The Italian American Proud to be American
The Italian American Proud to be American
La Voce Forte The Original “The Strong Voice” The Italian American Originators of “Festa Italiana” in Florida Social Club at Palm Coast, Florida 45 Old Kings Road North ~ Palm Coast, Florida 32137 ~ 386-445-1893 Visit our website: Club Office is open from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 2PM Charter Member F.F.I.A.C. Member The Italian American Social Club presents June/Giugno 2015 Volume XL, Issue #6 Proud to be American In this issue: Advertisements………….9 Band Schedule…………..8 Birthdays/Anniversaries...4 Boosters…………………..8 Calendar……………….BC* A Summertime Dinner Dance Of Patriotic Proportions! Saturday, July 11, 2015 Doors open 6pm; Dining Room Doors open 6:30pm; Dinner 7pm Members $20, Non-Members $23, Gratuity included. Dress: Casual and Patriotic Committees……………...2 Health and Welfare……...5 Heritage…………………..7 Meeting Highlights……....6 Menu……………………..11 Motions…………………...6 New Members…………...5 Officers…………………...2 Points of Interest……........2 Pot of Gold………………..5 President’s Message……3 *Back Cover General Membership Meeting June 17. Board Meeting June 11. In order to vote on motions and conduct business, the Club requires a quorum. Menu for General Meeting on page 8. The Menu A Barbecue Buffet Including BBQ Spare Ribs, BBQ Chicken, Baked ½ Chicken, Sausage & Peppers, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs Cole Slaw Potato Salad Corn on the Cob Salad and Bread Apple Pie, Ice Cream and Brownies Entertainment by Vic Paci We’d love to Recognize OUR Veterans! Please bring in your pictures of our Members in uniform (Please put the name on the back of the photo) These will be displayed at the dance. Tickets on Sale Tuesdays and Fridays beginning June 16 June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2015 Italian American Social Club Italian American Social Club Executive Board Members President Chuck Buglione 864-2022 Vice-President Mike Aulicino 904-471-7091 Secretary Honora Giumenta 246-3161 Treasurer Colette Kraemer, pro tem 986-0274 Directors Denise Renzo 864-7529 Sal Gulotta 864-7084 Pat LaCorte 446-0555 cell 503-4636 Eugene Tontodonato 446-1515 Frank Colarusso 503-4199 Jerry Guy 446-8798 Banquet Chairperson, Liz Piettro, is looking for a Banquet Coordinator/Maitre d. If you might be interested, please call Liz at (386)446-1976 for details. Standing Committees Building/Grounds By-Laws/Rules Charities Election Grievance Health & Welfare Heritage Membership Newsletter Advertising Publicity Scholarship Rosanne Vastano John LaCorte Rosanne Vastano Laurence Amuso Patricia Dino Claudia Towne Marie Galluccio Jeanne Coyne Joe Abitante Joe Abitante Daria & Perry Troina 445-7670 446-0555 445-7670 446-6632 446-4757 447-8134 447-6614 264-4082 445-9844 445-9844 445-3715 Select Committees Bereavement Bingo Cathy Irene John LaCorte Marie Luke Door Greeter Donna DiAngelo Volunteer Coord. Bella Ammirata Web Manager Sandra Ostresh Webmaster/Host Joe Sermarini 446-8019 446-0555 445-7214 283-5074 445-9633 447-4874 445-3729 Installation and Dinner Dance Please join us for the installation of the 2015-2016 IASC Board Members Saturday, June 13 Doors open 6pm – Dining Room Doors open 6:30 – Dinner at 7:00 Members: $30, Non-Members: $33 Dress: Formal Attire (jackets, please) Menu Antipasto, Sausage Bread, Penne ala Vodka Appointed Positions Chaplain Finance 50/50 Banquets Parliamentarian Pot of Gold Sergeant at Arms Social Director Line Dancing Mario Dino John Scifo Jenny Martin Sandy Ostresh Liz Piettro Ric Giumenta Jenny Martin 446-4757 446-0819 446-2218 447-4874 446-1976 445-7547 446-2218 Lucille O’Day Jenny Martin 503-4998 446-2218 Choice of Filet Mignon or Half Chicken with Twice Baked Potato, Asparagus Viennese Platter Music by Frank Saffi Tickets on sale Tuesdays & Fridays beginning May 1 Message from