January 2016 - River Ridge School District


January 2016 - River Ridge School District
River Ridge School District
January 2016
Exam Schedule............2
River Ridge Singers
by Ellen Martin
Screening Notice..........3
Guidance News............5
Thank you....................5
RRAP News.................7
Spelling Bee.................8
January 4
School Resumes
January 6
FFA Banquet
January 11-15
HS Registration
January 13
Board Meeting
January 20-21
Semester Exams
January 22
No School
The River Ridge Singers have traveled to Bagley and Prairie du Chien this Holiday Season to spread their Christmas cheer in song! Front Row: (left to right) Bea
Mumm, Hope Schier, Ashton Marshall, Anna Bosetti and KayLynn Knight. Back
Row: Anna Tolle, Taylor Linder, Franci Gates, Austin Morrow, Karli Wachter and
Tessa Reynolds.
Page 2
The River Ridge School
District will strive to
provide a safe, challenging environment
for each
individual student by
excellent staff
development, encouraging meaningful parent
involvement, and earnThe
support through honesty,
a safe,
and open
coming environment
for each
individual student by
promoting excellent staff
development, encouraging meaningful parent
involvement, and earning strong community
support through honesty,
integrity, and open comVisit our website at
Timberwolf News
2016 High School Semester Exam Schedule
Wednesday – January 20
1st hour – 8:00-9:30
3rd hour – 9:40-11:10
HS Lunch – 11:15-12:00
5th hour – 12:05-1:35
7th hour – 1:45-3:15 Thursday – January 21
2nd hour – 8:00-9:30
4th hour – 9:40-11:10
HS Lunch 11:15-12:00
6th hour – 12:05-1:35
8th hour – 1:45-3:15
1. Buses will run at regular time on Wednesday, January 20, and Thursday, January 21.
2. Students are not required to be in school until their first scheduled exam. Once
in school, students are to stay until exams are completed for the day. Students
should report to study hall if not taking an exam. Seniors have open campus but
must sign in and out from office if they leave the campus.
3. All students should sign in if they arrive after 8:00 a.m. Students should sign
out if they leave before 3:15 p.m. Students that arrive late or leave before 3:15
should have signed permission slips turned into office by Monday, January 18.
4. A student may not leave the exam area until the 90-minute period is over. There
will be no loitering in the hallways.
5. Students are expected to be in the classroom on time when the bell rings to begin the exam.
6. Any student missing any exam time must make arrangements with the teacher
for make-up time. Grades are due to the office by 8:00 a.m. on January 25, 2016.
Character Theme
by Kim Breuer
District Administrator
Dr. Jeff Athey
608-994-2715 or
Tamara Hoffman
608-994-2711 or
Question or suggestions for
future articles, please call the
District Administrators Office
at 608-994-2715
The elementary students have a character theme each month. December’s theme
is showing generosity. Speaking of generosity the elementary students and staff
would like to thank JoAnn Evans, owner of The Cannery and Ashley Furniture
Homestore in Prairie Du Chien. She generously donated clothes to add to our
“clothing closet” for the River Ridge Elementary students. Thanks JoAnn for going above and beyond to help our students. We appreciate you!
Timberwolf News
Federal Civil Rights Policy
Page 3
“Let’s White Out Hunger”
The River Ridge School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex,
disability, or age in its programs and activities and
provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. The following person has
been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
District Administrator
P.O. Box 78, 11165 County Highway P
Patch Grove, WI 53817
Telephone No. 608-994-2715
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, visit http://wdcrobcolp01.ed.gov/CFAPPS/OCR/
contactus.cfm for the address and phone number of the
office that serves your area, or call 1-800-421-3481.
In the spirit of the season, the 5th
and 6th graders worked together to
collect food for families in need.
The theme was “Let’s White Out
Hunger”. The goal was for each
class to have twice the number of
food items as students in the classroom. The students reached their
goal and were able to wear white
clothing to create a snowman in
the gym. Way to go students.
Parents of Three- and Four-Year-Old Future Timberwolves District Screening April 7, 2016
The River Ridge School District has four-year-old kindergarten for students living in the district, and uses a
variety of sources throughout the year to identify eligible
children living in the district. A notice with an assigned
screening time will be sent to identfied families prior to
April 1. If you have a child who will be four years of age
on or before September 1, 2016, and don’t receive a notice by April 1st, you are encouraged to call Steph Steffensmeier at 994-2715 to arrange a time for screening.
skills, reading-readiness concepts, self-help, or social
skills is also encouraged to contact the school for an
appointment to be screened that day. The team will
screen your child for concerns and provide information
for you to pursue a comprehensive school evaluation.
