Weymann 1930 Banjo Catalog
Weymann 1930 Banjo Catalog
.dEYMAN in St/tn4: In t@eatt Since 1864 ,-:l BnNJos & (r r H, A, \(/EYMANN A SON, Manulacturerr TENTH AND FILBERT SIREETS Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. FOR THE IDENTIFICATION AND DATING OF VINTAGE GUITARS, MANDOLINS AND BANJOS CATALOGS FROM THE COLLECTION OF GEORGE YOUNGBLOOD These are scans of catalogs originally distributed to the public to describe the manufacturer’s products available for sale at one point in time. The intended use for these catalogs is historical research: vintage instrument identification and dating. These catalogs are not offered here for sale or re‐sale – They are only for the academic purpose of instrument identification, research and historical context. Please respect their use and do not reproduce, copy or distribute this information for any other purpose. It is important to note that instrument catalogs are not always accurate in their descriptions of instrument specifications or the images used. While product improvements were constantly being made; catalogs often used older existing drawings, etchings or photographs. In some cases instruments were offered in catalogs that had been discontinued for years. For these reasons, catalogs can only be used as general guides for the dating and identification of vintage instruments. If you are having trouble with some of the instruments details, we may be able to help. Feel free to contact us at: ACOUSTICMUSIC.ORG: http://www.AcousticMusic.Org THIS IS THE DAY OT THE Quality BANJO NTE\tn hefore in our nore thrn 66 yeat' 1'l sp"rirlizing onthe 6ne't.tringeJ instr! rncnts h$. we bcen 60 s.eat a chunce os that $l,ich has made the ba"jo the popular insrrumcnt of the da,v. Year3 aqo we felt thnt this lislrt'hearted' e"r. .p".kljns musical irr.trum"nt tas ie.tined to r ;,la@ tcord to none in t}e edimatiotr of An'cricatr mtpic lo\"rs lor certlirlv Do musical iNtrumcnt of atry r"". i" nore tt Diealh rlmericdr tiran the tig";". r" it'i- aprnjed c'.rr posible orinciole oi eolstrtrction i^r tonol .llect. irerv i,aterirl ho= bee crrehLl\ stuJied. The creation of r tonc of briJJiarcy and chrrm, the presertation and urnpli6crtion of thot tonc to r poi,Lt ol high s.jentific lccuracx-thes. were our aims. How well we have succeeded, i! the prognm 1\hicLr rre l,ioreered tu nrck" Ll'e l,.rnio \ro.th\ ol d Flace cnrnt,s thF fitre!t *i';,,' i",irmenis. is best rrrrrer.d l,r "t ihe fore;ost teachers and the biniotuts oi rhe leadins dancc oichestras. recordtue and broadcastiire oreanizatiors. Tire preleience J,or n ior \ er-ann Brnjo. br th.sc nFn \lLose entranch.g banio mruc ir Lrorn cll orer dre lur',1. specl. lor