Jan - Military Vehicle Collectors of California


Jan - Military Vehicle Collectors of California
“Keeping em rolling, floating
and flying for 36 years”
January 2013 Issue #1
Marines take a Oshkosh M-ATV for a ride with a CH-53E Super Stallion.
The heavy-lift helicopter of the Marine Corps can carry a 26,000-pound Light Armored Vehicle, 16 tons of
cargo 50 miles and back, or enough combat-loaded Marines to lead an assault.
Armed with window-mounted .50-caliber machine guns, chaff and flare dispensers for anti-air defense, and
a in-flight refueling probe for limitless range and a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) imager for night and
all-weather navigation. This is a true work horse (pun intended).
United States Marine Corp
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Business members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 10
Upcoming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
MVCC Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7, 9
CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-17
MVCC & MVPA Membership Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Ford GTB at Tower Park
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
PVT. Parts
Camp Delta at Tower Park April 14-21, 2013
It’s just over three months to the big spring meet, the largest annual MV event west of the Mississippi! And
the least expensive. If you do not have a camping reservation please contact Jo-Ann Lesser at
mamalesser@yahoo.com or at 408-238-8277. Do not go through KOA for April reservations as you do for
the September meet. If you have a reservation, contact KOA to make sure they have the correct arrival date
and campsite number. Remember that date and if you will be delayed, make sure to phone them so they
don’t make your site available to someone else. If you can share your site please let Jo-Ann know. We
usually have a wait list for camping and some needy folks have a small space requirement. The parking area
in front of the Campground 4 restrooms and Pavilion is again for MVs only plus caterers on days they are in
operation, so day-users who want to commute in their MVs will have a great place to park. Civvy vehicle
parking inside the campgrounds must be in your paid campsite. Use the levee for general parking. For those
new to the event, please go to www.MVCCNews.net and see general info on the event calendar page.
Camp Delta Activities
The big showcase in April will be USN and USMC Vehicles Friday morning. Contact POC Stoney Brook at
stoneybpi@aol.com or 831-345-6465, or his assistant Paul DeNubilo at denubilo@roadrunner.com or
805-497-7020. Let them know what you want to bring so they can plan. Consider volunteering to help with
vehicle placement or to help with specific categories of MVs. Do you know people with qualifying MVs
who do not know about this event? Please tell them! Supporting equipment displays are welcome. We will
again have awards for “Longest Distance Driving an MV,” “Longest Distance Transporting a MV,” and
“Hard Luck Award” (getting to or at the meet). Friday will be “Uniform Day” so if you have them, wear
them! Of course any day is OK to display obsolete militaria. If you want to do a seminar, discussion group,
or a special display at your campsite or in a common area, please let me know and I can add it to the official
schedule. Remember that the display field/LZ, the grass area in front of the pools and CG4 restrooms, and
the grass on the other side of the Pavilion are for approved displays. These are not dry camping areas although living history camping may be authorized. You may use the display field for vehicle photos or casual
displays but please look at the posted schedule of activities for conflicts and do not leave your vehicle
unattended because this can turn into a helicopter LZ or something else unannounced. For activities
information, contact John Neuenburg at in_garage@hotmail.com or 415-306-3607.
Columbia Electronics International Inc.
surplus military radio gear
Paul Keyes (W6QDK) (805)386-2312
Email: sales@columbiaelectronis.com
3720 Groves Place Somis, CA 93066-0960
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
All events published in the MVCC newsletter or on www.mvccnew.net are open to anyone interested. You do not need an invitation, just call the
POC listed for more information or to RSVP.
Check the VP reports for activities in your area.
April 14-21, 2013 Spring Meet at Camp Delta
The Largest Annual MV Meet in the West!!!
Stockton Delta KOA (209) 369-1041
JoAnne Lesser mamalesser@yahoo.com
July 25-27, 2013 MVPA 38th Annual Convention
Portland, Oregon Expo Center.
