November, 2015 - Stephen T. Badin High School
November 2015 Dear Parents and Students, The first quarter of the school year has been tremendous. The students have had many opportunities to bond as a class and as a school. We have had school Masses, class retreats and small group prayer service. Students have been completing service hours, raising awareness for homelessness by participating in Shantytown and hosting prospective students who are shadowing at Badin. On a daily basis, we see the mission of Badin High School in action – inspiring young men and women to achieve their personal best, live their faith and lead the future. In order for us to help our students to live our mission, the teachers have been working hard in the classroom and outside of school to provide a top notch education for our students. Our expectation for the students and the faculty are high. They are stepping up to the challenge. However, this is a continuous process. Our teachers will be attending professional development throughout the year and increasing their knowledge and skills along the way. In return, they will be asking more and more of the students. Education today expects more from teachers and students than ever before. It is our job to make sure each student is well prepared for his/her future. November is a month where the students will have several days off school. Students are off school on Nov. 2nd for a faculty professional development day and we will take November 25, 26, and 27th off for Thanksgiving break. We will celebrate Mass on Tuesday, November 24th. Please come and join us. A group of seniors are going on a Mission Trip to help out at St. Mildred’s parish in Kentucky. We have many things to be thankful for at Badin High School and it is good that our students recognize their blessings and take the time to help out others in need. Report cards were distributed on Friday, October, 23rd. If you have questions or concerns with a grade or would just like to talk to a teacher, please email the teacher. If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time – 48 hours – please email the teacher again and copy me on that email. We have our Open House on Sunday, November 1st. If you know of any prospective families that have students approaching high school, please let them know about our Open House. Our faculty, staff and students do a terrific job of showcasing the school. We appreciate your continued support in promoting Badin. Financial Aid applications for the 2016-17 school year are due DECEMBER 1st. You can complete the application on-line by going to our website – – and clinking on For Parents. Then look for the FACTS link. This will lead you to the financial aid application. It is important to apply by December 1st. All forms and supporting documentation must be submitted by the due date. Our fall sport season is wrapping up. The girls’ tennis team and boys’ golf team had successful seasons. The boys’ soccer team had its best record since 2004. The boys cross country team, girls’ volleyball team, girls’ soccer team and the football team are all still competing at this point. We have several athletes receive allleague honors. We are very proud of all our fall student-athletes. Please continue to talk to your students about being responsible young men and women. Social media is always a focus for us and we encourage you to monitor your child’s social media accounts. It is important for the student to hear the message regarding good decision making from both home and school. Thank you for your continued support of Badin High School. If you ever have any questions, concerns or suggestions please contact me at any time. I will be glad to meet with you. God Bless You and Your Family, Brian D. Pendergest Brian D. Pendergest, Principal FYI FYI FYI Interested in Badin's 2016 Europe trip? Limited spaces available. Please contact Whitney Oliver or Laura for further details. Check out our tour website at: CAFETERIA SIGN-UP… Parents – Do you still need to sign up for cafeteria duty? If so, please contact Kathy Lysaght in the cafeteria at 863-3993 ext. 129 Monday through Friday between 7:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Workers are mostly needed January through May. Thank You! IT'S TIME TO START THINKING ABOUT PROM. THE PROM DATE HAS BEEN CHANGED TO SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016. We will have an after- prom meeting on Thursday evening, November 5th at 7:00 pm in room 223. PLEASE - WE NEED PARENTS FROM ALL CLASSES TO HELP ORGANIZE THIS EVENT. If you are interested and cannot make it, please contact Marcie Tyree at 513-258-6229 or email either Mr. DeAngelo or Mr. McCabe at their school emails. Theatre Badin will present An Evening of One Acts on December 3, 5 and 6 in the Little Theatre. "Team Justice and the City Hall Supervillains" and "Welcome to the Haunted