March, 2016 - Stephen T. Badin High School
March, 2016 - Stephen T. Badin High School
March 2016 Brian D. Pendergest Office Of Advancement Annual Fund The Annual Fund helps bridge the funding gap that exists between the amount of tuition we receive and the actual cost of educating a student here at Badin. Without the Annual Fund, tuition would increase well beyond what most families can afford. Badin provides the best value for the amount of tuition charged in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and yet it still doesn’t cover the full cost of educating each student. By supporting the Badin Annual Fund, you help us continue the tradition of profoundly shaping the way students Think, Achieve, Serve and Lead. This is why Badin depends on the Annual Fund each year. The most significant way any of us can donate to Badin is through the Annual Fund. Our Board of Trustees and administration work tirelessly to keep our tuition increases to a minimum. Even though Badin provides the best value in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the amount we charge in tuition still doesn’t cover the actual cost of educating students. In fact, this year the gap between actual cost and tuition charged is $442,000 or $815 per student. That is why each year our Advancement office seeks support for the Annual bridge the tuition gap and make a Badin education as affordable as possible. At Badin High School, we do everything in our power to provide each student with the best educational, spiritual, extracurricular, and athletic opportunities available. Without philanthropic support, however, that would not be possible. In order to address that challenge, every year we ask parents, alumni and friends to support the Annual Fund to help cover the tuition gap for your student. Gifts of all amounts pull together to fund the gap. Would you consider a gift of $50 or more to fund the gap of $815 for your student? Online donations can be made by clicking on this link: YES! I’d like to help bridge the gap and donate to the 2015-16 Badin Annual Fund Please return to Badin with your donation. Name ______________________________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____________ Email ____________________________________ Zip ________________ Phone ____________________________________ Amount $______________ I work for a Matching Gift Employer and will file the appropriate paperwork. Name of Company ___________________________ From the Catham Club… Dear Parents, The Catham Club would like to personally thank all who supported the RamPride Raffle this year. We surpassed our school goal and brought in over $50,000! Students received their school-wide day off on Friday, February 12 as a reward. Those students who sold $100 in tickets are also eligible for their class day off school. (If students did not sell their tickets, they are expected to be in class as normal.) Students who sold $100 or more are also eligible for the out of uniform dates listed below. Also, a big thanks goes out to all those who helped count money and tickets on the 3 turn-in days. It was quite a task when over $36,000 was turned in on the last day. We couldn’t have done it without you! Special thanks to Angie Gray, Sharon Adams, Renee Brock, Jennifer Fabry-York, Krista Schuler and Marcy Tyree for all your help with the raffle this year. Make sure you use the coupons on the back of the raffle tickets at Rose Automotive/Larkin Cobb and Alleys on the River. We appreciate their support of Badin High School. Final Raffle Results: Raffle winners: #1 Rita Field: seller – Chris Field #2 Mark Hood: seller- Margo Hood #3 Mark Wagner: seller – Sam Wagner Top seller: Andrew Roell $624 Top Homeroom by avg. – Mrs. Heinrich and Mrs. Daniels Top sales per class and winner of Class Week – Juniors- Week of April 11 Free Days: Freshmen/Sophomores: Monday, April 11, 2016 IF sold at least $100 in tickets Juniors/Seniors: Monday, April 25, 2016 IF sold at least $100 in tickets *If students did not sell the required amount of tickets, they MUST be in school that day. RamPride Raffle out-of-uniform weeks: (Each student has been given a slip detailing their out-of-uniform benefits based on personal sales. Only those who qualified may be out of uniform): Week of March 7th – sold $150 or more Week of May 9th – sold $200 or more Students who sold $100 or more are entitled to 2 “Fridays” – those dates are: Friday, February 26th & Friday, March 4th ** Out of uniform rules will be enforced – Please see out-of-uniform guidelines in your student’s handbook** Students, parents and volunteers, once again, thank you for making this year’s RamPride Raffle a success! Sincerely, Amy Larkin Raffle Chairperson Office Of Admissions and Marketing March 2016 Registration remains open for the Class of 2020. We had an outstanding Registration Night on Feb. 4, with 141 students committing to join the Badin Family. That number has since grown to 147, and by the time our August opening rolls around, the class will be more than 150-strong and be the largest in the school. Our Class of 2020 includes students from 27 different schools and an equal number of boys and girls. There’s still room for more! If you have a child interested in Badin High School … or know someone whose child should be interested