
Variety - the Children’s Charity 47 Herbert Street Artarmon NSW 2064
Stuart Telfer – P (02) 9819 1009 F (02) 9437 3588 M 0425 277 673
E stuart.telfer@variety.org.au Web www.variety.org.au/nswBASH
The days are really flying past, literally, as we gain momentum heading into our 2015 Variety Dick
Smith Bass Hill to Bunbury Bash!
We’ve had a busy month since our last Bash Bulletin which has included a 4WD Adventure survey, a
couple of fundraisers we were invited to and some general bits ‘n pieces that has kept us on our
toes! What about you? Anyhow, let’s go with this month’s news.
This week we celebrate National Volunteer Week which was established in 1989. National Volunteer
Week is the largest celebration of volunteers and volunteerism in Australia, and provides an
opportunity to highlight the role of volunteers in our community and to say thank you to the more
than six million Australians who volunteer.
Those six million Australian volunteers give happiness to others each year. And research says that
those volunteers are happier as a result. So this week, National Volunteer Week, help us make
Australia the happiest place on earth, by giving as much of your time as you can. Give Happy. Live
Here at Variety, we thrive and survive on the magnificent support we get from our volunteers.
Whether that be vollies at the Santa Fun Run, Children’s Christmas Party, Sydney Airport Christmas
Appeal or the Variety Bash where you excel the best – we love you all!!!
We say thank you to you all for donating your time to help us and YOU DO make a difference!
The previous article is a good Segway into this request – we need a handy man with a tool box
preferably on Wednesday but Thursday would be good too! We are moving a couple of offices
around here in Artarmon and we need some desks dismantled and then put together again.
If you can help please call Sally Ross on 9819 1016. Thank you for volunteering!!!!
More volunteers sought because the WOOLWORTHS FRESH COMMUNITY FAIRS are back and
bigger than ever! Come on down to be part of this fantastic, fun filled community weekend in stores
near you and raise $$$$s for your Bash fundraising this year!
This year’s Fresh Community Fairs will see Woolworths stores once more organising FUN filled
activities for their customers and staff to raise vital funds for Variety - the Children’s Charity. Over
one weekend, stores will be sizzling sausages, selling raffle tickets, shaking buckets and generally
putting the FUN into fundraising to help us provide practical equipment and support to children in
need across NSW and the ACT.
We need volunteers to get involved at their local Woolworths store. By taking part, you’ll be
contributing to one of Variety’s biggest weekends of fundraising – this is a chance to make a HUGE
difference - plus all the money you raise will be credited to your Bash fundraising total.
The Woolies team are really going the extra mile for Variety and need some extra help – you will
need to be available for between four and five hours on the Friday and/or Saturday and willing to sell
raffle tickets, shake buckets, sizzle the odd sausage and generally bringing fun and flair to the
store! We hope you can join us to make this as a successful weekend as possible for Variety!
Email woolies@varietynsw.org.au with your store request
as soon as possible to guarantee your spot.
Leila Aron, our Corporate Partnerships Coordinator, is
working part time with us to organise this and can be
contacted on these days and times, Monday/Tuesday 9.303pm and Wednesday/Thursday 9.30-5.30pm on 9819 1007
or 0414 473 939 or Leila.aron@variety.org.au .
The details again are;
Woolworths Fresh Community Fair in aid of Variety - the Children’s Charity
Date: 22nd and 23rd May 2015
What: one spectacular day of fundraising for Variety in every Woolworths store across the State
In a lovely ceremony at Government House recently, Beryl Driver OAM,
received her Australia Day honours award from His Excellency General
The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret' d), Governor of NSW.
The Bash Matriarch was awarded her honour for, “service to the community
through charitable initiatives.” Beryl was joined by her three children
Michael, Bruce and Stacey on the day. Congratulations again Beryl.
It was a shame you were only allowed three guests as I’m sure the string of
grandkids you have plus all of US would have loved to have been there too!
Whilst on Beryl Driver OAM, she and her Team of Mermaids conducted a magnificent fundraising
day on the isolated, beach holiday retreat of Currawong last week. Currawong Beach is located in
the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, on the western shores of Pittwater, and is only accessed by
The Mermaids chose the best day of the year to have their “day in the sun” especially following all
the rain and floods the week before. A great band of “Mermaid” followers were joined by some
Bashers, kangaroos, bush turkeys and a few other wild-life things around the place.
Beryl had her OAM medals and pins on display to which a very rude Duncan Ross suggested the
letters stood for Another Old Mermaid!!!!!!!! Shame on you Hippie Dunc!
I recently received a note from Tim Brasher, Dick Smith’s new Financial Services Manager, outlining
some changes to the terms and conditions to the Dick Smith card you have from us.
Tim, BTW, was a fantastic rugby league player for the Balmain Tigers mainly with latter appearances
for South Sydney and finishing his career as a North Queensland Cowboy! He played 244 club
games, 23 times for Australia, 21 times for NSW and six times for City V Country scoring 117 tries in
all forms of competition. Some of those against the Mighty Parramatta Eels!!!
Anyhow, besides all that, you can view the new Ts and Cs by clicking HERE.
To see the Dick Smith specials and to start using your Partner Discount Card click HERE and be
taken to their Online Store.
This fantastic photo of Brian and Sue Hoare, both Bashers
and 4WD Adventures, was taken at ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli,
on ANZAC Day when they were there for the 100th
Anniversary of the Landing at Gallipoli.