House" are the two comedies in this year's hilarious program. Pink Friday! (formerly, Girls Let’s Shop!) Friday, November 6, 2015 Queen of Peace Gymnasium 2550 Millville Avenue 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Your ultimate “Ladies Nite Out” DANGER WOMEN SHOPPING 0 Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader? D o y o u k n o w “ W h o S h o t J R ” ? Do you know the name of the 5th Beatle ? …then You could be a WINNER at the… Badin Catham Athletic Booster TRIVIA NIGHT 2015! Friday, November 20th At the Badin High School PFAC Doors open at 6:00 pm Trivia Begins at 7:00 pm $25 / player entry fee – Up to 8 players on a Team Each player may bring ONE non-playing guest for an additional $15 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE STARTING AT $50.00 FOR “ROUND SPONSORS!” Milillo’s Pizza, Snacks, Desserts and Drink Tickets for Beer (canned), Soda and Water Included We’ll also have “Split the Pots” and other Small Games throughout the night Register and pay by November 14th for a free cup at the door! Remaining cups for sale $5.00 each. $800 to First Place Team $400 2nd Place - $200 3rd Place** (Plus other special prizes) Trivia Categories: Sports, Movies, History, Music, TV …and more… ** Prizes may be adjusted based on attendance (need 250 players for full payout); Space is limited to the first 40 teams registered TRIVIA NIGHT 2015 TEAM APPLICATION FORM To participate, complete this form and mail with entry fees to: Scott Holderbach 350 Marsh Drive Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Team Name: __________________________________________________________________ Captain: ________________________________________ Telephone: __________________ Captain’s Email: __________________________________ Number of Guest Tickets: ______ Player #2: ________________________________ Player #6: ____________________________ Player #3: ________________________________ Player #7: ____________________________ Player #4: ________________________________ Player #8: ____________________________ Player #5: ________________________________ (Players listed will be eligible for door prizes) Up to 8 Players (MUST BE 21 Years of Age). Cost is $25 / player and $15/guest. Make Checks Payable to the Badin Catham Athletic Boosters. Teams registered by 11/14/2015 are eligible for door prizes. Questions? Contact: Scott Holderbach ( or Traci Barger ( Office Of Advancement Annual Fund The Annual Fund helps bridge the funding gap that exists between the amount of tuition we receive and the actual cost of educating a student here at Badin. Without the Annual Fund, tuition would increase well beyond what most families can afford. Badin provides the best value for the amount of tuition charged in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and yet it still doesn’t cover the full cost of educating each student. By supporting the Badin Annual Fund, you help us continue the tradition of profoundly shaping the way students Think, Achieve, Serve and Lead. This is why Badin depends on the Annual Fund each year. The most significant way any of us can donate to Badin is through the Annual Fund. Our Board of Trustees and administration work tirelessly to keep our tuition increases to a minimum. Even though Badin provides the best value in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the amount we charge in tuition still doesn’t cover the actual cost of educating students. In fact, this year the gap between actual cost and tuition charged is $442,000 or $815 per student. That is why each year our Advancement office seeks support for the Annual bridge the tuition gap and make a Badin education as affordable as possible. At Badin High School, we do everything in our power to provide each student with the best educational, spiritual, extracurricular, and athletic opportunities available. Without philanthropic support, however, that would not be possible. In order to address that challenge, every year we ask parents, alumni and friends to support the Annual Fund to help cover the tuition gap for your student. Gifts of all amounts pull together to fund the gap. Would you consider a gift of $50 or more to fund the gap of $815 for your student? Online donations can be made by clicking on this link: YES! I’d like to help bridge the gap and donate to the 2015-16 Badin Annual Fund Please return to Badin with your donation. Name ______________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____________ Email ____________________________________ Zip ________________ Phone ____________________________________ Amount $______________ I work for a Matching Gift Employer and will file the appropriate paperwork. Name of Company ___________________________ Badin Athletics Geoff Melzer, Athletic Director To use the Kroger Community Rewards Program: BADIN’S NEW NPO NUMBER: 83743 ATTENTION