Vehicle and Vendor move in:
Wednesday July 24th 8:00 am - 8:00 pm,
Thursday and Friday 8:00 am - 9:00 am,
For Registration and table reservation Info:
MVPA head quarters:(800) 365-5798
(816) 833-6872
September 2013 - Fall Meet at Camp Delta
Stockton Delta KOA (209) 369-1041
JoAnne Lesser mamalesser@yahoo.com
November 11, 2013 - San Jose Veteran's Day
Parade. POC is Kurt Lesser 408-238-8277
November 11, 2013 Petaluma
Veteran’s Day Parade.
Biggest in the North State. Over 45 MVs expected
including armor. Pre-stage 1100 at Veteran’s
Memorial Hall at 1094 Petaluma Blvd. South
Contact Jim Neider for info at 707-823-2192 or
Michael France at mrfrance@comcast.net.
December 7, 2013 6pm Bay Area Region.
MVCC Christmas Party.
Harry’s Hofbrau San Jose. All MVCC members
are invited. This is a no host party and there will
be a gift exchange. See page 3 for more info
POC Dave Ball vought@msn.com
WW2 US Military Vehicles Convoy up a grade in
Annan, China (look close)
US Army
If you have any questions or have information regarding a meet or activity in your area, contact your regional vice
president or any of the officers to let them know. Be sure to visit our website for any last minute activities or changes
to activities/events. Please submit information regarding upcoming activities to the newsletter editor at least two
months before the scheduled event. All articles must be submitted to the newsletter editor by the 15th of the month.
MVCC News Editor Dave Ball vought@msn.com
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
From the Editors
Past MVCC President and Editor Roy
Hamilton contributed this article for
publication Into the MVCC NEWS.
It ran in the October 1983 issue.
Lee Hutchins was the Editor.
Titled: “The appropriate paint scheme for
the famous 1942 ¾-ton Dodge T-214
LIGHT GREY: (This is a very light grey,
like a smoke white). Engine block, bell
housing, oil filler pipe, generator mount,
water pump, thermostat housing,
crankshaft pulley, manifolds, oil filter
mount where bolted to the head,
carburetor air horn if equipped with a
carter carb, all sheet metal such as the oil
pan, etc., transmission all except the tower
which is olive drab.
Satin Black: (gloss is ok as it usually dulls
a little). Oil filter housing and bands, fan
and pulley, starter, generator, horn, horn
bracket, air cleaner, carburetor air horn if
it has a zenith carb, engine breather cap on
the oil filler tube.
Crinkle finish black: voltage regulator.
Kelly Green: Background color for 12 volt
electrical data plates.
Red: Background color for 6 volt electrical data plates; Distributor data plates.
Original olive drab paint for WW2 is
34087. Shade 319, Ditzler paint co. has a
lusterless acrylic lacquer in 34087; their
number is Ditzler DDL 44721.
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
From the current editor
Dave Ball
I would like to say thanks to all those that have
contributed to the newsletter. Your contributions not
only help me but make the newsletter what it is.
This is an election year and I would like to encourage
everyone to think about running for office.
I would also like to encourage every member to
consider becoming the newsletter editor.
I have streamlined the job and made it so it is much
simpler. We print our newsletters at Office Max and the
labels are printed using Word mail merge and an Avery
label template and labels from Office Max.
Doing this and changing to a page on page corner staple
has saved the club a couple hundred dollars a month in
costs. Using the 6x9 envelopes saves us half the postage
every month. I use Microsoft Publisher and Adobe
Acrobat X pro to create the newsletter.
I have created a procedure manual with the steps I use
to build the newsletter. I will pass that down along with
my templates. Please consider becoming the MVCC
If you look at this month’s classifieds you will notice
many ads have a date of 1/13, that is the expiration date.
The ads with that date in the bottom right corner will
not be in the February 2013 newsletter.
Call or email me if you want to extend your ad.
I will take ads in any format you would like to send it
in. As long as I can read it and there is contact info that
jives with the roster I will type it up and include it in
the next newsletter.
So with that said I know we all have OD stuff we need
to move on in hope that someone can use it thus turning
it into cash we all can use. I also know if you are like
me you can use the storage space.