in Badin … encourage them to contact the Admissions Office at (513) 863-3993, ext. 120, or Come join the Badin Family! Admissions/Marketing Staff Dirk Q. Allen Director of Admissions and Media Relations Ext. 120 Contact Dirk for information on... Admissions Badin Ambassadors International program Student retention Media relations Angie Pieper Gray ‘83 Director of Marketing Communications Mark your calendars Ext. 123 Contact Angie for information on... Branding & logo questions Marketing and advertising Social media marketing Special events Patti Pate Gray ‘80 Advancement Administrative Assistant Ext. 142 Contact Patti for information on... Assists Admissions & Advancement Offices Grandparent’s Day Stay up to date on all Badin activities by checking the Badin calendar on March 10-13 March 12-13 March 21 Mar 25-Apr 1 Apr 11 Musical Production—The Wizard of Oz DECA Mattress Sale Opening Day Festivities and Spring Sport Pep Rally Spring Break FR/SO Raffle Free Day—for all freshmen/sophomores who sold >$100 in tickets Apr 12 Grandparents’ Day for Seniors and Sophomores—see form in this newsletter Apr 18 Apr 25 No School—Teacher In-service JR/SR Raffle Free Day—for all seniors/juniors who sold >$100 in tickets Alumni Events You’re invited! Mark your calendars for these upcoming Alumni Events! April 15-16 May 14 June 4 Alumni Basketball Tournament *Seniors—you’re encouraged to gather a team! Athletic Hall of Fame Friends of Badin Golf Outing, Potters Golf Course *Parents—gather a team! It’s always a fun day! Supporting Badin Ways you can support Badin and advertise your company at the same time! Join other Badin supporters as a member of the Rams Rally Corporate Partner Program. Gain exposure to all current Badin families on a monthly basis and the Annual Report, distributed to all in the Badin community. More information with detailed benefits in this newsletter. Support levels range from $250 through $5000 to fit a variety of budgets. Contact Angie Gray - for more information. Become a Scoreboard Advertiser in Mulcahey Gym on our NEW digital scoreboard and/or in the Pfirman Family Activity Center. Contact Geoff Melzer at for more information. Stay connected throughout the school year with Badin’s social media! BadinHighSchool @BadinHS @RAMSSPORTS Badin High School iBid for Badin Online Auction March 12-20, 2016 Don’t miss this year’s online auction of Badin favorites! The annual iBid for Badin online auction will highlight Badin favorites this year! The majority of our auction items will be moved to the Bid & Buy Booth at the Badin Festival, so please be sure to visit the booth to bid ! Items for bid: 1. Front Row Seats at the Class of 2016 Graduation ceremony (2) 2. Front Row Parking Spot (2) - The premier place to park! 3. Badin Class ring (up to $200 value) and 2015-16 Badin yearbook 4. Senior Class Cap Toss Print including autographed mat by members of the Class of 2016 5. Senior Portrait Package – Senior photos will be taken by Darrell Murrell and the package includes: 1 - 20 page hard bound album 4 - 8x10’s 4 – 5x7’s 32 – Wallets 1 - CD with all the photos, including the copyright rights Photos will be taken in studio and one other location to be chosen by winner. The auction will open on March 12 at 9 am and will close on March 20 at 6pm. Link to auction will be: All proceeds from the auction benefit the Badin Annual Fund! Look for your other Badin favorites at the iBid for Badin Bid & Buy Tent at the 2016 Badin Festival! Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Stag Erin Go-Badin! The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick is a local philanthropic men’s organization with a long-standing history in Hamilton Ohio. The Friendly Sons celebrate their Irish and Catholic heritage each year with a St. Patrick’s Day Celebration/Stag (Sorry Ladies, this one is for men only!) and a golf outing. Their primary beneficiary is the Badin High School Tuition Assistance Fund. All men in the Badin family are cordially invited to attend the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration/Stag on March 17 and support the Badin Tuition Assistance Fund! The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick provide thousands of dollars in emergency tuition assistance each year. We are blessed to have their support! Thursday, March 17th Courtyard by Marriott - Hamilton Cocktails at 6:00, Dinner at 7:00, Program following. Attire: Coat and Tie Tickets: $60 available through any Friendly Son or contact Tom Collins - Save the date for the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Golf Outing—August 26 @ Potters Park Golf Course. Grandparent’s Day Grandparents’ Day is right around the corner! In order for the day to be a success, we rely on your help! We are continuing to prepare for what will surely be another wonderful Grandparents Day on April 12th. Please look over this checklist. We hope that it will help assure a smooth day for our guests. Have you, the parent, turned in the invitation form that was in the January parent newsletter? This form provides us with the important information required to invite Grandparents to this special day! Forms are available in the Advancement Office. (Deadline is March 18th). Have you checked with the grandparents to be sure they have returned their