The Italian American - Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast
The Italian American - Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast
The Original “The Strong Voice” Originators of “Festa Italiana” in Florida Charter Member The Italian American Social Club at Palm Coast, Florida 45 Old Kings Road North ~ Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ~ 386-445-1893 Visit our website: Club Office is open from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 2PM F.F.I.A.C. Member January/Gennaio 2015 Volume XL, Issue #1 In this issue: Advertisements………….9 Band Schedule…………..8 The Italian American Club Social and Heritage Committees Birthdays/Anniversaries...4 Present Boosters…………………..8 Calendar……………….BC* Carnevale de Venezia Committees……………...2 Saturday, February 14, 2015 Health and Welfare……...5 Heritage…………………..7 Meeting Highlights……....6 Menu……………………..11 Motions…………………...6 Doors open 6:00 pm – Dinner at 6:30 pm Members: $30.00 Guests: $33 (Gratuity Included) Semi-Formal or Carnevale Attire Menu New Members…………...5 Officers…………………...2 Points of Interest……........2 Cold Antipasto Homemade Manicotti Pot of Gold………………..5 Braciole or Chicken Piccata President’s Message……3 served w/pasta and broccoli rabe *Back Cover Tartufo Dessert Coffee, Tea, Espresso and Anisette General Membership Meeting January 21. Board Meeting Jan. 8 In order to vote on motions and conduct business, the Club requires a quorum. (See IMPORTANT MOTIONS in our Board Meeting Highlights and our menu on page 6.) Music by Phil Farino Tickets on Sale January 13 Membership Chair, Marie Galluccio reminds all members that as of December 1st, Annual Dues of $100 are due. June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015 Italian American Social Club Italian American Social Club Executive Board Members President Chuck Buglione 864-2022 Vice-President Dan Piettro 446-1976 Secretary Honora Giumenta Treasurer Joe Jaworski 492-3865 Directors Michael Aulicino 904-471-7091 Sal Gulotta 864-7084 Pat LaCorte 446-0555 cell 503-4636 Denise Renzo 864-7529 Bob Thomas 586-1295 Eugene Tontodonato 446-1515 POINTS OF INTEREST Standing Committees Building/Grounds Pete DiGuilio By-Laws/Rules Roseanne Vastano Charities John LaCorte Election Roseanne Vastano Grievance Laurence Amuso Health & Welfare Patricia Dino Heritage Jane Aulicino Membership Marie Galluccio Newsletter Jeanne Coyne Advertising Joe Abitante Publicity Joe Abitante Scholarship Daria & Perry Troina Select Committees Cathy Irene John LaCorte Marie Luke Door Greeter Donna DiAngelo Volunteer Coord. Bella Ammirata Web Manager Sandra Ostresh Webmaster/Host Joe Sermarini Bereavement Bingo Chaplain Finance 50/50 Banquets Parliamentarian Pot of Gold Sergeant at Arms Social Director Vegas Night Line Dancing Appointed Positions Mario Dino Joe Scifo Jenny Martin Sandy Ostresh Liz Piettro Ric Giumenta Jenny Martin Pete DiGuilio Mickey Logemann Edith Campins Donna DiAngelo Nellie Shepherd George Logemann Mickey Logemann Jenny Martin 445-6745 cell 931-1510 445-7670 446-0555 445-7670 446-6632 446-4757 904-471-7091 447-6614 445-9844 445-9844 445-3715 446-8019 446-0555 445-7214 283-5074 445-9633 447-4874 445-3729 446-4757 446-0819 446-2218 447-4874 446-1976 445-7547 446-2218 445-6745 cell 931-1510 585-4526 585-4526 585-4526 446-2218 Receive our Newsletter via e-mail!! Send your email address to the IASC at On or before the first of the month, your full COLOR issue will arrive in your inbox. You can then save them on your computer and always know where they are. 10-top table requests for Friday night MUST be made by Thursday noon. It will not be accepted if you call on Friday. Meet and greet new friends through volunteering. Call volunteer coordinator, Bella Ammirata, 445-9633. Remember, volunteers are the backbone of our club. So come give us a hand! Electronic cigarettes cannot be used inside the club due to our smoke-free environment