itsell. ls it any loDder il,at fronr the ! Nical nnblic serierdlh therc hr5 aii'"tr in insis' I s.t a brrio l."r a"'-,',,1. i\l'"'" "o" u'jt" nrodu'" .,,.L a! lh.'" nror,--ior.rl- rl,.ir \onJeri;l .R,.r-? l I'i" LloLl'r i' r,ul,liJrd :g ll,. Jt'-\' I ro ll, 'r .1'r''lrorr. but. aitcr all. iL is irnl'o.'ible !n destuLc irr -n"lq lhe beiulr o' ll,.'P i,,'lrrrrn-r,'"rt,.ir t,riUisr,A oi rore ro s". tl.e,n r," l ,'r irrJii r! Lerr rlr.m i' ih" h, 'r their rcal sule ority. "'-rl,o 'l'}e WevmanD dealers carefullr se' lectcd lor their hish stnldnrs aDd ahilit'v jn tlLe juJgnrent ol nr.ical ralu"' rre gJa,l to be ol rs_i>tantP to rou rn ttrrs resPect H. ,\. v!Yrr'{\N & soN. rNc VLYII-{NN BANJOS (lhoir:c of lrrofessionals Leadnrg professionats plar Weynrm Banios lhey are easier to pl.r and have tllt thrilling, frll, vibiax. Leca,rse BOB AICIi Cro. Ollen .rd Tin trlnlic The adnittcd superi" ority of tr eyrnann Brnios, the pref ere Dc. slown for then by rhe lc.ding teachers ind orchesrra balioiste- rhese are resuhs artainabi. ouly after long years of slrecializa.iob. A study ol any jnstnheDt in this catalog will shos tl,at iD workhansl,ip, scientilic constncrion, t nED c, llucti \FI nrs! l,enDsr,lvuinh patcrted inrprovernents, lone qDality, beauty ol desjgn and tinish and nr dura}ility, tLe Wey- mann Banio i3 uques. ti,rnahly ir the lead. Ior real econohry is ivell as snperior r.mal results, the ideal combi narion is r WelmaDn i+ 3trumeDt $'ith "l(cysrdne Srote" Sr.inSs whi ch arc \IAURICE tr. ATI]N T.d Lewis rnd IIir Orcl,enr. gauged specially for the Wey- NEYMANN B{IJOS Some Imporkrnt ll/eymann Patented Features i\Icgaphonic Tonc :\mpiif.ying Ilirn AD intortolt lcature in We). rrarrrr Orchestra B{njos, lound iI no olher make. Tire rim is con. itructed of ten lay. ers of laminated s'ood, tapererl to give a megaphonic efect. The lode is nagni. volurne fred and carried to tLe greatesi di$raDce. Since all brackets arc ercrsed an.l coultersunk, the rin ie pe ectly smooth. onter surlace of the Coh$ination Neck Brace and Adjueter is likewiee nr i'nt,utr", r lp.l,rre. \, ir'Ji-t-r''nhlc d"ric" L,'r'ioi-t. jrr .".urirr: .orr, .r toril;o'r i l lhP r,eck to The distance betrvccr the fiDgell,oard aud strihga nay Le adjrnred at will by llre rrrD ot the Dut in cen' Sf r_lr \i\\ IJ !trJoS Wer-ttratttt "Four-to-One'' J'r'g. \\tTtI Tu,l,i Ur'[ in tll Jtl,]) cL1lis 'I:,rFto.On] ' ln ri:r.r8i Unirr,l Srnres lr{r{r O nli aiF,Nl These rlrique patertrl lrgs ,nrl,e it posible to get tlir f\r,.t pitch quickJl. Ther rlso loll tl,. (lcsirdl L.rrtioil rritLou. Jit,lririi. fl,ir isol l,re.r, i,ni!),1rlcc lo LIr. artisr for pnl)lic or bro.