reservation forms? Deadline is April 4th. Do the grandparents know the event is being hosted in the Pfirman Family Activity Center? As the day grows closer, we will post a list of student names that will be included in this year’s event. Please remind your student(s), who are sophomores and seniors, to listen to announcements for the posting of this list. Do the grandparents know how they’re getting to Badin? If they are riding the shuttle bus, please inform them it runs every twenty minutes from the Columbia Bowling Lanes on Hamilton Cleves Road beginning at 7:45 am. (To get here earlier than 7:45 will cause traffic problems for our school busses). We are certain there will be questions that will arise between now and April 12th. Please feel free to call the Advancement Office at 513-863-3993, extension 142 and ask for Patti Gray. Thank you for your cooperation and patience. We are looking forward to seeing our guests and promise to make it a nice day for them! Grandparents’ Day is held in the Pfirman Family Activity Center for sophomores and seniors on April 12. Mass begins at 8:45 AM and the continental breakfast will begin at 9:45. Yes I’d like to help at Grandparent’s Day! If you wish to help us on April 12th, please complete this form and send it back to school with your student. You will be notified prior to the event as to what your duties will be. Thank you in advance for your time! Name _______________________________________ Phone ____________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent of ____________________________________ Email _____________________________________ Save the date for the 2016 Badin Festival! This will be an event for the entire community to get involved! We need much adult and student volunteers for: Set up Clean up Food booth Kids booths Adult booths Soda and Beer booths Register to volunteer and sponsor the festival— Check all that apply! Do you work for a company that will sponsor the festival? See the next page for sponsorship information. Are you willing to sell tickets for the Basket of Cheer Raffle? Contact Dave Ernst— Do you work for a company that can donate an item to the festival? Can you personally donate an item(s) to the festival? The 2016 Badin Festival iBid for Badin Bid n’Buy Booth is looking for items to include in our Bid & Buy Booth! Contact Angie Gray— Badin High School Campus Ministry News March 2016 Dear Members of the Badin community, Lent 2016 – As part of our Lenten Mission this year, we are taking every opportunity to make a difference to those most in need in our community. Throughout the month of February, students are invited to bring in POP TABS to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Cincinnati. Each bag of 250 tabs = 1 service hour. A student may receive a maximum of 3 hours for this endeavor! This small collection has the ability to truly make a difference for the families whose children are hospitalized for extended periods of time at Cincinnati Children’s! Throughout March, students are urged to bring in ‘travel sized toiletries’ for donation to our local VA Hospitals. Each zip top baggie of 5 items = 1 service hour for a maximum of 3 hours. What a small gift to bring dignity and respect to those who served our country. ALL ITEMS SHOULD BE TAKEN DIRECTLY TO THE STUDENT’S RELIGION TEACHER! JJuunniioorr R Reettrreeaatt:: Our 2nd JOY JUNIOR RETREAT of the year is being held on March 17 & 18, 2016. The leaders are already hard at work planning for this special high school experience. Please pray for all who participate in our Badin JOY Jr Retreat #44. If your child has not yet attended or signed up for a junior retreat, there is still room for the April retreat. Please contact Mrs. Helms for information! Holy Week is the week preceding Easter and the final week of Lent. Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and ends with Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday. Holy Week includes Holy Thursday (also known as Maundy Thursday) and Good Friday, which, together with Holy Saturday, are known as the Triduum. This year we will be sharing our faith during Holy Week by taking all students during religion class to a special prayer service. OPENING DAY 2016 – Our 3rd Annual Opening Day celebrating all Spring Sports will be held on Monday March 21, 2016 throughout the school day! We will end the day with a pep rally featuring Rosie Red from the Cincinnati Reds! Please support Badin spring sports by watching one of our outstanding teams! GO RAMS! FYI: Class of 2017 KAIROS DATES for your class are as follows: June 6-9, 2016 (invite only) / July 18-21, 2016 / Nov 1-4, 2016. Students will sign up early in May. Please look at your summer calendar to choose the retreat that works best for you! Thanks CHRISTIAN SERVICE There are MANY, MANY Christian Service opportunities this month. There are a variety of walks this fall as well. If there are any questions regarding Badin Christian Service Hours, please contact Ms. Meghan Allen at Badin at If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Mrs. Helms at Badin via phone at 863-3993 ext. 118 or e-mail at: Respectfully, Mrs. Gina Miserocchi Helms Mrs. Gina Miserocchi ’90 Helms Director of Campus Ministry On the day listed below, present this ticket to your server and