March - Clarksville Christian School


March - Clarksville Christian School
The Centurion Times
Excellence in Education. Foundations in Faith.
Table of Contents
Board News, Counselor News…….2
Nurses News, Library...….…………..3
Pre-K, Integrated News...…..........4
Kindergarten, First, Second……....5 Third, Fourth, Fi h...……………...….6
Special Area News……...……..….....7
Bible, Social Studies, Science….....8
English, Math...…..…………..………..9
Johnson, Roberts, The Well........10
Fellowship of Chris an Athletes, Europe Travel, Soccer, Mission of CCS…………………………………...11
Important Dates
March 3 - Science Fair Projects Due March 3 - Upper School Club Day March 3 - Golf Interest Mee ng, 5:30 pm
March 3 - MS Soccer Game
March 4 - Science Fair Awards Ceremony, 5:30 pm
March 7- Varsity Soccer at Grace Community, 4 pm
March 10 - 14 Stanford Tes ng
March 10 - MS Soccer Game
March 15 - Varsity & MS Soccer at Community Chris an, 9am
March 17- Report Cards go home
March 17— MS Soccer Game
March 18 - Junior Job Shadowing
March 19 - CiCi’s Night
March 20 - Chuck E Cheese Night
March 21 - Field Trip 4th/5th grade
March 21 - Field Trip Upper School
March 24 - 28 SPRING BREAK !!!
March 31 - Return to School
March 31 - MS Soccer Game
Principal’s News
March 2014 Volume 6, Issue 7
Volunteers Needed! Stanford tes ng is on the way!
Our families have been so ac ve and helpful in our school during the month of February. From Candy Grams to “Valen ne bombing” the CCS hallway, you all have been so gracious to us. We are entering our busiest me of the year, and we would greatly appreciate any me you could volunteer to help with our achievement tes ng. If you have not already returned your volunteer form to the counselor’s office, please do so as soon as possible. Ms. Childs is recrui ng parents to help proctor tests, provide snacks, and distribute materials during the week of March 10th-14th. Thank you in ad-­‐
vance for your contribu ons. We are so excited to now be in our Open Enrollment season. As was evident by our Open House, our community is very interested in all of the wonderful things hap-­‐
pening here at CCS. We have an opportunity to be a light to the world here in Clarks-­‐
ville. Praise God for the growth he has blessed us with. If you have not done so already, please be sure to complete your enrollment paperwork and return it with your applica-­‐
on fee to save your child’s spot. We an cipate a fair amount of growth again this up-­‐
coming school year, so we encourage you to act quickly and reserve your place. We also encourage our families to spread the word about CCS to the areas you frequent. Share our informa on with your friends, family, church members, and neighbors. Flyers are available in the office, and we encourage you to pick them up to distribute to local fami-­‐
lies and community centers. Please also remember that every family re-enrolled within the first 30 days of our enrollment period will be entered into a drawing to win a brand new i-pad! Be sure to get your re-enrollment in by March 3rd to be eligible for the draw-­‐
ing on March 4th. Our Science Fair is fast approaching. Please remember that projects are due on March 3rd. Our Science Fair awards ceremony will be held on March 4th at 5:30 pm in the Hilldale Church of Christ auditorium. We are so excited to see all the crea ve pro-­‐
jects our young scien fic minds have created. We have several important events upcoming this month. Our CiCi’s Pizza night will be held Wednesday, March 19th. Our Chuck E Cheese night will be Thursday, March 20th. Stanford tes ng will be conducted March 10th-14th. We also look forward to Spring Break, March 24th-28th. Please con nue to pray for the work done here at CCS as we progress towards a new school year and an exci ng new phase in the growth of our building and commu-­‐
nity. Thank You,
Amanda Binkley, Upper School Principal
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” — Ma hew 5:14-16 (NIV)
Board of Directors News
Please make plans to a end a special night to benefit Clarksville Chris an School! On April 12, 2014 at 6 p.m. we will be hos ng a dinner at the beau ful Wilma Rudolph Events Center at Liberty Park. Dinner will be provided by local caterer, The Choppin' Block, and musical entertainment for the evening will be the Highland Rim Bluegrass Band. There will also be a special performance by Clarksville Chris an School's own Centurion Choir. Tickets are $25 each and will be available for purchase in the school office very soon! Please spread the word to friends and family and to anyone who would like to support Chris an educa on! We are also accep ng corporate sponsorships, so if you know of a business who would like to show their support, please contact We look forward to seeing you all there for a wonderful evening!