as per our insurance policy regulations. Message from the President Ciao a tutti Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday to all of you. I hope it was a happy and blessed day with family, friends and loved ones. December turned out to be a very busy month for us with all of the Christmas parties. A very warm and special thanks to Liz Piettro who brings all these parties together from beginning to the end. The Board and I really appreciate everything you do for this club. We also had our Christmas Dance and it was just perfect. Thanks go out to Mickey and her crew for doing a fantastic job as usual. The room looked beautiful and was filled with holiday spirit. I would also like to thank my Board and their spouses for volunteering at the employee Christmas Party. We all had a great time and it showed we really appreciate all of our employees. The Club has a big month coming in for the New Year starting with New Years Eve, what an exciting night that’s gonna be. It is sold out. The next event is the Texas Hold em Tournament on the 10th Of January. I’m sure a lot of our members will be there. Then on the 17th of January, it’s Night at the Races. Please go out and get your tickets for this night. I have been to several of these and have won some money. So come out and bet on your favorite horse. The price includes a 2 hour open bar and dinner. You can’t go wrong here! On the 24th Of January is our variety show, Putting on the Ritz. Lots of entertainment and fun. I’m told this is almost sold out so see if you can join us here. Our last event for the month is my favorite. It’s our Saturday Pub Night in the main room with Beach St. A Go Go. If you haven’t been to any of these you really need to come. This is a full band that plays all the great songs of the 60’s & 70’s. They were here last month and packed the house. Feel free to dress up in your favorite 60’s or 70’s outfit. Right on and Peace out! (Can’t believe I used to talk that way lol) Its halfway through my presidency and there is still a lot of work to do in this club and I’m asking all of you, if you have some time to volunteer, please let us know. The club is always in need of help. I welcome all of you. And on that note, I would like to welcome all of our new members to the best club on the strip. I hope to see all of you at our next General Membership Meeting night. There are a few by-law changes that need to be voted on and we can’t do that unless we have a quorum of 75 regular members so please help us out. The next Board Meeting is January 8 and the General Meeting is January 21. On a sad note, I would like all of you to pray for the families of June Muchtin and Maxine Jastremski. Maxine used to be a bartender here and also a long time member. Both of these women were very special and aren’t suffering anymore. Rest in peace Maxine and June. Happy New Year To all of you, be safe and remember “THIS IS OUR CLUB AND OUR FAMILY”. My door is always open! Grazie a tutti Chuck Buglione, President Felice Anno Nuovo 2015 General Meeting Wednesday Jan. 21, 2015 Menu: Caesar salad w/ Meat Lasagna Boston Cream Pie for dessert. $10. Happy New Year 2015 Buono Compleanno! Happy Birthday 1 Jeanne Coyne 1 Ennio Massa 2 Joan Ganci 2 Valentino Trovato 4 Richard Cicchetti 4 Anita Jennings 4 Maryanne Polidore 4 Frank Rulla 6 Mary Carcich 6 John Iocovozzi 6 Edward Uribe 7 Charlie Huegi 7 Evelyn Matta 7 Leo Blessing 10 James Bartolero 10 Gabriel Scarnato 11 Virginia Esposito 11 Anthony Iorlano 12 Onofrio DeRiggi 12 Hal Hansen 12 Mary Kitchens 13 Robert Carcich 13 Patricia DeZego 14 Robert Ernst 14 Nicolette Kraemer 15 Anthony Cappadona 15 Carol Sermarini 16 Roger Donahue 17 Alba Scalise 18 Deborah Aldinger 18 Maxine Jastremski 18 Jerome Licari 18 Alfred Fabbrini 19 Myrna Santora 21 Giovanna McKiernan 21 Thomas Brennan, Sr Felice Anniversario! Happy Anniversary! 