(1. lLe striDgsto T|e nrgenious arnngeri.,,L ol jls speci.ll! designcd gear. lrrrrrishes a "Four-to.One" ratio. lrorr conplete turns ol tlre Lrrrr. iDg Lu$on ror.LL.. rl,. "lrin! 1L. ca:e contiir;rg ll,,, Hrar. is \er\ c,)nrl,rct. rN inch nr depth .Dd ,6-n,.1, i,, diJneter. Bein! cc,,r,.,1. i' 1,.,- -,1' ' r.,j-- ,,\-f -i,, .r;ur . , .Dd t)rorh r fur ,nore artracrile apferrrDc.. IIr. gcar crsing of ihe "Iourno.Oxe" Pcr is.olDLl.rsuiil, i l,elJpiece oi hanio i Dcato .o,i!tru.tior. 'I'ltr: \\'r'r tttarrrr Itirl t rr l lr I I llr' llt-'r^ottaloI' D ///rir(rn,5_n.nr ILrinr I irI t,i \tn,rtr, u\|\] n tt l\t"tun Or(ltlrrt Lu jt): lhe \\r\n'[r It.:o .ror Ior O,(1trnrx ]Jr"jo- i. ,'Ln'1, $irl' ,, ., ts . i,,.. lri. "",, , ,, ,vhilc uore coJly, tlro.r. ilrr.or d $n'r. Lor\rrl. g trrl. i,' cretrsn,g rhe rxrrnrs Dorer. 1t n i 1(xitrr'rlrrr.or ril, r, hrgclr ro r}e Doptrftritv 01 rc \\rri,'r"n Orl]tnrr linnj!. h i. Ide.erl ro tl!. rnr l,\ irlr.o\r t,l ,l,rn,{ rlxrLl,. I !r. x Dxrcrred lentrn,rli,l, in.trr- x lnrn !rii, rn,l rlini,,xr.. oll ieclnlnrl,lc \il'urn,n. \l,i,lr rk.onxtnu.,,rur!l lr\ tl'. ur oi iur or ntrl Qr.l, lrnrnn,.!.. Tl'ir ni,rionrl ir{drirs l ^ii-Lorl r.rl .rll l.,r'-. tr'd'11 VI]Y}IANN BANJOS Wr.r rnann ( )r'rltcstrit Tcnor llanjo Style A 1n ,i.rrrfl/. lx rti.,!n fulue ql l{).110 ,nr,," INcL!DrNc l)LUtH.Lr\fD (l \st RIII of nahogarry. upper edge and bottom bouDil with rosewood. Top inJaid rviLh non.tarnisl'ablc sil. ver flash compound. Not.hed hoop, 1$ent) brackcts, all metal p.rts nicl(el pl.tc.l. Speciaill leod, 11 selected ircLes in di.rmeter, NECK, tiro piecrx, ol nalo3urry, reilfor.Pd nnlr ebony veDeer tlrough cc'rlre and rtlditionol reirrIorcement ol wood rereer }elrvcr:n neck and ffnger' board, Heel capped $irh roFewood IINGERBOARD of rosewood with nrlaiil pearl Po- sitions. Ivory celluloid bound edge, niih blocli positiol dota ou side. ol ltr. with ro6ewoo(l Logrhr, nrour d top and bottorl edges. Inlaitl nrrquett i ITESO-'{ATOR is If desireal $irlt ill nrehl parts gold plate,l, 5130 00 ll de nlso LONG ol n ne prni.. i NEd' PLIICTRUII DA].lJO 2t-nrcl scrl€, 22 lrcls, IIANDOLIN.BTINJO I4.nrh scalci 1i ners (n, ctine l,e.d), ot $130.00. \iNY1'IAN\ BA\JOS Wevrnann Orche-qtra 'lbnor Banjo TIIE CI]OICD ,t.r,c/,rd1.j Srr'1e No. 2 OIT IIANY IFOIESSION,\L.t iel.d, I..'