St. Mary`s - Catholics of Carthage and Copenhagen, New York
St. Mary`s - Catholics of Carthage and Copenhagen, New York
St. James St. Stute Street, Carthage l/f,S Land Deeded by James D. Leray de Chaumont, 1818 First Church Dedicated and Incorporated, 1821 Present Church Dedicated 1866 Mary's Rt. 12, Copenhagen Land Deeded 1901, Incorporated 1890 Present Church Dedicated 1902 offoith who are united in bringing the Gospel into the daily lives of all who worship with us. We stond together with all people, especiolly the We are two diverse communities poor and the alienated, as a sign of God's universal lovefor all people. We extend a warm welcome to all and hope that you will Jind the parishes St. James and St. Mary's places wherefaith can be nourished. of Parish Staff Pastor: Rev. Donald A. Robinson Pastoral Associate: Deacon Richard J. Staab Pastoral Associate: Sr. Mary Ellen Brett, SSJ Augustinian Academy: Sr. Annunciata Collins, SSJ, Principal Sunday Mass Schedule Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 5:00 pm St. James (ant.) Saturday: 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm St. James Sunday: 8:00 am St. Mary's Sunday: 7:30 am St. Mary's 10:00 am St. James Sacrament of Marriage: Contact pastor Sacrament of Baptismi Contact Rectory Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sicki Contact the Rectory anytime St. James Rectory 327 West St., Carthage, NY Ausustinian Academv 13619 Phone: 315-493-3224 Email : Fax: stj 315-493-3280 317 West St., Carthage, NY 13619 St. Marv's Rectorv PO Box 12 Phone: 315-493-1301 Copenhagen, Fax: Phone: 315-493-0632 Email : smacollinsssj Convent: 315-493-1672 Website: 3 1 NY 13626 5-688-2683 Email: srectory2 @twcny. rr. com May 22,2016 SCHOOL lVtASSd* nlay 22.2016 Augustinian's Spring Concert/ Art Show will be held on Wednesday, May 25, at 6:30pm. All are welcome. INTE,N:TI May 22, Augustinian is accepting registrations for the 2016-2017 school year. Please call the school office (493-1301) to schedule 2016 The Most Holy NEWS Trinity a SatuRDAY. MAy 21't 5:00SJ(ant.)-Mildred, William, & Donald Brorvn by the family SuNnlv. Mny 22'd visit for yourself or for a friend who is interested in our school. Augustinian's Can & Bottle Collection is on-going. Please leave any donations for this collection on the convent porch. 8:00SM - Thomas Sweredoski by Bill & Penny Tyner l0:00SJ - R. Ford & Carol Wright by their children MoNDAY. MAY 23'd 5:30SJ - James & Sharon Marti by Donald Murphy Our Box Tops for Education Collection will end on Sunday, June 4. We have over 4100 now. Father Robinson has promised to kiss a pig if we reach 5000. Please do all you can to help us Tussoav. MAv Heart F o un datio n Frank Caprara Annual Golf Tournament The Sacred Heart Foundation is gearing up for its annual Golf 24th S acre d - Paul Storms by Jim & Betty WnoNnsoly. Mly 25th 12:00SJ 9:00SM - Bob Archer by Ruth & Bernard Brady Tnunsoav. May 26th There is no Mass or Communion Service Today Fnruly. MAY 27th 12:00SJ - Patricia O'Brien by Dick & Tammy Blunden 2:00CAH - Pearl Gaines by Mr. & Mrs. James O'Connor Sarunnl,v. MAY 28th 5:00SJ(ant.) - Stanley Campany by his family SuNoav. Mlv 29th 8:00SM - Betty LaBarge by Frank & Shirley Nevills l0:00SJ - Herb Burrell by family NOTErrp- M".. ", Ct 23 - Women of Grace, 6:30pm (CR) 24 - SM Pastoral Council Meeting, 7pm (SM) 29 -Little Flowers Girls Club,l l:l5am-12:45pm (CR) 3l - SM Finance Council Meeting, 7pm (SM) Envelopes Plate TOTAL Last Year St. $4,556.00 $ 1,599.25 $6,155.25 $6,263.00 Wednesday, June 15, 2016 Watertown Golf Club Thompson Park Registration 8 AM-Shotgun start at l0 AM Dinner and Awards after the tournament First Place: $400 Third Place Blind: $ 100 Fourth Place Blind: $100 2 Chances for a Hole in One Win a car donated by FX Caprara Auto Sales Win a Harley Davidson Motorcycle donated by FX Caprara Harley Davidson Golf Contests Weekly Offerings May 15,2016 St. Jameq Tournament. This is one of our two major fundraisers. The proceeds of the tournament are the leading source of funds for our annual scholarships. This year the Foundation gave out 78,000 in funds to seminarians all over the world studying to be priests of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. If you have any questions please contact the Foundation office(315) 782-3344. Second Place: $200 Calendar of Events: May May May May reach our goal. Marv's Envelops Plate TOTAL Last Year S1,111.00 Closest to the Pin, Closest to the line (Men & Women) Seniors age 70 & Over use Gold Tees 18 Hole Captain & Crew $320 Singles Welcome $80 Entry Deadline June 9th Sponsor a Hole for S258.00 $1,369.00 $1,168.79 TIIANK YOU! St. James FAIR - Anyone wishing to i volunteer their time and talent to help set up