the President Ciao A tutti The month of May turned out to be a good one. We had the Texas Hold –Em Tournament and our Speakeasy Night. There were a few hiccups but all in all the night was fantastic and we did turn a profit. Special thanks to our outgoing Social Director Mickey Logemann and her crew for the setting up of this event. The room looked great! I want thank Mickey personally for all of her hard work through the years and also to welcome our new Social Director Lucille O’Day. From what I have been hearing from her it will be a fantastic year so let’s welcome her and also please volunteer for the events she is planning. We still have our Pub night this month with the group Steam and I will report to you on that next month since it is on the 30th and I have to get this message in before that. We have an exciting June in store for you. The Installation Dinner Dance is on the 13th and I am told they are selling fast. Also, we are having a Father’s Day Buffet on the 21st. Tickets are on sale now. It’s from 1-5 and our very own Phil Farin0 will be entertaining you. There will be open seating for this .I hope to see you all there. Chef Mike will be preparing a delicious meal. And I know some of you are waiting for this - its Latin Night at the club again on the 20th. Dance the night away with “Tito” the DJ. It is always a fun night. The tickets are $10.00 at the door and include free appetizers. Ok down to a little Business. I would like all of you to attend our General membership Meeting. They are important and you can get to voice your opinions there in an orderly manner. I would like for all of you to respect the waitresses and bar staff. If you have a problem, please see the Director on Duty or myself. Also “NO ONE” is allowed in the kitchen at any time. Again please see the DOD or myself with any problems. Our prayers go out to our family member MaryAnn McNamara and her family! She will be missed. Please also pray for all of our Members who are sick and need our prayers and there are many. My door is always open to suggestions or concerns. “THIS IS OUR CLUB AND OUR FAMILY” Grazie a Tutti - Chuck Buglione, President June 2015 Birthdays and Anniversaries. Buono Compleanno! Happy Birthday! 01 Gloria Catena 02 Teresa Ammitzboll 03 William Agee 06 Bernie Gulli 07 Brad Cone 07 Dan DiAngelo 08 Christine Magnani 08 Frances Rodenfels 08 John Dattilo 09 Daniel Osgood 09 John DeScarno 09 Richard Wisner 11 Anthony Flynn 11 Thomas DiBlasio 11 Kenneth Clymer 11 Yolanda Loprete 12 Irene Bellavia 12 Robert Drewes 12 AnneMarie Walker 12 Andrew Gulotta 13 Carol Politi 13 Joseph Ingaro 14 Theodore Frask 15 John Scarcella 15 Carolyn Quinn 15 Ann Tontodonato 16 Karleen Daniels 16 Louise Thousand Felice Anniversario! Happy Anniversary! 01 Joseph/Mary Jaworski 03 Gary/Lydia Paterno 05 John/Claudia Miller 06 Randy/Jeanne Meyer 06 Anthony/Rosanne Vastano 09 Robert/Marion Thomas 09 Richard/Jeannemarie Meo 10 Peter/Yolanda Loprete 11 Austin/Irene Greene 11 Harlan/Cynthia Johnson 12 Santo/Abby Oddo 12 Emanual/Angela Foto 13 Peter/Marilyn Riccio 14 Sal/Angelina Mangano 17 Vincent Enright 17 Gary Bruno 18 Camille Loiacono 19 Rosetta Clevenstine 19 Helen Dougherty 19 Alfred Ricci 19 John Santomenno 19 John Scifo 20 Ben Locastro 21 Joan Vetro 22 Sandor Kadar 23 Eleanor Fella 23 Robert Pacetelli 15 Fred/Diane Lewandowski 16 Marion/Anita Jennings 17 Marko/Madeline Kirchner 17 Donald/Terry Kent 19 John/Judith Fatta 21 Philip/Zina Farino 22 Joseph/Katherine Sepe 22 Charles/Gerry Pizer 25 Thomas/Pamela Voges 26 Ernest/Anna Bio 26 William/Frances McKinnon 27 Jeff/Nellie Shepard 29 Steve/Janice Scifo 29 Steve/Joy Hatcher 29 Larry/Tricia Mingledoriff 30 Andrew/Maria Touth 23 Richard Giumento 23 Salvatore Rutigliano 24 Richard O’Connor 24 Rosanne Vastano 25 Victoria Apperson 26 Leonard Fidanza 26 Karyn Martin 27 Cheryl Clark 27 Jerry