I was lucky enough to go there three years ago (not ANZAC
Day) and it is a day visit I’ll never forget. To have a Turkish
guide take us all over the Battle Fields and explain things to
us then see these stories re-enacted recently in so many
Gallipoli documentaries/films has been an additional
Congratulations to all the Bashers that might have visited
there for the 100th Anniversary Ceremonies. I know John and Meg Williamson were on a cruise ship
offshore too. A great part of our history and something we should never forget. Lest We Forget.
Our next M.E.I.N., is this, Wednesday night, May 13th, at the Gladesville RSL @ 4 Linsley Street,
Gladesville starting from 6pm. These nights are held on the THIRD Wednesday of the month – in
most cases. There are a few changes to that depending on certain circumstances.
This is one of those circumstances! Both Sally, Peter Hebbes AM and I will be away next week on
the NSW Bash starting in Newcastle next Sunday – hence this one is a week earlier.
For Virgins it is a great opportunity to talk to Bashers and mechanics about building or maintaining a
Bash car so make the effort to come along on these nights. We welcome Bashers, 4WD
Adventurers, friends and interested newcomers from 6pm.
And as customary, there will be a raffle on the night – and – as usual – we are scratching for prizes!
So if you have any leftover promotional items, un-opened Christmas/Easter/Valentine’s Day/Birthday
presents or anything, please bring them along to help boost the prize pool. Thank you in advance for
your assistance here. So look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night.
Please look at the Motoring Events Calendar in this Bash Bulletin and transfer all our event dates
into your diary so you are aware of the events and dates?
To see a full list of the M.E.I.N., and other Motoring Event dates click HERE.
We will have these details finalised by Wednesday and the announcement will be made at the
M.I.E.N., this week.
If you are planning on doing the Mini Bash only from Bunbury to Beagle Bay then there is an entry
fee of $4,000 plus provisions fee.
Should you pay the entry and provisions fee and then withdraw for any reason the entry fee
component will roll over to next year’s Bash entry fee but not the provisions fee. We make
arrangements and pay for caterers etc., and we can’t get that money refunded.
I’m pleased to announce that due to the amount of cars entering to go “north” to Broome from
Bunbury, we have made arrangements to hire a five tonne, Pantech truck. As there are no pallecons
on this truck I’m suggesting you purchase a plastic box from the “Dollar” type shops to keep your
goodies in. You will be responsible for your own goodies and there is no responsibility taken for the
care and security of your goods by Variety.
And who will drive it?!?!?!? Max Squires, once he finishes his commitment of driving the Dick Smith
Bash car to Bunbury, will become your truck driver! His very supportive “Bash Wife,” Robyn, will join
him in Bunbury and ride `Shotgun’ for him to Broome and then they’ll return the truck, at their leisure,
to Perth.
Max will probably `don’ himself in his Squaw outfit - leaving Robyn to become an Indian Brave!!!!!
Joe Cautela needs to close off his books on cars returning from either Perth or Broome and he is
seeking your assistance.
Joe is now seeking payment so he can book the rail carriages to get your cars home.
If you have been hiding under a rock and don’t know this information here are the prices;
Freight from Perth back to Sydney including GST is $825.00
Freight back from Broome to Sydney via Perth including GST is $1,520.00
He needs you to pay now – THIS WEEK – as he’s closing his books at the COB on Friday. His
banking details for payment are as follows.
BSB NUMBER: 112879
When making your payment please provide on the payment your car number as a reference, e.g. car
Please also send an email to joe@mbw.com.au to confirm payment has been done with all your
details including phone numbers, car registration, car number and car type, e.g. Joe Cautela,
0412448007, rego # ABC 123, car number 161, EJ Holden sedan. This will make it much easier for
him to cross reference everything.
Payment was due by the 2nd April and the transport company is now chasing Joe for the full payment
of all his bookings. For your own sakes – GET ONTO IT NOW!!!
Additional information;
Freight from Broome will be on open transport back down to Perth where the vehicles will be loaded
into containers and railed back to Sydney. Please note that the height restriction in the containers is
2.50 metres or 8 foot 2 inches. There are larger containers, but vehicles need to be unloaded in
Parkes NSW due to tunnel heights coming into Sydney. Bashers need to let him know if this is
required. No extra cost for this, but it’s no cheaper to have it dropped off in Parkes. Bashers will need
to collect it from there.
All vehicles need at least ¼ tank or more of fuel. Any starting instructions for vehicles with kill
switches, alarms or just hard to start must be supplied at the drop off time. Even run through it with
them. All items can be left in the vehicle’s cabin or boot. Nothing loose if possible on top. Driver’s
seat must be free at all times! All care taken but no responsibility taken for valuables.
Any other questions call Joe direct on 0412 448 007.
You will be joining the M5 South West Motorway from Henry Lawson Drive, heading west, so you’ll
need a toll pass or pre pay. Click HERE to do that.
Jim Boughton, one of our Mobile Workshops, will be driving home from Broome, with his beaut wife
and ex Basher Margaret, and he is going to do the famous Canning Stock Route on the way home.
This is a 4WD only track so Bash cars shouldn’t attempt it, but Jim is wondering do any of the other
4WD Official Vehicles want to join him on the journey home.
You see, it is so remote it’s safer in numbers! If you are interested contact Jim on 0419 621 744 or
email him on loafa@speednet.com.au.
