The Italian American - Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast
The Italian American - Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast
The Original “The Strong Voice” The Italian American Originators of “Festa Italiana” in Florida Social Club at Palm Coast, Florida 45 Old Kings Road North ~ Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ~ 386-445-1893 Visit our website: Charter Member F.F.I.A.C. Member ITALIAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB December/Decembre 2012 Volume XXXVIII, Issue #12 “StrollIn’ to tHE olDIES” In this issue: President’s Message ...... 2 Upcoming Events .......... 5 Birthday/Anniversaries... 3 Health & Welfare ........... 4 pUt on tHoSE “BlUE SUEDE SHoES” AnD GEt rEADY to “roCK AroUnD tHE CloCK” on SATURDAY, JANUARY 12, 2013 “tHAt’ll BE tHE DAY” Pot of Gold ..................... 4 Heritage ......................... 4 Boosters ......................... 6 Advertisers ..................... 7 Menu ............................ 11 Calendar ...................... BC* *Back Cover ~ MENU ~ GARDEN SALAD ANGUS ROAST BEEF WITH GRAVY MASHED POTATOES AND GREEN BEANS BREAD BASKET ICE CREAM SUNDAES AND ASSORTED COOKIES MEMBERS: $24 NON-MEMBERS: $27 GRATUITY INCLUDED MUSIC: PHIL FARINO DrESS: CASUAl or 50’S AttIrE DOORS: 6PM; DINING: 6:30PM; DINNER: 7PM tHIS DAnCE IS BoUnD to BE A “HIt” YoU’ll BE “All SHooK Up” IF YoU MISS It!! 1 The Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast Message from the President HAPPY HOLIDAYS! The season is upon us already! Where did this year go? Seems like the time goes much quicker lately! Our fashion show was fabulous. We made $302 on the sale of the clothing and $1247.73 profit. We will have a very busy December with outside parties and our normal Tuesday and Friday nite functions. Finally a Festa with NO RAIN. The raffle winners were: $1500, Sal Pasalaqua; $750 Keeto Big Mountain and $500 , Maryann Polidore. Congratulations to all winners. Also a huge thank you to ALL the volunteers who donated their time. Thank you to Mike and Maureen DeGiulio for taking this on again. And thank you to Jeanne and Randy Meyer for selling all those raffle tickets! On January 12, 2013 we will have a “Strollin to the Oldies” dinner dance. Tickets go on sale December 11th. Info on the bulletin board outside office. Dues will be collected starting December 1st. Ask your friends and neighbors to join us. You will be awarded with a $25 gift certificate. Our newsletter will now be created in house. Please be patient as we are starting from scratch!!! In closing, Please be kind and respect one another. We all come here to have fun. LIFE IS SHORT, LET’S ENJOY IT. Your President, Lois Big Mountain 2 June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013 December 2012- Birthdays and Anniversaries Italian American Social Club Buono Compleanno! Happy Birthday June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013 Italian American Social Club Executive Board Members President Lois Big Mountain 586-5814 cell 986-6094 Vice-President Pete DiGuilio 445-6745 cell 931-1510 Secretary Anita Sanguinetti 445-4361 Treasurer Al Saccavino 673-7803 Directors Lou Barletta 931-6205 Chuck Buglione 868-9028 Jerry Esposito 986-3965 Joe Minotti 445-7952 cell 586-8082 Joe Renzo 864-7529 Bob Thomas 586-1295 Chef Tony Mongone 503-9432 Standing Committees Building/Grounds By-Laws/Rules Charities/CommAffairs Election Roseanne Vastano Grievance Joe Jaworski Health & Welfare Patricia Dino Heritage Jane Aulicino Membership Marie Galluccio Newsletter Publicity