Total
2012 Rosewood White (Dozens = Cleanskin) ___ $7 ___________ $65♥____$_____
2008 Roussanne_____________________________ $10 ________$100♥ ____$_____
2006 Gouais __________________________________ $15 ________$150♥ ____$_____
2012 Chardonnay ____________________________ $12 ________$120♥ ____$_____
2015 The Family _______________________________ $15 ________$150♥ ____$_____
2015 Moscato ________________________________ $10 ________$100♥ ____$_____
2010 Sparkling Chardonnay _________________ $20 __$240_____________$_____
2011 Noble Muscadelle (Bronze Medal) _______ $15 __ ______$120♥____$_____
NV Rosewood Red (Dozens = Cleanskin) _______ $7.50 ______ $70♥ ____$_____
2013 Bill’s Ambrosia (Sweet Red) _______________ $10 _______ $100♥ ____$_____
2012 Grenache ________________________________ $15 _______ $150♥ ____$_____
2014 Blue Imperial & Grenache (Limited Release)$15 _________ $150♥ ____$_____
2011 Cabernet Sauvignon (French Oak) ______ $13 _______ $130♥ ____$_____
2010 Shiraz ____________________________________ $15 ________$150♥ ____$_____
2010 Anton Ruch (Shiraz Mondeuse) ____________ $20 __$240_____________$_____
NV Thunderball Red _________________________ $12 ________ $120♥ ____$_____
2014 Tempranillo (Limited Release) _____________ $25 __$300 ____________$_____
2014 Durif ________________________________________ $20
$240 ____________$_____
Sub Total $____
Ele t o i T a sfe o a aila le:
NAB A ou t Cha e s ‘ose ood Vi e a ds
B“B 082-406 Account No. 46206 5247
Please e e e to ide if Pa ee
Please i le he e appli a le
ou a e o e
= 12 bottles for the price of 10
Dry Flor Apera ____________________$16 _____________ _____ $_____
Aged Dry Flor Apera (375ml)_____$25 _____________ _____ $_____
Sweet Amber Apera_____________ $17 _____________ _____ $_____
Rutherglen Cream Apera________ $17 _____$35 ______ _____ $_____
Rutherglen Ruby______________ $12 _____$25______ _____ $_____
Rutherglen Tawny_____________ $12 _____ $25 ______ _____ $_____
Rosewood Old Tawny___________ $20 _____________ ______ $_____
Mt Carmel _______________________ $17_____$35 ______ ______ $_____
1999 Vintage Ruby _____________ $15 _____________ _____ $_____
2004 Old Cellar (Vintage) ______ $20 _____________ ____ $_____
Muscadelle (Rutherglen) ________ $17 _____$35 _____________ $_____
Muscat (Rutherglen) _____________ $18 ______$37 ___________$_____
2012 Walnut Muscat ___________ $20 ________________ _____$_____
2012 Walnut Red _______________ $20________________ ______$_____
Old Vine Muscat (375ml) _______ $25______________ _____ $_____
Old Vine Muscadelle (375ml) _____$30 _____________ ______$_____
Grand Muscat (375ml) ____________$55 _______________ ______$_____
Grand Muscadelle (375ml)________$100_____________ ______$_____
Rare Muscat (375ml) ______________$250 _______________ ______ $_____
Rare Muscadelle (375ml) _________$250 _____________ _____$_____
Qty Total
Voters Elbow______________________ $240 ________________
Portification_______________________ $90 _________________
All White, All White_________________ $130 ________________
Muscat Matters_____________________ $130 ________________
Trumpexit___________________________ $180 ________________
Sub Total B/f $______
TOTAL $_____
Che ue /Mo e O de /Maste a d/Visa
Ne Custo e / E isi g Custo e
ea s of age____
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ E pi
Please e if
__ __ /___
“ig atu e______________________
= Change since last newsletter
● = Low Stock
Who, i thei ildest d ea s, ould ha e e e a i ipated the e ould e
so a i edi le thi gs happe i g i ou o ld a d all at the sa e i e?
Thi gs ou ould t sit do a d thi k up, thi gs ou ould t e e i age
happe i g e ept a e i a e
ad o ie.
A d, as if hat s goi g o i the U ited “tates a d B itai is t pe ple i g
e ough, e e had to e du e all the u e tai t a ou d ou o ele io s
a e it s like the e essio e had to ha e — ill life e e etu to
o al?
We e all st uggli g to o p ehe d the e s that a ‘uthe gle i situio ,
Mo is Wi es, hi h as esta lished just a ea ate ‘ose ood i
ill e it the a ket at the e d of the ea . This has hit e ha d o oth
a usi ess a d pe so al le el.
To lo als a d ge e aio s of o su e s, Mo is Wi es has al a s ee
a out the fa il , eal people ith eal passio fo the i e i dust a d
thei o
u it — ot just as pa t of a huge i te aio al o glo e ate.
The o po aio
a e d up keepi g thei a e ut the ha e e e
o ed thei souls!