Any parent who reasonably believes their child may be
a child with a disability may make a referral at any time
during the school year. Please contact Trudy DeSimons, Special Education Director, at the River Ridge
In addition to the four-year old screening, any parent School at 608-994-2711, or by writing her at River
of a three-year-old (or soon to be three) who suspects Ridge Upper Elementary Box 97, 545 Mill Street,
their child may be developmentally delayed in areas Bloomington, WI 53804.
such as language acquisition, fine and/or gross motor
Page 4
Timberwolf News
Don’t Text and Drive
by Shannon Kirschbaum and Kevin White
On December 3, Deputy John Barker, a Grant County Sheriff’s Department
Deputy, attended River Ridge High School to present the importance to drivers
of waiting to text because it is not worth the risk. Deputy Barker presented some
accident scene video clips and pictures showing crashes caused by people who
were texting and driving. These images changed the expression on students’ faces, you could see what people were thinking throughout the gym. This was one
of the videos we watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6Qhmdk4VNs,
please feel free to view it so you can understand the students’ experience. Students and adults also had an opportunity to sign a “wait to text”pledge at December basketball games. The purpose of the presentation and pledge signing is to
encourage us all to be more attentive drivers.
Officer John Barker speaking to the
9-12th grade students in the River
Ridge High School.
Bea Mumm and Madison Stagman signing the W8 2 Text pledge along
with other students waiting in line.
Ugly Sweater Contest 2015
By: Autum Buss
The annual ugly sweater contest was held on
December 16, 2015 by the River Ridge Art
Club. It was a fun activity for our high school
students to be a part of and show our school
spirit. They really got into it and enjoyed all
the compliments from everyone else. The Art
Club put a lot of effort into this contest.
Prizes were awarded to the top three ugly and
creative sweaters. The first place was Bea
Mumm, she won a three pound bag of candy
and a ribbon. The second place was Dylan Hazen, he won a cup and a box of nerds. The
third place was Olivia Breuer, she won a king sized candy bar. Anyone who participated in the contest
received a small mint candy cane.
Timberwolf News
Guidance News
by Caron Townsend
Dates to Remember:
Eighth Grade Registration – January 13, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
Financial Aid Night – January 20, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
ACT Test – March 1, 2016
ACT WorkKeys Test – March 2, 2016
Registration For 2016-2017 School Year
9th-11th grade students will be registering for their 2016-17 classes the
week of January 11-15, 2016. If any parent has a question about their son
or daughter’s credits or classes needed for graduation or post-secondary
education plans, please see Miss Townsend.
Bowling & Pizza Party
by Sue Kuenster and Angie Esser
Page 5
Thank You
River Ridge would like to thank the
following individuals and organizations for their donations to the
school district:
Carol and Gene Harris - $75.00
to academics for ECH-4/Gr 5-8/
Gr 9-12 (not for music, library or
Carol and Gene Harris -$50.00
to Friends Helping Friends program (Caron Townsend, coord.)
River Ridge Athletic Boosters $337.89 to cover cost of baseball/
softball concession stand materials
RRAP – $242.00 to pay cost of
soft seats for Grade 1 classroom
(Kim Breuer)
RRAP - $89.99 to pay cost of
Marble Maze for 4K (Jill Faurote)
RRAP - $294.11 to pay cost of
transportation & admission to
Vesperman Farms for 4K (Jill
RRAP - $47.40 to pay for Scholastic Books for the Jump Start reading program (Deb Trautsch)
Bret Iverson - $369.00 purchased
and donated a one year AgEdNet.
com software subscription
On Friday, November 20, 5th-8th grade students, who had sold more
than 10 magazines in their recent fundraising event, were rewarded with
an afternoon of bowling and pizza in Prairie du Chien. The Magazine
Sales drive was a very successful event to raise money for their class
treasuries and will be used for expenses the classes will incur when
they are in high school. Thanks to all the students who participated in
the Magazine Sale! Pictured are the thirty four 5th-8th students who
earned the reward along with the school fundraising chairs...Mrs. Angie
Esser and Mrs. Sue Kuenster.
Anonymous, Dependable Solutions, LB’s Automotive Services
LLC, Captain’s Cove, Hermsen’s
Ace Hardware and Home Center - $ 245.00 River Ridge Reading
Wolf Pack RIF donations
Page 6 Timberwolf News
Facts About Head Lice
Success is not
final, failure is
not fatal: it is the
courage to continue
that counts.
Winston Churchill
Adult lice are the size of a sesame seed and can be seen by the human eye.
They live in human hair and lay eggs (called nits) on the hair shaft. Lice are
small, about the size of a sesame seed, and although they don’t fly or hop, they
can crawl very fast making them hard to spot. Live nits or eggs, are found on
the hair less than ½ inch from the scalp. Nits are small, oval shaped, are usually a yellowish-white color, and are firmly attached to the side of the hair.
Some children with lice complain of itchiness but many have no symptoms.
Head lice spread almost completely through hair to hair contact, and pets do not spread lice.
Anyone can get head lice. Head lice are NOT a sign of being dirty.
Head lice are not dangerous and DO NOT spread diseases.
What can you do?
Parents are the key to looking for and treating head lice!
Teach your child NOT to share hats, scarves, brushes, combs and hair fasteners.
Spend 15 minutes each week on each child carefully looking for head lice or nits.
Persons with nits less than ½ of an inch from the scalp OR live lice should be treated.