Scholarship Daria & Perry Troina Bereavement Bingo Door Greeter Volunteer Coor. Web Manager Webmaster/Host Chaplain Festa Finance 50/50 Banquets Parliamentarian Pot Of Gold Sergeant at Arms Social Director Vegas Night Line Dancing 3 445-7670 386-492-3865 446-4757 904-471-7091 447-6614 445-3715 Select Committees Cathy Irene Pat LaCorte Marie Luke Carol Minotti Bella Ammirata Sandra Ostresh Joe Sermarini 446-8019 446-0555 cell 503-4636 445-7214 445-7952 445-9633 447-4874 445-3729 Appointed Positions Mario Dino Mike DeGuilio ` Frank Morelli Felicia Donato Liz Piettro Connie DiGuilio Nick Mondello Jenny Martin Claudia Miller Ben Locastro Mickey Logemann M & G Logemann Jenny Martin 446-4757 447-3634 445-5924 445-5117 446-1976 cell 503-9873 931-3481 447-8140 446-2218 446-8364 437-5835 585-4526 585-4526 446-2218 01 William Martone 02 Carole Arneson 03 Linda Iorlano 03 Marie DiCroce 03 Rose Schneider 04 Roxanne Cesaro 04 Phil Farino 04 Marie Galluccio 04 Christine Passiglia 04 Adam Gronczenski 04 Al Saccavino 05 Mary Siegfried 05 Bradley Sanguinetti 06 Sandra Ostresh 06 Raymond Colandrea 06 Michael Messina 07 Kenneth McNamara 08 Mary Lombardi 08 Janice Martin 08 Melanie Bolling 08 John Miller 08 Patti Wenom 09 Maryann Appignani 09 Diane Lewandowski 09 Anthony Rizzo 09 Vincent Vigilante 09 Viola VanGorden 10 Edward Clark 10 Barbara Fanelli 10 Sara Traviglia 13Agatha Montelione 13 David Smith 14 Frank Ruby 14 Roy Tavares 15 Michael Angelo 15 June E. Paci 15 Carl Solazzo 16 Paul Mele 17 Jeanette Loglisci 18 Mary Lombardi 18 Henry Wolkowski 18 Lawrence Truglio 19 Dominic DiGirolamo 19 Connie Feola 19 Diane Lewandowski 19 Frank Santora 19 Anthony Vastano 19 Charles Mondello 19 Marty Siegel 20 Mary Montarelli 20 Christina Schimenti 21 Teddy Merendino 21 Edward Miller 22 Richard Bargellini 22 Greg Hansen 22 Samantha Howell 22 Jean Rodenbaugh 23 Maria Beauchamp 23 James DeZego 24 Frank Tuscano 26 Joan Guy 26 Bruce DeGraaf 26 Larry Madama, Jr 26 Anthony Maltese 26 Rose Todisco 27 Dennis Dougherty 28 Mickey Logemann 28 Susan Miller 28 Richard Tilelli 29 Peter Loprete 29 Robert Thomas 29 Maryann Montalbine 30 Robert Maseroni 31 John Lydon 31 Jeff Shepherd Felice Anniversario! Happy Anniversary! 04 Fred & Barbara DePietro 07 Pete & Connie DiGiulio 10 Joseph & Jennie Petrozella 15 Frank & Louvelle Hoffman 16 Bill & Edie May 18 Joseph & Denise Renzo 20 Charles & Teena Weiss 26 James & Marie Stabile 28 Richard & Janice Bargellini 30 Joseph & Carol Sermarini 31 Ronald & Leslie McEwen 31 James & Eileen Parco 26 Jo 26 Br 26 La 26 An 26 Ro 27 De 28 M 28 Su 28 Ri 29 Pe 29 Ro 29 M Mont 30 Ro 31 Jo 31 Je THE CEPPO Italian Christmas Tree Every year we erect an Italian Christmas tree at the library. The tree is rather unique and has quite a history. It is known as a Ceppo (chayp-poe) and depicts the style of Christmas tree decoration frequently used in Italy. The creation dates back to the 700s. In pagan times the people burned a log for the calends. Calends is a Roman term that refers to the first day of the month. In the winter it was customary to burn a special log (the Romans called a cippium) to commemorate the coming of the calends of January. Festivities centered on this event, as in the Yule log festivities of England. In Italian Ceppo, deriving from the Latin cippium, means stump or log. However, the future St. Boniface considered the calends fire celebration a pagan ritual and he obtained from Pope Zachary permission to abolish the burning of the Ceppo or Yule log. The people not to be fully deprived of this ancient practice