September 2015 - Badin High School
September 2015 September 2015 Dear Parents and Students, It is always exciting to start a new school year. Having the opportunity to work with our returning students again and welcoming a new group of freshmen is always special. This year we welcomed in 146 freshmen to the Badin Family. Our senior class did a terrific job of making the Class of 2019 feel special. Over 120 seniors arrived at school at 7:50 a.m. on their last day of summer to cheer in the freshmen. The senior leadership this group has already demonstrated is outstanding. The Class of 2016 is our 50th graduation class and they embody the qualities and characteristics that we strive to develop in all our classes. Thank you to the class of 2016. This year we have made a few changes in our policies and procedures. Each change was developed with faculty in-put and move Badin forward. We have instituted a homeroom period which will lay the foundation for a school-wide mentoring program and is the first step towards a modified house system. Homeroom starts at 7:30. Homerooms are single gender and consist of 4 to 5 students from each grade. Students will remain in the same homeroom each year at Badin. This will allow our upper classmen the opportunity to provide leadership and guidance to the underclassmen and build a stronger sense of community within all the grade levels. There will be activities the homerooms will do throughout the school year as part of this program. Also, all forms and paperwork will be turned in to their homeroom teacher. The only exception is a note to leave early from school. A student needs to bring that note directly to the office in order for us to issue a pass to the student. We have also restructured our discipline system. We have used a demerit system up to this point which has been adjusted over the years. However, the demerit system did not seem to fit our school culture at this time. Therefore, the decision was made to switch our discipline system to a referral system. Each teacher will utilize a classroom behavior system in their classroom. Teachers will have a variety of options to use as needed if a student misbehaves. A few options a teacher could use are a teacher detention before school, during lunch or after school. There are certain incidences that would result in an office referral – cell phones violation, blatant disrespect of a student or faculty member, improper use of an iPad to name a few. In terms of cell phones, all cell phones are to be put in their lockers and turned off during the day. If you need to contact your student, please call the office and we will rely the message to your student. Please see the handbook on-line for more detail on our discipline system. As a reminder, if you are dropping your student off in the morning please be sure to pull up to the curb. Do not drop a student off away from the curb where he/she would need to cross in front of traffic. Also, please be careful pulling back into the flow of traffic. There are other parents pulling through, along with student drivers and busses. If you are picking your student up in the afternoon, the front circle is closed from 2:10 to 2:40 for the busses. We have over 100 grade school students that transfer busses here and we need to provide a safe location for them to move from bus to bus. We would recommend you wait until after 2:40 to arrive. This will allow you to avoid the busses. As you are aware we have put new restrictions on the school iPads. This will allow the iPads to be used for their intended purpose – as an educational tool. Even with the new restrictions on the iPads, many students have other devices that allow them to be on social media apps and websites. We strongly encourage you to monitor your student’s social media accounts. We continue to stress responsible use of social media to our students and we thank you in advance for your support with this issue. If you have social media accounts, we encourage you to follow Badin High School. We post information on a regular basis and use our Twitter and Facebook accounts as a way to communicate information quickly. Our two main Twitter accounts are @Badinhs and @RAMSSPORTS. There are numerous Twitter accounts for the different sports and clubs. For new parents, you will receive an access code to our Parent Portal which will allow you to view your student’s grades. These will be emailed to you by September 4th. If you do not receive your code by then, please contact the school. Once again, you will have three ways to add money to your student’s cafeteria account. The easiest way is to send a check or cash to school with your student to turn into the cafeteria before school each morning from 7:00 a.m. to 7:25 a.m. You can also add money through auto-deduct from your bank account or by using a credit card. Be sure to check out our newly designed website – . I would like to thank Mr. Dave Gretz and Mrs. Angie Gray for all their hard work and efforts in redesigning the site. We are excited about this school year. For the 5th year in a row our enrollment has increased. This is a testament to our faculty, staff, students and parents who make Badin a terrific place. We understand the sacrifice that our parents make and are very grateful to you for making your child’s education at Badin a priority. We also need to thank our very generous donors. The financial support of our donors makes a Badin education a possibility for many of our students. Our Annual Fund Drive is a critical aspect of our financial aid program. Thank you to those who have donated in the past and will contribute in the future. Your contribution goes a long way in helping our students reach their personal best, live their faith and lead the future. As always, if you have questions, concerns or suggestions feel free to contact me or stop in and see me. God Bless, Brian D. Pendergest Principal Dear Badin Parents, With excitement, energy and enthusiasm Badin students began another school year on August 20th. As usual our seniors came in the day before to welcome our new freshmen students and work with them in small groups after lunch. The fact these Badin seniors gave up their last day of summer to be a part of this important tradition says a lot about the caliber of young people we have attending