The main treatments for head lice usually involve using an over the
counter medicated head lice shampoo that contain pyrethrin or permethrin. Read and follow all directions on the shampoo, which typically includes a second treatment 7 to 10 days after the first head lice treatment.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you should focus on
items that have been in contact with the head of the person with the lice in
the 2 days before they were treated, not everything in our house.
No special sprays are needed to clean your house
Wash your child’s clothing and bedding in hot water
Vacuum to remove lice and nits from furniture, carpets, stuffed ani
mals, car seats, etc.
Anything that you can’t wash you can put in a large plastic bag for 2 weeks
Use of oils and mayonnaise, lotions, creams, and vinegar has not proven effective; kerosene, gasoline and similar products do not work and are dangerous.
See http://www.idps.state.ia.us/hcci/common/pdf/headlice_brochure.pdf
for a helpful pamphlet about treating head lice. If you have additional questions, you can call your health care provider or the Grant County Health
Department for more information.
Timberwolf News
RRAP (River Ridge Active Parents) would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who participated in our fundraiser. Thank you to everyone who worked
hard to sell items, thank you to everyone who bought items and thank you to
those who gave a donation. A successful fundraiser allows us to give back to the
kids throughout the year. Our top seller this year was Keele in Mrs. White’s 1st
grade class. Way to go Keele!
A few things that RRAP does: pay for the fieldtrips for 4K-8, sponsors a Halloween party for 4K-4, and a dance for 5-8 grade. We also donate books to our
future Timberwolf students at 4K screening. Throughout the year, we receive
requests from teachers to help fund special projects or items that they feel would
benefit their classes.
RRAP is always looking for new members and new ideas. This is a great way to
get involved with our school and to be able to give back to our kids. We meet at
6:00 pm in the elementary/HS cafeteria on the first Monday of each month during the school year. If you are interested in learning more about what we do or
to become active in our school, please send me an email at nicky.drone@gmail.
Page 7
Keep Collecting
by Lisa Clark
River Ridge School District is collecting:
1. Campbell’s Labels(UPC Label
2. Box tops- 50 per bag
3. Pop tabs from the tops of cans
(this helps families stay at the
Ronald McDonald House)
4. Moolah milk labels/Donuts to
Dough(Kwik Trip/Kwik Star)
5. Capri Sun pouches-no straws
6. Land O’Lakes caps
7. Malt O’Meal cereal bags (need
the whole bag)
8. Sunny D (UPC only)
9. Country Hearth (UPC label) –
10. Golden Guernsey Dairy-Cash
for Kids- milk caps
11. Prairie Farms
Do you want to show your Timberwolf Pride? RRAP is selling yard signs for
$10 a piece. If you would like one, please
When turning the collectables
in, please consider that we have
send me an email at the address above.
to separate and count each item.
Please have them separated. That
From all of us on RRAP, we wish you
will help tremendously. When
a happy and healthy New Year!
Capri Sun Pouches are with other
items, like box tops or labels, they
Nicky Drone
get wet and labels are thrown away.
RRAP President
If you have any questions, please
contact Lisa Clark at 994-2715.
The staff and students of River
Ridge thank you for your support.
Emergency School Closing Information
Although we make every effort to keep pupils in school for the full
session once school has started, certain circumstances may require our
school schedules being adjusted. During the school year when it becomes necessary to close the school early due to inclement weather or
an emergency, it is imperative that you make previous arrangements
with your children in the event that they are to go to a neighbor’s or
relative’s house or if someone else will be picking them up at school.
PLEASE PLAN AHEAD and be sure you discuss the plan thoroughly
with your child. If there is a change in the procedure during the school
year, please make sure your child is aware of the change.
Page 8
River Ridge Holds Local Spelling Bee
by Sue Kuenster
The River Ridge 7th and 8th grade Spelling Bee was held
on Friday, December 11. Sixteen 7th and 8th grade students competed in the local competition: 7th graders…
Brett Kerscher, Abby Meier, Ruby Breuer, Alliyah Schissel, Jeleen Guerrero, Abigail Polodna, Kaycee Esser,
Kaden Kaufman, and 8th graders…Tova Lindberg, Eric
Breuer, Brayan Barrita, Cole Crubel, Connor Mumm, Bayli Mason, Skyler Williams, and Skylar White. Mr. Clay
Koenig, Principal, organized the event. The pronouncer
for the spelling bee was Mrs. Trudy DeSimons, and the
judges were Mr. Shane Sperle, and Mrs. Wendy Scherer.
Timberwolf News
D.A.R.E Graduation
by Kathy Miller and Kris Petrowitz
Fifth grade students at River Ridge Upper Elementary completed the Drug Resistance Education Course
known as D.A.R.E. and celebrated with a graduation
ceremony on Wednesday, December 23, 2015. Pictured are students in Mrs. Miller’s 5th grade class
with D.A.R.E. Officer Nate Gallagher.
Pictured are students in Mrs. Petrowitz’s 5th grade
class with D.A.R.E. Officer Nate Gallagher.