With Tower Park just down the road, it’s a good time to
get those ads in now and you can deliver that OD stuff
you no longer need in exchange for more space and
cash. Just an FYI the MVCC Secretary Treasurer
handles all money transactions and membership issues
for the club. The Editor handles all Newsletter issues
for the club. If you have business ads, quarter, half page
or full-page or business member cards you would like to
run you can send me the ad or business card and after
you have paid the Secretary/Treasurer and I get the go
ahead I will run the Ad or Card. All invoicing needs to
be worked out with the Secretary/Treasurer.
Thanks, your Editor.
President Kurt Lesser
(408) 238-8277
Presidents Message, January 2013
Welcome to 2013, a year that promises to hold many changes for the MVCC. This is an election year and as
always, all board positions are open for nominations. A few months back I wrote up some basic guidelines
for our board positions and I hope some of you took the time to read them and begin thinking if you have
something to offer the club we all enjoy so much. At the General Membership meeting at Tower Park in
April we will be taking nominations for all positions, however, you can approach any officer at any time with
your nominations. Ballots will go out in May and will be tabulated in June. Newly elected officers will be
seated on July 1st in accordance with our Bylaws.
Speaking of Bylaws, we will be rewriting the MVCC Bylaws this year to better reflect the size of the club as
it is now and to meet the new state guidelines for organizational bylaws. We will be drawing heavily on the
MVPA Bylaws and will be more clearly defining Bylaws and Policies, something we haven’t done well in the
past. Our Bylaws have evolved from the original set drawn up 30 years ago and are out of date. The board
will be holding a Bylaws specific meeting in late January or February to develop and redefine our Bylaws.
After a review by our lawyer we will publish the Bylaws and ask for membership approval. This will not be a
line by line ballot but a simple yeah or nay to the published copy. It’s important for you to understand the
difference between Bylaws and Policies even though they are linked together. Bylaws require a membership
vote to change any article or section. Policies on the other hand can be changed by the MVCC board as they
deem necessary.
Another change to look forward for is the way camping is handled at our 2 Tower Park meets. The April
meet was sold out after only 3 years at the park and it’s been a continuous job working with KOA to manage
sites. These meets are Military Vehicle Collectors of California meets and based on that, priority for spaces
will be MVCC members first and non-members second. We negotiated an MVCC rate for sites that KOA
initially extended to all attendees. This will change but it may not happen before the April meet. MVCC
members will pay the current negotiated rates. Non-members will have 2 options. They can either join the
MVCC and pay the current rate or they will begin paying regular KOA rates for their spaces. This can have
significant advantages for MVCC members. We pay $44 for the developed and pull-thru sites as opposed to
the $47-$60+ KOA rates. The details aren’t finalized yet and will be published here and on the website when
they are.
Finally a comment on our annual dues. We’ve been asked to send out invoices for dues as a better reminder
than just a blurb in the newsletter. That’s why there’s a card and envelope coming. The card is to remind you
that dues are expected to be paid before the end of April each year. It’s also to help avoid mailing errors as
our club address has changed. The PO Box in Carmel is no longer active. Any mail received there should be
forwarded to the new address in Monterey but from personal experience the USPS doesn’t seem to be doing
such a bang up job. The new address for the MVCC is:
c/o LK Viola
P.O. Box 4066
Monterey, CA 93940
Please make a note of this new location.
Keep ‘em Rolling
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Secretary/Treasurer LK Viola
P.O. Box 1765, Carmel, CA 93921
It is NOT time to pay your dues in
December, sorry for the confusion. Please,
please do not send me your dues for 2013
until 2013 (Feb, March or April would be
If you want to catch up for 2012 to start receiving your MVCC Newsletter again, send
us $30.00. If you also want to pay forward
to include 2013, $70.00 now will carry you
through to April 30, 2014.
Are you are new Member, or want to re-join
after an absence? $15.00 will take you just
to the April 30, 2013 deadline when your
regular 2013 dues of $30 will be due. OR,
$45 now will put you on the roster till April
Remember, no matter what, dues are due no
later than April 30, every year now, not by
December 31 as in years passed.