Badin High School. Last year marked my first at Badin High School and my 31st in education. Last year was one of the best years I’ve had in the field and I’m looking forward to another great year in 2015. I want to remind parents of our ACT prep program available for free via the Naviance program. While most of our juniors will not take the test until spring, now is the time to begin preparation. The test prep program will run the students through a diagnostic assessment first and then design a program to prepare the students and address deficits prior to admission of the ACT. Students who start in the beginning of the year will have a program design of 30 to 60 minutes a week in online practice and assessment. The longer students wait to begin the process the more work they will need to complete prior to testing. Students can also access ACT test preparation via Khan Academy online and through a wide variety of other web sites that offer free and fee based test prep programs. Badin students continue to excel in college admissions, scholarships and financial aid packages offered to our graduating seniors. However, each year the competition gets more difficult as more and more students access test prep programs in order to improve their scores. Remember, the extra ACT prep work students complete also positively impacts their classroom performance and grades. Our goal is for all Badin students to take advantage of the Prep Me Program for the ACT test prep this year. Badin students who have done the program in the past saw their scores rise and their confidence increase approaching test day. Sincerely, Chris Mate Financing Your Education… 6-6:30 PM • Harry T. Wilks Conference Center For more information, please contact the Office of Admission at 105 Mosler Hall, on the Miami Hamilton campus or call us at 513.785.3111. PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, September 17th from 6:30 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Each scheduled conference will last five minutes. After reviewing your child's grades on the Badin Portal, please complete the conference sign-up sheet with the names of the teachers with whom you need to confer. This sheet must be returned to the office by Thursday, September 10th. Appointments will be scheduled on a first-returned, first-served basis. On Wednesday, September 16th, your child will be given a sheet with appointment times indicated. This sheet should be delivered to you by your child. Please note: 1. If more than one parent is coming and you plan to meet with different teachers, please indicate which parent wishes to see which teacher. 2. If you feel you need more than a five minute conference with a teacher, please indicate that on the reverse side of this form and the teacher will contact you. 3. Appointment times will also be listed outside each teacher's room. Please knock at your scheduled time. 4. Walk-ins can be accommodated only if the teacher has open appointment times. ___________________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT'S NAME _________________________________ HOMEROOM # ___________ HOMEROOM TEACHER ______________________ PARENT'S NAME __________________________________ DAY PHONE __________________ EVENING PHONE _____________________ E-MAIL_____________________________ I plan to conference with the following teachers: TEACHER'S NAME SUBJECT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ROOM TIME 1. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 2. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 3. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 4. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 5. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 6. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 7. ___________________________________________________|_____________________| 8.____________________________________________________l_____________________l SECOND STUDENT'S NAME _________________________________ HOMEROOM # ___________ HOMEROOM TEACHER ______________________ PARENT'S NAME __________________________________ DAY PHONE __________________ EVENING PHONE _____________________ I plan to conference with the following teachers: TEACHER'S NAME SUBJECT FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ROOM TIME 1. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 2. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 3. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 4. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 5. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 6. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 7. ___________________________________________________|______________________| 8. ___________________________________________________l______________________l THE SCHEDULED FIVE MINUTE APPOINTMENTS WILL NOT BE SUFFICIENT. PLEASE HAVE THE FOLLOWING TEACHERS CONTACT ME. (Conferences will not be scheduled!) STUDENT'S NAME _________________________________ PARENT'S NAME __________________________________ DAY PHONE __________________ EVENING PHONE _____________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ____________________________________ TEACHER'S NAME SUBJECT 1. ______________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________________________________ 6. ______________________________________________________________ 7. ______________________________________________________________ 8. ______________________________________________________________ Badin High School Campus Ministry News September 2015 Dear Members of the Badin Family…. We strive to give each Badin student the opportunity to grow in faith through liturgy, prayer, study, retreat, service and so much more. Thank you for entrusting us with the honor of guiding your children on their faith journey! All students are invited to attend MORNING PRAYER every Monday and Friday at 7:20 in the Chapel. This small faith community prayer is led by our freshman religion teacher Mrs. Becky Long and is open to anyone interested growing closer to God and their peers through prayer and worship! Heritage Mass – Wednesday September 16, 2015 at 10am in the Mulcahey Gym! Please join us as we celebrate our heritage and our founding schools – Hamilton Catholic High School and Notre Dame High School. We