PARENTS! DID YOU KNOW YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CARD EACH YEAR FOR THE KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM? PLEASE DO SO AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. THANK YOU! • Register online at • Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up. • If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger. • Click on sign In/Register •New online customers must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the “New Customer?” box. • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. • You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email. • Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. • Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. • Update or confirm your information. • Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. • To verity you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. • Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. Has your student athlete signed up with FinalForms as required? We are very excited that the Badin Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an on-line program which will enable you and your student to complete & file MOST athlete forms electronically. FinalForms is immediately available for all Ram athletes. The ONLY form that you are still required to actually print, complete, and file in the Athletic Department, is the actual OHSAA Physical form. The physical form must be completed by the doctor and by law we are required to have a signed copy on file. Once your student’s physical is received by the athletic department we will input the expiration date into FinalForms and then you will receive automatic notifications when your student’s forms need to be updated. Click on the Parent Registration guide to get started in FinalForms. This link is also available on the Badin athletic web pages. We are asking that ALL student-athletes (grades 9-12) use FinalForms. Even if your student’s current physical paperwork does not expire until after the new school year begins, please register @ now and electronically complete all the forms! Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork process in the Athletic Dept. PARENT REGISTRATION HOW DO I SIGN UP? 1. Go to 2. Click NEW ACCOUNT under the Parent Icon 3. Type your NAME and EMAIL and then click REGISTER 4. Check your Email and click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder. If you still do not see the FinalForms email, please email 5. Type your password and click CONFIRM ACCOUNT 6. You will be asked if you want to grant another Parent/Guardian access to your registered students. Either click SKIP THIS STEP or type Name and Email Address and click ADD PARENT ACCOUNT. 7. Your account will be created, you can then REGISTER STUDENT for your first child. REGISTERING A STUDENT WHAT INFO WILL I NEED? • Insurance Company & Policy Number • Hospital Preference • Doctor & Dentist Contact Information • Email Addressfor BOTH you and your student* HOW DO I REGISTER MY FIRST STUDENT? ***IMPORTANT*** If you have followed the steps on the previous page, you are already logged in. Jump to Step 3. 1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN under the Parent Icon 3. Click REGISTER STUDENT 4. Type your Student’s NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH, GENDER, HS GRADUATION YEAR and HOME ADDRESS and click CREATE STUDENT NOTE: The email address provided will be used to send reminders to your student. A student email address may or may not be required, depending on your school preferences. 5. Assign your student to a sport by clicking it's checkbox. Sports are separated by year, season, and registration deadline. Click UPDATE SPORTS after making your selection. NOTE: A sport selection can be changed anytime up until the it's registration deadline. 6. Complete each form and enter your full name (e.g. "John Smith") into the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form. 7. When all forms are complete, you will see a “Forms Finished” message. 8. ***IMPORTANT*** An email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student prompting him/her to sign Student forms requiring his/her signature. 9. If you are registering an additional student, click MY STUDENTS at the top of the page and jump back to Step 3. Most of the information, like home address and contact information, is automatically copied to your additional students. All forms for additional students will still require your signature. 10.In the future, you may login at any time and click the button to update information. Badin’s Rams Rally Leadership Partner - $5,000 Premier Partner - $2,000 Executive Partner - $1,000 The Garden Path THE GARDEN PATH LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION CHRIS RAINES ‘97 513‐757‐4244 Supporting750 - $ 750 Supporting250 - $ 250 John A. Clements, DMD Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 513‐887‐7027 Badin thanks the following businesses for their support. We encourage the Badin community to support them in return. For more information on Badin’s Rams Rally Corporate Partner Program, please contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing Communications – or 513-863-3993 x123. 