VanKirk 28 Marino Spagnoli 28 Marion Jennings 29 Laura DeFranco 29 Frank Mento 30 Andrew Jockimo 30 Joy Ellis Hatcher 30 George Kutney June 2015 Pot of Gold The Pot Of Gold winner for April is Mario Dino - #102. Congratulations to him - again. I am currently collecting for POG 48 - June, July and August. I started 5/1 and will finish 6/15. I will appreciate everyone’s prompt payment. I currently have a waiting list, however, if you would like to be on that waiting list please contact me. Again - a thank you shout out to all my friends that help me set up and take down. I couldn't do this without you Jenny Martin Our family continues to grow… We extend a warm welcome to our newest members: Andrew & Carol Gulotta, Steve & Joy Ellis Hatcher, Robert & Margaret Heller, George Kutney, Connie, Pierson, Clare C Touhy, Toni Trobiano, Chester & Vitina Wakie Many thanks to our advertisers for supporting our club! If you are in need of these services, please consider calling our advertisers. Call for details about our new LOWER ad rates… (386)445-1893 HEALTH & WELFARE – May 2015 Get Well Card: Camille Whittaker who is in Rehab. John LaCorte who was released from the hospital and is recuperating at home. Joe Sepe who was released from the hospital and is recuperating at home. Sympathy Card: Kenneth McNamara on the death of his wife. Please notify Pat Dino at 446-4757 of any illness or demise in a member’s family so that the Club may express its concern. Thank you. HIGHLIGHTS OF GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING MAY 20, 2015 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by President Chuck Buglione Sergeant of Arms - There was not a quorum. 62 Regular Members and 10 Associate Members Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance was by Chaplain Dino. Roll Call of Officers and Directors: all were present Introduction of New Members – Marie Galluccio announced there were 12 new members. There were 77 new members since Jan 2015. 706 total. Minutes from, April 15, 2015 General Membership Meeting were read and will be filed Minutes from May 14, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting were read Treasurers Report was presented by Treasurer Joe Jaworski and will be filed as presented Social Director – Lucille O’Day thanked everyone for the opportunity to serve as Social Director and asked if anyone had any suggestions or ideas for events to contact her. We will have the 1st Father’s Day Luncheon on Father’s Day with Phil Farino providing music. July dinner/dance will be “Proud to be American”. We will honor our members that served in the military posting photos of members in their uniform. Committee Reports: President Chuck announced committee chairs will be announced in June Heritage – “Taste of Tuscany” will be July 19 1-5. Cooking with the Chef and Wine Pairing. Scholarships – Daria Troina reported 2 scholarships were given. One to Albert DiCroce, Grandson of Marie DiCroce; and one to Christina Sica, granddaughter of Lucille O’Day. Both recipients will be invited to the June GMM. Building and Grounds – President Chuck reported the committee chair position is open Banquet Sales – Liz Piettro everything is great, looking for volunteers for set-up Election Committee – Rosanne Vastano facilitated the elections for the next BOD. President Chuck Buglione; Vice-President Mike Aulicino; Secretary Honora Giumenta; Director 2 yr Eugene Tontodonato; Director 2 yr Frank Colarusso; Director 2 yr Sal Gulotta, Director 1 yr Jerry Guy. With no opposition the Secretary cast one vote for the slate of officers. President Chuck thanked outgoing Vice President Dan Piettro, Treasurer Joe Jaworski, and Director Bob Thomas for their service. President Chuck also recognized Ric Giumenta for his service as Parliamentarian. Ric helped us through the investigation. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – Parking lot lines are still pending. Roof Bids for back over cooler – BOD approved RK Roofing should be completed this wk Bar Floor Bids – have 3 bids – BOD tabled until we have money in bank NEW BUSINESS – Pro Temp Treasurer – President Chuck reported Nicolette Kramer will fill the position until a special election in July could take place. The position is open for nominations. If no one else comes forward the secretary will cast one vote in July for the Pro Temp to fill the position. Printing Machine – will get 3 bids for lease of copy machine for the office Kitchen – President Chuck reported the only persons allowed in the kitchen are the Employees, President, Kitchen Liaison, and the Director on Duty. If a member has an issue they are to speak with the Director on Duty. Members Attitudes towards employees – there is no need for anyone to be unkind – We all need to respect each other. Karaoke and Possibly Opening Thursday nights – President Chuck reported maybe having guitar or piano player. The new BOD will discuss. GOOD OF THE ORDER Joe Abitante/Anne Marie Walker – Joe congratulated the new BOD. Joe said he has been a member for 14 years and it is a great club. Joe spoke of the cruise fundraiser for the club Oct 29-Nov 5. $50/cabin will be donated back to the club. Mary Jaworski said they are finding a lot of gum stuck under the tables and chairs. Requested everyone dispose of the gum in the trash. Jenny Martin reminded everyone of the opportunity to place a booster in the newsletter for $10. Volunteers are needed to fold the newsletters that are mailed. The newsletters are online the first of the month. They are also brought to the post office in a time but it takes awhile for 3rd class mail to be delivered. President Chuck reminded everyone about Pub Night on May 30 with the band “Steam”. President Chuck thanked everyone for coming to the meeting an all they do for the club. President Chuck adjourned the meeting at 8:11 PM. Submitted by, Secretary Honora Giumenta (complete copies of minutes are on file in the office) Heritage Committee FATHER’S DAY IN ITALY OR LA FESTA DI SAN GIUSEPPE In Italy, Father’s Day has a connection with the Feast of San Giuseppe, a religious feast occurring on the 19th of the month of March each year. The regions of Italy celebrate it differently. In many instances throughout the country, fathers play a particular role. These roles have a connection with the rituals practiced to honor local pagan gods. Such as in Itri, in Latina, in the province of Lazio, where young boys go into the woods with their fathers to cut saplings from oak trees, dry them and then use them as kindling for the bonfires that honor St. Joseph. In the village of Guzzano, in province of Lucca, the men go into the forest and select a tall pine tree with particular characteristics, harvest it and bring to town to dry. When the appropriate time arrives they use it as a center support for branches and logs piled around it. Then on the eve of St. Joseph Day it is set afire. In many areas of Italy people light personal fires and these can be seen from miles around in the hilly and mountainous areas of Italy, during the celebration. These rituals date back to ancient times also as celebrations for the beginning of spring. In Serracapriola in Foggia the local men collect branches from olive trees which they use to perform a competition in jumping the fire. The audience is served fritelle and wine while they watch. In Sicily there is the setting of the Tavole di San Giuseppe. Here a large tiered table is set around a small statue of San Giuseppe with many different foods and those who prepare these invite the poor to feast. A traditional food associated with the festivals is fried dough. This has many different names such as fritelle in Rome, zeppole in Napoli and Puglia, sfinci in Palermo, and