welcome all friends and family. Please RSVP if you are able to come to this mass as we expect a larger than usual turn out of guests – Sophomore Retreat – In God’s Image! On either Thursday September 17 or Friday September 18, 2015 the Sophomore class will share in the 1 day off-campus retreat day led by members of our senior class! Students will be given a permission slip in religion class the first week of Sept. All members of the class are expected to make this retreat where they will be given an opportunity to consider the beauty and worth of every human being! Through a variety of activities, small group sessions and witness talks, the sophomores will gain an understanding of the fact that ‘we all have a story’ and are created ‘in God’s image’! (we divide the class in ½ alphabetically by last name so as to keep the #s down to ensure a quality retreat for all) Thursday September 17 will be A – Meyer and Friday will be Michael – Z. Please email any questions you may have to me at SOPHOMORES ARE TO WEAR THEIR CLASS COLOR SHIRT AND JEANS / SWEATPANTS / ATHLETIC LENGTH SHORTS Kairos 4th Day Meeting (for all Kairos Alumni) – Monday September 21 in the chapel from 8-9pm. Please come and keep your Kairos Spirit Alive! please follow Badin Campus Ministry on Twitter at @BadinFaith We are very excited to be sharing in the faith development of your children! Please feel free to contact the Office of Campus Ministry with any comments, questions, or concerns…. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at Badin via e-mail at: Respectfully, Mrs. Gina Miserocchi Helms Mrs. Gina Miserocchi Helms ’90, Campus Minister Office Of Admissions and Marketing September 2015 Meet Our Staff Dirk Q. Allen Director of Admissions and Media Relations Ext. 120 Contact Dirk for information on... Admissions Badin Ambassadors International program Student retention Media relations Angie Pieper Gray ‘83 Director of Marketing Communications Ext. 123 Contact Angie for information on... Branding & logo questions Marketing and advertising Social media marketing Special events Patti Pate Gray ‘80 Advancement Administrative Assistant Ext. 142 Contact Patti for information on... Assists Admissions & Advancement Offices Grandparent’s Day Welcome back! The school is filled with life once again. Badin High was very pleased to welcome 146 members of the Class of 2019 on Wednesday, August 19. Our seniors were out in force to make them feel good about joining the Ram family – more than 100 seniors were on the front porch to salute the newcomers that morning. Welcome freshmen, new students and their families. Badin is a special place and we’re glad you are a part of it! Now, we’re excited to encourage potential students to join the Class of 2020. We are here to help YOU, however we can. What do we do? The Offices of Admissions & Marketing help Badin move forward, including student recruitment and admissions, media relations, marketing, special events, such as Open House, the student Ambassador Program – and whatever else might come across our plates. The Advancement Office (Kelli Kurtz, Ginny Bauer & Patti Gray) are in charge of fundraising and all that it entails. Kim Graham is our Director of Alumni and oversees alumni relations, the Hall of Honor and the iBid for Badin Online Auction. Attention all freshmen and new students who are interested in the Ambassador Program, we will be recruiting new ambassadors in mid-September. Students who are interested can sign up for a personal interview after Labor Day in the Advancement Office. (Interview dates will be announced and held in late September) by Ambassador Officers, Mr. Allen & Mrs. Gray – they last approx. 3-5 minutes and help us to select the right people for the job! We are looking for students who are enthusiastic about Badin, self confident and outgoing.) Encourage your son or daughter to participate! Student ambassadors are needed for many important events at Badin – we need their help! Check out the NEW Badin website! Now mobile friendly on iPods, iPads, droids, etc! On mobile devices, click on the icon in the top green bar to view the Parent, Student and Alumni info. Other front page info can be found by clicking the ’hamburger’ icon. The Badin app will be discontinued. Please refer to the new website for all updates. Mark your calendar! Key Admissions Dates: Open House - Sunday, Nov. 1, 1:00-4:00 PM. Ramformation Nights for prospective 7-8th grade students and parents: Oct. 20, Oct. 29 and Nov. 9, 7:008:30 PM. RSVP to Dirk Allen— HSPT Refresher Course, Saturday, Nov. 7. $25/student, does not include workbook. Register online— under Admissions. High School Placement Test, Saturday, Nov. 21, 8:30 AM. $30/student. Register online— under Admissions. Financial Aid Deadline (for all families requiring aid for 2016-17 school year) is December 1, 2015. Application deadline for the Class of 2020 – Dec. 1 Late questions? Our Q&A Night is Wednesday, Dec. 9, from 7-8 PM Registration Night, Thursday, Feb. 4. 2016, 6-8:15 PM Of course, many important opportunities exist between now and then for prospective students to take a closer look at Badin. We particularly encourage 8th grade families to contact the Admissions Office to set up a Shadow Day. A Shadow experience with BHS students is a terrific way for a student to get a 1-on-1 view of Badin. The Admissions Office also arranges tours for families who would like to come in and look around. If you have an 8th grade student who is interested in Badin, or know of a family with an 8th grader who would benefit from the Badin experience, contact Dirk Q. Allen, director of admissions and media relations, at (513) 8633993, ext. 120; or by e-mail at 8th Grade Day is Friday, Oct. 2 We are happy to host more than 175 eighth graders from the following schools as they begin to make decisions about their high school of choice: Queen of Peace Mother Teresa Sacred Heart St. Peter In Chains St. Ann St. Joseph Consolidated Immanuel Lutheran Our guests have an enriching and fun-filled day … they attend classes, eat a complimentary lunch in the Badin cafeteria and end the day with a Badin ROCKS concert. Friday, Oct. 2 has also been designated a College Visit Day for seniors, who will not have school that day. This gives them the opportunity to make college visits … and make room