Secretary Treasurer” mailbox address has
changed to: P.O. Box 4066, Monterey,
CA 93940
North Bay West VP John Neuenburg
(415) 491-1601
Divisions 415, 707 west
Happy New Year! I hope everybody had a joyous Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever floats your DUKW. I hope you
had a fun and productive 2012 driving your MV, restoring
it, buying or selling parts, looking for your first purchase, or
participating in a related hobby. Now we’re in a new year
and look forward to a bunch of great events!
Please take a minute to think about past events that weren’t
advertised in the newsletter or web calendars, or showed up
too late for folks to prepare. Your regional VPs publicize
what they know about but we often rely on you to inform us
of things going on. If you know an event promoter and think
their event will repeat in 2013, please contact that person to
ask. Then either send the info to Dave and Sean or to a club
officer so we can help get the word out. All members are
encouraged to submit info directly to either Editor.
MVCC Newsletter Editor
Dave Ball
(408) 805-0065 vought@msn.com
Please submit all contributions for publication in
the newsletter by email to the editor by the 15 of
the month. Members Ads are Free. Pictures will
be sized to fit, space providing.
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Webmaster Sean Nichols
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
North Bay East VP Sonny Hanson
(707) 552-6918
Divisions 707 & 415
Hello on this cold windy fogy day with rain
on the way. Veteran’s day in American
Canyon had a big turnout. I took my 41 WC1
everyone was thrilled. Bill Jacobson reports
that Mr. Mort Mitchell brought three vehicles
to the parade in Fairfield: M151 jeep w/
trailer, M1009 CUCV and M818 5-ton truck.
He placed second in his division; Military
Vehicles. Congratulations!
Christmas is right around the corner and I
cannot think of anything I need so please
don’t send me anything this year. The Wright
Brothers had there first flight on 12-17-1903,
WOW look how far we have come in only
109 years. Easter will be in March, Titanic
sank in 1912. Get your green stuff ready
Tower Park Spring meet is 04-14 to 21-2013.
To all have a Happy and safe New Year!!!
Sonny Hanson
Your MVCC North Bay VP 707 east
MVCC Quartermaster,
Chris Jorgensen
(831) 426-0787
Central Coast VP Clint Thrasher
(831) 206-5574
Divisions 831, 805 west & 408 south
Central Valley VP Nick Bombini
(559) 645-1726
Divisions 559,209,760 &805 East
East Bay VP Larry Pirack
(510) 522-6440
Divisions 510 & 925
"Hello to all from the East Bay,
December 7th 2012... 71 Years Ago at 7:55 a.m. Pearl
Harbor time, the U.S. Fleet laying at anchor was attacked by
the Imperial Japanese Navy, "TORA, TORA, TORA". At
8:00 Our MVCC Convoy, crossed the bridge to
Government Island Alameda ( the U.S. Coast Guard Base )
MVCC members, John Place with Miles Young in John's
1942 GPW Jeep and Standing Tall, Manning the .30cal gun
was Admiral Zukunft, Commander, Pacific, Area Coast
Guard Defense Force West, who was the keynote speaker at
the Pearl Harbor Day Services. Randy Parent MVCC (and
CG AUX) followed in his1944 GPW , and I and Frank
Musso WW 2 and Korea War Veteran in my 1939 Navy
Staff Car. Laurie Kerr, MVCC (CG AUX ) was support
vehicle and photo taker and Larry Olson (CG AUX)
displayed his pristine WW 2 weapon collection from Army
45 To M1's, Springfield etc. There were three Pearl Harbor
Veterans in attendance , one from the U.S.S. West Virginia
John Rauschkolb, one from the U.S.S. St. Louis Clarence
Byal and U.S.S. Coast Guard Veteran George Larson. John
Rauschkolb told his story to reporters from the local KRON
TV news, how the West Virginia took at least four
torpedoes as well as armor- piercing shells. All the these
WW2 veterans are in their 90's. It was a very moving tribute
to the survivors and the men and woman who lost their lives
in the beginning of America's involvement in almost 5 years
of war in the Pacific and the European Theater .The service
ended with , Rifle Salute, Taps, Bag Piper and God Bless
America, sung by all, followed by all the service songs. We
then adjourned for Donuts and coffee reception. That's all
for now, Over and out , The 40s Larry.