each make them in many different ways. Another name I am familiar with in my family is taralli. My mother made dough with baking soda, flour, and sugar. She rolled the dough flat, cut it into strips and twisted them. Then she fried them. Before serving she sprinkled them with powdered sugar. Hers had nothing to do with Father’s Day, she made them throughout the year. Because Father’s Day is so intertwined with church affairs, it appears that for one’s father, it is more of an individual family affair than a national affair as it is in America. It began here in 1910 as a response to Mother’s Day which began in 1870. President Woodrow Wilson in 1914 recognized Mother’s Day as a national day of celebration. Father’s Day in the United States began at a church in West Virginia on July 5, 1908, in recognition of 362 men who died in a mine explosion. The following year the state of Washington declared July 19, 1910, as Father’s Day for different reasons. By 1924 President Calvin Coolidge urged state governments to observe Father’s Day. During the 1920s and 1930s there was a movement to scrap Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in favor of Parent Day. But that apparently didn’t fly very well. During and after World War II there was a movement by retailers and advertisers to make Father’s Day a second Christmas, promoting many types of gifts for men. But it wasn’t until 1972 that President Nixon signed a proclamation declaring Father’s Day as a national holiday. Auguri a tutti i Papá Laurence Amuso, Member Heritage Committee Newsletter Boosters Single Line $10.00 (Ex: Individual Name) Double Line $15.00 (Ex: In Memory of, In Honor of) Past Presidents indicated with a PP. Please contact IASC Office for more information. In memory of Gino Martin Ted Franciscon In loving memory of Marie Franciscon June & Gary R. Bruno Tony & Linda Iorlano Dino & Pat Tony & Wanda Basile John & Janet Pollinger In loving memory of William Donato Felicia Donato In loving memory of Richard J. Donato Leonard Dobis In memory of Gloria Rice Davis Kitty Galletto & Fred Mayer Marya & Ted Frask Help Support our Newsletter by being a Booster for 2015 General Meeting Menu Wednesday June 17, 2015 Italian Buffet, Salad & Dessert $10 Band Schedule July 3 July 10 July 11 July 17 July 24 July 31 Carl Monte Frank Saffi Vic Paci Traces of Gold Tim Rippey Phil Farino Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 7 8 14 21 28 Mondo Tim Rippey Traces of Gold Vic Paci Phil Farino The Heritage Committee and the IASC salute The Flavors of Tuscany Cooking with Chef Mike Finnegan Wine Pairing with Sommelier Kerry McCarrick Sunday, July 19, 2015 1-5 pm $25 for members-$28 for guests Lounge/Bar open at 1pm Menu served Family Style Antipasti Crostini con Pomodoro (crostini with tomato) Crostini con Pate di Gallina (crostini with chicken livers) Insalata di Fagioli con Tonno e Radicchio (warm bean salad with tuna and raddichio) Paired with white wine from Tuscany—Prima Dona Primi Piatti Ribollita (twice boiled vegetable soup) Paired with a Super Tuscan-Cabernet Sangiovese blend—Prunicce Secondi Piatti Pollo al Limone (Lemon Chicken) served with roasted potatoes Paired with a red Tuscan wine—Rigoletto Chianti Dolce Berry Tart Espresso and Anisette Tickets on sale June 23 The Italian American Social Club presents our First Father’s Day Luncheon! Sunday, June 21, 2015 1 pm – 5 pm Tickets: $18.95 ($20 at the door) Our Fabulous Buffet includes: Meat Lasagna Chicken Marsala Sausage & Peppers Eggplant Parmigiana Salad Bowl Bread Assortment And A Variety of Desserts Entertainment provided by Phil Farino! And look forward to seeing all the men in your life- Karaoke With John and Sal Tuesday 7:00pm. Give your voice a work out! Meet and greet new friends through volunteering. Call volunteer coordinator, Bella Ammirata, 445-9633. Remember, volunteers are the backbone of our club. So come give us a hand! Receive your Newsletter via e-mail!! Send your email address to the IASC at As soon as it’s available, the La Voce Forte will arrive in your inbox in full COLOR! MENU SPECIALTY SALAD……….