in thisissue - Corporation de l`industrie touristique du Québec
in thisissue - Corporation de l`industrie touristique du Québec
JUNE 2016 VOLUME 13 / NUMBER 2 IN THIS ISSUE DON’T MISS A NEW CHAIR OF THE BOARD FOR THE CITQ page 2 THE CITQ RECEIVES A NEW INSPECTION MANDATE page 2 Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec A LOOK AT THE AMENDMENTS TO LEGISLATION GOVERNING TOURIST ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS pages 3-4 A REMINDER ABOUT THE NEW CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TOURIST HOMES page 5 ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ON SIGNS AND BOX SPRINGS Follow us on Facebook and on line page 6 WWW.CITQ.INFO DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE NEW CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TOURIST HOMES? Consult the annotated guide in the operators-only section at Click on the question marks for useful details on the new classification criteria for tourist homes NEW CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA FOR TOURIST HOMES NOW IN EFFECT Major changes to the classification of tourist homes have now taken effect. These new criteria, approved by the Ministère du Tourisme, are the result of a broad-based consultation of both operators and consumers. This issue contains a summary of the main amendments. All operators have received a paper guide, in which each criterion is described by classification level. In addition, an online tutorial is available at (see the ad, opposite). See page 5 for the rest of the article. > LEGISLATION GOVERNING TOURIST ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS UPDATED Amendments to the Act and Regulation respecting tourist accommodation establishments took effect on April 15. These changes are intended mainly to clarify the concept of rentals to tourists, and to define a tourist. The new provisions also introduce an important change concerning compliance with municipal by-laws. In addition, the new Act considerably increases the fines for illegal accommodation. See inside for the rest of the article. > JUNE 2016 VOLUME 13 / NUMBER 2 Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD I was delighted to accept the position of Chair of the CITQ Board in March. I am taking on these duties at a time when the CITQ is facing many exciting challenges. The legislative changes to which much of this issue is devoted are a good example. The amendments to the Act respecting tourist accommodation establishments and its Regulation, which took effect on April 15, have a significant impact on the Corporation’s management and operations. That is also the case for the inspection mandate recently assigned to the CITQ by the Ministère du Tourisme. In addition to handling all aspects of the classification program for seven classes of establishments, the CITQ is now to play an even more active role in the fight against accommodation without a classification certificate. This is a major change in our very mission. Supporting the CITQ in applying these new responsibilities, while making sure that it has the resources it needs for its sound management and financial health, will clearly be one of the major tasks facing all of us on the Board all year long. Updating the classification criteria for bed and breakfast establishments is another task that will keep us busy over the next few months. As directors, it is our job to make sure the classification program is up to date, so that it continues to meet industry expectations while reflecting current trends and consumers’ constantly evolving needs. This is why one of the CITQ’s objectives is to contribute actively to the quality of tourist accommodation, in particular by offering a range of value-added services, such as its planning service. We will continue to support the Corporation in these efforts to help operators looking to improve their classification results. Lastly, in closing, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks in advance to everyone who will contribute to the success of the CITQ in the months to come. I also wish all tourism accommodation operators in Quebec a profitable year in all respects. THE NEW CHAIR OF THE BOARD AN EXPERIENCED MANAGER WITH AN INTERNATIONAL BACKGROUND On March 17, the CITQ directors elected a veteran manager with an international track record as Chair of the Board. Dominique Lapointe has nearly 30 years’ experience in the hotel industry, as General Manager of Le Méridien Phuket Yacht Club, Bora Bora Nui Resort & Spa, Le Méridien Piccadilly London and Le Méridien Ile des Pins, in New Caledonia. She has also worked in Jakarta (Indonesia), Bangkok (Thailand), Noumea (New Caledonia), Bali, Tahiti and Kuala Lumpur, in addition to serving as Sales Operations Director for Le Méridien hotels in the UK and Ireland. See the 2016 list of