We received an email from a lady who, with a lady friend, wishes to “hitch” a ride to Broome from
Bass Hill. Any spare seats out there? Then contact Helene Stevens at hmstevens@westnet.com.au
and that’s all the details I have so far.
Are now printed and will be available at this week’s M.E.I.N.
Rod “Brush” Baker from Reaction Design has printed and delivered the Door Panels. Rod is our
Bash signwriter and he can help you too with signage – big and small – on your Bash car.
So speak with Rod who can make your car look special. He can do door panel/windscreen numbers
all the way through to a full body wrap of your car. He did Bash 1, which looks really sharp – we’re
very happy. If you want to talk with “Brush,” call him on 0433 081 980.
Every year Sallymae Bailey and her Little Pigs Car 333 team put on a day where you can test your
Bash car under simulated Bash conditions. Join them on July 18 for their “Bucketty and Beyond PreBash Day Out.”
Test out your Bash car from Dural to Wisemans Ferry, St Albans (lunch) and Bucketty through the
“Watagans” and then back to Sydney.
Great trip for 'Virgin' teams and 'Virgin' team members to learn the UHF radio, test the brakes and
climb a few hills just after ChequePoint day (on July 12) and two weeks out from the Bash Start on
August 2.
When: July 18
Meet where: 8.30 am - Dural Village Car Park on Old Northern Rd and opposite Galston Road
Start when: 8.45 am - Departure
Note: Let us know - on Radio UHF Channel 20 - if you are running late!
Distance: From Dural to Wahroonga - 360 kms with a good variety of dirt and challenging roads.
Half day option: Leave after St Albans lunch, if you can't do the whole day (but the best dirt is the
* Note: This is not an official Variety event, come at your own risk.
Contact Sallymae on 0411 409 509 or email sallymae.bailey@gmail.com to confirm attendance.
Well I’m delighted to say we are starting this year’s Variety Dick Smith Bash from…….no hang on, I’ll
think I’ll do that on Wednesday night in Gladesville!
Day 3: Mildura to Port Pirie. Black ‘n White Day
Day 5: Eucla. Mediterranean (nee Greek) Night
Day 6: Balladonia. Stuart’s Sunset Soiree and WOW Games
Day 7: Wharton Beach. Triple’s Beach Carnival Fun Stop
Day 7: Esperance. Bash Idol Night
Day 8: Albany. Bash Black Tie Night
Day 9: Albany to Bunbury. Bad Hat/Beanie Day
Day 10: Bunbury. Final Night Dinner
Variety’s Motoring Events Team is pleased to announce that our second annual Charity Golf Day will
be held at Carnarvon Golf Club, Lidcombe on Friday 9th October next. We had a great day last year
with our kick-off golf day and we trust there will be plenty more to come.
I’ve met with the club hierarchy, including Board Member (and Basher) Reg Armstrong, where they
have again offered us a friendly hand and have kept all the prices the same as last year, including
the beaut dinner we had. Here are those prices;
Hole sponsorship is available at $2,000 + GST for four players including 2 x golf carts, 18
wonderful holes of golf, welcome sandwich, three course dinner and entertainment.
$165 for an individual player which will include welcome sandwich, soft drink, shared golf cart,
18 wonderful holes of golf and a three course dinner followed by a guest speaker/comedian
on completion.
$125 for an individual player which will include welcome sandwich, soft drink, 18 wonderful
holes of golf and a three course dinner followed by a guest speaker/comedian on completion.
(NO golf cart)
$75 for an individual player which will include welcome sandwich, soft drink and 18 wonderful
holes of golf. (NO golf cart or dinner included)
There will be, besides the main team prizes, nearest the pin and longest drive prizes and some fun
challenges on the par 3’s. We will be holding our usual, splendid raffle during the afternoon.
We do hope that you’ll enter a team and we look forward to a most enjoyable day and an even more
beneficial day for the children. Contact either of us, Sally Ross on 9819 1016 or me on 9819 1009.
Sally Ross, your Motoring Events Coordinator, is eagerly awaiting your entry forms which will help
massively with the planning of this year’s Bash and Mini Bash. You can now do your entry
ONLINE!!!! For Car Captains please click Here:
And if you are just a crew member coming along in someone else’s car then you need to click HERE
for the Car Crew form to fill out. https://variety.smartygrants.com.au/2015B2BBashCrewEntryForm.
Please – we’re not mind readers! Please go online and enter now!
I’m now approaching companies for products to include in our Bash ‘Goodie Bags’ if you have any
contacts for products that might be useful, fun, yummy or interesting to include please let me (Sally)
know. Depending on the product we will generally request 400 (for one per person) or 150 (for one
per car). Call me (Sally) on 9819 1016 or email me on sally.ross@varietynsw.org.au
I’ve also been approached by two Car Captains who are seeking to share a Pallecon. Those of you
that have one and have spare space, could you please let me know and I’ll put you in contact with
these two Captains. Thank you.
Colin Farr, from Actioncorp, our apparel supplier, is reminding you of the apparel cut off dates. One
is this week. There will be two ordering cut off dates which are;
1st cut-off date 13th May for despatch on 29th May.
2nd cut-off date 3rd July for despatch on 20th July.
You can also ring Colin on 8723 8600 and ask for additional embroidery if you wish, which he will
quote you for. So get in early and start wearing the gear!
The woman applying for a job in a lemon orchard in Gayndah, Qld, seemed to be far too qualified for
the job.
Given her arts and education degrees from Sydney University and her job as a social worker and
school teacher. The foreman frowned and said, I have to ask you this:
"Have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?" He asked.