7-15-2015 Stephen T. Badin High School Rams Rally Corporate Partners 2015-16 Partner Levels and benefits: Leadership Partner - $5,000 o o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x11 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Promotion on Badin’s social media pages – Facebook & LinkedIn Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Premier Partner - $2,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x6 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Executive Partner - $1,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – medium Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x4 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting750 - $750 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x3 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting500 - $500 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, logo - small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x2 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting250 - $250 o o o o Name listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x1 month Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Names will be listed under category of giving alphabetically. Corporate partners will be listed in the 2015-16 Badin Annual Report, published in the fall of each year. Parent Newsletters are sent via email in PDF format. Partner logos and web addresses will be listed. Sports programs are published for fall and winter sports seasons; a special Corporate Partner page will include logos/names as specified below. All support from corporate partners will benefit the Badin Grant Fund. Demographics: Badin has 530 students from 23 zip codes serving Northern Hamilton County, Butler County and SE Indiana. Facebook coverage: over 2500 Likes, Badin Alumni Page on LinkedIn. Corporate Partner Name (as it should appear)______________________________________________ Contact Name ________________________ Street Address ______________________________ City __________________________________ State ____________ Zip ____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________________ Please return to: Badin High School, 571 New London Rd., Hamilton, Ohio 45013 For additional sponsorship information contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing or 513-863-3993 x123 Badin High School 7th Annual Mattress Sale Fundraiser!! SAVE THE DATE Saturday, March 12 & Sunday March 13, 2016 The Badin High School DECA program will be sponsoring their Seventh Annual mattress sale on March 12 and 13. This has been a very successful fundraiser for our DECA program and we are very excited to be able to sponsor this event here at Badin for the seventh time! Anyone can purchase a mattress from any school during the year, and Badin DECA can get credit for the sale! Brand new, name brand (including Simmons) mattress sets up to 50% off retail. Top quality mattress sets with full manufacturer warranties. Much higher quality for price than a retail store! All sizes, price ranges, delivery and free layaway will be available. Floor models will be on display at Badin High School from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 12 and from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 13. If you, or anyone you know is in the market for a new mattress…check out this fundraiser!! If you need a new mattress before this sale or have any questions, please contact Ultimate Fundraising Solutions at EVERY sale will benefit the Badin High School DECA Program. Badin High School Campus Ministry News November 2015 Freshman Day of Recollection Badin High School Junior Rams Wrestling 2015 - 2016 Are you interested in learning about the world’s OLDEST SPORT? Are you interested in helping your child grow as a young person? JR. RAMS WRESTLING REGISTRATION NITE at Badin High School! Students in Grades K-6 will make up the Jr Rams Wrestling Students in Grades 7 & 8 will be part of the Junior High Program Wednesday November 4 & Thursday November 5, 2015 6:00 – 7:00 pm in the Wrestling Room in the PFAC Questions Grades K-6 contact Coach Dave Helms at or 513-266-5166 Grades 7 & 8 contact Badin Varsity Coach Dexter Carpenter at “We, as a wrestling community, better remember it is more than one individual that makes a winner.” DON’T MISS OUT! SUPER SMASH BROS. CHARITY GAME NIGHT 6-‐11 pm PROCEEDS BENEFIT CHILD’S PLAY AND DAYTON CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL FOR THE PURCHASE OF VIDEO GAMES, GAMING CONSOLES AND TOYS FOR SICK KIDS $5 ADMISSION FOR