Pictured are the top three winners in the River Ridge 7th
and 8th Grade Spelling Bee. 1st place, 7th grader- Brayan
Barrita; 2nd Place, 7th grader - Brett Kerscher. and; 3rd
Place, 8th grader-Tova Lindberg. The top three finalists
will represent River Ridge in the Sectional Spelling Bee of
Grant County, which will be held at Riverdale Elementary/
Middle School in Muscoda on January 26, 2016. Congratulations to all the participants and winners! Good luck to
Brayan, Brett, and Tova in the Sectional Spelling Bee.
Timberwolf News
Page 9
First Graders Learn About Our Community
by Kim Breuer
The first grade students have spent a lot of time learning about our community. We have also taken time to
learn about careers of people in our community, along
with looking into future careers for themselves. As we
finished our studies on community, we had the great
opportunity to tour the town of Patch Grove to learn
more about the important people, jobs, and businesses
there. We had a wonderful trip, and would like to thank
the following people and businesses for their time and
amazing generosity. Bill Morgan - Patch Grove Township; Ed Millin and Steve Zimmermann - Patch Grove
Fire Station; Leo Breuer - LB’s Automotive; Lori Hullermann - Peoples State Bank; Phil Kirschbaum, Pete
Peterson & Harold Arendt - Legion Hall; Lindsey Bedward - Lindsey Ludvik Photography; Theresa Davis
- Patch Grove Post Office; Lou Ann Horsfall; and Nate
Gallagher - Grant County Sheriff’s Office.
Page 10
Timberwolf News
New Year’s Resolutions
by Pamela Breuer, Karli Wachter, and Elizabeth White
This time of the year people are waiting for the New Year. Typically, during this season people are trying to figure out what their resolutions should be. New Year’s resolutions are decisions to do or not to do
something in order to accomplish a personal goal or break a habit. They can make you feel temporarily
better. People usually look back at the past year and make an effort to improve themselves as the New Year
begins. However, when people make a resolution only 8% achieve their goal.
What’s wrong with common resolutions? It can be unrealistic to think that you can immediately overcome
a habit you’ve spent years establishing. Resolutions are often not specific. You could either not have an
individual plan or have a plan, then fail and possibly damage your self-worth and give up. The effects of
this make people push off resolutions until the following year.
How do some people achieve their resolutions? First, set realistic goals, think about what your goal is and
what you’d like to see changed or improved. Are you going to be able to stick with a plan? If you think
you’d be able to follow a plan, make an outline for how you would be able to accomplish your resolution. Then, you could track your progress weekly. Set a date each week to see how you’ve progressed.
Keep yourself motivated by looking up inspirational quotes or pictures and seek support from family and
friends. Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake and take a few cheat days. Although, the overall goal
of a resolution is to improve and make changes it can take time to stick with it, even if you mess up you
can always start again.
Realistic Goal Ideas (feel free to change these ideas and make them your own):
•Eat healthier
•Learn something new
•Lose a reasonable amount of weight
•Dress up more
•Stop being racist
•Reconnect with an old friend
•Drink more water
•Fix sleep schedule
•Become more organized
Unrealistic Goal Ideas (these goals may take longer and take more than a year to accomplish):
•Become famous
•Stop judging people
•Stop procrastinating
•Learn a language
•Stop playing Candy Crush
•Don’t buy the latest iPhone
•Go to the dentist more often
•Go to more sporting events
•Stop being racist
French Toast Sticks &
Pancakes & Ham
Tacos w/the Works
Buttered Corn
Tossed Romaine Salad (K-4)
Salad Bar (5-12)
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Hot Ham & Cheese
Baked Potato Wedges
Green Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Chicken Nuggets
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Dinner Roll
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Cereal Choice & Toast
Breakfast Biscuit
Pizza Choice
Tossed Romaine Salad (K-4)
Salad Bar (5-12)
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Cereal Choice & Toast
Spaghetti & Meat Sauce
Stemed Braccoli
Garlic Breadstick
Fresh & Canned Fruit
Trix Yogurt & Pop Tart
Waffles & Baked Ham
Cheese Omelet & Toast
Mozzarella Dippers
w/Marinara Sauce
Macaroni Salad
Green Beans
Fruit Salad & Fresh Fruit
Western Omelet Quesadilla
Hamburger on a Bun
French Fries
Steamed Carrots
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
BBQ on a Bun
Cheesy Hasbrown Casserole
Green Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Corn Dogs
Tater Tots
Baked Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Fruit Smoothie & Muffin
Cereal Choice & Muffin
Breakfast Cake & Yogurt
French Toast Sticks
Sausage Links
Rosy Applesauce & Fresh Fruit
Mini Corn Dogs
Tater Tots
Baked Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Tossed Salad (K-4)
Salad Bar (5-12)
Steamed Carrots
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Breakfast Pizza
Cheese Omelet & Toast
Chicken Patty on a Bun
French Fries
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Cereal Choice & Toast
No School
Fresh Veggies & Dip
Tossed Romaine Salad (K-4)
Salad Bar (5-12)
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Dog in a Blanket
Macaroni & Cheese
Baked Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Grab & Go
Trix Yogurt & Cereal Bar
No School
Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup
Sweet Rolls
Baby Carrots & Celery
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Students in grades 9 -12
are required to have 1/2 cup of
produce each day for a
reimbursable meal.