for our 8th Grade Day guests. If you know of an 8th grader who will be visiting that day, ask them about their experience and help us welcome them to the Badin family! Stay connected throughout the school year with Badin’s social media! BadinHighSchool @BadinHS @RAMSSPORTS Badin High School Mark Your Calendar Sept 7 Sept 24 Sept 25 Sept 25 Sept 26 Oct 2 Nov 1 Nov 6 Nov 21 Apr 12 No School, Labor Day Hall of Honor—You are cordially invited to join us! No School, Faculty In-Service Homecoming Game & Parade Homecoming Dance 8th Grade Day OPEN HOUSE Mom Prom, details TBA HSPT test at Badin for prospective 8th grade students Grandparents’ Day for Seniors and Sophomores Mom Prom Committee Meeting Are you interested in helping with this event? Join us on Tuesday, Sept 1, 7:00 PM at Ryan’s Tavern, Hamilton. RSVP to Angie Gray— or 513.863.3993 x123. Office Of Advancement Supporting Badin 2014-15 Annual Fund Thank you! Thanks to the generosity of our alumni, friends, parents, board, faculty and staff for supporting the 2014-15 Annual Fund. All names of those who gave will be listed in the 2014-15 Annual Report, published online in late fall. The Badin Annual Fund is the cornerstone of all fundraising for Badin High School. Without it, Badin would struggle to survive. Tuition does not cover the full cost of educating each student. This cost is much higher than what we can reasonably charge in tuition—and what Badin families can afford. The Badin Annual Fund helps fund this tuition gap so that the Badin tradition can continue as we profoundly shape the way students Think Achieve Serve and Lead. This is why Badin depends on the Annual Fund each year. The most significant contribution any of us can make to Badin is to the Annual Fund. Donations can be made online— under Supporting Badin or via cash or check (made to Badin High School). You can also make your Annual Fund donation in honor of a special event or person, a milestone, or in memory of a loved one. Ways you can support Badin and advertise your company at the same time! Join other Badin supporters as a member of the Rams Rally Corporate Partner Program. Gain exposure to all current Badin families on a monthly basis and the Annual Report, distributed to all in the Badin community. More information with detailed benefits in this newsletter. Support levels range from $250 through $5000 to fit a variety of budgets. Contact Angie Gray ( for more information. Become a Scoreboard Advertiser in Mulcahey Gym on our NEW digital scoreboard and/or in the Pfirman Family Activity Center. Contact Geoff Melzer at for more information. Guidance Department Mrs. Bucheit -Last Names A-K Mr. Treadway -Last Names L-Z ********************************************************************************** Save the Date: College Application Party Attentions Seniors- You are invited to a college application party on Sunday, October 4th from 10am12:30pm. Mr. Treadway and Mrs. Bucheit will be in the media center and will help walk you through the application process. We will have snacks and drinks. Please RSVP to your counselor so we can plan accordingly! Coffee with the Counselors The first of several coffee with the counselors will be on Friday, September 18th at 7:45am. We will meet at Miami Hamilton Downtown (next to True West coffee). This meeting is open to all parents but will be geared toward standardized tests, test prep, choosing a college, and the application process. Please RSVP to Sharon Adams so we can plan accordingly or call her at 513863-3993 University Meetings with the Counselors If we are out of the building it is usually because we are out meeting with universities so we can get the yearly updates and have the most accurate information for the students. Here are some of the universities we have met with this month. The Ohio State University University of Cincinnati Miami University College Fairs 2015 Miami University Hamilton Miami University Hamilton Gym Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 from 6:30-8:00 Over 100 colleges and Universities will be on hand to speak with students and parents at this free event. A financial aid workshop will also take place before the fair from 6:00-6:30 in the Parrish Auditorium. Financial aid staff will be available to address general questions and concerns about the federal financial aid process. Northern Kentucky Regional College Fair September 22 6:00-8-00 pm Thomas More College Connor Convocation Center Contact David Kennett 859-344-3402 Cincinnati National College Fair Sunday, September 13th Duke Energy Center 1:00-4:00 Colleges Visiting Badin These visits are open to seniors. Students must sign up for visits through Naviance. September 9th September 10th September 14th September 15th September 16th September 21st September 28th October 1st Marian University Ball State University Manchester University Earlham University of Evansville Wright State University University of Findlay and Ohio University Ohio Northern YEARLY TIMELINE ATTENTION SENIORS: What should you be doing now regarding the college application process? Start the year off on the right foot academically Organize an area to keep your college information Meet with your counselor to comprise a list of schools that best match your interests. Register for the fall SAT/ACT if necessary and us PREP ME on Naviance to prepare for test Research your list of colleges (college fairs, school visits, college websites, publications, etc.) Finalize essays Request letters of recommendations from your teachers. Visit colleges, arrange tours, interviews. Complete applications and bring in for review Complete Senior questionnaire and return to your counselor Have parents complete the parent brag sheet and return to your counselor. Continue to check Naviance for updates. ATTENTION JUNIORS: What should you be doing now regarding the college application process? Start the year off on the right foot academically Prepare for the upcoming PSAT exam which will be administered on October 14th at Badin Attend college events (college fairs, college visits to the school, evening presentations) Participate in extracurricular activities Speak with parents regarding your college plans. Begin a list of schools that you are interested in researching. Meet with your counselor regarding your college