Buffalo Wild Wings® will donate 10%* of your total bill (not including tax, gratuity or promotional discounts) to our organization. Buffalo Wild Wings strives to support our community and the organizations and sports teams within it. Together we can make a positive impact and help keep our community working and playing together. (Show this ticket to your server on the date & time listed below.) BADIN HIGH SCHOOL AFTER PROM March 02, 2016 • 5:00 PM 3417 Princeton Rd.Bridgewater Falls Station • Fairfield, OH • 513-737-2999 *The 10% donation is contingent on the organization raising at least $300 of pre-tax sales during the promotion (subject to change in our discretion). Other restrictions may apply. Please see participating location for details. ®2015 Buffalo Wild Wings, Inc. ADMIT ONE EAT WINGS. RAISE FUNDS. Palm Cross for Palm or Easter Sunday Beautiful yard or cemetery decoration. 30” tall order by March 10, Quantities Limited! Call Badin Marketing Education at 863-3993, see any marketing student or email Cost - $11 .00 per cross Name______________________________ Address_____________________________ C/S/Z_______________________________ Phone______________ Quantity _________ Mark your calendar for April 12, 2016! Grandparents’ Day is coming up!! On April 12, 2016, Badin High School will host its 25th Annual Grandparents’ Day. For our “newcomers”, that’s the day we welcome the grandparents of our Sophomore and Senior students to school for Mass in the Pfirman Family Activity Center, a coffee cake breakfast for the grandparents and their Badin grandchildren (sophomore and seniors only), and a visit to their classrooms. We will send a personal invitation to our grandparent guests so we need you to complete the information below and return it to Badin by March 18th. If one person would take care of listing the entire family (Badin cousins – sophomore and seniors only) on the form, that will help insure our seating the entire family groups together. Failure to return the information to us in a timely fashion could result in your student(s) not being included in this special day. Each invitation will have a return reservation card enclosed that the Grandparents must return by April 4th. Please communicate with the grandparents and make sure they send their card to Badin. There will be more information about Grandparents’ Day in future parent letters, so please be watching for it! If you would print this form, complete the information below and return it to school with your student, we will take it from there. Please remember, March 18th is the deadline for getting this form to us. Help us get our guests here!! Questions? Please contact Patti Gray – Thanks and warm regards, Badin Advancement Office Grandparents’ Day Form – Due to Badin March 18, 2016 Grandparent Invitee’s Name(s) ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City ______________ State _______ Zip __________ Grandparent Invitee’s Name(s) ____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City ______________ State ________ Zip __________ Name(s) of Grandchild(ren) – Sophomore and Seniors only – attending Badin 1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3.__________________________ 4. ______________________ 5. _______________________ 6. __________________________ Total number attending _______ (including grandparents and students – don’t forget cousins!) Person submitting information – Name _________________________________Phone _____________ Email __________________________ SHAMROCK SHUFFLE RACE REGISTRATION 5K/10K ($10 goes to Badin XC when registering under “Badin” as your team) WHEN TOP 10 REASONS TO GO: March 19th, 2016 7:00am registration 8:30am 10K/8:45am 5K 9:00am Runners breakfast 10:00am 5K walk/run WHERE $30-thru 1/31* $35-thru 3/13* $45–race day *T-shirt guarantee 10. New years resolution completed by March 9. A shuffle is a race I could win 8. Couch to 5K 7. Train for Spring sport 6. Free t-shirt 5. Free breakfast 4. Warm up for Flying Pig The Square@ Union Centre West Chester, Ohio 3. Get in shape for Spring Break 513-874-5450 1. Support Badin athletes SUPPORT BADIN CROSS COUNTRY! Couch to 5 K program $10 OF EVERY REGISTRATION GOES TO THE TEAM WWW.THESHAMROCKSHUFFLE.COM 2.Fun for the whole family “anyone from couch to 5K in 9 weeks” 3rd Annual OPENING BHS! DAY at Track and baseball and tennis and softball and volleyball…..oh my! Monday March 21, 2016 Hourly give-aways, Green & White Day, Pep Rally, Special Guests and more! End of Course Testing Calendar March, April and May Spring 2016 ELA (English, Language Arts) Window – April 4 – April 22 Thursday, April 7th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Café All Freshman ELA Test Friday, April 8th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Café All Sophomores ELA Test Monday, April 11th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Freshman and Sophomore make up testing Andrea Joyce’s room. Math, Science and Social Studies window – April 4 through May 6th Wednesday, April 13th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 Algebra I test Café Thursday, April 14th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Geometry test Café Friday, April 15th – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Make up testing Wednesday, April 20th – 