Pre K - 8th grade students are
required to have 1/2 cup of
produce each day for a
reimbursable meal.
Two Entrees will be offered each
day. Students may choose one.
The second option for PK - 4th
grade is a yogurt lunch (consists of
4 oz. yogurt, peanut butter
sandwich, vegetable, fruit and
milk) and the second option for
5th - 12th is a chef salad.
Breakfast Notes
Breakfast is served with
the choice of fruit and milk
Milk Offered
• Fat-free and 1%
white milk
• Fat-free
chocolate and
strawberry milk
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability.
Chicken Patty on a Bun
French Fries
Baked Beans
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Pizza Casserole
Green Beans
Garlic Breadstick
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Biscuits & Gravy
Cereal Choice & Toast
Super Nachos
Fresh & Canned Fruit Choice
Timberwolf News
Page 11
4:30 PM- MS Boys' BB
at Highland
5:30 PM 5/6 Girls' BB
at Wauzeka
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
vs Wauzeka
4:30 PM - MS Girls' BB
at Potosi
5:30 PM 5/6 Boys' BB
vs Wauzeka
6:00 PM - HS Girls' BB
at Desoto
4:30 PM - MS Boys' BB
at St. Mary's
6:00 PM - JV Girls' BB
vs Lancaster
7:30 PM - V Girls' BB
vs Highland
4:30 PM - MS Girls' BB
at Cassville
5:30 PM - MS Boys' BB
at Cassville
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
at Shullsburg
6:00 PM -Wrestling- Home
4:30 PM 5/6 Girls' BB
vs St. Clements
6:00 PM - HS Girls' BB
vs Benton
Little Wolves Perform.
6:00 PM - RRAP Meeting 4:30 PM - MS Boys' BB
at Fennimore
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
at Cassville
No School
New Year's Day
No School
Records Day
6:00 PM - Boys' BB
vs Pecatonica
5:30 PM - JV Girls' BB
at Cassville (Lancaster)
7:00 PM - HS Girls' BB
at Cassville
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
vs Potosi
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
4:30 PM - MS Girls' BB
at Benton
vs Lancaster
7:00 PM - Wrestling-Home
4:30 PM - MS Girls' BB
at Prairie Catholic
4:30 PM 5th Girls' BB
5:30 PM 5th Boys' BB
vs Cassville
6:00 PM - HS Girls' BB
vs Shullsburg
(Parent's Night)
2016-2017 Hig School Registration
5:00 PM - Build. & Gr./
4:30 PM - MS Girls' BB
Fin. Com. Meeting
vs Bluff View
6:00 PM - Board Meeting 4:30 PM 5/6 Girls' BB
7:00 PM - 8th Grade Reg.
at St. Clements Lan
6:00 PM - HS Boys' BB
at Highland
Semester Exams
End of 2nd Quarter
Semester Exams
7:00 PM - Financial Aide
at high school
4:30 PM - MS Boys' BB
vs Fennimore
6:00 PM - HS Girls' BB
vs Belmont
5:15 PM - Bd. Policy/Cur
7:00 PM - FFA Banquet
January 2016
5-8 Girls' BB @ RR
Little Wolves @ HS
9:00 AM - Wrestling
at Lancaster
Little Wolves @ HS
5-8 Boys' BB @ PDC
9:30 AM - Wrestling
at Weston
Little Wolves @ HS
5-8 Girls' BB @ PDC
Little Wolves @ HS
9:30 AM - Wrestling
at Lancaster
Page 12
Timberwolf News
Timberwolf News
Page 13
The Regular Meeting of the River
Ridge Board of Education was
called to order by President Dave
Breuer on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. Roll
call was taken with the following
members present: Randy Martin,
Cory Raisbeck, Lea Breuer, Kerri
Schier, Kenny Nies, Emilie Mumm
and Dave Breuer. Also present
were District Administrator Dr. Jeff
Athey, Business Manager Carol
Harris, staff members and members
of the public.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Emilie Mumm presented proof of
posting on November 10, 2015 at
8:30 A.M. A motion to approve the
posting was made by Lea Breuer
and seconded by Randy Martin.
On a voice vote, all members voted
No public participation was observed.
of Regular Meeting minutes from
October 14, 2015 and Special
Meeting Minutes from October 28,
2015. Lea Breuer requested that
the minutes be corrected to list the
name of the company (Top Notch
Construction) which was awarded
the snow removal bid for 2015/16.
A motion to approve the corrected
meeting minutes was made by
Kenny Nies and seconded by Lea
Breuer. On a voice vote, all members voted yes.
A. 1. Building and Grounds/Finance Report – Head Custodian,
Troy Marshall, and a representative from McKinstry, provided an
update on construction projects at
the two school buildings.