PLAYERS AND SPECTATORS § § § § § Enter one of 2 Super Smash Bros. WiiU tournaments (one for experienced gamers and one for novices) Free play areas for practice or your enjoyment Have a controller? Bring it with you! Don’t want to play, then just come to watch and hang out! Awesome prizes for our top winners! (Chipotle anyone?) Culinary Club will be selling pizza and subs--so bring some extra cash! Complimentary drinks and snacks will be available thanks to the generosity of many donors. LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS… Parent volunteers are needed as chaperones and to help with check-in. Student volunteers are needed to help with clean up. Service hours will be given to the first 15 students to volunteer. Email Evan Kurtz at to sign up! Can’t play or help but want to donate? Visit our CrowdRise site at : THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! EVAN KURTZ, GARRETT ERNST, KENNY KELLEY—CLASS OF ‘16 From the Art Department… Art III & IV have just completed acrylic landscapes from their own original photos. They have also been creating large charcoal self-portraits half-masked. Mrs. Daniels' 1st bell Art I class rocked the pottery on a field trip to Funke Fired Arts in Oakley... Art II have created large scale landscapes in charcoal. They have also been creating graffiti style self-portraits on panel. Save the date: Badin High School & the Fitton Arts Center present the Jazz Ensemble and student artwork Perceptions & Perspectives at the Fitton Arts Center Monday, May 9, 6-7:30 pm Unique: Being the only one of its kind; unlike any other Art Exploration Classes have been creating small scale Pop Art Paintings in Acrylic. Fashion Illustration have been working on rendering in pastel pencil and watercolors. The Visual Arts Department received a grant to be used for the purchase of 4 new Tilt-top Art Tables. We are inspired and very grateful! Badin presents the Piano Class Recital 7pm Monday,December 7 Fitton Arts Center BADIN ATHLETIC PASSES FAMILY OF 4 $250* Additional grade school students $25 ADULT $100 SENIOR CITIZEN $75 GRADE SCHOOL STUDENT $50 Increase school spirit and support Badin athletes by purchasing an All‐Season Athletic Pass, which would allow admission to all “home” athletic events at all levels, for the entire school year, except OHSAA tournament games. Badin will host over sixty events during the school year. If you attend even a third of our events at pre‐sale prices, you save money. Complete the information below and return it to the athletic office or mail to: Badin High School, c/o Athletic Office, 571 New London Road, Hamilton, Ohio 45013, Attn: Geoff Melzer. Make checks payable to Badin High School. *Family pricing applies to immediate family only and includes 2 adults and 2 grade school students. Additional grade school students is $25 ea. **You may be asked to show a photo ID with your athletic pass. Thanks for your support! GO RAMS! ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐CUT HERE‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Badin Athletic Pass Payment Form Attn: Geoff Melzer, Athletic Director Adult Pass Name: _____________________________________________________ Adult Pass Name: _____________________________________________________ Student 1 ____________________________________________________________ Student 2 ____________________________________________________________ Additional grade school student __________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________ Email: ____________________________ PAYMENT: Cash, Check (made to Badin High School), Credit Card or FACTS Circle One: Visa MasterCard Authorized Charge Amount: $__________ Credit Card #: _________________________________________________ Expiration date:_______________ 3 digit code on back: __________ Zip Code __________ Authorized Signature ___________________________________________ Print Name: __________________________________________________ Payment by FACTS: Student Name ___________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature _______________________________________ Date ________________ November 2015 Sun Mon Tue 3 Wed Thu 1 2 4 5 OPEN HOUSE 1-4 pm NO SCHOOL (Professional Day) SC Exec. Board Mtg. After Prom Mtg. 7 pm Room 223 Canned Food Drive Begins Board Meeting 7 pm Fri Sat 6 Athletic Grade Check Freshman Day of Recollection 7 HSPT Refresher Course Freshman Dance 8 9 10 11 12 13 Late Arrival for Students 8:30 am Women in IT Conference 19 20 21 DECA-State Fall Leadership Conference BLOCK DAY 8, 6, 7, 5 Athletic Grade Check 8th Grade Placement Test Student Council Mtg. Culinary Club Trivia Night 7:00 pm 26 27 Catham Mtg. 7 pm Student Council Mtg. Ramformation Night #3 7pm 15 16 17 18 14 Super Smash Bros. Charity Game Nite 6-11 pm BLOCK DAY 4, 1, 3, 2 NHS Tapping Canned Food Drive Ends 22 23 24 25 MASS-10 am NO SCHOOL 28 NO SCHOOL