iviatvs - Catholics of Carthage and Copenhagen, New York
iviatvs - Catholics of Carthage and Copenhagen, New York
St- I IVIATVS CHURCU / THTJITTH .,, i!-1'*At;:;lii, 'i:. . ,:'\ State Street, Carthuge NY^S Land Deedod by fames D. LeRay de Chaumont, 1818 First Church Dcdieated and Incorporated , 1821 Present Church Dedicwed 1866 Rt LandDeeded 12, Copenhagen 1901 Incorporated 1890 Present Church Dedicated 1902 We are two diverse communities of foith who are united in bringing the Gospel into the daily lives of all who worship with ns. lVe stand together with all people, especially the poor and the alienated, as a sign of God's universal love for all people. ll/e extend $ warrfi welcome to all and hope that you will find the parishes of St. llfary's places wherefaith can be noarished James and St. PARISII STAFF Pastor: Special Farochial Vicar: Pastoral Associate: Pastoral Associate: Pastoral Associate: Augustinian Academy: Sundav Mass-Schedule Saturday: 4:0S pm St James (ant.) Sunday: 8:00 am St. Mary's . 10:00 am St. James 5:30 prn St. James St. Janres Rectorv 327 West St., Carthage, NY 13619 Phone: 315-493-3224 Email: stja mes@trvcny.rr.com Fax: 315-493-3280 Pastorrs Email: gfnraroun@)twcny.rr.com Rev. George F,'Maroun Rev. John J. Cosmic Deacon Richard J. Staab Sr. Marie Angele Ellis, SSJ Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ Sr. Annunciata Collins, SSJ, Principal Sacrament ofReconciliation: Saturday: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm St. James Sunday: 7:30 am St, Mary's Sac_rament of Marriase: Cbntact Pastor Sacramgnt of Bantis{r,r: Contact Rectory Sacrament of the Anointine of the Sick: Contact R.ectory anytime Marv's Rectory Aueustini3n Acadgmy St. @,NY13619 Phone: 315-493-1301 Fax: 315493-0632 PO Box 120 Copenhagen, NY 13626 Email: smacollinsssj@yahoo.com Convent: 3l*493-1672 E-mail: srectory2 Website: www.catholicsofcarthagecopenhagen.org Phone: 315-688-2683 @twcny.tr.eom CALENDAR OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS Junel4 2015 116 Sunday In Ordinary Time SATURDAY.June 136 4:00SJ (ant) - Dorothy Schreck Smith by l)elana Schreck SIJIIDAY. June 146 8:fi)SM - For the people of the parish l0:00SJ - Jerry LaRock by his family 5:30SI - Francis Murphy by Surace Family MONDAY. June l5t 5:30SJ - Peter Betrus by David TUESDAY. June 166 l7t 9:00SM - Ruth l}lclane by lVluriel Hellinger Mem. League TIIURSDAY.June 18t THERE IS NO MASS OR COMMTJI\ION SERVICE THTJRSDAYS! FRIDAY. June l9e l2:fi)$I - John Skvorak by Joe June 20 - Spanish Mass, 7:30pm (SJ) June 2i - Baccalaureate Mass, 10:00am. (SJ) July 16 - Stone Soup Supper, (CR) Sept. I - Ave Maria Circle meeting, 7pm (CR) Sept- 8 - Good Samaritan meeting,6:l5pm (CR) Sept. 19 - Pre Cana session, 10am-5pm, (CR) & Lisa Kamide 12:{D$I- Elaine Cimarello by Class Sl-l,owville Academy TTVEDNESDAY.June June 14 - Pancake Breakfast, 8:30am (CR) June l8 - K of C Dinner, 6:30pm. (K of C Hall) June 16 - Church cleaning 9am (SJ) & Peg Shambo 2:00CAH - Ruth Martin by Marco Franchini SATURDAY. June 20t 1:00SJ - Wedding for Brad Plehn & Caitlin Mosley 4:00SJ (ant) - William Carlisle by his family SUNDAY.June2ld 8:00SM - For the people of the parish 10:00$I - Clyde Shampine by Bette 5:30SJ - Walter & Alice Szancilo The Catholic Communicetion CamnaigdCatholic Univerpitv of.Americs (CCC) follows the Holy Father's direction that we make good use of our digital presence in the world by making it easy to access the important tenets of the Catholic faith online and through television, radio and print media. The CCC provides content the way you need it. Catholic University of America needs your help in its mission of Catholic higher education. With the election of Pope Francis, media interest in the Catholic Church has increased dramatically. Funding from the CCC has allowed grcater coverage of the Vatican, facilitated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) communications