.rrir\. Pr.r'qHJ,rNlr a r.r RltrI. rnaple. nrtrrral color. Upper edge and bot. ton bounil with rosewootl. Top inlaid $ith non. tanislablc silrcr RaFII cohpound. \orched hoop. t{enty br{ckels all nietal parts Dickel plated. Spe. $200.00 cially selecreJ head. 11 incLca n, dilDrcter. \liCI! trvo pieces. black and r'hite ol fine niaplc. renrforced ri'ith rerrrs tl,rou!:], c.ntre u,,d with colored veneds ]l r$eer neck ard fiugerboard. Heel cappcd $irh ebow ard colorcd reneers. FINGERBOARD Of d lriih orrahdLtal p earl poFiLions. Edges l,oud with irorr cellulonl, rlith iila poti. ti,r, dots oD s o. I'Ierd. ebony inl ai t,iece capped rv;Ll, el,on\ and cotorcd \.roers 0,,1 nrl.id \\ itl, orrrnre,,txl pearl dosisn. RESO\{TOR or u,,rrY naple. Top .nd I'oror, edges hour d with rose. wooil. Tnl.rid narqnetrr' \:ith.l1 metrl t,r.ti s,,1,1 1,irte(l, at 521tl.0l). lrrdc nlso d dr rtrDr. r r', ir LON{; NItCK Pt,licTtiI_tL IITNJO 2ii.dRile.22I'ats. cIltT.\n_BdNJu 20 1rrr. l;.t[l' rd.. \![1!TA\N B\NJOS \\'r't urarrn t)rchestra 'Ienor Banjo .Sr1'le Ao. .1 De /,ur. (;{)LO I'L\1'I]D -''";;;..,: s;i:n.ott,'..","..,....... 1\.LLDt\. PJ.r sH.LIrLr ll\iL inhirl $ith IrrfliIrg rith norv ccllul{rid. l.l, ol rnn reneered wirh .Lon! and inhni ililL Den . on,.n,cn1!l itr design, b,itroh ol rinr \.rcin'd rrith ro.eslod. \ll \or''r"l1"",r,, l''rr,l rirr' '1. l" r't. I'r 'l'r' ,,-r.Itqrr- r,,l lIl.'r"d. -1"'i I -1"'.l lr.r'1. dianeLer ll nrches. \lt l(- r$o ,,i,,:... .l ro.rr" l. ,,"u' -l \i'l' I,t.,,t J .t \trir" -rrit'- r',r ,I:r, -. .r,,r ,,.k.,.J ItIl\I ol rosdroorl, upper cdge rnd bourrt r,'lored reneers bctreen neck rrrrl firserboaril. lTtr:l h.!d crn(ai rtith ebonr arrd col,,re,l cappcd ',',,,ri., FI\CERBOARD ol iiborr, elaborarelr nllaid rcith pearl. Edges borrd ritL irory cellrrloid anil positi{r, dots iDl. oI, sir{e. Tlerdpilo capperl titl, e}onl and colorerl rc. neers ard arti:ticrlh i r:ki(l with pearl. RIiS0t\lTOlt of rosrwood, uppo anrl loner .d.ses bouDd {iLI' iron .etl,rloid aDd nrlaid rriLl, 1,ut nig. lnlairl rrarquel. 1 llddc rl.0 in coLD.PL^TltD t,LLt ! llturr II.\\JO Srn,e sPecili.atn,n". 1;-n,c\ qsl.,22 fre6. san'. rrics. \II]Y]I INN B.INIUS Wevrnann Olchestra llenor Banjo Style No. 7 Dc Lurc GOLD |L]\TED ""':';)::f $lzo.oo INLL!"r\ri PJ.r'sr!tri'L! i:;,!:;:"'*'" C \sr RIll ol figurcd rraln t. uppcr nnd low.r .,1qe in. \r,rl,,,.,,11i,, liiil 1",', J \irl. i,n,\ '"lirloi,l 'l-.r' u[ riL !'r.'r.J.',',1,,irr' .lro \ J,,,1 ir'ldi,l \irl, p"rrl. on,pr,', r 'r in J.irr. l",r',,", ot 'in' \,ILrred ..irl, ,,--\,,,,,1. \or,l',,1 l'.,"t" 1,.'r.l -nqrJ\"J. l\, ',,r l,r..\Fr-. \\ ' ,,,, ,' O ,jr , ,,t11 I lrrrl". jtc- c;!lh-;elected lrr:a,1, rtiameter 11 ircher. 2-l,IECIl \ECIi of 6elecred \\,aL,ni" reinfor.ei rvirtr black and nl,iLe lttiF throrA} center ot nr:ck and colored reDc.$ Letlreen !c.k and fiDgobo.rd. Heel i:rpped $'iLl, ebonl and colored ven.cis: hand cancd r" fT\aLBBU\nLr,.r - ",.t. "1,1,". r-t\ ir,tai,t sirtl rrl. F'lj, - I o,, ,l \irl, i\,,r\ ., lluloid a,,,1 pnsi. rior,,1,,r- i,,1.,:n,, -i,r". H,.iJt,i",",!tl,F,t i,irt, .h,,,,).,r.i ,ul,,n,l \Fn,,r- ,,J xrri-t:..,t1\ ixt.,iJ siLh pearl. RESO|- qTOR of $!l,rut, uI. per and lorver erlscs bound uirlr ivory (ellulonl and nrlairl witl purfliD8. .