plans. Register to take the SAT and/or ACT in spring of the junior year. Use PREP ME on Naviance to prepare for ACT, SAT & PSAT Research careers and colleges on Naviance ATTENTION SOPHOMORES: Start the year off on the right foot academically. Prepare for the upcoming PSAT exam which will be administered on October 14th at Badin All sophomores will take the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) in March. Attend college events (college fairs, school visit to the school) Continue to read and write daily. Begin visiting college campuses. Research careers and colleges on Naviance Continue to make a contribution to your community. Arrange meeting with your counselor to discuss academic planning for college. Participate in extracurricular activities. Use PREP ME on Naviance to prepare for PSAT Start the year off on the right foot academically. ATTENTION FRESHMEN: Explore and participate in extracurricular activities that interest you and to which you can make a commitment. Participate in your community. Make a commitment to read and write every day. Start exploring all that Naviance has to offer Arrange meeting with your counselor to discuss academic planning for college. From the Finance Department… It is hard to believe that we are back to school and it is already September. Hopefully everyone had a great summer and is ready for a great 2015-2016 school year. With that being said, the finance department would like to make sure that all families have their FACTS account set up. August was the first month that payments started going through FACTS. If you have any questions in regards to that process or need assistance please feel free to reach out to Renee Brock with your FACTS questions. Just a reminder to all families that as we begin the back to school process, there is a lot of paperwork that gets filled out and new supplies for the school year that are charged through your account. Generally those invoices are posted to your account rather quickly, however, with so many coming through August and September, it may take a little longer to post those to your students account. Please make sure to review all invoices posted to your account and let the finance department know if something is not accurate. For those families that are returning to Badin, the process through FACTS is the same as last year. To all returning and new families we want to make sure that you are receiving the emails letting you know if there have been changes through your account or the 2 week notice that funds are going to be withdrawn from your financial account. If you are not receiving these notices through your email or text, please contact our office so we can make sure that we have the most current information in our system. As always please feel free to contact Jennifer Fabry-York or Renee Brock with any of your financial questions at (513) 863-3993. CAFETERIA SIGN-UP… Parents – Do you still need to sign up for cafeteria duty? If so, please contact Kathy Lysaght in the cafeteria at 863-3993 ext. 129 Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Thank You! Appropriate Type of Lanyards There seems to be some confusion on the type of lanyard that is permitted to be worn with the Badin security/lunch badge. First, the school-issued security/lunch badge is considered part of the student uniform and must be worn and visible at all times during the school day. Badin has provided a lanyard for this purpose but most any type of lanyard may be worn as long as it would be considered school appropriate. In short, if the lanyard contains any wording, image or otherwise, that would be considered not school appropriate then it is not permitted. Any other type is fine to wear for a student to be considered in uniform. Please address any questions or concerns to Mr. Imhoff. Chuck Andrews Technology Coordinator 2015 - 2016 Stephen T. Badin Student iPad Guidelines Student iPads are to be used for educational purposes only. Any violation of the iPad guidelines may result in a Saturday School or Friday work detail. Games are not permitted at any time (This includes after school hours.) Any Social Media including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram etc. is not allowed. (This includes after school hours.) iTunes is not permitted, the Music APP already installed on the iPad may be used. The only approved APP’s are from Self Service. The APP Store has been disabled. If an APP is not in Self Service, it is not permitted on an iPad at any time. If you plug your iPad into a PC or MAC, the following message will appear: While plugging an iPad into a PC or MAC is no longer permitted, clicking OK on the above message and removing the iPad from the computer without taking further action will not violate school policy. The Badin Administration will receive an email and the Student may be required to attend Saturday School or Friday work detail if any of the following occur: 1. Placing an iPad in DFU Mode. 2. Any of the following have been added to an iPad: - Any Emulator - Any Game(s) not in Self Service - Any Social Media including but not limited to: Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram etc. is not allowed. (This includes after school hours.) 3. Circumventing the iPad and its security systems as returned to each student. MILITARY REQUEST FOR STUDENTS LISTS Every year we are asked by the military to supply a list of student names and addresses. We are bound by law to supply this list. However, if you, as a parent, would like your son or daughter’s name removed from the list, you must notify the school to do so. If this is your wish, please fill out the form and have it returned to the main office of school. We will supply the military with this list on October 2, 2015. Please get the form in prior to this date. I DO NOT WISH FOR MY CHILD’S NAME TO BE SUPPLIED TO ANY MILITARY SERVICE RECRUITER. NAME OF CHILD_______________________________ GRADE_____________________ PARENT SIGNATURE_____________________________________ DATE_______________________________ Interested in Badin's 2016 Europe trip? Limited spaces available. Please contact Whitney Oliver or Laura for further details. Check out our tour website at: CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT TO BENEFIT THE ANGST FAMILY!!!!!! When: Saturday, September 12th. Doors open at 6:00 pm and tournament will start at 7:00 pm Where: Badin PFAC Cost: $50 per team to be collected at door. HOT DOGS, HAMBURGERS, AND CHIPS WILL BE PROVIDED. WE ASK THAT YOU BRING YOUR OWN DRINKS. PLEASE COME TO HELP THE BADIN & ST. JOE’S COMMUNITY SHOW SUPPORT FOR THE ANGST FAMILY!!!! ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT TODD HOGAN @ 939-8038 or SHARON ADAMS @ 300-5779 ALL PROCEEDS AND WINNINGS WILL BE GOING TO HELP THE ANGST FAMILY! From the Art Department… Art III & IV have started the year by studying the works of artist, Jane Davies. They are creating large scale non-representational, mixed-media works on paper. adin Studio Badin Studio is for all students who enjoy creating. You may work on a class project, an individual art project or craft, or a group project or movie. We will participate in a community project, for which you may receive service hours. We will meet in room 025 on Wednesdays until 3:30 pm. The first Studio is September 9. See Mrs. Daniels for questions. Medications at School / Field Trips From the School Nurse … Please take this opportunity to review Badin High School’s Medication Policy & Procedure. We follow Hamilton City Schools Medication Policy & Procedure which was adopted with the safety of all Badin students in mind and also follows Ohio Revised Code 3313.713 and Nursing Law. Read Badin’s Medication Policy at Before Medication can be administered at school a Medication Permit with both parental and physician signature must be on file in the School Clinic. This is for all medications; prescription and over the counter. Here is a link to the School Medication Permit It can also be found, at this time, on Badin’s website under : Family / Health Services It is not permissible for students to carry medication to, from or during school (unless they have an order from a physician that specifically states they may self-carry an Inhaler, Epi-Pen and Diabetic supplies). If you have additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Nurse at school. Thank you for your help in keeping all Badin students safe. Thank You, Melanie Schmitt RN, BSN School Nurse Badin Athletics Geoff Melzer, Athletic Director To use the Kroger Community Rewards Program: BADIN’S NEW NPO NUMBER: 83743 ATTENTION PARENTS! DID YOU KNOW YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CARD EACH YEAR FOR THE KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM? PLEASE DO SO AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. THANK YOU! • Register online at • Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up. • If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger. • Click on sign In/Register •New online customers must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the “New Customer?” box. • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. • You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email. • Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. • Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. • Update or confirm your information. • Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. • To verity you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. • Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. Has your student athlete signed up with FinalForms as required? We are very excited that the Badin Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an on-line program which will enable you and your student to complete & file MOST athlete forms electronically. FinalForms is immediately available for all Ram athletes. The ONLY form that you are still required to actually print, complete, and file in the Athletic Department, is the actual OHSAA Physical form. The physical form must be completed by the doctor and by law we are required to have a signed copy on file. Once your student’s physical is received by the athletic department we will input the expiration date into FinalForms and then you will receive automatic notifications when your student’s forms need to be updated. Click on the Parent Registration guide to get started in FinalForms. This link is also available on the Badin athletic web pages. We are asking that ALL student-athletes (grades 9-12) use FinalForms. Even if your student’s current physical paperwork does not expire until after the new school year begins, please register @ now and electronically complete all the forms! Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork process in the Athletic Dept. PARENT REGISTRATION HOW DO I SIGN UP? 1. Go to 2. Click NEW ACCOUNT under the Parent Icon 3. Type your NAME and EMAIL and then click REGISTER 4. Check your Email and click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder. If you still do not see the FinalForms email, please email 5. Type your password and click CONFIRM ACCOUNT 6. You will be asked if you want to grant another Parent/Guardian access to your registered students. Either click SKIP THIS STEP or type Name and Email Address and click ADD PARENT ACCOUNT. 7. Your account will be created, you can then REGISTER STUDENT for your first child. REGISTERING A STUDENT WHAT INFO WILL I NEED? • Insurance Company & Policy Number • Hospital Preference • Doctor & Dentist Contact Information • Email Addressfor BOTH you and your student* HOW DO I REGISTER MY FIRST STUDENT? ***IMPORTANT*** If you have followed the steps on the previous page, you are already logged in. Jump to Step 3. 1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN under the Parent Icon 3. Click REGISTER STUDENT 4. Type your Student’s NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH, GENDER, HS GRADUATION YEAR and HOME ADDRESS and click CREATE STUDENT NOTE: The email address provided will be used to send reminders to your student. A student email address may or may not be required, depending on your school preferences. 5. Assign your student to a sport by clicking it's checkbox. Sports are separated by year, season, and registration deadline. Click UPDATE SPORTS after making your selection. NOTE: A sport selection can be changed anytime up until the it's registration deadline. 6. Complete each form and enter your full name (e.g. "John Smith") into the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form. 7. When all forms are complete, you will see a “Forms Finished” message. 