and take down the fair, please contact Joe Margrey at 493-1430. We will begin to set up on Saturday, 18 June at 9:00am in the church parking lot. This day will be used to set the tent frames. The remainder of the set up will take place Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (June 20,27,22) beginning at 5:30pm. We will tear every.thing down on Sunday, 26 June beginning at 9:00am. Many hands make the work light and any time you can give is greatly appreciated. Thank You St. The Altar & $ 100 Mary's News Rosary Society Members will be leading the Rosary before Sunday Mass during the month of May. Tues. May 24th - - 7:00 pm Meeting - 7:00 pm Pastoral Council Meeting - Finance Council Tues. May 3l't Wed. June l't -Altar & Rosary Meeting & Donuts thanks to Wanda BushMuncy, Debbie Woodruff & Randy Bernat Sun. June 5th - Coffee Angel Dusters- Many thanks to our Angel Dusters who include Michele Buckingham, Judy New, Barb Kohler, Joanne Britton (Choir Loft), Jerold Ashcroft, Mary Hall, Kathleen Tyler, Cindy Kilburn, Tammy Miller, and Ron & Carol Workman for doing a wonderful job cleaning St. James for the month of May. From the Pastor: Today we celebrate one of the To The Parishioners of St. James & St. Marv,s most fundamental beliefs of Christianity: the Trinity three distinct, coequal persons in one God. For the Church, the Trinity is considered a mystery. There are aspects of it we will never fully grasp while we are this side of heaven. But it is something that we hold as revealed truth. It is hard to believe that the St. James Fair is only a little more than a month away. We have had several planning meetings to prepare for this wonderful parish event - June 23, 24, and 25. More workers are needed to cover all the bases. There is a sign-up sheet in the Gathering Area of the church so you can sign up to work. If you can give us just a few hours, it would be greatly appreciated by all. And the BIG news around the parish is that the pastor will be going in the dunking booth this year and he is very excited about it. You can now register for the all-important Vocations Summit INSPIRE: CALLED TO LOVE - to be held in Lake Placid on September 25. The registration forms can be found in the gathering space of each church. We have procured a 55 passenger coach to take us to the Summit. Please register NOW if you want a space on the bus. We are sharing the bus with St. Peter's, Lowville and the available seats will go fast! You do not want to miss this important Diocesan event. I can't believe I am mentioning this but someone asked me the other day if St. James Church and CAA would consider putting together a float for the HOLIDAY PARADE for next November! I am like you - it is hard to speak about Holiday Time when we haven't even had the St. James Fair yet. But this person was asking a good question and it isn't too early to think about a float. Last November an inquiry was made about St. James having a float in the Parade. We need someone from the parish or a group ofpeople to help organize this float. Please see me as soon as possible, so we can begin to think about a possible theme for the float. Lori Hanno has resigned as Trustee of St. James Church because of family and work commitments. Lori has done a wonderful job and will be missed. I know that Father George Maroun and I have both benefitted from her counsel. I have appointed Cam Moses as her replacement. Cam has generously agreed to serve as Trustee and I am grateful for her willingness to serve. A parish trustee serves as an advisor to the pastor and also serves on the Parish Finance Council and the Parish Pastoral Council. Deacon Todd Thibault has been assigned to St. Mary's Church, Canton as of June l. Don't forget that Deacon Todd will be ordained a priest on October 8 at St. Mary's Cathedral and will then celebrate his First Mass the following day at St. James. Please mark your calendar. Next Sunday is the Feast of Corpus Christi - the Body and Blood of Jesus. After the l0am Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place until 3pm when Benediction will take place. Please plan on spending a few minutes with the Lord next Sunday. Next Monday (May 30) is Memorial Day and there will be a St. James Cemetery Mass at 9am. Please bring a folding chair. This is my first cemetery mass and I am so excited that I haven't been able to sleep for days. Thank you all for your wonderful support of me these last few years and being there for my ordination to the Transitional Diaconate on April 2nd. You have always made me feel welcome and part of the family and I am so grateful to you all. I would also like to thank Fr. Robinson for his support and assistance in putting the Ordination together. Thank