1 George & Lynne Macko 4 Gaspare & Alba Scalise 5 Anthony & Anita Cappadona 7-John & Edith Santomenno January 2015 8 Mario & Patricia Dino 9 Agostino & Margaret Magro 10 Anthony & Francine Favara 12 Richard & Helen Tilelli 22 Jerry Esposito 22 Maria Touhy 23 Antonietta Incristi 23 Mary Jaworski 24 Vita Colarusso 24 Vincent Enright 25 Carmela Ivarone 26 Diane Clark 26 Carol D’Oronzo 27 Bonnie Librizzi 29 Michael Angelo 29 Dean VanGorden 31 John Mitchell 31 Marcia Seither 12 Edward & Susan Miller 13 Anthony & Hanna Stampone 16 Anthony & Julia Mercante 16 Dominic & Frances DiGirolamo 20 Richard & Honora Giumenta 20 Tom & Giovanna McKiernann 20 Gary & Carol Wissing 27 Frank & Gabriella Tuscano 28 Robert & Allene Maggi 30 Edward & Diane Clark Our family continues to grow… We extend a warm welcome to our newest members and several returning Pot Of Gold Congratulations to Joe Ingaro on his Pot Of Gold win in November! He has number 51. He had just left for New Jersey so we mailed him his $1,000 winnings. 0063 “I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for 2015 and may we all be winners. Thanks to all my friends who help me on Friday nights with 50/50 and Pot of Gold. I don’t know what I would do without them.” Jenny Martin . members, too: George Britton Richard &Ruth O’Connor Maria DeRiggi John DiPuma Nicholas Giumenta Steve Ingram Bella Klepper Margaret Lettera Mario & Christine Magnani Nella Matra Edward & Christy Oddo George Pezoulas Vincent & Carol Politi Georgia Tedesco Don & Anne Wilson Gary & Carol Wissing Jenny Martin HEALTH & WELFARE – December 2014 Get Well Card: Sympathy Card: Ted Francescon on the death of his wife, Marie. Don Muchtin on the death of his wife, June. Michelle and Jason on the death of their mother Maxine Jastremski. Please notify Pat Dino at 446-4757 of any illness or demise in a member’s family so that the Club may express its concern. Thank you. Board Meeting Highlights December 11, 2014 In the absence of a General Meeting in the month of December and subsequent highlights, please review the following motions up for vote in January and February. A motion was made by Director Pat LaCorte to change “Regular Member” to “Member”. 2nd by Mike Aulicino. All in favor. MOTION APPROVED. This will be noticed in January Newsletter and voted on at the February General Membership Meeting. This motion is in reference to the following three Articles: Change: Bylaws ARTICLE III Section 1 – Regular Members: (c) An application for Regular Membership shall not be considered, or approved, by the Executive Board unless sponsored by one or more Regular Members. To read: Bylaws ARTICLE III Section 1 – Regular Members: (c) An application for Regular Membership shall not be considered, or approved, by the Executive Board unless sponsored by one or more Members. Change: Bylaws ARTICLE III Section 3 – Associate Members: (f) An application for Associate Membership shall not be considered or approved by the Executive Board unless sponsored by one or more Regular Members. To read: Bylaws ARTICLE III Section 3 – Associate Members: (f) An application for Associate Membership shall not be considered or approved by the Executive Board unless sponsored by one or more Members. Change: Bylaws ARTICLE V Section 5 – Initiation: (a) Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Membership Committee on properly filled out forms obtained from the Membership Committee, the Executive Board or a Regular Member, together with the established initiation and applicable dues. To read: Bylaws ARTICLE V Section 5 – Initiation: (a) Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Membership Committee on properly filled out forms obtained from the Membership Committee, the Executive Board or a Member, together with the established initiation and applicable dues. Bylaws – Motion was made by Director Eugene Tontodonato (Article 111 Membership Section 3) “Associate members cannot be on the election committee” change to “Associate