resorted to building from wood a facsimile of a tree and instead of burning it as a votive they decorated it for the Christmas holiday season. The tree has a number of flat levels, the first level closest to the ground being the largest, and the above ones diminishing in size. There are two styles, round shelves or triangle shelves. The first level is used for the nativity scene and the above levels contain greenery, fruit and other decorations. The Ceppo is common in Italy, but is being rapidly replaced by green artificial trees as is happening in the United States. It is important to point out that the Italians emphasize the nativity scene and the celebrating of Christmas Poas a concentration on Christ. Gift giving comes later during the Epiphany, i.e., the Wise Men finding Christ and bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Consequently, this developed into gift giving among family, friends and to charities. Many refer to the Ceppo as the “Tree of Light”. The Heritage Committee of the Italian American Club will have our Ceppo on display at the Flagler Palm Coast Library from November 29 - December 29. BUON NATALE A TUTTI ITALIAN AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB OF PALM COAST THE HERITAGE COMMITTEE October’s Winner Pot of Gold #37 Congratulation to Marilyn Riccio, Pot of Gold #86 winner for October This is our second drawing in POG #37. We are now collecting for POG #38 - January, February and March, 2013. Collections started on 11/1 and will continue thru 12/15. The cost is $30.00 (pays for 3 months) Claudia and I are there every Tuesday and Friday nights and you can distinguish us by the POG sign at our table. If you can't on Tuesday or Friday, you can drop your check off at the office everyday between 9:00 am and 1:00 PM, or you can mail it. We also take credit cards. Thanks in advance for your speedy remissions. Please note: If you are not paid by 12/15, you will lose your number and it will go to the next person on our waiting list. Jenny Martin and Claudia Miller 4 HEALTH & WELFARE – November 2012 Sympathy Card: Ida Gulino on the death of her husband Jean & Ted Rodenbaugh on the death of their son. Please notify Pat Dino at 446-4757 of any illness or demise in a member’s family so that the Club may express its concern. Thank you. DRESS CODE For members and their guests NO T-shirts, tank tops, short shorts, beachwear (flip flops) Tuesday dress code - casual Friday dress code - Slacks, dresses, skirts, shirts (Friday nights only - No T-shirts or shorts) Thank you. CHRISTMAS PARTY Date: Saturday, December 15, 2012 MENU Fruit Salad in Lettuce Cup Roast Turkey with Gravy and Stuffing Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Glazed Carrots Cranberry Sauce, Applesauce, Bread Basket Dessert: Cherries Jubilee / Cookie Tray MEMBERS: $21; NON-MEMBERS: $24; GRATUITY NOT INCLUDED TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW DOORS: 6PM; DINING ROOM: 6:30PM; DINNER: 7PM DRESS: Women – Dressy; Men – Suit & Tie Required MUSIC: Phil Farino NEW YEAR’S EVE CELEBRATION Date: Monday, December 31, 2012 MENU Soup: Portabella Bisque Salad: Caprese Appetizer – Melon with Prosciutto, Tomatoes with Mozzarella, Provolone Cheese, and Artichoke Heart Pasta: Manicotti Entrée: Filet Mignon and Lobster Tail with Asparagus and Baked Potato Bread Basket Dessert: Spumoni and Italian Pastry Plate (After Midnight) Continental Breakfast OPEN BAR: From 7PM until Midnight (Well Drinks Only) MEMBERS: $75; NON-MEMBERS: $80; GRATUITY IS INCLUDED TICKETS WENT ON SALE AT 9AM ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2012 THESE GO QUICKLY. THIS EVENT WILL, AS IT IS EVERY YEAR, BE AN EARLY SELL-OUT!!! DOORS: 7PM; DINING ROOM: 7:30PM; DINNER: 8PM DRESS: Women – Formal; Men – Suit & Tie Required (Tuxedo Optional) MUSIC: Frank Saffi “STROLLIN to THE OLDIES” Date: Saturday, January 12, 2013 MENU Garden Salad Angus Roast Beef with Gravy Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans Bread Basket Ice Cream Sundaes and Assorted Cookies MEMBERS: $24; NON-MEMBERS: $27; GRATUITY IS INCLUDED TICKETS GO ON SALE AT 9AM ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012 DOORS: 6PM; DINING ROOM: 6:30PM; DINNER: 7PM DRESS: Casual or 50’s Attire MUSIC: Phil Farino CARNEVALE de VENEZIA Date: Saturday, February 9, 2013 MENU Caprese Salad on a Bed of Greens Cavatelli a la Rosa Stuffed Roast Pork with Gravy or Flounder Florentine Garlic Mashed Potatoes Green Beans with Onions and Tomatoes Dessert, Coffee, Tea, Espresso and Anisette MEMBERS: $27; NON-MEMBERS: $30; GRATUITY IS INCLUDED TICKETS GO ON SALE AT 9AM ON TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 2013 DOORS: 6PM; DINNER: 6:30PM DRESS: Semi-Formal or Carnevale Attire MUSIC: Tim Rippey 5 Newsletter Boosters Single Line $10.00 (Ex: Individual Name) Double Line $15.00 (Ex: In Memory of, In Honor of) Past Presidents indicated with a PP. Please contact IASC Office for more information Pat LaCorte (PP) John LaCorte (PP) Lou and Roe Barletta Vic and June Paci Paul Gionesi & Carol Choplinski Pete and Connie DiGiulio Marie DiGiulio In Memory of In Honor of Luigie and Steve DiGiulio Gagliano & Buglione Family John and Edie Santomenno George and Joanna Zampella In Memory of Kristen Rose Zampella Bob & Louise Thousand Michael and Roxanne Cesaro Rich and Cindy Franco In Memory of Rocco Franco Bill and Marie Luke Janet Ann Pollinger John F. Pollinger In Memory of In Memory of Lois and Keeto Big Mountain Nick and Carol Mondello Sonny (PP) and Camille Loiacono Linda and Marty Siegel Tony and Sara Traviglia In Memory of Sal and Angie Gulotta Frank and Myrna Santora Edith and Karl Bradley Sal and Gloria Catena Carl Solazzo and Nadine Wasserman Joe and Denise Renzo Don Kent Terry Kent Fred Meyer and Kitty Galletto Len Dignard Joe(PP) and Carol Minotti In Memory of William P. Donato Richard Donato, Sr. Frank Gallo Darlene Minotti Barbara and Charlie Foell In Memory of Robert Alge Jeanne and Randy Meyer Rick and Rossi Urban Michael and Maureen DeGiulio Perry and Diana Mitrano Marie Woodward In Memory of Connie Dignard In Memory of Connie Dignard in Memory of Rosalie and Angelo Gibboni (parents) 6 Anonymous Marsha Barry and Russ Jones In Memory of Connie Dignard Anita and Al Jennings In Memory of Ernest P. Bono (father) Kathy and Joe Ray Nadeu Tom and Sarah Mayne Joey and Christine Passiglia AnnMarie Walker and Joe Abitante Gino and Jenny Martin In Memory of Help Support our Newsletter by being a Booster for 2013 A single line is only $10.00 per year! (Good for Individual names) A double line is only $15.00 per year! (In Memory of, In Honor of or wish someone a special Birthday or Anniversary greetings for a whole year.) Anne Pappalardo and Eddie Walker Steve and Janice Scifo MaryAnn Donato Maria and Dan Testa Charlie and Terry Mondello Catherine Irene Mary and Joe Jaworski Donna Macaluso Rosmarie Price Richard Price Barbara Brancaccio Cliff Muncy Lil Bellitto Tony and Wanda Basile Val and Doris Derbi Frank and Alberti Morelli Fran and Van Elsing Tuesday Texas Hold’em Poker Dealers In Memory of Gloria Rice-Davis Lenny Dobis Raymond Colandrea Gloria