\rr;sric sdoll desigr ol holllwoo.l inlaid .r.u,,.1 sirlc lh{lr rlso n' GOLD PLA'fltD PLn('t.tiu ts{lljo sr,.rific.ti.ns. 2i nnt' 2? Irets, !t sJ.,c Drn.. \t tiltYsl0Nti sT,\l tr, I,\NJos K,.r -lorre Slirl. T,.rrot Birnjo lVo. 25 :J r,r,.nr. (lnlv S2,i.00 Sidr Opennrg, Iicurol Covcrcd CNe. b hds Si-00 b.Djo r.luc. Tl,iiilnrs, full. riltart tone. Accurate scnle. Detachahle hirtlseye nr!rl,i r.sorrator. Natural or w.lnut finislr. Eqnipp.d \sith lr;{,ljon l).gs. Set3 r Ah fire.str Derr strnddrd oi rnrde in t],e Jong rcck, lotrr{tring plectrum" .q banj." and mandolin banjo nrrdcls, at tlrr \l.EIIIA\N IiANJ OS Wrrnrrrrrrr Tcnor l:iiurjo S.tte No. 50 ,J.rri,r4i. qi)0.00 IN.r.r Dr\c ro rd, (lrqi 'lhc rrort remarkable !{hre in banios l.,lNr. ITr. the lamou: Xevnann me.sapl,.n;c rinr. (itl st,e.iillv conslrrde.l D,aLogan! tone resonalor. llrn,,lil,rll! finisLed. Res.nrtor norrrlerachalile. Drickets Iljusted through open gs ii rrsonntor. Eqnil,ll.(l \ritlr trictiorr pegs. Ccntrc opennrg case ol {ro"s--rrirrc,l veneer slell. hrnLol corerrrl- iltrr: lirrnru. in rr!,,1rorin tsu,jo. rrulr) Brnjo, Filesrrins B[,i(' Atso Darle 1-org \ok tI'lec. ST YTT 1\N RdNJOS \Vevrrrarrrr Tt'nor 13aujo Strle,\o. 85 23.inLL:Lab $85.0{l r t". l^_.r.r oJ\e Pr.r srr Lr\riD i rr. ri.,. \'irl, rtal. r.rx,al()r ol figuretl nre.i.llti ntrl. IlesoDator nouletrchrll:. llra,iL.c adjtr:t.d rhrorgh oprlnrgs irr rc{',ator. Dc.orated ceDrre an,l snic. Equippetl nith \errnU,n ''ForrrL}Orrr" pegs with centrrl gcrrs. Has tLe lanous \-e!man,, ,neg{r,1,.,,n, dnrsLnriL(',1 L,,rr ,\Lo nradc iI llandolnr Bunjo arrrl Long \erk lPle.trun) BaDjo, ard Fire-Stritrg Bunjo uL "ane 11,E ht.lirl \'F]Y\TINN IIA\.IOS \i:\ nrann }landolin Banjo SrJle No. 85 ]]i,-h *,& S85,00 INc,.!DJNc 1;1.",, PLLSHJ,'\.0 Cis! Has the lamou3 N'evDaDr negaplroDic rih, with speciallt coDstru(t.d tone rcsoDator of figured ralnut. Resonator non.detactrable. Brackets adjtted through openings in rcsonat{,r. Decorlt.d.e rre anrl side, Equippcrl rdth mrchine head. Other rnodels ot llandol Ba"jos: No.:5, Kelstone State, $25 00 (Case'55o0l No.50. Ievnann' $5000 (irctuding Case)' Style A Orclte,tra, S130 00 (nrcludirg Case). Desciptions of above models are the same as the Tenor Banjos deecribed herein. IPuse rhirteen) VIYMANN B-{NJOS Wcymann Guitar Banjri Str-le No, Bs 985.00 INcr.uDrNc ,o/d, l'r!sH.LrNrn Crs. th. lahous Weynann rin, with speciallv constructed tone resoDator of figured sal. but. Resonator non.detachable. Brackets a.ljusted through openirgs in resonator. Decorated centre and 6idc. Equipped with nachine head. Has rregaphonic Weyhabn Guitar Banjo also Dade in Style A Orchestra model, $110.00, includnrg sitk plush lined case. Gold.plated metal pans, 5,10.00 exha. Deecription of Style A on page 6. lPnse toutteenl \I EYIl AN N BANJO.q Rttail Pricc List of Accessnries TENoREI\JosrR'Ncs Sr€el, Loop End,. 