South Bay VP Kim Sievert
(408) 253-9469
Divisions 408 North & 650
Northern Region VP Dennis Deck
Divisions 530 & 916
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
In the shop
Year of Manufacture license plates
Dennis Deck
Years ago I bought a vintage California plate for my 1945 Willys jeep. 1945 and 1946 is sometimes a
problem because these are two years that California had a single plate.
The year of manufacture law says both plates are required. Obviously you can’t have two plates if only one
was issued. So if you have a 1945 or a 1946 (tab) plate be prepared to show evidence that is was a single
plate year.
The procedure is straight forward. Go on line and fill out the YOM application. Take your current
registration, pink slip, license plates the new plate and proof of insurance to the DMV. I recommend you go
on line and make a reservation. I went to the Roseville office and even though they were very busy I was
called up on the reserved time.
The clerk with check all the information and take your old plates and photocopy your new plate. He will
collect your $45 fee – check or debit card. He will give you receipt and tell you the paperwork will be sent
to Sacramento. He will tell you not to put the YOM plate on your car until you receive approval from
Sacramento. You will then go to another window to get a red tag for your windshield. It is good for 90
days. When you are approved you will get a plate with the annual sticker. Tom Hovis got a small plate to
put in his glove box. The annual fee for these plates is an addition $10.
If you a fortunate it will only take about 20 minutes. A friend went to Davis and spent 2 hours. You don’t
need to go to your local DMV and in some cases a longer drive might save time.
The whole process took 30 days from the time I applied. The DMV sent me a registration slip with the new
license plate in a month and year sticker to keep with the vehicle.
Here is a link to the new legacy plates that DMV now offers.
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
After Action Report
City of Lincoln Christmas Parade
Mark Tombleson
After Decembers first week of storms we were able to muster four WWII jeeps and a USMCR HUMVEE to
drive Vets in the Semper Fi Association in conjunction with “The NEW” Toys for Tots Train at the
Lincoln Christmas Parade Saturday evening December 8, 2012.
Leading the Toys for Tots Entry:
“The NEW” Toys for Tots Train”
Driven by Semper Fi Association, President Bob Friend
Special thanks to Lincoln High School for their contribution to the construction of the Toys for Tots Train
Followed by
Frank & Fran Neves TOTS FOR TOTS Coordinator for 2012
Jeeps drivers/owners with Semper Fi Member riders
Ben & Judy Hovis w/ Rich Zimmerman Vice President Semper Fi.
Randy Payne & Allyson Trethewey w/ Linda Silva
Bruce & Barbara Anderson, w/ John Johnson
Mark & Tombleson, w/ Hal Kinney
USMCR Humvee
United States Marine Corps Reserves” Sacramento District
CPL Josh Vargas and SSGT Savrck
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Dodge WC-55 Gun Motor Carriage
Dodge WC-52 Prototype
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Editors Collection
Editors collection
Only You Can
Grow your Club
Spread the
about the MVCC
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
NOTE: For Sale/Wanted are posted for three issues.
For sale: Trailer 1967 M-416 USMC in excellent For Sale:
Athey Hand-Crank Bomb Crane on Athey Tracks.
shape contact daveswheel@earthlink.net or by
phone 951-359-1844 for sale $1000.00 firm. 1/13 $2500. Antenna Tower, 50' trailer-mounted 3-section
telescoping TRI-EX steel antenna tower model HZN
354. Approx. 30' OAL when lowered for travel, 50' tall
when raised and extended. Can be removed from the
Asking: $4500.00 and drive it away today!!!
trailer if desired. Was originally set up with a generator,
Runs good, original parts. Body in good shape, running lights, etc. Originally designed with a cable & pulley
gear good. "Needs TLC."
system to raise the tower, and then to extend the 3
Contact: Art for photos and information
sections, but cable and winch are now missing. Pulleys
(831) 297-9121 Hollister, CA or agaeta1@sbcglobal.net
in the tower sections are all there I think. Pintle or
pin-type hitch will pull this trailer. No title, license
FOR SALE 1964 M38A1
plate, lights, etc. $600.