Rivera George and Mickey Logemann Janice and Richard Bargellini Gary and June Bruno Past President may indicate (PP) by their name. No improper language. No advertising. Please see IASC Office for a form and to submit payment. Based upon availibility. Thank you for your support. Please Support our Advertisers Advertise in our Newsletter Call for Rates and Sizes Please contact Tom Mayne at (386) 446-0946 Be Popular, Volunteer!! Meet and greet new friends through volunteering. Call volunteer coordinator Bella Ammirata, 445-9633. Remember, volunteers are the backbone of our club. So come give us a hand. Membership dues for the year 2013 are now due! You can mail your payment of $100 per person (include a SASE, if you'd like your new cards mailed to you) OR Pay at the club on Tuesday and Friday nights between 5 and 7pm. Payments by credit card are accepted! 50/50...Now on Tuesday, too! Proceeds from this raffle will help our social committee continue to provide the beautiful decorations we've all become accustomed to! Thanks! 7 8 “Cruise close to Home” Cruise With Father Al of “Santa Maria Del Mar Church” of Flagler Beach ,Fl Royal Caribbean Monarch Of The Seas, Jan 28 to Feb 2,2012 Sailing to..Nassau,Bahamas and to Cococay ,Bahamas Royal Caribbean private Island...5 Days 4 nights - Starting at...$309 per person...$50.00 from every cabin goes back to the church.....This will Sell Out Fast!!!! Father Al will have Mass everyday while on the ship. Come and join him and Help The church at the same time. Bus will be available from the church to the ship. Calling All Ghosts And Goblins...Join us on our “Halloween Cruise” Royal Caribbean largest ship,”Allure Of The Seas” - October 28 to Nov 4,2012.... Sailing to: Nassau,Bahamas....St.Thomas and St. Maarten....Starting at...$916.00 per person...Also $50.00 ship board credit Too!!! Bus from Palm Coast will be offered... Sail away to Bermuda From Ft.Lauderdale Italian Style on the Beautiful..”MSC Poesia” April 13-20,2013 This is the only ship from Florida doing this sailing....3 Days 2 nights in Bermuda and 1 full day in Nassau,Bahamas....Only $100 deposit per person and the final isn’t until Jan 14,2013....Call now and pick your cabin..... Call before May 14,2012 and get a Great Up-Grade at no extra charge...Remember Americas Vacation Center ,Doesn’t charge a fee if you cancel before your Final Payment it is 100% Refundable!!! - Prices start at Only...$769.00 per person !!!! 7 Night Deep Caribbean Cruise from San Juan,Puerto Rico sailing to..St.Thomas,US Virgin Island...Barbados..St.Lucia..St.Kitts and St.Maarten,Netherlands Antilles Cabins start at only...$548.00 per person.. Call Joe @ 386-246-6249 for details 7 Night Alaska Cruise from Seattle,Washington on NCL Pearl...sailing to: Juneau,Alaska...Skagway,Alaska...Ketchikan,Alaska and Victoria,British Columbia,Canada...cabins start at only....$795.00 per person Call for details All above cruises include all port charges and taxes....air fares are extra..Call fro special. Don’t put Off...This is selling FAST!!!! Call for details about insurance and ther will be a Bus from Palm Coast to ship - All Cruise above included All Taxes and port Charges...No Hidden Fees - Call Joe or Anne Marie @ 386-246-6249 Americas Vacation Center/American Express Agency. From My Family to Yours ARE YOU UNINSURABLE DUE TO MEDICAL CONDITIONS? Happy and Healthy Holidays! YOU CANNOT BE DECLINED FOR THIS GUARANTEED ISSUE LIFE INSURANCE with CASH VALUE NO MEDICAL QUESTIONS ASKED Ideal for Final Expense Coverage Various Options to Fit Your Budget Call Today for a Quote! CALL (386) 446-0317 John Scifo Agency 160 Cypress Point Pkwy., Unit C102 Palm Coast, FL 32164 Tel: (386) 446-0317 Fax: (386) 446-0355 9 Hedy Aloia Realtor 845-774-9660 25 years of Real Estate Experience! 