We are also proud to announce the Seventh Annual Centurion Golf Scramble to help fund financial assistance for students at CCS. This exci ng event will be held on Saturday, May 3rd, 2014 at Swan Lake Golf Course. Registra on begins at 12:30, with a shotgun start at 1:30. Refreshments will be supplied, with din-­‐
ner and awards immediately following the scramble. Come out and play a game of golf for a good cause!
Registra on or sponsorship informa on available from the school office or at
h p://clarksvillechris
Ms. Childs’ School Counselor News
We have a very busy semester! This semester our students will be involved in a series of na onal and state tests. In March, the students in grades K-8 will take the Stanford Achievement Assessment on March 10-14. In May, the high school students and those 8th grade students taking Algebra I will take the End of Course State Test on May 5-9. We will need proctors for these assessments especially in March for the Stanford Achievement Test. If you would like to volunteer your me to help the school with any of these assessments, please contact me. The fruit of the spirit character trait for March is faithfulness. Coming this month:
March 4 & 6 Lunch Bunch
March 10-14 Stanford Tes ng
March 17 Report Cards Go Home
March 17 Voter Registra on Help for students turning 18 by August 7
March 18 Job shadowing for Juniors
March 24-28 Spring Break
News from the Nurses
Rhonda Nell, RN, MSN, Michelle Roberts, RN, BSN
L ’ R
When it comes to exercise, many of us think of it as a form of punishment. With warmer weather upon us, it is the perfect me to get outside, enjoy the weather, and be ac ve. Think in terms of “ac vity” rather than “exercise.” Aim for at least 30 minutes (for adults) and 60 minutes (for children) of ac vity on most days of the week. Have fun and play; even grown-ups need to go out for recess!
A fun family ac vity that CCS enjoys par cipa ng in each year is the Queen City Road Race. This event will be held on May 3, 2014 this year and consists of a 5K (3.1 miles), 7K (4.3 miles), and a 1 mile fun movement. We encourage and challenge each of you to par cipate in one (or more) of these events. More informa on and entry forms will be sent home in the future. If you would like to run, walk, or run/walk the 5K and have not par cipated in a race before, please let us know and we can get you plugged into a great training program. There are eight weeks un l race day and we are confident that you can be prepared to finish three miles by May 3rd ! See you on the course !
Ms. Be e Hagan’s Library News
The first week of March is always a special week for libraries everywhere, as we celebrate Dr. Seuss Week. So, who is Dr. Seuss and why is he important to children and libraries? Theodore Seuss Geisel was born March 2, 1904. His mother soothed her chil-­‐
dren to sleep by “chan ng” rhymes she learned as a child. This style of rhyming influ-­‐
enced his style of wri ng, and Ted credited his mother with both his ability and desire to create the rhymes for which he became so well known. Seuss was his mother’s maiden name and of course, he was not a medical doctor, but used the term in his pen name.
His first book was published in 1937, a er 27 rejec ons by publishers. He went on to write 44 books, translated into 15 languages. Although he had no children of his own, his books have delighted children for decades. They are staples in most house-­‐
holds and by their meless nature will con nue to delight for years to come. At CCS, we will celebrate the week by invi ng special guest readers to read from the Seuss collec on to our kindergarten and first grade children. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -- Dr. Seuss from I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!