US Marine Corps Very Clean Original complete with
Braden winches, bare bones with no mounting brackets
Tie Down Kit and New Canvas Top Serial # 95561 or control levers, (1) MU2, and (1) MU2A.
DOD 11/64 $10,000 Call 530-533-2500 1/13
(2) 1950 Budd wheels, 6-lug 20" M-series bolt-together
or combat-style (with old 1200-20 tires).
FOR SALE 1953 M38A1
Chevrolet & GMC WWII truck parts, call or email
US Army, Parade Ready and complete including GRC3 what you need.
Radio set and New Canvas Top, Serial Number 67937
Dodge M37 parts truck, good running correct original
$12,500 Call 530-533-2500 1/13
T245 engine, 4-speed transmission with PTO, 2-speed
transfer case, (some drivelines are missing, and I am
FOR SALE: 1942 Dodge WC-53 Carryall,
told the front axle is not the correct one: out of an M715
Parting out entire truck. $500
(?) Brake condition unknown. No bed. No title. $800.
Top of carryall is in great shape.
1953 Dodge M37 or M56(?) Military 4x4 Fire truck.
Call Mike Roulette 775-883-0269 1/13
Correct original 6-cylinder T-245 flathead engine, 4speed transmission with extremely rare Tangen power
For sale: WC 3 Dodge parting out (what do you
take-off located on top of the transmission. Approx.
128" original extended wheelbase. I am told this was
Dodge WC ½ ton front fenders R & L $40.00 ea.
running when parked - have not verified that yet. AcCCKW GMC truck no bed $500.00
cording to one source, only 130 of these were made, but
Auger and bits for WWII Chevy $400.00
it also says in 1955, and this is a 1953. Tires are all
Contact Greg Lampman @ 805-756-5182 or
rotten. Back of truck is completely open with none of
the original tanks, pump, or any other fire equipment.
FOR SALE:1941 Dodge 4X4, most all original
Looks like a set of ladder racks on the RH side. There is
and in great shape. I an considering selling after
some body damage on the right rear. This was very
having it for over 30 years. Please respond to
nicely built with some use of aluminum.
Bill Huston, bhuston20@northidaho 1/13
Dodge M37 parts, call or email what you need.
Navy Trailmobile Tank Trailer, 2-axle pull-type steel
For Sale: 13ea 1100x20 tires and wheels 12 ply,
tank trailer for fuel or oil(?) Pintle hitch, steering front
$100ea. OBO Mike Roulette 775-883-0269 1/13 axle, spring suspension, solid brass top hatch/lid. $600.
Located in Geyserville, CA. Richard @ 707-484-8257
or rpironman@hotmail.com
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
NOTE: For Sale/Wanted are posted for three issues.
For sale: 1943 Ford GPW 95% original Jeep
always stored inside no rust. Has a few
modification's to make it easy to service and use. 12
volt, Heater, later military rims and one piece windshield. Has new Tires, Brakes, Canvas and doors.
Currently registered in California.
$7500 Phone: (209)532-5770
Email: bdeutschman@mlode.com
For sale: Parting out m274 A5 mechanical mule.
Need Parts email Nathan reanders09@hotmail.com
For Sale: Diesel Engine Onan Corp. Model DJFK
4 cylinder 18BHP at 1800 RPM, 4 cycle, air cooled,
140 cubic inch, 0 hours, inspection tag 2008. Engine
built for Military generator set MEP-003A but can be
adapted for other uses.
Call John (408)564-1647
For sale: 1972 AM General M35A2 Runs and drives
excellent. Historical Plates. Gun Ring and 50Cal.
Cradle. Has cab support for gun ring as well. Full
Radio and Intercom system. Cab Heater. Interior in
excellent condition. Air Engage Transfer Case. Rear
multifuel heater in Bed. All Pioneer Tools. Front
Winch. Truck is in excellent condition. Low Mileage
and Low Hours. $6,750 OBO
1942 Dodge Power Wagon Ambulance Flat Back
ambulance with non-tapered quarter panels. Engine
Runs and brakes have been rebuilt. All major parts are
there except rear step and stretcher brackets. Truck is in
good condition. Includes non original MU2 Winch
$6500 OBO E-mail bbarrington@cbmgroup.net
or call 530-368-6991 10112
US MARINE CORPS. Engine and tires low
mileage and the radiator is a new copper recore.