"Well, as a matter of fact, I have!" She replied and continued.
“I've been divorced three times, owned two Fords, supported the Wallabies - and I voted for Julia
She got the job!!!!
I’m delighted to say we have planned our 2016 Variety 4WD Adventure and next year we’ll be going
on the Beach to Bay 4WD Adventure starting on Boambee Beach in Coffs Harbour and finishing at
Kingfisher Bay Resort on Fraser Island!
So if you are keen to join our Adventure, pack your bags and be ready to meet your fellow
Adventurers at the Aanuka Beach Resort on Saturday 2nd April. We’ll have a beaut dinner there
before taking off to the bush with the finish line at Fraser Island on Friday 8th April.
This is what we’ll be up to on our six days together;
Night one of our 2016 Variety Beach to Bay Adventure sees us meeting for our traditional Meet ‘n
Greet dinner at the tropical Aanuka Beach Resort on Saturday 2nd April in Coffs Harbour. We start
the following morning on Boambee Beach before heading into the hinterland of the “Coffs Coast”
where we’ll travel through Wild Cattle Creek State Forest!
As we drive through more tropical rainforests we move towards Guy Fawkes River National Park and
lunch. Good ol’ Guy was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed
Gunpowder Plot of 1605 in London.
Its then onto Glen Innes, the birthplace of cooking guru, Margaret Fulton. Speaking of food, we’ll
head out for dinner to Bens Falls which was a popular dining experience for us back on the 2010
Now we move onto Casino, a pleasant country town on the Richmond River which calls itself 'The
Beef Capital' of NSW and it is worth noting that over 120,000 head of cattle are sold at the Casino
Livestock Sales each year. It’s here you’ll have your Pizza night around the car park, something a lot
of you have been asking for - for a long time!
We leave Casino and climb over the McPherson Range taking on the challenge of the Levuka 4WD
Park. Then onto “Woodlands” at Marburg for the night. In 1870 Englishman, Charles Smith,
purchased the Woodlands land to relocate his nearby, thriving sawmilling business and by 1890, the
Woodlands mansion was completed and became the family home to Charles’ son Thomas and his
wife Mary along with their 11 children. Prepare for a ghostly, `Murder Mystery’ night over dinner!
After all that we are back on the track as we head to Gympie for the night but not before we pass the
infamous Wivenhoe Dam that was a focal point of the 2010-11 Queensland floods. We also visit
Landcruiser Park for some fun and lunch as we move closer to our final destination of Fraser Island!
From Gympie we head to Pelican Bay and the Rainbow Venture which will transport us from the
mainland over to the sandy beaches of Fraser Island. Fraser Island stretches over 123 kilometres in
length and 22 kilometres at its widest point. With an area of 184,000 hectares it is the largest sand
island in the world.
Fraser Island is World Heritage listed which makes it a precious part of Australia's natural and
cultural heritage. It is protected for all to appreciate and enjoy and we are there for two days and
nights staying at the Kingfisher Bay Resort where we’ll have our traditional Black Tie Dinner.
For 2016 a minimum figure of $6,605 (including a GST component) gets a vehicle and two people on
the event. This amount is made up as follows:
There is an Initial Donation $500 which is a non-refundable, tax deductible donation that will secure
your position on this exciting Adventure.
Then a Donation of $2,500. This is the minimum, fully tax deductible donation amount and must be
paid prior to the start.
A Provisions Fee of $3,605. This is your personal costs for two (2) people which includes GST and
does not count towards your fundraising total or come from your fundraising money. It is not tax
deductible and covers all accommodation, official meals, entertainment, merchandise and “Happy
Hour” gatherings. Pricing based on twin share accommodation.
Total $6,605.
For Single Supplement.
Donation $1,500: This is the minimum, fully tax deductible donation amount and must be paid prior
to the start.
Provisions Fee: $2,064. As above but for one person.
Single Supplement Total $3,564.
Now there are some advantages to booking in early this year. One of them is some superb
accommodation at Woodlands at Marburg. Magnificent old Mansion but the accommodation is right
alongside and some of it is executive style so first in will get the good rooms. Nothing wrong with the
other rooms, but they aren’t the executive ones!!!!!
So get into filling out your forms which are now available.
You’ll find our entry form for the Adventure by clicking this 2016 Variety 4WD Adventure.
Basher and Hippie, Duncan “Aquarius” Ross has had some Variety
cuff links made to sell off as a fundraiser! As you can see from the
photo they are good looking and a nice size. I have a pair which I like
wearing and can fully recommend them.
They come delivered singular packed in beautiful, clip locked plastic
bags! Just divine packaging and the perfect gift for someone who
wears business shirts - or they could be converted to ear rings!!!
The price? Too hot to mention here so ring Duncan direct on 0417 555 525. I do know there is a
deal for multiple purchases, so ring the Hip, Hop, Hippie now before they all disappear!
TEAM 4077
Are holding a motoring Show and Shine at “The Fiddler” Rouse Hill on 5th July. All Bash cars are
welcome @ $10 per entry.
Click HERE to see our flyer.
Kind Regards, Steve King, Team 4077.
Sharon White and Susan Power from car #24, our 4WD Adventure’s Highest Fundraising team for
the past three years, is off and running for next year’s Beach to Bay (Fraser Island) 4WD
Adventure with her Christmas in July Variety fundraiser on the 11th of July.