Ms. Lori’s Preschool News
February has flown by! Thank you to every parent who helped their child complete the family Valen ne Box! Every child was so proud of their work! It was great to see the personality shine through each individual box! In March we will be focusing on the le ers Uu, Qq, and Ww. We will also be coun ng from 0-80 and wri ng our numbers 0-20. Our Pre-K gradua on is being planned. Save the date for May 15th. More informa on will be sent home about our gradua on soon. Remember to send in jackets daily. If it's above freezing we try to go outside! I want them to be warm, and fresh air is a must! Looking forward to what March will have to offer!!! Integrated News
Penny Atwell
Denise Cameron
March is a busy month here at Clarksville Chris an School! As you know we take the Stanford Achievement test this month. While this is a very important test that gives us a lot of informa on about each student, it is only one of many tools that we use to assess the students. We do take this test serious-­‐
ly, and need each and every student to give their best this week! Please do not plan appointments during the week of Stanford, March 10-14. Because of the indi-­‐
vidualized accommoda ons that we use, we need all students to be at school, all day every day, to make the best use of the tes ng me. Please plan your days so that your child gets a good night’s sleep, a healthy breakfast, and arrives at school on me. We will have healthy snacks throughout the day. Encourage your child to eat a healthy lunch. Protein helps keep the energy going, especially in the a ernoon. Hopefully the weather will cooperate with us, as we plan to spend some me outside, exercising and ge ng fresh air. Most of all, relax! Calm minds recall informa on much easier! 4
Ms. Daulton and Ms. Santa Ana’s Kindergarten News
It’s almost me for tes ng! Monday, March 10th, we will begin our Stanford tes ng. We are pre-­‐
paring our students for this test and are confident they will do very well. It has been incredible to see how much our students have grown and learned since the beginning of the year and we are excited for them to get to show what they have learned. This month, we will be learning how to write the le ers Zz and Qq as well as learning their sounds. We will also learn new blends and digraphs in phonics. In Science, we will learn all about the parts of a plant and how plants grow. In Social Studies, we will con nue our geography unit. We will learn about different cultures from all around the world. In Math, we will spend some me working on addi on and subtrac on word problems, as well as measurement. In Bible, we will be learning a lot of new stories including the life of Elijah and Elisha. We are s ll working on our reading skills in class, but please con nue to read with your child at home!
Ms. Tracey’s First Grade News
March will be a busy month in first grade. We will be preparing for and taking the Stanford Test this month. In Math, we will con nue to work on coun ng money, telling me, learning frac ons, and 2-digit subtrac on. In Science, we will begin talking about natural resources and recycling. Social Studies will bring explora ons with map skills and some geography skills. We will close out the month of March with Spring Break -- I hope everyone has a wonderful and res ul break.
Ms. Davis’ Second Grade News
We are MARCHing forward into our Stanford tes ng this month. Everyone is working very hard to learn new skills and tes ng strategies to help them do their best. Please help at home by making sure your child is well rested and at school on me every day.
Science fair is so exci ng! I know we have some budding scien sts in our class. Come and see all the fabulous projects our second graders have created. Projects are due March 3rd and our Awards Cere-­‐
mony will be Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30 pm.
As the weather changes, please be sure to dress your child appropriately. Tennessee weather chang-­‐
es quickly so warm mornings can become cool a ernoons FAST. Some students keep a light jacket in their cubbies all the me.
I am in the planning stages for a field trip to the Renaissance Center in Dickson, TN. More infor-­‐
ma on will follow as I get all the details set up. Have a happy and res ul spring break!
Ms. Pigg’s Third Grade News
We are doing mul -digit mul plica on. Once we learned the basic facts, it is not that hard. You mul-­‐
ply the number in the one's column, then you mul ply the number in the ten's column, then you mul ply the number in the hundred's column, etc. Don't forget to regroup if needed!
We read Proverbs 15 aloud in class. Then we each selected our favorite verse, wrote it in our neatest cursive handwri ng, then posted it on the bulle n board in the hall. We each had a chance to read our fa-­‐
vorite verse aloud and tell why we liked it. Some of us wanted to choose more than one verse. This group enjoys glorifying our God! Come by and read our Bible verses. You will be glad you did.
