On Saturday, May 11, 2013 - Italian American Social Club at Palm
On Saturday, May 11, 2013 - Italian American Social Club at Palm
The Original “The Strong Voice” The Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast, Florida Originators of “Festa Italiana” in Florida Charter Member F.F.I.A.C. Member April/Aprile 2013 Volume XXXVIII, Issue #4 In this issue: 45 Old Kings Road North ~ Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ~ 386-445-1893 Visit our website: www.iascpc.com “SPRING ROMANCE” President’s Message ...... 2 On Upcoming Events .......... 5 Saturday, May 11, 2013 Birthday/Anniversaries... 3 New Members ……….... 3 Health & Welfare .......... 4 Pot of Gold ..................... 4 Heritage ......................... 4 Boosters ......................... 5 Meeting Highlights......... 6 Treasurer’s Report ……. 2 Menu ............................ 7 Calendar ...................... BC* ~~~~Menu~~~~ Spring Salad Chicken Marsala Garlic Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Medley Assorted Dinner Rolls Rainbow Sherbet Members: $25 Non-Members: $28 *Back Cover Please see pg 6 for important changes to our Rules and Regulations Gratuity is Included Music by Vic Paci Dress: Smart Casual Tickets go on sale April 16 1 The Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast Message from the President APRIL 2013, WELCOME TO SPRING!!! Our general meetings have been out of control lately. I would like to ask the members to respect others who are talking and not interrupt them. We would like to have harmony within. Our next function is April 13th, ‘THE ROARIN’ 20’S” Dinner Dance tickets are on sale now. Then May 4th is our fundraiser Fashion Show, featuring Boutique on Wheels from Fort Myers, Florida. Please support our club functions! We have many empty seats lately and would love our members and guests to fill them! Our Chef, Patrick, is making a new and improved menu for April. Some items will be new for us to enjoy! Please come out and try them! Tom Mayne will fill the Treasurer’s position, vacated by Al Saccavino, on a pro tem basis. Nomination for Board positions for the 2013/2014 year will be accepted at our April 17th General Meeting. As for dinner at the general meeting, a request is being made for 40 people to purchase meals. It is not cost effective for less than that. If you intend to eat here, please get your tickets from Fanny so we have an accurate head count! Just for informational purposes, there will be many open seats for the Board. If you would like to be involved, please submit your name to Roseanne Vastano. Again, we are looking for VOLUNTEERS to help out when and where needed. We are trying to keep our club open for the members and guests. In closing, remember that today is a GIFT. Enjoy it to the fullest. Be thankful for what you have! Lois Big Mountain, President TREASURER’S REPORT 1. Our cash position on December 31, 2012 was a positive $17,057. Our cash position on Feb 28 th, 2013 is a negative $5,589. 2. Our Profit & Losses after we made adjustments of $1,917, for capital improvements, was $11,032. We deducted $929.56 for depreciation from this $11,032, reducing our cash loss to $10,103. Adding our cash loss to the $1,917 (for capital improvements which we spent) gave us a total loss of $12,080 for the month of February. 3. Our total year to date shows a loss of $21,084. 4. I anticipate an increase in our negative cash flow and our profit and losses for March. 5. At present, we are using some of our deferred income which is not a good sign and if we continue this trend we will find ourselves with serious financial problems. 