When: July 11th
Where: The Fiddler Hotel, Rouse Hill
Price: $80 per head which includes a three course meal and Entertainment and lots of dancing!
Contact: Sharon White M: 0416 119 746 or E: Sharon@agrifreshnsw.com.au
Always a great night out is Beryl Driver’s Palm Beach RSL extravaganza. Plenty of notice here to
ring and make a booking with her.
When: Monday 13th July
Where: Palm Beach RSL
Time: 7pm
Price: $40 which includes dinner and the entertainment
Contact: Beryl 0410 478 897 or Elyse Cole 0404 000 123
There will be a raffle and auction plus a beaut night with the Mermaids, other Bashers and Palmy
locals who are great supporters of the Bash matriarch!
Bags, Scarves & Jewellery Parties. Cash sales only. For Party Bookings Contact: Shirley (AKA)
Sandra 0438 651 172 or Laverne (AKA) Loraine 0412 565 601. All profits towards entry fee for Car
11 in the 2015 B to B Variety Bash
Following are the rules on how “goods in kind” or “contra” works within the Bash system in relation to
the entry fee and monies raised.
No Bash Entrant/Team is to offer a school, person or individual organisation their product as a Bash
“gift” and expect the Bash Office or Variety to agree to contra that product’s retail cost against their
Bash entry. The Bash Office must approve in advance of the event the product(s) that the entrant
wishes to be considered as contra towards their final figure. The same goes for us (Variety) for
products offered for the office use or for raffles and/or auction items.
Then - and only then - if accepted;
Contra arrangements may only be considered as counting towards funds raised if:
The first $8,500.00 is paid in real cash, i.e., you cannot contra your entry fees.
Contra dollars are only worth 50% of real dollars, i.e., if the Bash office accepts your
offer of contra (and please don’t work on the presumption we will) you provide us with
an invoice to the correct retail value and we will, on acceptance, put 50% of that invoice
total to your car number. A receipt can be forwarded to the supplying company for the
full value of the goods.
Goods only not services.
If you are entering as a team then before contra dollars are added to your total you
must have paid in real dollars the $8,500 in the multiples of cars in your team, i.e., two
car team needs to have banked $17,000 before any contra dollars are added.
You must have paid monies to the Bash office equal to, or greater than the value of the
category in which you have nominated by the date of the presentation, i.e., no “I’ll pay
you when I get back to Sydney!”
To qualify for a multiple car team award, all the cars must be presented in the same
theme and all the respective entrants and crews are attired in the same character/crew
To qualify for a multiple car fundraising team award, the multiple of the entry fee must
be achieved in real dollars, i.e., if it is a three car team then it is 3 x $8,500 = $25,500,
together with conditions of rule 2.
Variety ($17,000) and Sheridan ($25,000) are single car awards, not for teams.
Do you have any good ideas for fundraisers? Are you running an event as a fundraiser and you
would like local paper coverage? Let Aimee Meredith know at A Little Extra and she’ll assist you, if
you are chasing outside attendees, with local media. Aimee is at aimee@alittleextra.com.au
Also, if you just want to promote your car and crew, send some info to Aimee and she will get the
local paper to support your entry. Don’t be shy here – it’s a freebie!!!!!!!!!!!
We have a system in place that we have used successfully for many years and that is we take all
receipts to the Motoring Events Information Nights once a month for pick up. If you don’t attend the
M.E.I.Nights, then we mail them out once a month. We mail them to you not to the donors/sponsors.
We are now into a very busy time of the year for the Bash Office and some of you are requesting
receipts - for every cheque mailed in - straight away. I’m aware many of you are Virgins to Bashing
and may not be aware of the process, but that’s how it works.
So your understanding of the process is appreciated. Thank you.
Your Variety decal package this year includes the
aforementioned Door Panels plus front Windscreen Strip, Dick
Smith Electronics & Atomic 212° logo, Brydens logo, Variety
logo and Bash event logo. The new style (and compulsory) rear
window number decal as shown in the picture of Bash 1, you
should still have on your car. Additionally there is the
“VARIETY BASH YA GOTTA DO IT” sticker for the rear
window, which you should have from last year also. If you don’t
have that one, we’ll provide that to you at the ChequePoint day
on Sunday July 12th. If you have lost your special rear window
number that will cost you $25 to replace it. Virgin entries will have theirs supplied FOC.
For Virgins to get all this FOC you need to have THAT paperwork (entry form and $500) in by the 1st
May. If not the new compulsory rear window number will cost you $25 to have it produced as a one
If you are coming up to 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years of Bashing this year, you need to let us know in
the office. It is up to you to inform us and if you don’t – and – on the night you don’t get your
certificate, then don’t blame us!!!!! Is your name missing and have we received your entry form yet?
Below is a list of Bashers who have nominated so far, if your name is not on this list, get on the
phone to Sally Ross on 9819 1016.
Car #
Certificate First Name Surname
Hebbes AM
I’m now working on the Bash Bugle for 2015 and have started planning the car pages. Just a
reminder, we are putting in photos of cars that have ENTERED with paperwork in Sally’s hands! No
paperwork, no photo and the cut off for this is June 12th.
And still on the Bash Bugle, I have three pages available for paid advertisers. If you would like to
promote your company and or your sponsor might like to see his name up in lights, the cost is $1,000
+ GST with artwork supplied by you. The specs are basically A4 plus bleeds in full colour.
Any questions please call me on 9819 1009.