$10.95 HEALTHY CHOICE……….$12.95 Our House Salad or Caesar Salad With Grilled Chicken Grilled Chicken Breast with Potato and Vegetable SOUP Pasta Fagioli or Soup du Jour Tuesday All U Can Eat Fish Fry ..............................................................$9.95 Served with French Fries and Cole Slaw * NO TAKE HOME BOXES FOR FISH FRY Cheeseburger with French Fries ................................$8.95 June 2 Broiled Flounder .................................................................... $14.95 Meatball Sub ................................................................................$8.95 June 9 Meat Lasagna ........................................................................... $10.95 Open faced Roast Beef Sandwich ................................... $11.95 June 16 Stuffed Shells w/Garlic bread .......................................... $11.95 Chicken Parmigiana with Pasta....................................... $13.95 June 23 Baked Manicotti ...................................................................... $11.95 Shrimp Parmigiana with Spaghetti………………….… $14.95 June 30 Chicken Marsala...................................................................... $13.95 Broiled Salmon…………………………...………………….… $14.95 Pizza Regular, Thin: Members $12.00. Guests: $13.00 Sicilian: Members $14.50; Guests: $15.50 Additional items $1.00 each / Max $4 per pizza White Pizza…………$13.95 Calzone Members: $12.95; Guests: $13.95 Includes two fillings Friday June 5 Appetizers Fried Calamari $8.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $15.95/King Cut $17.95 Chicken Francaise $13.95 Broiled Basa with Artichokes, Tomatoes, Red onions $14.95 Tortellini $11.95 June 12 Appetizers Mussel Marinara $8.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $15.95/King Cut $17.95 Grilled Pork Chops topped w/Onions/Peppers/Mushrooms $13.95 Broiled Shrimp $14.95 Ravioli $10.95 June 19 Appetizer Clams Oreganato $8.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $15.95/ King Cut $17.95 Chicken Piccata $13.95 Linguini with White Clam Sauce $14.95 Stuffed Shells $11.95 June 26 Appetizers Fried Mozzarella $7.95 Entrees Prime Rib Au Jus – Queen Cut $15.95/ King Cut $17.95 Chicken Parmigiana with Pasta $13.95 Broiled Flounder $14.95 DESSERT New! PERSONAL PIE – Member $6.00 – Guest $7.00 Additional items $.50 each Anchovies $1.00 Cannoli ~ Sherbet Vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream $2.50 For a limited Time: Death by Chocolate $5 GUEST PRICES $1.00 EXTRA PER MEAL * SHARING $3.00 EXTRA PLATE * SUGGESTED GRATUITY $2 PER PERSON PALM COAST 1 9 7 4 I T A L I A N A M E R I C A N IASC Pre Sort STD Postage PD Permit #13 Palm Coast 2 0 1 5 ~ June/Giugno 2015 ~ Sun Mon 1 Bingo 6:15pm - 7 8 Bingo 6:15pm 14 15 22 Father’s Day Luncheon 1-5 PM Phil Farino 28 29 11 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 30 Bingo 6:15pm Thu 9 23 Bingo 6:15pm Wed 4 16 Bingo 6:15pm 21 Tue 2 3 Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Game Day 10am Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm Bingo 12pm Dinner 5pm Karaoke 7pm Texas Hold’Em 7pm Line Dancing 7:30pm 10 5 6 12 Board meeting 7:00 PM 18 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Phil Farino 19 13 Installation and Dinner Dance Music by Frank Saffi 20 Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Carl Monte Game Day 10am GENERAL MEETING-7pm 24 Sat Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Traces of Gold Game Day 10am 17 Fri 25 26 Game Day 10am Heritage Meeting Dinner 5-8:30pm Dancing 6:30pm Music: Vic Paci 27 Latin Night 7pm
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