St. Mildred Mission Trip—Nov. 24 & 25 DECA to Chicago———————————> 29 30 Dec 1 HSPT Make Up Kairos———Dec. 1-4—————————-> Financial Aid application deadline for 2016-17 2 Board Mtg. 7 pm 3 One Act Plays 7:30 4 5 Athletic Grade Check One Act Plays Dec. 3,5 & 6 Art Field Trip Badin HS - November 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4:30 PM G JV BKB Colerain High School 6:00 PM G V BKB Colerain High School 22 23 24 25 26 6:00PM G JV BKB Mcauley High School 7:30PM G V BKB Mcauley High School 29 30 6:00PM G JV BKB Preble Shawnee High School 7:30PM G V BKB Preble Shawnee High School 10/29/2015 Schedule Star 800-822-9433 27 28 4:30PM B FR BKB Talawanda HS 6:00PM B JV BKB Talawanda HS 7:30PM B V BKB Talawanda HS 4:30PM B FR BKB St. Xavier High School 6:00PM B JV BKB St. Xavier High School 7:30PM B V BKB St. Xavier High School Oct. 2015 Badin Open House Sunday, Nov. 1, 1-4 p.m. Meet teachers, faculty, coaches and students during our annual Open House. Enjoy a private tour through our building, refreshments and have all your questions answered. It’s a great day to take a closer look at BHS. Don’t miss the fun! Are you interested in joining the Badin High School family of students? Students have a great high school experience and are well prepared for college and the adventure of life beyond high school. To set up a Shadow Day, contact the Admissions Office at 863-3993, ext. 120, or by e-mail at ment Test scores, scholarship offers and financial aid awards will be mailed to prospective students on Friday, Jan. 15, 2016. Registration Night for the Class of 2020 is Thursday, Feb. 4, 2016. Come join the Badin family! The High School Placement Test for 8th graders is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 21, at 8:30 a.m. All applications are due, including financial aid applications, on Tuesday, Dec. 1. Place- McKenna “KK” Meyers (Sacred Heart) was elected president of the freshman Class of 2019. Vice president is Josie Miller (Sacred Heart) and the secretary/treasurer is Eddie Kammerer (Sacred Heart). Freshman class representatives include Garrett Geigle (St. Julie Billiart), Ellie Gordon (St. Joseph), Allison Hammerle (Queen of Peace), Seth Hargis (Fairfield Middle), Christopher Hetterich (Queen of Peace), Tori Jarvis (Sacred Heart), Kari Kiep (St. Joseph), Jamie Lehker (Sacred Heart), Abbey Mathias (Sacred Heart), Shawn Osborne (Sacred Heart) and Andrew Trotter (Sacred Heart). Four Badin students — Jakob Bryson (St. John Dry Ridge), Nathan Maue (St. John Dry Ridge), Kyle McGill (St. Peter in Chains) and Sofie Milillo (St. Julie Billiart) — were named “Commended Students” in the annual National Merit Scholarship competition. They finished in the top 5 percent of students throughout the country who took the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) in October of 2014. That capped off a good week for Sofie Milillo, who was also named Badin’s Homecoming queen for 2015. Garrett Ernst (Our Lady of Sorrows) was the Homecoming king. Badin students needed just two days to collect some $1,500 in gift cards for students and families at Bishop England High School in Charleston, S.C., after the recent flooding there. The word went out on Wednesday and by Friday the gen- Are you interested in hosting an International student? It’s a rewarding opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of foreign students, have a valuable experience within your own family, and make an impact on the Badin community. For more information, contact the admissions office. erous donations had been collected in a two-day blitz. It’s another example of “Serving God, Serving Others” through the Office of Campus Ministry at BHS. Senior Cody Boxrucker (Lakota Plains) has set Badin High School’s all-time rushing and scoring record during his outstanding career. Boxrucker eclipsed the records previously held by Tony Farquis ‘81. Tony was on hand for the record-setting game against Kettering Alter and said he was proud of Cody, telling the JournalNews, “I’m just really tickled to death that it was a kid like that who really seems to enjoy the game. He can keep (the records) forever.” On the subject of outstanding performances, the very next week senior Philip Dozier (Fairfield Middle) set the Badin record for most receiving yards in a career, snapping the mark previously set by Alex Rieman ‘11. Senior Malia Berkely (Lakota Liberty) recently spent a week in California playing soccer with the United States U-19 women’s national team. She’s been moved up from the U-18 group. Badin’s Students of the Month for September 2015 include freshman Davon Starks (Fairfield Middle), sophomore Jake Middendorf (Sacred Heart), junior Andrew Walsh (Queen of Peace) and senior Taylor Smith (St. Ann Groesbeck). Students are selected for being difference-makers at Badin.
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