team. Please help us continue providing timely Catholic media by supporting this year's collection. Thank you for your generous donation-half of which stays ications efforts. in our diocese to help our od'sPlanforGiving: STEWARDSHIP+ + ++++ Cfuistian Stewardship is our reslrcnse to the way in which we menage the gifts God has entrusted to us. Tithing is God's plan for giving {sYo of weekly income to parish & 596 to other charitable appeals). In this way, rich or poor alike, can tithe. Remember, God's generosity to those who share their gifts with others is immeasurable!!! Report on the Regular Collection taken up otr Sunday, PARTSH: lure 7, 2o15 Envelope fncome: Plate Income: Children s Envelope Income: Total: Envelopes: Envelopes used on this Sun.: Registered Families Families: with St. ]ames a7B 260 312 $6419.00 $1088.87 $ 0.00 $7507.87 St. Mary 168 52 29 $ 840.00 $ 156.00 $ o.oo $9s6.00 Report on the collection taken up on |une 7, 2015 Totals: S] Heritag,e Fund. $1987.06 - SM Repair Fund $322.00 IF you irre away for a particular Sunday, PLEASE make'dp any back envelopes or plate offering. Your respective parish relies upon your \AIEEK TO WEEK SUPPORT. PLEASE know your support and generosity are grea0y appreciated. ThankYou! Gracias! Merci! KOF'CDrvrvpR The Knights ynll be hosting a dinner Thursd.ay, June t 8n at the K of C H all. The menu cor*isti of spare y!s, hyryburgers,-hot dogs and sait potatoes -HippU Hourisfromsgo - 6:9otoithdinnei starting at 6;i;. All are uselcome. For reseructions frintl' Slanrak at 4gT-22o7 or Joe Shambo at"itt 4gT-1g43. Hope to see Aou all there. Also, Knight of the'Via, *lll be auarded. Come celebrateurthus. "The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed." Christ has sown the seed of your vocation within y-ou. Might it be to grow in holiness as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? TaIk io Fr. George or go to www.myvocation.net. The Watertown Cwsillo community is celebrating their June ultreyaon ThursdaS June l8 fiom 6:30to g pm. in the chapel at St. Patrick's Church Watertown. All Cursillistas are encouraged to attend. We also welcome those interested in deepening a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For more info, contact Anne ams2962@gmail.com. Hospice ofJefferson County will be holding a volunteer haining course beginning Jtrne l5th. lnterested persons who would like to donate their time and talents for patient care, offrce help and /or fund-raising assistance can contact Nancy at788-7323. Any graduating seniors wishing to participate in the Baccalaureate Mass, June 21, 2075 at 10:00 Mass, should call the rectory at 493-3224. you will need to meet in CR at 9:30am. with any honor sashes you may have. I i Baptismal Clusesot St.James i i frpecting and new parents are reminded that pre- I baptismal classes are required before scheduling a I baptism. These classes are usually held on the lirst i Saturday of each month in the St. James Community I Room. Parents should plan orr attending classes at least J one or two months before their child is born. preI registration is necessary by calling Deacon Richard Staab i +ff-ooaf after 5pm. I The Fall Pre Cana sgssion at St. James will be held on Saturday, September 19n, loam-5pm in the Community Room (+pm Mass included). Refreshments/snacks wiil be provided. Couples mustpre registeronthe Diocese of Ogdensburg website wwut Dioosdensburg.org under the Offrces tab, then click on Pre Cana. Ihe fee is g6o per couple and you can pay online or by check. There is a limit of 7 couples so please register early. If you have questions, you may cell Andrianna Crawford 778-1883. Just areminder that the deadlinefor all bulletinitems is euery Ttesday by noan. Thar/r. you for your understanding. zors FAIR SETIJP AND TAS.DOWN SCHEDULE: The Fair Committee needsvolunteersto help setup and tear down the Fair. Set up will begrn