1;l 'Ienor Banjo A-Siherdd l:0 'Ienor Ba o D--siNeted I;] 1;l 'IenoL Banjo Trnor Banjo .10.0; Stecl. Loon [nd. on Steel. Loor Lnd c-\'oud C found on Stecl, r.oi_c r_Ec( (r .0; 10 Loop End .li t0 100 150 q : s'ri.t ..,,.,,,,.,...,.,.$().0t .,,,,,.,,.,, .- -05 0i Sikred Sledl ,.,,...,,,... Found on St€el ........-....-. .10 l5 FoDnd on Silk .ntl -slocl ,. .. .0j Siher€d Srcdl .,,,.,,...,. .10 Cut and Silk . , , , . , , , . . , , , ,. 10 ll0 tsnnjo 2nd Cut lnd Silk .,,,...,,,.,, . Il0 tsanjo 3rd Cul and Silk .,,,.,.,.,,,,... , .10 163 Banio {rh ConDer. Vomd on Silk ,,..,,.. .20 110 B.njo ttl Cut and Silk .,...,,.,.,,.., . l0 160 B rjo lrt 160 tsrnjo 9.d 160 BDja 3rd l60titsxnjo,lrJr 161 tsanjo 1ft 160 Ba.jo 5l! U0 Banjo l!l $0.;0 Silvered Src.l Silv{rcd Steel i05l) 50 -50 1.00 1.10 50 100 100 100 2.00 101r Cdlltlo ...,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.10,01, .0;, .10. .1) ,l;. .25, .il; ,cliell ,,,...... .lri IJa.n, I{ut6. Elrdn Bsnjo llunr, Filu.r ...,..,...,,,,,,.,,,..,.,.,.,-.... .60 1.00 Binj{, Iurrs, Grordr .................................. B rjo Tuner, Tdnor or Long \eck .,,.,,.,.,-.,,......., .3rr Bo,jo tsu&eb vnh Nrb, Nickcl Plated ............... .20 nJnjo IlmcheG {ith Nuls. Cold PlaI.d ,...,... ..... -.. .51) B j. Ios.wood A,m Rst tor Ncrnrlnr O.{ienra Banjo l.0lr B rjo Ficks, Bxnjo Pi(hs, nocrns rrnsr ou!t.r]r lor i. ch Eerd ,..,.,,.,.,..,.,..,,,, ,.,,,,,,!1,t; ]:-inch lor f.incl, Heail ............................... 2.0n ll.in.h lor l011.inch Heail ............................. 3.00 MrcL io. ll.nrch Eerd,,,,,,,,,.,,,..,,,.,,,,..,,,,., 3i0 l;.nrh lor l2.nrch He.d .,,,,..,,,.,.,..,...,,,,,..,,,.,1.?; s{r odEdrju sr.50tn4 tur 'r!! R.ral ]Iusi. -qrandr. JaFannrxl. ... -.....,,.. ....,...... ..S1-rllr Bu,kel. ]{!ii. Stmd,, Nnrk.l l'lulcd .,,..,............,. 1.;l) ifunih,n Mu-i. Standr, Nnrkel Plat .................. 2.2; L.sth.r Clre ldr Elnrilton Strnd....., -.......,,........ 1.;1) \o.1t Hadrihon ]f$ic Shnd, \:ooddn'ldp. rLirl, Unl'r.rkille Base,. -,...........,..............,...,...,...,1.00 \0. 1l Eadihon Xlusic Srand (as Nd, 11. nirh Llr Tor, and E:tra Heaay B$e) ,,.......,.....,. -......... - ri.0r) Brnjo Brjdgcs, Crovc. ..,....,,...,,...,,,.,,.,S0.10. .2t, rJ j' R'.d8.., F-.mbnn ........,,..,, lo.incl .110 i .L!d 6! 5ur. 4ch nrh3, tsrrLr. + id,.