Also has vinyl top compete with side curtains and
door kit. Included with, jeep hauler tandem axle
trailer equipped with surge brakes and spare tire
mount, and was custom built to transport WWII
and M-series jeeps.
California registration and title is current and is
recorded as Ca. historic vehicle. $12,500 OBO.
Dan Indelicato (707) 272-3432
For Sale: 1952 Studebaker 2 1/2 ton cab and
chassis M-44 10,000lb Garwood winch, extra
Garwood with driveline model# 24512 $1650
Mike Roulette (775) 883-0269
For Sale: 1966 2 ton generator Trailer.
Libby Welding Co. Clear Nevada Title.
Two good 9:00x20 tires $600 obo
Mike Roulette (775) 883-0269
For Sale: 1943 1 1/2 ton Chevy, Pole setter. Runs
good, 10,000lb American Coach and Body winch
has clear Nevada title, new tires, windshield.
Unable to locate original bed has flatbed. $6000
Mike Roulette (775) 883-0269
For sale: 1944 Federal 2 1/2 ton 4x2
Dump truck. Missing bed. Hercules JXD
Clarke 5 speed. 90% complete and original.
military paint and markings intact.
$2500 OBO. Dave Ball vought@msn.com
Classified Ads
Ads are free for military vehicle related items and kit. Your ad will run for three issues. The editor cannot accept ad requests over
the phone, they must be in writing. You may send your ad by email: vought@msn.com Send your ads to me by the 15th of the
month. If you wish to run your ad longer than three issues or your item sells, you must notify me in writing to have ad removed or
to add a month. The MVCC is not responsible for omission's or Incorrect wording and or spelling. The MVCC reserves the right to
edit ad copy for space. Please send your change of address information or payments for ads and membership to:
LK Viola Email: sec-treasurer@mvccnews.net
Ad prices: full page $45 Half page $35 Quarter Page $20 Business Card $5 per issue
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
NOTE: For Sale/Wanted are posted for three issues.
For Sale: 1951 Reo M44 2 1/2 ton pole setter--great
sheet metal and full drilling setup. Have not tried to get it
running yet. $2800.
1965? 2 1/2 ton shop van, open cab, runs well $4000
1958 trailer van, V-83/m electrical equipment shelter
S-121/M with contents $1200
M577A2 Mobile Command Post Armored Personnel
Carrier (M113 variant) really nice, runs well $38,000
Inflatable Shelter System M51 with excellent 1 1/2 ton
trailer, $1500 I can email pictures of each item, all located in Livermore CA. I have also realized I won' t be restoring many more vehicles so I have a bunch of axles,
body parts, engines and all sorts of stuff to sell. Call me
with wants.
Lee Edwards 925-447-9387 or 510-638-4140
email: whenlde@aol.com 1/13
For Sale: CCKW Parts. Fuel Tank and Spare
tire holder for short wheel base 352. $300. Banjo
Type front axle complete $200. Frame for 353
(long wheel base) believe to be later type,
no indication of a bed ever having been attached
to it. $200. Hood Complete, $200. contact Gene
Clarke (530)343-0130 Chico.
For sale: M-10 Ammo trailer. 1944 Fruehauf
in good shape. I have the original rims and
NDT tires on it. it is missing the fuse box and
the bows for the main ammo box. The light
housings are there, but need bulbs and wiring.
This is a rear fined. Asking 1500.00 or best
offer. Call Greg Lalonde at 707- 337- 9542
or e-mail greglalonde@att.net.
For Sale: 1942 Pontiac Staff Car, Have
owned for past 19 years , Still runs good, but
For sale: 1954 GMC M211 6x6 cargo/troop truck. Fully getting tired ,( just like the owner) Time to go
operational, clear title, needs cab top and it has a nonthrough It again, Will sell for $7500 or trade for
original drivers seat Asking $3,000, it is located on Hwy new Bentley Convertible.