on SaturdaS June 2oft., 9am until all tent frames are se! Uonday, June 22"d, 6pm until dusk; Tuesday, June z3d, 6pm until dusk; Wednesday June 246, 6pm until dusk. Tear dor,rm will begin on Sunday, June z8m, 9am. Contact Joe Margrey 498-1490 for questions and to sign up. Thank you. June zf, z6e , & zf - Support Tickets auailable at St. Mary's St. Jamesfarr.i Church. i I Any parishioners wanting to bake cookies for Fr. z8'h - Boccalaureate Mass...Sunday g:oo am.i Inuitatiorx haue been sent to Seniors. If I missedi someone,please call Sr. Mary Ellen...688-2689. June George's reception on July 12, please contact Joanne Sligar, 493 -01 69;Bette Shampine, 493 - I 062; or yvohne Ablan,493-3681 byJuly l. Thankyou July This Sunday, June 14, after the l0:00am. M aroonfollouing the 8 : oo am. M ass. Planning thanks to JanetAubin,Tamie Montalua &mang hqnds. Mass, perfetto move and volunteers are needed to help Mr. store materials from the Choir Loft to the Church basement. Many hands will mean quicker and less work for everyone. There are both heavy and lighter items to carry. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated. Be sure to wear gloves. i f : RECE%TION oF TRATITDE for Fr.i Thanks again to the on-going Census Volunteers. Seeond. colleetions this utebkend: For Communications/ Catholic Uniu er sity . i YOUNG ADIJLTS: ,i il' **, CAA SCHOOL NEWS June 14,2015 Augustinian Academy is accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year. Please call the office to schedule a visit to the school (493-1301). The June Pancake Breakfast will be held in St. James Community Room on Sunday, June 14, from 8:30 - noon. On Monday, June 15, the Augustinian students in Gr. 5 - 8 will present a Mini-Science Olympiad for students in Gr. K - 4 in the school gym from l23A pm.- 1:30 pm. Parents and friends are most welcomd to join us. On Tuesday, June 16 Augustinian students (Gr. K - 8) will present a Talent Show from 12:30 pm. - 1:30 pm. Parents and friends are most welcome to join us. On \ilednesday, June 17, Augustinian students in Gr 5 - 8 will present a History Fair in the school gym from 10 am. - noon. Parents and friends are most welcome to join us. At St. Peter's in Lowville on Thwsday, June 25ft, there will be a meeting at 7PM in the parish hall for all those interested in forming a young adults Soup. This is generally for yotng adults, aged 18-35. If you have questions or would like more inforrration, call or email S iobhan Fagan at h sdaughtersiobhan@gmai i l. 37 6-6662 or com. The Garden Club of St. James Church is asking formore people who enjoy getting their hands dirty to assist with weeding, planting and watering our flowers at the church well as both cemeteries. As the plants grow healthy, so does the comradarie amongst otr gardeners. It doesn't matter if you can't tell a weed from a plant, (weeds have the best root systems). The remainder of the planting will be done after the St. James Fair. We will then need people to also water- A schedule is being set up so each person will only have to water once a week. Ifyou would like to help keep OUR grounds at St. James Church and cemeteries as beautiful as they have been in the past, please call Judy Nye, 493-1591. as 4awaii in 2016! Haven't you always wanted to go to Hawaii? Join Fr. John Yonkovig of St. Agnes in Lake Placid on a 7 night cruise of four Hawaiian islands with Norwegian Cruise Line. The group will fly from Burlington and spend two nights on Waikiki Beach and 7 nights cruising. April of 2016 - please call Touraid Travel at 518-563-5605 for pricing and availability. Augustinian Academy's Education Council will meet on June 17 in the school at 6:30 pm. Augustinian's Annual \ilalk-a-thon will be held on Thursday, June 18 at the Carthage Park. qM:L*;*l*h Welcome CAA Alumni ! W tn ffiilli$,f;i-Wiiffi ffi,Y e Z 'Two #i\, I i l::.fi ,[ Created and donated by: Jeanette Turner and Alma