Are you looking for new ways to increase your Bash funding? Are you keen to get your work
colleagues involved and supporting the Variety Bash?
We’re here to help! The Variety Corporate Partnerships team is happy to talk to your work place
about how they can help sick, disadvantaged and special needs kids and help secure funding for
YOUR Bash car! We can work with you to look at what may/may not be appropriate and the best
This is an ideal opportunity to introduce Variety Work Place Giving to your company where everyone
is a winner. All money raised from your work place will be credited to your Variety Bash car.
Work Place Giving in Action
You may not know this but the Tyre Right HT Holden # 7444 on the Bash is crewed by workers from
the tyre giant who are part of the company’s Work Place Giving program and all the contributors go
into a “lucky” draw to win a seat in the company Bash car! It’s a great employee engagement
initiative and has been a very successful fundraising initiative for the Tyre Right Bash car.
Work Place Giving allows employees to make regular donations to a deductible gift recipient such as
Variety. Donations are deducted from employees’ salaries before tax is applied (hence reducing their
taxable income).They are then entitled to an automatic tax deduction, whilst Variety gets the full
amount donated.
Benefits of Work Place Giving
Employer Benefits
• Demonstrates commitment to supporting the community
• Enhances corporate reputation
• Builds employee morale & loyalty
• Assists with employee attraction & retention
• Cost effective method of giving
• Builds stronger business & partnerships through community giving
• Simple, streamlined administration
Employee Benefits
• Simple way to give, as donations are made each pay cycle
• Tax benefit is provided when the donation is made (pre-tax)
• Effective giving option for time-poor employees
• Donations can start, change or cease at any time
• Feels good to support communities in need
The Variety team would like to support your Bash fundraising efforts by engaging with your employer
(or your company) to participate in the Variety Work Place Giving program and have all proceeds
raised in your work place included in your Variety Bash Car’s fundraising total.
Again, just think, car 7444, the Tyre Right car, is fully entered on planned work place giving
To get involved or ask for more information, contact Kerry on 9819 1021. What we’re kindly asking
from you is to support your fundraising efforts with your permission. We would like to find out whom
you work for and whether you would be happy for Kerry to approach them with you (or without you if
you prefer). Please be assured that we will not approach any employer without your direct approval.
To help us to help you, we would appreciate it if you would send a quick email to
workplacegiving@varietynsw.org.au with the following details:
Your Name:
Your Phone number:
Good time to remind you what compulsory decals are required and positions they must be put in.
DOOR PANELS: You receive two (2) door panels which are to go on
the front driver’s and front passenger’s doors. The door panels MUST
NOT be cut and put side x side. They can only be cut to go top and
bottom of a protective strip on the door. You will also receive two (2)
Dick Smith & Atomic 212° and two (2) Brydens decals (the event
sponsors) for each side of the car which are compulsory. Additionally
there are two (2) each of the Variety and Bash event logo decals
which we’d like you to put on either side also in a suitable position.
WINDSCREEN STRIP: You receive one (1) windscreen strip for the
front windscreen and it should be placed as shown. Your car number
has to be placed in the top right hand corner just under the
windscreen strip. These numbers are to be white and are a minimum
of 10cm or 4 inches in height.
REAR SCREEN: (New entrants) You receive a rear number “plate”
which is to go in the top right hand corner as shown. This number
plate cannot be cut up and placed elsewhere on the car. It can have
the corners shaped to fit the screen. The VARIETY BASH YA
GOTTA DO IT decal has to go on the back screen also – top or
bottom of the screen it doesn’t matter. The UHF 20 decal should go
on the screen also at the bottom right of the screen. PLEASE make sure your revolving orange lights
are not blocked by any items or racking and can be clearly seen from the BACK!
OPTIONAL: MY OTHER CAR (bumper) and follow the Bash at decals are
optional but we’d like to see them on the car please.
For Virgin Teams we will supply the initial Rear Window “number plate”
F.O.C. For those that got them last year, if you need to replace it, that will
cost you $25.
We thought we should re visit what you can and can’t say in your flyers/invitations and raffle tickets
etc., as the fundraising season is also about to start for you! With Virgin Bashers signing on we need
to let them know and remind you about the rules of using the Variety logos etc. You can use the
Bash logo (as seen on the front page of the Bulletin) with your fundraising literature but you
CANNOT use Variety’s logo with the Heart and Hat on its own. There are two versions of a combined
Variety/Event Logo which we have developed for you (pictured) but you can’t split it. If you can’t get it
right, we won’t be putting it up on our web site.
The available logos are available from the Bash Office and should be used in all fundraising
promotions and on all printing and advertising material (raffle tickets included). It is imperative that
your car number is the main feature of the title. Then, and only then, should you mention that Variety
is the beneficiary of your particular fundraising activity. Here are some examples you can use;
CAR NO. 999
Raising funds for the Variety B to B Bash 2015
CAR NO. 999
Raising funds for Variety’s “special needs children” through the Variety B to B Bash 2015
CAR NO. 999
… an entrant in the Variety B to B Bash 2015
CAR NO. 999
… an entrant in the Variety B to B 2015 Bass Hill to Bunbury Bash
If in any doubt about this please do not hesitate to contact me at the office as it’s extremely important
we play to the rules of the land regarding charities. And please don’t change its shape either!
We ask Car Captains or Team Leaders to double check their helpers that they are getting it right.