10 DECEMBER SPECIALTY APPETIZERS $6.95 Choice of Fried Calamari, Fried Shrimp, Fried Coconut Shrimp or Fried Scallops With dipping sauces Tuesday fish fry w/FF $8.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT! ½ lb. Burger w/Fries…………………………… $7.95 (Add Bacon, Mushroom or Cheese-$1.00 ea.) NEW ITEM: Onion Rings………….……………$2.00 SPECIALTY SALADS $11.95 Now Available on Tuesday and Friday Choice of Fried Shrimp, Calamari or Marinated Grilled Chicken or Steak on Our Caesar Salad or Tossed Garden Salad FRIDAY BAKED PRIME RIB Queen ….…$13.95 King……...$15.95 10 oz. Grilled Rib Eye Steak with Choice $13.95 Fridays in December Clams in Garlic Butter $10.95 December 4 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Eggplant Parmagiana with Pasta Mussels Marinara over Linguine December 7 Fusilli Misto with Chicken Chicken Parmagiana with Pasta Broiled Tilapia with Potato & Vegetable December 11 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Roasted ½ Chicken with Potato & Vegetable Pasta with Meat Sauce December 14 Chicken Picata with Potato & Vegetable Veal Parmagiana with Pasta Basa w/Crabmeat Stuffing With Potato & Vegetable December 18 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Cheese Lasagna Liver & Onions with Potato & Vegetable December 25 Merry Christmas!! January 1, 2013 Happy New Year!! Ravioli……………………………………………..……$ 10.95 Healthy Choice Entrée with Salad, Vegetable and potato……………………………$ 11.95 $12.95 $12.95 $13.95 $12.95 $13.95 $13.95 December 21 Chicken Cordon Bleu with Potato & Vegetable $12.95 Roast Pork with Potato & Vegetable $13.95 Poached Salmon with Potato & Vegetable $13.95 December 28 Chicken Marsala with Potato & Vegetable Rigatoni Catalina Linguini with White Clam Sauce $12.95 $12.95 $13.95 January 4 Chicken Cacciatore with Rice & Vegetable Eggplant Rollatini with Pasta Broiled Tilapia with Potato & Vegetable $12.95 $12.95 $13.95 GUEST PRICES $1.00 EXTRA PER MEAL * SHARING $3.00 EXTRA PLAGE * SUBSTITUTE POTATO ….. $1.00 Choice of Baked Potato of Sweet Potato 11 Suggested Gratuity $2 per person 1 9 7 4 IASC Sunday/Domenica Pre Sort STD Postage PD Permit #13 Palm Coast 2 0 1 2 PALM COAST I T A L I A N A M E R I C A N Monday/Lunedi Tuesday/Martedi Wednesday/Mercoledi Thursday/Giovedi Friday/Venerdi Saturday/Sabato 1 DECEMBER/DECEMBRE: No GENERAL MEETING this month. 2 3 Bingo 6:15pm 9 10 Bingo 6:15pm 16 NO BINGO!!! 24 NO BINGO!!! 12 13 31 NO BINGO!!! Dancing 6:30pm DJ Mondo 20 21 CHRISTMAS PARTY Doors Open 6pm Phil Farino 22 Dinner 5-7pm Dancing 6:30pm Carl Monte 26 27 28 Dinner 5-7pm Dancing 6:30pm Vic Paci 1 15 14 Dinner 5-7pm Game Day 10am Merry Christmas! 8 Dinner 5-7pm 19 25 7 Dancing 6:30pm Frank Saffi 12 18 New Year’s Eve Party Happy New Year! Doors Open 7pm Frank Saffi 6 Bingo 12:15pm free lunch Game Day 10am Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold ‘Em 7pm Board Meeting 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Christmas Eve 30 11 17 NO BINGO!!! 5 Bingo 12:15pm free lunch Game Day 10am Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold ‘Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Bingo 6:15pm 23 4 Bingo 12:15pm free lunch Game Day 10am Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold ‘Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 29
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