Price 52.00 per ticket or 3 for Ss.00 Drawing on Saturday June ZTth @ St James Fair TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: SEW WHAT QUILT & EMBROIDERY 255 State Street Ca rth?g€, NY Do not neclect to drow hocplulity to stran8ers, for thereby some have entertained anepls unaware$ Hebrc: tr2 ffi We are very blessed each year to \,lelcome shrdents from diverse regions of the globe to lmmaculate Heart High School. These students bring with them so much to us as far as experiences, knorvledge and perspective. They also sacrifice their family life, leaving their mottrers and fathers to study in America because they are committed to getting a solid foundation for life. to a stranger; This very act reflects the mission statement of our school. Please knorv that by inviting someone new into your house to share family meals, tirne, and activities that you are truly serving God. It takes special people, special families, to open your house ationat *' lhrdent rrhrdent co*re-pbaso contact pbago at 7884S'I0 or emait - :lHcacho( --..*.c6ihcschoots'org iodi'ranros@i l. . ' Uqrfhtysffpeno Ac@unbble --'-:f c ral*burse,nents 41sf .{nnuat st.Jam;Fair State Street, Carthage GAMES OF CT{AI\CE tslack Jack * Big Six Wheel * Full Tabs R.AFF'LE-Prizes: 1st-2/$5008Sellerof lstPrize:$50ea* 10-2ndprizes-$100each *** $1 per ticket / 6 for $5 / 12 for $i0 / 18 for $15 *'r* $$$ Drawing Saturday, June ZZtn $$$ 0ntario s Amusernent Ride$ aturd", iiliTfrT' F00D: Italian * Lebanese Dav !!! - American n polish - Spanish Clams - Fried Dough ^, Ice Cream - Beer - Tent special Priced Meals for children - saturday t2pm - 4pm Enferfainment: Repfiles Forever, D,r and llore! June 25, 26, & 27 Hours of operation: Thursday and Friday 6pm - lOpm and Saturday lZpm- 10pm 'l;lRotvtlDuff,ffi Robinson to be New Pastor Named for Ia r. Donald Parishes: As mentioned previously, I am IJ'orr r happy to announce that Bishop laValley has I . ^, afrpornted a successor to me as Pastor of St. James in Carthage and St. Mary's in Copenhagen. His name is Fr. Donald A. Robinson. He is a native oflaFargeville, N.Y. and grew up on the family farm. Fr. Robinson has had a widg range of priestly ministries including parish work, teacher at Immaculate Heart Central High School, faculty member of Wadhams Hall Seminary, Director of Vocations and Seminarians for our Diocese. This is an answer to prayer as now I can go in peace, knowing you will be well cared for. For those not yet aware, the week after Easter, I informed the parishes that after prayerful discemment, I felt the need to retire from the active ministry due to the condition ofthe Parkinson Disease and other health issues. However, I will still carry on priestly ministry in a more relaxing pacee to reside at the rectory at St. Bernard's Church in Saranac Lake N.Y. and in the winter reside at a rectory in the Diocese of Palm Beach where my first cousin, Fr. Richard George is pastor. In addition, I will be happy to see our former Ordinary, Bishop Barbarito who is the Bishop of Palm Beach. This change of guard takes effect on July lst. However, Fr. Robinson asked me to stay on for two more weeks so that he can take a vacation. t will enjoy the exha two weeks to bid farewell- It has been a geat13 years for me! fl panish Masswilt beheld on Seturday,June20e with the recitation of the Rosary @ FIND YOUR HOME IN CHRIST Building Pcrishes with Lisittg Stones Diacesafi Cenilslnitiatiqtc St. Jomes I St. Mcry's neigl$ors. Please contact tlw follmting tcarn menrbers if you cafi assist with sctfiie relrl.aining roads/streets tlwt need tabe tisited. St Jomes Teon - Dr. Donflld Foster Mrs. Mcry Hall St. Mory's Temn - Lucilla Shettleton Deb 8 Biff Ctreen Heothm Sulliuan D%1.