Thank you. Send Sally an email and she’ll forward the logos to you, sally.ross@variety.org.au
Sometimes we are asked for an Intention to Donate to Variety Invoice which is we – on behalf of
you – send to a company you may be dealing with a form for the agreed sum of money they have
promised you with payment details. We are unable to produce a ‘Tax Invoice’ for a donation, but this
form is the acceptable alternative for most companies. It’s simple for us to do and all we require is
their details – such as contact name, company name, address and the amount.
Call Sally Ross on 9819 1016 for further advice.
If you go to the entry form for 2015’s B to B Bash you’ll see where you need to tick what you consider
your entry to be. Following some confusion we have made a simple change which should be easy
for everyone to understand. Check these out and see where you can earn trophies for your
Single car Entry, non-Corporate – First trophy available = Variety Cup $17,000
Single car Entry, Corporate - First trophy available = Variety Cup $17,000
Multi car Entry, non-Corporate - First trophy available = The Catherine Trophy $75,000
Multi car Entry, Corporate - First trophy available = The Catherine Trophy $75,000
Any single or multi car entry, corporate or non-corporate car(s) = Platinum Tray $100,000
Cars can be entered into the Bash as a single car entry or a multiple car entry. Minimum Entry Fee
for each car is $8,500 and this allows up to a maximum of four (4) people. If a vehicle carries more
than four (4) people then an additional $2,500 per extra person is required to be paid.
To be considered for trophy recognition as a multi-car corporate (or even a non-corporate) entry, the
cars should all be of similar colour and design with the crew wearing the same clothing. Each car in
the entry shall pay a minimum of $8,500. A single car with corporate sponsorship can enter as a
Corporate entry also.
Remember from above, if you enter as a multi-car entry then the first available money trophy for you
is the Catherine Trophy for raising $75,000 +.
There are no trophies for speeding or special timed sections as they don’t exist on our Bash. The
Bash is not a race or a rally but rather “a drive in the Outback with a few mates” – so if speed is what
you are after, then you may need to look for another event! We do however, acknowledge and
reward teams for their fund-raising abilities. The following fundraising trophies are up for grabs;
$17,000 The Variety Cup (Individual car entry and named after the charity)
$25,000 The Sheridan Trophy (Individual car entry named after Catherine Variety Sheridan.
Catherine was the baby left in a box at the Sheridan Theatre on Christmas Eve, 1928)
$33,000 The Brut 33 half Cup (Individual car entry. This trophy was originally presented by the
Chairman of the Variety Bash back at the beginning, John Waterhouse, who was the importer of
Fabergé products and the deodorant, Brut 33, was one of those products. So John presented every
car that raised $33,000 with the Brut 33 Half Cup – and – if you doubled that amount you received
the next trophy, the Brut 33 Full Cup. It’s a tradition we still carry today.)
$66,000 The Brut Full Cup (Individual car entry, as explained above)
$75,000 The Catherine Trophy (For an entry of two or more cars that are colour themed together
and entered as a team. This trophy named after the baby left in the theatre - as explained in the
Sheridan Trophy.)
$100,000 Platinum Tray Award (For an individual car or multi car entry that raises in excess of
Chairman’s Trophy (Named after the Motoring Events Chairman for the highest individual
fundraising car)
Chief Barker’s Trophy (Named after the Chairman of the Tent 56 board for highest, non-corporate,
entry fundraising car
B to B Cup (For highest fundraising corporate entry – single or multi car entry)
For some fabulous On Line Offers from Dick Smith click HERE http://www.dicksmith.com.au/. Be
quick some are for today only so don’t miss out!
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and
drink whatever comes out?"
That’s all I have for you at the moment but if you have anything you’d like inserted into the next BB
don’t hesitate to send it in to me at any time. Do you have any fundraisers planned? Let me know.
And as always, please feel free to contact Sally or myself at any time if we can assist you in any way
in your endeavours to join us on this year’s Bash. And remember, we are only a phone call away to
help. BUT remember, we are away next week on the NSW Variety Bash.
Motoring Events Manager
M 0425 277 673
Your Motoring Events Committee is; Peter Hebbes AM (Chairman), Jack Cannons AM, Gordon
Cooper AM, Sally Ross (Motoring Events Coordinator) and Stuart Telfer (Motoring Events Manager)
For Sale - New Brantz 2s trip Meter, digital display, Overall distance, interval plus very accurate
Speedometer plus display Speed average. With remote reset attachment. This is the upgraded
model, was going to replace my Brantz 2 but couldn’t be bothered. $500.00
Also, Auto Pro thermostat temperature gauge, used but working fine, very accurate temperature
display. $50.00. Call Rocky 0437 933 737 or email for Pics or further information
The Bash office is constantly getting enquiries from new entrants about cars that are available for purchase. If
you’ve got a car for sale, please forward the details to the office. If you’ve bought or sold one of these cars, also
contact us. These are bought “As is” and have not in any way been viewed by the Bash Office and the Bash
Office cannot be held responsible for any part of the transaction should one take place.
CAR 71 is a 1971 ZD Fairlane 500 sedan. White in colour this
car contains many extras. Engine 302 Windsor freshly rebuilt. It
has a 1994 mustang block converted back to carburetted.
Backed up by a t5 manual American mustang gear box lsd rear
end. Dual fuel tanks working on switch on dash. Suspension
lifted front end and airbags on rear. Exterior alloy bull bar. Bash
plate 2.4m long from bull bar back, driving lights, dust lights both
amber flashing on roof and clear pointing to the rear. Interior 4 bucket falcon seats with 4 point
harness seat belts, 6 point padded roll cage. Uhf radio, trip meter, custom dash board and more.