A. 2. Finance Report- Business
Manager Carol Harris presented the
financial reports.
659.28; River Ridge School District 124,017.71; Linda Havemeier
108.80; Benefit Plan Administrators 300.56; River Ridge School
District 6,847.30; Peoples State
Bank 58.41; Clare Bank 0.65.
The following Debt Service Fund
39 receipts were reviewed: Peoples
State Bank 2.34
The following Scholarship expenditures were reviewed: River
The following General Fund reRidge School District 50.40; River
ceipts were reviewed: FirstMerit
Ridge School District 250.00; UWBank 9.52; FirstMerit Bank 107.40; Madison 1,595.25.
Anchorbank 4.44; BMO Harris
Bank 0.88; Peoples State Bank
The following Insurance Fund
expenditures were reviewed: Delta
Dental 1,302.40; Delta Dental
The following Flexible Benefits
640.90; Delta Dental 2,247.40;
Account receipts were reviewed:
Delta Dental 2,038.68; Superior ViRiver Ridge School District
sion Insurance Plan 114.70; Benefit
1,112.19; River Ridge School Dis- Plan Administrators 24,303.55;
trict 956.94.
Benefit Plan Administrators
53,040.54; Benefit Plan AdminThe following Other Capital
istrators 24,058.62; C.V.S. CareProjects Fund 49 receipts were
mark 9,139.63; C.V.S. Caremark
reviewed: Clare Bank 878.77.
5,942.80; C.V.S. Caremark 40.60.
The following Scholarship Fund
receipts were reviewed: Wisconsin Masonic Foundation 3,190.50;
Judy Carlson 300.00; River Ridge
School District 250.00; FirstMerit
Bank 4.30.
The following Insurance Fund
receipts were reviewed: Judie
Barnes 994.48; Wisconsin RX Coop 2,232.29; Joe Devlin 659.28;
Margaret Guthrie 324.99; Ann
Hanson 110.50; Carol Kalinowski
The following General Fund
expenditures were reviewed:
FirstMerit Bank N.A. 117.63; Jeff
Athey 232.11; Lester Breuer 94.88;
Lisa Clark 115.58; Terry Felt
110.00; Carol Harris 43.70; Merril
Henrichs 70.00; Eric Hesselbacher
70.00; Gary Keeney 50.00; Clay
Koenig 210.45; Sue Kuenster
84.53; Michael Leard 50.00; Ellen Martin 24.15; Sandra Mergen 48.30; Terry Murphy 70.00;
North Crawford School District
Page 14
Schumacher 70.00; Ronald Sedgwick 50.00; Brian Slaght 70.00;
Chuck Spielman 105.00; Caron
Townsend 248.95; Wayne Tredinnick 422.57; Wade Winkers 144.90;
A.F.L.A.C. Premium Holding
1,910.21; Ameritas 155.00; Clare
Bank 2,825.00; Employee Flexible
Benefit Account 1,112.19; Employee Insurance Fund 124,017.71;
FirstMerit Bank N.A. 30,814.86;
Horace Mann Companies 87.06;
Horace Mann Life Ins Company
1,364.01; Lincoln Life Administrator 53.50; Madison National Life
2,770.04; Minnesota Life Ins Co.
1,274.92; National Insurance Co
of WI 1,275.10; Superior Vision
Insurance Plan 1,213.60; Wisconsin Dept of Revenue 5,528.90;
Wisconsin Retirement System
18,519.30; B.L. Murray Inc 111.20;
Bloomington Meat Processing
90.03; Bloomington Stop and Go
46.79; C.D.W. Government Inc
69.23; CESA #3 172.38; CESA #6
5,820.00; Carolina Biological Supply 9.00; Cathmans Family Custard
LLC 197.60; CenturyLink 2.19;
Clinicare Corporation 14,302.26;
Comelec Services Inc 720.00;
Courier Press 367.80; Crossing
Rivers Health Center 2,964.00;
Curriculum Assoc. Inc 390.88; Dependable Solutions Inc 6,732.87;
Equipment Leasing Co 356.61;
First National Bank 750.00; G.F.C.
Leasing 492.85; Gopher Sport
67.68; Gordon Flesch Company
Inc 1,291.15; Gordon Food Service Inc 11,770.97; Gundersen
Health System 105.30; Hal Leonard Corporation 185.00; Hobart
Service 36.45; Houghton Mifflin
386.32; Infomart Inc. 40.00; J.W.
Pepper & Son Inc 179.25; Johnson
Block and Company Inc 1,320.00;
JR Consulting Services 1,981.75;
Kraemers Water Store Inc 56.00;
Langmeier Lumber Inc 34.81; LBS
Automotive Services LLC 754.10;
Marshfield Book Stationery 51.60;
Mas Bakery 385.80; Morris Newspaper Corp of WI 295.86; NASCO
22.95; New Horizons Supply Coop 238.59; New Image Landscaping 380.00; Okeys Market 19.14;
Piggly Wiggly-PDC 596.07; Pitney
Bowes Corp 180.00; Platteville
Cleaners Inc 537.50; Prairie Catholic Schools 400.00; Prairie Farms
Dairy 3,529.76; Really Good
Stuff 44.65; S.S.E. Music 285.95;
Sharp Electronics Corporation
294.72; Social Thinking 239.18;
Supreme School Supply 27.20;
T.D.S. Telecom Inc 803.02; Town
& Country Sanitation 425.00;
U.S. Cellular 355.11; Village of
Patch Grove 1,045.07; W.A.D.A.