members can serve on the election committee.” This was 2nd by Dan Piettro and the Motion was passed by the Board. This was in the November newsletter and since we do not have a General Membership Meeting in December the vote will be at the January 2015 meeting. The Italian American Club Social and Heritage Committees Present Carnevale de Venezia CARNEVALE The Carnevale festival derives from an ancient Latin feast called Lupercalia, a festival held around 15th of February before the coming of Christianity. The feast was in honor of Lupa, the she-wolf who suckled Romulus and Remus, the mythical founders of ancient Rome. The priests, luperci (brothers of the wolf) conducted a ceremony dressed in goatskins. The feast began with the sacrifice of a dog and two goats. After the sacrificial rite, two priests approached an altar where another priest took the knife used to kill the dog and goats, and anointed their foreheads with the bloody knife. The anointer then took a wool cloth, dipped in milk, and wiped their foreheads and the knife. After the cleaning of the forehead, the continuing ritual required the two priests to smile and laugh. Following that, the priests cut thongs of skin (called februa) of the animals slain and ran along the city walls waving the februa. Spectators would position themselves close enough for the flailing februa to strike them. This ritual, many believed, would drive away evil spirits, ensure fertility in young girls, and young women, prevent sterility and relieve the pains of child-birthing. It is interesting to note, at this point, that the month of February received its name from februa, and carnevale from the Latin carnelevarum, to remove the meat. The English word is carnival, in Italian it is carnevale and pronounced car–nay- vah-lay. This ritual continued until 494 A.D. when Pope Gelasius did away with the februa rite and replaced it with a Christian ceremony of purification and sacrifice (lent). However, the festivities prior to lent spread through the Roman Catholic world. Lent is a time of sacrifice and many interpreted the Latin word above as meat free. Carnevale was mainly a Roman feast however, over time Venice became a city renowned for its celebrations. There, a unique cultural phenomenon developed, i.e. the rich people of the city randomly throughout the year wore masks while engaging in questionable behavior. The Signoria, the city council, frowned upon these behaviors and passed laws restricting the times during the year for the wearing of disguises. These were allowed between December 26 St. Stephen’s Day, on up to and including the day before the beginning of lent, Shrove Tuesday. Consequently, that day became a greater day of merriment and indulgence than those leading up to it. That Tuesday is known by many names, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Martedí Grasso, in Italian, Mardi Gras, in French, both Italian and French terms mean Fat Tuesday. Fat and meat, two major foods used before lent become taboo during the Lenten period. Shrove is an old English word meaning to obtain absolution. Among many Englishspeaking countries, it is also known as Pancake Day, the last day to cook pancakes since pancakes are cooked using fat. Members of the poorer classes also wore masks, allowing them to mix freely with aristocrats. The mask was a great equalizer for revelry. Today many consider Venice a leader in celebrating Carnevale; however, two other cities are renowned for their celebrations, Rio de Janeiro and New Orleans. While traveling in Venice my wife and I inquired about the activities of Carnevale and we learned that, the music for it, is Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. The main festivities take place in St. Mark’s square. The activities consist of parades of people in costumes, individuals performing acrobatics; there is dancing, dining, music, orators, and people engaging in varied antics. Our