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. Biology Café Thursday, April 21st – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. History Café Friday, April 22nd – 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Make up testing Dear Parents, On behalf of Badin High School students, we would like to thank you if you many of you that have contributed to Badin including previous After-Prom party events. Your generous support truly helped make these evenings fun and more importantly for the community, drug and alcohol- free. Our Prom Committee is again planning the After-Prom party to be held for Badin High School on April 16, 2016. To make this event memorable for the students, we are requesting individual and corporate donations for the event including food, party rentals and door prizes. Any prize or cash donation will be greatly appreciated. Most of our students are college-bound or service-bound and previous donations have included: gift certificates/cards, tickets to sporting events, concerts, or theatre events, t-shirts, alarm clocks, blankets, TV’s, dorm size items, small appliances, iPads, computers, and cash from $25 to $100. All donors will be recognized during the event and in Badin publications. Please consider a donation and mail or deliver by April 13th to: Badin High School- After –Prom 571 New London Road Hamilton, Ohio 45013 ATTN: Mr. DeAngelo/Mr. McCabe (class moderators) For further information, please feel free to call Mr. DeAngelo or Mr. McCabe at 513-863-3993. We greatly appreciate your interest to cultivate good, clean fun for our young adults. Sincerely, Prom Committee Badin High School Badin Athletics Geoff Melzer, Athletic Director To use the Kroger Community Rewards Program: BADIN’S NEW NPO NUMBER: 83743 ATTENTION PARENTS! DID YOU KNOW YOU MUST REGISTER YOUR CARD EACH YEAR FOR THE KROGER REWARDS PROGRAM? PLEASE DO SO AT YOUR EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. THANK YOU! • Register online at • Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up. • If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger. • Click on sign In/Register •New online customers must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the “New Customer?” box. • Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions. • You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email. • Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step. • Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number. • Update or confirm your information. • Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm. • To verity you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page. • Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count. Has your student athlete signed up with FinalForms as required? We are very excited that the Badin Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an on-line program which will enable you and your student to complete & file MOST athlete forms electronically. FinalForms is immediately available for all Ram athletes. The ONLY form that you are still required to actually print, complete, and file in the Athletic Department, is the actual OHSAA Physical form. The physical form must be completed by the doctor and by law we are required to have a signed copy on file. Once your student’s physical is received by the athletic department we will input the expiration date into FinalForms and then you will receive automatic notifications when your student’s forms need to be updated. Click on the Parent Registration guide to get started in FinalForms. This link is also available on the Badin athletic web pages. We are asking that ALL student-athletes (grades 9-12) use FinalForms. Even if your student’s current physical paperwork does not expire until after the new school year begins, please register @ now and electronically complete all the forms! Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork process in the Athletic Dept. PARENT REGISTRATION HOW DO I SIGN UP? 1. Go to 2. Click NEW ACCOUNT under the Parent Icon 3. Type your NAME and EMAIL and then click REGISTER 4. Check your Email and click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text NOTE: You will receive an email within 2 minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration. If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder. If you still do not see the FinalForms email, please email 5. Type your password and click CONFIRM ACCOUNT 6. You will be asked if you want to grant another Parent/Guardian access to your registered students. Either click SKIP THIS STEP or type Name and Email Address and click ADD PARENT ACCOUNT. 7. Your account will be created, you can then REGISTER STUDENT for your first child. REGISTERING A STUDENT WHAT INFO WILL I NEED? • Insurance Company & Policy Number • Hospital Preference • Doctor & Dentist Contact Information • Email Addressfor BOTH you and your student* HOW DO I REGISTER MY FIRST STUDENT? ***IMPORTANT*** If you have followed the steps on the previous page, you are already logged in. Jump to Step 3. 1. Go to 2. Click LOGIN under the Parent Icon 3. Click REGISTER STUDENT 4. Type your Student’s NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, DATE OF BIRTH, GENDER, HS GRADUATION YEAR and HOME ADDRESS and click CREATE STUDENT NOTE: The email address provided will be used to send reminders to your student. A student email address may or may not be required, depending on your school preferences. 