270.00; WARCO Transportation In 61,796.86; We Energies
515.12; Weber Paper Company
1,040.00; WI Taxpayers Alliance
95.00;Wiscnet 525.00; Wisconsin
Public Finance 8,650.00; Wolf
Machine Inc 10.68; Woodworkers
Supply Inc 189.60; Yeomans Inc
824.68; Zip Print 298.00; Airgas
USA LLC 323.56; Alliant Energy/
WPL 7,095.33; Amazon/Synchrony
Bank 165.00; Cengage Learning
78.50; D&J Scale Service 140.00;
Dept of Health Services 10.00;
Hermsens Inc 4,085.10; M.C.T. Inc
25.00; Morris Newspaper Corp of
WI 39.00; Patch Grove Postmaster 86.58; River Ridge HS Pupil
ACT 65.96; River Ridge Petty
Cash 2.36; River Ridge Special
Checking 865.70; Scholastic Inc
1,734.15; School Specialty Inc
3,422.74; Spahn & Rose Lumber
Co 2.70; UW-Oshkosh 200.00;
Timberwolf News
Village of Bloomington 929.28;
W.A.C.P.C 60.00; W.A.S.C.D
89.00; W.S.M.A. Inc 665.00; WalMart Community 851.52; Walmart
Community BRC 30.09; Ameritas 155.00; Clare Bank 2,825.00;
Employee Flexible Benefit Account
956.94; Employee Insurance Fund
6, 847.30; First Merit Bank N.A.
34,410.92; Horace Mann Life Ins
Company 1,364.01; Lincoln Life
Administrator 53.50; Wisconsin Dept. of Revenue 6,178.79;
Wisconsin Retirement System
The following Flexible Benefits
Account expenditures were reviewed: B.P.A. 157.50; B.P.A.
549.66; B.P.A. 677.71.
The motion to approve the financial
reports was made by Lea Breuer
and seconded by Kenny Nies. On
roll call vote, the following voted
yes: Randy Martin, Cory Raisbeck,
Lea Breuer, Kerri Schier, Kenny
Nies, Emilie Mumm and Dave
B. Policy/Curriculum Committee
1. The following policies
were presented to the Board
for a 2nd reading:
i. 345.1 Grading Policy
ii. 187 Public and Staff
Participation at Board Meeting
iii. 171.1 Public Notification of Board Meeting
iv. 171.21 Agenda Format
Timberwolf News
A motion to approve the four
policies was made by Lea Breuer
and seconded by Kenny Nies. The
motion carried by voice vote. On a
voice vote, all members voted yes.
2. The following policies were
presented to the Board for a 1st
i. 346 Student Assessment
Policy (revised)
ii. 342.7 Services/Programs
for English Language Learners
iii. 424 Open Enrollment (revised)
A motion to approve the 1st reading was made by Randy Martin and
seconded by Cory Raisbeck. On a
voice vote, all members voted yes.
C. Technology Committee Report
Cory Raisbeck reported on the October 22 Technology Committee
A. Open Enrollment Data
Dr. Athey provided open enrollment trend information to the
Board for 2005-2015.
A. Employment recommendations
Wrestling Coaches A motion was
made by Kenny Neises and seconded by Cory Raisbeck, to accept
Administration’s recommendation
to hire Kyle Johnstone as head
wrestling coach and Rob Johnstone
as assistant coach. On a voice
vote, all members voted yes.
B. Sixth Grade Wyalusing Trip
The Board reviewed a letter from
the RRSD sixth grade class ex-
pressing appreciation for the Wyalusing Outdoor Education experience.
C. School Lunch Portions
Dr. Athey briefed the Board on DPI
guidelines regarding portion sizes
for hot lunch and on salad bar options for students.
D. Student Activities Update
Austin Morrow, Student Council
Member, provided an update on
recent and upcoming student activities.
E. Convene into Closed Session
Pursuant to Wisconsin Statutes
19.85(1)(c) to consider employment, promotion, compensation or
performance evaluation data of any
public employee over which the
governmental body has jurisdiction
or exercises responsibility.
1. Employee Performance
Evaluation – A motion to convene
into Closed Session was made by
Randy Martin and seconded by
Emilie Mumm. On roll call vote,
the following voted yes: Randy
Martin, Cory Raisbeck , Lea
Breuer, Kerri Schier, Kenny Nies,
Emilie Mumm and Dave Breuer.