Heritage Committee sponsors a Carnevale and uses Venezia as its theme. It will be on February 14, 2015. Look about the club and you will find pictures displaying how people dress for the event. It is a costumed and formal affair; for those not wearing a costume the wearing of a mask is encouraged. Members of the Heritage Committee will dress in costumes and they invite everyone to join them. A Happy New Year All - Laurence Amuso, Member Heritage Committee (Tux Optional) Newsletter Boosters Music: Phil Farino Single Line $10.00 (Ex: Individual Name) Double Line $15.00 (Ex: In Memory of, In Honor of) Past Presidents indicated with a PP. Please contact IASC Office for more information. In memory of Gino Martin Frank & Berta Morelli Joseph Abitante & Anne Marie Walker Kitty Galletto & Fred Mayer Hal & Ro Hansen o In loving memory of Michael A Gioia Bella Ammirata o In loving memory of Mickey Ammirata Christine & Joey Passiglia Don & Terry Kent Nick & Susan Bereda Patricia & Joe Walker Jeffrey & Nellie Shepherd Help Support our Mark & Nellie Shepherd Newsletter Mark & Danielle Pierro Bill & Doris Agee by being a Booster Tony & Roseanne Vastano for 2015 Kal & Barbara Bill & Edie May George W. Bush Ann Marie & Joe o In memory of Ed Walker Michael & Maureen De Giulio Carol Sposato o In memory of Anne Sposato Len Dignard in memory of Connie Dignard Ron & Jeanne Caiazza Lila Ebenhack Marsha & Russ Ted Franciscon o In loving memory of Marie Franciscon Ann Marie & Joe Richard Price Rosemarie Price In memory of Ralphy Marion & Bob Thomas Sue & Dave Smith Karl Bradley & Edith Campins John Crome – in memory of Roger Crome, Sr. Edward & Lynn Uribe Nancy & Don Velardi Sal & Angela Gulotta Texas Hold’em Poker Dealers Sandie & Jay Lil, Isabella & Gina In memory of Sondra Bengston o Love, Ed Bengston Rick & Cindy Franco Jeanne & Randy Meyer o In memory of Connie Dignard Mary Ann & Alex Landolina Lou & Bob Thousand o In memory of Fred Wenom Doris & Bill Agee June & Gary R. Bruno Lenny Dobis o In loving memory of Gloria Rice Davis Tony & Linda Iorlano Dino & Pat Tony and Wanda Basile Band Schedule February February 6 February 13 February 14 February 20 February 27 Mondo Traces of Gold Phil Farino Tim Rippey Frank Saffi March March 6 March 13 March 14 March 20 March 27 Carl Monte Traces of Gold Tim Rippey Frank Saffi Phil Farino Members of the IASC Member of the IASC Member of the IASC. Many thanks to our advertisers for supporting our club! Home: 386-313-6707 Office: 386-597-8018 Fax: 386-597-8038 al 2 Florida Park Drive North Palm Coast, FL 32137 25 Years of Real Estate Experience If you are in need of these services, please consider calling our advertisers. Call for details about our new LOWER ad rates…(386)445-1893 Member of the IASC 9 COME BET ON YOUR FAVORITE HORSES WHILE HAVING A GREAT DINNER! NIGHT AT THE RACES Saturday, January 17, 2015 Our Menu Salad Roast Beef AND ¼ Chicken Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Brownies DOORS OPEN 6 PM DINING ROOM OPENS 6:30 DINNER AT 7 PM OPEN BAR 7-9 PM {WELL DRINKS ONLY} CASUAL DRESS EVERYONE INVITED: TICKETS $21.00 Line Dancing With Jenny Tuesday 7:30pm Members: Free Guests: $3.00 Attention All Singles! Would you be interested in attending Singles Social Events at the IASC throughout the year? If interested, please contact Jeanne Coyne at Leave your name and contact information and if you have specific events you would like to see for Singles, please let me know. Karaoke With John and Sal Tuesday 7:00pm. Give your voice a work out! Hard Rock Casino in Tampa! February 5, 2015 Call Pat LaCorte for info 446-0555 10 Needs Volunteers! If you can help on Monday nights or Tuesday afternoons, please call: Marie Luke: 445-7214 or John LaCorte: 446-0555 SPECIALTY SALAD……….$11.95 January 2015 Our House Salad or Caesar Salad With Grilled Chicken HEALTHY CHOICE……….