This car has been a great car with plenty of power and lots of comfort and is ready to go. Only selling
due to not getting used. Contact detail Graham Saxby 0409 324 523 email saxby7@bigpond.net.au
Car 78 is a 1974 Ford Fairlane that was a Virgin Bash car last
year. The car has been donated to Variety by its owners, CHU
Underwriting Agencies Pty Ltd, for us to sell with the money
going to Variety. Thank You CHU! The car comes “as is” and
there is no report that goes with it. The previous owner says, “It
never had a breakdown or a flat tyre on last year’s Bash!” The car
requires flashing orange lights, UHF radio and possibly a new diff.
It ran out of rego on the 4th of this month. The car can be seen at
Joe Cautela’s Multi National Body Works at 146 Great North Road, Five Dock. If you want to discuss
the car you can call Joe 0412 448 007. Asking price $5,000. For purchase you ring me, Stuart Telfer,
on 0425 277 673.
1974 Ford Falcon station wagon. 4.1 crossflow motor, 4 speed
gearbox, Air bag over leaf spring suspension, large roof rack, and
with all the needed accessories required for a bash car except for
the trip meter. It comes with 2 spare wheels, 2 spare axles, 2 jerry
cans, spare belts and hoses, cargo barrier and alloy bull bar. Will
be sold with approx 5 months rego. $8000 ono, call Bill M:
1960 Tank Fairlane Station Wagon. It has four bucket seats, re
built engine and diff and plenty of more things done to it. The owner,
Dean Blaschke has done Victorian, South Australian and Northern
Territory Variety Bashes and it comes with the rego plates BASH 93.
He wants $10,000 ono and you can ring Dean on 0432 321 749.
1970 HG Brougham
New 350 Motor, 5 speed Box, 100 litre auxiliary tank, full roll cage
and harness. Tried and tested.
Price: $18,000. Contact Ken Todd: Phone 0411 885 006, Email:
1974 model 450 V8 Mercedes Benz. It has been Bash readied and successfully completed the
2011 Bash from Sydney to Broome. It comes with a Terra Trip distance meter and some spares.
Currently housed at Laurieton. Price: $7,000.00. O.n.o. Contact: John Sykes
0408849590. john.sykes@bigpond.com
1967 HR Premier – fully customised for Variety Bashing. The
car has had over $20,000 worth of work in the last 2 years alone
(there is an endless list of new, modified, and spare parts –
details of mechanical work can be provided). Participated in the
2013 and 2014 SA Bash with no issues.
There is literally nothing to do other than to apply your own
sponsor’s stickers. The servicing and mechanical works have all
been conducted by a reputable local mechanic. Seriously, this
car is ready to go. No work required. Car located in SA. After a serious offer. Contact: Heath Boyle
0409 197 779, Email: admin@urbanfxbps.com.au
1970 Mercedes Benz 280S. This vehicle was set up by Frank
Lowndes (father of Craig) a very experienced engineer. The car has
amazing handling ability while still giving the comfort of a floating
lounge room. The car has completed a couple of bashes and is
currently located on the Gold Coast. The car has a new
transmission fitted before the last event, and includes a new
radiator,14” wheels with rally tyres with 2 spares, UHF Radio, a
terratrip meter, extra stainless steel fuel tank, stainless steel air
tank for operating the horn, led flashing lights with a speaker through them and 6 different
emergency sirens. No rust in body work but engine needs some attention. Currently unregistered.
Price…$7,500. Contact Roger 0412170028 or email karen@kazro.com.au for more information.
1970 ZD Fairlaine. Basher Tracey Rex from our NSW Bash has a
friend’s road car for sale. It’s a 1970 ZD Fairlaine for sale and she is a
beauty. If I had the spare cash I would buy her. Min rust, runs well, was
driven from Vic without a glitch. 302 Winsor V8, power steering, Good
upholstery, auto and very straight for its age, can supply more pictures.
Contact: Pete Godden 0448350354 or Tracey Rex 0429936740 Price:
$9,800 o.n.o.
Wednesday February 18
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Saturday May 7
4WD Adventure Start
Saturday March 14
4WD Adventure Finish
Lakes Entrance Vic.
Wednesday March 18
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Wednesday April 15
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Wednesday May 13
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Saturday May 17-23
Newcastle Bash Start
Wednesday June 17
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Sunday July 12
ChequePoint Day
HEARTLAND Motors Castle Hill
Wednesday July 15
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Saturday July 18
Bash Meet ‘n Greet
Saturday July 18
Official’s Meeting
Sunday July 26
Final Paper Work Day
Bash Bunker Artarmon
Saturday August 2
B to B Bash Start
Bass Hill
Tuesday August 11
B to B Bash Finish
Bunbury WA
Wednesday August 12
Bunbury to Beagle Bay Start
Bunbury WA
Monday August 17
Bunbury to Beagle Bay Finish
Broome WA
Saturday October 17
B to B Bash Reunion
Canterbury Hurlstone Park RSL
Friday October 9
Variety Bash Golf Day
Carnarvon Golf Club
Saturday October 10
4WD Adventure Reunion
The Chunksters @ Cranebrook
Sunday November 1 to 6
Postie Bike Dash
Wednesday November 18
Motoring Events Information Night
Gladesville RSL
Wednesday December 9
Motoring Events Christmas
Information Night (MEIN)
Gladesville RSL