5. Assign your student to a sport by clicking it's checkbox. Sports are separated by year, season, and registration deadline. Click UPDATE SPORTS after making your selection. NOTE: A sport selection can be changed anytime up until the it's registration deadline. 6. Complete each form and enter your full name (e.g. "John Smith") into the Parent Signature field at the bottom of the page. After signing, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form. 7. When all forms are complete, you will see a “Forms Finished” message. 8. ***IMPORTANT*** An email will automatically be sent to the email address that you provided for your student prompting him/her to sign Student forms requiring his/her signature. 9. If you are registering an additional student, click MY STUDENTS at the top of the page and jump back to Step 3. Most of the information, like home address and contact information, is automatically copied to your additional students. All forms for additional students will still require your signature. 10.In the future, you may login at any time and click the button to update information. BADIN FESTIVAL SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Choose Level “Premium” “Platinum” “Gold” “Silver” “Bronze” “Green” “White” You will receive the following for your support…* # of sponsors Recognition on all event advertising, promotions, etc. 1 4 5 7 10 15 20 Recognition at Entertainment Stage & on Drink Koozies sold Recognition at Festival Entrance (Entrance to German Village) Recognition at Entertainment Stage Recognition at the Poker Tent Beverage Booths ‐ 3ft x 2ft, or similar size banner Game/Attraction Booth ‐ 3ft x 1ft, or similar size color banner Costs $2500 $1000 $750 $500 $350 $225 $125 * Sponsors will also receive recognition in Badin’s newsletters, annual report, and sports programs Note: Deadline for sponsorships is May 15th in order to allow time to prepare items needed for the festival. Date: ____________ Gift Amount: ____________ Please enter your contact information below so we can confirm your contribution. Your Name & Title: Business Name: Business Address: Phone#: Email: Comments: Sponsors can register either online at Or complete this form and return to Badin. Checks made payable to Badin High School. Mail to: Badin High School, Attn: Festival 571 New London Road Hamilton, Ohio 45013 Questions? Contact Festival Sponsor Chairman: Dave Ernst, 513‐505‐5306, dave.ernst@fpp‐ Note: Stephen T. Badin High School is a 501(c)3 non‐profit organization. Your gift is deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Your business will receive a great deal of community exposure at this event!!! Special thanks to those who have already agreed to sponsor: Premium–thiscouldbeYOU! Platinum–anexcellentchoiceforyourcompany! Gold‐anothergoodchoice! Silver Bronze Green White Thanks again for your generous support of the Badin Festival! If you have are interested in becoming a sponsor, please contact Dave Ernst 513‐505‐5306 or dave.ernst@fpp‐ Badin’s Rams Rally Leadership Partner - $5,000 Premier Partner - $2,000 Executive Partner - $1,000 The Garden Path THE GARDEN PATH LANDSCAPE & CONSTRUCTION CHRIS RAINES ‘97 513‐757‐4244 Supporting750 - $ 750 Supporting250 - $ 250 John A. Clements, DMD Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 513‐887‐7027 Badin thanks the following businesses for their support. We encourage the Badin community to support them in return. For more information on Badin’s Rams Rally Corporate Partner Program, please contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing Communications – or 513-863-3993 x123. 7-15-2015 Stephen T. Badin High School Rams Rally Corporate Partners 2016-17 Partner Levels and benefits: Leadership Partner - $5,000 o o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x11 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Promotion on Badin’s social media pages – Facebook & LinkedIn Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Premier Partner - $2,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – large Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x6 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Executive Partner - $1,000 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – medium Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x4 months Logo/name on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting750 - $750 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, Logo – small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x3 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting500 - $500 o o o o Name and logo listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners, logo - small Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x2 months Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Supporting250 - $250 o o o o Name listed in Annual Report under Corporate Partners Advertisement (1/4 page) or logo in monthly parent newsletter x1 month Partner name listed on Corporate Partner page in Fall & Winter sports programs Feature on the ‘Supporting Badin’ page on Badin website Names will be listed under category of giving alphabetically. Corporate