you also to the Choir for the beautiful music and all the altar servers who served at Mass so soon after the busy Holy Week schedule. Finally, I want to thank all the groups who helped put on the wonderful reception following the Ordination: The Good Samaritans, The Ave Maria Circle, Women of Grace, St. Mary's Altar & Rosary Society and The Knights of Columbus. Barb Kohler for the beautiful cake and John and the custodial staff, and Joanne Sligar and the decorating crew, all of which have supported me since I arrived in Carthage in August of 2013. Your prayers and support have helped me greatly as I finished my studies for the priesthood. I have been and will continue to pray for you all. God Bless, Deacon Todd Fair Memorial offerins Envetones llrryou aia ,iil".i* a Fair iVlemo.i"l Er;i;pe, you can ll "'-"" lll#llHllrf t-* to share in God's ll ll 1 l a priest, deucon or in thel lhope lde? Talk to Fr. Donald Robinson or contactl lconsecrated Bryan Stitt at lFr. I ADVERTISEMENT FOR: Diocesan Coordinator - Office of Parish Audits and Fiscal Services The Roman Catholic Diocese of Ogdensburg has an immediate opening for the full-time position of Diocesan Coordinator Office of Parish Audits and Fiscal Services. This position provides support in the financial operation of parishes, schools and related entities in the diocese including technical support in the use of QuickBooks Pro and standard accounting practices. This position also oversees the process by which review ofparish fiscal operations are conducted and reviews annual submission of Parish Financial Reports to assure financial statements are in balance and in accordance with diocesan regulations. A Bachelor Degree in accounting with two years audit experience is preferred. Knowledge of QuickBooks Pro accounting software is required. Candidates should possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, have the ability to work independently and manage/establish priority for several projects at the same time. Travel throughout the diocese is necessary on oicasion. Submit letter of interest, resume and three professional references to: Human Resources Office, Diocese of Ogdensburg, P.O. Box 369, Ogdensburg, NY 13669. Deadline for application is June 6, 2016. Oll"y'. G"r"rul Cort"q.tgrs L.L.C. SSSSFoaor@ New Homes . Additions . Garages . Plumbing . Heatiag. Electrical . Out Buildlogs Flooring . Concrete Slabs . Home Repairs . Roofing . Kltchens and8eths . Commcrciat Erdding. ffi Marsha Gibbons Home of (315) 644-414r . Cell 315-778-t5gg. ToIl frcc l-88&245{t5l7 MR Gaebel,Inc. Military . Gary E. Rowe CPA/CEO 27 Barr St., PO Box 69 . Carthage, NY 3 | 5 -493 -1862. Fax 3 I 5-493-3900 25737 US Route 1 1 Evans Mills, NY 13637 LUNDY 1 \ V T Y rurvsner,HoME 6 ('umliwstt,t*t \U/ .- www.lurrd.duneral-home.eonl I-l ,<-l \IEXICO,N\ 315 963-8888 - 518 state street Carthase. NY 13619 iMC r}"rlso[" ets;4%-2621 Knigfitl of Co[um6us Carthage C-ounc-il zgt Meeting tst (hursday 6 Z lm 5 t/z Madison Street 110 S. school St. 315-493-2110 Carthage,NY ,/"\ Website: 'WS*!;ry;Y,,3?;,?:,ff:'ry Thomas J Spaulding, Agent Bus:115-874-4101 (ti4,,4,'/: 'A relaxed, casual approach &StateFarm to cremation servicel' 'RiilinqMd&s pddd by 5Nl t iild hd lnd liduldd narylli.ilpor(eFl{ 6 . to(e x or 36788 State Route 26 . Carthage, NY 1 361 9 (31 5) 493-1 360 . remnd of g CARTHAGE FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CARE ) \J Dr. Kelli J. Thesier-Guyette Most lnsurances Accepted Manual & lnstrument Adjusting Evening Hours Available 493-O3O5 v,sa (3rs) 493-0997 l*l 800-4gg-rr22 HELP PROTECT YOUR FAMITY ATTORNEY AT LAW Office NY 315-493-9373 llt-191-rrrl Dick Secor & Rich Secor, Owners TIMOTHY A. FARIEY, PC Carthage Carthage, 127 N. Mechanic St. Carthage, NY 13169 The Church Street Diner 107 Church St. Carthage, NY 20284 Counly Rt 45. Carthage NY St. an M. Bezatilla, Director We're honored to be #1 in Iife insurance.* CREMATION 514 State your Sales and Leasing Consultant N9BII1EIP9E ':E in MIKE LIBERATOS DAVIDSON AUTOMOTIVE GROUP 18579 US HT 1 1 .Watertown, NY 13601 .-@)- 6ac[yard" tlgl9,i pur.AsKr, Ny cAR.I.HAGL. Ny I . i, 315-298-fizz 315-493-o+oo ,'i];,@ rsmc'W Direct 315-836-2426 o Cell 315-286-8606 "Our attention to detail makes the dffirence." Funeral Home Bruce . "Don't lose sight of what's impoftant!" Bezanrlla - McGraw stfmgJxrAURANr "a [in[e 6tt of tm[y 315-629-4316 Your Tax and Accounting...Professionals BuildingExperience 30+ years Dr. Gharles F Metzle4 0D FREE Checking! E-mail Owners Retired Menber owned since 1888 / State St . Watertown, NIY 315-788-2233 Tina M. Soukup - Paralegal/Administrator Paralegals: Gina M. Brotherton, Rebecca A. Knight, Janice A. 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