8. ***IMPORTANT*** An email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student prompting him/her to sign Student forms requiring his/her signature. 9. If you are registering an additional student, click MY STUDENTS at the top of the page and jump back to Step 3. Most of the information, like home address and contact information, is automatically copied to your additional students. All forms for additional students will still require your signature. 10.In the future, you may login at any time and click the button to update information. BADIN ATHLETIC PASSES FAMILY OF 4 $250* Additional grade school students $25 ADULT $100 SENIOR CITIZEN $75 GRADE SCHOOL STUDENT $50 Increase school spirit and support Badin athletes by purchasing an All‐Season Athletic Pass, which would allow admission to all “home” athletic events at all levels, for the entire school year, except OHSAA tournament games. Badin will host over sixty events during the school year. If you attend even a third of our events at pre‐sale prices, you save money. Complete the information below and return it to the athletic office or mail to: Badin High School, c/o Athletic Office, 571 New London Road, Hamilton, Ohio 45013, Attn: Geoff Melzer. Make checks payable to Badin High School. *Family pricing applies to immediate family only and includes 2 adults and 2 grade school students. Additional grade school students is $25 ea. **You may be asked to show a photo ID with your athletic pass. Thanks for your support! GO RAMS! ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐CUT HERE‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Badin Athletic Pass Payment Form Attn: Geoff Melzer, Athletic Director Adult Pass Name: _____________________________________________________ Adult Pass Name: _____________________________________________________ Student 1 ____________________________________________________________ Student 2 ____________________________________________________________ Additional grade school student __________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________ Email: ____________________________ PAYMENT: Cash, Check (made to Badin High School), Credit Card or FACTS Circle One: Visa MasterCard Authorized Charge Amount: $__________ Credit Card #: _________________________________________________ Expiration date:_______________ 3 digit code on back: __________ Zip Code __________ Authorized Signature ___________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________________ Payment by FACTS: Student Name ___________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________ GET YOUR PRESALE TICKETS!! Badin will be offering presale tickets to the following AWAY football games: 10/2 at Carroll (gray ticket) 10/17 at Chaminade Julienne (purple ticket) 10/24 at Purcell Marian (green ticket) 10/31 at McNicholas (yellow ticket) Cost of tickets are $5.00 for adults and $4.00 for students/seniors. ALL proceeds will go directly to Badin (Badin receives nothing if bought at door). Save money, support Badin Football and buy now!! Badin Catham Notre Dame Football Tickets Raffle Notre Dame vs USC October 17 @ 7:30 @ ND 1st Prize: FOUR TICKETS 2nd Prize: TWO TICKETS 3rd – 12th Prizes – THE SHIRT Tickets are $10 each or 4 for $30 Raffle proceeds will support the Badin Catham Club Athletic Bosters and the Notre Dame Club of Greater Cincinnati’s Summer Service Internships. Contact Karen Reed @ 513.739.2591 or for tickets or you can go online @ Please make sure to enter Badin HS as the Organization Name so Badin gets credit for the ticket if you order online. Deadline is Wednesday, September 16 Drawing will be held September 19 at half time of the ND vs GA Tech game watch party. All are welcome to attend; details will be posted at in August. Winners will be notified by September 20. Badin’s Rams Rally Leadership Partner - $5,000 Premier Partner - $2,000 Executive Partner - $1,000 The Garden Path THE GARDEN PATH LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION CHRIS RAINES ‘97 513‐757‐4244 Supporting750 - $ 750 Supporting250 - $ 250 John A. Clements, DMD Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 513‐887‐7027 Badin thanks the following businesses for their support. We encourage the Badin community to support them in return. For more information on Badin’s Rams Rally Corporate Partner Program, please contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing Communications – or 513-863-3993 x123. 7-15-2015 Stephen T. Badin High School Rams Rally Corporate Partners 2015-16 Partner Levels and benefits: Leadership Partner - $5,000 o o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x11 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Promotion on Badin’s social media pages – Facebook & LinkedIn Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Premier Partner - $2,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x6 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Executive Partner - $1,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – medium Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x4 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting750 - $750 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x3 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting500 - $500 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, logo - small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x2 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting250 - $250 o o o o Name listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x1 month Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Names will be listed under category of giving alphabetically. Corporate partners will be listed in the 2015-16 Badin Annual Report, published in the fall of each year. Parent Newsletters are sent via email in PDF format. Partner logos and web addresses will be listed. Sports programs are published for fall and winter sports seasons; a special Corporate Partner page will include logos/names as specified below. All support from corporate partners will benefit the Badin Grant Fund. Demographics: Badin has 530 students from 23 zip codes serving Northern Hamilton County, Butler County and SE Indiana. Facebook coverage: over 2500 Likes, Badin Alumni Page on LinkedIn. Corporate Partner Name (as it should