partners will be listed in the 2016-17 Badin Annual Report, published in the fall of each year. Parent Newsletters are sent via email in PDF format. Partner logos and web addresses will be listed. Sports programs are published for fall and winter sports seasons; a special Corporate Partner page will include logos/names as specified below. All support from corporate partners will benefit the Badin Grant Fund. Demographics: Badin has 540 students from 23 zip codes serving Northern Hamilton County, Butler County and SE Indiana. Facebook coverage: over 2900 Likes, Badin Alumni Page on LinkedIn. Corporate Partner Name (as it should appear)______________________________________________ Contact Name ________________________ Street Address ______________________________ City __________________________________ State ____________ Zip ____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________________ Please return to: Badin High School, 571 New London Rd., Hamilton, Ohio 45013 For additional sponsorship information contact Angie Gray, Director of Marketing Communications or 513-863-3993 x123 BADIN HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS AN EVENING OF MUSIC & FINE ART MONDAY, MAY 9 6:00-7:30 PM FITTON CENTER OF CREATIVE ARTS 101 S. MONUMENT AVENUE HAMILTON, OH 45011 SAVE THE DATE Attention all Men of Badin… 1 Annual st GUYS NIGHT OUT! “Celebrating Family, Faith & Friendship” May 12, 2016 5:30pm at the Hamilton Courtyard by Marriott Invite your dad, grandpa, uncle, godfather, or all of them! $25 / person Dinner, give-aways, raffles, and MORE! $ Cash Bar $ Special Guest Speaker: GERRY FAUST Legendary football coach at The University of Notre Dame and The University of Akron! Registration information will be emailed to Badin parents in March! Stay tuned… What a great way to spend an evening together! HAMILTON COME JOIN US! ROWAMERICA HAMILTON Youth ages 12+, Adults & Adaptive Athletes Try a new sport or fitness routine! Get outdoors and back in a boat! Come with a group of friends or meet new ones! Let our coaching staff help you reach your goals by joining one of our seasonal rowing programs. Learn to Row - Immersion Weekends - Racing Teams Summer Camps - Private/Group Lessons - Indoor CardioRow ROWAMERICA HAMILTON 330 North B Street Hamilton, OH 45013 513-892-4672 (boathouse) 513-642-9569 (office) March 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Badin Studio 2:35pm Board Meeting 7pm Fri Sat 4 5 Raffle out of uniform reward (if 100 tickets sold) SAT Buffalo Wings Fundraiser 5pm 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Badin Studio 2:35pm 1 Hr. Delay for Students 8:30am End of 3rd Qtr. DECA Mattress Sale 10am-5pm Dept. Chair Mtg. Palm Cross Orders Due Athletic Grade Check iBid for Badin Online Auction Begins-9am Raffle out of uniform reward week —-March 7th—11th————— > (if 150 tickets sold) Musical-Wizard of Oz-Mar. 10th—12th—7:30pm 13 14 Musical Wizard of Oz— 2:30pm Catham Mtg. 7pm DECA Mattress Sale 12-5pm 15 16 17 18 19 BLOCK DAY 2,4,3,1 BLOCK DAY 6,8,7,5 DECA State Shamrock Shuffle 5k/10k Badin Studio 2:35pm Art Field Trip Grandparents’ Day form due OGT Week—14th—18th———————> Junior Retreat—17 & 18—> 20 21 Palm Sunday / Holy Week Begins Opening Day Pep Rally 1:50pm Sched. #4 22 23 24 25 26 NO SCHOOL Badin Studio 2:35pm Good Friday iBid for Badin Online Auction Closes-6pm 27 Easter Sunday 28 29 30 31 Apr. 1 2 School Resumes Monday, 4/4 Badin HS - March 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 4:30 PM B V BB @ Mason High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B JV BB Mason High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B FR BB @ Mason High School (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G V SB Ursuline Academy (Scrimmage) 2:00 PM B FR BB Mason High School (Scrimmage) 25 26 20 27 21 22 23 24 4:30 PM B V BB Hamilton High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B JV BB @ Hamilton High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B FR BB Hamilton High School (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G V SB Harrison (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G JV SB @ Harrison (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B V BB La Salle High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B JV BB @ La Salle High School (Scrimmage) 4:30 PM B FR BB La Salle High School (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G JV SB Oak Hills High School (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G V SB @ Northwest HS Cincinnati (Scrimmage) 5:00 PM G JV SB Northwest HS Cincinnati (Scrimmage) 4:00 PM B JV VLB @ Fairfield High School (Scrimmage) 5:30 PM B V VLB @ Fairfield High School (Scrimmage) 28 29 30 31 5:00 PM B V BB Wyoming HS/MS 5:00 PM B FR BB @ La Salle High School 5:00 PM G V SB @ Carlisle High School 5:00 PM G JV SB Carlisle High School 5:00 PM B JV VLB @ Carroll High School 6:00 PM B V VLB @ Carroll High School 5:00 PM B V BB Talawanda HS 5:00 PM B JV BB @ Talawanda HS 5:00 PM B FR BB @ Talawanda HS 5:00 PM B V BB Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy 5:00 PM B JV BB @ Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy 5:00 PM G JV SB @ Colerain High School 5:00 PM B JV VLB @ Colerain High School 6:00 PM B V VLB @ Colerain High School 02/25/2016 Schedule