*./ntensus Thcn Update: Sr. Mary Ellen and Dr. Donald Foster have been coordinating our door-to{oor Census initiated by Bishop laValtey for all the parishes in our diocese with the theme: "Finding your home in Christ." Those parishioners in both parishes who took the leap of faith in visiting their neighbors I \-/ found to their surprise that it turned out to be a very rewarding experience for all concerned. Pray over it, maybe the Lord is calling you to knock on the door of someone waiting for a friendly visit. If interested, contact Sr. Mary Ellen or Dr. Foster. Thank you. FLAG DAY to Neigltbor" Cerrsus Visiting carltinues ofiwng our cofiuuuttitias. There is still time to vohmteq tn uisit a few of yotn "Neighbor <s ta orn currefit volurrteer:s Stilltime ta qtohmteq! n y,qu dou! Thnr/r-you for pruying andfuins Dert of this Please welcorll,e Wople wlw conw eq)efit! hange in Custodians @ SL James Parish: I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Charles Leonard for his good work as Custodian the last three years. We wish him the best qf luck as he pursues educational opportunities @ JCC. Thanks Charlie. At the same time we WELCOME the new custodian in the person of Mr. John Szijarto. For the past two weeks Charlie has been mentoring John with his many responsibilities at the Church, School & Cemetery. 41sf .{nnua\ st.Jam;Fair State Street, Carthage GAMES OFCHAI\CE tslack Jack * Big Six Wheel * Full Tabs RMFLE - Prizes: 1st - *** $l 0ntario 2/$500* Seller of 1st Prize: $50 ea* 10 - 2nd prizes - $100 each perticket/ 6 for $5 i 12 for $i0 / 18 for $15 *'rs $$$ Drawing Saturday, June ZZttr $$$ Amusentent Ride$ Saturday - Wristband Day! !! .12prn - 4pm F00D: Italian - Lebanese * American - Polish - Spanish Clams * Fried Dough ,- Ice Cream - Beer - Tent special Priced Meals for children - saturda! tZpm - 4pm Enferfainmenf: Repfiles Forever, DJ and llore! June 25, 26, & 27 Hours of operation: Thursday and Friday 6pm - l0pm and Saturday l}pm- 10pm 'l;l koturlDulr7,ffi Robinson to be New Pastor Named for Ir! r. Donald Parishes: As mentioned previously, I am I.J'orr r happy to announce that Bishop IaValley has I r ^' Eppinted a suecessor to me as Pastor of St. James in Carthage and St. Mary's in Copenhagen. His name is Fr. Donald A Robinson. He is a native oflaFargeville, N.Y. and grew up on the family farm. Fr. Robinson has had a widg range of priestly minishies including parish work, teacher at Immaculate Heart Central High School, faculty member of Wadhams Hall Seminary, Drector of Vocations and Seminarians for our Diocese. This is an answer to prayer as no\il I can go in peace, knowing you will be well cared for. For those not yet awaxe, the week after Easter, I informed the parishes that after prayerful discemmen! I felt the need to retire frcm the active ministry due to the condition ofthe Parkinson Disease and other health issues. However, I will still carry on priestly ministry in a more relaxing pacee to reside at the rectory at St. Bernard's Church in Saranac Lake N.Y. and in the winter reside at a rectory in the Diocese of Palm Beach where my first cousin, Fr. fuchard George is pastor. In addition, I will be happy to see our former Ordinary, Bishop Bmbarito who is the Bishop of Palm Beach. This change of guard takes effect on July lst. However, Fr. Robinson asked me to stay on for two more weeks so that he can take a vacation. t will enjoy the exfta two weeks to bid farewell. It has been a great 13 years for me! lCl panish Mass D%l*.-. FIND YOUR HOME IN CHRIST Building Parhhes with Lioing Stones Dioc esan C enils Initiaties St. Janres I St Mary's "Neighbor ta Neighbor" Census Visiting conthwes ffiwflg ow cormmrrdties. Tlwre is stitl time to oolunteq to ctisit a few of your neighhorc. Please contact tlw follorrltng tcam. nwnbers if you can assist with sonrc remolining rca.ds/streets tlwt naeil tobe c,ified. St James Tmrn - h. DonaW Foster Mrs. Mary Holl St. Mary's Tean - Lucilla Slrcttlewt Deb 8 Biff Grcen Heathm Sulliqtmt will be held on Saturday, June 20fr with the recitation of ttre Rosary @ Thdfllc ta our