In Third Grade, we have been learning Dic onary skills. We know that the dic onary helps us find the correct spelling, defines the word, tells what part of speech it is, gives us a sample sentence using that word, gives different forms of the word, and some mes has a picture of that word. The guide words at the top of the page help us find the word faster.
This has to be the sweetest, most affec onate bunch of Third Graders I have ever had. What a blessing !
Ms. Durham’s Fourth Grade News
Thank you parents and students for the though ul Valen ne's Day gi s and cards! In the fourth grade we are con nuing to study frac ons in Math, the American Revolu on and Cons tu on in Social Studies, and mineral and rocks in Science. The book study of Rules is completed. We created a great com-­‐
munica on book for the character Jason. Our next and final book study will be Holes. We are excited to announce our next field trip will be to the Adventure Science Center on March 21. Be on the lookout for the permission slip coming home in the beginning of March. Happy Spring!
Ms. Collins’ Fi h Grade News
Thank you to all the chaperones who helped take the students on the field trip to see Number the Stars! The next book we will be reading in class is Island of the Blue Dolphins by Sco O'Dell. In math, we are moving on to area, perimeter, and volume. We have moved on to the Northeast region in Social Studies. Don't forget that state speeches are on March 6th. We are focusing on water on Earth in Science. The Sci-­‐
ence Fair is coming up on March 4th and projects need to be turned in on March 3rd. Be looking for a note about our upcoming field trip to the Adventure Science Center on March 21st!
Ms. Travis’ Spanish News stravis@ClarksvilleChris
My elementary students are doing such a great job with their Spanish learning that I am going to have to advance each group to the next grade-level book! I am so proud of how well students are par ci-­‐
pa ng and memorizing their new vocabulary! They are able to take what they have learned and apply it in wri en and oral ac vi es! Keep an eye on Sycamore for monthly updates as well!
Middle School Spanish students are moving along at a nice pace! We have wonderful classes where students are able to par cipate in all sorts of enrichment ac vi es. Students have been transla ng phrases into English and Spanish. They are learning lots of rules for making nouns plural, how to tell if a noun is masculine or feminine, and how to arrange nouns and adjec ves into phrases! Whew! I’m barely able to keep up with them! They are such a smart bunch!
Ms. D’s Music News delder@ClarksvilleChris
We are con nuing to improve on vocals as well as studying different genres of music. Students will begin prepara on for the Spring Performance at the end of the month.
Ms. Travis’ Art News stravis@ClarksvilleChris
Elementary Ar sts will be working with clay during the month of March. Each grade level will be giv-­‐
en a small clay assignment and will be allowed to bring their crea on home later. It may take some me because we have to make, paint, and seal each piece. Keep an eye out for the finished products!
High School Art Students have been exploring the strange world of Surrealism! A er reading about surrealism and learning about some Surrealist Ar sts, each student is crea ng his or her own surreal piece in which they must use “juxtaposi on.” Ask an Art I or Art II student all about it! You won’t believe the cool ideas they came up with!
Ms. D’s P.E. News delder@ClarksvilleChris
Elementary students had a great me learning about the Winter Olympics in February! In March, we will be learning about kicking techniques and game play of soccer. We are con nuing to work on improving our mes and measurements on the Presiden al Fitness Test!
Middle School will be working on units of soccer and handball. Students are also preparing for their Presiden al Fitness tes ng as well!
Mr. Cameron’s Bible News
Things in Bible class are going well across all grades. Students are studying different parts of both the Old and New Testaments. Student’s knowledge is growing and it is an exci ng process to watch and be a part of each year. In just a short me, the Middle school students will be taking the Stanford achievement test. Each student should have brought home a le er and prac ce/example booklet concerning the test. Please help your student do well on this series of test by helping them prepare. Students can prepare by ge ng a good night’s rest, ea ng a good breakfast, being on me and in school as much as possible during the days leading up to the test. All these ideas will help your student to succeed and do their best on the Stanford achievement test.