The Closed Session began at 7:10
P.M. and adjourned at 7:43 P.M.
with a motion for adjournment
made by Lea Breuer and seconded
by Kenny Nies. On a voice vote, all
members voted yes. At 7:45 P.M.,
Chairperson Dave Breuer reconvened the Board in Open Session.
A. Upcoming Meeting Schedule
1. Staff and Employee Rela-
Page 15
tions Committee - November 16
at 4:15 P.M.
2. Technology Committee
Meeting-November 24, 7:30
3. Policy/Curriculum Committee- December 2 at 5:15 P.M.
4. Building & Grounds/Finance
Committee - December 9 at
5:00 P.M.
5. Next Regular School Board
meeting – December 9 at 6:00
B. Suggestions and Recommendations for future items
1. Randy Martin recommended
a construction update be provided to the public.
2. Lea Breuer recommended
the Policy/Curriculum Committee develop a policy on long
term planning.
3. The Board requested a Special Board meeting be held on
November 17 at 6:00 P.M for
the purpose of discussing long
range planning.
Adjournment – Cory Raisbeck
moved to adjourn. The motion was
seconded by Lea Breuer. On voice
vote, all members approved. The
meeting adjourned at 7:51 P.M.
Page 16
Timberwolf News
The Special Meeting of the River
Ridge Board of Education was
called to order by President Dave
Breuer on Wednesday, November
17, 2015, at 6:00 p.m.
Roll call was taken with the following members present: Emilie
Mumm, Randy Martin, Lea Breuer,
Kenny Nies, Cory Raisbeck, Kerri
Schier and Dave Breuer. Superintendent Dr. Jeff Athey, Business
Manager Carol Harris, and members of the public were also present.
The Pledge of Allegiance was
recited. Emilie Mumm presented
proof of posting showing notice of
the meeting posted on November
12, 2015 at 10 AM. A motion to
approve the posting was made by
Lea Breuer and seconded by Kenny
Nies. On voice vote, all members
A motion to approve the agenda
was made by Lea Breuer and seconded by Randy Martin. On voice
vote, all members approved.
Public Participation
The following members of the public spoke during the public participation segment:
A. Marv Whiteaker shared a
story about a church camp and
their process for establishing a
long-term plan.
B. Ken Mergen said he would
like a private management
group to tell our administrator
to go to one site or two.
C. Brian Nichols said he would
also like a private management
group to tell our administrator to go to one site or two.
He would also like classrooms
labeled on the outside of the
D. Kristie Shier discussed
moving the 7th and 8th graders
to the Bloomington building.
She also encouraged everyone
to listen to Dr. Athey.
E. Bill Mergen voiced his desire to move to one site to save
A. Long-term Plan
Cory Raisbeck explained his
business experience in long-term
planning. He would like the board
to express ideas/thoughts regarding
long-term planning. These ideas
will be written on a white board.
The board will discuss/rank these
ideas and a long-term plan will
have been started.
Lea Breuer asked Dr. Athey to
explain the planning process he
is recommending. Dr. Athey expressed his desire to get all stakeholders input regarding the following categories:
1.Fiscal responsibility
4.Co-curricular activities
One audience member asked why
surveys were distributed to only
a few parents at parent teacher
conferences. Dr. Athey explained
that he wanted to conduct meetings where all stakeholders could
express their thoughts/ideas.
Emilie Mumm voiced concern that
many community members will
not be able to attend these meetings
and if input is to be asked of everyone, how can all members convey
their ideas.
Suggestion from the audience
included: holding meetings at different times; for example evening,
morning, etc.
Dave Breuer voiced that he would
like the long-term plan to be established by early spring and Dr.
Athey agreed, stating the public
meetings will be done by the end of
The motion to adjourn was made
by Emilie Mumm and seconded by
Randy Martin. On voice vote, all
members approved. The meeting
adjourned at 7:05 P.M.
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Timberwolf News
Timberwolf News
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River Ridge School District
11165 County Highway P
Patch Grove, WI 53817
Bulk Rate
U. S. Postage Paid
Patch Grove, WI
Permit No. 1
River Ridge School District - Educating Tomorrow’s Future
Board of Education
Dr. Jeff Athey - District Administrator ................994-2715 Ext. 100
Dr. Jeff Athey - Elementary Principal...................994-2715 Ext. 100
Clay Koenig - Upper Elementary Principal.........994-2715 Ext. 103
Clay Koenig - Middle/High School Principal......994-2715 Ext. 103
Carol Harris - Business Manager..........................994-2715 Ext. 104
Trudy DeSimons - IEP/RTI Coordinator..............994-2711 Ext. 302
Other Contacts
Dave Breuer - President.......................... 794-2428
Randall Martin -Vice President............... 996-2318
Kerri Schier - Treasurer.......................... 996-2242
Emilie Mumm- Clerk.............................. 994-2483
Lea Breuer - Member.............................. 994-2487
Kenneth Nies - Member.......................... 988-4536
Cory Raisbeck- Member......................... 412-2867
Wade Winkers - Athletic Director.........................994-2715 Ext. 114
Technology Coordinator.......................................994-2715 Ext. 130
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.