curr.ent uoluutaer:s Update: Sr. Mary Ellen and Dr. Donald Foster have been coordinating our door-todoor Census initiated by Bishop LaValley for all the parishes in our diocese with the theme: "Finding your home in Christ." Those parishioners in both parishes who took the leap of faith in visiting their neighbors ;nlensus I \-/ found to their surprise that it turned out to be a very rewarding experience for all concerned. Pray over it, maybe the Lord is calling you to knock on the door of someone waiting for a friendly visit. If interested, contact Sr. Mary Ellen or Dr. Foster. Thank you. FLAG DAY Still time to qtohmteq! Please welconw Wople wlw conw tn Wn daail Thn ,t* Wu Lor Wqrylirlg and being Pert of this e$et\t! hange in Custodians @ St. James Parish: I take this opportunity to thank Mr. Charles Leonard for his good work as Custodian the last three years. We wish him the best of luck as he pursues educational opportunities @ JCC. Thanks Charlie. At the same time we WELCOME the new custodian in the person of Mr. John Szijarto. For the past two weeks Charlie has been mentoring John with his many responsibilities at the Church, School & Cemetery. FROM THT' PASTOR'S DESK... The'Joy of the Gospel'leods us to the Eucharist Ieventh Sunday in OrdinaryTime: What can mustrrd seeds teoch us about the kingdom of God? The tiny mustard seed litcrally grew to be a tree which attracted numerous birds because they loved the little bleck mustard seed it produced. Godrs kingdom works in a similar fashion. It strrts from the smallest beginnings in the hearts of men and women who are reccptive to God's word. And it works un$een and causes a transformation from within. Just as a seed has no power to change itself until it ls planted in the grcuqd, so we cannot change our lives to be like God until God gives us the powerof his Holy Spirit The Lord of the Universe is ever ready to transform ur by the powerof his Holy Spirit Are you ready to let God change you by his lifegiving Word and Spirit? The kingdom of God produces a transformation in thosewho receivethe new lifewhich Jesus Christ offers.'When we yield to the Lord Jcsus and allow his word to take rcot in us, our lives are transformed by the lxlwer of the Hoty Spirit who dwells within us. Paul the Apostle saysr'rwe have this treasure in earthen vcsselg to show that the trenscendent power belongs to H and not to us" (2 Corinthians 4:7). Do you believe in the transforming powerof theHoly Spirit? A mushrd secd is indeed an image of the kingdom of God. Christ is the kingdom of heaven. Sown like a musterd secd in tte garden of the virgin's womb, he grew up into the tree of the cross whose branches stretch acnxs thc world. Cmshed in the mortar of the passion, its fruit has prcduced sasoning enough f,ortLe fhvorirgend preservetion of eyerT lMng cneature with which it comcs in contact Christ beceme all things in order to rcstone all of us in himself. The man Christ received the mustard seed which reprercnts the kingdom of God; as man he received it, though as God he had always posscsscd it Do you allow the seed of God's word to take deep root in your life and transform you into a fruit-bcaring disciple of Jesus Christ? Let us prey for our faith communitiesof St. James & StMary'sthatwewill be open to God's Word in spirit and tmth: fFlhe 416 annual ST. JAMES FAIRto be held on I JIINE 25'-2 6 - 271RaffIe Tickets for the Fair were I. mailed to St. James parishioners and tothe Alumni of Augustinian Academy. IF EACH C.A.A. ALT MNUS AND FAMILY IN ST. JAMES PARISH WERE TO DONATE OR SELL A BOOK OF TICKETS, THIS YEAR'S FAIR WOI..ILD BE A MAIOR SUCCESS STORY. Please make every effort to do your "fafu" share. Knowthatl appreciate whateveryou are ableto do forthe sale of these tickets. Return tickets with donations can be sent to the rectory or put in the Sunday collection baskett. JAMES FAIR MEMORIAL LEAFLET: Eight years ago, we