Ms. Latham’s Social Studies News
My geography classes have just finished or are finishing in-depth studies of Europe. I CAN NOT BE-­‐
LIEVE WE ARE JUST ONE YEAR AWAY FROM OUR CCS EUROPE TRIP!!!! Seeing the excitement on your chil-­‐
dren's faces when I am teaching about a place and saying "We are going there!" has been priceless! They are so excited! Teaching Europe next year should be even be er! I can't wait! This is what we will focus on during the month of March:
6th grade: Finish The Rise of Chris anity and begin The Middle Ages
7th grade: Finish Europe and begin Russia.
8th grade: The Westward Movement
World Geography: Russia
US History: WWII
Economics: Supply, Prices and Decision Making
Ms. Li le’s Science News
As we are nearing the end of the 3rd nine weeks, Science class is a busy place to be! We have lots of new subject material being introduced and I hope that your student is learning more each day about the wonderful world that God created for us. Below is a list of the tenta ve curriculum to be covered during the month of March. Remember that during the week of March 10th, grades K - 8 will be taking the Stanford Achievement test. High School will be using this me to review for End Of Course Exams. The last week of March is Spring Break. Woo-Hoo!!
March Science curriculum:
6th grade Science - Interac ons of Living things
7th grade Science - Heredity
8th grade Science - Maintaining Biodiversity
Physical Science - Chemical Reac ons
Biology - Classifica on and Plants
Chemistry - Thermochemistry & Chemical Equilibrium
Ms. Bruce’s English News
As we enter March, our Middle School students are working with Grammar and correc ng sample wri ng in prepara on for their Stanford Tests, beginning March 10 th. At this me, they are not covering new material so much as reviewing what they learned earlier in the year. I told the students, “This is just like a coach making you run drills. When you get to the game, your body automa cally knows what to do.” A er comple ng their Grammar work, their minds will automa cally know how to answer the test ques ons. In April, I will have the students comple ng book reports on any book they choose. They may select biog-­‐
raphies of celebri es, novels, non-fic on texts about historical events, or almost any other book that inter-­‐
ests them. I am drawing the line at comic books, but graphic novels will be acceptable. This project will be explained to them in detail a er Stanford, but I will need to know their book tle before we leave for Spring Break, so we can get started as soon as we come back in April.
The Freshmen will begin working on epics and understanding their heroes and the journeys they take. This will include selec ons from The Odyssey. Sophomores will be discussing the tragic hero and examining the causes behind the hero’s downfall. Juniors and Seniors will con nue with their new study of American and Bri sh poetry. They will be analyzing similar themes used by the poets, as well as studying those who went on to write short stories, and analyzing the wri ngs for a common thread.
Ms. Toombs’ Math News
We have almost made it through another nine weeks and spring is almost here. As a whole the math department is looking forward to Pi Day, Friday, March 14th (3.14). We will celebrate the day by having students bring in PIES. We do have an allergy to peanuts in the building so there can be no peanuts or pea-­‐
nut bu er in pies. Each student who brings in a pie will get extra credit points for the nine weeks. If the pie is homemade, the student will receive extra points. We will serve pie to the whole school and each student will get a pi pencil. Please help with this as we have lots of fun on this day.
Coming up this month: In 6th grade, we are working on integers and learning how to add, subtract, mul ply and divide them.
In 7th grade, we are working on percentages and solving problems using the %/100 = is/of. I tell my stu-­‐
dents that, no ma er what kind of percent problem you have, it can be solved with the given formula.
In 8th grade, we are covering the pre-algebra book and are working on inequali es. They are solving these inequali es and learning the rules for using them. This can be quite challenging.
In Algebra I, we are progressing toward the End of Course exam. We will begin prac cing with the EOC prac ce test. Be watching for this.
In Geometry, we are studying quadrilaterals and all of their proper es. This requires a lot of memoriza-­‐
on. Please help your students with this.
In Pre-Calculus, they have just finished their project for the nine weeks. They had to crea vely graph the six trig func ons. One student chose to make 3 pans of brownies and decorate them with the func ons on the top. A er it was graded the students got to eat them. They are also finishing up the sec on on the unit circle and all of the proper es of said func ons.