directors at INSPECTION DUTIES ASSIGNED TO THE CITQ The Ministère du Tourisme recently assigned the CITQ a new mandate: conducting inspections to fight illegal accommodation. Under the terms of the agreement, the CITQ will identify establishments without a classification certificate, inform the operators concerned of their obligations and forward the information necessary for follow-up by Ministère du Tourisme investigators on non-compliant operators. A special bulletin will be published in the next few months to explain the details of this new CITQ mandate and the steps to be taken to ensure its success. Have a great summer! Dominique Lapointe Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec LEGISLATION GOVERNING TOURIST ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHM Here is a summary of the main amendments to the Act and Regulation respecting tourist accommodation establishments, which took effect on April 15. A NEW PROCESS FOR CONFIRMING COMPLIANCE WITH MUNICIPAL BY-LAWS A MORE DETAILED DEFINITION OF THE CONCEPT OF TOURIST RENTALS Under section 1 of the Regulation, a tourist accommodation establishment is any establishment in which: • at least one accommodation unit is offered for rent, • in return for payment, • for periods not exceeding 31 days, • to tourists, • on a regular basis during the same calendar year and • where the availability of the unit is made public Operators no longer need to obtain a certificate confirming that they comply with local by-laws regarding land uses. This responsibility has now been taken on by the CITQ, which will notify municipalities of any new application for a classification certificate on their territory. The same applies for requests to change the class, type or number of units. Municipalities will have 45 days to oppose the application, after which the CITQ will pursue the approval process. WHAT IS A TOURIST? As defined in section 1 of the Act, a tourist is a person who stays at least one night outside his or her municipality of residence. This stay may be for purposes of pleasure, business or paid work. The accommodation service used may be private or commercial. WHAT IS A REGULAR BASIS? The interpretation guide for the new regulation issued by the Ministère du Tourisme specifies that an offer is made on a regular basis when it is constant or frequent and repeated. WHAT IS AN OFFER MADE PUBLICLY? The interpretation guide for the new legislation issued by the Ministère du Tourisme states that an offer is made publicly when it is published in an electronic or print medium, on a bulletin board, a website or any other advertising tool. For more details, see the interpretation guide (in French) at “ Close your eyes. “ SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN FINES FOR ILLEGAL ACCOMMODATION Anyone operating a tourist accommodation establishment without a classification certificate is now liable to a statement of offence and fine ranging from $2,500 to $25,000 per day for individuals and $5,000 to $50,000 per day for corporations. Make your guests more comfortable and avoid penalties. Get our 3- to 8-inch box springs. Quebec-made mattresses and box springs 1 800-315-4080 Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec MENTS UPDATED THE HOSPITALITY VILLAGE CLASS HAS BEEN REMOVED Hospitality villages, of which there were 11 establishments before the new regulation took effect on April 15, are no longer covered by the Act and Regulation respecting tourist accommodation establishments. MORE DETAILED DEFINITION OF THE HOTEL ESTABLISHMENT CLASS According to section 7, paragraph 1 of the new Regulation, the hotel establishment class is now defined as follows: Establishments that offer accommodation in furnished rooms, suites or apartments that have kitchen facilities, including reception and daily housekeeping services and all other hotel services. The underlining indicates the changes. ATTESTATION DE CLASSIFICATION PROVISOIRE NOM DE L'ÉTABLISSEMENT CATÉGORIE D’ÉTABLISSEMENT : Établissements hôteliers DATE D’EXPIRATION : 10 décembre 2016 La présente doit être affichée en tout temps à la vue du public durant sa période de validité et doit être remplacée aussitôt que l’exploitant reçoit le panonceau permanent qui suit la visite de classification. PROVISIONAL CLASSIFICATION SIGNS MUST BE POSTED Under section 14 of the new Regulation, provisional classification signs must now be conspicuously posted at the main entrance of the establishment or, in the case of a group of movables or immovables, in the location used to welcome or register tourists. A provisional classification sign is issued to a new establishment that meets the basic criteria, so that it can operate pending the classifier’s visit. ONLINE AT WWW.CITQ.INFO QUESTIONS ABOUT THE ACT AND REGULATION RESPECTING TOURIST ACCOMMODATION