6. On Monday, March 18th, at a special Board meeting our Financial Committee identified some of our problems and recommended to the Board that they take appropriate action, some of them are payroll and food costs, membership drive, adjusting our food price, and quantity/quality of food. The Finance Committee makes recommendation to the Board and to the Treasurer but has no authority to implement these recommendations. Treasurer, Al Saccavino 2 June 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013 Italian American Social Club June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2013 Italian American Social Club Executive Board Members President Lois Big Mountain 586-5814 Vice-President Pete DiGuilio 445-6745 cell 931-1510 Secretary Anita Sanguinetti 445-4361 Treasurer Tom Mayne, pro tem 446-0946 Directors Eugene Tontodonato 446-1515 Chuck Buglione 868-9028 Jerry Esposito 986-3965 Joe Minotti 445-7952 cell 586-8082 Joe Renzo 864-7529 Bob Thomas 586-1295 Building/Grounds By-Laws/Rules Charities Election Grievance Health & Welfare Heritage Membership Newsletter Publicity Scholarship Bereavement Bingo Door Greeter Volunteer Coor. Web Manager Webmaster/Host Chaplain Finance 50/50 Banquets Parliamentarian Pot Of Gold Sergeant at Arms Social Director Vegas Night Line Dancing Standing Committees Tom & Roy Pat LaCorte Roseanne Vastano Joe Jaworski Patricia Dino Jane Aulicino Marie Galluccio 446-0555 445-7670 386-492-3865 446-4757 904-471-7091 447-6614 Bob Thomas Daria & Perry Troina 586-1295 445-3715 Select Committees Cathie Irene Pat LaCorte Marie Luke Carol Minotti Bella Ammirata Sandra Ostresh Joe Sermarini 446-8019 446-0555 cell 503-4636 445-7214 445-7952 445-9633 447-4874 445-3729 Appointed Positions Mario Dino Frank Morelli Felicia Donato Liz Piettro Connie DiGuilio Nick Mondello Jenny Martin Claudia Miller Ben Locastro Carol Minotti 446-4757 445-5924 445-5117 446-1976 cell 503-9873 931-3481 447-8140 446-2218 446-8364 437-5835 445-7952 Jenny Martin 446-2218 April 2013- Birthdays and Anniversaries Buono Compleanno! Happy Birthday! 01 Betty Kelly 01 Raymond Romash 03 Fred Cucchi 03 Filippa DiCamillo 03 Robert Lombardi 03 Jeanna Passalaqua 04 Michael Clements 05 Claudia Towne 07 Raymond Fey 07 Warren Friedman 07 Thomas Sokolowski 07 Joseph Spinapolice 08 Dominick Matra 09 Jan Lemus 09 Gloria Lyden 09 Pat Paloscio (Carl Monte) 10 Violet Drexler 10 Katherine Sepe 10 Josephine Seybold 10 Joseph Jaworski 11 Joyce Capece 11 John Sanseverino 12 Vera Amuso 12 Mary Marulla 12 Maria Stabile 13 Josephine Seybold 14 Susan Violick 15 Barbara Brancaccio 15 Donald Kent Felice Anniversario! Happy Anniversary! 01 Ray & Eleanor Romash 02 Felix & Jan Lemus 19 Kenneth & Josephine Seybold 03 Jim & Melanie Bolling 21 Richard & Beverly Lauria 07 Russell & Marsha B Jones 21 Robert & Mary Lombardi 10 John & Janet Pollinger 21 Brad & Anita Sanguinetti 11 Frances & Van Elsing 22 Tom & Frances Rodenfels 11 John & Patricia LaCorte 23 John & Zina Koszalkowski 11 Michael & Fran Maltese 24 Tony & Fran Cinquemani 12 Anthony & Rita Albernia 24 Scott & Diane Niemenin 15 George & Joanna Zampella 26 Charles & Angela Piscitelo 15 Michael & Carolyn Angelo 27 Lawrence & Vera Amuso 15 Sal & Teddy Merendino 28 Tom & Maria Woodward 16 Joachim & Carol H Mueller 29 Basil & Margaret DiGregoria 16 Richard & Rosemarie Price 30 Nick & Susan Bereda 17 Salvatore & Cynthia Rutigliano 3 15 Arlene Spaich 16 James Meyer 16 Frank Saffiotti, Jr. 18 William McKinnan 19 Perry Troina 19 Jim Stratford 21 Linda Cohen 21 Mario Cometti 22 Edith Bradley 23 Karl Bradley 23 Lawrence Amuso 23 Lillian Bellito 23 Cynthia Johnson 24 Gail Clements 24 Rodney Thomas 24 Ken Mazzie 24 Francesca Maltese 25 Ken Kemp 25 John Plastine 26 Richard D’Oronzo 26 Angela Ricci 26 Nunzio Perugini 27 Ken Scher 27 Mary Thompson 28 Edie May 28 Anthony Stampone 29 William Luke 29 Maria Spagnoli 30 Cynthia Spagnoli 30 Joseph Sermarini GIOTTO DI BONDONE One of the first of the great Italian painters that were active in Florence in the early part of the 13th century was Giotto Bondone, commonly