Mr. Johnson’s Computer, Chorus & Drama News
Technology - Students K - 12 are ge ng more comfortable using the iPads to create a variety of documents, presenta ons, music, and drawings. Recently we've created QR scavenger hunts, Valen ne Cards, individual music composi ons, and biographies. Grades 6 -12 are turning in their assignments via Google Drive. Technology is growing at CCS.
Drama - The Spring Produc on has been selected. On May 2nd we will perform the Broadway Jr. show "The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley." Audi ons will be held in March and are open to 5th-12th grade students. A few minor parts for younger students will be selected by Miss D based on performance in music class. The CCS Choirs performed the Na onal Anthem recently at an Aus n Peay basketball game. They gave a Very Impressive Performance. They are preparing music for compe on later this Spring. If you haven't had a chance to hear them, please plan to a end the Spring Concert on May 13th. I'm very proud of their hard work and dedica on.
Mr. Roberts’ News: HS Spanish and Contemporary Issues
Hey there everyone! I can't believe we are already leaving February. In Spanish 1, we are learning about food items found in restaurants and grocery stores. I think the kids find this a fun chapter. Who doesn't love food? Right? In Spanish 2, we are learning about culture and ac vi es people do for fun. Each chapter is full of vocabulary and fundamentals of the language. It is impera ve that our learners keep up their good work! As Spanish is a foreign language, we are constantly reviewing previously learned materials. I hope some of these learners will pursue foreign language in the future, either for missions trips or in a professional capacity.
Contemporary Issues has proved to be a very entertaining class. We have talked about the issues of discrimina on and segrega on. We are currently working on controversies in medicine, science and food. The students are especially good at deba ng the issues. I am pleased to say that given prompt, they do well deba ng either side of an issue. This furthers their higher thinking skills, and parents should be proud. At the conclusion of this round of essays, we will be tackling a unit on “Understanding ethical debates on inter-­‐
net usage" and discussing the pros and cons of one of the most substan al human accomplishments of the modern age!
News from the Well
We con nue to collect dona ons for The Well. This month they have requested bags of rice and dry beans. Also, dona ons of travel size toiletries are especially needed this month. Thanks so much for your con nued support of this work.
Fellowship of Chris an Athletes
Fellowship of Chris an Athletes will be sponsoring a Camouflage Day on Thursday, March 20th!! Stu-­‐
dents, Faculty, and Staff may pay $2 to wear camouflage shirts and pants on that day. All funds collected will be donated to The Well. If students do not have camouflage pants they may s ll wear a camo shirt with their khakis, no jeans will be allowed. Please help us to support The Well! — Lisa Li le, FCA sponsor
Europe Travel News
We now have a group of 38 students and parents going to Europe over Spring Break of 2015. It is just one year away! It’s not too late to sign up and join us. Please see Mrs. Latham for details.
Europe Travel Tidbit: The Crown Jewels, which we will see at the Tower of London, are guarded by "Beefeaters." They were given this nickname because, un l the 1800's, they received part of their salary in beef.
Soccer News and Schedule
This year’s soccer season has begun. We have been prac cing and preparing for the first games of the season. For the Middle School team, our first game is Monday, March 10. The Varsity team’s first game is Friday, March 7. Our tenta ve schedule is below. Middle School Games are all at Heritage Park Soccer Complex unless otherwise noted. Come out and support our players. We are looking forward to a successful year for both teams. GO CENTURIONS!
March 7 — Varsity Team at Grace Community, 4 pm
March 10 — Middle School Team vs West Creek, 6 pm
March 15 — Varsity and Middle School at Community Chris an, 9 am
March 17— MS Team vs Montgomery Central, 7:15 pm
March 31— MS Team vs Richview Middle, 6 pm
The Mission of Clarksville Chris an School
The mission of Clarksville Chris an School is to foster and maintain an educa onal and Chris an environment wherein God is glorified in every respect: academically, socially, and morally, according to the teachings of the Bible.