Let s hope ‘o ert F Ke edy as right he he said …
“Like it or not, we live in interesting times.
They are times of danger and uncertainty;
but they are also the most creative of any time
in the history of mankind.”
A to ‘u h “hi az & Mo deuse
Te p a illo
Du if
$240 plus freight
Vi tage ‘u
Old Cella
Wal ut ‘ed
otle Ta
otle Old Ta
otle Mt Ca el
$ plus freight
Cha do a
The Fa il
plus freight
Mos ato
Wal ut Mus at
otle ‘uthe gle Mus at
otle Old Vi e Mus at
otle G a d Mus at
plus freight
“hi az
Blue I pe ial & G e a he
otle Old Vi e Mus adelle
otle “ eet A e Ape a
plus freight
August Wo de lust T ade Da The Fi e Wi e “pe ialist “ d e
- August Good Food & Wi e Fesi al Ol pi Pa k at “ d e
August Wi e Tasi g E po Co
e ial Clu Al u
August Tastes of T o ‘egio s— ou ha e to dis o e the la ou s of
‘uthe gle a d the Ki g Valle i the o e lo aio , the eauiful ga de s of
Pialligo Estate ea Ca e a. Fo just $
ou a joi ou i e ake ,
Gra dfathers Do 't Al ays K o E erythi g…
“tephe Cha e s, et ee
a a d p o “u da , August,
as he a d a li eup of othe p odu e s, p ese t a a a of thei a a d- i i g Hu te as ea s old a d as sta i g ith his g a dfathe
fo a fe da s. He a e i to the house ate pla i g outside
i es a d deli ious lo al p odu e f o No th East Vi to ia.
ith the kids e t doo a d asked, G a dpa, hat's that
If ou e kee to lea so ethi g e ou a sit i o a aste lass o just
alled he t o people sleep i the sa e ed oo a d o e
take a leisu el st oll a ou d the g ou ds ith ou glass at the ead as ou
is o top of the othe ? Although a litle take a a k,
eet the ake s a d sa ple the deli ious food o ofe .
G a dpa de ided to tell hi the t uth. Well, Hu te , it's alled
se ual i te ou se. Oh, OK said litle Hu te , efo e goi g
Make su e ou at h up ith “tephe as he ll ha e a a ge of u ket list
a k outside to pla ith the kids agai . A fe
i utes late he
fo iied st les su h as Mus at a d Mus adelle fo ou to sa ple a d ou
a e u i g a k i a d said a g il , G a dpa, it is 't alled
a also dis o e the ha s of Gouais, a i e ith a t ul e a ka le sto
se ual i te ou se - It's alled Bu k Beds a d Ji
’s u
dai g a k to the da s of the ‘o a E pi e.
a ts a o d ith ou!
O to e Wi e & Cheese Fest “ea o ks at Willia sto
Touted as A Cele aio of the “e ses a d ofe i g o e tha
Those e le e people at the U i e sit of Califo ia,
e hi ito s, jazz, a g ape sto pi g o peiio , e e a Kids )o e, this e e t
Da is a e o sta tl o i g up ith f esh ideas o ho
sou ds like it has all the ases o e ed!
the la ou s a d te tu es of i e a e eated.
Brown 2 sliced onions and 1 clove of garlic in oil or butter
Add 1kg of thick rib of mutton cut into cubes
Add 1 ½ cups of water & simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.
Mix 3 Tbls Curry powder in a cup of dry white wine and fold into above mixture
Add 3 skun and chopped tomatoes, 3 sliced bananas,
1 Tbls desiccated coconut, ½ cup sultanas, 1 grated apple,& 2 Tbls Apricot Jam
Cook until meat is tender
Serve with small bowls of coconut, diced pineapple, bananas, avocado,
chutney etc and hot boiled rice Wine selection:
We don’t have a recommendation from Stephen this time as he hasn’t tasted
this one, so we’d be keen to hear what you think.
Please keep in mind Wendy‘s thoughts that you’ll probably want a little sweetness with this dish. The Family or Moscato could be the way to go and Laurie
thought perhaps he’d go for the Blue Imperial and Grenache blend.
Usi g te h olog su h as high-th oughput ge e se ue i g the s ie ists a e g aduall u o e i g the ho a d
h so e i tages a e ete tha othe s.
The e u e tl e plo i g the possi ilit that Mi o es
fou d i Must a i fa t e ke p edi to s of the esulta t i e.
O e the u de sta d a d a ide if desi a le eta olites the ll e a le to help i e ake s eate ete i e
e a li g the to dete t those spe ies that ause spoilage at this e ea l stage of the i e aki g p o ess.
Must: the i st step i i e aki g – a slu of ushed
g apes i ludi g the ski s, seeds a d ste s.
Mi o es: the oldest fo of life o ea th a d although
i us ule ital to ou e iste e.
Meta olites: al ohol is o e of the ost o
o pi a
eta olites a d is i ol ed i the fe e tatio p o ess of
p odu ts su h as ee a d i e.