referred to by his first name. He was born in Vespignano a small village near Florence, sometime in 1266 and died on January 8, 1337. He decorated chapels and churches in Assisi, Rome, Padua, Florence, and Naples with frescoes and panel paintings. His style of painting and the time he did his paintings raises some problems for art historians, since little of his life and few of his works are documented, nevertheless, his works indicate a significant change in the art world. Prior to his work, paintings were mainly two dimensional, of which clear examples are the many common Greek icon paintings. His students and followers caused his style of painting to dominate the later 1300s and historians recognize his work as a precursor to the innovations of the Renaissance style that developed a century later. Giotto, as many of the other later artist, worked not only in Florence but Rome and other cities as well. His works in Rome include the heavily restored mosaic of Christ Walking on the Water that is over the entrance to St. Peter's Basilica, and an altarpiece in St. Peter's, that is now in the Vatican Museum. In Padua, at the Capella Arena (one of his most famous works) he painted a fresco of the Last Judgment. It decorates the western wall of the Arena Chapel. Other parts of the chapel have narrative frescoes featuring scenes from the lives of the Virgin Mary and Christ. Later in his career, he executed frescoes in four chapels in the church of Santa Croce in Florence, two of which survive. In 1334, the Signoria of Florence appointed him surveyor of Florence Cathedral. He did a design for the campanile, which was altered after his death. The most important existing panel paintings attributed to him is of The Madonna in Glory (c. 1305 – 10). Giotto achieved great fame in his lifetime and many consider him the father of European painting because of his breaking with the impersonal styles of Byzantine art. He introduced new ideals of naturalism and humanity and introduced three-dimensional space, and three-dimensional form in painting. Laurence Amuso, Member Heritage Committee We would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members : Nick & Arlene Spaich Rudolph R Lerro January’s Winner Pot of Gold #38 Dimitris Kokkolas Richard & Carol D'Oronzo Congratulation to#104, Mary Wolkowski, Pot of Gold winner for January. (February’s winner was reported last month) Michael Smith Frank Lafera This was our first drawing for POG 38. We are currently collecting for POG 40, July, August, and September - please have your $30.00 in before June 15th. You can bring your checks on Tuesday and Friday, you can leave a check at the office Monday thru Friday, or you can pay by credit card. The charge is $30.00 - $10.00 per month. Be Popular, Volunteer!! Meet and greet new friends through volunteering. Call volunteer coordinator, Bella Ammirata, 445-9633. Remember, volunteers are the backbone of our club. So come give us a hand! 4 HEALTH & WELFARE – March 2013 Get Well Card: Wanda Basile who is receiving In-Home hospice care. Lucy Fiore who was in Rehab and is now at home recuperating. Joan Novak recovering from surgery. Sympathy Card: Charles Modica on the death wife & Daria Troina on the death of her mother. Jane Aulicino on the death of her mother. Please notify Pat Dino at 446-4757 of any illness or demise in a member’s family so that the Club may express its concern. Thank you. The Roaring 20’s Dinner Dance th Date: April 13 , 2013 Members: $25 ~ Non Members: $28 ~Gratuity is included ~ Music by Frank Saffi Dress: Semi-Formal (Jacket & Tie required) or Roaring 20’s Atrire Doors: 6PM ~ Dinner: 7PM IASC Luncheon and Fashion Show th Date: Saturday, May 4 , 2013 Lunch/Fashion Show begins at 1pm Tickets $18 per person (please purchase tickets by April 26th) IASC Golf Tournament st Date: Saturday, June 1 , 