inaugurated a Memorial Leafletforthe Fairas away to express our love and affection for family and friends, living and Ifyou are a registered parishioner ofSt. James, deceased. you would have received the Memorial Envelope in the bulk mailing that was sent recently. If you are not registered or misplaced the mailing PLEASE USE THE MEMORIAL OFFERING ENVELOPES FOUND ON TTM TABLES NEAR THE, CONIFESSIONALS AT ST. JAMES CHIJRCH. Please write the name of your loved one, living or deceased that you want remembered in this year's Memorial kaflet that will be in the bulletin of July 5th. There is no set fee for the c,ffering. Thank you for your generosity in support ofthe Acaderny! for Farewell receptions r Father George F. Marounl i July 5th ...St 8AM Mass Maryt Church after Iuly L2th ... St James Church after 10AM Mass trLord Jesug fill me with your Holy Spirit and transforu me into the Chrlst-like holiness you desire. Incnease my zeal foryour kingdom and instill in me a holy desire to live for your greater glory." Come ene, come all to either or both celebratians of Gretitude! f f Telcome Alumni of Augustien Academy: the Alumni lA/ At today's 4 p.m. Mass we welcome Y Y from ourAcademywho are gathered fortheir Mark your calendars and watch for rnore details as we get closer to July.... annual Alumni Association Mass & Banquet. We treasure the moral and financial support of our alumni. May God bless you for your generosity. Enjoy your celebration. Please Patronize Our Advertisers TlnoltlryA" Ferleyl P.G AttomeyatLaw General Practice Including: Bel Ertrtc E trtB & Tro6 Forcclosurcr f,victiou \Yills Criminel Tine Pcrronrl Injur5, CorpontioEdllC'r lll Soukup-Paralcgal 493-9373 Fax: {9}9390 F.. Metder, OD 25737 U.S. Route ll Evans Mills,I\tY 13637 315-629-4316 "Don't Iyrembqofitd,/,E7N @ ar- what's lose sight of important!" tfiq out *tlirgc 493-3r'.lm :tr; ;(.f 0rnrr -l Vddrttu. 779-9T15 O4@ 68G/tr50 Meadowbrook Terrace Assisted-Living Facility 21957 Cole Rd. Carthagc, 1YY Phonc (315) 5D-r246 Place to Feel at Eome' 'A CarthdgeAreo Eospitol (3Il) & 127 ilcthonlc $t Co:thogr, XY 13619 a93'2521 or I (E0o) asE-2172 Detail Center ' call the office for pricing 644-4000 6 CarVash Loetcd at Caskincre!-Iofnk Ford tnterlor & E:<terior Detailing Soft Cloth CarWaeh ffiL 499-tg6o DT'{=I'ITsIId'I' t3t5) 493-2621 PreNcGd CotrrultrrioB ,f,1 Frttwww.bczenilhlh,com DS it^ llvlrL BRrcE M. BEAI{LIA tuotnlHbme flr€",tor &mr St CELL77&5E50 Crthagc,NYl3Sl9 Carthage Family Chiropractic Care Services Williamson Service LLC Locally Owred & Operated 518 State Street Carmage, NY 13619 Gortracti4g No. Willismson Septic 12988 North Croghan Road Nahral Bridge, NY 13665 Bersnilla - McGraw F'uneral Home Greg's Handyman Services & 115493-7126 l2l l. et: m-wtfiageviogsmm wnilxlws MILIIIRD fire DICI( SECOT-NICTI SECOR REMODEITNG CARPENTTY SIDING GREG Corthoge 'InEe* frvfrlr,lrJoa{noc.owt$ Cbrct 5I4 Statc St, Certhrgc Dr. Charles tr *^*rna,nesArfics lc,otoataiyorlrtr:,on ' Thesier Tu & Pryroll Dunrpsts Scfficc Available RollOffBuca We AEcpt Visa^4stErcrd/Ili8covcr Strccffit. Gamllllo4a l298ENo.CroghenRd NstEral Bridgq l{Y 13565 Services WLUhrDy PtlE/ltgas hnl(trrNotrt Dr. Kelli J. Thesier-Guyette 20284 County Route4S Carthage, IIY 13619 -fcttd * Na Yoi Sirtc 315.d93-0305 - mcl lnautxrces accqpGd AamEn!&TESEeiE -ArditRqraal'tl* -Collctdo Swis FT] TERAL HOME Cqtificd -Foll Dryre[ Swicc -Sd6 Ta PrrDrrrdm lt Btrlf -hrliyldu.l & Dlrha - cash plansavailaile - evenlng hourc (31s) 644-4000 Rsidcntial & Cmsrcial Accomts Iilcckly Cub-Sidc Pickup & CREMATION SERVICE (315) 493-3710 Endl: plf,cicr@tl6y.or OfiE: 49:}tZ,l- CrO 7l-0*t2 tr'e4qr-10:15 - 27 Barr Strcct P.O, Box69 Your Carlhage,l.IY 13619 315493-1862 t-800493-1040 Business ProducUSeryice Ad Could Be Fax:315493-39fi) grow@t\rcfiy.rr.com Here! Your Tax And Accounting Professionals ! ! Gary E. 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