101 just south of Tillamook Ore. Contact Kim if
Larry P. at backtothe40s@gmail.com
interested phone # is 503-910-3931. 1/13
For Sale: 1943 MB (may be a communication jeep) also
I have a 1944 MB and a 1945 GPW...will sell one or do a
package on all three.
John Ince phone 559-924-9260
For Sale: 1967 MRC-83/M151A2, uncut, no
rust, configured as a USMC radio Jeep.
Radios available if the buyer so desires.
Contact Kurt Lesser : (408) 238-8277
Email: klesser@pacbell.net
Do you need to clean up your garage to make room for that new project?
Looking for parts for your project? Then this is the place for you! Send in your ads
and get them mailed to 500+ members and posted on our website www.mvccnews.net
Free to members. Send ads to: vought@msn.com
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
NOTE: For Sale/Wanted are posted for three issues.
Wanted: for m35A2 truck. I am looking for an
M66 gun ring/mount Mike 415.385.5528
Wanted: Capstan winch for a GPW.
Contact Jim 775-750-0426
Wanted: 3 ea. H-250 handsets in good shape
and working condition----I have 2 piece
whip ant, matching unit, tie down, tip cap and
wire cables for VRC-12 radio set
(r/t 524, r-442) --items in very good to new
condition. for trade (?) Contact Ed Martis(650)
968-2782 or edmartis00@yahoo.com 1/13
Wanted: for M5A1 Stuart Tank:
Interior ammo racks and storage boxes.
Engine exhaust pipes (left and right side), to
copy or to buy outright.
Original "Little Joe" 12 volt generator.
Kim Sievert Email; vaudevillian@msn.com
Phone; (408) 253-9469
Wanted: for a WC 18 Dodge ambulance
Right front seat or a left will work, Rear seat
brackets, Storage boxes, Crank pulley,
Radiator cap 776379, Door locks,
Over load rubber bumpers.
Contact Greg Lampman @ 805-756-5182
or glampman@calpoly.edu
Wanted: Bomb Service Truck, Mk II Mod 2
(Ford), GTBC Model, dual rear wheels or
CTBS model single rear wheels.
Contact Bob Solomon 619-691-9328 or email
Wanted: Dodge WC 1/2 ton Command Car
Canvas doors with plastic windows.
Any condition, full sets, partial sets or even
just one real ratty door. Call with what you
have. Phil Tracy (408) 258-2371 let it ring!
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net
Wanted: 1944 Ford GPW Engine Block Head and T-84
Transmission housing top cover either new or in
excellent used condition.
Contact Jim Yang (310 951-7993
Or email: yangj@metro.net
Wanted: International M-2-4 drivers and passenger
seats or leads for M-2-4 trucks with seats call with what
you have or what you have seen.
Dave Ball, 408-805-0065 vought@msn.com
Wanted: 1944 Hobart Bros. Hercules ZXB PE-197
Generator. Incomplete, partial or complete parts for the
Also looking for the War Dept. Manual TM 11-940.
Call or email Robert Maclay, 707-290-8885 or email
Wanted: Clean, Non Smoking Male, seeking
Tower Park Spring accommodations, do you have a
cabin in camp ground 4 and need a person to share cost
with you? Do you have a cabin and do not need it any
longer and are not going to roll over the
reservation? I am looking for either a cabin or to share.
Please respond to Dennis Deck,
(916) 221-2828
Wanted: Antennae base FT-253-A for a M-8 armored
car military radio. contact: Paul Woolf (775) 425-5564
Or email woolf_p@yahoo.com
Wanted: Dodge M37 items:
Cab soft top frame pieces, bed side racks, stakes,
troop seats, etc. spare tire holder,
Jerry can fender brackets, winch brackets, bumpers,
frame extensions, etc. Any bits and pieces may help,
I have some pieces already.
Thank you, Richard Privat, 707-484-8257
Or email: rpironman@hotmail.com
Wanted: Looking for good .50 Browning replica and/or
M3 tripod for same. Contact : 415-306-3607
John Neuenburg in_garage@hotmail.com
Visit our website: www.mvccnews.net