ESTABLISHMENTS? See the interpretation guide (in French) prepared by the Ministère du Tourisme at Quelles sont les catégories d’établissements d’hébergement touristique? Pour commencer, les inspecteurs vous accompagneront dans votre démarche en vous remettant un premier avis de sensibilisation et d’information afin de vous aider à : • Établissement hôtelier : hôtel, motel, auberge, etc.; • Bien comprendre vos obligations et vos responsabilités; • Résidence de tourisme : chalet, maison, appartement en copropriété, appartement en location, etc.; • Exploiter votre établissement en toute conformité; Guide d’interprétation • Centre de vacances : camp de vacances, etc.; • Obtenir votre attestation de classification. • Gîte : maison privée, propriétaire présent, petit-déjeuner inclus, maximum cinq chambres; Par la suite, si vous continuez à offrir de l’hébergement à des touristes sans avoir déposé une demande d’attestation de classification, le ministère du Tourisme passera aux prochaines étapes de sa procédure, décrite ci-après. de la Loi et du Règlement sur • Auberge de jeunesse : hébergement en dortoir ou en chambre, cuisine commune, service de surveillance; les établissements Traitement de l’hébergement touristique en • Établissement d’enseignement : université, collège, école offrant de l’hébergement aux touristes; non-conformité d’hébergement touristique • Établissement de camping : site pour tentes ou VR, prêt-à-camper (cabine, yourte, tout type de tente, tipi, igloo, roulotte, etc.); CHANGE IN THE VALIDITY OF A CLASSIFICATION CERTIFICATE FOR THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION CLASS Like those for other classes of establishments classified by the CITQ, classification certificates for educational institutions are now valid for 24 months rather than 48 months. • Établissement de pourvoirie : hébergement situé dans une pourvoirie; • Autre établissement d’hébergement : tout autre type d’hébergement offert à des touristes. Dépistage ou dénonciation mis à jour le 25 avril 2016 (Internet, plainte, etc.) Premier avis de sensibilisation et d’information (par courriel ou téléphone) Comment obtenir mon attestation de classification? Si vous exploitez un établissement hôtelier, un gîte, une résidence de tourisme, un établissement d’enseignement, un centre de vacances, Deuxième avis une auberge deAu jeunesse ou un autre établissement d’hébergement, Québec, quand vous offrez de l’hébergement à(par courrier) vous devez joindre des: touristes, vous devez détenir une attestation de • Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec classification : un panonceau Sans frais : 1 866 499-0550 qualité de l’hébergement offert. Site Web : indiquant le niveau de Troisième et dernier avis (par courrier) Si vous exploitez un établissement de camping, vous devez joindre : Pourquoi? • D’un site Web : Airbnb, Kijiji, LesPac, ChaletsauQuebec, • Camping Québec Chaletsalouer, HomeAway, Homelidays, etc.; Sans frais : 1 800 363-0457 Le Québec s’est doté d’une règlementation sur l’hébergement • D’une affiche placée dans une fenêtre, sur le terrain d’une Site Web : Visite d’un inspecteur ou d’un enquêteur en vue d’identifier touristique pour assurer : résidence ou d’un commerce; le lieu de l’infraction et l’exploitant Si vous exploitez un établissement de vous joindred’information, : • À la clientèle touristique : • pourvoirie, De brochures oudevez de dépliants etc.; (en personne) - Le niveau de qualité des installations et des services offerts; • Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec • Des réseaux sociaux : Facebook, Twitter, blogue, etc. - La sécurité grâce à l’assurance responsabilité Sans frais civile. : 1 800 567-9009 3. Mon offre de location est faite sur une base régulière. Par exemple, Sited’hébergement Web: • Que tous les exploitants d’un établissement Transfert du dossier au elle est soit : touristique sont soumis aux mêmes règles. Directeur des poursuites criminelles et pénales Pour toute information concernant les frais: qui et est lesconstante, conditions • Habituelle fréquente; d’obtention, consulter le site Web du ministère du Tourisme • Récurrente : qui revient, qui se répète; Est-ce que j’exploite un établissement d’héberge• Constante : qui présente un caractère de permanence, de si j’offre de l’hébergement Que se passe-t-il continuité ou de stabilité. ment touristique? Quelles sont les autres conditions à respecter? à des touristes et que je n’ai pas d’attestation de classification? L’hébergement touristique doit être permis par votre municipalité. Oui, si je remplis TOUTES les conditions •suivantes : Exemples d’offres faites sur une base régulière : Le ministère du Tourisme se chargera d’en faire la vérification; Vous êtes en situation de non-conformité et vous vous exposez à • J’offreassurez-vous une chambre à louer aux touristes dans résidence • Si vous êtes locataire de l’établissement, d’avoir recevoir unma constat d’infraction et vous faire imposer une amende : • Une ou plusieurs unités d’hébergement : principale de semaine; obtenu le consentement du propriétaire pour toutes faire deles la fins location • 2 500 $ à 25 000 $ par jour pour une personne physique; Une unité d’hébergement peut être une chambre, une suite, un touristique; • J’offre ma résidence secondaire à louer pour plusieurs semaines 1. J’offre en location : appartement, une maison, un chalet, un site pour camper ou un • Fêtes, 5 000 les $ à congés 50 000 fériés $ par jour les semaines desest vacances des et pour une personne morale. • Une assurance responsabilité civile en de été, 2 millions de dollars prêt-à-camper (par exemple cabine, yourte, tout type de tente, la semaine de relâche; obligatoire; N’oubliez pas! tipi, igloo, roulotte). J’offre un chalet à louer de courtes périodes pendant deux • La taxe sur l’hébergement devra •être facturée aux clients et pour versée mois consécutifs; • Tout hébergement qui affiche un panonceau est mentionné à Revenu Québec, tout comme la TPS et la TVQ, si applicables; • J’offre mon appartement en copropriété louer despromotionnel touristes surà le site àWeb du ministère du Tourisme Somme d’argent reçue pour la location d’une unité d’hébergement. • Les revenus tirés de la location devront déclarés, comme avecêtre un calendrier ouvert, le rendant disponible en tout temps.; • Pour des périodes (durée) de 31 jours et moins : quel autre revenu. n’importe Est exclu de la base régulière l’hébergement offert clientèle uniquement • Votre sera lors plus à l’aise pour réserver à votre établissement Par exemple à la nuitée, à la semaine ou à la fin de semaine. d’unmes seul festival ou événement touristique ou encore, un officiel du ministère du Tourisme; si elle voit pendant le panonceau Et si je ne connaissais pas obligations? • À des touristes : moment dans l’année où vous n’avez pas besoin de votre domicile ou • doit La clientèle internationale recherche et reconnaît la classification Si vous offrez de l’hébergement àde des touristes sans détenir l’attestation votre chalet. La publicité pour ces offres clairement démontrer Personnes qui voyagent au moins une nuit à l’extérieur de leur signalée parcette des étoiles; de classification requise,unle ministère du Tourisme enclenchera sa proque l’hébergement est disponible uniquement pendant périodeles standards de classification du Québec municipalité par agrément, pour affaires ou pour effectuer respectent les normes internationales. et une répétition publicité serait considérée comme régulière. cédure de traitement de l’hébergement touristiquede encette non-conformité. travail rémunéré et qui utilisent de l’hébergement privé ou • Contre rémunération : commercial. 2. Mon offre de location est rendue publique. Par exemple, par l’intermédiaire : • D’un babillard public; • D’un journal; Exemples d’offres faites sur une base non régulière : • J’offre ma maison à louer chaque année lors d’un seul festival; • J’offre mon condo à louer pendant mes vacances à l’extérieur; • J’offre mon chalet à louer durant la semaine de relâche. LITERIEHOTEL.CA Hospitality products available online New products: Sheets T - 300 Quote available online …Comfort first… JUNE 2016 VOLUME 13 / NUMBER 2 WWW.CITQ.INFO FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec TOURIST HOMES NEW CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA TAKE EFFECT* * reprinted from the September 2015 issue QUALITY GETS A MORE DETAILED EVALUATION DEMERIT POINTS ADDED FOR LACK OF CLEANLINESS AND UPKEEP 1 3 LATEST TRENDS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT 5 THE 2015 CLASSIFICATION GUIDE not only contains a number of new demerit points related to cleanliness and upkeep, but also more severe penalties for a number of them, such as mould, parasites and insects. In some cases these penalties can even lead to the loss of a star. Over 80% of consumer complaints received by the CITQ are concerned primarily with these three items. EVALUATING THE QUALITY OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT even more closely is another of the objectives of these updated classification criteria for tourist homes. The CITQ’s classification tours have shown that more and more tourist homes are offering high-quality materials and facilities for their customers, especially in the “Eating Area” and “Bathroom” sections. THE “EATING AREA” SECTION MORE IMPORTANT MORE EMPHASIS ON COMFORT THESE UPDATES WERE NOT ONLY BASED on a vast consultation, but also take account of industry trends for tourist homes in terms of both indoor and outdoor amenities. The CITQ visits specialized trade fairs and many manufacturers as one way of staying abreast of the latest trends. The updated criteria also reflect the observations made during the CITQ’s various classification tours of all Quebec regions. REMEMBER! 