2013 Palm Harbor Country Club Registration Begins at 7:00am, Shotgun Start at 8:30am $60 per person includes breakfast at the Country Club and lunch at the IASC Sign up now …. Deadline May 22nd Bus Trip to Hard Rock Date: Thursday, June 20 th Tickets: $35 per person with $30 in “play money” Newsletter Boosters Single Line $10.00 (Ex: Individual Name) Double Line $15.00 (Ex: In Memory of, In Honor of) Past Presidents indicated with a PP. Please contact IASC Office for more information Lois & Keeto Big Mountain James & Eileen Parco Jack & Joanne Antonelli Lenny Dobis o In loving memory of Gloria Rice Davis Mike Mercante (PP) o In loving memory of Jan Mercante MaryAnn & Alex Landolino Jack & Joanne Antonelli Ben & Christine Locastro Bob & Louise Thousand Linda & Marty Siegel Janet & John Pollinger o In loving memory of William P. Donato Felicia Donato o In loving memory of Richard J. Donato 5 Eva P. Alge o In loving memory of Robert Alge Fanny P. Moffa o In loving memory of Daniel Moffa Antonio & Wanda Basile June & Gary Bruno John Rivera o In loving memory of Gloria Rivera Gino & Jenny Martin Frank & Berta Morelli Joseph Abitante & Anne Marie Walker Help Support our Newsletter by being a Booster for 2013 Highlights of the Board Meeting – March 14, 2013 Called to Order – 7:00 PM Called to order 7:00PM. All Board members present. Treasurer- Monthly operating shows, after depreciation and capital improvements, we lost $11,000. Year to date loss is $21,080. Membership – eight members have joined. Four are rejoins. Social – still needs a cashier for Tuesday nights. Bingo – doing well. Fashion show is Saturday, May 4, “Boutique on Wheels”. Cost to be advised. Sandy Ostresh thanked the Treasurer for rescinding his motion. Want to run for office? See Roseanne Vastano. Golf Tournament, Director Buglione needs all the help he can get. Cost is $60 each player. Continental Breakfast at Golf course, buffet at IA Club, prizes for both men and women. Sponsor a hole for $25. Adjourned at 8:00 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anita Sanguinetti Highlights of the General Meeting – March 20, 2013 Called to Order at 7:10 PM. All Board members present. Invocation given by Chaplain Dino. Total number of members 670. At present, we are using some of our deferred income, which is not a good sign, and if we continue this trend, we will find ourselves with serious financial problems. The Financial Committee identified some of the problems – some of them are payroll and food costs, membership, adjusting our food price and quantity/quality of food. Two motions made by Director Tontodonato will be printed in this month’s newsletter. Need volunteers to help with the newsletter. Bingo will be sending out three more charities this month. Members are complaining about the food. If a member brings in a new member the existing member will receive a $25 gift certificate. Treasure Saccavino has resigned his position as of this General Meeting. Adjourned at 8:35 PM. Respectfully submitted, Anita Sanguinetti Two motions to be voted on at the April General meeting: R/R 2009 book, pg. 14 Q Now reads: Any food served through the kitchen can only be eaten in the ball room or lounge area. (Not the Bar) Change to read: Any food served through the kitchen can only be eaten in the ballroom or lounge area. Only finger food or snacks may be served at the bar (not Pizza). R/R 2009 book, pg. 12J Now reads: DRESS CODE FOR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS All members, guests and visitors should be suitably attired upon entry to the Club. It is the responsibility of members to inform their guests of the dress code. Proper men’s attire: includes shirts with collars or collarless dress shirts and slacks. Change to read: DRESS CODE FOR TUESDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS All members, guests and visitors should be suitably attired upon entry to the Club. It is the responsibility of members to inform their guests of the dress code. Proper men’s attire: includes shirts with collars or collarless dress shirts, slacks or Bermuda type dress shorts. Bermuda shorts are permitted on Friday. The Board has voted on the above motions and has approved them. If the membership does not approve, they can vote them down by 2/3 of the membership present. Last month’s Newsletter posted a By-law change regarding Associate member voting. By a vote of 68 approved, 10 disapproved, the By-law passed. 6 APRIL 2013 SPECIALTY APPETIZERS $6.95 Choice of Fried Calamari, Fried Shrimp, Fried Coconut Shrimp or Fried Scallops With dipping sauces SPECIALTY SALADS $11.95 Now Available on Tuesday and Friday Choice of Fried Shrimp, Calamari or Marinated Grilled Chicken or Steak on Our Caesar Salad or Tossed Garden Salad Tuesday fish fry w/FF $8.95 ALL YOU CAN EAT! FRIDAY BAKED PRIME RIB Queen ….…$13.95 King……...$15.95 ½ lb. Burger w/Fries…………………………… $7.95 (Add Bacon, Mushroom or Cheese-$1.00 ea.) 10 oz. Grilled Rib Eye Steak with Choice April 2 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Pangasius with Crabmeat Stuffing with Potato & Veg Meatloaf with Mashed Potato & Vegetable April 9 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Pepper Steak with Rice Linguini & Clams April 12 Manicotti Salmon Fillet with Potato & Vegetable April 26 Chicken Parmagiana with Spaghetti Liver & Onions with Scalloped Potatoes April 23 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Shrimp & Pasta with Dill Sauce Open-faced Blackened Prime Rib with Mashed Potato & Vegetable May 3 Apple Stuffed Pork Chop with Garlic Mashed Potato & Vegetable ½ BBQ Chicken with Potato & Corn on the Cob April 30 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Beef Stroganoff Stuffed Shells $12.95 $13.95 $12.95 $12.95 $13.95 $12.95 Healthy Choice Entrée with Salad, Vegetable and potato……………………………$ 11.95 Ravioli……………………………………………..…….$ 10.95 Spaghetti with Meatballs…………………….….$ 10.95 Sharing $3 extra per plate * Substitute Potato ….. $1 Choice of Baked Potato or Sweet Potato 7 April 5 Eggplant Parmagiana with Spaghetti $13.95 Roasted ½ Chicken with Potato & Vegetable $12.95 April 19 Full slab BBQ Ribs with Sweet Potato, Corn on the Cob and Garlic Bread $14.95 Grilled Swordfish with Baked Potato & Veg $13.95 April 16 TWO FOR $20 (OR $10.95 EACH) Mussels Marinara Chicken Pot Pie Guest Prices $1 extra per meal * $13.95 Suggested Gratuity $2 per person 1 9 7 4 PALM COAST I T A L I A N IASC A M E R I C A N Pre Sort STD Postage PD Permit #13 Palm Coast 2 0 1 2 ~ April 2013 ~ Sun Mon 1 Bingo 6:15pm 7 8 Bingo 6:15pm 14 15 Bingo 6:15pm 21 22 Bingo 6:15pm 28 29 Bingo 6:15pm 8 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 9 10 11 17 Board Meeting 7pm 18 Bingo 12pm Game Day 10am Dinner 5pm Gen Meeting 7pm Karaoke 7pm Dinner 5pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 23 24 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 6 12 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Wild Hearts 19 13 Roaring 20’s Dinner Dance Doors Open 6pm Frank Saffi 20 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Vic Paci 25 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Game Day 10am Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 30 5 Sat Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Phil Farino Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Game Day 10am Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 16 Fri 26 27 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm DJ Mondo General Meeting Menu: Baked Lasagna, Salad and Dessert $10 Purchase tickets in advance. (40 Person minimum for dinner service.) All bar drinks discounted 50 cents!
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