appear)______________________________________________ Contact Name ________________________ Street Address ______________________________ City __________________________________ State ____________ Zip ____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________________ Please return to: Badin High School, 571 New London Rd., Hamilton, Ohio 45013 For additional sponsorship information contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing or 513-863-3993 x123 September 2015 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed Thu 2 3 BLOCK DAY Per. 1,2,3,4 BLOCK DAY Per. 5,6,7,8 Fri Sat 4 5 11 All school Assembly 10am (Schedule #2) 12 Student Council Mtg. 6 7 8 NO SCHOOL (Labor Day) 13 14 15 Scholar Leader Mtg. 2:45pm College FairMiami, Hamilton 9 10 Student Council Mtg. Parent Conference request forms due to school 20 21 22 Picture Day 17 Sophomore Retreat 18 Sophomore Retreat Student Council Mtg. Parent Conferences 6:30-9pm 7:45am Coffee with the Counselors 24 BLOCK DAY Per. 6,8,7,5 25 NO SCHOOL (Professional Day) 23 BLOCK DAY Per. 2,4,3,1 Jostens-Soph. Class Ring info. Hall of Honor 10:30am LT Dinner– 6pm Courtyard Student Marriott-Ham. 27 28 29 Athletic Grade Check 16 Heritage MASS 10am Conference Times-Home w/Students 30 Jostens-Soph. Ring pick-up/ Lunch & 5-7pm Student Council Mtg. ACT 19 26 Homecoming Dance Homecoming Parade & Game OCT. 1 Shantytown ———> 2 8TH Grade Visit Day and Senior College Day DECA Fall Conference 3 Badin HS - September 2015 Sun 6 13 20 Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 4:00PM G V TEN Northwest HS Cincinnati 4:00PM G JV TEN @ Northwest HS Cincinnati 4:30PM G FR VLB @ Archbishop Alter HS 5:00PM B JV SOC @ Archbishop Alter HS 5:30PM G JV VLB @ Archbishop Alter HS 6:30PM G V VLB @ Archbishop Alter HS 7:00PM B V SOC @ Archbishop Alter HS TBA B V GLF Archbishop Alter HS 3:30 PM G V GLF @ at Twin Run 4:00PM G V TEN Madison Jr/Sr High School 4:00PM G JV TEN Madison Jr/Sr High School 5:00PM G JV SOC Carroll High School 7:00PM G V SOC Carroll High School 4:00PM G V TEN @ Chaminade Julienne HS 4:00PM G JV TEN Chaminade Julienne HS 4:30PM G FR VLB Roger Bacon High School 5:00 PM B FR FB Talawanda HS 5:30PM B JV SOC Madeira HS 5:30PM G JV VLB Roger Bacon High School 6:30PM G V VLB Roger Bacon High School 7:15PM B V SOC Madeira HS 7:00PM B V FB @ Talawanda HS TBA BG V XC @ OPEN DATE 10:00 AM G FR VLB Edgewood (Trenton) High School 10:00AM G JV SOC @ Preble Shawnee High School 11:00 AM G JV VLB Edgewood (Trenton) High School 12:00 PM G V VLB Edgewood (Trenton) High School 12:00PM G V SOC @ Preble Shawnee High School 5:30PM B JV SOC Madison Jr/Sr High School 7:15PM B V SOC Madison Jr/Sr High School 8 9 10 11 12 TBA B V GLF @ Glen Este High School 3:45 PM G V GLF Wyoming HS/MS 4:00PM G V TEN @ Mariemont High School 4:00PM G JV TEN Mariemont High School 5:00 PM B JV SOC Archbishop McNicholas High School 7:00PM B V SOC Archbishop McNicholas High School 3:00 PM G JV TEN @ Centerville High School 4:00 PM G JV GLF Mother of Mercy HS 5:30 PM G JV VLB Wyoming HS/MS 6:30 PM G V VLB Wyoming HS/MS TBA B V GLF @ Chaminade Julienne HS 4:00 PM G V GLF @ Mcauley High School 4:00PM G V TEN Carroll High School 4:00PM G JV TEN @ Carroll High School 4:30PM G FR VLB Bishop Fenwick HS 5:30PM G JV VLB Bishop Fenwick HS 6:30PM G V VLB Bishop Fenwick HS 7:00PM B V FB Edgewood (Trenton) TBA BG V XC @ OPEN DATE High School 12:00 AM G FR VLB Talawanda HS 10:00 AM B JV FB @ Edgewood (Trenton) High School 12:00 PM B FR FB @ Edgewood (Trenton) High School 1:00 PM G JV VLB Talawanda HS 2:00 PM G V VLB Talawanda HS 3:00PM B JV SOC @ Talawanda HS 4:00PM G JV SOC @ Madeira HS 5:00PM B V SOC @ Talawanda HS 6:00PM G V SOC @ Madeira HS 14 15 16 17 18 19 4:00PM G V TEN @ Colerain High School 4:00PM G JV TEN Colerain High School 4:30PM G FR VLB @ Madison Jr/Sr High School 5:00PM G JV SOC @ Chaminade Julienne HS 5:30PM B JV SOC Carroll High School 5:30PM G JV VLB @ Madison Jr/Sr High School 6:30PM G V VLB @ Madison Jr/Sr High School 7:00PM G V SOC @ Chaminade Julienne HS 7:15PM B V SOC Carroll High School TBA B V GLF Talawanda HS 4:00 PM G V GLF @ Carroll High School 4:00 PM G JV GLF @ Wyoming HS/MS 4:30PM G FR VLB Archbishop McNicholas High School 5:30PM G JV VLB Archbishop McNicholas High School 6:30PM G V VLB Archbishop McNicholas High School 4:00 PM G V TEN @ Archbishop Alter HS TBA G V TEN OPEN DATE 4:30PM G FR VLB Western Brown High School 5:00 PM B FR FB @ Roger Bacon High School 5:30PM G JV VLB Western Brown High School 6:30PM G V VLB Western Brown High School TBA G V TEN OPEN DATE TBA BG V XC @ OPEN DATE TBA B V GLF @ OPEN DATE TBA G V TEN OPEN DATE 10:00AM B JV SOC Edgewood (Trenton) High School 12:00 PM G V GLF @ OPEN DATE 12:00PM B V SOC Edgewood (Trenton) High School 12:00PM G JV SOC Talawanda HS 2:00PM G V SOC Talawanda HS 7:00PM B V FB Roger Bacon High School 21 22 23 24 25 26 4:00PM G V TEN Archbishop McNicholas High School 5:00PM G JV VLB @ Clinton Massie School 6:15PM G V VLB @ Clinton Massie School 7:00 PM B JV FB @ Roger Bacon High School 3:30 PM G V GLF Mother of Mercy HS 4:00PM G V TEN @ Hamilton High School 4:00PM G JV TEN Hamilton High School 4:30PM G FR VLB @ Carroll High School 5:00PM B JV SOC @ Roger Bacon High School 5:30PM G JV VLB @ Carroll High School 6:30PM G V VLB @ Carroll High School 6:45PM B V SOC @ Roger Bacon High School TBA B V GLF Glen Este High School 4:00 PM G V GLF @ Winton Woods High School 4:00PM G JV SOC @ Archbishop McNicholas High School 4:00PM G V TEN Taylor High School 6:00PM G V SOC @ Archbishop McNicholas High School 4:00PM G V TEN @ Roger Bacon High School 5:30PM G JV VLB Purcell Marian High School 6:30PM G V VLB Purcell Marian High School 7:00PM B V FB Bishop Fenwick HS TBA BG V XC @ OPEN DATE 10:00AM B FR FB @ Bishop Fenwick HS 12:00PM B JV FB @ Bishop Fenwick HS 7 08/27/2015 Schedule Star 800-822-9433 27 28 29 30 3:00 PM G V TEN @ Centerville High School 5:30PM B JV SOC Bishop Fenwick HS 7:00 PM G V SOC @ Deer Park Jr/Sr HS 7:15PM B V SOC Bishop Fenwick HS 4:00 PM G JV GLF Mcauley High School 4:30PM G FR VLB @ Roger Bacon High School 5:30PM G JV VLB @ Roger Bacon High School 6:30PM G V VLB @ Roger Bacon High School 5:00PM G JV SOC @ Archbishop Alter HS 7:00PM G V SOC @ Archbishop Alter HS 08/27/2015 Schedule Star 800-822-9433
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