$11.95 Grilled Chicken Breast with Potato and Vegetable SOUP Pasta Fagioli or Soup du Jour Tuesday Friday All U Can Eat Fish Fry ........................................$9.95 Served with French Fries and Cole Slaw * NO TAKE HOME BOXES FOR FISH FRY Cheeseburger with French Fries .............$8.95 January 6 Steak Sandwich with Onions & Peppers ..................... $11.95 Meatloaf with Gravy.............................................................. $12.95 January 13 Meatball Parm Sub ................................................................ $10.95 Broccoli Rabe & Sausage with Rigatoni ....................... $12.95 January 20 Lasagna ....................................................................................... $11.95 Italian Cold Cut Panini ......................................................... $10.95 January 27 Grilled Swordfish.................................................................... $13.95 Baked Chicken with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy ....... $12.95 Pizza Regular, Thin: Members $12.00. Guests: $13.00 Sicilian: Members $14.50; Guests: $15.50 Additional items $1.00 each / Max $4 per pizza White Pizza…………$13.95 Two Cheese Pizzas………. $18.95 Calzone Members: $12.95; Guests: $13.95 Includes two fillings SIDES Baked Potato Sweet Potato Meat Balls $5 Vegetable du Jour Pasta du Jour French Fries Sausage $5 DESSERT Cannoli ~ Sherbet Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream $2.50 January 2 Appetizers Artichoke Francaise $7.95 Stuffed Mushrooms $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $14.95/King Cut $16.95 Cheese Tortellini $11.95 Broiled Cod $13.95 Chicken Balsamico (Sauteed Chicken breasts with Sausage, onions, artichokes & a touch of Balsamic Vinegar)$12.95 January 9 Appetizers Mozzarella Caprese Salad $7.95 Mussels Marinara $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $14.95/King Cut $16.95 Seafood Marinara over Pasta $13.95 Chicken stuffed with Mild, Italian Sausage $12.95 Manicotti $10.95 January 16 Appetizer Scungilli Salad $7.95 Fried Ravioli $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $14.95/ King Cut $16.95 Chicken Parmigiana with Pasta $12.95 White or Red Clam Sauce over Linguini $13.95 Veal Marsala $13.95 January 23 Appetizers Drunken Clams $7.95 Steak Carpaccio $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $14.95/King Cut $16.95 Flounder Marechiara $13.95 (Flounder Sauteed with Black Olives, Clams, Mussels & Calamari in a light Marinara Sauce) Chicken Michael $13.95 (Sauteed Chicken breasts with Tomatoes, Onions, Mushrooms, Roasted Peppers in a White Wine Sauce) Ravioli $11.95 January 30 Appetizer Garlic Shrimp $7.95 Fried Calamari $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $14.95/ King Cut $16.95 Stuffed Basa with Crabmeat $13.95 Chicken Frangelica $12.95 Stuffed Shells $11.95 GUEST PRICES $1.00 EXTRA PER MEAL * SHARING $3.00 EXTRA PLATE * SUGGESTED GRATUITY $2 PER PERSON 11 1 9 7 4 PALM COAST I T A L I A N A M E R I C A N IASC Pre Sort STD Postage PD Permit #13 Palm Coast 2 0 1 5 ~ January/Gennaio 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed -+ 4 5 6 Bingo 6:15pm 11 12 13 Bingo 6:15pm 18 19 26 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 27 Bingo 6:15pm 12 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 20 Bingo 6:15pm 25 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 7 Game Day 10am 14 Thu 1 New Year’s Day! 2 8 9 Board meeting 7:00 PM 15 Game Day 10am 21 22 3 10 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Frank Saffi 16 23 17 Night at the Races Doors open 6:00PM 24 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Phil Farino Game Day 10am Game Day 10am Sat Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Vic Paci Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Tim Rippey General Meeting 7:00 PM 28 Fri 29 30 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Traces of Gold 31 Beach St A Go Go 7pm
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