Star 800-822-9433 11:00 AM B FR BB @ Mason High School 11:00 AM G V SB Wilmington High School 11:00 AM G JV SB @ Wilmington High School 1:00 PM G V SB Wilmington High School 1:00 PM G JV SB @ Wilmington High School February 2016 May 14, in the Pfirman Family Activity Center. The Hall of Fame Class of 2016 includes Ed Pate ‘67, Matt Kornau ‘79, Rick Cassano ‘82, Matt Chaney ‘92, Josh Streit ‘95 and Reba Sedlacek Thompson ‘02. In addition, the family of Ray and Carmella Minnelli Nichting ‘51 will be recognized as the Legacy Family. Reservations are $35 and may be made by calling Mrs. Sharon Adams ‘84 at the high school, (513) 863-3993, ext. 113, or by e-mail at Children 12-and-under are admitted for $20. It’s not too late to register for the Class of 2020 at Badin High School! Students have an outstanding experience at Badin and are well prepared for the adventure beyond Badin High! For more information, contact Dirk Q. Allen, the admissions director, at (513) 863-3993, ext. 120, or Come join the Badin family! Save the dates … the annual DECA Mattress Sale is the weekend of March 12-13; Badin’s student musical, “ The Wizard of Oz”, is set for Thursday through Sunday, March 10-13; Grandparents Day for grandparents of seniors and sophomores is Tuesday, April 12; Alumni Basketball is Friday and Saturday, April 15-16; and the annual Friends of Badin golf outing is Saturday, June 4, at Potter Park. Students are out for Easter Break beginning Good Friday, March 25, and return to school on Monday, April 4. Are you interested in hosting an International student for the 201617 school year? This is a tremendous opportunity to make a difference in a student’s life, have a valuable experience within your family, and be an important part of the Badin community. Monthly stipends are available from the host organizations. For more information, contact the Admissions Office at Badin. The annual Athletic Hall of Fame dinner is scheduled for Saturday, Seniors Conner Bryson (St. John Dry Ridge), Garrett Ernst (Our Lady of Sorrows) and Kelsey Hillard (Sacred Heart) have been named finalists in the annual National Merit Scholarship competition. They tested in the top 1 percent of all U.S. high school students in the competition and are now eligible for some of the $32 million in college scholarships that will be awarded by the National Merit Scholarship Corp. in the spring. Congratulations to 23 students who have accepted academic scholarships to Badin High School in the incoming Class of 2020 and will be members of the Scholar Leader Academy. The students earned scholarship offers based on their performance on the High School Placement Test in November, where they placed among the best in the nation among scores sent to Badin. Based on those outstanding scores, four 8th grade students were awarded full scholarships to Badin — Will Giffen (Mother Teresa), Nathan Hogan (St. Gabriel), Megan Siefert (St. John DR) and Max Smith (Queen of Peace). Other scholarship recipients headed to Badin include David Anthony (Mother Teresa), Lauren Barnhorn (St. Peter in Chains), Will Blanton (St. Ann), Caroline Castrucci (Queen of Peace), Colin Crank (St. Peter in Chains), Alex DeLong (Edgewood Middle), Jack Feenstra (St. Ann), Kevin Fehring (St. John DR), Emma Fritsch (St. Peter in Chains), Ellie King (St. Ignatius), Lyric Neyer (Lakota Plains), Robert Paxton (Sacred Heart), A.J. Rowland (Pleasant Run Middle), Adam Salek (Mother Teresa), Emily Sauer (St. Peter in Chains), Caitlin Savage (Lakota Plains), Kevin Spade (St. Joseph), Sophie Tischler (St. Peter in Chains) and Emma Wesner (St. Gabriel). The total value of the scholarships is more than $75,000 for the first year. Seniors Michael Nye (St. Peter in Chains) and Jack VanSteenkiste (St. Maximilian Kolbe) led the way as the Badin boys swim team captured its first-ever Greater Catholic League Co-Ed Division swim championship. The Ram girls, paced by junior Allison Schoster (St. John Harrison), also placed well. The future looks bright for the swim program under the direction of first-year head coach Emily Ferguson, who is the Engineering teacher at Badin and swam collegiately at the University of Evansville. Badin Student Council is proud to announce a donation of $295 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society after generous donations were received through the annual Penny Wars competition during Spirit Week. The Class of 2016 emerged as the overall Spirit Week winner. Senior Malia Berkely (Lakota Liberty) was named the Gatorade Ohio Girls Soccer Player of the Year for the second straight season. … Two Badin seniors have signed to play college football — Cody Boxrucker (Lakota Plains) at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Ind., and Zach Larkin (St. Maximilian Kolbe) at Indiana State University in Terre Haute, Ind. Both schools are part of the Football Championship Series (FCS) competition, formerly known as Division I-AA. Students of the Month for January 2016 were senior Kyle Ray (Sacred Heart), junior Allie Unger (St. Aloysius), sophomore Nick Eyl (Sacred Heart) and freshman Mia McDulin (Houston). Students are nominated and selected by a faculty committee based on making a difference in and out of Badin High School.
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