2 THE “EATING AREA” SECTION, formerly called the “Kitchen and Dining Room,” now carries more weight in the classification of a tourist home. In a 2011 survey of consumers and operators, the eating area was deemed the second most important section of the evaluation, just after bedrooms. THE NEW CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA for tourist homes will be applied over a two-year 4 period. Tourist homes visited in 2014 will be THE 2015 EDITION OF THE CLASSIFICATION evaluated on the basis of these new criteria in GUIDE for tourist homes includes many new 2016, while those visited in 2015 will not be criteria mainly concerning guests’ level of subject to the new criteria until 2017. comfort. A 2012 survey of over 850 consumers showed that adequate and sufficient bathroom fixtures and household appliances, bedding, bathroom linen and basic toiletries included in the rental, and entertainment electronics are all among customer expectations, in both urban and cottage rentals. JUNE 2016 VOLUME 13 / NUMBER 2 WWW.CITQ.INFO FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec INSURANCE ADVERTORIAL INSURANCE IMPACTS OF THE FORT MCMURRAY FIRES As Alberta is battling the terrible fires that ravaged Fort McMurray, we thought it would be useful to briefly summarize the repercussions of such disasters on you and insurers. Although the insured damages in Fort McMurray are considerable – estimated at $5 to $15 billion – insurers will be able to handle these claims, for the simple reason that they themselves have insurance coverage for losses due to catastrophes. It’s what is known as the “reinsurance market.” With this coverage, insurers protect themselves and avoid losses that could compromise their financial security, and yours. They will have to absorb part of the losses, as they do for every claim. Their exposure in the case of Fort McMurray may amount to $10 or $25 million, or perhaps more for the largest insurance companies. Although they fortunately do have the funds available to cover these losses, the share value is sure to take a hit and there is likely to be an impact on premiums. Airbnb Individuals renting out short-term accommodation through Airbnb must have a classification certificate authorizing them to do so. INVESSA has insurance programs tailored to their needs. Many of these individuals are unknowingly exposing themselves to risks that could compromise their insurance coverage. In recent weeks, we have received numerous calls for new establishments, and we have found that many people are uninformed about insurance and the potential impact of tourist rentals on insurance coverage. That’s why INVESSA is offering insurance solutions for many of them. Jean-François Trudel Vice-President, Operations 514 382-6560 1 800 561-6560 ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS Do I have to order a classification sign from the CITQ? NO... The CITQ orders the classification sign. First it must send the operator the establishment’s classification results, and allow 30 days for the operator to appeal them. The sign is usually sent out about 6 to 8 weeks after the classification results. Remember that the sign must be conspicuously posted at the main entrance of the establishment or, in the case of a group of movables or immovables, in the location used to welcome or register tourists. The sign bears the name of the establishment, its class and its classification rating. Are all kinds of box springs considered in the classification of bedrooms? YES... provided they are commercially made, e.g. models with springs or wooden slats designed specifically for this use. Sheets of plywood, melamine and other “homemade” bases are not acceptable. The lack of a box spring or other base is penalized by demerit points in the evaluation of the room. The experts consulted by the CITQ point out that box springs not only extend mattress lifetimes, but are also important for comfort. 1010 De Sérigny Street, Suite 810, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 5G7 LEGAL DEPOSIT 450 679-3737 1 866 499-0550 Fax: 450 679-1489 LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES CANADA, 2016 Publications mail number 40026257 ISSN-1710-2405 (PRINTED) BIBLIOTHÈQUE ET ARCHIVES NATIONALES DU QUÉBEC, 2016 ISSN-1715-2496 (ONLINE) PLEASE NOTE: The CITQ is not responsible in any way for the information in our contributors’ advertorials and advertisements, and they are in no way to be considered endorsements. Although these articles and advertisements are intended to provide you with useful information on operating tourist accommodation establishments, we recommend that you shop around and make the appropriate comparisons before choosing a product or service.